WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#337: The fiendish people live the world change

Chapter 337 fiendish person lives the world changes 第337章魔王生天地变 Wenyu you said actually, Junior Brother Ling?” Yan Ze urged to ask. 文宇你倒是说啊,凌师弟呢?”严泽催促问道。 Did Zhao Nan also ask in one side is he alone moves?”. 赵楠在一旁也跟着问道“是不是他又独自行动去了?”。 Chen Wenyu hesitant evil ways we found a place to take shelter from the rain first, I and others will tell you again slowly. 陈文宇犹豫了一下道“我们先找个地方避避雨吧,我等会再慢慢告诉你们”。 Violet Sky Sect one line of returned to under the pavilion in main hall to take shelter from the rain. 紫天宗一行人回到了大殿之中的楼阁下躲雨。 Yan Ze and Zhao Nan saw by frozen Luo Meiying, is angry, realized that affirmed the important matter. 严泽赵楠看到了被冰封的罗美英,皆是愤怒不已,同时也意识到肯定出大事了。 Chen Wenyu made a long story short, said the beforehand matter approximately. 陈文宇长话短说,把之前的事大致说了一遍。 Two people all are uncomfortable, Ling Xiao to save them will not be sneak attacked, that Luo Meiying will not die. 二人皆是难受不已,凌笑要不是为了救他们也不会被偷袭,那罗美英就不会死了。 Two people rebuke oneself, to swear that heavy oath has to incur one day to want the Heavy Sword Sect blood debt blood to recompense!”. 二人自责不已,皆纷纷立誓重誓“有招一日一定要重剑门血债血偿!”。 ...... …… Tian Xing after his two companions have experienced the Ling Xiao demon condition, does not dare to stop over, runs in abundance toward the great peak under. 天星与他的两名同伴见识了凌笑的魔态之后,根本不敢逗留,纷纷朝着巨峰之下跑去。 This rain got bigger and bigger, moistened their face, blurred their field of vision, making them run away is not quick. 只是这雨越下越大,打湿了他们的脸庞,模糊了他们的视野,使他们逃得并不是很快。 Young Master, we took shelter from the rain first said again a Light Star Palace disciple was saying to the Tian Xing reminder. 少主,我们先躲躲雨再说吧”一名光星殿的弟子对着天星提醒道。 Tian Xing hesitant a nod [say / way] of also good, but must restrain aura. 天星犹豫了一下点了点头道“也好,不过要收敛气息”。 Tian Xing important sincerely, his internal injury is heavy, is not suitable resorts to violence, therefore cannot treat it lightly absolutely. 天星还是相当紧谨了,他的内伤不轻,跟本不宜动武,所以绝对不能掉以轻心。 Three people hid in the middle of an everywhere-dense forest, took shelter from the rain under a big tree. 三人躲在了一遍密林当中,在一棵大树之下避雨。 Three people simultaneously under the clothing/taking Medicine Pill starts to sit in meditation therapy. 三人同时又服下丹药开始打坐疗伤。 Be only early one day restores the body and energy, are many for one point to safeguard. 只有早一日恢复身体和能量,那么就多一分保障。 When three people sits in meditation therapy, Ling Xiao such as a wild animal generally dashes about wildly in the rain water. 当三人打坐疗伤之际,凌笑如一头野兽一般狂奔在雨水之中。 His pair of scarlet eye pupil, in the hand that unexpectedly flood light the black fog the Devil Blade whole body, as if Grade Rank slowly was promoting scary. 他那双猩红的眼眸骇人之极,手中那把魔刀周身居然泛起淡淡的黑雾,似乎品阶在缓缓地提升了。 Kills!” Ling Xiao was neighing, searched high and low to kill the person. “杀杀!”凌笑一路都嘶叫着,四处寻找可杀之人。 Also does not know that he has consciousness, is making it so of destiny. 也不知道他是有意识,还是命运的使然。 Tian Xing that Ling Xiao had found sit in meditation and other people. 凌笑找到了正在打坐的天星等三人。 Young Master, the fellow came disciple hurrying of Light Star Palace to stand to call out. 少主,那家伙来了”一名光星殿的弟子慌忙站了起来叫道。 Nonsense, I was blind Tian Xing to stare my companion to scold, then took out the Silver Falcon Mirror spooky [say / way] heaven to have group of you not to walk, the hell was bent on having the line without the gate, I helped you. “废话,难道我眼瞎了”天星瞪了一眼自己的同伴骂道,接着取出银隼镜幽幽道“天堂有路你不走,地狱无门偏要行,我就成全你”。 Tian Xing works is always tight sincerely, he and Luo Baxing impulsion is different. 天星做事向来紧谨,他与罗霸兴的冲动不一样。 Facing Ling Xiao that rushes to insanely, Tian Xing has chosen making first move and getting control. 面对疯奔过来的凌笑,天星选择了先发制人。 Silver Falcon Mirror in a flash, one bunch of white lights go toward the Ling Xiao bang slightly. 银隼镜微微一晃,一束白光朝着凌笑轰去。 White light, rain water splash, trees collapse. 白光所至,雨水飞溅,树木倒塌。 Roar!” Ling Xiao sends out one such as the sound of beast roar, the biting blood sword in hand cuts toward that white light. “吼!”凌笑发出一道如兽吼的声音,手中的噬血剑朝着那白光斩去。 Bang! 轰隆! The form was rumbled to depart together far away, a blood sprays. 一道身影被轰飞出了老远,一口鲜血喷洒开来。 Ha Ha, dares to provoke my Tian Xing, is courts death Tian Xing to look that completely a Ling Xiao move was shaken flies, thought that he is impossible to go on living, immediately has laughed. “哈哈,敢来挑衅我天星,完全是找死”天星看着凌笑一招被震飞,觉得他不可能活下去,立即大笑了起来。 Silver Falcon Mirror is Low Rank Spirit Tool, moreover tallies with Tian Xing Attribute, the energy attack that displays use in Hidden Snake Sword compared with Luo Baxing several times, Tian Xing is injured, the spirit strength consumption is huge, this move absolutely incessantly just like this. 银隼镜低阶灵器,而且与天星属性符合,所发挥出来的能量攻击要比罗霸兴使用隐蛇剑强上好几倍,要不是天星受伤,灵力消耗巨大,这一招绝对不止如此而已。 For all this, this move also has the terrifying power that High Rank King Rank strikes. 尽管如此,这一招也有着高阶王阶一击的恐怖力量。 Even if true King Rank must unable to endure. 哪怕是真正的王阶都要吃不消。 However, when the Tian Xing laughter just stopped, does not raid together the fast form. 然而,当天星的笑声刚止,不远袭来一道快速的身影。 Kills!” That form exudes the hoarse cry, the black broadsword delimits together the arc attack. “杀!”那身影发出嘶哑的叫声,墨色大刀划出一道弧形攻击。 Kacha!” The instantaneous several trees break accordingly, the blade potential such as the rainbow such as the electricity faces forward to strike off as before. 咔嚓!”瞬间几棵树木应声而断,刀势依旧如虹如电朝前砍去。 Tian Xing startles greatly, he has not thought that Ling Xiao ate such powerful one move not dead unexpectedly unexpectedly, hurries to move forward to meet somebody by Silver Falcon Mirror. 天星大骇,他没想到凌笑居然吃了这么强悍一招居然没死,慌忙以银隼镜迎了上去。 Two people side Tian Xing do not dare to neglect, simultaneously leaves the move to go toward the Ling Xiao bang. 天星身旁的二人也不敢怠慢,同时出招朝着凌笑轰去。 Ling Xiao loses control completely, does not give a thought to the defense, strikes off toward Tian Xing as before. 凌笑完全失控,跟本不顾防守,依旧朝着天星砍去。 Dingdong! 叮当! Tian Xing welcomed by Silver Falcon Mirror, he was the body of severe wound, where could bear Ling Xiao to strike fully, in the mouth a sweet blood has spurted, the whole person was shaken to draw back to fly, hit several trees sides to stop the body directly. 天星银隼镜相迎,他本是重伤之躯,哪里受得了凌笑全力一击,口中一甜一口鲜血喷了出来,整个人被震退飞了出去,直接撞断了几棵树木方停下身子。 Ling Xiao struck to fly Tian Xing, but about was raided by the enemy. 凌笑击飞了天星,可是左右受敌袭。 A person of long sword has inserted his left under rib, another person chopped directly above his chest. 一人长剑插入了他左下肋,另一人直接砍在了他的胸部之上。 A two people of move goes well, immediately the great happiness, who can eat two swords not dead continually?. 二人一招得手,立即大喜,谁能连吃两剑而不死的?。 What a pity, they were happy too soon. 可惜,他们高兴得太早了。 Ling Xiao as if did not know the grief to be ordinary, has bellowed, swept away Blood Devouring Devil Blade, chopped, in that has inserted on that person of neck on his left rib. 凌笑仿佛不知道伤痛一般,大吼了一声,横扫噬血魔刀,砍在了那插入他左肋上的那人的脖子上。 That person of Proud of Oneself is excessive, sees only the black glow to dodge, oneself have not come and must call out pitifully, the excellent head then divided family property, the massive blood such as the spring has spurted. 那人得意过头,只见黑芒一闪,自己还没来及得惨叫,大好头颅便分了家,大量的鲜血如泉喷了出来。 Blood Devouring Devil Blade has shown side of its crafty intent, unexpectedly attracting to permit the blood that spurted, the blood was just attached to above the knife then to vanish to disappear. 噬血魔刀展现了它诡意的一面,居然把那喷出来的鲜血给吸允了过来,血液刚附在刀身之上便消失不见了。 „!” Another person saw the pitiful condition of own companion frightened yelled, hurried turn tail. “啊!”另一人看到自己同伴的惨状吓得大叫了一声,赶紧转身逃跑。 How Ling Xiao readily will make him leave, he has killed to become addicted, has put behind injury, licks the blood of corners of the mouth, before Blood Devouring Devil Blade in hand is wielding a blade, Ling Xiao simply has not used the style. 凌笑又岂会轻易让他离开,他已经杀上瘾了,忘却了身上的伤势,舔着嘴角的鲜血,手中的噬血魔刀挥出一刀以前凌笑跟本没有使用过的招式。 Intermittent black air/Qi surges, invisible sword air/Qi saliva lived, that sword air/Qi has covered peripheral all, saw only black such as the blade glow of blade edge to rumble toward the person who that escaped. 一阵阵黑气涌动,一道道无形剑气涎生了出来,那剑气覆盖了周边的一切,只见一道道黑色如刃的刀芒朝着那逃跑的人轰了过去。 When black blade glow the place of passing over gently and swiftly, that weed, that trees withered at the naked eye speed unexpectedly. 当黑色刀芒所掠过之处,那一株株杂草,那一棵棵树木居然以肉眼般的速度枯萎了。 This completes is the Unhindered Devil Qi fearful blade! 这完成是魔气纵横的可怕一刀! Spelled!” When that person on the point of death, clenched teeth, has turned around, a tyrannical Light Attribute energy bloomed. “拼了!”那人临危之际,咬了咬牙,转过身去,一股强横的光属性能量绽放了出来。 These black blade glow met the white sword light to have a delay, but the delay was also only the flash. 那些黑色刀芒遇上了白色剑光有所呆滞,可是呆滞也只是一瞬间。 The next quarter, that white light was bitten to the silkworm by the black glow completely, turned toward that person to raid. 下一刻,那白光全部被黑芒给蚕噬,又向着那人袭了过去。 ! 啊! That person with this does not have to realize an own strongest move such quickly was rumbled to disperse unexpectedly, moreover his body also quickly then must be split up to cutting by all blade glow. 那人跟本没意识到自己最强的一招居然这么快便被轰散了,而且他的身体还很快便被所有刀芒给切割得四分五裂了。 One group of blood curtains bloomed in the midair, Blood Devouring Devil Blade such as the hemophagia little rascal, the strength of formidable attracting permitting attracts toward that blood curtain greedily permits to go. 一团血幕在半空之中绽放了开来,噬血魔刀如贪婪地吸血小鬼,一股强大的吸允之力朝着那血幕吸允而去。 Whiz! 嗖! The blood separates into above the knife completely, wipes blooms bright red, the black back unexpectedly becomes in this moment smooth exceptionally, above knife unexpectedly many flood present a trace of crafty intent, just like is circling together Little Dragon in You Ge. 血液全部隔入刀身之上,一抹鲜红绽放,黑色的刀背居然在这一刻变得光滑异常,刀身之上居然多泛现了一道诡意的纹路,宛若一道盘旋着的小龙在游戈。 ! 咻! Is centered on Ling Xiao, black glow soars to the heavens to go. 凌笑为中心,一道黑芒冲天而去。 The rare unusual animals empty shade roared above the midair together several, finally vanished above the knife. 一道罕见的异兽虚影在半空之上咆哮了几声,最后又消失在了刀身之上。 Blood Devouring Devil Blade unexpectedly in this moment Advance Rank! 噬血魔刀居然在这一刻进阶了! Ling Xiao only thought that whole body beast blood ebullition, even/including Shou two sword sword cuts, were healing a moment ago unexpectedly slowly, murderous aura becomes scary. 凌笑只觉得全身兽血沸腾,刚才连受的两剑剑伤,居然在慢慢地愈合了,杀气变得更加的骇人。 Kills!” He face upwarded to roar, has gripped in the direction that Tian Xing escaped. “杀!”他仰天吼了一声,一头朝着天星逃跑的方向扎了进去。 Tian Xing while own companion sneak attacks Ling Xiao the time, dragged along the severely wounded body to run away. 天星趁着自己同伴偷袭凌笑的时候,就拖着重伤的身躯逃了。 Does not escape far, he noted that side unusual form, the face whiten muttered fiendish person to live a moment ago, the world changed, the wind and cloud was chaotic, Heavenly Loom prediction real?”. 才逃出没多远,他就注意到刚才那边的异状,脸色苍白地喃喃道“魔王生,天地变,风云乱,难道天机子预言是真的?”。 No...... Is impossible, I must run away, must bring this matter to outside, making all people crusade against Violet Sky Sect Tian Xing to take several Medicine Pill, including one was Storm Pill. “不……不可能的,我一定要逃出去,一定要把这事带到外面去,让所有人讨伐紫天宗天星又服了几颗丹药,其中有一颗就是疾风丹 The speed of his whole person has promoted two times, does not distinguish the direction, then escapes toward the great peak. 他整个人的速度提升了两倍,也不辨方向,一路朝着巨峰这下逃跑。 ...... …… Outside the mystical place, all Earth Emperor Rank powerhouses the place that from sat in meditation respectively all fly to gather in one. 秘境之外,所有地皇阶的强者从各自打坐的地方皆飞聚在了一起。 And three stand in the front line, other people fall behind little. 其中有三名站在最前方,其他人都落后少许。 Star Robe Old Man looks up to the swarthy dark cloud above midair, the look was saying sternly demon air/Qi why such heaviness, inside does have the demon person to exist?”. 一名星袍老者仰望着半空之上的黝黑乌云,神色严峻地说道“魔气为何如此之重,难道里面有魔人存在?”。 Another thought otherwise [say / way] „to be at the back of Old Man of black great sword these Young Fellow had found any demon. 另一名背着黑色巨剑的老者不以为然道“应该是那些小子找到了什么魔物吧”。 Another also dressed the tender and beautiful middle-aged woman of quality to say with a smile several days to come out, two not must worry, thinks that this time was to harvest most abundant one time. 另一名妆扮得娇艳的中年贵妇笑道“还有几天就出来了,两位莫要着急,想必此次是收获最丰的一次了”。 Snort, looks on this day phenomenon, the mystical place has the greatest crisis surely, so long as they can come out safely are also the good fortune that Star Robe Old Man Cold Snort said. “哼,看这天地异象,秘境必定存在莫大的危机,只要他们能平安出来也算是幸事了”那名星袍老者冷哼道。 He said this saying time, why is not intimate always thinks somewhat improper, as if in the mystical place really has any uncertain matter to occur general. 他说这话的时候,不知心里为何总觉得有些不妥,似乎秘境内真有什么不可预测的事情发生一般。 Old Man of that back black great sword has actually cast aside the beard, in old blooms the color of resolution, pays Young Master to have Hidden Snake Sword and puppet at heart darkly helps one another, the buried treasure in mystical place definitely belonged to my Heavy Sword Sect. 那背黑色巨剑的老者却是撇了撇胡子,老目中绽放出坚定之色,心里暗付“少主隐蛇剑和傀儡相助,秘境内的宝藏肯定非我重剑门莫属了”。 At this time, two ran from the tent hurriedly. 这时,有两人匆忙地从营帐之中跑了出来。 A person arrived at that side that Star Robe Old Man, another person arrived at that to carry side Old Man of great sword. 一人到了那星袍老者那边,另一人则到了那身背巨剑的老者身边。 Two people adhered to stick cohere in two Old Man ears separately are saying anything quietly. 二人分别在两名老者耳边附着悄声说着什么。 Anything!” Two Old Man all reveal the extremely shocking color. “什么!”两名老者皆露出极为震惊之色。 Two Old Man respectively at the maximum speed back-spacing in respective tent. 紧接着,二名老者分别以最快的速度反回了各自的营帐之中。 Then looks at present ten Life Jade Tube at the back of Old Man of great back, whole piece turned into the color of pig liver shamelessly, the mouth muttered „dead...... How dead, this is impossible!”. 那背着巨背的老者看着眼前的十个生命玉筒,整张老脸变成了猪肝之色,嘴里喃喃道“死了……怎么会死了呢,这不可能!”。 ...... …… Northwest most central place, Light Star Palace total altar|jar. 西北最中央之地,光星殿总坛。 A hair forehead is snow white Old Man sits sits cross-legged above a star type high integrity place. 一名头发眉宇皆是雪白的老者坐盘坐在一处星形的寒玉座之上。 Besides the high integrity place sends out the air/Qi of intermittent fen yin, that Old Man is shutting tightly the old item, a aura has not sent out, as if sat in this high integrity place passed away. 除了寒玉座发出阵阵氲氤之气外,那老者紧闭着老目,一点气息都没有散发出来,仿佛已经坐在这寒玉座上圆寂了。 Suddenly, that such as deathly stillness Old Man has opened the old item, two scary fine glow are common just like the essence, making the person not dare to look straight ahead. 蓦然,那如死寂的老者睁开了老目,两道吓人的精芒宛若实质一般,让人不敢直视。 He looked up to the Ten Thousand Beasts Cave direction, the forehead wrinkled, the dry old mouth pounded [say / way] fiendish person to live, the world changed, the wind and cloud was chaotic, realm of the devil Chang, the correct path faded, hundred clans were abundant, the tumultuous times were near! Has fulfilled seriously, it seems like I must early prepare,”. 他抬头看向万兽窟的方向,眉宇皱了一下,干巴的老嘴砸了砸道“魔王生,天地变,风云乱,魔道昌,正道衰,百族盛,乱世临!当真应验了,看来我要早做准备,”。 Then, in his hand were many Quan Zhang, sparkling stone light sparkle on power weaponry, has illuminated the surrounding area five thousand li(500 km). 说罢,他手中多了一杆权仗,权仗上的莹光闪耀,照亮了方圆五千里。 Afterward quick such as the ghosts and demons form has grazed from all parties. 随后一道道快如鬼魅的身影从各方飞掠了过来。 ...... …… In mountain range that in non-Chinese southern person year to year was covered by dark cloud. 在南蛮一处常年被乌云笼罩的山脉之中。 Before a summit of black quiet Shi Shan kou mountain range, is throwing over rickets Old Man of black robe, is looking up to the remote horizon, in old projects two groups of fine bright rays, on the face reveals the ratio to cry also ugly smiling face „, Lord of present world my realm of the devil, my Spectre Sect has withdrawn finally these many years, was the time comes out to take a stroll, otherwise others have forgotten. 山脉之巅一处黑幽的石山口前,一名披着黑袍的佝偻老者,仰望着遥远的天际,老目之中射出两团精熠的光芒,脸上露出比哭还难看的笑容“哈哈,我魔道之主终于现世了,我魔影门龟缩了这么多年,也是时候出来溜达溜达了,不然别人都忘记了”。 After saying, Old Man has grazed in a direction from summit. 说完后,老者从山巅之上朝着一个方向飞掠了过去。 Merely one movement of moving sideways, the whole person arrived at beyond the kilometer. 仅仅一个闪身的动作,整个人已到了千米之外。 That speed simply scary. 那速度简直骇人至极。 These chapters write very cruelly, the chaste mood is also very bad, the eye is very painful, the doctor called to rest chastely, but the chaste rest was also scolded by you, oh ~~~~ really about was not the person ~~~ 这几章写得很残暴,纯洁的情绪也很糟,眼睛还是很痛,医生叫纯洁多休息,可是纯洁一休息又被你们骂,唉~~~~真的左右不是人~~~
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