WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#331: Destruction puppet

Chapter 331 destruction puppet 第331章毁灭傀儡 Thank „the ku show book this ntwm three book friends to hit to enjoy ~~ 感谢“ku展”“书此”“ntwm”三位书友打赏~~ The puppet speed is quick, disregards the Attribute attack that these stacks came directly. 傀儡的速度很快,直接无视了那些堆积而来的属性攻击。 Not a gaudy fist has pounded toward recent Yan Ze. 毫无花哨的一拳朝着最近的严泽砸了过去。 ! 啊! In situation that Yan Ze did not respond, a fist spat several jin (0.5 kg) blood, the whole person flew upside down far away, unknown whereabouts. 严泽根本毫无反应的情况下,一拳被吐了好几斤血,整个人倒飞出老远,生死不明。 Which the fist of Earth Emperor Rank powerhouse is such easily can endure, even if King Rank cannot endure, let alone Spirit Master? 地皇阶强者的一拳哪是这么轻易可以吃得消的,哪怕是王阶都吃不消,何况灵师呢? Yan Ze Zhao Nan sees Yan Ze to be damaged gives a loud shout immediately, then roared I to destroy you, in the hand the long bayonet has approached the puppet waist. 严泽赵楠严泽受创立即大喝一声,接着又吼了一声“我毁了你”,手中长枪刺向了傀儡的腰间。 But, he discovered that one like thorn above steel plate, exudes one biting the sound, completes to have no way to puncture with the puppet body, suddenly greatly startles. 可是,他发现自己就像刺在了钢板之上,发出一声“叮”之声,完成没法刺与傀儡的身体,一时间大骇。 Must leave to retrocede in him, the puppet fist has pounded. 正在他要抽身后退之时,傀儡的拳头已经砸了过来。 Puff! 噗! The Zhao Nan chest layer on layer came a fist, the chest place to sink, a blood sprays, the whole person such as Yan Ze generally flew. 赵楠胸口被重重地来了一拳,胸口处都凹了进去,一口鲜血喷洒,整个人又如严泽一般飞了出去。 Other Violet Sky Sect disciples have not flinched, use the full Attribute attack bang on the puppet. 其余紫天宗弟子也没有退缩,一道道倾尽全力的属性攻击轰在傀儡身上。 Bang! 轰隆! The puppet does not understand instead hides, has eaten the attack according to single Quan. 傀儡跟本不懂得反躲,照单全吃了进攻。 Should destroy Wen Kedie still have lingering fear to sigh lightly. “应该毁了吧”温可蝶犹有余悸地轻叹道。 However, when all smog dissipate, that black such as the puppet of devil still stood in same place, does not have the slight damage. 然而,当所有烟雾消散,那黑如魔鬼的傀儡仍然站在原地,没有丝毫的损伤。 It called strange one, the whole person flushed toward Wen Kedie. 它叫怪一声,整个人朝着温可蝶冲了过来。 That speed especially like the ghosts and demons, is much faster. 那速度尤如鬼魅,快得惊人。 Wen Kedie like a moment ago Yan Ze, had still not realized before the present puppet arrived at her body. 温可蝶仍然像刚才严泽那样,根本没意识到眼前的傀儡已经到了她身前。 Junior Sister gets out of the way in Wen Kedie nearby Shi Tian thick enough vigilant, bellows, has shoved open Wen Kedie, pair of broad-ax sparkle [gold/metal] strikes off toward the puppet. 师妹走开”在温可蝶旁边的石天厚够机警,大吼一声,一把推开了温可蝶,一双板斧闪耀金芒朝着傀儡砍去。 Dingdong! 叮当! The broad-ax and puppet fist came the intimate contact, sends the sound of tapping spear symphony. 板斧与傀儡的拳头来了亲密的接触,发出钢戈交响之声。 Puff! 噗! Shi Tian instead was shaken thick the strength formidable, the mouth one sweetly, a blood blooms, a pair of broad-ax was rumbled to result in letting go to be cracked directly. 石天厚受到强大的反震力,嘴里一甜,一口鲜血绽放出来,一双板斧直接被轰得脱手龟裂了。 This is Earth Emperor Rank puppet strength, Shi Tian thick is just Middle Rank Spirit Master, the strength equivalent differs too far, does not have the means to compare simply. 这就是地皇阶傀儡的实力,石天厚只不过是中阶灵师,实力等阶相差太远,简直是没办法可以比拟的。 But the body flintiness of this puppet endures compared with 5th Rank Profound Tool, how that pair of broad-ax can result in its fist lightly. 而这具傀儡的身子坚硬度堪比五阶玄器,那双板斧又如何能轻得起它一拳呢。 The puppet wants to face forward to kill, Violet Sky Sect people nobody dares to go forward again, all because this puppet simply does not have any flaw, by their strengths, no matter how the attack is boundless in Shi. 傀儡欲朝前杀去,紫天宗众人无人再敢上前,皆因这傀儡跟本没有任何破绽,以他们的实力,不管如何攻击都是无际于事。 In their hearts all cool half, why very regretted to impulse with a moment ago coming up. 他们心中皆凉了一半,十分后悔刚才为何冲动跟上来呢。 When the people all think disaster runs away again, together person's shadow after raided on the puppet. 就在众人皆以为再劫难逃的时候,一道人影从后袭到了傀儡身上。 Who is not Ling Xiao is. 不是凌笑又是何人。 The Ling Xiao machine lives in this flash opportunity, Ice and Fire Sword one layer on layer cuts toward the puppet. 凌笑机住这一瞬间机会,冰火剑一朝着傀儡重重斩下。 The puppet simply does not have any sense of crisis, received a Ling Xiao sword directly. 傀儡跟本没有任何危机感,直接受了凌笑一剑。 In it must also incur to Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao evacuated. 就在它要对凌笑还招之时,凌笑已经撤离了开去。 His sword contained Demon Blue Flame a moment ago, the flame has burnt on the puppet. 刚才他一剑已经蕴含了魑魅蓝火焰,火苗已经在傀儡身上燃烧了起来。 But, that puppet ends this does not have any aching feeling, the whole body flood to catch fire, still killed toward Ling Xiao. 可是,那傀儡完本没有任何疼痛感,全身泛着火,仍然朝着凌笑杀来。 Everybody drew back Ling Xiao to yell quickly, Ice and Fire Sword in hand raided together the hot glow once more. “大家快退下去”凌笑大叫了一声,手中的冰火剑再次袭出一道火芒。 ! 蓬! Was thicker in puppet flame, the puppet that however, the whole body catches fire arrived at side Ling Xiao, rumbles toward the Ling Xiao brains. 在傀儡身上的火焰更浓了,然而,全身着火的傀儡已经到了凌笑身边,朝着凌笑头脑轰来。 Even if the Ling Xiao speed is quick, quickly Earth Emperor Rank speed. 哪怕是凌笑速度再快,也快不过地皇阶的速度。 Ling Xiao has evaded not to be possible to evade, both hands hug in the head, prepared to accept a fist of Earth Emperor Rank. 凌笑已经避无可避,双手抱在头上,准备接受地皇阶的一拳了。 However, at this time puppet blue flame happen to burnt above its arm. 然而,这时傀儡身上的蓝焰正好烧到了它的手臂之上。 ! 叭啦! A Earth Emperor Rank puppet was burnt to wither unexpectedly, finally links dregs not to have remaining. 一具地皇阶傀儡居然被烧得萎缩了起来,最后连一点渣都没有剩下。 Ling Xiao does not have the reason to relax, has Heavenly Flame, their this time will perhaps be annihilated. 凌笑没来由松了一口气,要不是有着天火,他们这次说不定会全军覆没了。 Another side, the Tian Xing alone war puppet, in Silver Falcon Mirror with his hand, consecutively for several times attacks, hits the body of that puppet is a mass of cuts and bruises. 另一边,天星独战傀儡,凭着他手中的银隼镜,连续几次攻击下来,把那傀儡的身子打得体无完肤。 However, the puppet throughout is the puppet, does not know that what is the ache, so long as they will not have to ruin to continue to attack completely. 然而,傀儡始终是傀儡,根本不知道什么叫疼痛,只要它们没有全部毁掉就会继续进攻下去。 Tian Xing has eaten a puppet fist, but has spat a blood, unexpectedly can also fight again. 天星吃了傀儡一拳,只是吐了一口血,居然还能再战。 Was needless saying that on him definitely put on High Rank Protection Defense Armor. 不用说,他身上肯定穿有高阶防御卫甲 After a fierce battle, Tian Xing, Young Lady Wu Mei and Luo Baxing all eliminated the puppet. 经过一番恶战,天星舞媚娘罗霸兴皆消灭了傀儡。 Tian Xing and Luo Baxing were injured, only has the Young Lady Wu Mei safely not matter, obviously the Five Element Spirit Bead destructive power in her hand all above their Spirit Tool. 天星罗霸兴都受了伤,唯有舞媚娘安然不事,可见她手中的五行灵珠破坏力皆在他们二人灵器之上。 Another side, the Three Sects person copes with a puppet, many people were seriously injured, several were killed while still alive. 另一边,三宗人一齐对付一具傀儡,不少人都受了重伤,还有几个被活活打死了。 Young Lady Wu Mei early coming helper, casualties are more serious. 要不是舞媚娘及早过来帮手,伤亡更加惨重。 When five puppets eliminate, all people relaxed. 当五具傀儡都消灭时,所有人都松了一口气。 Most people all sit down to take Medicine Pill to restore to consume. 大部分人皆坐下服用丹药恢复消耗。 Violet Sky Sect here Yan Ze and Zhao Nan have not died, but is seriously injured, danger in day breaths. 紫天宗这边严泽赵楠都没死,不过都受重伤,危在旦息之间。 Although gave them to take Medicine Pill, but must restore truly, did not have the day material treasure or the High Rank panacea is a little truly difficult to manage. 虽然给他们俩服下了丹药,可是要真正恢复,没有天材地宝或高阶的灵丹妙药确实有点难办了。 Their internal organs were rumbled to result in shifting to bleed, the ribs broke several, does not have Ling Xiao like that to change. Condition resilience. 他们二人的脏腑都被轰得移位出血了,胁骨都断了好几根,又没有凌笑那般变.态的恢复能力。 Shi Tian is thick, although is damaged, but is much better on the other hand, was the both arms is shaken escapes the bone, under the clothing/taking Medicine Pill, the rest should not be affected much for half a month. 石天厚虽然受创,可是相对来说要好许多,就是双臂都被震得脱骨了,服下丹药,休息半个月应该无大碍。 Suddenly, all Violet Sky Sect disciples all is a low-spirited color. 一时间,所有紫天宗弟子皆是一片黯然之色。 However, compares the Three Sects person, the loss of Violet Sky Sect is smallest. 不过,相比三宗的人来说,紫天宗的损失是最小的了。 You draw back first, looked after three Senior Brother Ling Xiao to look at one severely wounded three people, was saying to other Violet Sky Sect people seriously. “你们先退出去吧,照顾好三位师兄凌笑看了一眼重伤的三人,对着紫天宗其他人郑重地说道。 Experienced the attack of this puppet, the people were frightened, Ling Xiao, they had possibility whole army has been annihilated, where all people hesitated, are lifting Yan Ze, Zhao Nan as well as Shi Tian draw back the pavilion thick. 经历了这次傀儡的袭击,众人都被吓到了,要不是凌笑,他们有可能全军覆灭了,所有人哪敢犹豫,抬着严泽赵楠以及石天厚退下了楼阁。 Yu Lieyan, Bing Ruoshui, Wen Kedie as well as Luo Meiying all know own strength is mean, with this cannot help, can only , but has drawn back. 玉烈艳冰若水温可蝶以及罗美英皆知道自己实力低微,跟本帮不上什么忙,只能无奈跟着退了下去。 After sect companion draws back, Ling Xiao observes the situation the person who Three Sects has sat in meditation, on the face completely is the indifferent color. 等自宗同伴退下去后,凌笑环视了三宗打坐的人,脸上尽是淡然之色。 His vision falls on Luo Baxing finally is popular disaster Le Re to say „, this Brother Wang, aren't you very Ox Bai? How to face the trivial puppet to be also injured, oh, was not I says you, this person, do not depend themselves to have Spirit Tool on the unparalleled in the world, but also this Wang Benwang earnest has no sense of shame. 他的目光最后落在罗霸兴身上兴灾乐惹道“哟,这位王兄,你不是很牛掰吗?怎么面对区区傀儡也受伤了,哎呀,不是我说你,这人啊,不要仗着自己有灵器就天下无双了,还‘本王本王’地叫真是不知羞耻”。 Luo Baxing is just Half Step King Rank, has not become the genuine King, but he had said before this this king, Ling Xiao truly most listened not to be feeling well, how now has the opportunity of this ridicule to miss. 罗霸兴只不过是半步王阶,还没成为真正的王者,而他此前一直自称“本王”,凌笑确实最听不爽了,现在有这讥讽的机会又怎么能错过呢。 The colors of Luo Baxing eyeful hatred, now were injured, immediately must put together life and death with Ling Xiao. 罗霸兴满眼怨毒之色,要不是现在受了伤,立即要与凌笑拼个你死我活。 However, although Luo Baxing has not begun, Heavy Sword Sect some people also people raise him to be outraged by an injustice. 不过,罗霸兴虽然没动手,重剑门的人也有人提他抱不平。 Injured Half Step King Rank has not stood came out to shout to clear the way trivial Spirit Master not to do wildly!”. 一名没有受伤的半步王阶站了出来喝道“区区灵师休要猖狂!”。 Drinks, the whole person has plundered toward Ling Xiao, a palm contains the whole body spirit strength to pat toward Ling Xiao. 喝罢,整个人朝着凌笑掠了过去,一掌蕴含着全身灵力朝着凌笑拍去。 Clearly, he must hold to execute Ling Xiao. 很明显,他是要一掌毙了凌笑 However, pats in the Ling Xiao local time, only thought that on the palm, has not patted the goal unexpectedly, the corner of the eye does not have the reason to jump. 然而,就在他拍在凌笑的地方时,只觉得掌上一空,居然没有拍到目标,眼角没来由一跳。 Spirit Master is also what kind, even if you are King Rank, this little can also make into pig Ling Xiao to appear you in that Half Step King Rank behind, has drunk one greatly, the double fist flood the color of golden light, dozens fist shades such as the gust of wind rainstorm is pounding toward that Half Step King Rank back. 灵师又怎样,就算你已经是王阶,本少也能把你打成猪头”凌笑出现在那半步王阶身后,大喝了一声,双拳泛着金光之色,数十道拳影如疾风暴雨朝着那半步王阶的背后砸去。 Ping! 砰砰! Your this trash goods also coordinated this little to fight Ling Xiao still not indignant saying that the whole person pursued that Half Step King Rank bang to go, raided that dozens fists besides the back a moment ago, other all rumbled on the face of that Half Step King Rank. “你这种垃圾货色也配和本少交手”凌笑依然不愤说着,整个人追着那半步王阶轰去,除了刚才背袭那数十拳外,其余皆轰在那半步王阶的脸上。 ! 啊啊! That Half Step King Rank only thought one fell to the enemy in a fist shade, was hit unable to look for the east , south , west and north, on the face an intermittent burning stabbing pain, the ratio killed him to be uncomfortable simply. 半步王阶只觉得自己沦陷在了一片拳影当中,被打得找不着东南西北,脸上一阵阵火辣辣的刺痛,简直比杀了他还要难受。 Stop!” Heavy Sword Sect simultaneously plunders two person's shadows from backward Ling Xiao. “住手!”重剑门这边同时掠出两道人影从后向凌笑袭来。 The back is attacked, Ling Xiao has to throw that Half Step King Rank round trip. 背后受袭,凌笑不得不把那半步王阶往回扔去。 Heavy Sword Sect one of them catches that injured Half Step King Rank, a person do not take out the great sword to take Ling Xiao. 重剑门的其中一人接住那受伤的半步王阶,别一人已取出巨剑直取凌笑 This person similarly is Half Step King Rank, he did not think that Ling Xiao is capable of defeating own companion, is only own companion is negligent for a while, can so. 这人同样是半步王阶,他不觉得凌笑有能力击败自己的同伴,只是自己的同伴一时大意,才会如此罢了。 Ling Xiao facing the attack of attack, does not fear again instead smiles, the both feet transforms the innumerable leg shades. 凌笑面对再来袭的攻击,不惧反笑,双脚幻化出无数的腿影。 Wind God Kick Second Form: Wind Within Sturdy Grass! 风神腿第二式:风中劲草 The tip of the toe kicks that Half Step King Rank great sword, the next quarter leg shade quick such as the hurricane all stepped on generally in that Half Step King Rank front. 脚尖把那半步王阶的巨剑踢偏,下一刻腿影快如飓风一般全踩在了那半步王阶的胸前。 Ping! 砰砰! Puff! 噗! That Half Step King Rank at is not gathering of Ling Xiao, including was being trampled dozens feet, the whole person had spurted a blood, came up to not the far wall maliciously again. 半步王阶跟本不是凌笑的一合之将,连着被踹了数十脚,整个人喷了一口血,狠狠地重到了不远的墙壁上去。 Ling Xiao successive defeats two Half Step King Rank, on the face are hanging the relaxed happy expression, pointed at the light shell Wu Fu saying that you also felt all right to say one were the Half Step King Rank strength, could not hit including my this trivial Spirit Master, really...... Really does not know how should say you were good. 凌笑连败两名半步王阶,脸上挂着轻松的笑意,手指轻弹了一下武服道“你们还好意思说自己是半步王阶的实力呢,连我这区区灵师都打不过,真是……真是不知道该怎么说你们才好了”。 Appearance that Ling Xiao hating bitterly, everyone knows that this must be mad the Heavy Sword Sect person purely, particularly Luo Baxing. 凌笑一副痛心疾首的样子,谁都知道他这纯粹是要气重剑门的人,尤其是罗霸兴 Luo Baxing has been driven beyond the limits of forbearance, other Heavy Sword Sect disciples similarly are an indignation appearance. 罗霸兴已经忍无可忍了,其他重剑门的弟子同样是一副愤慨的样子。 Injured Young Lady Wu Mei, has not looked toward Ling Xiao, the beautiful pupil blooms the extraordinary splendor of Lian lotus, then said „, now is also not the internal strife time, above, after having also waited till above one, fought again not late. 没有受伤的舞媚娘,向着凌笑瞧了一眼,美眸绽放出莲莲的异彩,接着说道“诸位,如今还不是内哄的时候,上面还有一层,等到了上面一层后再战也不迟”。 Walks, now comes up the Luo Baxing eyeful anger, knows again Young Lady Wu Mei this saying is good, can only constrain impulsive is walking toward on. “走,现在就上去”罗霸兴满眼的怒火,再也知道舞媚娘这话不错,只能压抑着冲动率先朝上走去。 The Heavy Sword Sect person all stared one to Ling Xiao, followed. 重剑门的人皆对凌笑瞪了一眼,紧随其后跟着走了上去。 Tian Xing stood to look at Ling Xiao, then turned around also to walk, simultaneously sighed that lightly was a pity! What a pity!”. 天星站了起来看了一眼凌笑,然后转身也走上去,同时轻叹道“可惜啊!可惜!”。 The people all do not know that he in is a pity anything. 众人皆不知道他在“可惜”什么。 However, Ling Xiao had the profound meaning to look at Young Lady Wu Mei and Tian Xing greatly, must walk toward on. 不过,凌笑却是大有深意地看了舞媚娘天星一眼,就要朝上走去。 Young Lady Wu Mei close Ling Xiao, the beautiful pupil was passing the color of calling back the soul of the deceased at this time unintentionally, tender sound track this Junior Brother hero Ge Shi, dares to offend including Heavy Sword Sect seriously, did not fear that they do cope with your Violet Sky Sect?”. 舞媚娘这时有意无意地接近凌笑,美眸透着摄魂之色,娇声道“这位师弟当真英雄盖势,连重剑门都敢得罪,难道就不怕他们对付你们紫天宗吗?”。 Is looking at the illusion look, is listening to such as the demon general neutral tone. 望着梦幻的眼神,听着如魔一般的轻声。 Ling Xiao only thought that the thought became slow, friendly uncontrolled rose unexpectedly swiftly and violently. 凌笑只觉得思维都变得缓慢了起来,一股热火居然不受控制的迅猛地窜升了起来。 Ling Xiao cannot help but should say that is not I wants to offend them, but is they are threatening, even if I do not offend them, they will not let off us, would rather......”. 凌笑不由自主地应道“不是我想得罪他们,而是他们逼人太甚,就算我不得罪他们,他们也不会放过我们,倒不如……”。 Ling Xiao also wants to say anything, ices the cold meaning direct link day spirit together, making him restore the Pure Brightness instantaneously. 凌笑还想说什么,一道冰寒之意直达天灵,让他瞬间恢复了清明。
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