WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#333: This chapter was really is been miserable by the pit!

Chapter 333 this chapter was really is been miserable by the pit! 第333章这回真是被坑惨了! Also sees the end of the month, has not delivered the colored tube shoes to lift the hand ~~ hum ~~~ 又见月底,没送花的筒鞋们抬抬手吧~~呜呜~~~ Ping! 砰砰! Although five puppets cannot send out the Attribute attack, but their fighting method actually very goes all out, moreover they might be the High Rank King Rank strength, how otherwise one after another can also not destroy under Light Star Palace several Low Rank King Rank the bombardments of. 五具傀儡虽然不能散发属性攻击,可是它们打法却是十分拼命,而且它们生前有可能是高阶王阶的实力,要不然怎么在光星殿的几名低阶王阶的轮番轰击下还能没有毁灭。 Light Star Palace King Rank discovered when Young Lady Wu Mei must grasp the thing on that case stage, does not attend to behind puppet raising single-handed, a spirit strength goes toward the Young Lady Wu Mei bang. 一名光星殿王阶发现舞媚娘就要抓下那案台上的东西时,不顾身后的傀儡单手一扬,一股灵力朝着舞媚娘轰去。 Puff! 噗噗! Two blood simultaneously spray. 两口鲜血同时喷射而出。 One is Young Lady Wu Mei is attacked to spurt, one is that King Rank by the puppet after the severe wound. 一口是舞媚娘受袭喷出来的,一口则是那王阶被傀儡从后重伤的。 However that King Rank was also, dropped down that moment in oneself, caused completely the complete spirit strength a puppet bang resulted in the essence to be broken. 不过那王阶也算是了得,在自己倒下那一刻,使尽了全部的灵力把其中一具傀儡轰得粹碎。 Young Lady Wu Mei is injured, Tian Xing and Luo Baxing simultaneously restore the Pure Brightness, two people simultaneously on the thing toward that case stage grasp. 舞媚娘受伤,天星罗霸兴同时恢复清明,二人同时朝着那案台上的东西抓去。 ! 咻咻! In two people grasp to that case stage, strength of the powerful rebound shook them has drawn back several steps. 就在二人抓向那案台之时,一股强悍的反弹之力把两人震退了数步。 Two people in light of this will certainly not give up, simultaneously aims at that case stage to send out the attack using Spirit Tool. 二人当然不会就此罢休,同时利用灵器对准那案台发出攻击。 Bang! 轰隆! The banned light screen above case stage was shaken the powder. 案台之上的禁制光幕被震散。 Tian Xing and Luo Baxing also get rid. 天星罗霸兴同时出手。 Tian Xing takes is Azure Dragon Moon Beheading Sword and that Heavenly Dragon Shield, what Luo Baxing snatches is the animal skin volume and two bottles of Medicine Pill. 天星抢到手是的青龙斩月剑和那天龙盾,罗霸兴抢到的是兽皮卷和两瓶丹药 Ha Ha, finally has succeeded in obtaining, making me have a look at this is Spirit Tool of any rank Tian Xing face upwards has smiled one insanely, then made an effort to extract that Azure Dragon Moon Beheading Sword. “哈哈,终于到手了,让我看看这是什么级别的灵器天星仰天疯笑了一声,然后使劲抽出了那青龙斩月剑 A Azure Dragon brilliance splits presently, the beast shade appears in the midair together partly visible. 一幕青龙光华绽现,一道兽影若隐若现地出现在半空之中。 However although this beast shade looks like Dragon Image very much, but is actually far from the dragon, should say that is only the snake shade is more appropriate. 然而这兽影虽然很像龙影,可是却与龙相差甚远,应该说那只是蛇影更为贴切一些。 Ha Ha, the spirit sword in hand, takes Brother Luo Hidden Snake Sword, when the touchstone Tian Xing has smiled one again, brandishes Azure Dragon Moon Beheading Sword to attack toward Luo Baxing. “哈哈,灵剑在手,就拿罗兄隐蛇剑当试金石吧”天星再笑了一声,挥舞着青龙斩月剑朝着罗霸兴攻去。 Where Luo Baxing dares to neglect, that Azure Dragon Moon Beheading Sword should be Spirit Tool of higher equivalent, oneself did not need Hidden Snake Sword to resist has the dead end. 罗霸兴哪敢怠慢,那青龙斩月剑应该是更高等阶的灵器,自己不用隐蛇剑抵挡只有死路一条了。 You are also gawking doing , helping quickly!” Luo Baxing meets head-on while to the hanger-on same exclaimed. “你们还愣着干什么,快来帮忙啊!”罗霸兴一边迎战一边对着自己门下的同们吼道。 The Heavy Sword Sect person has attacked toward Tian Xing. 重剑门的人纷纷朝着天星这边攻了过去。 After Young Lady Wu Mei seizes the chance to hide being on record stage, quietly restores the injury. 舞媚娘趁机悄然躲在案台之后恢复伤势。 King Rank struck a moment ago, has made her receive not the small wound, wore High Rank Protection Armor, only then dead end. 刚才王阶一击,已经让她受了不小的伤,要不是自己身穿高阶卫甲,只有死路一条了。 Tian Xing Azure Dragon Moon Beheading Sword chopped maliciously on Luo Baxing Hidden Snake Sword. 天星青龙斩月剑狠狠地砍在了罗霸兴隐蛇剑上。 On the face of Tian Xing has wiped the smiling face that present must win, as if saw that Luo Baxing Hidden Snake Sword destroyed before him. 天星的脸上已经抹现了必胜的笑容,仿佛已经看到罗霸兴隐蛇剑毁在他面前了。 Luo Baxing is at heart in drop blood! 罗霸兴则是心里在滴血啊! Although this Hidden Snake Sword is not Spirit Tool of their town sect, may also be one of the three Spirit Tool knowing how things stand, such has destroyed, returning to Sect not to know how should transfer is good. 隐蛇剑虽说不是他们镇宗的灵器,可也是有数的三把灵器之一,就这么毁了,回到宗门可不知道该怎么交待才好了。 Spirit Tool interlocks, exudes dingdong the sound. 灵器交错,发出“叮当”之声。 And a sword by one point of two halves. 其中一剑被一分两半了。 But, breaks is not Hidden Snake Sword, but is that Azure Dragon Moon Beheading Sword. 可是,断的并非是隐蛇剑,而是那一把青龙斩月剑 Two people by this situation being shocked. 二人都被这情形给惊呆住了。 What matter is this? 这算啥回事啊? Is Azure Dragon Moon Beheading Sword 6th Grade Sect Heaven Suppressing Sect town sect Spirit Tool so will unable to withstand? 青龙斩月剑身为六品宗门镇天宗的镇宗灵器怎么会如此不堪呢? The only explanation, this Azure Dragon Moon Beheading Sword is false. 唯一的解释,此青龙斩月剑是假的。 No...... How can be this, impossible Tian Xing looks in unwillingly own hand that half breaks the sword to exclaim. “不……怎么会是这样呢,不可能的”天星非常不甘地看着自己手中那半截断剑吼道。 Luo Baxing gawked to recover quickly laughing [say / way] „, this ### color also dares to make my Hidden Snake Sword resist unexpectedly, acted recklessly seriously, Star Child tastes my Hidden Snake Sword true might. 罗霸兴愣了一下很快回过神来大笑道“哈哈,这种###色居然也敢让我隐蛇剑相抗,当真是不知死活,星子来尝尝我的隐蛇剑的真正威力吧”。 Then, Luo Baxing wields Hidden Snake Sword to go toward the Tian Xing bang. 说罢,罗霸兴挥着隐蛇剑朝着天星轰去。 Because Luo Baxing is Metal Attribute, cannot play the Hidden Snake Sword true might, but also compels the Tian Xing repeatedly falling dangerous situation. 由于罗霸兴金属性,根本没能发挥隐蛇剑的真正威力,不过也逼得天星屡陷险境。 Finally, Tian Xing evades not to be possible to evade, can only prevent using Heavenly Dragon Shield. 最后,天星避无可避,只能利用天龙盾阻挡。 Bang! 砰! What a pity, this Heavenly Dragon Shield is also false goods, by the spirit strength sword two halves of hidden snake danger, the Tian Xing chest was damaged directly, the whole person has flown upside down. 可惜,这天龙盾也是个假货色,直接被隐蛇险的灵力一剑两半,天星胸口受创,整个人倒飞了出去。 Ha Ha, Star Child you have today!” Luo Baxing laughs to say. “哈哈,星子你也有今天啊!”罗霸兴大笑道。 He is just about to strike to kill Tian Xing, Tian Xing haunches the body to yell that is slow, the animal skin axis and Medicine Pill on Brother Luo your hand should also be false. 他正要走过去击杀天星,天星撑起身子大叫道“慢着,罗兄你手上的兽皮轴和丹药应该也是假的”。 Listened to this saying, Luo Baxing to anchor the form stiffly, the expression. 听了这话,罗霸兴停住了身影,表情僵硬了起来。 He took out the animal skin axis to hit from Spatial Ring rapidly, discovered that in anything did not have unexpectedly, put out that Medicine Pill to open the bottle cap again, only then air/Qi of corrosion passed on. 紧接着,他迅速从空间戒之中取出了兽皮轴打了开来,发现里面居然啥都没有,再拿出那丹药打开了瓶盖,只有一股腐蚀之气传出来。 Mother, was deceived!” Luo Baxing throws the different thing, obloquies to say. “娘的,被骗了!”罗霸兴把两样东西一扔,大骂道。 Bang! 轰隆! At this time, Light Star Palace several King Rank have made final mediation with that puppet. 这时,光星殿的几名王阶与那傀儡做了最后的了断。 Burns the miracle cure time arrived, four King Rank turned into the body of disabled person, the body has poured in pulling out that the ground kept gathers, the appearance seemed to be old for several years. 燃灵丹的时候已到,四名王阶变成了残废之躯,身体倒在地上不停的抽蓄,样子似乎老了十几年。 But that several puppets have three to be destroyed, two became the four limbs not entire, the battle efficiency gathers anxiously the drop, Heavy Sword Sect was also struck simultaneously to kill three people, other people were all seriously injured. 而那几具傀儡有三具被毁,还有两具已经变得四肢不全了,战斗力急聚下降,同时重剑门这边还被击杀了三人,其余人皆受了重伤。 Stopped Luo Baxing also to the puppet that continued to attack call out to that two to me. “给我住手”罗霸兴对着那两具还要继续进攻的傀儡叫道。 This time competed is owes seriously in a big way. 此次争夺当真是亏大了。 The death that Three Sects troops, dying, the wound wound, the group have the Charming Flame Sect strength to preserve completely. 三宗人马,死的死,伤的伤,一行人只有炎媚宗的实力保存得完整。 Light Star Palace has folded two people, four people also turned into the disabled person, but also two were also seriously injured, was Tian Xing of team leader is injured also heavily. 光星殿折了二人,有四人也变成废人了,还有两人也受了重伤,身为领队的天星受伤也不轻。 Heavy Sword Sect had been cut three puppets by Light Star Palace several King Rank, has killed four people, three people that in addition before this dies, now only then two and Luo Baxing go on living. 重剑门光星殿的几名王阶斩了三具傀儡,杀了四人,再加上此前死的三人,如今只有两人和罗霸兴活下去。 Three Sects hits gets rid greatly, but struggles is actually the counterfeit goods. 三宗打大出手,可是争到手的却是假货。 This chapter was really is been miserable by the pit! 这回真是被坑惨了! Mother Luo Baxing was driven beyond the limits of forbearance, wields Hidden Snake Sword to rumble toward that statue in the past. “娘的”罗霸兴忍无可忍,挥着隐蛇剑朝着那雕像轰了过去。 An explosion, the statue becomes scattered about, the smashing cannot withstand. 一声爆炸,雕像变得七零八落,粉碎不堪。 Look...... It seems like here thing early was taken away by others, this time waiting for the price was too high under the Tian Xing clothing/taking Medicine Pill to mutter said. “看……看来这里的东西早已经被别人拿走了,这次的待价太高了”天星服下丹药喃喃地说道。 This coming out is the Sect young elites, almost folded here, in the end anything could not obtain, he in drop blood! 此次出来的都是宗门的年青精英,几乎都折在这里了,到头来什么都得不到,他心里在滴血啊! Luo Baxing is also similarly uncomfortably. 罗霸兴也是同样难受不已。 Here, Young Lady Wu Mei drags the severe wound body rapidly to flee toward downstairs. 就在这里,舞媚娘拖着自己重伤的身体迅速朝着楼下窜去。 Tian Xing and Luo Baxing have also discovered that but they are also disinclined to make anything, must the strength preservation of Charming Flame Sect quite be unexpectedly complete, if aggravates Young Lady Wu Mei to go all out this with them not to be worth. 天星罗霸兴也发现了,不过他们也懒得去做什么,必竟炎媚宗的实力保存相当完整,万一惹火了舞媚娘与他们拼命这就不值得了。 Ling Xiao also knows that this matter must come to the end, the look took a fast look around the disorderly pavilion, turned around. 凌笑也知道此事要告一段落了,眼神扫视了一下凌乱的楼阁,也转身下去了。 Luo Baxing also saw certainly departure Ling Xiao, immediately took several Medicine Pill, received oneself that two puppets, summoned own two companions to pursue. 罗霸兴当然也看到了离开的凌笑,当即服下了几颗丹药,收起了自己那两具傀儡,又召唤自己的两名同伴追了下去。 Luo Baxing is in three team leaders consumes few, is injured lightly, he cannot make Ling Xiao live now is leaving here. 罗霸兴是三名领队中消耗最少的,受伤最轻的,他现在绝不能让凌笑活着离开这里。 Who called Ling Xiao is first to the person who he applied makeup. He does not kill the Ling Xiao oath is not a person. 谁叫凌笑是第一个对他打脸的人呢。他不杀凌笑誓不为人。 However, Luo Baxing knows fierce of Ling Xiao, let alone Ling Xiao has not been injured, the words that puts together hardly, possibly do not ask for well, can only choose other method except him. 不过,罗霸兴知道凌笑的厉害,何况凌笑并没有受伤,硬拼的话,可能讨不好去,只能选择别的方法除去他了。 Makes your Violet Sky Sect person live is leaving here, my Luo Baxing name writes Luo Baxing to reveal the color of hatred in reverse, at heart dark bypass. “让你们紫天宗的人活着离开这里,我罗霸兴的名字倒过来写”罗霸兴露出怨毒之色,心里暗付道。 Tian Xing did not worry to restore here, stands up the body to look at the companion who that four took to burn the miracle cure. 天星也不着急在这里恢复,站起了身子看了一眼那四名服用燃灵丹的同伴。 They consume now many, has fainted. 他们现在消耗过多,都晕了过去。 Oh, this sacrifice was unworthy in the Tian Xing eye to flash through almost does not abandon, then also said that you can live are also being a burden, might as well make this little help you extricate. Then, in the hand raises slightly, several such as the ray of blade edge toward shooting four people cut to go. “唉,此次牺牲太不值了”天星眼目之中闪过几乎不舍,接着又道“你们就算能活着也是一种负担,不如让本少帮你们解脱吧”。说罢,手里微微一扬,几道如刃的光芒朝着射着的四人切割而去。 Light Star Palace these four people, were Sect do to write up the big sacrifice, to dying did not know by own person injury. 光星殿的这四人,为宗门做出具大的牺牲,到死都不知道是被自己的人伤害的。 Light Star Palace Half Step King Rank that two had not died saw that this was frightened to be in a cold sweat, for fear that Tian Xing will start to them. 那两名还没死去的光星殿半步王阶看到这一幕都被吓出了冷汗,生怕天星会对他们下手。 One of them said Young Master timidly, you...... You have forgiven us!”. 其中一人怯怯地说道“少主,你……你饶了我们吧!”。 Tian Xing curling the lip [say / way] of felt relieved that you are injured, cannot restore like them, returns to Sect I certainly to Sect Master Report this time process, will make in the sect carry on the reward compensation to you. 天星撇了撇嘴道“放心吧,你们只是受伤,又不是像他们这样恢复不了,回到宗门我一定向宗主禀报这次的经过,会让宗里对你们进行奖励补偿的”。 Two people one happy, immediately is kowtowing to Tian Xing says many thanks Young Master with one voice!”. 二人一喜,当即对着天星磕头齐声道“多谢少主!”。 Gets up, this time does not have achieved nothing Tian Xing said that dragging the injured body to go down the building. “起来吧,这次也不是都一无所获的”天星说了一声,拖着受伤的身体走下了楼去。 After Young Lady Wu Mei went to the pavilion, immediately returns to the middle of own camp to order you Protector to me, I must therapy. Then, she handed over in an old female hand also to say Sister Lian Five Element Spirit Bead, it gave you, provided against contingencies. 舞媚娘下了楼阁之后,立即回到自己的阵营当中下令道“你们给我护法,我要疗伤”。接着,她把五行灵珠交到了一名年纪稍长的女子手中又说“莲姐,它就交给你了,以防万一”。 This...... This how line is called the Sister Lian woman beckons with the hand to say again and again. “这……这怎么行”被称为莲姐的女人连连摆手说道。 This is the order, is makes you take it to protect me and his her sisters uses, you think that anything Young Lady Wu Mei has one prestige word that allows to resist not to say. “这是命令,是让你拿着它保护我和其她姐妹用的,你多想什么”舞媚娘产生一股不容抗拒的威言说道。 Yu Lian only seriously received Five Element Spirit Bead. 余莲只才郑重地接过了五行灵珠 Must know Five Element Spirit Bead always can only by Charming Flame Sect below can have for the successor, now Young Lady Wu Mei hands over in her hand, this makes her feel to fear the fear. 要知道五行灵珠一向只能由炎媚宗的下代传人才能持有,如今舞媚娘交到她手中,这才让她感恐惶。 Did not mean that hands over in her hand is makes her make future Sect Master, but is Young Lady Wu Mei to her one absolute trust. 并不是说交到她手中就是让她做未来的宗主,而是舞媚娘对她的一种绝对的信任。 In the Yu Lian heart is believes the gratitude to Young Lady Wu Mei. 余莲心中对舞媚娘更是信服感激不已。 Yu Lieyan walked to worry that looks Young Lady Wu Mei did ask Young Lady Mei you to be all right?”. 玉烈艳走了过来担忧地看着舞媚娘问道“媚娘你没事吧?”。 I am all right, will receive the point to receive, rests one on to be good Young Lady Wu Mei to smile to say pale. “我没事,就受了点受,休息一会就好了”舞媚娘淡笑应道。 You rested Yu Lieyan to say quickly anxiously, then the look somewhat hesitated, as if also had anything to say. “那你快休息吧”玉烈艳紧张地说了一句,接着神色有些犹豫,似乎还有什么想说的。 Young Lady Wu Mei sees through the Yu Lieyan thoughts, immediately unfolds Yan to say with a smile he to be all right, behind you look. 舞媚娘一眼看穿玉烈艳的心思,当即展颜笑道“他没事,你看后面”。 Yu Lieyan is greatly embarrassed, then has turned around, saw only the form to walk together fast. 玉烈艳大窘,接着转过身去,只见一道身影快速走了过来。 Smiles, you were all right to ask the Yu Lieyan half step to the Ling Xiao side concern. “笑,你没事吧”玉烈艳快步到了凌笑身边关切问道。 In the pavilion came out a moment ago an intermittent astonishing bombing sound, she was frightened the startled heart and gall to tremble, for fear that Ling Xiao had an accident. 刚才楼阁之内出来一阵阵惊人的轰炸声,她被吓得惊心胆颤的,生怕凌笑出事。 Violet Sky Sect other people have also been concerned the regards. 紫天宗的其他人也跟着走了过来关切问候。 In Ling Xiao heart one warm, immediately should say that I was all right, making you be worried, we walked, inside anything has not been worth yearning for. 凌笑心中一暖,当即应道“我没事,让你们担心了,我们走吧,里面已经没有什么值得留恋了”。 Smiles, we wait / etc. Young Lady Mei she Yu Lieyan said. “笑,我们等等媚娘她吧”玉烈艳说道。 This...... Good, I had a look at Senior Brother Yan and Senior Brother Zhao Ling Xiao looked at a Charming Flame Sect person, hesitant one should say. “这……好吧,我去看看严师兄赵师兄凌笑看了一眼炎媚宗的人,犹豫了一下应道。 Yan Ze and Zhao Nan injury is quite serious, if cannot treat and cure promptly, only feared that will have not the small influence to the future. 严泽赵楠伤势颇重,如果没能及时救治,只怕会对将来造成不小的影响。 Ling Xiao squatted to examine their injury, then took out two jars from Spatial Ring. 凌笑蹲了下来查看了一下他们的伤势,接着从空间戒之中取出了两只瓶子。 In this jar Sheng has precious Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid. 这瓶子内盛有珍贵的万年石乳液
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