WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#327: Spirit hidden snake sword

Chapter 327 Spirit Tool Hidden Snake Sword 第327章灵器隐蛇剑 Thank ntwm sopsd the straightforwardness of two buddies to hit to enjoy ~~~ 感谢“ntwm”“sopsd”二位哥们的豪爽打赏~~~ Luo Baxing has stood slowly, the whole piece face sank has gotten down. 罗霸兴缓缓站了起来,整张脸都沉了一下来。 Anybody noticed that this complexion knows Luo Baxing now is very angry, was angry exactly wants to swallow Ling Xiao. 任何人看到这张脸色都知道罗霸兴现在很愤怒,愤怒得想活吞了凌笑 I have killed you!” Luo Baxing both eyes got angry have roared red, great sword such as electricity generally toward Ling Xiao. “我杀了你!”罗霸兴双目怒红地吼了一声,巨剑如电一般朝着凌笑袭来。 This time he has not attacked to carry on with Attribute attacks, but is close body is abundant. 这一次他没有用属性攻击进行远攻,而是直接近身博。 His great sword is 5th Rank Middle Rank Sword Tool, even if the Earth Emperor Rank powerhouses does not dare to meet easily hardly. 他的巨剑乃是五阶中阶剑器,哪怕是地皇阶强者都不敢轻易硬接。 He knows that the Ling Xiao mortal body is formidable, but cannot compare 5th Rank Sword Tool to be intrepid! 他知道凌笑肉身利害,可是总不能比五阶剑器还要强悍吧! Luo Baxing thinks of this point, therefore chose near body to be abundant. 罗霸兴正是想到这一点,所以才选择了近身博。 Although his strategy is good, but he has underestimated Ling Xiao. 他的计策虽好,可是他还是低估了凌笑 Ate two to owe a moment ago continuously stuffily has not thought unexpectedly Ling Xiao also had Wind Attribute, otherwise trod on the shoes to evade his is killing? 刚才连续吃了两记闷亏居然没想到凌笑还身怀风属性,要不然怎么履履躲过他的杀着呢? His sword sword cuts toward the Ling Xiao strategic point, each sword speed quick made the person for the first time the tongue. 他一剑剑朝着凌笑要害斩去,每一剑速度快等令人乍舌。 Sees only Ling Xiao peripheral, only then sword marks flash before, as if each sword Ling Xiao dismembering. 只见凌笑周边只有一道道剑痕闪现,似乎每一剑都把凌笑给分尸了。 But the response and speed of Ling Xiao all are unparalleled, even if the King Rank powerhouses is hard to hope to attain, he possibly was chopped? 可是凌笑的反应和速度皆是无双,哪怕是王阶强者都难以企及,他又怎么可能被砍到呢? Ling Xiao often brushes with that great sword, looks like how thrilling, but can always turn danger into safety finally. 凌笑每每与那巨剑擦身而过,看起来是多么地惊险,可是最后总能化险为夷。 On this weight, was too after really disappointing Ling Xiao to evade a sword, disdain said. “就这点斤量,实在太差劲了”凌笑躲过一剑后,非常不屑地说道。 „!” Luo Baxing first time receives so big ashamed, the mouth keeps shouting wildly, the great sword in hand keeps the dance, what a pity still had not bumped into the Ling Xiao half root hair. “啊啊!”罗霸兴头一次受到如此大的羞耻,嘴里不停地狂叫着,手里的巨剑不停地狂舞,可惜仍然没碰到凌笑半根毛。 In his eye flashes through decidedly the different glow, in another hand presented a snake-shaped long sword of crafty intent. 他眼目之中闪过决然地异芒,另一只手上出现了一把诡意的蛇形长剑。 The great sword difference of this sword in his right hand is very big, only one meter, the sword hilt is the snake head, the sword blade such as the snake body, curving, the light red halo sends out, just like together snake-shaped float in midair, that pair of nimble and resourceful snake eye, to the feeling that the person Mo Gan looks at each other. 此剑与他右手中的巨剑差别很大,仅有一米长,剑柄乃是蛇首,剑身如蛇身,弯弯曲曲的,淡淡的红色光晕散发开来,宛若一道蛇形悬浮于半空之中,那双灵动的蛇眼,给人一种莫敢对视的感觉。 This sword, presents the sword that all people hold to keep shivering, these swords as if are afraid, You Ru saw that the superior Monarch emperor is common, feeling that one type lets go of faintly the worship. 此剑一出,在场所有人所持的剑都在不停地颤抖着,那些剑似乎都在害怕,尤如见到上位君皇一般,隐隐有一种脱手朝拜的感觉。 Can make me use Hidden Snake Sword, you were sufficiently proud Luo Baxing to drink one, received own great sword instantaneously, the left hand punctures continually several. “能让我动用隐蛇剑,你足以自傲了”罗霸兴喝了一声,瞬间收好自己的巨剑,左手连刺几下。 ! 咻咻! Several colorful red are snake-shaped, has nipped toward Ling Xiao from several directions rapidly. 几道艳红色蛇形,迅速从几个方向朝着凌笑咬了过去。 These snake shades such as essence is common, speed quickly compared with peerless, making people virtually impossible to guard against. 这几道蛇影如实质一般,速度快比绝伦,让人防不胜防。 Ling Xiao and Luo Baxing leave too nearly, moreover this Hidden Snake Sword sword air/Qi is too quick, frightened in a big way one him jumped. 凌笑罗霸兴离得太近,况且这隐蛇剑的剑气太快,把他吓得了一大跳。 The Ling Xiao speed is quick, all of a sudden after vertical leapt several somersaults again and again. 凌笑速度是很快,一下子朝后连连纵跃了好几个跟头。 In the past can evade to attack at this speed absolutely. 以往以他这速度绝对可以躲过攻击了。 What a pity, Spirit Tool and Profound Tool, although is only separation of character, but the might is actually the great distance long distance. 可惜,灵器玄器虽只是一字之隔,可是威力却是相隔十万八千里的。 Sees only that several snake shade You Ru to move general, unexpectedly can change the direction to pursue Ling Xiao to go at will. 只见那几道蛇影尤如活动一般,居然可以随意改变方向追着凌笑而去。 When Ling Xiao just the standing firm body, all of a sudden saw to arrive at the present snake shade, the pupil has placed, the body avoids radically without enough time. 凌笑刚站定身子,一下子看到来到眼前的蛇影,瞳孔放在了,身子根本来不及躲避。 Bang! 轰隆! Several hot snake shades layer on layer pounded on Ling Xiao. 几道火蛇影重重地砸在了凌笑身上。 Puff! 噗! Ling Xiao such as the kite of broken line was rumbled to fly far away, a counter blood sprays from the mouth. 凌笑如断线的风筝被轰飞了老远,一口逆血从口中喷洒而出。 Smiled( Junior Brother)” Violet Sky Sect here people to call out in alarm. “笑(师弟)”紫天宗这边的众人皆惊呼了起来。 All people all ran in the Ling Xiao direction. 所有人全朝着凌笑的方向跑了过去。 Ha Ha, can die under Spirit Tool, you were injust Luo Baxing have also laughed to say. “哈哈,能死在灵器之下,你也算是冤了”罗霸兴哈哈大笑道。 He died, you must be buried along with the dead Bing Ruoshui to anchor the footsteps to him, drank one tenderly, the ice sword thorn in hand has projected a hail, the total vitality the Luo Baxing bang was going. “他死了,你也要给他陪葬”冰若水停住脚步,娇喝了一声,手中的冰剑刺射出点点冰雹,全数朝气着罗霸兴轰去。 Snort, the light of grain of rice also dares to vie with the bright moon, acts recklessly Luo Baxing Cold Snort, Hidden Snake Sword in hand returned to Spatial Ring, the great sword appeared in the hand again. “哼,米粒之光也敢与皓月争辉,不知死活”罗霸兴冷哼了一声,手中的隐蛇剑回归空间戒,刚才的巨剑再次出现在手上。 Dingdong! 叮当! Luo Baxing wields conveniently, great sword handle all sword flowers keep off. 罗霸兴随手一挥,巨剑把所有剑花挡下。 Bing Ruoshui knows that the great strength of Luo Baxing, that move harassed the enemy a moment ago, is straight this move truely is killing. 冰若水知道罗霸兴的强大,刚才那一招只是扰敌,直下来这一招才是真正的杀着。 Sees only the position that this sword takes to be very cunning, moreover sword glow centralized in one, from one side straight thrust Luo Baxing the place of below armpit. 只见她这一剑所取的位置十分刁钻,而且剑芒集中在一处,从侧面直刺罗霸兴的下腋之处。 ! 咻! Sword air/Qi able to move unhindered, chilly weather! 剑气纵横,寒气逼人! Trades to make general High Rank Spirit Master, did not pay attention to cherish hatred slightly at the scene. 换做一般的高阶灵师,稍不注意都要饮恨当场了。 What a pity, Luo Baxing is not High Rank Spirit Master, but is Half Step King Rank of genuine goods at reasonable prices. 可惜,罗霸兴不是高阶灵师,而是货真价实的半步王阶 A little meaning, but also insufficiently looked that” Luo Baxing disdain said that vacates that palm, welcomed a that sword air/Qi layer on layer racket directly, one group of golden color were in charge hit above the ice cold sword air/Qi, two groups of energies cancelled immediately. “有点意思,不过还不够看”罗霸兴不屑地说了一句,空出那一掌,直接迎上那剑气重重一拍,一团金色掌印撞在冰寒剑气之上,两团能量立即对消。 Meanwhile, Luo Baxing has returned to the body, the great sword sweeps away to go toward Bing Ruoshui. 与此同时,罗霸兴回过身子,巨剑朝着冰若水横扫而去。 The heavy sword does not have the peak, is sword potential actually like the rainbow, how the Bing Ruoshui speed can be possible to compare with Luo Baxing, wanted to incur shortly. 重剑无峰,可是剑势却如虹,冰若水速度又怎么能与罗霸兴可比,眼看就要中招了。 If Younger Sister Shui, I help you the hot glow such as Dragon to roar toward Luo Baxing to roar together. “若水妹妹,我来助你”一道火芒如龙咆哮朝着罗霸兴咆哮而来。 Comes to rescue Bing Ruoshui Yu Lieyan. 前来救助冰若水的的正是玉烈艳 The Luo Baxing look selects, has to return to the sword standard to keep off. 罗霸兴眼神一挑,不得不回剑格挡。 Bing Ruoshui did not depend on flexure, body just did not drop a single foot step on ground, iced the sword to puncture once more toward Luo Baxing. 冰若水不依不挠,身子刚落下单脚一蹬地面,冰剑再次朝着罗霸兴刺去。 Woman of acting recklessly Luo Baxing was attacked both front and rear, scolds one, the whole body bloomed [gold/metal] who welled up xiong. “不知死活的娘们”罗霸兴前后受敌,骂了一句,周身绽放出涌汹的金芒。 Dingdong dingdong! 叮当叮当! The Luo Baxing great sword back and forth standard files, the formidable bracing cold shook two female tigers mouths to overflow the blood, their long swords were all shaken fall on the ground. 罗霸兴巨剑来回格档,强大的气劲震得二女的虎口都溢出了血,她们的长剑皆被震落在地上。 Comes a beautiful woman, has not thought besides Charming Flame Sect, so JIALI, was really good Luo Baxing to look at Yu Lieyan to say with a smile, then also said was a pity that you needed...... Dies. “又来一美人,没想到除了炎媚宗之外,还有如此嘉丽,着实不错”罗霸兴看了一眼玉烈艳笑道,接着又说“可惜,你们还是必须要……死”。 Cluck-cluck, this Senior Brother you are really fearful, do not kill people are good Yu Lieyan to cover the injured hand to unfold Yan to say with a smile. “咯咯,这位师兄你真可怕,不要杀人家行不行”玉烈艳捂住受伤的手展颜笑道。 Sees only her sound to reveal the pretty meaning, that movement such as inborn charming, that pair of sexy look is makes one be enchanted by especially. 只见她那声音流露着楚楚动人之意,那动作尤如天生的妩媚,那双桃花眼更是使人迷醉不已。 The peripheral men were roused the heart to be dizzy by Yu Lieyan this sound, in the innermost feelings had one type not to endure to injure her impulsion. 周边的男子都被玉烈艳这声音勾动了心眩,内心之中产生了一种不忍伤害她的冲动。 The Luo Baxing mind as if was also confused, the movement became slightly the delay. 罗霸兴心神似乎也受到了迷惑,动作变得微微呆滞了一下。 The Yu Lieyan face is hanging beautiful smiling face, the little girl that full stature, is stepping the lithe lotus steps, walked toward Luo Baxing gradually. 玉烈艳脸挂着美艳的笑容,妞着那饱满的身材,迈着轻盈的莲步,一步一步地朝着罗霸兴走了过去。 Each smiles, each movement as if contains is bewitching to seize soul the meaning of charming. 她每一个笑,每一个动作似乎都蕴含着勾魂夺魄的媚惑之意。 Is staring at Yu Lieyan each movement in not far Young Lady Wu Mei stubbornly, the beautiful pupil of that pair of revealing is revealing the joyful color. She is calling out in alarm this at heart...... This absolutely is the inborn sycophancy, good, must drag into the head-family her, I think that the master she will certainly like, like this I were many sisters. 在不远的舞媚娘死死盯着玉烈艳每一个动作,那双露出的美眸流露着欣喜之色。她在心里惊呼“这……这绝对是天生媚骨,太好了,一定要把她拉入本宗,我想师傅她老人家一定会非常喜欢的,这样我就多了一个姐妹了”。 Tian Xing shot a look at maintaining composure Young Lady Wu Mei with the eye solution, reveals says with a smile pale Young Lady Mei she is your Charming Flame Sect person?”. 天星用眼解瞥了一眼不动声色的舞媚娘,露出淡笑道“媚娘她可是你炎媚宗的人?”。 Young Lady Wu Mei shook the head to say that now is not. 舞媚娘摇了摇头应道“现在不是”。 Now isn't?” Tian Xing stunned, innermost feelings are actually puzzled. “现在不是?”天星错愕了一下,内心却是不解。 Yu Lieyan arrives around Luo Baxing one meter, the beautiful pupil looks at Luo Baxing lovingly, the white hands flutters, melts refers to for the plum, the jade lip opens this Senior Brother lightly, your is quite fearful the sword, can put!”. 玉烈艳走到罗霸兴跟前一米,美眸含情地看着罗霸兴,玉手轻扬,化指为梅,玉唇轻启“这位师兄,你那把剑好可怕啊,能不能放下来呀!”。 The Yu Lieyan sound has filled tempting. The meaning of being puzzled, is men cannot withstand such enticing. 玉烈艳的声音充满了诱.惑之意,是个男人都经不起这样的勾引。 A Luo Baxing wrist|skill loosen, the great sword in-line entered above the ground. 罗霸兴手腕一松,巨剑直插入了地面之上。 Suddenly, Yu Lieyan beautiful pupil one bright, the white hands gathered the formidable spirit strength to go toward the Luo Baxing heart bang. 蓦然间,玉烈艳美眸一亮,玉手汇聚了强大的灵力朝着罗霸兴的心脏轰去。 The Yu Lieyan book thinks that this move can want the Luo Baxing life. 玉烈艳本以为这一招就能要了罗霸兴的命。 What a pity, she has underestimated the Luo Baxing ability. 可惜,她还是低估了罗霸兴的能力了。 Her that bang that fist, by Luo Baxing directly gripping. 她那轰出的那一拳,被罗霸兴直接给握住了。 Yu Lieyan in great surprise, wants to leave to draw back, what a pity actually closely had been pressed firmly between the fingers the fist by Luo Baxing. 玉烈艳大惊,想抽身而退,可惜却被罗霸兴给紧紧地捏住了拳头。 „, Since deliver, that king is impolite Luo Baxing to wipe color of the greed, draws Yu Lieyan to go toward the bosom in directly. “啧啧,既然自己送上门来,那本王就不客气了”罗霸兴抹过一丝贪欲之色,直接拉着玉烈艳朝着怀中而去。 He is the Three Sects most outstanding disciple, the willpower so will be how weak, even if is Charming Flame Sect Young Lady Wu Mei does not dare to confuse him easily. 他身为三宗最出色的弟子,意志力怎么会如此薄弱,哪怕是身为炎媚宗舞媚娘都不敢轻易去迷惑他。 But Yu Lieyan inborn sycophancy, but does not have the profound flattering merit practice, the flattering strength that sends out is good in view of willpower general military, like Luo Baxing does not have the opportunity in view of the person. 玉烈艳虽然天生媚骨,可是却没有高深的媚功修炼,所散发的媚力针对意志力一般的武者还行,针对像罗霸兴这样的人却是无用武之地。 Yu Lieyan revolts vigorously, was the Luo Baxing strength was higher, stubbornly the geostatic pressure her she, big mouth has been kissing to the Yu Lieyan fragrance. 玉烈艳极力反抗,可是罗霸兴实力比她高了许多,死死地压着她,大嘴对着玉烈艳的香唇吻了下去。 Lets loose her!” Bing Ruoshui has drunk one tenderly, holds the sword to puncture toward Luo Baxing. “放开她!”冰若水娇喝了一声,持剑朝着罗霸兴刺去。 Luo Baxing reveals the color of being inwardly angry, detains Yu Lieyan in bosom to keep off the Bing Ruoshui sword to incur. 罗霸兴露出愠怒之色,押着怀中的玉烈艳去挡冰若水的剑招。 Bing Ruoshui is greatly anxious, the body in midair one revolution, punctures toward the one side. 冰若水大急,身子在半空一转,朝着一旁刺去。 Luo Baxing seizes the chance to grab Yu Lieyan, has plundered toward Bing Ruoshui, a foot sweeps maliciously in the slender waist of Bing Ruoshui, meaning of the showing tender affection does not have. 罗霸兴趁机抓着玉烈艳,朝着冰若水掠了过去,一脚狠狠地扫在冰若水的细腰,一点怜香惜玉之意都没有。 Puff! 噗! Bing Ruoshui was damaged, has spurted a blood. 冰若水受创,喷了一口鲜血。 Which the Violet Sky Sect people can also be able to repress, has all encircled toward Luo Baxing. 紫天宗众人哪还能按耐得住,个个朝着罗霸兴围了上去。 Chen Wenyu stood came out to shout to clear the way your excellency the person putting, do not go too far. 陈文宇站了出来喝道“阁下还是把人给放了,别欺人太甚了”。 Luo Baxing closely is pinching the thin neck of Yu Lieyan, looked at Violet Sky Sect ten to disdain [say / way] „your small lot small factions also to dare to order me personally, believed me to kill her first, then killed, when all of you. 罗霸兴紧紧捏着玉烈艳的细脖,看了一眼紫天宗的十来个人不屑道“你们这些小宗小派也敢命令我,信不信我先杀了她,再杀当你们所有人”。 You...... How you must be willing to release people Chen Wenyu square inch chaos to ask for a while. “你……你要怎么样才肯放人”陈文宇一时方寸大乱地问道。 Now Ling Xiao is uncertain of one's fate, he fully realizes fierce of Luo Baxing, even if all people close in not necessarily are the Luo Baxing matches, Luo Baxing slaughtered that also deeply to imprint a moment ago bloody in his mind. 如今凌笑生死未卜,他深知罗霸兴的厉害,哪怕所有人一拥而上都未必是罗霸兴的对手,刚才罗霸兴血腥杀戮那一幕还深深印在他脑海之中。 Luo Baxing said with a smile and other Wang Xian to taste this cloudy female said again. 罗霸兴阴笑道“等本王先尝尝这个女的再说”。 Obscene thief several not indignant sounds simultaneously drinks. “淫贼”几道不愤的声音同时喝起。 Ha Ha, this is she delivers, if she serves me to be happy that perhaps I will put you, otherwise you all gave me dead” Luo Baxing to lower the head to hear Yu Lieyan luxuriant, face upwarded says with a smile crazily. “哈哈,这可是她送上门来的,若是她侍候得我高兴,说不定我会放了你们,要不然你们就全给我去死吧”罗霸兴低头闻了一下玉烈艳的秀发,仰天狂笑道。 Good...... Good, we find an unmanned place immediately, your slave served you Yu Lieyan to be restrained well still did not fear, charms the sound of Tiancheng to sue spookily. “好……好啊,我们立即找个无人的地方,奴家好好侍候你”玉烈艳受制仍然不惧,媚惑天成之音幽幽而诉。 Snort, the cuticula mother your flatters the strength insufficiently to look, but also only then you can serve crisp this king Luo Baxing to make an effort like this to pinch Yu Lieyan Cold Snort to say. “哼,小皮娘你那点媚力不够看,不过也只有这样你才能侍候爽本王”罗霸兴用力捏了捏玉烈艳冷哼说道。 Suddenly, the look of Violet Sky Sect people ugly. 一时间,紫天宗众人的神色都难看了一下。 If Yu Lieyan is insulted without doubt is to one most direct insulting of their Violet Sky Sect, this compared with killed her also to make people directly think uncomfortable extremely. 如果玉烈艳受辱无疑是对他们紫天宗的一种最直接的污辱,这比直接杀了她还要让人觉得难受万分。 Has put her, otherwise you gave me dead” together the quiet cold sound from the people rear-drive. “放了她,不然你就给我去死”一道幽冷的声音从众人之后传了过来。
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