WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#328: Strong Ling Xiao

Chapter 328 powerful Ling Xiao 第328章强势的凌笑 499 flowers, only miss one 500, everybody who also has the flower, lifts the hand surpassing this number ~~~ 499朵花,只差一朵500,大家谁还有花,抬抬手给超过这数啊~~~ Speech except for Ling Xiao not others. 说话除了凌笑没有别人。 A moment ago he by Hidden Snake Sword to severe wound, lucky has not lost the life. 刚才他是被隐蛇剑给重伤了,万幸的是没有丢掉性命。 Although Hidden Snake Sword is Low Rank Spirit Tool, but it is actually Fire Attribute Spirit Tool, but Luo Baxing is actually the Metal Attribute spirit strength, two people cannot be separated by, the use could not display the prestige of hidden snake danger reluctantly. 隐蛇剑虽为低阶灵器,可是它却是火属性灵器,而罗霸兴却是金属性灵力,二人不能相隔,勉强使用根本发挥不了隐蛇险之威。 Therefore, the bang in Ling Xiao energy is just the strength that High Rank King Rank strikes. 所以,轰在凌笑身上的能量只不过是高阶王阶一击的力量罢了。 If trades not to do in cold deep pool practice half a month Ling Xiao, only feared that this move can want his half life. 要是换做没有在寒潭修炼半个月的凌笑,只怕这一招能要了他半条命。 However, has practiced half a month Ling Xiao strength in the cold deep pool, although has not progressed by leaps and bounds, but the body actually changes. Condition several points. 然而,在寒潭修炼了半个月的凌笑实力虽然没有突飞猛进,可是身体却又变.态了几分。 Ling Xiao has drawn support from Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid practice body bone, but also again has also practiced a body, internal organs and meridians, the defenses of all body organs all enhanced one time, moreover Refining Bones the boundary has entered into the boundary of Small Accomplishment. 凌笑借助了万年石乳液修炼身骨,可是也同时也再修炼了一遍皮肉、脏腑、经脉,所有身体器官的防御皆提高了一倍,而且“炼骨”之境已经迈入小成之境。 Strikes after hard High Rank King Rank by the present Ling Xiao mortal body fully is not the issue, even if were killed by the Earth Emperor Rank bang will not die in a short time. 以如今凌笑的肉身经硬高阶王阶全力一击并不是问题,哪怕是受地皇阶轰杀也不会在短时间内死去。 Why before this is also , Ling Xiao has not used Profound Tool, but brandishes the reason that the double fist meets head-on directly. 这也是为何之前凌笑没有动用玄器,而是直接挥舞双拳迎战的原故。 Which step he wants to try his body to arrive intrepidly, thought that copes with Luo Baxing not to need to use the weapon, in the heart also exists to the meaning of his showing mercy. 他就是想试一下自己的身体强悍到底到了哪一步,同时也觉得对付罗霸兴根本没必要动用武器,心中也存在对他手下留情之意。 Must the Three Sects person be able not to annoy unexpectedly as far as possible little annoys. 必竟三宗的人能不惹还是尽量地少惹。 But why he was injured a moment ago, that was hit one to be caught off guard by the match, this ate one to owe stuffily. 而刚才他为何受伤,那是被对手打了一个措手不及,这才吃了一记闷亏。 The attack of this Low Rank Spirit Tool Attribute also has the intelligence, really makes people virtually impossible to guard against. 低阶灵器属性的攻击还具备灵性,真是让人防不胜防。 Luo Baxing is very arrogant, thinks that Spirit Tool Ling Xiao must die. 罗霸兴十分自大,以为灵器一出凌笑必死。 Not is only he believes that other people also thought Ling Xiao must die without doubt. 不仅是他这么认为,就连其他人也觉得凌笑是必死无疑。 Luo Baxing has not continued to chase down, but Bing Ruoshui and Yu Lieyan continue get rid, this made Ling Xiao have the abundant therapy time. 罗霸兴没有继续追杀,而冰若水玉烈艳相续出手,这就让凌笑有了充裕的疗伤时间。 But, Yu Lieyan is grasped now, Ling Xiao was also enraged. 可是,现在玉烈艳被抓,凌笑也被激怒了。 If Luo Baxing is not tactful, only then slaughtered! 如果罗霸兴真的不识趣,那只有大开杀戒了! Ling Xiao had confidence in letting Yu Lieyan is extinguished by any situation of injury in directly has killed Luo Baxing. 凌笑有把握在让玉烈艳没受任何伤害的情况下直接灭杀了罗霸兴 Luo Baxing really cannot think that Ling Xiao has not died unexpectedly, not far Tian Xing and Young Lady Wu Mei inconceivable look at Ling Xiao. 罗霸兴实在想不到凌笑居然没死,就连不远的天星舞媚娘都不可思议地看着凌笑 In three people of mind all flashes through a thought this fellow definitely to put on High Rank Protection Defense Armor. 三人脑海中皆闪过一个念头“这家伙肯定穿有高阶防御卫甲”。 Put this matter Ling Xiao to tread previous step on such Forget About It to let somebody cool off or calm down once more said. “放了她这事就这么算了凌笑踏前一步再次冷冷地说道。 You said that calculates on Forget About It, you think that you are the absolute monarch? Even if the absolute monarch comes me also to do the Lord who she Luo Baxing can it be that received to threaten today, immediately very said indignantly. “你说算就算了,你以为你是天王老子啊?就算天王老子来今天我也要干了她”罗霸兴又岂是受威胁的主,当即十分气愤地说道。 His that pinched the hand of Yu Lieyan to tighten, Yu Lieyan that tender face became red scary. 他那捏着玉烈艳的手更是紧了紧,玉烈艳那张娇脸变得通红吓人。 The Ling Xiao brow selects, Spiritual Force must from Sea of Consciousness turbulently. 凌笑眉头一挑,精神力就要从识海之中汹涌而出。 At this time, pretty sound sound went to Brother Luo together, please give a Young Lady Mei face to put what kind of her?”. 这时,一道娇滴滴的声音响去“罗兄,请给媚娘一个面子把她放了怎么样?”。 This sound such as washes the spring breeze just like day, listens in the ear, is crisp at heart. 这声音如沐春风宛若天赖,听在耳里,爽在心里。 All men all by her sound attracting. 所有男人皆被她的声音给吸引住了。 Ling Xiao shoots a look at Young Lady Wu Mei that walked, the vision twinkle, at heart dark to praise is a fan spirit that refuses stubbornly to pay with a life. 凌笑瞥了一眼走出来的舞媚娘,目光闪烁,心里暗赞“又是一个迷死不偿命的妖精”。 Luo Baxing narrows the eyes to focus to look that the Young Lady Wu Mei [say / way] Young Lady Mei you also do come the ginseng and?”. 罗霸兴眯着眼看着舞媚娘道“媚娘你也来参和?”。 No...... I think in your hand that younger sister and I am predestined friends very much, therefore wants to invite Brother Luo to face Young Lady Mei, in the future Young Lady Mei will thank Young Lady Wu Mei to say settledly again lightly. “不……我觉得你手中那位妹妹与我很有缘,所以想请罗兄给个面子媚娘,日后媚娘定当重谢”舞媚娘淡淡地说道。 Luo Baxing flashes through the hesitant color, he really does not understand anything that Young Lady Wu Mei hits pays attention. 罗霸兴闪过犹豫之色,他实在不明白舞媚娘打的什么注意。 At this time, Tian Xing start to talk [say / way] Brother Luo, gave a Young Lady Mei face, we should go in. 这时,天星开口道“罗兄,就给媚娘一个面子吧,我们该进去了”。 Luo Baxing looked at Tian Xing, then should say „, since Young Lady Mei and Star Child strove for inviting, I gave you a face, rolled to me. 罗霸兴看了一眼天星,接着应道“既然媚娘星子都求请,我就给你们俩一个面子,给我滚吧”。 Then, Luo Baxing layer on layer fell Yu Lieyan. 说罢,罗霸兴玉烈艳重重地摔了出去。 Although he has put Yu Lieyan, the direction that but he falls has a giant rock. 他虽说是放了玉烈艳,可是他摔去的方向却有着一块巨大的岩石。 If Yu Lieyan runs upon this rock only to fear that did not die has half to assign. 如若玉烈艳撞上这岩石只怕不死都只有半条命了。 Young Lady Wu Mei has not thought that Luo Baxing so is unexpectedly vicious, unexpectedly wanted the Yu Lieyan life. 舞媚娘没想到罗霸兴居然如此狠毒,居然想要了玉烈艳的命。 Although she has to think to rescue Yu Lieyan, may bear what to leave is too far, with was inferior to rescue. 她虽有心想救玉烈艳,可耐何自己相离太远,跟本来不及救助。 Saw that Yu Lieyan works as on the mourning awfully, points out frankly the sound of wind to go, form One Step Ahead caught Yu Lieyan. 眼看玉烈艳就要命丧当,一道破风之声响去,一条身影先一步接住了玉烈艳 Shout! 呼! The Violet Sky Sect person and Young Lady Wu Mei all also relaxed. 紫天宗的人和舞媚娘皆是同时松了一口气。 „Is Senior Sister unimportant?” Ling Xiao holds Yu Lieyan to ask anxiously. 师姐不要紧吧?”凌笑抱着玉烈艳急切地问道。 The Yu Lieyan pale complexion is hanging the satisfied smiling face, the tender hand flutters the Ling Xiao neck [say / way] I to be all right, I know that you will certainly rescue my. 玉烈艳苍白的脸色挂着满足的笑容,娇手勾住凌笑的脖子道“我没事,我知道你一定会救我的”。 Ling Xiao listened to this saying, not only has not felt any happy, instead became heavy. 凌笑听了她这话,不仅没感到任何开心,反而变得沉重了起来。 As his woman increases gradually, but he truly also unceasingly is stiffening, but he must do several things at the same time to have no time unexpectedly, what person once offended, what to do others do aim at his woman to start this to should? 随着他的女人渐渐增多,而他自己确实也在不断变强,可是他一个人必竟分身无暇,一旦自己得罪了什么人,那人家对准他的女人下手这可该怎么办? Can the time accompany side them? This obviously is impossible. 难道自己时刻都能陪在她们身边吗?这显然是不可能的。 In the Ling Xiao heart invisible in has had one sense of responsibility. 凌笑心中无形之中产生了一种责任感。 Which if a man could not protect including his women is also any man. 如果一个男人连自己的女人都保护不了哪还算什么男人。 It seems like must find the way to make them formidable is the truth in the Ling Xiao heart has mused to say. “看来必须想办法让她们自己都强大起来才是真理了”凌笑心中暗想道。 Smiles, you hug my such beauty to return Divided Spirit, you...... Irritated me Yu Lieyan to see the Ling Xiao vision to be dedicated, what a pity actually does not visit her, only thought that was angry, has turned in his waist maliciously. “笑,你抱着我这么一个大美人还分神,你……气死我了”玉烈艳凌笑目光专注,可惜却不是看着她,只觉得气恼极了,狠狠地在他腰间扭了一把。 Oh Ling Xiao shouted one lightly, then pale said with a smile is I am not right, Senior Sister you got down first, these many people look that was embarrassed!”. “哎哟”凌笑轻叫了一声,接着淡笑道“是我不对,师姐你先下来吧,这么多人看着,多不好意思啊!”。 Yu Lieyan restored several points of moving brilliance to say with a smile results in Ping Yi (Small Adventage) also to show off cleverness, many people want to hug others not to have that good fortune. 玉烈艳恢复几分动人的光彩笑道“得了平宜还卖乖,多少人想抱人家都没那个福气呢”。 She that said that but was somewhat reluctant to part from the bosom of Ling Xiao. 她话是这么说,可还是有些恋恋不舍地从凌笑的怀中下来了。 After Yu Lieyan stands firm, turns around to not far Young Lady Wu Mei cuping one hand in the other across the chest [say / way] many thanks this elder sister weaponry word, does not know how the elder sister did call?”. 玉烈艳站定后,转身对着不远的舞媚娘拱手道“多谢这位姐姐仗言,不知道姐姐怎么称呼?”。 Why does not know, Yu Lieyan has an inborn closeness facing Young Lady Wu Mei, but Young Lady Wu Mei. 不知为何,玉烈艳面对舞媚娘有一种天生的亲近感,而舞媚娘又何尝不是呢。 Young Lady Wu Mei arrives in front of Yu Lieyan leisurely, pulled up the Yu Lieyan hand whole face joyful color not to add on any busy polite anything, I call Young Lady Wu Mei to be 22-year-old this year, did not know you......”. 舞媚娘款款来到玉烈艳面前,拉起了玉烈艳的手满脸欣喜之色道“又没帮上什么忙客气什么,我叫舞媚娘今年二十有二,不知道你……”。 Yu Lieyan should say that hurriedly that I may compared with your greatly one -year-old, I called Yu Lieyan, the Violet Sky Sect hanger-on. 玉烈艳急忙应道“那我可比你大一岁,我叫玉烈艳,紫天宗门下”。 I must call you Elder Sister Yu a Young Lady Wu Mei rack not to have, unexpectedly salutes to say to Yu Lieyan slightly. “那我得叫你一声玉姐姐了”舞媚娘一点架子都没有,居然微微向玉烈艳行礼说道。 Yu Lieyan hurries to support the Young Lady Wu Mei [say / way] Young Lady Mei don't this, I...... I cannot take on. 玉烈艳赶紧扶住舞媚娘道“媚娘别这样,我……我担当不起”。 Young Lady Wu Mei sweet said with a smile „, later our according to sisters who had anything to take on were symmetric, if some people dare to bully you again, the younger sister will certainly demand justice for the elder sister. 舞媚娘甜甜一笑道“有什么担当不担当的起的,以后咱俩就以姐妹相称,要是有人再敢欺负你,小妹一定会为姐姐讨还公道”。 Was saying at the same time also especially stared Luo Baxing. 说着的同时还特地瞪了一眼罗霸兴 Luo Baxing thought depressed, this did Young Lady Wu Mei take the wrong medicine? 罗霸兴都觉得郁闷了,这舞媚娘吃错药了? Unexpectedly from falling the status goes to and a Low Rank Sect female is symmetric by the sisters, this somewhat was really bewildered. 居然自降身份去和一个低阶宗门的女子以姐妹相称,这实在有些莫明其妙了。 Not is only Luo Baxing, other people all somewhat cannot feel the brains. 不仅是罗霸兴,就连其他人皆有些摸不着头脑。 At this time, Tian Xing opening the mouth [say / way] Young Lady Mei, Brother Luo, did you also go in once more, did not go in our Light Star Palace to probably have sole possession of. 这时,天星再次开口道“媚娘,罗兄,你们还进不进去,不进去我们光星殿可要独吞了”。 Snort, Star Child, the appetite too did not fear greatly supported badly Luo Baxing snort|hum, stared Ling Xiao, then the stride moved toward the main hall that side. “哼,星子,胃口太大也不怕撑坏了”罗霸兴哼了一声,瞪了一眼凌笑,然后大步走向了大殿那边去。 Does Young Lady Wu Mei draw the Yu Lieyan hand [say / way] elder sister to have a look to inside together?”. 舞媚娘拉着玉烈艳的手道“姐姐想不想一起到里面看看?”。 Yu Lieyan somewhat awkwardly looked to nearby Ling Xiao. 玉烈艳有些为难地看向了一旁的凌笑 Ling Xiao nodded says with a smile pale goes, I also planned in any case in has a look, thinks several will not have the opinion. 凌笑点了点头淡笑道“进去吧,反正我也打算到里面看看,想必几位不会有意见的”。 „It is not good, you dare to go forward Half Step, this king first killed you Luo Baxing to turn around to exclaim immediately loudly. “不行,你敢上前半步,本王就先杀了你”罗霸兴立即转身大吼道。 Ling Xiao several steps go forward, tiger cold Jun, the manner looks proudly the Luo Baxing light [say / way] you think had Spirit Tool to kill me in the hand?”. 凌笑几步上前,虎目冷竣,神态自傲地看着罗霸兴淡淡道“你以为有灵器在手就能杀了我吗?”。 Then, a Ling Xiao imposing manner ascending a height to get a broad view peak, Spiritual Force makes the invisible pressure to go toward the extrusion of Luo Baxing. 说罢,凌笑一身气势登临最高点,精神力化做无形的压力全朝着罗霸兴的挤压而去。 How Luo Baxing will regard weakly, a Half Step King Rank imposing manner surged upward in vain. 罗霸兴又岂会视弱,一身半步王阶的气势徒然高涨了起来。 But, he discovered own imposing manner is the maximum time closely was being suppressed by another more fearful pressure, as if the invisible mountain presses together in him carries on the back, making him unable to move. 可是,他发现自己气势达到最大的时候被另一股更可怕的压力给紧紧地压制着,仿佛一块无形的大山压在他背上,让他动弹不得。 Suddenly, Luo Baxing only thought that the breath becomes exceptionally difficult, the mind became heavy, the imposing manner suffered a disastrous decline instantaneously, the whole piece face became aggrieved red. 一时间,罗霸兴只觉得呼吸都变得异常困难,脑海都变得沉重了起来,气势瞬间一落千丈,整张脸变得憋屈通红。 But Ling Xiao actually step by step approaches, the imposing manner still sang loudly. 凌笑却是一步步地逼近,气势仍然一路高歌。 Although is only the High Rank Spirit Master strength, but this pressure is not lower than true King Rank unexpectedly. 虽说只是高阶灵师的实力,可是这股威压居然不低于真正的王阶 Tian Xing and Young Lady Wu Mei have all revealed the color of shock, why understood others to make Luo Baxing at heart suddenly eat the invisible losses a moment ago again and again, this did Young Fellow also suppress the boundary to be inadequate?”. 天星舞媚娘皆露出了震惊之色,心里突然明了为何人家刚才能连连让罗霸兴吃暗亏了,“难道这小子还压制了境界不成?”。 This main hall our Violet Sky Sect entered, how didn't know two opinions?” Ling Xiao has taken back Spiritual Force, does not look at Luo Baxing, but said to Tian Xing and Young Lady Wu Mei. “这大殿我们紫天宗进定了,不知道两位意见如何?”凌笑收回了精神力,一眼不看罗霸兴,而是对着天星舞媚娘说道。 Although in the expression has meaning of question, but also had actually indicated the firm standpoint, this main hall you do not give me also to enter. 语气中虽有寻问的意思,可是却也表明了坚定的立场,这大殿你们不给进我也要进。 severe glow who Tian Xing flashes through several not easy detections, on the handsome face is hanging and bright smiling face [say / way] before we early had said that can leave a position insisting final Sect, but your Violet Sky Sect is can also stand in this speech only, therefore you can go in us, Young Lady Mei do you think?”. 天星闪过几丝不易察觉的厉芒,俊脸上挂着和熙的笑容道“在进来之前我们早已经说过,能留一个位置给坚持到最后的宗门,而你们紫天宗是唯一还能站在这说话的,所以你们可以和我们一起进去,媚娘你觉得呢?”。 Young Lady Wu Mei should say that indifferently I do not have the opinion, but I must lead my this elder sister to go to have a look. 舞媚娘无所谓地应道“我没意见,但我一定要带我这位姐姐进去看看”。 Tian Xing looked at not far Luo Baxing, asked continually saved, announced directly that this Junior Brother and others together went to have a look in this to have what treasure with me, but the offensive talk said in front, inside thing depended on the skill respectively, if did not have the guts not go to wonderfully. 天星看了一眼不远的罗霸兴,连问一句都省了,直接宣布道“那这位师弟就与我等一起进去看看这里面到底会有何宝物吧,不过丑话说在前面,里面的东西各凭本事,如果没胆量的话还是不要进去为妙”。 Ling Xiao said with a smile pale various life and death secure destiny, first please. 凌笑淡笑道“生死各安天命,诸位先请”。 Tian Xing, Young Lady Wu Mei and Luo Baxing three people took the lead in the main hall. 紧接着,天星舞媚娘罗霸兴三人率先进了大殿之中。 In the Luo Baxing heart aggrieved, a moment ago he was pressed unable to move by Ling Xiao, the face lost completely, suppressed the extreme to Ling Xiao at heart, he after wants waited for Ling Xiao and the others to enter the main hall, must their Violet Sky Sect be ruthless. 罗霸兴心中憋屈至极,刚才他被凌笑压得动弹不了,脸都丢尽了,心里对凌笑狠到了极点,他在想等凌笑等人进了大殿之后,一定要把他们紫天宗赶尽杀绝。 However, on the other hand, he really cannot think through Ling Xiao obviously is only High Rank Spirit Master, but why can actually press him in the imposing manner? 不过,话说回来,他实在想不通凌笑明明只是高阶灵师,可是却为何能在气势压过他呢? No matter you are how fierce, will wait to die Luo Baxing to grip the double fist, the vision will reveal thick killing intent. “不管你如何厉害,等会还是要死”罗霸兴攥了攥双拳,目光流露出浓浓的杀意。
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