WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#335: The demon changes

Chapter 335 demon changes 第335章魔变 The eye is injured is not a joyful matter, chaste has not said hurriedly, everybody can understand that chaste is very happy, did not understand that chaste cannot reluctantly ~~ thanks the friends of support ~~ 眼睛受伤不是一件让人高兴的事情,纯洁没有说慌,大家能理解纯洁很开心,不理解纯洁也不能勉强~~谢谢一路支持的朋友们~~ Luo Meiying is not a beauty unparalleled female, but she is actually a sense of justice full female, the full chest is she proudest capital. 罗美英并不是一个姿色无双的女子,可是她却是一个正义感十足的女子,饱满的胸部是她最傲人的资本。 In Green Jade Spring Pavilion, she is outstanding people in the disciple. 碧泉阁中,她是众弟子中的佼佼者。 Also many pursues her Senior Brother Junior Brother in Violet Sky Sect. 紫天宗也不乏追求她的师兄师弟 She always specially at the matter of practice continuously busy men and women, therefore continuously unmarried. 只是她一向专于修炼一直无暇男女之事,所以一直单身。 Until this Oath Sect Convention, enters Ten Thousand Beasts Cave, Heaven Suppressing Sect and other places of life and death with other people together, started to have the contact with Ling Xiao at this time. 直至此次誓宗大会,与其他人一起进入万兽窟镇天宗等生死之地,也是这时候开始与凌笑有了接触。 Although from the beginning she to Ling Xiao not any feeling, but thought purely Ling Xiao is so young is 4th Grade Master Alchemist, achievement others his entire life is hard the altitude of hoping to attain, moreover becomes Violet Sky Sect lets youngest Elder(s) that the person venerates, in the heart has some respect to him and curious. 虽说一开始她对凌笑没有任何感觉,只是纯粹地觉得凌笑如此年青就是四品炼药师,成就别人一生难以企及的高度,而且还成为紫天宗让人尊崇的最年青长老,心中对他有些许尊敬和好奇罢了。 However, afterward met Sea Dragon Pavilion and Great River Sect and the others in Ten Thousand Beasts Cave kills in revenge mutually. 然而,后来在万兽窟中遇上龙海阁巨江宗等人相互仇杀。 Luo Meiying is that type cannot get used to seeing others strong bullying the weak, ### plundering a generation of woman, does not give a thought to the Ling Xiao stop to get rid to interfere. 罗美英又是那种看不惯别人以强凌弱,###掳掠之辈的女侠,不顾凌笑阻拦出手干涉。 Gets so far as finally, she also has almost compensated. 弄到最后,她自己差点还赔了进去。 Also at this time, the Ling Xiao hero rescued beautiful to start to capture her heart. 也正是这时,凌笑的英雄救美开始俘虏了她的芳心。 Since then, to the present, overbearing of Ling Xiao, the humor of Ling Xiao, quick-witted of Ling Xiao, the calm of Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao all has started little, gathers in her pit of the stomach one by one, has filled up her heart directly, has fully occupied her whole person, so long as she closes the eye, his handsome face will reappear in the mind. 从那时起,一直到现在,凌笑的霸道,凌笑的幽默,凌笑的机智,凌笑的沉着,凌笑的一切开始一点点,一滴滴地汇聚在她的心坎之中,直接填满了她的芳心,占满了她整个人,只要她闭上眼睛,他的俊脸就会浮现在脑海之中。 She discovered that has liked Ling Xiao incurable. 她发现已经无可救药地喜欢上凌笑了。 Even if his side had several women, moreover these woman also very young beautiful appearance, but she at heart silently was still thinking him, frequently wants to see him. 哪怕他身边已经有了好几个女人,而且这些女人还非常年青美貌,但是她仍然在心里默默地想着他,时时刻刻地想见到他。 The love, is missing, is containing, looks like very complex, actually it's that simple. 爱,是一种思念,是一种包容,看起来非常复杂,其实就是那么简单。 Loves a person, loves his all, can his defeated/carrying all, even if the life. 爱一个人,就爱他的一切,就能对他负出一切,哪怕是生命。 Luo Meiying was passed through the chest at that moment, did not think that has any regret, instead thought that incomparably satisfies, because she has blocked! 罗美英被贯胸那一刻,都不觉得有任何后悔,反而觉得无比地满足,因为她“挡住了”! Ling Xiao looks at the beautiful person in bosom dull, on her face is also hanging that satisfied smiling face, this simply in using thousand blade Wan Renkan is the same in his pit of the stomach. 凌笑呆呆地看着怀中的玉人,她脸上还挂着那满足的笑容,这简直是在用千刀万刃砍在他的心坎上一样。 He has not had any non- share to think to her must his woman be unexpectedly many, moreover each one conduct appearance is superior. Did not say him to judge people solely on appearance, but is he does not want to provoke too the sentiment debt of missing. 他从来没对她有过任何非份之想,必竟他的女人不少了,而且个个品行容貌皆是上等。不是说他以貌取人,而是他不想招惹太多无缘的情债。 However, when at that moment, actually the woman can give self up to keep off before his body dangerously, how this has not needed any spoken language to express this woman to his sentiment. 然而,当自己最危险那一刻,却有一位女人可以舍身挡在他的身前,这已经不需要任何言语去表达这女人对他的感情如何了。 He saved her never to say at that time by the body Xu's words, but she can actually achieve the shed life for this moment, but also there is any ratio this to make people think the heart movement brokenhearted. 他救她那时从未说过以身相许的话,可是她却能做到舍命为他的这一刻,还有什么比这更让人觉得心动又心碎的呢。 Senior Sister you so are why silly Ling Xiao hoarse was saying, while keeps transporting the spirit strength to Luo Meiying. 师姐你为什么这么傻”凌笑一边嘶哑地说着,一边不停地向罗美英输送灵力。 Smiles...... I...... Can I call you like this?” Luo Meiying said worn out. “笑……我……我可以这样叫你么?”罗美英有气无力地说道。 Ling Xiao busy does not fold the repeat to nod. 凌笑忙不叠迭地点着头。 I...... I good...... Good to regret that knew you were too late...... If can early several years know you, I...... I must become your woman......” Luo Meiying said off and on. “我……我好……好后悔认识你太迟了……如果能早几年认识你,我……我一定要成为你的女人……”罗美英断断续续地说道。 Senior Sister do not say, you under the clothing/taking Medicine Pill Ling Xiao eye pupil flood the mist, hurried to take out Medicine Pill first toward Luo Meiying mouth China , Cyprus. 师姐不要说了,你先服下丹药凌笑眼眸都泛起了水雾,慌忙取出丹药罗美英口中塞去。 „!” The Luo Meiying within the body vitality keeps the amount and rate of flow, how could also to swallow Medicine Pill. “咳咳!”罗美英体内生机不停地流势,又岂能吞下丹药呢。 No...... Do not waste for me...... Smiles, you...... Can you kiss...... I?” Luo Meiying said the last desire difficultly, that pair soon the lax look filled for several points to hope. “别……别为我浪费了……笑,你……你能不能吻……我?”罗美英艰难地说出了自己最后一个愿望,那双快要涣散的眼神充满了几分期盼。 Ling Xiao wants not to think that pachylabious kissed above the jade lip of Luo Meiying. 凌笑想也没想,厚唇直接吻在了罗美英的玉唇之上。 Also in this moment, Luo Meiying flood the satisfied smiling face, the life has come to the end. 也就在这一刻,罗美英泛起满足的笑容,生命随之走到了尽头。 No!” Ling Xiao cannot accept the result that the Luo Meiying fragrant disappearing jade falls, face upwarded to whoosh one, spirit strength as before continuously toward the Luo Meiying transportation in the past. “不!”凌笑不能接受罗美英香消玉陨的结果,仰天嘶吼了一声,灵力依旧源源不绝地向着罗美英输送过去。 What a pity, was an function has. 可惜,却是一点作用都有了。 No, I cannot make you die, you did not say that can also be the woman to me? Meiying, you were insisting to me Ling Xiao hurry was saying, the brain keeps thinking how should make Luo Meiying bring back to life. “不,我不能让你死,你不是说还要给我做女人吗?美英,你给我坚持着”凌笑慌忙地说着,脑子不停地想着该如何让罗美英起死回生。 Was right, Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid can certainly rescue her Ling Xiao to think of Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid, therefore pulled out to come out to give Luo Meiying to feed. “对了,万年石乳液一定可以救她的”凌笑又想到了万年石乳液,于是又掏了出来给罗美英喂去。 However, feeds in Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid to Luo Meiying mouth, the effect of actually not having brought back to life. 然而,送进到罗美英口中的万年石乳液,却是没有起死回生的效果。 Ling Xiao is utterly confused. 凌笑更是心乱如麻。 Was right, Old Lu, you come out to save others quickly!” Ling Xiao is crying out to say to Sea of Consciousness in Lu Weng. “对了,绿老,你快出来救人啊!”凌笑对着识海之中的绿翁叫唤道。 His only hope on Lu Weng, initially in Falling Stone City, Supreme Elder almost died certainly, brings back to life under its drop of ten thousand years of sap once more, and success breaks through King Rank, feels rejuvenated. 他唯一的希望就在绿翁身上了,当初在陨石城,太上长老几乎死绝了,也是在它的一滴万年树汁之下再次起死回生,并且成功突破王阶,返老还童。 The Lu Weng sound resounded „the weapon in her chest to destroy her five internal organs six internal organs in his Sea of Consciousness spookily, cut off all vitalities, even if were Luo deity is greatly difficult to rescue. 绿翁的声音在他识海之中幽幽响起“她胸口中的武器已经破坏了她的五腑六腑,断绝了所有生机,哪怕是大罗神仙都难救了”。 Is impossible, how you were so fierce possibly unable to save her, I asked you, so long as you have saved her, later wanted me to make anything for you to be good, how long you want to stay to be able Ling Xiao in my Sea of Consciousness to say anxiously. “不可能,你这么厉害怎么可能救不了她呢,我求求你,只要你救了她,以后要我替你做什么都行,你想在我识海之中呆多久都可以”凌笑焦急地说道。 Oh...... It is not Old Man does not think that is really Old Man is helpless Lu Weng to heave a deep sigh saying that the heart was said „, only if Old Man can restore all Essence Qi to have the possibility now!”. “唉……不是老夫不想,委实是老夫无能为力”绿翁摇头叹息道,心却是说“除非老夫现在能恢复所有精元才有可能啊!”。 Ling Xiao look one stiff, if the whole person suffers the electric shock. 凌笑神色一僵,整个人如遭电击。 Doesn't have the means including Lu Weng, Luo Meiying can also be saved? 绿翁都没办法,罗美英还有救吗? The Ling Xiao look gradually became cloudy and cold, extracted the Luo Meiying front instantaneously the hidden snake danger, another palm reappeared immediately the ice cold spirit strength. 凌笑神色渐渐变得阴冷了一下,瞬间抽出罗美英胸前的隐蛇险,另一掌立即浮现了冰寒的灵力。 , The body of Luo Meiying completed to be given by him gradually frozen. 渐渐地,罗美英的身体完成被他给冰封了起来。 Meiying you are waiting, my Ling Xiao takes an oath with the name of heaven, I must revive you Ling Xiao breaking by biting blood direction day numerous rusticity oaths to say. 美英你等着,我凌笑以苍天之名起誓,我一定要救活你”凌笑咬破血指向天重重地气誓说道。 Ling Xiao is always a person of heavy affectionate righteousness. 凌笑一向是一个重情重义的人。 Regarding one can for the woman who oneself die, no matter she grows beautiful and clown, no matter she is rich and poor, anybody will be moved, adores. 对于一个能为自己去死的女人,不管她长得美与丑,不管她富与穷,任何人都会为之感动,为之倾心。 Meanwhile, Ling Xiao always is also a being proud powerful man. 同时,凌笑一向也是一个自负强势的男人。 He thought that protects the woman forever is the duty of man. 他觉得保护女人永远是男人的义务。 Now make a woman protect itself, moreover this woman has also lost the life for oneself, has him of rare treasure not to manage to rescue, in the heart a regret arises spontaneously. 如今自己却让一个女人保护自己,而且这女人还为自己送了性命,就连身怀异宝的他都没办救,心中一股愧疚之意油然而生。 Meanwhile, resented, the junction loading of regret to cover entirely the total involvement. 与此同时,愤恨、后悔的交加感布满了全身心。 He under killer to Luo Baxing, that has not been to care about the Sect future. 他一直没有对罗霸兴下杀手,那是为了顾及宗门的未来。 Before entering the mystical place Xiao Songlin has stressed that try not to have the conflict and becoming enemies with the Three Sects person. 在进秘境前萧松林一直强调,尽量不要与三宗的人发生冲突和结仇。 Therefore, Ling Xiao has been keeping the Luo Baxing life. 所以,凌笑一直留着罗霸兴的命。 Has not thought that the opposite party not only did not appreciate kindness rendered, instead has provoked, until the occurrence of present tragedy. 没想到对方不仅不领情,反而一直挑衅,直至现在悲剧的发生。 He regrets past mistakes! 他悔不当初啊! ...... …… Ling Xiao put down Luo Meiying to stand got up to say quiet coldly wanted the sword, traded with your life!” 凌笑放下罗美英站了起来幽冷地说道“想要剑,拿你的命来换吧!” Sound like spell, ice-cold like frost, making the person tremble is startled disappointedly. 音如魔咒,冰冷如霜,使人为之颤寒心惊。 All people all cast the body of that storyteller the vision. 所有人皆把目光投到了那说话人的身上。 Is that not just Ling Xiao in grief and indignation? 那不正是正悲愤之中的凌笑吗? Sees only him to be stern-faced, both eyes cover entirely the blood thread, the whole body send out one to cause the person depressing imposing manner, as if an invisible hand blocks their throat, making them be hard to breathe. 只见他一脸阴沉,双目布满血丝,全身散发着一股使人压抑的气势,仿佛一只无形的手扼住他们的咽喉,使他们难以呼吸。 Luo Baxing at this moment had a scare by Ling Xiao, the body did not have the reason to retrocede one step. 罗霸兴被此刻的凌笑吓了一跳,身体没来由后退了一步。 He only thought that now that look maliciously jabbed into his atrium like the sharp knife blade, lets him uncomfortably. 他现在只觉得那眼神就像利刃狠狠地刺进了他的心房,让他难受不已。 Even if true King Rank is not necessarily able to make him have the feeling of this having stage fright. 哪怕是真正的王阶都未必能让他产生这种怯场的感觉吧。 Luo Baxing stands firm the state of mind, with covers own rude exclaiming also to want my life depending on you angrily, you do not have this skill, then he also the profile Young Lady Mei was also asking you do not meddle this matter to the Young Lady Wu Mei [say / way], this chop suey I killed. 罗霸兴稳住心绪,用愤怒掩盖自己的失态吼道“凭你也想要我的命,你没有这本事”,接着他又侧脸对着舞媚娘道“媚娘还请你不要插手这事,这杂碎我杀定了”。 Young Lady Wu Mei has revealed the color of feeling embarrassed, she does not want to become enemies with Heavy Sword Sect, therefore only wants to urge Luo Baxing to leave, but others want Spirit Tool, Ling Xiao not only, evidently do not die with Luo Baxing the continuous appearance, she was in a dilemma in the middle. 舞媚娘露出了为难之色,她跟本不想与重剑门结仇,所以只想劝罗霸兴离开,可人家想要回灵器,凌笑不仅不还,看样子还要与罗霸兴不死不休的样子,她在中间左右为难了。 This Junior Brother, I think this matter Forget About It, offends Heavy Sword Sect not to have advantage Young Lady Wu Mei to say to the Ling Xiao persuasion to your Violet Sky Sect that for Yu Lieyan and is the same sycophancy physique, she absolutely not this turbid water. “这位师弟,我看这事算了吧,得罪重剑门对你们紫天宗没有好处”舞媚娘对着凌笑劝说道,要不是为了玉烈艳与自己是相同媚骨体质,她绝对不会趟这次浑水。 Ha Ha......” suddenly, Ling Xiao such as listened to funniest joke Yang Tianchang to smile generally. This laughter has been full of sorrowful meaning, this laughter was full of resenting to kill intent thickly. “哈哈……”蓦然,凌笑如听了一个最好笑的笑话一般仰天长笑了起来。这笑声充满了悲凄之意,这笑声充满了愤恨之浓浓杀意。 All people all felt Ling Xiao mentality at this moment, in the heart all feels for him uncomfortable, particularly Yu Lieyan, Bing Ruoshui and Wen Kedie, they are thinking, if they die for him, he can like this be also sad sadly? 所有人皆感到了凌笑此刻的心态,心中皆是替他感到难受,尤其是玉烈艳冰若水温可蝶,她们都在想,如果她们为他死,他会不会也这样伤心难过呢? Does not know that this Young Fellow smiled anything at this time, the Light Star Palace three people also walked, Tian Xing looks at Ling Xiao that smiled insanely, for a while said puzzled. “不知道这小子笑什么”这时,光星殿三人也走了过来,天星看着疯笑的凌笑,一时不解地说道。 I smile your mother!” Ling Xiao has been at the condition of exploding, Tian Xing this saying on such as the spark lights has directed the rope, immediately has encountered the insult of Ling Xiao. “我笑你娘!”凌笑已经处于爆走的状态,天星这话就如星火点燃了引索,立即遭到了凌笑的辱骂。 The blood of Ling Xiao within the body keeps seething, that sufficient day hatred started to control his mind gradually. 凌笑体内的血液不停地翻腾,那股充天的恨意渐渐开始控制了他的心神。 If I have killed your man, to you said again sound Forget About It is good, your this does not have the woman of brain, does not want dead boils the Ling Xiao cold item to stare at Young Lady Wu Mei to scold to me heartlessly. “如果我杀了你的男人,再向你说声算了行不行,你这个没脑子的女人,不想死的就给我滚开”凌笑冷目无情地盯着舞媚娘骂道。 Bastard!” Two sounds simultaneously made a sound to shout to clear the way. “混蛋!”两道声音同时响了起来喝道。 Sends together from the Tian Xing mouth, in addition is came from in the Young Lady Wu Mei mouth together. 一道是从天星口中发出来的,另一道则是来自舞媚娘的口中。 Tian Xing is one of the Light Star Palace most outstanding young people, he was called the child of star, the certificate can be Light Star Palace in the future one of the Young Sect Master candidates, the top of the head the corona, had been a focus of public attention. 天星一直都是光星殿最出色的年青人之一,他被称之为星之子,证明会是光星殿未来少宗主的人选之一,头顶着光环,一直受到万众瞩目。 Now actually by a Young Fellow insult of inferior goods Sect, how he can swallow under this tone. 如今却被一个低品宗门小子辱骂,他如何能咽得下这口气。 But Young Lady Wu Mei and Tian Xing status quite, is in Sect the future successor, simultaneously has not passed through the female of human affairs. Unexpectedly was so said by Ling Xiao, an unprecedented cultivating shame feeling raids the heart. 舞媚娘天星的身份相当,皆是宗门内未来的接班人,同时又是没经过人事的女子。居然被凌笑如此说,一种前所未有的修辱感袭上心头。 Luo Baxing this Little Rascal type has not clearly paid attention to our Three Sects person in one side adding inflammatory details [say / way], today cannot make him leave here absolutely, after leaving the mystical place, my Heavy Sword Sect must conquer by killing your Violet Sky Sect surely. 罗霸兴在一旁添油加醋道“这小杂种分明没把我们三宗的人放在眼里,今日绝对不能让他离开这里,出了秘境后我重剑门必定要血洗你们紫天宗”。 „The trivial Violet Sky Sect disciple so is also wild, you defeated/carrying price Tian Xing will be cloudy the face to say for your words that worked off anger to soar. “区区紫天宗的弟子也这般猖狂,你会为你的话负出代价”天星阴沉着脸说道,一股杀气腾升了起来。 In the beautiful pupil of Young Lady Wu Mei also passes the thick machine to kill. 舞媚娘的美眸中也透着浓浓的机杀。 At this time, the Ling Xiao constrained anger and hatred also erupted in this moment, hand ### present a black black broadsword. 这时,凌笑被压抑的怒火和恨意也在这一刻喷发,手###现了一把黑黝的大刀。 On the broadsword is sending out the meaning of strong Blood-Thirst, he also finally turned into a Blood-Thirst fiendish person in this! 大刀上散发着浓烈的嗜血之意,他也在这一此终于变成了一个嗜血的魔王!
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