WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#330: Dihuang step puppet

Chapter 330 Earth Emperor Rank puppet 第330章地皇阶傀儡 Has sufficed, here these many Profound Technique, have you to be appropriate, who dares to compete again, kills without the amnesty, the head-family disciples draws back to see the war to erupt to me, Tian Xing explodes loudly shouts to clear the way. “够了,这里这么多玄技,有你们合适的,谁敢再争夺,杀无赦,本宗弟子都给我退过来”眼看大战爆发,天星大声爆喝道。 His words just fell, the Light Star Palace person fell back on his side to go unwillingly. 他的话语刚落下,光星殿的人纷纷不甘地退到了他身边去。 First also my Profound Technique again said that Heavy Sword Sect disciple toward seized his Profound Technique Light Star Palace disciple to shout to clear the way unwillingly a moment ago, if evidently he do not attack brutally. “先还了我的玄技再说”那名重剑门弟子不甘地朝着刚才夺他玄技光星殿弟子喝道,看样子如果他不还还要大打出手呢。 Light Star Palace that person has not spoken, Tian Xing shouted to clear the way to take seriously toward him!”. 光星殿那人没有说话,天星却是朝着他严肃喝道“拿出来!”。 That Light Star Palace disciple took out Profound Technique to lose toward the Heavy Sword Sect disciple unwillingly. 光星殿弟子不甘地取出玄技朝着重剑门的弟子丢了过去。 Young Lady Mei and Brother Luo, here Profound Technique, we divide equally!” Tian Xing hangs is smiling to say pale. 媚娘罗兄,这里的玄技,我们还是平分吧!”天星挂着淡笑说道。 The other two are all unobjectionable, nodded. 另两人皆无异议,同时点了点头。 Here Profound Technique is no doubt good, but has not let truly they put together the life and death time, perhaps the best thing that truly has above. 这里的玄技固然不错,可是还没有真正让他们拼得你死我活的时候,说不定在上面才是真正地存在的最好东西呢。 Therefore three people, words that must put together, must see after can let the thing that they compete for reckless truly makes the motion again. 所以三人都心知肚名,要拼的话,也必须要见到真正能让他们不顾一切争夺的东西后再做行动。 Ling Xiao narrows the eyes to focus to look at this Three Sects person in the one side, pays at heart darkly is not a heart is good. 凌笑在一旁眯着眼看着这三宗的人,心里暗付“不是一条心就好”。 The Three Sects person started minute of Profound Technique in the one side, Ling Xiao received 13 Profound Technique in the same old way immodestly. 三宗的人在一旁开始分玄技,凌笑照样不客气地收了13本玄技 The people know the Ling Xiao strength, nobody said anything again. 众人都知道凌笑的实力,也无人再说什么。 Only had the Luo Baxing look becomes cloudier several points. 唯有罗霸兴的神色变得更加阴沉了几分。 In the people must toward above five buildings walks, Ling Xiao turns around to own companion saying that you get down, no matter above has any thing is not you can bribe. 就在众人要向着五楼之上走去时,凌笑转身对着自己的同伴道“你们都下去吧,上面不管有什么东西都不是你们可以染指的”。 Ling Xiao this saying just fell, the Three Sects people stunned look at Ling Xiao. 凌笑这话刚落下,三宗的人都错愕地看着凌笑 What Tian Xing and Young Lady Wu Mei simultaneously flash through is the vision of appreciation, but the Luo Baxing eyelid jumped, what in the heart are more is unwilling. 天星舞媚娘同时闪过的是赞赏的目光,而罗霸兴眼皮跳了一下,心中更多的是不甘。 If Violet Sky Sect, therefore withdraws, his plan must be scrapped. 如果紫天宗的因此撤走,那他的计划就要泡汤了。 What's wrong, coward who your Violet Sky Sect has not planted?” Luo Baxing ridiculed nan to say. “怎么,难道你们紫天宗都是没种的懦夫吗?”罗霸兴讥喃地说道。 The Violet Sky Sect person was instantaneously ugly. 紫天宗的人瞬间难看了下来。 Zhao Nan shouted to clear the way we also to come up loudly. 赵楠更是大声喝道“我们也要上去”。 Zhao Nan do not impulse, we listen to the Junior Brother Ling words, gets down Chen Wenyu is quite calm, immediately advises to say to Zhao Nan. 赵楠不要冲动,我们还是听凌师弟的话,下去吧”陈文宇算是比较沉稳,立即对赵楠劝阻道。 Right, you are little darling get lost, the above good thing not to be one's turn your shares, base and low coward a Heavy Sword Sect disciple creates a disturbance to say. “对啊,你们还是乖乖滚下去吧,上面的好东西轮不到你们的份,卑微的懦夫”一名重剑门的弟子跟着起哄说道。 Ha Ha, right, how your this preliminary Sect coordinate us to share together, goes your old lady that to drink the milk the person to echo the ridicule to say with a smile. “哈哈,没错,你们这种低级宗门怎么配和我们一起分享呢,快滚回你们老娘那喝奶吧”又有一人跟着附和讥讽笑道。 ...... …… Junior Brother, we die, cannot to look down upon our Violet Sky Sect person few start to talk Yan Ze to stand to say firmly. 师弟,我们就算死,也不能让人瞧不起我们紫天宗的人”很少开口的严泽都站出来坚定地说道。 Right, our would rather die than makes the person regard as coward another Violet Sky Sect disciple to say. “没错,我们就算死也不能让人看做懦夫”另一名紫天宗的弟子应道。 Other people said is not willing to draw back. 其余人纷纷表示不愿意退下去。 They clearly know that this is the method of goading somebody into action of opposite party, but still insisted that not for other, for the Sect glory and an own unyielding lofty character. 他们明知道这是对方的激将法,可是仍然坚持上去,不为别的,就为了宗门的荣耀和自己的一身不屈的傲骨。 If after they are so insulted by others today, was still aloof, from listening to Ling Xiao draws back here, perhaps their this boundary practice affirmation for a lifetime was limited. 如果他们今日被别人如此污辱之后仍然无动于衷,从听凌笑的话退下这里,或许他们这一辈子的境界修炼肯定有限了。 Military is fastidious about went fearlessly ahead, does not fear the life and death, can break through the shackles, achievement Fang Qiang. 武者讲究勇猛精进,不畏生死,才能突破桎梏,成就一方强者。 Ling Xiao quite understood that immediately also no longer said anything, but in dark under decided at heart, how regardless of must protect their completeness, must unexpectedly he be the Sect leader, it is necessary to be responsible for their securities. 凌笑对此相当了解,当即也不再多说什么,只是在心里暗下决定,无论如何也要保护他们的周全,必竟他是宗门的领袖,有必要负责他们的安全。 Walks, must these grandsons who paid attention to speak well a moment ago, once discovered that improper then immediately then drew back, the deceased person may not have any strength of spirit to be possible the word Ling Xiao looked at a Heavy Sword Sect person to say fainily spookily. “走吧,要注意好刚才说话的那些孙子们,一旦发现不妥便立即便退出来,死人可没有任何骨气可言的”凌笑淡漠地看了一眼重剑门的人幽幽说道。 You said that who is a grandson!” Luo Baxing points at Ling Xiao to shout to clear the way. “你说谁是孙子!”罗霸兴指着凌笑喝道。 Other Heavy Sword Sect disciples all shouted supinely, not a indignant appearance, as if must begin to the Violet Sky Sect person. 其他重剑门的弟子个个嚷仰了起来,一副非常不愤的样子,似乎都要向紫天宗的人动手了。 Who on words who is a grandson, how wants to execute me here? Can you achieve?” Ling Xiao looks straight ahead Luo Baxing to let somebody cool off or calm down said. “谁应话谁就是孙子,怎么想在这里格杀我?你做得到吗?”凌笑直视着罗霸兴冷冷地说道。 Saw that Luo Baxing must begin. 眼看罗霸兴就要动手了。 Young Lady Wu Mei must hit to kill from side start to talk [say / way], looked first above also had the thing to say again. 舞媚娘从旁开口道“要打要杀,也先看完上面还有没有东西再说吧”。 Snort, waits and sees!” Luo Baxing has gripped the fist, shakes then brings to walk from the sect companion upwardly. “哼,走着瞧!”罗霸兴攥了攥拳头,甩头便带着自宗同伴向上走去。 Other people followed in abundance impatiently. 其他人纷纷迫不及待地跟了上去。 The first three buildings presented so many good things, thinks that will be definitely more uncommon in the things of above two buildings. 前三楼已经出现如此多好东西了,想必在上面两楼的东西肯定会更加不凡了。 However, after five buildings the people were scared. 然而,当到了五楼之后众人都傻了眼了。 Such of here their idea has not been High Rank Profound Tool or High Rank Profound Technique, does not have any panacea, some are only five lies down in the corpse of ground. 这里并没有他们想法的那样是高阶玄器高阶玄技,也没有任何的灵丹妙药,有的只是五具躺在地上的尸体。 „Had here thing carried off by others?” The Tian Xing complexion guessed ugly. “难道这里的东西已经被人家带走了?”天星脸色难看地猜测道。 Has the possibility, above, if is really the important person takes, then the upper formation should not have the thing Young Lady Wu Mei the mood that is difficult to cover loses to say. “有可能,上面还有一层,如果真是要人拿,那么上层应该也没有东西了”舞媚娘难掩失落的情绪应道。 Is impossible, this is not 6th Grade Sect, how except for these trash goods, anything not to have Luo Baxing to scold one loudly, in the hand has raised, payment for shares sharp air/Qi pounded to these corpses. “不可能的,这不是六品宗门么,怎么除了那些垃圾货色,就什么都没有了”罗霸兴大声骂了一句,手中一扬,一股金锐之气砸向了那些尸体。 Bang! 轰隆! When [gold/metal] Rui the ray approaches that five corpses exudes an explosive sound. 当金锐的光芒接近那五具尸体的时候发出一阵爆响声。 Unlucky, we had a look at Luo Baxing to spit phlegm to above, was saying to the people. “晦气,我们到上面去看看吧”罗霸兴吐了一口痰,然后对着众人说道。 The people all nodded, will walk toward on. 众人皆点了点头,正要朝上走去。 Is slow the Ling Xiao brow to select to cry out to say slightly. “慢着”凌笑眉头微微一挑叫唤道。 As his words just fell, all people stopped. 随着他的话语刚落下,所有人都停了下来。 You do not want to come up not to come, coward Luo Baxing turned head disdain to scold. “你不想上去就别跟着来,孬种”罗霸兴回过头来不屑地骂道。 When Luo Baxing must take a step to go upstairs, the movements of all people have not all moved, but closely is staring at a direction, Kong Tong keeps contracting to fluctuate. 就在罗霸兴要举步上楼的时候,所有人的动作皆没有动,只是紧紧盯着一个方向,孔瞳不停地收缩变幻。 „Were you how silly?” Luo Baxing is not feeling well said. “你们怎么了都傻了?”罗霸兴不爽地说道。 Few...... Young Master, that...... That corpse......” a Heavy Sword Sect disciple swallowed the tone to stutter saying that simultaneously the body kept retroceding. “少……少主,那……那尸……”一名重剑门的弟子咽着口气结巴说着,同时身子不停地后退。 Not is only he is retroceding, other people all are retroceding, as if saw any fearful thing. 不仅是他在后退,其他人也皆在后退,仿佛看到了什么可怕的东西。 Said any you, to become what of stuttering raises series Luo Baxing completely not to know that what's the matter, frowns to say. “说什么你,结结巴巴的成何提统”罗霸兴全然不知道怎么回事,皱着眉头说道。 Suddenly, Luo Baxing only thought after the brain is angry, a danger gathers to be near. 蓦然间,罗霸兴只觉得脑后生气,一股危险聚临。 Young Master behind a Heavy Sword Sect disciple called out in alarm one carefully, in the hand Profound Tool punctured toward Luo Baxing. 少主小心身后”一名重剑门的弟子惊呼了一声,手中玄器朝着罗霸兴刺了过去。 Luo Baxing startled greatly, hurries to hide toward one side. 罗霸兴大骇,赶紧朝着一旁躲了过去。 Bang! 轰隆! Did Luo Baxing angry loudly shout to clear the way „a dragon you to do?”. 罗霸兴恼怒大喝道“张龙你要干什么?”。 Young Master, these corpses resurrected that Heavy Sword Sect disciple to answer hurriedly. 少主,那些尸体复活了”那名重剑门的弟子急忙解释道。 Luo Baxing then turns the head to look to these corpses. 罗霸兴这才转过头来向那些尸体看去。 Really, five corpses have stood, position that also the corpse stood in him, obviously was it had sneak attacked him a moment ago. 果然,五具尸体已经站了起来,其中还有一尸则在他原来站的位置,显然刚才就是它偷袭了他。 This...... What's all this about?” Luo Baxing becomes said with amazement. “这……这是怎么回事?”罗霸兴变得惊讶道。 This is the good deed that you do, your palm broke the ban a moment ago, enabling these puppets to move Tian Xing Cold Snort to say. “这都是你干的好事,刚才你那一掌破了禁制,让这些傀儡能活动了”天星冷哼说道。 At present these corpses are not the live corpses, but was refined the puppet by others. 眼前这几具尸体并不是活尸,而是生前被别人炼制成了傀儡。 Generally the puppet is refines by Master Alchemist, first is the use specific refinement method, infuses the person who just died, then uses other precious materials to separate into all muscles, making the corpse never decayed, making the puppet still maintain the original battle efficiency. This puppet must unexpectedly be the dying thing, did not have means use original Attribute to attack, this was also a puppet big malpractice. 一般傀儡都是由炼药师炼制的,先是利用特定的炼制方法,把刚死去的人泡制一番,再利用其他珍贵材料隔入所有肌肉之中,使尸体永远不会腐朽,使傀儡仍然保持原来的战斗力。只是这傀儡必竟是死物,是没办法使用原有的属性攻了,这也是傀儡的一大弊端。 But puppet advantage does not have any attack, so long as issues an order then fully to pay, until was destroyed for this reason. 而傀儡的好处就是不具任何攻击,只要一声令下便全力以付,直至被摧毁为此。 Any puppet before death strength is stronger, the puppet that refines is also stronger. 任何傀儡生前的实力越强,炼制出来的傀儡也越强。 At present although these five puppets have not sent out any imposing manner, by thick heavy armor covering, was only having that several any scarlet face not to reveal, on each face has five traces. 眼前这五具傀儡虽然没散发出任何气势,被厚厚的重甲给掩盖着,唯有那几张没有任何血色的脸露了出来,每一张脸上都有着五道纹路。 Each trace is representing one all, the puppets of five traces represent these five are being the Earth Emperor Rank puppets. 每一道纹路代表着一个等皆,五道纹路的傀儡代表着这五具乃是地皇阶的傀儡。 The Earth Emperor Rank powerhouse, is representing the strongest fight rank in greatest northwest. 地皇阶强者,在莫大的西北代表着最强的战斗等级。 But at present has the entire five Earth Emperor Rank puppets, this people why complexion so was also ugly. 而眼前却有着整整五具地皇阶傀儡,这也难道众人为何脸色这般难看了。 Mother, then troubled in a big way Luo Baxing to swallow the saliva to say. “娘的,这下麻烦大了”罗霸兴咽了咽口水说道。 All people alert, destroyed them Tian Xing first to issue the order to me, oneself also took out Silver Falcon Mirror, the mirror light dodged, a very tyrannical energy has attacked toward that several puppets. “所有人戒备,给我毁了它们”天星第一时间下达了命令,自己也率先取出了银隼镜,镜光一闪,一股十分强横的能量朝着那几具傀儡攻了过去。 Young Lady Wu Mei and Luo Baxing have not been disliking, takes out Profound Tool in abundance. 舞媚娘罗霸兴也没有嫌着,纷纷取出玄器 What Young Lady Wu Mei takes out is one is sending out all colors multi-colored sunlight bead. 舞媚娘取出的是一颗散发着五彩霞光的珠子。 This bead similarly is Low Rank Spirit Tool, but compared with it Tian Xing and Luo Baxing Spirit Tool high Half Rank, to reach 6th Rank Middle Rank Spirit Tool, named Five Element Spirit Bead. 这颗珠子同样是一件低阶灵器,不过都比之天星罗霸兴灵器半阶,以达六阶中阶灵器,名为五行灵珠 This type of bead gathers the spirit bead that five lines of day material treasure refinements have become, urges the might that sends to be enormous. 这种珠子集合了五行的天材地宝炼制而成的灵珠,所催发出来的威力极大。 Any Five Element Attribute person can cause, if its master is Metal Attribute, it can transform the attack of Metal Attribute, but its master is Fire Attribute, it can transform the attack of Fire Attribute, so analogy. 任何五行属性的人都可以使有,如果它的主人是金属性,它就能转化出金属性的攻击,而它的主人是火属性,它就能转化出火属性的攻击,如此类推。 Obviously this Five Element Spirit Bead, truly has the uncommon place. 可见这五行灵珠,确实有着不凡之处。 Now sees only Young Lady Wu Mei to urge to send Five Element Spirit Bead with the white hands to attack toward that puppet. 如今只见舞媚娘用玉手催发着五行灵珠朝着那个傀儡攻去。 Flame Sheng, must submerge this floor greatly instantaneously. 火光大盛,瞬间把这一楼层都要淹没了。 This pavilion early cloth has the formidable ban luckily, unexpectedly receives the formidable spirit strength to affect does not have the sign of half minute destruction. 幸好这楼阁早布有强大的禁制,居然受着强大的灵力波及都没有半分毁坏的迹象。 Tian Xing, Young Lady Wu Mei as well as Luo Baxing respectively to a puppet, but the Three Sects disciple all attacks toward another puppet. 天星舞媚娘以及罗霸兴各自对上了一具傀儡,而三宗的弟子全朝着另一具傀儡攻去。 Finally that puppet actually gradually moved toward Violet Sky Sect and the others. 最后那一具傀儡却是一步一步地走向了紫天宗等人。 All people carry on attack, do not let him approach Ling Xiao to issue the life to reach said. “所有人进行远攻,别让他接近了”凌笑下达命达道。 Violet Sky Sect person nobody dares to hesitate, gave completely the nursing strength to attack to that puppet in abundance insanely. 紫天宗的人没有人敢迟疑,纷纷出尽了吃奶力对着那傀儡疯攻。 What a pity, the puppet body of this Earth Emperor Rank is solid, their attacks to it are only useless, moreover its feeling will not have, only then endless murderous aura. 可惜,这地皇阶的傀儡身体是何等结实,他们的攻击对它来说都只是无用的,况且它根本一点感觉都不会有,只有无尽的杀气。 ! 啊! Was attacked again and again, the energy of that puppet awakens finally. 连连遭到攻击,那傀儡的能量终于觉醒。 It exudes one to cry out strangely, entire body made the shadow to kill toward the Violet Sky Sect person together. 它发出一声怪叫,整个身子化做一道影子朝着紫天宗的人杀了过来。 Other puppets similarly became maneating. 其他傀儡同样变得凶悍了起来。 Be careful, you draw back Ling Xiao quickly in great surprise, his point throws not to seize the puppet movement, can only speak called out loudly. “小心,你们都快退下去”凌笑大惊,他一点都扑捉不到傀儡的动作,只能出言大声叫道。 Meanwhile, he took out Ice and Fire Sword to enter the condition of going all out. 同时,他已经取出了冰火剑进入了拼命的状态。 This puppet is the dying thing, with this does not have the means to use Spiritual Force to attack, but the Innate Cold Wind Baleful Qi corrosiveness is effective to the living creature, can only take advantage had Demon Blue Flame. 这傀儡是死物,跟本没办法使用精神力去攻击,而先天阴风煞气的腐蚀性只是对活物有效,唯一能依仗的只有魑魅蓝焰了。
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