WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#332: Competition

Chapter 332 competes 第332章争夺 Three Parts Return Yuan Qi of Ling Xiao within the body branches out several wisps of ice cold meanings, making him restore soberly. 凌笑体内的三分归元气分出几缕冰寒之意,使他恢复了清醒。 Automatic of Three Parts Return Yuan Qi protects the main ability is quite good. 三分归元气的自动护主能力还是相当不错的。 Ling Xiao has spread out with Young Lady Wu Mei vigilantly, the still have lingering fear is thinking at heart, if Young Lady Wu Mei seized the chance to start to cope with him a moment ago, only feared that he awfully fell at the scene. 凌笑警惕地与舞媚娘拉开了距离,心里犹有余悸地想着,要是刚才舞媚娘趁机下手对付他,只怕他就要命陨当场了。 Simultaneously felt the Young Lady Wu Mei charming method wisely too to be simply more than it Yu Lieyan, this was his first time is led astray truly. 同时感受到了舞媚娘的媚惑手段简直比之玉烈艳高明太多了,这可是他第一次真正地受迷惑了。 The Young Lady Wu Mei beautiful pupil jumped lightly, surprise Ling Xiao got rid of her to charm the big law at heart unexpectedly, this as if should not! 舞媚娘美眸轻跳了一下,心里诧异凌笑居然摆脱了她的媚惑大法,这似乎不应该啊! Junior Brother, how didn't you then say?” Young Lady Wu Mei has been close to a Ling Xiao point, the jade refers to gently a stroke on the arm of Ling Xiao, this is the fan refuses stubbornly with ganging up of time simply. 师弟,你怎么不接着说下去了?”舞媚娘又挨近了凌笑一分,玉指轻轻在凌笑的手臂上一划,这简直是迷死不用倍的勾搭。 If there is changed other man, only feared that must be cancelled including the soul. 要是换了别的男人,只怕连魂都要被勾走了。 Ling Xiao feels on the arm smooth exquisite, the spirit strength in within the body somewhat spurts to open once more, he early is prepared luckily, the whole body all luck the Ice Attribute spirit strength, the whole person became calm incomparable. 凌笑感受到手臂上的柔滑细腻,体内的灵力再次有些喷张,幸好他早有准备,全身皆运气了冰属性灵力,整个人变得冷静无比。 Senior Sister, does not come up, the above thing may not have Ling Xiao to say with the expression of being aloof, no longer paid attention to Young Lady Wu Mei, the stride walked toward the top layer. 师姐,再不上去,上面的东西可就没有了”凌笑用拒人千里的语气说了一句,不再理会舞媚娘,大步地朝着顶层走了上去。 Young Lady Wu Mei has gawked, did not have the reason to stamp lightly has put one's foot down angry [say / way] little smart-aleck, sooner or later tidied up you. 舞媚娘愣了一下,没来由轻跺了一下脚气恼道“小滑头,迟早收拾你”。 Then, waved, leading a daughter to follow. 说罢,挥了挥手,带着一干女将跟了上去。 Here is the most attic in pavilion. 这里已经是楼阁的最顶楼了。 Three Sects gets together, but some population actually deviations. 三宗齐聚,不过人数方面却有些偏差了。 Light Star Palace died a person, severe wound they \; Charming Flame Sect, died they, a severely wounded person, a minor wound person \; Heavy Sword Sect, died they, severely wounded three people \; Three Sects altogether remains here also has 25 people. 光星殿死了一人,重伤两人\;炎媚宗,死了两人,重伤一人,轻伤一人\;重剑门,死了两人,重伤三人\;三宗一共留在这里的还有25人。 Violet Sky Sect, only then standing of Ling Xiao loner finally. 紫天宗这边,就只有凌笑孤家寡人的站在最后。 In the attic, is all different to first several buildings, here appears is more dignified. 在顶楼,与前几楼皆不一样,这里显得要庄严许多。 Most central has statue of one millennium magnetite in the pavilion. This statue is very giant, has a yet higher goal to be so high fully, what statue vulture is a middle-aged man, this male prestige Wu Bufan (Extraordinary Military), the left hand holds handle Azure Dragon Moon Beheading Sword, the right hand holds Heavenly Dragon Shield, among the looks is passing an aggression of looking disdainfully world, as if he is a deity, on may fight the immortal deicide, gets down to extinguish the ghost to cut the demon. 在楼阁最中央有一尊千年玄石的雕像。这雕像十分巨大,整整有一层楼那么高,雕像雕的是一名中年男子,这男子威武不凡,左手持一柄青龙斩月剑,右手持天龙盾,神色间透着一股睥睨天下的霸气,仿佛他就是一尊天神,上可战仙杀神,下可灭鬼斩魔。 People all by the elegant demeanor of this statue attracting. 众人皆被这雕像的风采给吸引住了。 Tian Xing does not have the reason to say with a sigh so the imposing manner, the so crazy tyrant condition, the reality is I and other models of later generation. 天星没来由叹息道“如此才气势,如此狂霸之态,实乃我等后辈之楷模”。 Then, he approached that statue unexpectedly slightly good a ritual. 说罢,他居然微微向那雕像行了一礼。 Young Lady Wu Mei approves sound track such hero character, thinks that establishes the Heaven Suppressing Sect senior, really makes the person admire. 舞媚娘赞声道“此等英雄人物,想必是建立镇天宗的前辈吧,真是让人仰慕”。 Luo Baxing some disdain looked at Tian Xing one, pays at heart darkly will make an affectation of. 罗霸兴有些不屑地看了天星一眼,心里暗付“就会惺惺作态”。 After the person admires the statue in the presence of everyone, before gradually moved the case stage of statue , the vision. 当众人仰慕完雕像后,才逐渐把目光挪到了雕像的案台之前。 Sees only there to consecrate four types of things. 只见那里供奉着四样东西。 Azure Dragon Moon Beheading Sword that such as the statue carves, another deep green Heavnely Dragon Shield, a plain animal skin book axis, other another two install the Medicine Pill jar. 一把如雕像所刻的青龙斩月剑,另有一只深绿的天龙盾牌,一本古朴的兽皮书轴,其余另有两装丹药的瓶子。 Four types of things so are red. The bare bare land is placed in front of the people. 四样东西就如此赤.裸裸地摆在众人面前。 The people vision just fell, the saliva has swallowed several. 众人目光刚落下,口水都不禁咽了几下。 In all person hearts all believes that this absolutely is true Spirit Treasure. 所有人心中皆认为,这绝对是真正的灵宝 Before must unexpectedly being on record stage , the banned light screen that sends out actually cannot have the vacation. 必竟在案台前散发的禁制光幕却是不能有假的。 Two, four types of treasures, you said how at present we should divide?” Tian Xing hangs is smiling to look that pale Young Lady Wu Mei and Luo Baxing asked. “二位,眼前有四样宝物,你说我们该怎么分呢?”天星挂着淡笑看着舞媚娘罗霸兴问道。 Looks at his appearance, seemed confident. 看他样子,似乎已经胸有成竹了。 Young Lady Wu Mei has not opened the mouth, Luo Baxing face upwards says with a smile crazily Star Child, Young Lady Mei I urged you to be the little darlings draw back, here thing our Heavy Sword Sect all wanted. 舞媚娘还没开口,罗霸兴就仰天狂笑道“星子,媚娘我劝你们还是乖乖都退下吧,这里的东西我们重剑门全要了”。 Oh, is Brother Luo so seriously self-confident?” Young Lady Wu Mei slightly stunned [say / way]. “噢,罗兄当真如此自信?”舞媚娘微微错愕道。 It seems like the Brother Luo appetite is not small, be careful was supported badly Tian Xing to narrow the eyes to focus to say. “看来罗兄的胃口不小嘛,当心被撑坏了”天星眯着眼说道。 Ha Ha, Star Child and Young Lady Wu, you were attractive I to prepare anything Luo Baxing to face upward to you to laugh wildly, Hidden Snake Sword in hand simultaneously appeared in the hand, in addition follows five forms. “哈哈,星子舞娘,你们好好看看我给你们准备了什么”罗霸兴仰天狂笑了一下,手中的隐蛇剑同时出现在手中,另外还伴随着五道身影。 These five forms unexpectedly are also the puppets, but compared it the puppet in next building to want on to plan a moment ago weakly, above the forehead had four traces, obviously was the King Rank puppet. 这五道身影居然也是傀儡,只不过比之刚才在下一楼中的傀儡要弱上一筹,额头之上只有四道纹路,显然是王阶的傀儡。 When enters this mystical place, all achieves the King Rank above powerhouse is all impossible to come. 进这秘境之时,所有达到王阶以上的强者皆是不可能进来的。 Therefore, achieves the Half Step King Rank strength in this mystical place is strongest. 所以,在这秘境之中达到半步王阶的实力已经是最强的了。 Naturally, Ling Xiao he is only an exception. 当然,凌笑他只是一个例外。 However, now in Luo Baxing Spatial Ring early had five King Rank puppets, obviously has completed the plan to here thing having sole possession of before this mystical place. 然而,如今罗霸兴空间戒之中早有了五具王阶傀儡,显然在进这次秘境之前已经做好了打算要把这里的东西给独吞了。 Luo Baxing is also endures patiently astonishingly, so was ridiculed a moment ago the insult not to put unexpectedly the puppet by Ling Xiao, now puts, the obvious plan must catch the whole lot in a dragnet. 罗霸兴也算是忍耐惊人,刚才被凌笑如此讥讽欺辱居然都没把傀儡放出来,如今才放出来,显然打算是要一网打尽了。 When these puppets appear, Tian Xing and Young Lady Wu Mei complexion all changes. 当这些傀儡出现时,天星舞媚娘脸色皆是一变。 Who can think that Luo Baxing hides such depth unexpectedly. 谁能想到罗霸兴居然隐藏得如此之深呢。 You draw back immediately, here all turned over to our Heavy Sword Sect, otherwise...... Does not take it ill me not to be impolite Luo Baxing very proud Proud of Oneself to say. “你们立即退出去,这里全归我们重剑门了,不然……休怪我不客气了”罗霸兴十分自傲得意地说道。 Brother Luo thinks seriously ate to decide us?” Tian Xing wipes the present cloudy and cold smiling face to say suddenly. 罗兄当真以为吃定我们了吗?”天星忽然抹现一把阴冷的笑容说道。 „Does Star Child want to taste my these puppets really fierce?” Luo Baxing said with something else in mind. 星子难道真想尝尝我这些傀儡的厉害?”罗霸兴不以为然地说道。 Although Tian Xing has Silver Falcon Mirror Spirit Tool, but a moment ago when coped with the Earth Emperor Rank puppet to consume many spirit strength, must urge the energy that the round of Spirit Tool attack needed to be enormous again, expected that Tian Xing was unable to use many times, but in his hand also had Hidden Snake Sword to cope with him to be good. 虽然天星有着银隼镜灵器,可是刚才在对付地皇阶傀儡的时候已经消耗不少灵力,要再催发灵器攻击所需要的能量极大,料想天星已经没能使用多少次了,而他手中也有隐蛇剑要对付他还是行的。 Must think her to be tactful as for Young Lady Wu Mei. 至于舞媚娘就要看她识不识趣了。 Hey, only wants to take a thing to be better than you, Brother Luo you were too what a pity corrupt, since we also want to want Tian Xing to hang like this are sneering saying that simultaneously nodded toward several people of own side gently. “嘿嘿,本来只想比你们多取一件东西就好了,可惜罗兄你太贪了,既然这样我们也想全要了”天星挂着冷笑说着,同时向着自己身边的几人轻轻点了点头。 That several people responded, in hand from were respectively many several Medicine Pill. 那几人回应了一下,手中自各多了几颗丹药 The Luo Baxing corner of the eye selects, as if thought that after Light Star Palace should have anything is good, therefore loudly exclaims „to me on, has killed them. 罗霸兴眼角一挑,似乎觉得光星殿应该还有什么好后,于是大吼道“全给我上,杀了他们”。 Luo Baxing this saying just fell, Young Lady Wu Mei leads the Sect disciple to retrocede again and again. 罗霸兴这话刚落下,舞媚娘带着自己宗门的弟子连连后退。 Ha Ha, come Tian Xing laughed, Silver Falcon Mirror in hand has sent out one group of formidable energy One Step Ahead bang to approach the Heavy Sword Sect that side. “哈哈,来吧”天星大笑了一声,手中的银隼镜散发出一团强大的能量先一步轰向了重剑门那边去。 Hidden Snake Sword in Luo Baxing hand also promptly wielded formidable hot glow. 罗霸兴手中的隐蛇剑也及时挥出了一道强大的火芒。 Bang! 轰隆! The prestige of Spirit Tool bumped into, shakes entire to sit the pavilion to rock. 灵器之威相撞,震得整坐楼阁都晃动了起来。 At this time, near Light Star Palace that four has not achieved Half Step King Rank High Rank Spirit Master simultaneously to take Medicine Pill. 就在这时候,光星殿边那四名没达到半步王阶高阶灵师同时服下了丹药 When Medicine Pill clothing/taking next at that moment, several formidable spirit strength toward them turbulent, the bunch of energy rays reflected to shine entire sat the pavilion. 丹药服下那一刻,几股强大的灵力向着他们汹涌了过来,一团团能量光芒映亮了整坐楼阁。 In the moments, their strengths unexpectedly has only achieved Low Rank King Rank to cultivate is. 只在片刻之间,他们的实力居然已经达到了低阶王阶修为。 Quick...... Has killed them to me the Luo Baxing as if meaning to anything quickly, hurries to urge that the puppet gets rid. “快……快给我杀了他们”罗霸兴似乎意思到了什么,赶紧催促傀儡出手。 Five puppets all rapid threw toward Light Star Palace. 五具傀儡皆迅速朝着光星殿这边扑了过去。 Come, is your puppet is fierce, my King Rank was fierce Tian Xing to call one, did not pay attention to own companion, the independence has plundered toward that case stage. “来吧,是你的傀儡厉害,还是我的王阶厉害”天星叫了一声,也不理会自己的同伴,独立朝着那案台掠了过去。 Does not do to prevail, this all was my Luo Baxing roars one, Hidden Snake Sword punctured toward Tian Xing. “休要得逞,这全是我的”罗霸兴吼了一声,隐蛇剑朝着天星刺了过去。 Ping! 砰砰! The tangled warfare breaks out instantaneously. 混战瞬间爆发。 Light Star Palace and Heavy Sword Sect war in the same place, yielding and withdrawing of Charming Flame Sect. 光星殿重剑门大战在一起,炎媚宗的退避三舍。 Mei'er, what to do should we?” A Charming Flame Sect female asked toward Young Lady Wu Mei, among the looks was passing the color of thick worry. 媚儿,我们该怎么办?”一名炎媚宗的女子向着舞媚娘问道,神色间透着浓浓的担忧之色。 Perhaps Young Lady Wu Mei revealed unprecedented dignified feeling to flatter day not to use colorfully certainly, can only have a look whether to pick ready-made Ping Yi (Small Adventage). 舞媚娘露出了前所未有的凝重感“艳媚天绝阵恐怕是用不上了,只能看看能否捡点现成的平宜了”。 Flatters day certainly colorfully is Charming Flame Sect one big of holding one spellbound, can make any man fall into from cannot dial, when the time comes can let butcher by them. 艳媚天绝阵是炎媚宗的一种摄魂夺魄的大阵,可以让任何男人陷入自中不能自拨,到时候就可以让由她们宰割了。 Now Light Star Palace and Heavy Sword Sect, presented the major accident. 只是如今光星殿重剑门这边,出现了重大的变故。 The Light Star Palace person took obviously banned pill to burn the miracle cure, enabling military to achieve the King Rank strength instantaneously, although was only the short quarter, but also enough changed all. 光星殿的人明显是服用了禁丹燃灵丹,使武者在瞬间达到王阶的实力,虽然只是短短一刻钟,但也足够改变一切了。 Heavy Sword Sect is five does not have the life puppet. 重剑门这边却是五具毫无生命的傀儡。 Their colorfulness flattered day not to play to them certainly any does with. 她们的艳媚天绝阵对他们跟本不会起到任何做用了。 In the Young Lady Wu Mei heart is actually criticizes itself to lose Forget About It. 舞媚娘心中却是暗骂自己失算了 „It is not good, they the dozen toward us that female have called out in alarm said. “不好,他们朝我们这边打过来了”那名女子惊呼道。 Young Lady Wu Mei bit Bei Chi to order you to draw back lightly first. 舞媚娘轻咬了一下贝齿下令道“你们先退出去”。 Then, Five Element Spirit Bead appears in hand, spirit strength ###, the scalding hot fire kept off before a puppet and a Light Star Palace disciple once more colorfully instantaneously. 说罢,五行灵珠出现在手中,灵力再次###,灼热的火艳瞬间挡在了一具傀儡和一名光星殿的弟子之前。 She such does has the time of retreating for oneself companion. 她这么做只是为了自己同伴有退走的时间。 After a move, the Young Lady Wu Mei look becomes pale incomparable, immediately pulls out under the Medicine Pill clothing/taking. 一招过后,舞媚娘神色变得苍白无比,立即又掏出丹药服下。 Her Half Step King Rank strength stimulates to movement 6th Rank Middle Rank Spirit Tool to consume is much bigger than it Tian Xing and Luo Baxing. 半步王阶的实力催动六阶中阶灵器所消耗要比之天星罗霸兴大得多。 Young Lady Wu Mei had not planned that contact with Tian Xing palace King Rank and puppet, displays the step of crafty intent to throw toward the case stage. 舞媚娘没打算与天星殿的王阶和傀儡接触,施展出诡意的步伐朝着案台扑去。 In a corner, Ling Xiao retreats slowly backward. 一个角落中,凌笑慢慢地向后退去。 Now here tactical situation is intense exceptionally, is not he can fish in troubled waters, moreover he always thought that the thing of that case stage suspended obviously, as if did not fear was stolen really by others. 如今这里战况激烈异常,还不是他能混水摸鱼的时候,况且他总觉得那案台的东西摆得太明显了,似乎真不怕被别人劫走似的。 What a pity, Ling Xiao just about to retreats, Heavy Sword Sect had two Half Step King Rank to surround toward Ling Xiao. 可惜,凌笑刚要退走,重剑门有两名半步王阶朝着凌笑包围了过来。 Now Heavy Sword Sect are many five puppet population to have occupied superiorly, therefore they had enough manpower to leap to strike to kill Ling Xiao. 如今重剑门这边多了五具傀儡人数方面占优,所以他们已经有足够人手腾出来击杀凌笑了。 I urged you to help your Young Master, his danger!” Ling Xiao referred to that side case stage saying with ease. “我劝你们还是帮帮你们的少主,他危险啊!”凌笑指了指案台那边轻松地说道。 Now that side case stage, has joining of Young Lady Wu Mei, became crafty intent many. 如今案台那边,有着舞媚娘的加入,变得诡意得多了。 Three people unexpectedly completely to fight. 三人居然全部罢战了。 Sees only Young Lady Wu Mei as if to jump is only confusing the dance of sex appeal, made that Tian Xing and Luo Baxing two people were all in a stew for her. 只见舞媚娘似乎在跳着唯迷性感的舞蹈,弄得天星罗霸兴二人皆为她着迷了。 Star Child, Brother Luo do not hit good, others are quite afraid!” Young Lady Wu Mei said timidly that simultaneously turns such as the waist of snake, the colored ribbon is keeping fluttering, the fine gauze gradually solves, the fragrant myo- desire reveals, the whole body sends out countless tempting. Being puzzled. 星子,罗兄你们不要打了好不好,人家好害怕啊!”舞媚娘怯怯地说道,同时扭着如蛇的腰肢,彩带不停地飘扬,轻纱渐解,香肌欲露,浑身散发出数不尽的诱.惑。 Luckily the Ling Xiao time is maintaining vigilant, a Ice Attribute time was calmed down by oneself, but faces Young Lady Wu Mei to tempt. Is puzzled the full time, thought that own Ice Attribute almost could not constrain that impulsive desire of innermost feelings. 幸好凌笑时刻保持着警惕,一身冰属性时刻让自己冷静下来,但是面对舞媚娘诱.惑全开的时候,都觉得自己的冰属性差点压抑不住内心的那一股冲动的欲望了。 But that two Heavy Sword Sect disciple was needless saying that each one stared the eye, the throat knot is keeping rolling greatly. 而那两名重剑门的弟子更是不用说了,个个都瞪大着眼睛,咙结不停地滚动着。 Other Light Star Palace and Heavy Sword Sect some disciples were led astray similarly, unexpectedly stops the fight in abundance. 其他光星殿重剑门的一些弟子同样受了迷惑,居然纷纷停下战斗。 Only some that five puppets and four Light Star Palace disciple who takes has burnt the miracle cure had not felt quite the same as that fights exceptionally intensely. 唯有那五具傀儡和四名服了燃灵丹的光星殿弟子浑然没感觉,战得异常激烈。
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