WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#336: Massacring

Chapter 336 massacres 第336章残杀 Crash-bang crash-bang! 哗啦哗啦! Crazy thunder lightning, shower again and again. 狂雷闪电,阵雨连连。 The strong winds have blown, causes meaning of the withering. 狂风吹过,引起一片肃杀之意。 A young black ink radiation falls, against the wind floating sleeve, look cloudy and cold exceptionally, protects the body god light to sparkle, in the hand a black broadsword, this blade blade tooth Blood-Thirst is sharp, the knife trace is mysterious, occasionally sparkles scarlet-red such as crafty intent of blood. 一名年青墨发散落,迎风飘袂,神色阴冷异常,护体神光闪耀,手中一把墨色的大刀,此刀刀牙嗜血锐利,刀身纹路玄奥,偶尔闪耀一股赤红如血的诡意。 This young people kill intent imposing Ling Xiao, but 3rd Rank High Rank Blood Devouring Devil Blade that in his hand grasps. 这年青人正是杀意凛然的凌笑,而他手中所握的正是三阶高阶噬血魔刀 Seizes this blade to put in Sect place of Purple Maple Valley smelting trial from the Xia Houshi hand from Ling Xiao idly. 凌笑宗门的试炼之地紫枫谷中从夏候史手中夺来此刀一直闲放着。 Must this blade not attach with his Attribute unexpectedly, moreover is one drinks crafty intent Devil Blade that the blood can promote. 必竟此刀与他属性不附,而且是一把饮血能升级的诡意魔刀 Luo Meiying to save him dies, Ling Xiao falls into unprecedentedly guilty and rebukes oneself, was the anger to the extreme, the whole person turned into a oath to kill people to see the fiendish person of blood. 罗美英为了救他而死,凌笑陷入前所未有的愧疚和自责当中,同时也是愤怒到了极点,整个人已经变成了一个誓要杀人见血的魔王。 Brother Luo you have not gotten rid to kill him quickly, wants me to get rid for you?” Tian Xing was saying to Luo Baxing lightly. 罗兄你还不快出手杀了他,难道还要我替你出手?”天星淡淡地对着罗霸兴说道。 If he were not injured now, decided however gets rid to kill Ling Xiao. 如果他现在不是受了伤,定然自己出手杀了凌笑 Relax, his assigned me to receive Luo Baxing some to say insincerely. “放心,他的命我收了”罗霸兴有些言不由衷地说道。 He was timid. 他心里已经在胆怯了。 Because before , he and Ling Xiao has fought, if no Hidden Snake Sword, he knew that is not the Ling Xiao match, now Ling Xiao was wild with rage, will he have the opportunity? 因为之前他与凌笑战过了,如果没有隐蛇剑,他自知绝不是凌笑的对手,如今凌笑已经狂怒了,难道他还会有机会吗? Just, he is the Heavy Sword Sect team leader, how possibly is weak in Light Star Palace and Charming Flame Sect surface foresight. 只不过,他身为重剑门的领队,怎么可能在光星殿炎媚宗面前视弱呢。 If such, this can gained ground for a lifetime in front of Tian Xing and Young Lady Wu Mei? 如果是那样,他这一辈子怎么能在天星舞媚娘面前抬起头来? Nearby Young Lady Wu Mei had been wild with rage by Ling Xiao, does not give a thought to the relations of Yu Lieyan, leading own person to fall back on one side, no longer participated in matter between Violet Sky Sect and Luo Baxing, among the looks has been full of the color of anger. 一旁的舞媚娘已经被凌笑气疯了,也不顾玉烈艳的关系,带着自己的人退到了一边去,不再参与紫天宗罗霸兴之间的事,神色间充满了愤怒之色。 She is disappearing to the Ling Xiao only curious feeling without a trace, remaining is criticizing „the bastard who does not know the good and evil at heart, dies quickly!”. 她心里对着凌笑唯一的好奇感消失得无影无踪,剩下的只是在心里暗骂“不识好歹的混蛋,快去死吧!”。 Kills!” Luo Baxing did not have on comes, Ling Xiao neighed. “杀!”罗霸兴还没上前来,凌笑已经嘶叫了出来。 Devil Blade in Ling Xiao hand flashes through wipes the monster different color, You Ru a lightning in the midair has delimited, cuts toward Luo Baxing. 凌笑手中的魔刀闪过一抹妖异之色,在半空之中尤如一道闪电划过,朝着罗霸兴斩去。 Quite quick!” Luo Baxing look one tight, Ling Xiao arrived around him, the great sword in his hand hurries to move forward to meet somebody. “好快!”罗霸兴神色一紧,凌笑已经到了他跟前,他手中的巨剑慌忙迎了上去。 Dingdong! 叮当! Profound Tool interlocks, Mars scatter! 玄器交错,火星四溅! The Luo Baxing only sleep goes well a hemp, a formidable strength shakes his courage vigor tuck dive, the whole person after has flown upside down. 罗霸兴只觉得手中一麻,一股强大的力量震得他血气翻腾,整个人朝后倒飞了出去。 Kills! 杀杀! A Ling Xiao move shakes draws back Luo Baxing, the mouth keeps being called killing character, that both eyes became red, Blood Devouring Devil Blade in hand sends out humming sound the micro sound, seems longing for drinking in the excitement of blood. 凌笑一招震退罗霸兴,嘴里不停地叫着“杀”字,那双眼已经变得通红,手中的噬血魔刀发出“嗡嗡”的微响,似乎正渴望饮血的兴奋中。 Ling Xiao brandishes a sword like the wind, a blade blade has been full of the whole body spirit strength, killing intent that kills sufficiently, as if must cutting meets a cruel death Luo Baxing. 凌笑挥刀如风,一刀刀充满了浑身的灵力,那一股充杀的杀意,似乎要把罗霸兴给斩个粉身碎骨。 A blade blade such as the storm has pounded generally. 一刀刀如暴风雨一般地砸了下去。 Luo Baxing was frightened the balls disappointedly startled, in the hand the great sword keeps the standard keeping off to resist. 罗霸兴被吓得胆寒心惊,手中巨剑不停地格挡招架。 But, he discovered that Ling Xiao each blade You Ruwan Qianchong, pounds his tigers mouth to shatter, within the body five internal organs tuck dive. 可是,他发现凌笑每一刀尤如万千重,砸得他虎口震裂,体内五脏翻腾。 Luo Baxing for a long time defends to lose, great sword in hand in Ling Xiao under turned the bang to chop is shaken has let go, above double palm also flood blood. 罗霸兴久守必失,手中的巨剑在凌笑的一翻轰砍之下被震脱手了,双掌之上还泛着血液。 Kills to me!” The wild bird that Ling Xiao such as loses the wisdom principle especially, each move with this does not have the style to say, only then uses wields fully chops. Now Luo Baxing loses the great sword, is makes the homicide probably be jealous. “给我杀!”凌笑尤如失去智理的野禽,每一招跟本都没有招式可言,只有倾尽全力地挥砍。如今罗霸兴失去巨剑,更是让他杀得眼红。 Also before is one does not have bravely, quickly compared with a peerless blade. 又是一勇无前,快比绝伦的一刀。 This blade strikes off toward the shoulder of Luo Baxing. 这一刀正是朝着罗霸兴的肩膀砍去。 „It is not good!” Luo Baxing had been frightened was at a loss, saw that the broadsword chops, has drunk one at heart darkly, wants to leave to draw back insanely. Was what a pity late! “不好!”罗霸兴已经被吓得六神无主了,眼看大刀砍至,心里暗喝了一声,想抽身疯退。可惜已经迟了! Puff! 噗! ! 啊! The blood such as the flower blooms, instantaneous incarnadine big rain water, an arm departs far away, alone falls on the ground without the least bit vitality. 鲜血如花绽放,瞬间染红了一大片雨水,一条手臂飞出大老远,孤零零地摔在地上无半点生气。 Luo Baxing hugged is spurting the blood such as the arm arm of spring to send out has killed the pig general pitiful yell sound. 罗霸兴抱着喷血如泉的臂膊发出了杀猪一般的惨叫声。 However, he does not know that at this moment starts! 然而,他不知道这一刻才只是开始而已! Kills!” Ling Xiao sees the blood vigorously, mouth keeps neighing, Blood Devouring Devil Blade in hand does not have the meaning of half minute stay, chopped once more to another arm of Luo Baxing. “杀杀!”凌笑见血更加起劲,嘴里不停地嘶叫着,手中的噬血魔刀没有半分停留之意,再次砍向了罗霸兴的另一臂。 Stop!” Two Heavy Sword Sect Half Step King Rank awaken, was shouting, immediately plundered to come the life-saving. “住手!”两名重剑门半步王阶才醒悟过来,在喊了一声,立即掠了过来救人。 Condition that although Ling Xiao walked in the violent, but faces the crisis time, did not respond ambiguously. 凌笑虽然已经在暴走的状态,可是面对危机的时候,反应一点都不含糊。 He backhands a blade to rumble toward two people, has prevented two people of sneak attacks, the whole person disappears in the face of two people. 他反手一刀朝着二人轰去,阻挡了二人的偷袭,紧接着,整个人消失在二人面前。 Person?” Half Step King Rank was shocked. “人呢?”一名半步王阶愣住了。 Another Half Step King Rank suddenly raises an inexplicable crisis. 另一名半步王阶蓦然升起一股莫名的危机。 „It is not good!” That Half Step King Rank startles greatly, hurries to face forward to run. “不好!”那半步王阶大骇,赶紧朝前跑去。 But, his where has resulted in the Ling Xiao blade quickly. 可是,他哪里快得过凌笑的刀。 This blade strikes off around the middle, that Half Step King Rank turned into two sections instantaneously. 这一刀拦腰砍去,那半步王阶瞬间变成了两截。 Another Half Step King Rank was frightened the courage to fear the crack, where also dares with Ling Xiao for the enemy. 另一名半步王阶被吓得肝胆惧裂,哪里还敢与凌笑为敌。 Immediately does not have the slightest to run away hesitant, many runs away far, this simply is a deicide! 当即没有分毫犹豫想要逃,有多远就逃多远,这简直是一尊杀神! But, can he result in Ling Xiao Wind Attribute quickly? 可是,他能快得过凌笑风属性吗? Has not escaped from ten meters far, the jet black blade glow broken has killed together two halves him. 还没逃出十米远,一道漆黑的刀芒把他破杀了两半。 Luo Baxing sees this, was the regret clear the intestines, how to provoke so the evil star? 罗霸兴看到这一幕,更是悔清了肠子,怎么会招惹如此煞星呢? Star Child and Young Lady Mei have killed him quickly together, he...... He was fascinated Luo Baxing to clench teeth, endures suffering, toward not far Tian Xing and Young Lady Wu Mei calling out strongly. 星子媚娘快一起杀了他,他……他已经入魔了”罗霸兴咬着牙,忍着痛,朝着不远的天星舞媚娘竭力的叫道。 He does not seek help good, broke an arm to suffice miserably, if lost including the life, that was the real big-ticket item matter. 他不求助不行啊,断了一臂已经够惨了,要是连命都丢了,那才是真的大件事了。 Tian Xing saw that Ling Xiao is so aggressive, really had a scare at heart. 天星看到凌笑如此生猛,心里也着实被吓了一大跳。 He looks at Ling Xiao at most is the peak Spirit Master boundary, unexpectedly can erupt compared with the energy of Half Step King Rank also strong several fold. 他看凌笑顶多就是巅峰灵师的境界,居然能爆发出比半步王阶还强数倍的能量。 Is this person? 这还是人吗? When Tian Xing hesitates, Ling Xiao walked once more toward Luo Baxing. 天星犹豫之际,凌笑再次朝着罗霸兴走过来了。 He is dragging the blade, is walking gradually, the knife point drew a straight line in the ground, the rain water has hit to soak the front piece of his whole body, the Blood Devouring Devil Blade monster different twinkle, was attached to blood crafty intent on blade to vanish above the knife. 他拖着刀,一步一步地走着,刀尖在地面上划出了一道笔直的线,雨水打浸了他全身的衣襟,噬血魔刀妖异的闪烁,附在刀上的鲜血诡意地在刀身之上消失了。 You...... Do not come!” Luo Baxing looks just like Ling Xiao of devil, has called out in alarm one, dragging the severely wounded body to run toward Tian Xing that side. “你……你别过来啊!”罗霸兴看着宛如恶魔的凌笑,惊叫了一声,拖着重伤的身体朝着天星那边跑了过去。 Bastard, you...... You want dead of exhaustion me!” Tian Xing is greatly anxious, hurries to turn around to run away. “混蛋,你……你想累死我啊!”天星大急,赶紧转身就逃。 How he is the body of severe wound can resist with present Ling Xiao now, even if he currently has Spirit Tool unable with it in the hand to spell hardly! 他现在是重伤之躯又怎么能与现在的凌笑对抗呢,哪怕是他现在有灵器在手也不能与之硬拼啊! Tian Xing ran away, his two companions also run certainly. 天星逃了,他的两名同伴当然也跑。 Luo Baxing reveals the desperate color, then sees the Charming Flame Sect person, when he wants to run, a blade such as the wind common overhead raids. 罗霸兴露出绝望之色,接着又看到炎媚宗的人,正当他想跑过去之时,一刀如风一般当头袭来。 Also is together the sound of pitiful yell , the arm flew. 又是一道惨叫之声,又有一臂飞了出去。 Kills!” Ling Xiao brandishes Devil Blade, a blade blade the four limbs of Luo Baxing chopping. “杀杀!”凌笑挥舞魔刀,一刀刀地把罗霸兴的四肢给砍了。 Not far Violet Sky Sect and Charming Flame Sect people were been disgusting by this stomach tuck dive, most people all keep vomiting toward the one side. 不远的紫天宗炎媚宗的人都被这一幕给恶心得肠胃翻腾,大部分人皆不停地朝一旁呕吐不已。 This is too simply bloody, was too cruel! 这简直太血腥,太残暴了! To most waits, Ling Xiao reveals wipes the mean fierce smiling face to look the Luo Baxing [say / way] that the four limbs do not have you should not kill her...... You must kill to kill me......”. 到最候,凌笑露出一抹阴狠狰狞的笑容看着四肢全无的罗霸兴道“你不应该杀她的……你要杀来杀我啊……”。 You should not kill her...... You must kill to kill me......”. “你不应该杀她的……你要杀来杀我啊……”。 Ling Xiao called out repeatedly, Blood Devouring Devil Blade in hand heartlessly Luo Baxing hewing pulp. 凌笑反复地叫道,手中的噬血魔刀无情地把罗霸兴给砍成了稀巴烂。 A big bloodstain incarnadine earth, incarnadine expansive sky. 一大片的血迹染红了大地,染红了长空。 „!” A Ling Xiao pair of day cried loud and long, the whole person completed the demon to melt finally, that eye such as the demon beast general was much redder. “啊!”凌笑双天长啸了一声,整个人终于完成魔化了,那双眼睛如魔兽一般通红得吓人。 Smiles, you how?” Bing Ruoshui worried that ran toward Ling Xiao. “笑,你怎么了?”冰若水担忧地朝着凌笑跑了过去。 Kills!” Ling Xiao flings the long hair to bellow, Devil Blade cuts toward Bing Ruoshui. “杀!”凌笑一甩长发大吼一声,魔刀朝着冰若水斩去。 Does not want!” Violet Sky Sect here disciple all with one voice said. “不要啊!”紫天宗这边的弟子皆齐声叫了起来。 Yu Lieyan and Wen Kedie have closed eye, as if not want to see Ling Xiao to kill Bing Ruoshui. 玉烈艳温可蝶都闭上了眼睛,似乎都不想看到凌笑杀了冰若水 Bing Ruoshui has not revolted, but is staring at Ling Xiao dull. 冰若水也并没有反抗,只是呆呆地盯着凌笑 Devil Blade before the Bing Ruoshui forehead, the sending silk of several bangs fell gently under. 魔刀冰若水额头前了下来,几根刘海的发丝飘落而下。 Before Bing Ruoshui forehead, had been cut a blade scar by the blade air/Qi, bloodstain trickle remained slowly. 冰若水额头前被刀气割伤了一刀伤痕,涓涓的血迹缓缓留了下来。 You walk...... Walks to me entirely...... Kills!” Ling Xiao such as went crazy general, a dance long hair, turned around to pursue toward Tian Xing and the others. “你们走……通通给我走……杀!”凌笑如发了疯一般,一舞长发,转身向着天星等人追了过去。 Smiles, you come back...... After you comes back......” Bing Ruoshui to recover, toward Ling Xiao goes crazy to pursue. “笑,你回来……你回来……”冰若水回过神来后,朝着凌笑发疯地追了过去。 Senior Sister Ruoshui comes back Chen Wenyu to run to block cries out to say first before Bing Ruoshui. 若水师姐回来”陈文宇先一跑拦在冰若水之前叫唤道。 You make way, I must look to smile!” Bing Ruoshui said firmly certainly. “你让开,我要去找笑回来!”冰若水坚绝地说道。 Junior Brother Ling lost control now, if you in the past were only the dead end, you made him static first, perhaps crossed for two days on to be good Chen Wenyu to elucidate to say. 凌师弟现在已经失控了,如果你过去只是死路一条,你先让他一个人静静,说不定过两天就好了”陈文宇开解说道。 If Younger Sister Shui, Senior Brother Chen said obtains, we let smile, believes he can certainly very pass Yu Lieyan is also has the sad meaning to come the persuasion to say. “若水妹妹,陈师兄说得到,我们还是让笑去吧,相信他一定可以挺过去的”玉烈艳也是含着悲切之意过来劝说道。 Bing Ruoshui knows that they said right, the beautiful pupil looks unwillingly in the Ling Xiao direction that in the heart You Rudao shears general. 冰若水又何尝不知道他们二人说得对呢,美眸不甘地朝着凌笑的方向看去,心中尤如刀割一般。 At this moment, the nearby has two formidable energies to soar to the heavens to go. 就在这时,附近有两股强大的能量冲天而去。 Two hot glow shake instantaneously disperse the intermittent rain water, the fire colorful color sparkle midair. 两股火芒瞬间震散阵阵雨水,火艳之色闪耀半空。 Ha Ha, I induced to the sound sound that the fire good spiritual energy startled has exploded together. “哈哈,我感应到火行灵气了”一道惊爆的声音响了起来。 Hey, I also similarly induced, the whole body was quite comfortable!” Also the sound was startled to make a sound together. “嘿嘿,我也同样感应到了,全身好舒服啊!”又是一道声音惊响了起来。 Two god of journeys abundant handsome forms fell from the midair slowly. 两道神丰俊朗的身影从半空之上缓缓地落了下来。 Are these two not just continuously in therapy Yan Ze and Zhao Nan? 这两人不正是一直在疗伤的严泽赵楠吗? The Violet Sky Sect person looks at two people shocking, restores to be so quick? Seemed like the boundary also breaks through? 紫天宗的人震惊地看着二人,咋恢复这么快?貌似境界还突破了? After two people fall to the ground, before sweeping, dispirited condition, an imposing manner went to the Half Step King Rank situation unexpectedly, no wonder two people will smile so happy Proud of Oneself. 二人落地之后,一扫之前颓废之态,一身气势居然已经达到了半步王阶的地步,难怪二人会笑得如此开心得意 You...... Broke through?” Chen Wenyu goes forward to ask shocking. “你们……都突破了?”陈文宇上前震惊地问道。 Ha Ha, but broke through Half Step Yan Ze to say with a smile frank. “哈哈,只是突破了半步严泽爽朗地笑道。 Zhao Nan has flung the wet hair, coming a manner expression [say / way] I also to break through Half Step. 赵楠甩了一下湿漉漉的头发,来了一个神气地表情道“我也只是突破了半步”。 Chen Wenyu was silly, the Violet Sky Sect person was also silly. 陈文宇傻了,紫天宗的人也傻了。 Was this injured has been unexpectedly also able to break through? 这受伤了居然还能突破? Well, Junior Brother Ling, I may probably thank him Yan Ze to look all around well, had not discovered that the Ling Xiao trace, having the doubts to ask. “咦,凌师弟呢,我可要好好谢谢他”严泽环顾了一下,没发现凌笑的踪影,带着疑惑问道。 Right, generous of Junior Brother Ling, how I can so beside comprehend, which told me him to go quickly, I must thank him Zhao Nan also to say in the one side well. “对啊,要不是凌师弟的慷慨,我又怎么能如此之外领悟,快告诉我他去了哪,我要好好谢谢他”赵楠也在一旁说道。 Suddenly, the Chen Wenyu complexion sank, he does not know how should reply. 一时间,陈文宇的脸色又沉了下来,他都不知道该如何回答了。 Is you compels my ~~ eye is not easy-to-use must kill a happiness ~~~ 是你们逼我的~~眼睛不好使也要杀个痛快~~~
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