WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#326: Cut-throat Luo Baxing

Chapter 326 cut-throat Luo Baxing 第326章凶狠罗霸兴 Pitiful yell sound that in the main hall spreads, appears especially grating. 大殿之内传出的声声惨叫声,显得格外地刺耳。 Laughs wildly the sound to have and other base and low cricket grasshoppers also to dare together to bribe our Three Sects thing, acts recklessly seriously. 紧接着一道狂笑声响起“尔等卑微的蝼蚂也敢染指我们三宗的东西,当真不知死活”。 After the sound resounds, [gold/metal] Rui the sword glow soared to the heavens to bloom together. 声音响起之后,一道金锐的剑芒冲天绽放了出来。 A person's shadow has plundered from the main hall swiftly and violently. 一条人影从大殿之中迅猛地掠了出来。 This person of big overwhelming power, the whole body flood the color of [gold/metal] Can, You Ru a fiery sunny day is common, toward plunders from the person. 此人高大威猛,周身泛着金灿之色,尤如一尊火热的艳阳一般,朝着从人掠来。 In his hand a handle flood the golden light great sword, is sending out coldly the imposing manner, that pair of Blood-Thirst look forces scary. 他手中一柄泛着金光的巨剑,散发着冷咧的气势,那双嗜血的眼神逼迫骇人。 This such as the iron tower sunny day common young man absolutely is Half Step King Rank, moreover is that type may visit King Rank peak Half Step King Rank anytime. 这如铁塔艳阳一般的年青男子绝对是一名半步王阶,而且是那种随时都有可能踏足王阶的巅峰半步王阶 An imposing manner sends out all, all person feelings of suffocation. 一身气势尽数散发,所有人都有一种窒息的感觉。 This person Heavy Sword Sect disciple team leader Luo Baxing. 此人正是重剑门弟子领队罗霸兴 Sees only him to intrude among No. dozens person rashly, the sickle that the great sword in hand such as cuts grass, wields some people all decapitated every time. 只见他不由分说地闯入几十号人当中,手中的巨剑如割草的镰刀,每挥一下皆有人身首异处。 Blood have splashed, a flavor of intermittent stench fills the air at the scene. 一道道鲜血飞溅了开来,一阵阵腥臭的味道弥漫当场。 Ha Ha, happy, comes quickly, lets a this Wang Sha happiness!” Luo Baxing as if hit the stimulant to be ordinary, every time killed one person to feel the incomparable pleasant sensation. “哈哈,痛快,快来啊,让本王杀个痛快!”罗霸兴仿佛打了兴奋剂一般,每杀一人皆感到无比的快感。 This person is addicted to the life unexpectedly such as worthlessly, seriously savage. 此人居然嗜命如草芥,当真凶残至极。 No. dozens person of rushing, then by the Luo Baxing sword glow was only cut to kill in the moments most probably. 冲上去的几十号人,只在片刻之间便被罗霸兴的剑芒斩杀了大半。 All people were frightened again and again retrocede, their brains finally restored soberly, realized that here thing, is impossible to bribe depending on their strengths. 所有人都被吓得连连后退,他们脑子终于恢复了清醒,意识到这里的东西,凭他们的实力跟本不可能染指的。 Thinks the light? The gate did not have the Luo Baxing look to glimpse one to be frightened to escape from ten several rice far young people, in the hand great sword inspiring wipes the spirit strength to chop. “想光?门都没有”罗霸兴眼神瞥见了一名已经被吓得逃出十数米远的年青人,手中巨剑引动一抹灵力砍了过去。 Puff! 噗! Half Step King Rank has been able to inspire the half minute spirit strength to be used by oneself, the speed of spirit strength is how fast, that young people instantaneously after was hewn two halves. 半步王阶已经可以引动半分灵力被己用,灵力的速度何其快,那名年青人瞬间从后被砍成了两半。 After the people , the vest all becomes cold, the innermost feelings were to actually regret. 众人后背心皆变得冷嗖嗖的,内心却是后悔极了。 At this time, in the main hall spread together sound Brother Luo you not a bit faster, inside thing turned over to me and Young Lady Mei. 这时,大殿内传出一道声音“罗兄你再不快点,里面的东西就归我和媚娘了”。 Snort, gave up any idea of that” Luo Baxing Cold Snort, the whole person has plundered once more like lightning. “哼,休想”罗霸兴冷哼了一声,整个人再次如闪电般掠了出去。 Gives me dead” Luo Baxing to leap to the midair gives a loud shout, in the hand the great sword keeps brandishing, sharp incomparable sword shades drop from the clouds. “都给我去死吧”罗霸兴跃至半空大喝一声,手中巨剑不停地挥舞,一道道锐利无比的剑影从天而降。 The remaining people all in all directions flee in disorder, they only suppressed little to live two legs, ran away insufficiently is quick. 所剩下的人皆四处窜逃,他们只狠自己少生了两条腿,逃得还不够快。 ! 啊啊! The sword glow like the blade edge, the people all furiously resists, bears what strength to be limited, no matter what has the share of butchering. 剑芒如刃,众人皆奋力抵抗,耐何实力有限,只有任有宰割的份。 However, several High Rank Spirit Master, while ran away actually randomly the birth day, so as to avoid killed off at one fell swoop completely. 不过,倒是有几名高阶灵师,趁乱逃出生天,免得被一举全部杀光。 After one slaughters, Luo Baxing caressed the sword blade of great sword lightly, the finger has been wiping above the sword blade the rank red blood, loquacious has added sneering [say / way] lightly „, was really sweet. 一番杀戮之后,罗霸兴轻抚着自己巨剑的剑身,手指抹了一下剑身之上腥红的血液,长舌轻添了一下冷笑道“啧啧,真甜”。 Is looking at a corpse of place, he not only does not have the meaning of least bit pitying, instead appears satisfies extremely refreshed. 望着一地的尸体,他不仅没有半点怜悯之意,反而显得极为地满意爽快。 When he wants to turn around to return to the main hall, two Blood-Thirst vision look in a direction. 当他欲转身回到大殿之时,两道嗜血的目光朝着一个方向看去。 Well, unexpectedly also the ancestor kept getting down Luo Baxing stunned one to talk to oneself, then with long hurried strides rushed toward Ling Xiao and the others. “咦,居然还有一宗人留了下来”罗霸兴错愕了一下自语道,接着大步流星地朝着凌笑等人奔了过来。 In his hand is raising the great sword belt has several enchanting [gold/metal]. 他手里提着的巨剑带出几道炫丽的金芒。 ! 咻! Several [gold/metal] Hong's sword light bang have approached Ling Xiao and the others rashly. 几道金虹的剑光不由分说地轰向了凌笑等人这边。 Ling Xiao wrinkled brow to give a loud shout you to withdraw lightly first. 凌笑轻皱了一下眉头大喝一声“你们先退后”。 Then, he changes to makes together the remnant shade, welcomed Luo Baxing on own initiative. 说罢,他化做一道残影,主动迎上了罗霸兴 Other people retrocede again and again, on the face all does not have the least bit to worry about the color. 其他人连连后退,脸上皆无半点担忧之色。 They know that the Ling Xiao strength is immeasurably deep, even if Low Rank King Rank must cherish hatred at the scene, let alone this Half Step King Rank. 他们都知道凌笑的实力深不可测,哪怕低阶王阶都要饮恨当场,又何况这半步王阶呢。 Ling Xiao has not taken out the weapon, but was the spatial fist welcomes that several sword glow. 凌笑并未取出武器,而是空拳迎上了那几道剑芒。 On the Luo Baxing face wipes the color of ridicule unexpectedly to dare empty-handed to eat my sword to incur, this fellow brain has issue. 罗霸兴脸上抹过讥笑之色“居然敢空手吃我剑招,这家伙脑子有问题”。 Bang! 轰隆! Above the Ling Xiao double fist flood the golden yellow color, one has dispersed the sword glow bang that Ling benefitted sincerely. 凌笑双拳之上泛起金黄之色,一拳拳地把凌利的剑芒轰散了开去。 Luo Baxing must open the mouth by this shock. 罗霸兴被这一幕震惊得张大了嘴巴。 After Ling Xiao stands firm, lets somebody cool off or calm down looks that Luo Baxing do not annoy me!”. 凌笑站定后冷冷地看着罗霸兴“别惹我!”。 Ling Xiao records Xiao Songlin before entering mystical place tightly to their warnings, can not offend the Three Sects person as far as possible can not the crime. 凌笑紧记萧松林在进秘境之前对他们的告诫,能不得罪三宗的人就尽量不要能罪。 Must the Three Sects strength quite be unexpectedly fearful, if left any mistake, may give Violet Sky Sect to bring the total destruction. 必竟三宗的实力相当可怕,万一出了什么差子,就有可能给紫天宗带来灭顶之灾。 Luo Baxing stands before Ling Xiao, his whole person compared with it Ling Xiao also wants on a high big truncation, both eyes to look angrily at the Ling Xiao [say / way] good Arrogant Young Fellow, in which Young Fellow report, can make this king act seriously, you were sufficiently proud. 罗霸兴站在凌笑中前,他整个人比之凌笑还要高上一大截,双眼怒视着凌笑道“好嚣张小子,哪一宗的小子报上名来,能让本王动真格的,你足以自傲了”。 Ling Xiao welcomed the Luo Baxing vision spooky [say / way] Violet Sky Sect Ling Xiao!”. 凌笑迎上罗霸兴的目光幽幽道“紫天宗凌笑!”。 Violet Sky Sect? Such small Sect can have your such talented person but actually also strangely, but you paid attention to be early young Luo Baxing to say frivolously, the great sword did not have the indication to strike off toward the Ling Xiao overhead. 紫天宗?此等小宗门能出你这样的人才倒也稀奇,不过你注意要早夭了”罗霸兴轻薄地说了一句,巨剑毫无征兆地朝着凌笑当头砍去。 The great sword cut in Ling Xiao, what what a pity chopped was only his remnant shade. 巨剑斩在了“凌笑”身上,可惜砍到的只是他的残影。 The Luo Baxing look jumps, actually discovered that Ling Xiao does not know when arrived at him behind. 罗霸兴眼神一跳,却发现凌笑不知何时已到了他身后。 I said do not annoy me, otherwise the absolute monarchs must die Ling Xiao saying that a foot layer on layer trampled above the Luo Baxing back. “我说了别惹我,要不然天王老子都要死”凌笑说了一句,一脚重重地踹在了罗霸兴后背之上。 The Luo Baxing general idea had a low opinion of the enemy, handles against toward throwing dog deng. 罗霸兴大意轻敌,措不及防地朝着扑了一个狗屎。 arrange(ment) is skillful, in the main hall went out of them. 洽巧,大殿之内又走出了两人。 These two surprise saw extremely Luo Baxing throws to of place, the mouth opens the Boss, the pupil expands, as if not believe that this is real. 这两人极为诧异地看到了罗霸兴扑到在地的那一幕,嘴巴张得老大,瞳孔扩张,似乎不相信这是真的。 Light Star Palace Tian Xing restrained reveals to ridicule the color of nan how Brother Luo to dig up the ground rude, did the ground have to eat?”. 光星殿天星收敛失态露出讥喃之色道“罗兄怎么扒地上了,难道地上有吃的?”。 Star Child, your this saying said excessive, Brother Luo was threw down a Young Lady Wu Mei face weaponry intent said. 星子,你这话说得过份了,罗兄是摔倒的啦”舞媚娘一脸仗意地说道。 Luo Baxing listened to two people of words, almost must grasp insanely. 罗霸兴听了二人的话,几乎要疯抓了。 This clearly is scarlet. The bare bare land satirized. 这分明是赤.裸裸地讽刺。 The Tian Xing words satirized directly, but Young Lady Wu Mei straightforward was such as the knife shears his face. 天星的话直接而讽刺,可舞媚娘的直白更是如刀子直割他的脸。 Mother, the father must tear to shreds a Luo Baxing double palm brace you, the whole person returned to above the midair, both eyes get angry are staring Ling Xiao red, in the hand great sword sword glow greatly Sheng. “娘的,老子要把你碎尸万段”罗霸兴双掌一撑,整个人回到了半空之上,双眼怒红地瞪着凌笑,手中巨剑剑芒大盛。 Luo Baxing and Tian Xing and Young Lady Wu Mei all are the Three Sects most outstanding young people, his Luo Baxing had such big clown before the other two, this tone cannot swallow in any event, how otherwise in the future to base in the face of two people. 罗霸兴天星舞媚娘皆是三宗最杰出的年青人,他罗霸兴在另两人面前出了这么大的丑,这口气无论如何都咽不下,要不然日后怎么在二人面前立足。 ! 咻咻! Sword glow such as the rain gets down, each sword is all containing the terror energy, only shortly then Ling Xiao submerging. 一片剑芒如雨下,每一剑皆蕴含着恐怖的能量,只在顷刻之间便把凌笑给淹没了。 Obviously this sword is very lowest is also the Blue Rank sword technique, endured compared with the prestige of general Low Rank King Rank striking. 很明显这一剑最低也是蓝阶剑技,堪比一般的低阶王阶一击之威了。 Junior Brother!” Violet Sky Sect here several people worried that has called out in alarm. 师弟!”紫天宗这边好几人担忧地惊呼了起来。 Dingdong dingdong! 叮当叮当! Makes an intermittent incisive staggered sound in the Ling Xiao position. 凌笑的位置发出一阵阵尖锐的交错声音。 Afterward, sword glow were rumbled to fly. 随后,一道道剑芒被轰得飞了出去。 When the sword glow dissipates, the tall and straight straight form is intact together stands is in-situ. 当剑芒消散的时候,一道挺拔笔直的身影丝毫无损地站在原地。 Sees only the Ling Xiao double fist flood [gold/metal] Can the ray, in the hand not any Profound Tool, was gave the bang to be loose these sword glow with the double fist evidently a moment ago directly. 只见凌笑双拳泛着金灿的光芒,手中并没有任何玄器,看样子刚才是直接用双拳把那些剑芒给轰散的。 Then, not far Tian Xing and Young Lady Wu Mei were shaken again. 这下,不远的天星舞媚娘再次被震憾到了。 The double fist can block the Half Step King Rank sword glow, is this fearful mortal body? 双拳就能挡住半步王阶的剑芒,这是何等可怕的肉身? That said that at present this person of only mortal body then did have the Half Step King Rank strength? 那岂不是说眼前这人单凭肉身便有了半步王阶的实力了? They are staring at both hands of Ling Xiao stubbornly, hopes that can see the gauntlet (glove) in his hand or any unusual pointed weapons. 他们二人死死盯着凌笑的双手,希望能在他的手上看到拳套或什么奇特的兵刃。 What a pity, they except for seeing pair of scarlet. Beside the bare golden fist, anything could not see. 可惜,他们除了看到一双赤.裸裸的金色拳头之外,啥都看不到了。 Most shocking is, just Luo Baxing that falls to the ground from the midair. 最震惊的莫过于,刚从半空落地的罗霸兴 He thinks that a sword then can dismember Ling Xiao. 他本以为一剑便可以把凌笑分尸了。 He had used five skills a moment ago, even if peak Spirit Master only then died a way, even if were Tian Xing or Young Lady Wu Mei must meet this move is not that easy. 刚才他已经用了五层功力,哪怕是巅峰灵师都只有陨落一途,哪怕是天星舞媚娘要接这一招也不是那么容易。 What a pity, he has made a mistake, moreover is wrong very oddly. 可惜,他错了,而且错得很离谱。 The opposite party is not ordinary High Rank Spirit Master so is absolutely simple, but also has the considerable powerful body. 对方绝对不是普通的高阶灵师那么简单,还有着相当强悍的身体。 Dares to provoke Ling Xiao to stare Luo Baxing again saying that then layer on layer said you die to me!”. “再敢挑衅”凌笑瞪了一眼罗霸兴说了一声,接着才重重地说道“你就给我去死!”。 You...... Good, good, my Luo Baxing first time hears the so extremely arrogant words, even if were King Rank does not have this qualifications Luo Baxing to drink several before this king shamefully and angrily continually, an imposing manner surged upward in vain, the peripheral air has had slightly the strength of oppression. “你……好,好,我罗霸兴还是第一次听到如此狂妄的话,哪怕是王阶在本王面前也没这资格”罗霸兴恼羞成怒地连喝了几声,一身气势徒然高涨,周边的空气都产生了微微压迫之力。 Ling Xiao reveals disdain the look, an imposing manner surged upward similarly. 凌笑露出不屑地眼神,一身气势同样高涨了起来。 Come, actually making me have a look at the Three Sects strength to be worthy of the reputation Ling Xiao to fight intent to beckon to say toward Luo Baxing fully. “来吧,让我看看三宗的实力究竟是不是名副其实”凌笑战意十足地朝着罗霸兴招了招手说道。 He felt existence that Tian Xing and Young Lady Wu flatter, he changes the decision. 他已经感觉到天星舞娘媚的存在,他改变决定。 This fights the fellow who must make their these be arrogant and conceited well to have a look, is no one is your Three Sects person can bully, allows to be oppressed. 这一战一定要好好让他们这些目空一切的家伙看看,不是什么人都是你们三宗的人可以欺负,任人宰割的。 Ling Xiao has similarly own side that proud and is proud. 凌笑同样有着自己的骄傲和自负的一面。 You plant, this king will make you know that what was disparity Luo Baxing gathers the vigor to finish, has drunk one greatly, double was grasping the great sword, wielded the staggered sword glow. “你有种,本王会让你知道什么叫差距”罗霸兴蓄劲完毕,大喝了一声,双手持着巨剑,挥出交错的剑芒。 This sword glow is leading the peripheral half minute spirit strength, the lethality and speed are the previous ten several folds. 这剑芒带动着周边的半分灵力,杀伤力和速度都是此前的十数倍。 Whistling sword glow only in winking arrived in front of Ling Xiao at present. 呼呼的剑芒只在眨眼前到了凌笑面前。 On the Ling Xiao face has wiped sneering, does not fear, the double fist such as the dragon goes to sea to destroy the sword glow center. 凌笑脸上抹过冷笑,丝毫不惧,双拳如龙出海直捣剑芒中央。 Bang! 轰隆! The sword glow has not caused the too big damage to Ling Xiao, was been directly loose by his fist bang. 剑芒没有对凌笑造成太大的伤害,直接被他一拳轰散。 Luo Baxing early to seize the chance to fly high to kill the Ling Xiao top of the head, move of powerful incomparable withstanding great pressure cut toward Ling Xiao. 罗霸兴早以趁机凌空杀到了凌笑头顶,一招强悍无比的泰山压顶朝着凌笑斩去。 Hey, I do not believe your head am also Luo Baxing that the iron hits reveal the cloudy and cold [say / way]. “嘿,我就不信你的头也是铁打的”罗霸兴露出阴冷道。 When the great sword falls on the Ling Xiao position, Luo Baxing felt that own sword failed, immediately shouted at heart lightly was bad. 当巨剑落在凌笑的位置时,罗霸兴感觉到自己的这一剑落空了,当即心里轻呼“糟了”。 His body in the whereabouts, with this did not have the means such as true King Rank to be able the free-flight motion, does not have the means to make the temporary change, is the flaw big dew time. 他的身子还在下落,跟本没办法如真正的王阶可以自由飞行,也没办法做出临时的改变,正是破绽大露的时候。 Ling Xiao where also lets up the opportunity of this beating severely don't hit a person when he's down, the double fist contained the formidable spirit strength, in the fist flood the golden yellow color, one rumbles sincerely heartlessly on the body of Luo Baxing. 凌笑哪里还放过这种痛打落水狗的机会,双拳蕴含了强大的灵力,拳头之中泛着金黄之色,一拳拳无情地轰在罗霸兴的身上。 Ping! 砰砰! Luo Baxing is the same like the shell, was flown by the bang maliciously, the whole person fell to dozens meters fell. 罗霸兴如炮弹一样,被狠狠地轰飞了出去,整个人落到数十米之远才摔了下来。 Luo Baxing wants to crawl, mouth one sweet, „” a blood has spurted. 罗霸兴欲爬起来,嘴里一甜,“哇”的一口鲜血喷了出来。 Obviously Ling Xiao is a face did not remain a moment ago, each fist all was the bang tried, hits Luo Baxing to receive the internal injury. 可见刚才凌笑已经是一点情面都不留了,每一拳皆是轰尽了全力,打得罗霸兴都受了内伤。 Ling Xiao with an extremely contemptuous look, occupying a commanding position looks at Luo Baxing. 凌笑用一种极度轻蔑的眼神,居高临下的看着罗霸兴 His that look seemed saying that the Three Sects person is also what kind of? 他那眼神似乎在说,三宗的人又怎么样? Even if absolute monarch comes also in the same old way to hit to pull down. 哪怕是天王老子来也照样要打扒下。
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