WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#334: You must kill him first to kill me

Chapter 334 you must kill him first to kill me 第334章你要杀他就先杀了我 This type of ten thousand years of Saint fluid, not only can transform the physique, similarly to therapy also has the great effect. 这种万年圣液,不仅能改造体质,同样对疗伤也有着一等一的功效。 Ten thousand years the above thing may be Best Quality in Best Quality! “万年”以上的东西可都是极品中的极品啊! The people all do not know that Ling Xiao that two bottles are the so precious thing. 众人皆不知道凌笑那两瓶是如此珍贵之物。 Ling Xiao just opened the bottle cap, ice cold air/Qi overflowed to disperse. 凌笑刚打开瓶盖,一股冰寒之气溢散了开来。 The people all think cool, hears lightly, only thinks the body and mind comfortably. 众人皆觉得凉凉的,轻闻一下,只觉得身心舒爽不已。 Especially sensitivity of Bing Ruoshui to Ice Attribute, she thought immediately this small one bottle of things decide for her however are very important, impulsion that the innermost feelings quite one type wants to snatch. But, she also knows one will not make this matter, but in the heart prayed that Ling Xiao remembers she is his woman, at the appointed time gives her 12 bottles to try. Thinks of this, on her pure white cheek cloth several scarlet. 尤其是冰若水冰属性的敏感,她立即就觉得这小小的一瓶东西对她来说定然十分重要,内心颇有一种想抢过来的冲动。可是,她也知道自己并不会做出这事,只是心中祈祷凌笑会记得她是他的女人,到时给她12瓶试试。一想到这,她那张纯白的脸蛋布上了几丝血色。 Does not harm the show, who was his woman Bing Ruoshui was spitting one in the heart. “真不害骚,谁是他的女人了”冰若水在心中对着自己啐了一口。 Nearby Wen Kedie surprise asked Senior Sister Ruoshui, how did you blush?”. 一旁的温可蝶诧异问道“若水师姐,你怎么脸红了?”。 Who... amp \; # 8198 \; Who has blushed, possibly is this day air/Qi is hot!” Bing Ruoshui looked around to say with an air of decorum in all directions. “谁…amp\;#8198\;谁脸红了,可能是这天气热吧!”冰若水煞有介事地四处张望了一下说道。 „Is weather hot?” Wen Kedie is puzzled, actually thinks that at heart today's Sun has not appeared, how to be hot?”. “天气热?”温可蝶更是一脸不解,心里却想“今天太阳都没有出现过,怎么会热呢?”。 Ling Xiao lifts Yan Ze hairpin Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid as well as pulverizing 3rd Rank High Rank of therapy Spirit Grass amp \; # 17920 \; Got up to feed his mouth. 凌笑抬起严泽的头把万年石乳液以及一株弄碎的三阶高阶疗伤灵草amp\;#17920\;起喂到了他嘴里。 On after Yan Ze clothing/taking Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid and Spirit Grass, the efficacy came into effect unexpectedly. 严泽服上万年石乳液灵草后,药力居然开始生效了。 Only shortly amp \; # 63244 \; Sprinkled the body surface to cover a glazed frost strictly, the body has been trembling. 只在倾刻之间amp\;#63244\;严泼身体表面蒙上了一层薄冰,身子一直在发抖吧。 Ling Xiao builds in him behind, said lightly „the Senior Brother Yan railex has Profound Art to come. 凌笑一手搭在他身后,淡淡说道“严师兄快运起玄功来”。 He was saying at the same time, gave back to Yan Ze to transport the Fire Attribute spirit strength in the past, scattered the cold air that Yan Ze received by this. 他说着的同时,还给严泽输送了火属性的灵力过去,以此驱散严泽所受的寒气。 Although the Yan Ze consciousness has to blur, but hears the Ling Xiao words, realized that some people are helping themselves, supports driving of severe wound reluctantly, started to tie the hand imprint to sit in meditation. 严泽意识虽有所模糊,可是一听到凌笑的话,也意识到有人在助自己,勉强支起重伤之驱,开始结着手印打坐了起来。 Some little time, Yan Ze ice layer starts to separate, the imposing manner in within the body also starts to rebound gradually. 好一会儿后,严泽身上的冰层开始隔化,体内的气势也开始逐渐回升。 The people see this, is amazed, at heart simultaneously dark to praise worthily is 4th Grade Master Alchemist, the method of this life-saving so is fast. 众人见到这一幕,皆是惊诧不已,心里同时暗赞“不愧为四品炼药师,这救人的手段都如此快速”。 At this time, Luo Baxing and his two companions in pavilion also walked. 这时,楼阁之中的罗霸兴和他两个同伴也走了出来。 Luo Baxing just glimpses not far Ling Xiao, the right views he gives own companion to transport the spirit strength, does not have in the reason idea the heart. 罗霸兴刚好瞥见不远的凌笑,正见他给自己的同伴输送灵力,没来由计上心头。 Hey, this you have not died Luo Baxing to laugh in one's heart at heart, then pinched Medicine Pill to feed in the mouth. “嘿嘿,这回你还不死”罗霸兴在心里暗笑了起来,然后捏了一颗丹药送进了嘴中。 Three people are in luck in the Violet Sky Sect direction, actually this side is also under the road which must be taken of peak. 三人向着紫天宗的方向走运,其实这方也是下峰的必经之路。 The Violet Sky Sect people vigilantly are also staring at Luo Baxing, must this person give them the impression to be too profound unexpectedly, has no alternative but to guard. 紫天宗众人也都在警惕地盯着罗霸兴,必竟这人给他们印象太深刻了,不能不防。 Ling Xiao sees Yan Ze within the body to restore the vitality gradually, relaxed slightly, lets loose supports in Yan Ze behind hand. 凌笑严泽体内已经渐渐恢复生机,微微松了一口气,才放开撑在严泽身后的手。 Just he noticed that Luo Baxing and the others walked, but thought that Luo Baxing and the others lost much, thinks that does not dare light intent to provoke them, therefore continues to give under the Zhao Nan clothing/taking Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid and Spirit Grass. 刚好他看到罗霸兴等人走过来,不过觉得罗霸兴等人损失不少,想必不敢轻意来招惹他们,于是又继续给赵楠服下万年石乳液灵草 The Zhao Nan situation and Yan Ze are similar, Ling Xiao also naturally gives back to Zhao Nan to transport the spirit strength. 赵楠的情况和严泽差不多,凌笑也自然还给赵楠输送灵力。 Also in this moment, Luo Baxing approached Violet Sky Sect and the others the, on his face wipes sneering of this hatred. 也就是在这一刻,罗霸兴走近了紫天宗等人的附近,他那张脸上抹这一丝怨毒的冷笑。 Luo Meiying actually just catches to catch this flash, one unclear premonition raids the heart. 罗美英却是刚好捕抓到这一瞬间,一种不详的预感袭上心头。 Suddenly, slowly took a walk Luo Baxing to vanish unexpectedly. 蓦然间,缓缓走动中的罗霸兴居然消失了。 The next quarter, Luo Baxing appears side Violet Sky Sect and the others unexpectedly, Hidden Snake Sword in hand such as true Dushe (Poison Snake) toward the back of Ling Xiao inserts generally, on the face wipes the fierce color, the mouth hissing has exclaimed dies to me!”. 下一刻,罗霸兴居然出现在紫天宗等人身边,手中的隐蛇剑如真正的毒蛇一般朝着凌笑的后背插去,脸上抹过狰狞之色,嘴里嘶吼道“给我去死吧!”。 The people have not all thought of the Luo Baxing so frank and upright sneak attack, moreover this speed will draw near simply extremely. 众人皆没想到罗霸兴会如此光明正大的偷袭,而且这速度简直快到了极至。 All people can only look helplessly Ling Xiao must die under his sword. 所有人都只能眼睁睁地看着凌笑就要死在他的剑下。 No! 不! Yu Lieyan, Bing Ruoshui, Wen Kedie and other females all were reveal the color of grief and indignation to call out, other people immediately snatched the body to rescue. 玉烈艳冰若水温可蝶等三女皆是露出悲愤之色叫道,其他人则立即抢身去救援。 What a pity, they are half beat behind. 可惜,他们都慢了半拍。 Puff! 噗! The invisible snake pricked in body solid. 隐形蛇结结实实地刺入了身体之内。 Ha Ha, your this repugnant bastard...... Luo Baxing said with a smile finally insanely, when he saw clearly the goal, did not have the reason to be silly, stabbing unexpectedly was not Ling Xiao, but had someone else. “哈哈,你这讨厌的杂种终于……”罗霸兴疯笑道,可是当他看清楚目标,没来由傻了,刺中的居然不是凌笑,而是另有其人。 Ling Xiao has realized the danger, with supple strength Zhao Nan pushing. 凌笑已经意识到了危险,用柔力把赵楠给推送出去。 He has turned round, sees only a tender body to pour in his arms slowly, that both hands still stubbornly held that Hidden Snake Sword. 他回过身来,只见一条娇躯缓缓地倒在他怀里,那双手仍然死死地抓住那隐蛇剑 I...... I keep off...... Block......” Has kept off before the Ling Xiao body is not others, realized a moment ago has different Luo Meiying. “我……我挡……挡住……了”挡在凌笑身前的不是别人,正是刚才察觉有异的罗美英 Before seeing only her chest, did not have in her body by Hidden Snake Sword completely, before the chest , the blood red color of big piece has welled up, that tender face becomes the incomparable paleness, the imposing manner of whole body gradually is vanishing to be weaken. 只见她那胸口前被隐蛇剑全部没进了她的身体之内,胸口前大片的血红之色涌了出来,那张娇脸变得无比的苍白,全身的气势在逐渐地消失减弱。 A Ling Xiao mind blank, looks helplessly was still hanging Luo Meiying in faint smile, an unprecedented feeling has filled up his body and mind. 凌笑脑海一片空白,眼睁睁地看着仍然挂着浅笑中的罗美英,一股前所未有的感觉填满了他的身心。 That is one type crazy warm-blooded is burning, that is one type extremely to is crazy is regaining consciousness, that is the most primitive emotion is impulsing, that cannot shoot up to the sky with the hatred that the spoken language can express. 那是一种疯狂的热血在燃烧,那是一种极至的疯狂在苏醒,那是一种最原始的情感在冲动,那是不能用言语所能表达的恨意冲天而起。 No! 不! Ling Xiao both eyes become rank red like the blood, held Luo Meiying to whoosh one toward the vault of heaven above. 凌笑双眼变得腥红如血,抱着罗美英向着苍穹之上嘶吼了一声。 This is startled , the wind and cloud color deterioration, the vault of heaven anger hates, the thunder vibrates. 这一声惊到动地,风云变色,苍穹怒恨,雷霆震动。 Bang! 轰隆! The startling thunderclap makes a sound together for the first time, day rain descends. 一道惊雷乍响,一阵天雨降落。 The Violet Sky Sect people simultaneously have assassinated toward Luo Baxing. 紫天宗众人同时朝着罗霸兴刺杀了过来。 Although the Luo Baxing two companions were injured, but before still snatched the body, rescues. 罗霸兴的两个同伴虽受了伤,但仍然抢身上前救援。 Yu Lieyan and Bing Ruoshui three female goal direct Luo Baxing. 玉烈艳冰若水三女目标直接罗霸兴 Drops quickly!” Luo Baxing wants to extract Hidden Snake Sword, but actually discovered that Luo Meiying grasps unexpectedly stubbornly. “快放手!”罗霸兴想要抽出隐蛇剑,可是却发现罗美英居然抓得死死的。 When his feeling nauseated vigor shakes Luo Meiying and Ling Xiao, fire cold sword air/Qi raids. 就在他要吐劲把罗美英凌笑震开之时,一火一寒的剑气袭来。 Luo Baxing can only let go draws back insanely, own great sword appeared in the hand instantaneously. 罗霸兴只能松手疯退,自己的巨剑瞬间出现在了手中。 Charming Flame Sect and the others leave not far, Young Lady Wu Mei realized that Violet Sky Sect here situation, ordered Sister Lian to lead several sisters to go immediately, must preserve Yu Lieyan, she had the sycophancy, was hundred years of rare talent, made no mistake absolutely. 炎媚宗等人相离不远,舞媚娘意识到紫天宗这边的情况,立即下令道“莲姐带几个姐妹去,务必保住玉烈艳,她身怀媚骨,是百年难得一见的天才,绝对不容有失”。 Yu Lian hesitant, nodded, then greeted three companions, overtook to support Yu Lieyan. 余莲犹豫了一下,点了点头,然后招呼三名同伴,赶过去支援玉烈艳 They only protect Yu Lieyan, will not help other Violet Sky Sect people. 她们只保护玉烈艳,并不会帮助紫天宗其他人。 Must unexpectedly this be a world of law of the jungle, is not the person kills you, is you kills people, only has the strength to speak, they not for Violet Sky Sect, but has not to tie the enmity with Heavy Sword Sect. 必竟这是一个弱肉强食的世界,不是人杀你,就是你杀人,唯有实力才能说话,她们也不会为了紫天宗而与重剑门结下不可结开之仇。 I kill off your women to take sword the Luo Baxing murderous intention gradually to reveal again, great sword first in hand strikes off toward Yu Lieyan. “我杀光你们这些娘们再取剑”罗霸兴杀机渐露,手中的巨剑第一个朝着玉烈艳砍去。 Yu Lian rushed for Yu Lieyan luckily promptly has kept off a sword. 幸好余莲及时赶到替玉烈艳挡了一剑。 But Yu Lian Half Step King Rank strength, although compared with it Luo Baxing on weak, is weakly will not be many. 余莲可是半步王阶的实力,虽然比之罗霸兴弱上一点,可是却不会弱太多。 Your can Charming Flame Sect disturb our Heavy Sword Sect matter?” Luo Baxing frowns to shout to clear the way. “你们炎媚宗要干扰我们重剑门的事?”罗霸兴皱着眉头喝道。 He worries, so Charming Flame Sect really forms an alliance with Violet Sky Sect, his situation is not wonderful! 他心里却是着急,如此炎媚宗真的与紫天宗结盟,那他的处境可不妙啊! Must Charming Flame Sect altogether also eight people, have Five Element Spirit Bead this Spirit Tool unexpectedly, but own Hidden Snake Sword actually lost, how can contend with others. 必竟炎媚宗这边一共还有八人,更有着五行灵珠这种灵器,而自己的隐蛇剑却丢失了,如何能抗衡人家呢。 We only protect this young lady, other people have nothing to do the Yu Lian sweet and delicate voice to say with us. “我们只保护这位小姐,其他人与我们无关”余莲娇声应道。 Good...... Good, I first killed other people Luo Baxing to comply with several again and again, the goal have killed again toward Ling Xiao, he wants to recapture Hidden Snake Sword to say immediately again. “好……好,我就先杀其他人”罗霸兴连连应了几声,目标再朝着凌笑杀去,他想在第一时间夺回隐蛇剑再说。 Looks at the sword!” The Bing Ruoshui ice sword punctures again and again, an intermittent ice flower such as awl thorn to Luo Baxing. “看剑!”冰若水冰剑连连刺去,一阵阵冰花如锥刺向了罗霸兴 Luo Baxing scolded one „is really annoying, this king first has killed you. 罗霸兴骂了一声“真是烦人,本王就先杀了你”。 However, when he must return the sword strikes to kill Bing Ruoshui, such as the fiery red whip shade of snake toward his waist entangles. 然而,就在他要回剑击杀冰若水之时,一道如蛇的火红鞭影向着他的腰间缠来。 Any thing!” Luo Baxing has gawked, looks at the red whip of waist! “什么东西!”罗霸兴愣了一下,看着腰间的红鞭! Senior Sister Ruoshui, is about to have killed him!” Wen Kedie that originally had not gotten rid of uses her Whip Tool to sneak attack successfully, Luo Baxing tying up. 若水师姐,快杀了他!”原来是一直没出手的温可蝶利用她的鞭器偷袭成功,把罗霸兴给捆住了。 Overreaching oneself Luo Baxing disdain looked at Wen Kedie, holds the red whip, makes an effort to fling, immediately the Wen Kedie petite body mounted the clouds and rode the mist to hit toward Bing Ruoshui immediately. “不自量力”罗霸兴不屑地看了一眼温可蝶,一把抓住红鞭,用力一甩,顿时温可蝶的娇小身躯立即腾云驾雾地朝着冰若水撞了过去。 When Bing Ruoshui sends incurs, a shadow toward her pounds. 冰若水正是发招之际,一道黑影朝着她砸来。 Two females all exude a deeply grieved sound, all fell one side. 两女皆发出一声惨痛之声,全摔到了一边去了。 Luo Baxing seizing the chance great sword kills, wanted one time to solve two females. 罗霸兴趁机巨剑杀去,欲一次解决了两女。 Where Yu Lieyan will flinch after Charming Flame Sect and other people, the whole body firepower cuts toward Luo Baxing. 玉烈艳哪会退缩在炎媚宗等人身后,全身火力朝罗霸兴斩去。 Yu Lian is ordered in Young Lady Wu Mei, must dial the sword to keep off before Luo Baxing reluctantly. 余莲受命于舞媚娘,只得无奈地拨剑挡在罗霸兴之前。 Bastard, manages well this young married woman, otherwise linked your me to kill Luo Baxing to retrocede, not indignant scolded. “混蛋,管好这婆娘,不然连你们我都杀了”罗霸兴后退了开来,非常不愤地骂道。 Yu Lian turns around to the Yu Lieyan [say / way] Young Lady Yu, you cross that side with us, has our Charming Flame Sect to guarantee you, forgives anyone unable to injure you. 余莲转身对玉烈艳道“玉小姐,你还是和我们过那边去吧,有我们炎媚宗保着你,谅谁也伤不着你”。 Fart, you can protect me, I am very grateful, but they are my Senior Brother Junior Sister, but my man also here, how I possibly discard them, you walk, goes back to tell Young Lady Mei, her regard I led Yu Lieyan to explode the thick mouth place to scold greatly, at the same time, the thin sword shook, went toward a Luo Baxing volume once more. “放屁,你们能来保护我,我很感激,但是他们才是我的师兄师妹,而我的男人还在这里,我怎么可能舍弃他们呢,你们走吧,回去告诉媚娘,她的心意我领了”玉烈艳大爆粗口地骂道,与此同时,细剑一抖,再次朝着罗霸兴袭卷而去。 On the Yu Lian face flashes through complex color, when she hesitates, Young Lady Wu Mei got rid. 余莲脸上闪过复杂之色,就在她犹豫之际,舞媚娘出手了。 Her injury restored five, can keep off before Yu Lieyan reluctantly. 她的伤势恢复了五层,勉强可以挡在玉烈艳之前。 Young Lady Mei you make way!” Yu Lieyan loudly exclaimed. 媚娘你让开!”玉烈艳大吼道。 Young Lady Wu Mei has not paid attention to her, but has turned around to the Luo Baxing [say / way] Brother Luo, gives me a face, lets off the Violet Sky Sect person. 舞媚娘没理会她,而是转过身对罗霸兴道“罗兄,给我个面子,放过紫天宗的人”。 Luo Baxing wrinkled brow [say / way] Young Lady Mei, do you want to manage this other people's business seriously?”. 罗霸兴皱了一下眉头道“媚娘,你当真要管这闲事?”。 Young Lady Mei is really helpless, but also asked Brother Luo to excuse me Young Lady Wu Mei to say lightly. 媚娘实属无奈,还请罗兄见谅”舞媚娘淡淡地应道。 Luo Baxing tightened the great sword in hand, silent one said that lets off them to be able, but, his assigned me to want!”. 罗霸兴紧了紧手中的巨剑,沉默了一下才道“放过他们可以,不过,他的命我一定要了!”。 Then, his sword is pointing at Ling Xiao, kills intent to be imposing. 说罢,他剑指着凌笑,杀意凛然。 You must kill him first to kill me Yu Lieyan and Bing Ruoshui simultaneously with one voice should say. “你要杀他就先杀了我”玉烈艳冰若水同时齐声应道。 Young Lady Wu Mei shot a look at Ling Xiao, looked at Yu Lieyan spooky [say / way] „the request of Brother Luo somewhat to be awkward!”. 舞媚娘瞥了一眼凌笑,又瞄了一眼玉烈艳才幽幽道“罗兄的要求有些为难啊!”。 Luo Baxing looks at Young Lady Wu Mei, saw only her to move slightly has killed intent, immediately was soft getting down [say / way] to look in your share, this matter on Forget About It, my Hidden Snake Sword must come back, in light of this friendly otherwise I will not conclude. 罗霸兴看着舞媚娘,只见她已经稍动了杀意,当即软了下来道“看在你的份上,这事就算了,不过我的隐蛇剑还是要回来的,不然我绝不会就此善干休的”。 Good, Hidden Snake Sword can return to you Young Lady Wu Mei quite simply should say. “好,隐蛇剑可以归还给你”舞媚娘相当干脆地应道。 Wants the sword, trades with your life!” You Ru came from nine nether world together the cloudy and cold sound sounds. “想要剑,拿你的命来换吧!”一道尤如来自九幽冥界的阴冷声音响了起来。
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