WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#338: Day star meteor!

Chapter 338 Tian Xing falls! 第338章天星陨! In mystical place Heaven Suppressing Sect! 秘境镇天宗内! Is the Light Star Palace strongest representative, the hand grasps Low Rank Spirit Tool Silver Falcon Mirror Tian Xing such as the stray cur to go crazy especially generally is escaping. 身为光星殿最强的代表,手握低阶灵器银隼镜天星尤如丧家之犬一般发疯地在逃跑。 The god was abundant, the child of natural uncommon star, now is actually in an extremely difficult situation, sloppy. 原本神丰俊朗,潇洒不凡的星之子,如今却是狼狈不堪,邋遢不已。 Tian Xing ran away continuously for two days two nights, he discovered that he lost the direction, moreover fell into the dangerous situation to be almost killed repeatedly, has 5th Rank Protection Armor that Silver Falcon Mirror and put on, he already hung. 天星连续逃了两天两夜,他发现自己都迷失了方向,而且还多次落入险境之中差点丧命,要不是有着银隼镜和身上穿的五阶卫甲,他早就挂了。 Actually, escaping that he does not want such to go all out. 其实,他也不想这么拼命的逃跑的。 But, he always realized that has air/Qi of strong blood ghost to hang in him behind. 可是,他总察觉到有一股浓烈的血煞之气吊在他身后。 Perhaps this air/Qi of others blood ghost do not know are anything, but how he does not know. 这血煞之气别人或许不知道是什么,可是他又怎么不知道。 That is a deicide, deicide who killing without showing blood! 那可是一尊杀神,一尊杀人不见血的杀神啊! He has been praying the mystical place to be able quick opening! 他心里一直在祈祷秘境能快一点开启啊! So long as endured for quite a while again, is the time of full moon, the mystical place will open, he can run away the birth day, he can return to the asylum of Sect, he can bring the person extinguishing Violet Sky Sect, can make Ling Xiao vanish from this world. 只要再熬过半天,就是满月之期,秘境就会开启,他就能逃出生天,他就能回到宗门的庇护,他就可以带人把紫天宗给灭了,更可以让凌笑从这个世界上消失。 This is his first time such is chased down, first time so in an extremely difficult situation, the first time was frightened this. 这可是他第一次这么被追杀,第一次如此狼狈不堪,第一次被吓成这样。 This enmity has to report! 这个仇不得不报! The time of half day regarding Tian Xing long. 半日的时间对于天星来说是何等地漫长。 Is only date and time in a flash, but actually must evade in all directions, at times is with trepidation, the internal injury manifests suddenly repeatedly, uncomfortably is simply aggrieved. 本来只是弹指之间的时日,可是却还要四处逃避,时时提心吊胆,内伤反复发作,简直难受憋屈得要命。 Tian Xing hides in a weed, these weed some people so are high, he hid in inside has hidden the aura, the average person was indiscoverable. 天星躲在一处杂草之中,这些杂草都有人那么高,他躲在里面隐蔽了气息,一般人难以发现。 This absolutely is the best hiding place. 这一处绝对是最佳的藏身之地。 Should unable to find me!” Tian Xing took final two therapy Medicine Pill, lay down in the thick patch of grass directly moves does not want to move. Two nights of place becomes a fugitive consecutively for two days, made him arrive at the brink of collapse simply, let alone also had the long half-day standby period, he only thinks that this lay down quite a while on the past, at the appointed time can relax well. “应该找不到我了吧!”天星服下了最后两颗疗伤丹药,直接躺在草丛中一动都不想动了。连续两天两夜地逃亡,简直让他到了崩溃的边缘,何况还有漫长的半天等待时间,他只想这一躺半天就过去了,届时就可以好好松一口气了。 Tian Xing is the unprecedented tiredness, this lying down vigilance fell the bottom, the whole person a little blurry must fall asleep. 天星已经是前所未有的困乏,这一躺警惕性降到了最低点,整个人都有点迷迷糊糊地要睡着了。 He does not know thick grass before this is not far, is dragging the form of quiet black broadsword together slowly close. 他不知道在这前丛草不远,一道拖着幽黑大刀的身影正在缓缓地接近。 This person of both eyes are red, a black ink sent to scatter at will, covers up his firm and resolute face, the breeze has blown, continuously sent the silk to scatter, to person incomparably callous Xiao Suosha intent. 此人双眼通红可怕,一头墨发随意散落,遮掩住了他那张坚毅的脸庞,微风吹过,缕缕发丝飘散,给人一种无比冷酷的萧索杀意。 In his hand that handle quiet black broadsword is sincere, but the blade tooth of that Blood-Thirst appears that fierce, the four traces on knife are lifelike, especially such as four Little Dragon in You Ge. 他手中那一柄幽黑大刀厚重无华,可是那嗜血的刀牙显得是那么地狰狞,刀身上的四条纹路活灵活现,尤如四条小龙在游戈。 This person the demon melted Ling Xiao, this blade from the 3rd Rank High Rank promotion is 4th Rank Low Rank Blood Devouring Devil Blade. 此人正是已经魔化了的凌笑,此刀正是从三阶高阶晋升为四阶低阶噬血魔刀 Ling Xiao has stepped into the thick patch of grass gradually, which as if did not need to distinguish any direction to know Tian Xing. 凌笑一步一步地踏入了草丛之中,似乎根本不用辨别任何方向就知道天星在哪了。 In his mind, early in seal has killed him these three characters. 他脑海之中,早印上了“杀了他”这三个字了。 Not for any matter, not for anybody, only to kill people. 不为任何事,不为任何人,只为了杀人。 This is the present Ling Xiao fascinated condition. 这是如今凌笑的入魔状态。 Rustle! 沙沙! Any sound Tian Xing woke to mutter from blurry. “什么声音”天星从迷糊之中醒了过来喃喃道。 Suddenly, he has as if thought of anything, the pupil enlarges infinitely. 蓦然,他似乎想到了什么,瞳孔无限放大。 Afterward, the whole person such as the leopard faced forward to flee generally. 随后,整个人如豹子一般朝前窜了出去。 Kill! 杀! Just like whooshing of nine quiet hells, a quicker form overtook Tian Xing together. 宛若九幽地狱的嘶吼,一道更快的身影追上了天星 Tian Xing wants not to think that engaged in self-examination to illuminate Silver Falcon Mirror, the whole body spirit strength transported the past. 天星想也没想,反身照出了银隼镜,全身灵力输送了过去。 He knows this time, if not at risk of life one abundant, then his fate had one. 他知道这一次如果再不拼死一博,那么他的下场只有一个了。 The white light sparkle, uses fully strikes. 白光闪耀,倾尽全力的一击。 They are distanced quite near, Ling Xiao simply has not chosen the avoidance, ran away to grip in that white light directly. 两人之间相距相当近,凌笑也跟本没有选择躲避,直接一逃扎进了那白光之中去。 Bang! 轰隆! Ling Xiao was rumbled to fly upside down maliciously. 凌笑被轰得狠狠地倒飞了出去。 Ha Ha, died...... This lunatic died Tian Xing to stagger to fall to laughs to say finally mixed in the grass. “哈哈,死了吧……这疯子终于死了”天星一个踉跄摔到在草杂中大笑道。 His look to the extreme, two nights of becoming a fugitive has consumed palely almost, therapy Medicine Pill that took a moment ago consecutively for two days, although has restored, may also all use above this move. 他的神色已经苍白到了极点,连续两天两夜的逃亡已经消耗得差不多,刚才服用的疗伤丹药虽有所恢复,可也全用在这一招之上了。 He thought that Ling Xiao so directly ate Silver Falcon Mirror to strike to die. 他觉得凌笑如此正面吃银隼镜一击应该死翘翘了吧。 What a pity, he was doomed to be also disappointed. 可惜,他注定又要失望了。 Ling Xiao radically like Cockroach that cannot kill, unexpectedly once again has stood, Blood Devouring Devil Blade in hand has carried over a combative blade. 凌笑跟本就像那打不死的小强,居然又一次站了起来,手中的噬血魔刀带出了杀气腾腾的一刀。 „...... Why can like this!” Tian Xing was frightened again and again retrocedes, has called out in alarm one unbelievable. “啊……为什么会这样!”天星被吓得连连后退,难以置信地惊呼了一声。 He thinks that does not understand why this trivial High Rank Spirit Master human body such, is damaged time and time again, as if really a wound not general. 他怎么也想不明白为何这区区高阶灵师的肉体如此之强,一次又一次地受创,似乎真的一点伤都没有一般。 Mother, such being the case, that...... I die must draw your Violet Sky Sect pad back in the Tian Xing eye to flash through color completely, after having bellowed, pulled out Medicine Pill still to arrive in the mouth. “娘的,既然如此,那……那我就算死也要拉你们紫天宗垫背”天星眼中闪过绝然之色,大吼了一声后,掏出了一颗丹药仍到了嘴中。 Burns the miracle cure, burns miracle cure! 燃灵丹,又是燃灵丹! Under after Tian Xing clothing/taking Medicine Pill, a strength rose suddenly. 天星服下丹药后,一股实力暴涨了起来。 Now under the Tian Xing clothing/taking burns the miracle cure with Ling Xiao Bo Sha, but to continue to escape. 如今天星服下燃灵丹可不是要与凌笑博杀,而是为了继续逃命。 When he must endure the mystical place restarts, must here news have to outside, must make Violet Sky Sect be this matter is responsible. 他一定要熬到秘境重启之时,一定要把这里的消息带到外面去,一定要让紫天宗为此事负责。 Although burns the miracle cure to consume he several years of life, but can actually make him live. 虽然燃灵丹会消耗他十几年的寿元,可是却能让他活下来。 After returning to Sect, perhaps Sect Master will find the way to recall these lives for him, re-enters to the peak above. 回到宗门后,说不定宗主会想办法替他挽回这些寿元,重回到巅峰之上。 He believes that so long as is living hopefully! 他坚信,只要活着就有希望! The Ling Xiao broadsword has not chopped, before Tian Xing erupts , the formidable energy, speeds along to go toward the distant place instantaneously. 凌笑的大刀还没砍到,天星爆发出前强大的能量,瞬间朝着远方飞驰而去。 The wild animal that Ling Xiao such as goes crazy, pursues Tian Xing that direction to send the foot to rush insanely. 凌笑如发疯的野兽,追着天星那方向发足疯奔。 However, he has not run far, entire body plants to at the ground not awaking human affairs. 然而,他还没跑出多远,整个身体一头栽到在了地上不醒人事了。 ...... …… Where Junior Brother Ling...... Junior Brother Ling are you at?”. 凌师弟……凌师弟你在哪?”。 Where Junior Brother Ling...... Junior Brother Ling are you at?”. 凌师弟……凌师弟你在哪?”。 Sounds of the crying out keep crying out to shout in the corner of secret mirror. 一道道叫唤之声在秘镜的一个角落不停地叫唤呼喊着。 11 people that this line of Violet Sky Sect remain. 这一行人正是紫天宗所剩的11人。 Chen Wenyu, Yan Ze, Zhao Nan, Yu Lieyan, Bing Ruoshui, Wen Kedie and Shi Tian thick...... On their all face hangs was worrying that the sad meaning, rides Spirit Beast to disperse to keep looking for the Ling Xiao whereabouts. 陈文宇严泽赵楠玉烈艳冰若水温可蝶石天厚……他们个个脸上都挂着担忧悲伤之意,骑着灵兽分散开来不停地寻找凌笑的下落。 What a pity, responded their, only then empty echo. 可惜,回应他们的只有空荡荡的回音。 Chen Wenyu sat above Noble Golden Eagle searched the Heaven Suppressing Sect majority of places, finally returned to the people disappointedly. 陈文宇坐在青云雕之上已经搜索了镇天宗大部分的地方,最后失望地回到了众人之中。 Because mystical place also double-hour must open, they have to give up continue seek for the idea of Ling Xiao. 因为秘境还有一个时辰就要开启了,他们不得不放弃继续寻找凌笑的想法。 How this time exits to confess to Peak Master?” Chen Wenyu in wants to say at heart sadly. “这次出去该怎么向峰主交代啊?”陈文宇在心里难过地想道。 But Ling Xiao Mu Huai one's favorite, if Ling Xiao has not expelled the mystical place finally, thinks that Mu Huai will go crazy. 凌笑可是沐槐的心头肉,如果凌笑最后真的没赶出秘境,想必沐槐会发疯了。 Yan Ze, Zhao Nan, Yu Lieyan and Bing Ruoshui four people of complexions are ugliest. 严泽赵楠玉烈艳冰若水四人的脸色最为难看。 Yan Ze and Zhao Nan are Ling Xiao rescue, because Ling Xiao therapy for them, will cause the occurrence of tragedy. In their two people of hearts incomparable rebukes oneself sadly, even if broke through to Half Step King Rank, did not have the least bit joyful atmosphere. 严泽赵楠凌笑所救,也正是因为凌笑替他们疗伤,才会导致悲剧的发生。他们二人心中无比的自责难过,纵然都突破至半步王阶了,却没有半点喜悦的气氛。 Yu Lieyan and Bing Ruoshui say nothing. 玉烈艳冰若水更不用说了。 They just obtained the Ling Xiao approval for half a month, now Ling Xiao has actually crashed into the realm of the devil, goes to them, has not known after this goes, can meet. Suddenly, two people are all utterly confused. 她们刚刚得到凌笑认可半个月,如今凌笑却坠入了魔道,离她们而去,还不知道他这去之后还能不能相见。一时间,二人皆是心乱如麻。 Two Senior Sister, you left were too sad, Ling Xiao he such fiercely should be all right, perhaps waited to meet the mystical place to open, to outside us saw that he Wen Kedie walked to sit in Yu Lieyan and Bing Ruoshui middle consoles to say. “两位师姐,你们别太难过了,凌笑他这么厉害应该会没事的,说不定等会秘境开启,到了外面我们就见到他了”温可蝶走了过来坐在玉烈艳冰若水的中间劝慰说道。 Yu Lieyan squeezes the smiling face to say that reluctantly Junior Sister Wen said well, the fellow will not have an accident all-resourceful absolutely, he should for a while the anger launch a psychological attack, now should in somewhere same wait for opening of mystical place with us. 玉烈艳勉强挤出笑容应道“温师妹说得不错,那家伙神通广大绝对不会出什么事的,他应该只是一时怒气攻心,现在应该在某处和我们一样等待秘境的开启呢”。 Although Yu Lieyan this saying has the ingredient of consoling oneself in inside, but has to Ling Xiao at heart self-confidently considerably large. 玉烈艳这话虽然有自我安慰的成份在里面,可是心里却对凌笑有着相当大的自信。 Nearby Bing Ruoshui beautiful pupil one bright, as if approves of the Yu Lieyan words saying that very much Elder Sister Yan said right, he with us same waited for absolutely opening of mystical place, after waiting, again we can definitely meet. 一旁的冰若水美眸一亮,似乎很赞同玉烈艳的话说道“艳姐姐说得没错,他绝对和我们一样等待秘境的开启,等出去之后我们肯定可以再见面的”。 After the peripheral person listens to be chaotic, seemingly thought that is very reasonable. 周边的人听亂之后,貌似都觉得很有道理。 Must the Ling Xiao strength be unexpectedly unusual, although is unconscious for a while, but 2-3 days passed by, should be able to be tranquil! 必竟凌笑实力超凡,虽说一时神智不清,可是两三天过去了,应该可以平静下来了啊! Felt sorry for Senior Sister Luo Wen Kedie to trace own Spatial Ring, the eye pupil reveals meaning of the excessive distress to say with a sigh. “可怜了罗师姐温可蝶摸了摸自己的空间戒,眼眸流露出无限悲伤之意叹息道。 This saying, all people are also low-spirited. 这话一出,所有人又为之黯然。 A double-hour quickly in the past. 一个时辰很快过去。 At this moment, above the sky arrives at dozens inexplicable formidable spirit strength. 就在这时,天空之上降临数十股莫名强大的灵力。 These colorful spirit strength gather finally in together, has broken mystical place's ban, a spacious opening bloomed. 这些五颜六色的灵力最后汇聚在一起,破开了秘境的禁制,一道宽大的口子绽放了开来。 The Violet Sky Sect 11 people have plundered toward that light mouth. 紫天宗11人纷纷朝着那光口掠了过去。 Meanwhile, other Sect disciples who Charming Flame Sect as well as some had not died plunder in that direction. 与此同时,炎媚宗以及一些还没有死去的其他宗门弟子纷纷朝着那方向掠去。 Finally...... Finally appeared in a chaotic crevice, seems like 40 - 50 years old is old worn out step slowly to move slowly toward that light mouth. “终……终于出现了”在一处乱石缝中,一名看似四五十岁的中年迈着有气无力的步伐缓缓地向着那光口慢慢挪去。 Carefully looked that this look is pale, the facial expression old middle-aged person unexpectedly is Light Star Palace Tian Xing! 仔细一看,这神色苍白,脸容苍老的中年人居然是光星殿天星 Burns the miracle cure only to maintain the quarter the time. 燃灵丹只能维持一刻钟的时间。 After the quarter, immediately consumes ten several years lives, moreover meridians Dantian the serious damage lifetime will be hard to restore. 一刻钟后,立即消耗十数年的寿元,而且经脉丹田将会严重受损毕生难以恢复。 Now he can also move toward the mystical place big mouth by such remnant body, obviously its lifesaving consciousness dusk what kind was strong. 如今他还能以此等残躯向着秘境大口挪去,可见其救生意识昏何等的坚强了。 What a pity, he was the consumption was too eventually many, moreover after the efficacy drew back dispersed the symptom to make his pain difficult to bear, the whole body felt weak. 可惜,他终究是消耗太多了,而且药力退散后的症状让他痛苦难当,全身乏力。 The mystical place opens just can support for short a half hour. 秘境开启只不过能支撑短短半个小时。 But Tian Xing exported merely several hundred meters to that remote. 天星离那出口仅仅几百米之遥而已了。 But when, he looks when that exit / to speak becomes getting smaller, he is struggling the step, hopes one can hold on to the last. 可是,当他看着那出口变得越来越小时,他挣扎着步伐,希望自己能坚持到底。 Bears what, his body was extremely weak. 耐何,他身子太过虚弱了。 Stumbled gently a small stone, the whole person then fell down on the ground. 只是轻轻绊了一块小石块,整个人便栽倒在了地上。 When pours gets down, he unexpectedly has not been willing to give up, both hands keep toward crawling, the mouth keeps shaking to call „...... Etc....... Waits for me......”. 倒下去之时,他居然还不肯放弃,双手不停地朝着爬着,嘴里不停地抖叫着“等……等……等我……”。 At this time, was turning toward other Sect young people who exit / to speak caught up with see has struggled Tian Xing. 这时,一名正向着出口赶来的其他宗门的年青人看到了挣扎中的天星 He stopped to joke does not know that was which disciple, unexpectedly so the age has also been able to participate in Oath Sect Convention, is not evidently good also wants to exit, made the young master extricate for you. 他停顿了一下讥笑道“不知是哪宗弟子,居然这般年纪了还能参加誓宗大会,看样子不行了还想出去,还是让小爷替你解脱吧”。 Asked...... Asked you...... Brings......” Tian Xing to look that person such as saw immediately the life-saving grass is common, prays for rescue to say toward that young people. “求……求你……带……”天星看着来人顿时如见到救命草一般,朝着那年青人求救说道。 But, the next quarter, the young people wipe sneering, the long sword have dodged. 可是,下一刻,那年青人抹过冷笑,长剑一闪。 The excellent head of Tian Xing divided family property, both eyes have not shut, obviously died with injustice unredressed. 天星的大好头颅被分了家,双眼还没有闭起来,显然是死不瞑目了。 „After this good thing unable to waste that young people corpse Spatial Ring casts off rapidly, immediately submerges the mystical place that is going to vanish to export. “这好东西可不能浪费”那年青人把尸体的空间戒迅速摘掉之后,立即没入那将要消失的秘境出口去了。 Children of Light Star Palace one generation of star finally have become the tragedy! 光星殿一代星之子终成了悲剧!
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