WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#329: Pavilion buried treasure

Chapter 329 pavilion buried treasure 第329章楼阁宝藏 Thank please ask my brother „the ku show to hit to enjoy ~~ 感谢“请叫我哥”“ku展”打赏~~ In the main hall early had 27 people to await respectfully 18 men, nine females, these people all are the Three Sects troops 大殿之中早已经有27人在恭候着了18名男人,九名女子,这些人皆是三宗的人马 Ling Xiao early induces to inside has many powerful aura, after seeing these 27 people was shocked. 凌笑早感应到里面有不少强悍的气息,可是当看见这27人后还是被震惊了。 These person of young people all about 25 years old, high absolutely over 28 -year-old, each of them unexpectedly do not have are not lower than the Spirit Master peak the strength, half people broke through the Spirit Master shackles, half has treadonned into King Rank. 这些人年青人个个皆在25岁左右,最高绝对不会超过28岁,他们每人居然都有着不低于灵师巅峰的实力,更有半数人突破了灵师的桎梏,已经半只脚踏入王阶了。 Saw these people severe, the Ling Xiao look. 看到这些人,凌笑的神色不禁严竣了下来。 If others get rid, their Violet Sky Sect ten people of also insufficient person amp \; # 19382 \; The Serbia gap between teeth, in the heart does not have reason somewhat to regret own impulsed. 万一人家一齐出手,他们紫天宗的十来人还不够人amp\;#19382\;塞牙缝,心中没来由有些后悔自己的冲动了。 If he is only a person comes, momentarily amp \; # 19685 \; Round trip free, but led the Sect companion to come, this made his pressure increase! 如果他只是一个人进来的话,随时可amp\;#19685\;来去自如,可是自己带了宗门的同伴进来,这让他压力大增啊! „The Three Sects inside story is really uncommon Ling Xiao to admire others high-grade Sect strengths at heart. 三宗底蕴果然不凡”凌笑不得不在心里佩服人家高等级的宗门的实力。 Ling Xiao hurries to send greetings to Chen Wenyu reminder [say / way] Senior Brother Chen, waits once will battle you unable to stay behind absolutely, leading everybody immediately to evacuate. 凌笑赶紧传音给陈文宇提醒道“陈师兄,等会一旦交战你们绝对不能留下,带着大家立即撤离”。 Chen Wenyu knows the solemnity of matter, immediately to Ling Xiao slight bow. 陈文宇又何尝不知道事情的严肃性,当即对着凌笑微微点了点头。 Three big 7th Grade Sect altogether 30 people, in addition Violet Sky Sect here 13 people of amp \; # 61196 \; Altogether 43 people walked toward the main hall. 三大七品宗门一共30人,再加上紫天宗这边13人amp\;#61196\;一共43人朝着大殿之中走了进去。 Now the formidable ban before main hall to pass through first by Tian Xing, Young Lady Wu Mei and Luo Baxing and other amp \; # 19642 \; Eradicated. 如今大殿前的强大禁制以经先被天星舞媚娘罗霸兴等三amp\;#19642\;破除了。 The group have not walked amp with any hindrance \; # 19466 \; In main hall the two buildings in pavilion. 一行人没遇任何阻碍地走amp\;#19466\;了大殿内楼阁的二楼。 When all enters 2nd Layer, all people by present one being shocked. 当所有进入第二层时,所有人都被眼前的一幕给惊呆住了。 In this yet higher goal unexpectedly everywhere is the weapons, moreover is 3rd Rank Profound Tool altogether has over a thousand numbers completely, blade, sword, hook and spear|gun...... Waits for all kinds of weapons to have everything expected to find. 在这一层楼之中居然满地都是武器,而且全部是三阶玄器一共有上千之数,刀、剑、钩、枪……等各种各样的武器应有尽有。 „, Good...... Many weapons, this...... This handle sword was 3rd Rank High Rank Sword Tool a Violet Sky Sect disciple cannot constrain to shout wildly excitedly. “哇,好……好多武器啊,这……这柄剑是三阶高阶剑器”一名紫天宗的弟子压抑不住激动狂叫了起来。 Disciple also same both eyes of other Violet Sky Sect flood light, so long as if issued an order then must open snatches. 其他紫天宗的弟子也同样双眼泛着光,似乎只要一声令下便要开抢了。 One crowd of country bumpkins Luo Baxing quite disdains to say. “一群土豹子”罗霸兴相当不屑道。 The Three Sects disciple similarly is also revealing the color of ridicule to the Violet Sky Sect person. 三宗的弟子也同样对着紫天宗的人露出讥讽之色。 7th Grade Sect and 8th Grade Sect, although has the absence of one word, but the disparity is considerably large. 七品宗门八品宗门虽只有一字之差,可是差距还是相当大的。 They see the later generation of big potential surface, was in the sect the most outstanding disciple, ordinary Profound Tool that uses was lowest is also the 3rd Rank High Rank above weapon, facing these 3rd Rank Profound Tool, although shocked, but also absolutely did not become like Violet Sky Sect these disciples rude. 他们都是见惯了大势面的后辈,又是宗内最出色的弟子,所用的平常玄器最低也是三阶高阶以上的武器,面对这些三阶玄器,虽说震惊,但也绝对不像紫天宗那些弟子一样变得失态。 Tian Xing start to talk [say / way] these are only Low Rank Profound Tool , if interested to choose casually, our Light Star Palace not ginseng and. 天星开口道“这些只是低阶玄器如果诸位有兴趣可以随便挑选,我们光星殿就不参和了”。 Then, lifted arrogant head to walk toward two buildings. 说罢,抬起高傲的头颅朝着二楼上走去了。 Young Lady Wu Mei has not stayed, walked along with the Tian Xing footsteps. 舞媚娘也没有停留,随着天星的脚步走了上去。 Luo Baxing Cold Snort had not stayed, waving of brought to pursue from the person of sect. 罗霸兴冷哼了一声也没有停留,挥了挥手带着自宗的人追了上去。 They all know that likely this collection pavilion, generally is exceed upward, the thing is also more precious. 他们皆知道像这种收藏楼阁,一般都是越往上,东西也就越珍贵。 Ling Xiao saw the Three Sects people disdain to leave, immediately turned around saying that to own companion others were filthy rich, was different from us, although everybody selected, even if could not use, with sold can also trade many Profound Crystal!”. 凌笑三宗的人都不屑地离开了,当即转身对着自己的同伴道“人家财大气粗,和我们不一样,大家尽管挑,就算用不到,拿出去卖也可以换不少玄晶嘛!”。 Had Ling Xiao to speak, the Violet Sky Sect person threw toward these Profound Tool immediately. 凌笑发话了,紫天宗的人立即朝着那些玄器扑了过去。 This...... This is 3rd Rank High Rank Aurora Sword, good, this I must decide the sword. “这……这是三阶高阶极光剑,太好了,这把剑我要定了”。 Ha Ha, this is appropriate I Dragon Form Blade. “哈哈,这把龙形刀正合适我”。 I want this Twilight Spear. “我要这黑影枪”。 ...... …… Whatever Ling Xiao they choose, oneself at will wield, took 100 different Profound Tool from many Profound Tool, then came up toward three buildings. 凌笑任由他们去挑选,自己则是随意一挥,从诸多玄器中取了100来把不一样的玄器,然后便朝着三楼上去了。 Other people see Ling Xiao to be so natural, each one is impolite, simultaneously offers a sacrifice to Spatial Ring here all Profound Tool volumes, but emptied. 其余人见凌笑这般潇洒,个个也都不客气,同时祭出空间戒把这里所有玄器袭卷而空了。 To three buildings is another picture. 到了三楼又是另一番景象了。 Here is collecting Profound Tool as before. 这里依旧是收藏着玄器 However, here Profound Tool made the Three Sects people rude. 不过,这里的玄器却让三宗的人都失态了。 These Profound Tool impressively in 4th Rank above, many of quantity not two buildings, but also has 200-300. 这些玄器赫然都在四阶以上,数量没有二楼的多,可是也足足有两三百件。 All people were rapid, only has their team leaders to be as before indifferent. 所有人都急促了起来,唯有他们的领队依旧淡然。 These have not been worth getting rid, did I suggest to divide equally what kind of?” Also is Tian Xing opens the mouth to say first. “这些还不值得我们出手,我建议平分怎么样?”又是天星先开口道。 Young Lady Wu Mei and Luo Baxing all do not have any objection. 舞媚娘罗霸兴皆没有任何异议。 However, the Luo Baxing especially reputation only permits our Three Sects equal division. 不过,罗霸兴还是特地声名“只许我们三宗平分”。 His saying excluded immediately Violet Sky Sect. 他这话立即把紫天宗排除在外了。 He said this saying time, Ling Xiao actually just walked, hears clearly this saying. 他说这话的时候,凌笑却是刚刚走了上来,把这话听得清清楚楚。 Ling Xiao observed the situation one to suspend 4th Rank Profound Tool here, the chuckle said that our Violet Sky Sect everyone only chose one, other turned over to you. 凌笑环视了一眼摆在这里的四阶玄器,轻笑说道“我们紫天宗每人只选一件,其余归你们”。 His saying is very assured, is not corrupt. 他这话很是笃定,可是却不贪。 Here has 200-300 4th Rank Profound Tool, he only requests everyone only to elect to be the same, gives fully the Three Sects face. 这里有两三百四阶玄器,他只要求每人只选一样,也是给足了三宗的面子。 „It is not good, following Profound Tool has given you, here your cannot move, let alone your what Dehe can share with us?” The Luo Baxing anger stares Ling Xiao to say. “不行,下面的玄器都给了你们,这里你们一件都不能动,何况你们何德何能与我们分享?”罗霸兴怒瞪着凌笑说道。 Ling Xiao tiger flashes through severe glow, on the face hangs sneering [say / way] to depend on my Ling Xiao name, these 13 Profound Tool we must decide. 凌笑虎目闪过厉芒,脸上挂着冷笑道“就凭我凌笑的名字,这13件玄器我们要定了”。 Extremely arrogant!” Suddenly, several Half Step King Rank simultaneously were shouting to clear the way to Ling Xiao. “狂妄!”一时间,几名半步王阶同时对着凌笑喝道。 They all cannot listen to the Ling Xiao so extremely arrogant Arrogant tone, moreover Ling Xiao is just the 8th Grade Sect disciple, the strength is only High Rank Spirit Master. 他们皆听不惯凌笑如此狂妄嚣张的口吻,况且凌笑只不过是八品宗门的弟子,实力又只是高阶灵师 They may not see Ling Xiao to fight the Luo Baxing scene a moment ago, all thinks that Ling Xiao and the others can mix is they leads a group stemming from the good intention feels sorry for this preliminary Sect disciple. 刚才他们可都没有看到凌笑大战罗霸兴的场景,皆以为凌笑等人能混进来是他们领队出于好心可怜这低级的宗门弟子罢了。 Ling Xiao is palatial facing several imposing manners, the look does not have the least bit to be startled, instead hangs was seeming to be the happy expression, if not having. 凌笑面对几股气势巍峨不动,神色没有半点惊慌,反而挂着似有若无的笑意。 The regulations, he has been divided into five using Spiritual Force, simultaneously resists the pressure that several people are sending out. 实则,他已经利用精神力一分为五,同时对抗着那几人散发的威压。 Several people have refused to compromise a meeting, that several Half Step King Rank aura continued weakly. 几人僵持了一会,那几名半步王阶的气息相续弱了下来。 Ling Xiao still immovability, the body very dials, look relaxed [say / way] I take 13, several should not have the opinion?”. 凌笑仍然不动如山,身子挺拨,神色轻松道“我要13件,几位应该没有意见吧?”。 Then, lifted slightly, after the palm opens, 13 Profound Tool unexpectedly mysteriously float. 说罢,一手微微抬了起来,当手掌张开后,13件玄器居然神奇地悬浮了起来。 The Three Sects person all reveals the panic-stricken color, particularly Luo Baxing, the complexion became cloudier, he knows that Ling Xiao imagined him is more formidabe, unexpectedly can achieve separated takes spatially the boundary. 三宗的人皆露出惊骇之色,尤其是罗霸兴,脸色变得更加阴沉了,他知道凌笑比他想像中更难对付,居然能做到隔空取物的境界。 This boundary seemingly only then achieves Earth Emperor Rank to be able to achieve, even if King Rank also can only achieve to separate suction the boundary. 这境界貌似只有达到地皇阶才能做得到吧,哪怕是王阶也只能做到隔空吸物的境界而已。 Separates suction and separates takes the thing to have difference of the separation spatially, is the boundary is different. After the former is achieves King Rank, can use the spirit strength to affect the thing, closes up toward oneself rapidly \; But after the latter is actually achieves Emperor Rank, the peripheral Attribute spirit strength all for its uses, may change to makes the essence to take the thing within hundred meters generally, You Ru own hand is common, how wants to take all, which type like former only cannot absorb, the middle cannot have the pipe union stay. 隔空吸物和隔空取物只有一隔之差,可是境界却是不同的。前者是达到王阶之后,可以利用灵力牵动事物,迅速朝自己靠拢\;而后者却是达到皇阶之后,周边的属性灵力皆为其所用,可化做实质一般去取百米之内的东西,尤如自己的手一般,想如何拿取皆可以,不像前者哪样只能吸取,中间不能有由任停留。 Now Ling Xiao this is actually the gang intentionally showed that hangs 13 Profound Tool in the midair especially, finally spookily fluttered toward him. 如今凌笑这一手却是帮故意显示的,特地把13件玄器悬于半空,最后才幽幽地朝着他这边飘了过来。 Ling Xiao receives these 4th Rank Profound Tool immodestly, on the face as before indifferent, as if has handled a not worthy of mentioning matter. 凌笑不客气地收好这些四阶玄器,脸上依旧淡然,似乎做了一件微不足道的事情罢了。 Was good, our Violet Sky Sect that took, you did as you please Ling Xiao to say to the Three Sects person, then no longer looked at these Profound Tool half. “好了,我们紫天宗那一份已取,你们请便”凌笑对着三宗的人说了一声,然后便不再看这些玄器半眼。 The Three Sects person recovered, starts to divide equally these 4th Rank Profound Tool. 三宗的人回过神来,开始平分了这些四阶玄器 However, the Three Sects person is shooting a look at Ling Xiao with the corner of the eye once for a while, in the eye are many for several points to palpitate the color of fearing. 不过,三宗的人时不时用眼角瞥着凌笑,眼中多了几分悸惮之色。 Tian Xing as well as Luo Baxing look all ugly, as if in the difference measured that Ling Xiao does achieve to separate with what method takes the thing spatially? 天星以及罗霸兴神色皆难看了下来,仿佛都在差测凌笑到底是用何手段做到隔空取物的? Must unexpectedly Ling Xiao King Rank not be, let alone achieved Earth Emperor Rank. 必竟凌笑王阶都不是,更别说达到地皇阶了。 „Does he have Spirit Tool?” Two people simultaneously are imagining. “难道他身怀灵器?”二人同时想像着。 Has to say their imaginations richly. 不得不说他们的想像力十分地丰富。 Completely does not pay attention as for Young Lady Wu Mei, still drew Yu Lieyan to chat the daily family activity, as if knew that many years of good sisters to be common. 至于舞媚娘全然不理会,仍然拉着玉烈艳聊着家常,仿佛认识多年的好姐妹一般。 After a while, here all Profound Tool were blown obtains cleanly. 一会儿后,这里的所有玄器又被刮分得干干净净了。 Should go to four buildings, does not know that above will have anything Ling Xiao to stretch oneself the light [say / way]. “该上四楼了吧,不知道上面会有什么呢”凌笑伸了伸懒腰淡淡道。 Walked Tian Xing also no longer rubbish, takes the lead to walk first. “走吧”天星也不再废话,带头先走了上去。 The Three Sects person all walked in the forefront, the Violet Sky Sect person followed afterward. 三宗的人皆走在了最前面,紫天宗的人随后跟上。 To four buildings, has seen only rows of disorderly bookshelves to tread but actually here, volumes of books all everywhere scatter. 到了四楼上,只见一排排凌乱的书架倒踏在这里,一卷卷书籍皆随处散落。 A Light Star Palace disciple picked a book to turn first several, immediately called out in alarm [say / way] green „...... Green Rank Profound Technique Fire Exploding Six Stike Technique. 一名光星殿的弟子先捡拾起了一本书翻了几下,当即惊呼道“绿……绿阶玄技爆火六击术”。 Green Rank Profound Technique these characters have immediately brought to the attention of all people. 绿阶玄技”这几个字立即引起了所有人的注意。 Dozens people rapid threw toward these books. 几十人迅速朝着那些书卷扑了过去。 Profound Technique will not dislike in any Sect many, but each Profound Technique all has the value of its being in sole possession. 玄技在任何宗门之中都不会嫌多,而每一本玄技皆有其独有的价值。 In Violet Sky Sect, Green Rank Profound Technique is at the most, but in three big 7th Grade Sect, Green Rank Profound Technique actually is also High Quality, they no doubt have the Blue Rank Profound Technique collection, but that is not the casual person can learn. 紫天宗内,绿阶玄技已经是顶天了,而在三大七品宗门中,绿阶玄技却也是精品,他们固然有蓝阶玄技收藏,可那也不是随便一个人可以学到的。 Therefore, this Green Rank Profound Technique is the precious thing that most people will not shut out. 所以,这绿阶玄技皆是大部分人都不会嫌弃的珍贵东西。 Even if inappropriate cultivates, can take the exchange, its value is not low. 哪怕是不合适自己修炼的,也可以拿出去兑换,其价值可是一点都不低。 This...... This is the Blue Rank sword technique, good a Heavy Sword Sect disciple has called out in alarm suddenly. “这……这是蓝阶剑技,太好了”一名重剑门的弟子突然惊呼了起来。 Sees only in his hand to hold a books whole face joyful meaning. 只见他手中捧着一本书卷满脸欣喜之意。 Brings, this was one that I discovered first was jealous in his Light Star Palace disciple, said that has robbed that Blue Rank sword technique rashly. “拿来,这是我先发现的”一名在他身边的光星殿弟子眼红了,说了一句,不由分说地抢走了那本蓝阶剑技。 Bastard, gives back to me the Blue Rank sword technique quickly, otherwise I and you do not die that Heavy Sword Sect disciple to shout to clear the way continuous shamefully and angrily. “混蛋,快把蓝阶剑技还给我,不然我与你不死不休”那名重剑门弟子恼羞成怒地喝道。 Snort, how has the skill you to take that Light Star Palace disciple to give up to hand over. “哼,有本事你来拿啊”那光星殿的弟子怎么舍得交出来呢。 Blue Rank Profound Technique in their Sect is also extremely precious, now snatched naturally unable to let. 蓝阶玄技在他们宗门也是极为珍贵的,如今抢到了自然不会让出来。 I have killed you!” That Heavy Sword Sect disciple brandishes the great sword to kill to that Light Star Palace disciple. “我杀了你!”那重剑门弟子挥舞巨剑杀向那光星殿的弟子。 Feared that you are inadequate!” The Light Star Palace disciple does not fear, pulls out a soft sword to move forward to meet somebody. “怕你不成!”光星殿的弟子不惧,抽出一把软剑迎了上去。 Suddenly, two people do not attend to the peripheral person, attacks brutally. 一时间,二人不顾周边的人,大打出手。 Junior Brother, Senior Brother helps you Heavy Sword Sect Half Step King Rank after shouted to clear the way. 师弟,师兄来助你”一名重剑门半步王阶从后喝道。 „To majority win, I meet you Light Star Palace Half Step King Rank to regard unwillingly moved forward to meet somebody weakly. “想以多胜少,我来会你”一名光星殿半步王阶不甘视弱地迎了上去。 Heavy Sword Sect and Light Star Palace person was all provoked the flames of war, each one puts down the books in hand, appearance that a desire goes forward to go all out. 重剑门光星殿的人皆被挑起了战火,个个都放下手中的书卷,一副欲上前拼命的样子。
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