WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#325: Before the main shrine,

Before Chapter 325 main shrine, 第325章主殿前 Greatest Mythical Beast Sect and Worship Moon Sect all complete destruction, in addition previous Deep River Sect as well as Six Extreme Sect. 太离宗拜月宗皆全部覆灭,再加上此前的河冥宗以及六极宗 Violet Sky Sect one line of these four young generations exterminating. 紫天宗一行人就把这四宗的年青一代给灭绝了。 These four have the Three Sects all-round strength to strive to excel on many compared with it Violet Sky Sect people, but the Worship Moon Sect strength differs not far with it, unexpectedly died in their hands completely, really made people think inconceivable. 这四宗就有三宗的综合实力比之紫天宗众人要强上许多,而拜月宗的实力与之相差不远,居然全部死在了他们的手中,实在让人觉得不可思议。 However, this is really not the powerful enemy who the Violet Sky Sect people must set upright, who asked them to be bullied first, they were purely the self-defenses. 不过,这实在不是紫天宗众人要竖的强敌,谁叫他们都是先被欺负的,他们纯属自卫而已。 If this matter others know that is situated eighth Violet Sky Sect young one generation being situated fourth, fifth, sixth as well as the ninth four big Sect elite disciple all cuts to kill, only feared that besides will cause turns the sanguinary rule, will also make the person sigh with emotion Violet Sky Sect young one generation to rise. Otherwise possibly cuts to kill such many same equivalents with a little person, match who even also be stronger than them? 这事要是别人知道排行第八的紫天宗年青一代把排行第四、第五、第六以及第九的四大宗门的精英弟子皆斩杀,只怕除了会引起一翻腥风血雨之外,还会让人感慨紫天宗年青一代有崛起了。要不然怎么可能凭着这么一点人斩杀如此之多同等阶,甚至还要比他们强的对手呢? Now they have not emptied to pay attention to these, only then can live on the date of mystical place restarting is exiting to be meddlesome. 如今他们没有空去理会这些,只有在秘境重启之日能重新活着出去就是好事了。 Ling Xiao walked came out saying that to people these days what happened? How to rush to here to come?”. 凌笑走了出来对着众人道“这些天发生了什么事?怎么全部跑到这里来了?”。 Violet Sky Sect and the others saw Ling Xiao is a face happy expression, on the face the stern look was loose. 紫天宗等人见到凌笑皆是一脸喜色,脸上原本严峻的神色都松了下来。 Chen Wenyu goes forward to say „, since Ling Xiao you let Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm brings back to the information, we start to search high and low here chance, bears what had not discovered all the way has the thing of what value, as for two days before suddenly discovered that here has the multi-colored sunlight to keep dodging to dazzle, we think that here definitely has the rare treasure born, therefore we have caught up toward here, we meet several waves of Spirit Beast to attack on the road, we run away quickly, only fears......”. 陈文宇上前说道“自从凌笑你让紫蛟龙蚯带回信息后,我们又开始四处寻找这里的机缘,耐何一路上并未发现有何价值的东西,至于前两日突然发现这边有霞光不停地闪炫,我们认为这边肯定有异宝出世,所以我们就朝这边赶了过来,在路上我们又遇到几波灵兽攻击,要不是我们逃得快,只怕……”。 Ling Xiao is paying attention to the complexion of people, it seems like these they cross are not very smooth. 凌笑注意着众人的脸色,看来这些他们过得并不是很顺利啊。 However, everywhere has the danger in this mystical place, has not killed has thanked heaven and earth. 不过,在这秘境之中本来就是处处存在着危险,没有出人命已经谢天谢地。 Does Ling Xiao break the Chen Wenyu words [say / way] which you to discover what to here?”. 凌笑打断陈文宇的话道“哪你们到这里有没有发现什么?”。 Chen Wenyu swung remote, but [say / way] here early had been occupied by that Three Sects person, we do not dare to go in nosing. 陈文宇摇了遥头无奈道“这里早已经被那三宗的人占去了,我们跟本不敢进去查探”。 That Three Sects?” The Ling Xiao surprise said that then wrinkled brow [say / way] is they arrives first?”. “那三宗?”凌笑诧异地说了一声,接着皱了一下眉头道“是他们先到来的?”。 Right, they also said that can only a person be able to enter main hall sharing Chen Wenyu to sigh to say with them. “没错,他们还放出话来,只能一宗的人可以和他们进大殿共享”陈文宇叹了一口气说道。 Ling Xiao thought deeply about to say with a smile they really to be overbearing. 凌笑思索了一下笑道“他们还真霸道”。 Three Sects troops, although are few, is each one strengths is uncommon, Junior Brother, or our Forget About It, who knew in this main hall thing early to be swept across Chen Wenyu to say by others in any case. 三宗人马虽少,可是个个实力不凡,师弟,要不我们算了吧,反正谁知道这大殿里面的东西是不是早被别人席卷一空了”陈文宇说道。 Ling Xiao on the words, Zhao Nan had not said that Senior Brother Chen you fear anything, now here is other petty factions, by our strengths, with their Three Sects share is not difficult matter. 凌笑还没应话,赵楠却道“陈师兄你怕什么,现在这里都是其他小宗派,以我们的实力,与他们三宗分享不是什么难事”。 Zhao Nan this saying said is fact, is situated first ten Sect, four were extinguished, but most formidable Three Sects here, then remains the strength strongly was their Violet Sky Sect. 赵楠这话说得是事实,排行前十的宗门,已经有四宗被灭,而最强大的三宗就在这里,那么剩下来实力最强的就属他们紫天宗了。 Let alone Violet Sky Sect adds on Ling Xiao I, this strength cannot be flush with Three Sects, but also had the qualifications and they shared under inside thing. 何况紫天宗这边加上凌笑本人,这实力就算不能与三宗齐平,但也有资格和他们分享了下里面的东西。 Ling Xiao looked all around people one eyes, most people are the appearances that the facial expression jumps for joy. 凌笑环顾了众人一眼,大部分人都是神情雀跃的样子。 It seems like they want to go to try one's luck, this concerns the lifetime destiny. 看来他们都想进去碰碰运气,这可是关乎一生的气运的。 Must know in the riches and honor danger to ask, they now not independently one abundant, when also treats? 需知富贵险中求,他们现在不放手一博,又待何时? Let alone now the situation helps their Violet Sky Sect, so long as the Ling Xiao nod were almost the matter of being settled. 何况现在形势有利于他们紫天宗,只要凌笑点头几乎是板上钉钉的事了。 Doesn't Ling Xiao have them to think that optimistically, why three big Sect must leave behind one to share in the main hall thing with them? 凌笑却没有他们想得那么乐观,为何三大宗门要留下一宗与他们共享大殿里面的东西呢? This does not gather the convention very much obviously. 这很显然不合常规。 First, since they have occupied here main hall, so long as they are able, wants to take inside thing to complete with hands down. 第一,他们既然已经占了这里的大殿,只要他们有能力,想取走里面的东西完成不费吹灰之力。 It looks like from this point, they fight in the sitting and watching tiger, making various young generations kill one another, so various future one generation of foundations will present the vacillation, which that in future cannot compared with them. 从这一点看来,他们是在坐观虎斗,让各宗的年青一代自相残杀,如此各宗未来一代的根基就会出现动摇,那么在未来没有哪一宗可以和他们相比了。 Second, perhaps they occupied here, but does not have the means to break inside ban, therefore plans recombination another strength, a detonation ban. 第二,或许他们占据了这里,可是却没办法破开里面的禁制,所以才打算再结合另一宗的力量,一起破禁制。 This point was extremely forced, their strength is highest, including ban that they cannot break, did not have other reason broken to result. 只是这一点太过牵强了,他们实力是最高的,连他们都破不开的禁制,没理由其他宗可以破得了。 Ling Xiao has to worry thoroughly. 凌笑不得不顾虑得周到一些。 Although in the main hall will possibly have any mouth-watering thing, but the person died, but also takes anything to enjoy. 虽说大殿之中可能会存在什么让人垂涎的东西,可人都没命了,还拿什么享用。 Ling Xiao thinks of here, moves eagerly, but greeted one to the people, sought an unmanned place to advance the rest, put out own therapy Medicine Pill thick and another disciple takes to Shi Tian. 凌笑想到这里,并不着急于行动,而是向众人招呼了一声,寻了一处无人的地方先行休息,同时也拿出自己的疗伤丹药石天厚和另一名弟子服用。 Although they have Medicine Pill of treatment, the quality that but refines with Ling Xiao missed much. 他们二人虽然也有治疗的丹药,可是和凌笑自己炼制的品质可是差了不少。 You are resting first same place, I nosed Ling Xiao to say to the people, then shut a pupil. “你们先在原地休息一下,我查探一下”凌笑对着众人说了一句,便闭起了眼眸。 Ling Xiao advances toward these main halls using Spiritual Force slowly, when Spiritual Force has swept the front several main halls, does not have any discovery, the Three Sects person should not in this. 凌笑利用精神力向着这几幢大殿缓缓推进,可是当精神力扫过前面几间大殿之时,却没有任何发现,三宗的人应该不在这里面。 When sweeps to most in that preserves complete main hall the relatively, Ling Xiao Spiritual Force maliciously is rebounded. 当扫到最内的那一座保存得相对完整的大殿时,凌笑精神力被狠狠地反弹了回来。 Puff! 噗! Ling Xiao could not bear spit a blood. 凌笑忍不住吐了一口血。 The Violet Sky Sect people had a scare. 紫天宗人都被吓了一跳。 Smiles, are you what kind of?” Yu Lieyan, Bing Ruoshui and Wen Kedie three females all cared that calls out in alarm said. “笑,你怎么样?”玉烈艳冰若水温可蝶三女皆关心地惊呼道。 Luo Meiying can only look at Ling Xiao with kind look anxiously, has not said. 罗美英只能用关切的眼神紧张地看着凌笑,并没有叫起来。 It looks like from her look, her anxiety to the Ling Xiao is not inferior to his her several females. 从她的神色看来,她对凌笑的紧张一点都不亚于其她几女。 The Violet Sky Sect people have all encircled, did Chen Wenyu ask Junior Brother you to be all right from side?”. 紫天宗的众人皆围了过来,陈文宇从旁问道“师弟你没事吧?”。 Ling Xiao wiped the bloodstain to say is all right, you came with me. 凌笑抹了一下血迹应道“没事,你们跟我来”。 Ling Xiao had guessed correctly that these sat breakage the main hall should not to have what good thing, valuable should truly in behind most deep place that main hall. 凌笑已经猜到这几坐破损的大殿应该没有啥好东西了,真正有价值的应该在后面最深处那一座大殿之中。 This main hall looks like compared with other it several points of main halls on small, altogether is divided into three pavilions, two pavilions had been destroyed the most, only most that pavilion preserve are quite complete. 这一座大殿看起来比之其他大殿在小上几分,一共分为三幢楼阁在其中,有两幢楼阁已经被摧毁大半,唯独最中间那一幢楼阁保存得还相当完整。 But making a false counter-accusation that Ling Xiao received a moment ago passes from this pavilion. 凌笑刚才受到的反噬正是从这楼阁之中传出来的。 Can isolate including Spiritual Force, wants to come here ban to be very formidable. 精神力都可以隔绝,想来这里的禁制十分地强大了。 The group followed Ling Xiao, when quickly nears that main hall, Ling Xiao has made a movement of stop. 一行人跟着凌笑走了过去,就快接近那大殿之时,凌笑做了一个停止的动作。 Sees only the front main hall entrance place to stand three people, two man and a female, dominate a direction respectively, the vision is quite cold Violet Sky Sect that and the others cold looks at to approach. 只见前方大殿门口处站着三人,两名男子和一名女子,各自把持一个方向,眼光极为冷凛地看着接近过来的紫天宗等人。 And a wear Star Robe man said with a smile cloudy dares to go forward one step, killed without amnesty. 其中一名穿着星袍的男子阴笑道“胆敢上前一步,杀无赦”。 Junior Brother Ling, they are the Three Sects person Chen Wenyu on the quiet said in the Ling Xiao ear. 凌师弟,他们三人就是三宗的人”陈文宇悄悄地在凌笑耳边说道。 Ling Xiao nodded lightly, indicated that knew. 凌笑轻点了点头,表示知道了。 At present these three young people, everybody imposing manner all in the High Rank Spirit Master peak, looked their appearance is only the Three Sects strength is lowest, can only degenerate into guards a gate, obviously the Three Sects person strength was much intrepid. 眼前这三名年青人,人人气势皆在高阶灵师巅峰,看他们样子只是三宗实力最低的,只能沦为守门,可见三宗的人实力有多强悍了。 Meanwhile, Ling Xiao thinks that previous Greatest Mythical Beast Sect troops, they are situated fourth Sect, in one team of people four Half Step King Rank, want to come in this Three Sects, the Half Step King Rank quantity will not compare Greatest Mythical Beast Sect to be few absolutely, even are more. 同时,凌笑想到此前的太离宗人马,他们是排行第四的宗门,一队人中都有四名半步王阶,想来这三宗内,半步王阶数量绝对不会比太离宗少,甚至更多。 In Ling Xiao and the others hesitated must continues, in the main hall exudes bang crack the sound. 就在凌笑等人犹豫着要不要继续前行时,在大殿之内发出“轰隆”的炸响声。 The same time, several fearful aura shoot up to the sky. 同时间,几股可怕的气息冲天而起。 Ha Ha, broke this damn ban at last, has not thought that gathered our three big Spirit Treasure also to spend half a month time broken to result, in this had certainly uncommon thing a toran laughter to pass from. “哈哈,终然破开这该死的禁制了,没想到集合我们三大灵宝也要花了半个月时间才破得了,这里面一定有不凡的东西”一道朗笑声从内传了出来。 Then also has sound [say / way] that is not feeling well together „, you are not willing to put out the card in a hand, He Zhiyu broken have resulted to the present. 接着又有一道不爽的声音道“哼,要不是你们迟迟不肯拿出底牌,何至于到现在才破得了”。 First do not quarrel, had a look inside to have any thing to say again the sweet and pretty sound resounded together. “先别吵了,看看里面有什么东西再说”一道娇美的声音响起。 Ling Xiao and the others all hear the sound of yelling in has heard. 凌笑等人皆听到了里面传来的大叫之声。 Besides Ling Xiao, other person of looks all became scalding hot. 除了凌笑之外,其余人眼神皆变得灼热了起来。 Meanwhile, other disciples all never catch up. 与此同时,其他宗的弟子皆从不远赶来。 Now enters about 200 disciples in mystical place, except for the casualty, should almost here, altogether be less than 50 people. 如今进秘境的近200弟子,除了死伤的,应该差不多在这里了,总共不到50人。 However, 50 people that this lives, is various fiercest that rubbed the person. 不过,这活下来的50人,皆是各宗的最厉害的那一搓人了。 Goes in quickly, inside definitely has the High Rank thing not to know my dear friend who which does not fear death yelled, then overran toward that main hall. “快进去,里面肯定有高阶的东西”不知道哪一位不怕死的仁兄大叫了一声,接着便朝着那大殿冲了过去。 His lit the impulsions of all people immediately. 他这一声立即点燃了所有人的冲动。 Right, there will definitely have many good things, I must obtain. “没错,那里绝对会有不少好东西,我一定要得到”。 One month of deadline arrived, cannot come away empty. “一个月的期限就到了,绝不能空手而回”。 No. dozens person has whooshed one respectively, all flushed toward the main hall. 几十号人各自嘶吼了一声,皆朝着大殿冲了进去。 They go through many hardships to come here, two completely empty, no matter for Sect for own future, must spell to spell here, even if with Three Sects for the enemy, they cannot give up there tempting. Being puzzled. 他们历尽艰辛走到这里,两手还是空空如也,不管是为了宗门还是为了自己的将来,一定要在这里拼上一拼,哪怕是与三宗为敌,他们也放弃不了那里的诱.惑。 Once obtains some High Rank thing, that this life also does worry not to tread the road of peak? 一旦获得某种高阶的东西,那这一生还愁踏不上巅峰之路吗? That young people of Light Star Palace representative before the main hall, extract a short blade edge to exclaim who to go forward dead gloomy!”. 在大殿前光星殿代表的那名年青人,抽出一把短刃阴沉吼道“谁上前一步死!”。 Roars, in the hand short blade edge wielded the pure white flash to strike together to ran the quickest that person. 吼罢,手中短刃挥出一道纯白的闪光击向了跑得最快的那人。 Front that person is not the soft screen pinches casually supply, the broadsword in hand welcomed that white light. 前面那人并不是软筛子随便让人柔捏,手中的大刀迎上了那白光。 Dingdong! 叮当! That person kept off to call out white brilliantly „......”. 那人挡下白光大叫道“不过……”。 Behind him two characters have not said that only thought a neck cool, entire head divided family property immediately. 他后面还有两字没说完,只觉得脖子一凉,整颗头颅立即分了家。 If this bloody trades in usually certainly can play shaking the effect, but the people are all holding the idea of fishing in troubled waters now, haven't here these many people been able to conflict your Three Sects defense line? Hasn't been able to take a different thing? 这血腥的一幕要是换在平常一定能起到震憾的效果,可是如今众人皆抱着浑水摸鱼的想法,难道这里这么多人还不能冲突你们三宗的防线?还不能从中取走一两样东西么? No. dozens person has not all stopped, everybody summoned Spirit Beast, grasped Profound Tool, killed toward the main hall. 几十号人皆没有停止,人人召唤出灵兽,手持玄器,朝着大殿内杀去。 The young people of Three Sects representative only think creepy feeling. 三宗代表的年青人只觉得头皮发麻。 Although they the strength is uncommon, but the strength of here No. dozens person and they differ are not too big, the real confrontation appears lacks the ability to do what one would like. 他们三人虽说实力不凡,可是这里几十号人的实力和他们相差并不算太大,真正对抗起来显得力不从心。 Suddenly then many people have passed through the main hall entrance, toward rushed. 一时间便有很多人穿过了大殿门口,朝着其中闯了进去。 Junior Brother, we want......” in the Chen Wenyu eye to dodge fine to ask. 师弟,我们要不要……”陈文宇眼中闪着精芒问道。 The Ling Xiao light [say / way] had a look to say again. 凌笑淡淡道“看看再说”。 Also hesitant anything, their Three Sects, although is strong, but our people are many Zhao Nan to say from side anxiously. “还犹豫什么,他们三宗虽强,可是我们人多”赵楠从旁急切地说道。 At this moment, in the main hall spreads sounds of the pitiful yell. 就在这时,大殿之内传出一道道惨叫之声。 All people were all alarmed to stop by this pitiful yell sound. 所有人皆被这惨叫声惊扰得停了下来。
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