WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#324: Today I allow you to eat the person

Chapter 324 I allow you to eat person today 第324章今天我允许你吃人 Thank ntwm to hit to enjoy as well as this month delivers the colored brothers and sisters ~~~ 感谢“ntwm”打赏以及本月送花的兄弟姐妹~~~ Ling Xiao wrinkled the brow to look at not the far direction, cannot definitely be the Sect companion has an accident. 凌笑皱了一下眉头看了看不远的方向,也不能肯定是不是自己宗门的同伴出事了。 Must in this mystical place be possible unexpectedly not only then their Violet Sky Sect person exists, other people are also seeking for here valuable thing. 必竟在这秘境之中可不仅仅只有他们紫天宗的人存在,其他宗的人也在寻找这里有价值的东西。 Ling Xiao worries about the safety of companion, to pick up the speed, orders Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm to shuttle back and forth from the ground once more, overtook in the fight direction. 凌笑担忧同伴的安危,为了加快速度,再次命令紫蛟龙蚯从地面穿梭,朝着战斗的方向赶了过去。 In a while, Ling Xiao and Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm drilled from ground. 没过多久,凌笑紫蛟龙蚯从地面钻了出来。 Ling Xiao arrived under a foot of great peak. 凌笑来到了一处巨峰的山脚之下。 This great peak is he arrived here to see the highest mountain peak, stands he to feel that here oneself becomes very tiny, such as places dust in universe especially, appears how not worthy of mentioning. 这巨峰是他来到这里所见过的最高山峰,站在这里他感觉到自己变得十分地渺小,尤如身处在宇宙中的一颗尘埃,显得是多么地微不足道。 „To come this is prominent peak Ling Xiao has face upwarded to mutter says with a sigh. “想来这就是主峰了”凌笑仰天喃喃地叹息道。 Looked toward on Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm of Ling Xiao waist intent, the head shrank shrinking toward the Ling Xiao bosom, as if has anything to make him feel above this mountain peak the thing that dreads is common. 凌笑腰意的紫蛟龙蚯朝上看了看,脑袋不禁往凌笑怀里缩了缩,似乎在这山峰之上有什么让他觉得畏惧的东西一般。 Ling Xiao has no time to sigh with emotion other, hurries to face forward to overtake. 凌笑无暇感慨其他,赶紧朝前赶了过去。 But, he felt obviously here lost the sound of fight. 可是,他明显地感觉到这里已经失去了战斗的声音。 Just stepped into the foot time, saw only lying this way and that was lying down the non- corpse. 刚踏入山脚的时候,只见横七竖八的躺着不尸体。 These corpses each one just died shortly, several are still flowing the blood, the fight that it seems like had a moment ago was here. 这些尸体个个都是刚死去没多久,有几具还在流着鲜血,看来刚才发生的战斗就是在这里了。 Ling Xiao looked at these corpses anxiously, does not have to discover luckily own Sect person. 凌笑焦急地看了一眼这些尸体,幸好没发现自己宗门的人。 Ling Xiao has not hesitated, a single foot step on rapid has caught up toward the mountain peak above. 凌笑没有迟疑,单脚一蹬迅速朝着山峰之上赶了上去。 Ling Xiao has an emotional tie with the companion to comfort, the speed is extremely fast. 凌笑心系同伴安慰,速度极快。 Has not run far, then has broadcast several people of dialog sounds. 没跑多远,便传来了几人的对话声音。 Senior Brother Lu this great peak definitely is the prominent peak, the main shrine definitely also above, this we have sent. 吕师兄这巨峰肯定是主峰,主殿肯定也会在上面,这回我们发了”。 Yes, the person of black day pledge wants not to have with our slicing gate a moment ago unexpectedly. “是啊,刚才黑天盟的人居然想和我们分一杯羹门都没有”。 Two Junior Brother cannot be negligent, since here is the prominent peak, everywhere definitely has been full of the dark check murderous intention, I and others be careful to wonderfully. “两位师弟切不可大意,这里既然是主峰,处处肯定充满了暗格杀机,我等还是小心为妙”。 Senior Brother said is, Junior Brother records sincerely. 师兄说得是,师弟谨记”。 ...... …… The Ling Xiao aural acuity is excellent, after having listened, has not done any indicated that urges Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm to hurry along to go directly to above from the ground the mountain peak once more. 凌笑耳力过人,听过之后,也没做任何表示,再次驱使紫蛟龙蚯从地面赶路直达山峰之上。 Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm in place like a fish in water, speed unparalleled. 紫蛟龙蚯在地里如鱼得水,速度无双。 But must achieve the summit of mountain peak also fully to spend more than three double-hour, obviously this mountain peak had high has the multi- shapes to observe. 可是要达到山峰之巅也整整花了三个多时辰,可见这山峰有多高有多状观了。 When Ling Xiao reaches above the mountain peak, had a scare by disorder of this mountain peak. 凌笑达到山峰之上时,也被这山峰的狼籍情况吓了一大跳。 Has not thought that this mountain peak was rumbled unexpectedly artificially devastation on every side, is disrepair. 没想到这山峰居然被人为轰成了疮痍满目,残败不堪。 Only what is worth yearning for was only here spiritual energy also as before rich. 唯一值得留恋的只是这里的灵气还依旧浓郁而已了。 Ling Xiao closed one's eyes, starts to calm the mind to search above this mountain peak to be possible some people of One Step Ahead to arrive. 凌笑闭起眼睛,开始静心搜索这山峰之上可有人先一步到达了。 Spiritual Force proliferated one after another. 精神力一波又一波的扩散了出去。 The Ling Xiao look wrinkled, he felt obviously above this mountain peak came many people unexpectedly. 凌笑神色皱了下来,他已经明显地感觉到这山峰之上居然已经来了不少人。 Remembers the match who that several people killed a moment ago first, Ling Xiao does not have the reason to think laughable. 想起刚才那几人先杀的对手,凌笑没来由觉得可笑。 Expected that they do not know this above situation, will otherwise not worry to start another disciple to kill. 料想他们并不知道这上面的情况,要不然不也会着急下手把另一宗的弟子杀害了。 Ling Xiao overtook in the direction of popularity gathering cage. 凌笑朝着人气聚笼的方向赶了过去。 In a while, sees only several plain dignified main halls to show at present. 没过多久,只见好几幢古朴庄严的大殿展现眼前。 Before these main halls, main hall Yao Hongwei who sees is magnificent. 这几处大殿之前所见的大殿都要宏伟壮观。 Although was destroyed much, but that once magnificent years still somewhat residual, is very big to the innermost feelings impact of person. 尽管被破坏了不少,可那曾经辉煌的岁月仍然有几分残留,给人的内心冲击很大。 Even if the person of Ling Xiao this disposition resolution, still thought that these this main halls seriously are the palatial atmosphere, especially such as the celestial mountain pavilion, to the person an illusory mood, enabling the person to have one type to occupy this place for the idea of king impatiently. 哪怕是凌笑这种心性坚定之人,仍然觉得这几此大殿当真是巍峨大气,尤如仙山楼阁,给人一个虚无飘渺的心境,使人有一种迫不及待想占据此地为王的想法。 The Ling Xiao jogging shaking the head, no longer went to think anything, but looked fixedly at to the dead ahead. 凌笑轻摇了摇头,不再去多想什么,而是定眼看向了正前方。 Front gathered various many young disciples, in each one hands was raising the Profound Tool tangled warfare in one. 前面已经聚集了不少各宗的年青弟子,个个手中提着玄器混战在了一起。 Everyone as if kills to get angry, unexpectedly wrestles in the according to life. 每人似乎都杀红了眼,居然都在以性命相搏。 Ling Xiao does not need to know this definitely for the thing in this main hall, but had competition. 凌笑不用想都知道这肯定是为了这大殿之中的东西而起了争夺。 Ling Xiao does not have reason forced smile in main hall not to know that has what danger, now hits seriously is gain does not equal the loss. 凌笑没来由苦笑“大殿之中还不知道有何危险呢,现在打起来当真是得不偿失”。 In Ling Xiao must go toward main hall quietly, has actually discovered several forms of seeming to have met before. 就在凌笑要悄然朝着大殿而去之时,却发现了几道似曾相识的身影。 Ling Xiao has pondered, which several people that remembers this impressively is Greatest Mythical Beast Sect escapes. 凌笑沉思了一下,才想起这赫然正是太离宗逃跑的哪几人。 The Ling Xiao murderous intention gradually reveals, when at this moment did not cut them must also wait. 凌笑杀机渐露,此刻不把他们斩了还要等待何时。 In Ling Xiao must begin to kill people, discovery that several people welcomed one team of troops. 就在凌笑要动手杀人之时,却发现那几人迎上了一队人马。 This team of troops altogether 16 people, these people to Greatest Mythical Beast Sect that several people are really polite. 这队人马一共有16人,那些人对太离宗那几人甚是客气。 Ling Xiao looks at this team of troops, thinks faintly a little looks familiar, feeling of seeming to have met before. 凌笑看着这一队人马,隐隐觉得有点眼熟,有一种似曾相识的感觉。 Ling Xiao gathered the informer to say anything to opposite party these people carefully. 凌笑聚起耳目仔细对着对方那些人在说什么。 „Can you have to discover the Violet Sky Sect person?” Greatest Mythical Beast Sect young people asked. “你们可有发现紫天宗的人?”一名太离宗的年青人问道。 Opposite young people nod should say right, they in the front main hall, altogether 13 people, but does not have that young people who you described. 对面的年青人点头应道“没错,他们就在前面的大殿,一共有13人,不过没有你形容的那个年青人”。 That Greatest Mythical Beast Sect young people pondered to say with a smile were good, it seems like that Young Fellow definitely had the accident, now leads us to pass, we must they revenge for Young Sect Master. 那名太离宗的年青人沉思了一下笑道“太好了,看来那小子肯定发生了意外,现在带我们过去,我们一定要替少宗主他们报仇”。 He said that then must lead the Sect companion to walk in a direction. 他说罢便要带着自己宗门的同伴向着一个方向走去。 But, he turned head actually to see another ancestor not to follow, not to have the reason to wrinkle brow [say / way] you to follow quickly!”. 可是,他回过头来却见另一宗人并没有跟上,没来由皱了一下眉头道“你们快跟上啊!”。 Spoke that person to reveal to feel embarrassed color a moment ago „the Violet Sky Sect person not to be weak, you complied with our matters possibly not to go back on word. 刚才说话那人露出为难之色道“紫天宗的人不弱,你们答应我们的事可能不食言”。 Relax, our Greatest Mythical Beast Sect kept promises, so long as you can help to catch up with Violet Sky Sect broken these mixed, I and others must form an alliance with your Worship Moon Sect to the long Old Jin word, at the appointed time our two must annex Violet Sky Sect that is the easy matters, at the appointed time your Worship Moon Sect can displace that Greatest Mythical Beast Sect disciple to say accordingly. “放心吧,我们太离宗说一不二,只要你们能帮赶掉紫天宗那些碎杂,我等必向长老进言与你们拜月宗结盟,到时我们两宗要吞并紫天宗那是轻而易举的事,到时你们拜月宗就可以取而代之了”那名太离宗的弟子应声道。 „Do this words take seriously?” That person tight asked sincerely. “此话当真?”那人紧谨地问道。 What's wrong, doesn't believe my words?” That Greatest Mythical Beast Sect disciple is not feeling well to say. “怎么,难道不相信我的话?”那名太离宗的弟子不爽应道。 No...... How can, we now that person beckon with the hand to say on the past. “不……怎么会,那我们现在就过去吧”那人摆手应道。 Then, the group ran hurriedly to a direction. 说罢,一行人匆忙地跑向了一个方向。 Ling Xiao at heart whisper [say / way] originally is the Worship Moon Sect disciple, no wonder is putting on such looks familiar. 凌笑在心里嘀咕道“原来是拜月宗的弟子,难怪着穿这么眼熟”。 Ling Xiao calmly with behind of these people. 凌笑不动声色地跟着这些人的后面。 By his present strength nobody on the scene can be his match, is more impossible to discover his whereabouts easily. 以他如今的实力在场的没有人会是他的对手,更不可能轻易地发现他的行踪。 How long the group have not walked, then before arriving at a main hall fence. 一行人没走多久,便到了一处大殿围墙之前。 Ling Xiao really saw Chen Wenyu and the others, just their situations are not very good. 凌笑果然看到了陈文宇等人,只不过他们的情况不是很好。 Everyone more or less some wounds, including two were seriously injured, the aura appears extremely weak. 每人身上或多或少都有些伤,其中有两个更是受了重伤,气息显得极为微弱。 In injured two one of them Shi Tian is thick. 受伤的两人中其中一人正是石天厚。 Ling Xiao the friend in Sect are not many, Shi Tian thick arrange(ment) skillfully is one of them. 宗门凌笑的朋友不算多,石天厚洽巧是其中之一。 Ling Xiao does not have the reason to think annoying, oneself considered only the practice actually forgetting their duty of leading a group. 凌笑没来由觉得懊恼不已,自己只顾着修炼却把自己领队之职给忘了。 At this time, that Greatest Mythical Beast Sect person arrived at Chen Wenyu and the others front clamoring to look finally your was being mixed up, on all people, has all killed them. 这时,那太离宗的人来到陈文宇等人面前叫嚣道“总算找着你们这些杂碎了,所有人上,把他们全杀了”。 His words just fell, Greatest Mythical Beast Sect that several people had all killed toward Chen Wenyu and the others with Worship Moon Sect several people. 他的话刚落下,太离宗那几人和拜月宗的十几人全朝着陈文宇等人杀了过去。 Chen Wenyu and the others hurried to meet head-on. 陈文宇等人慌忙迎战。 Ling Xiao is black the face to look at all these, summoned the Golden Wolf King light [say / way] Little Gold, you have not broken a meatless fast for a long time, today I allow you to eat person. 凌笑黑着脸看着这一切,召唤出了金色狼王淡淡道“小金,你好久也没开荤了,今天我允许你吃人”。 Golden Wolf King is greatly crisp, it face upwarded to cry loud and long „”, then threw to nip toward Greatest Mythical Beast Sect and Worship Moon Sect these people. 金色狼王大爽,它仰天长啸了一声“嗷呜”,接着便朝着太离宗拜月宗那些人扑咬了过去。 All people do not know that any matter, suddenly presents such Spirit Beast of big fellow, was frightened in all directions moves aside. 所有人都不知道啥回事,突然出现这么大块头的灵兽,一个个被吓得四处躲闪。 Luo Meiying called out pleasantly surprised is...... Is the Junior Brother Ling mount, he...... He came back. 罗美英惊喜叫道“是……是凌师弟的坐骑,他……他回来了”。 The Violet Sky Sect person listened to this saying, all person imposing manner big quakes. 紫天宗的人听了这话,所有人气势大震。 Kills this group of chop suey!” Chen Wenyu shook the arm to roar, oneself welcomed a Greatest Mythical Beast Sect person. “干掉这帮杂碎!”陈文宇震臂吼了一声,自己率先迎上了一名太离宗的人。 Other person egg feet vigor, erupted unprecedented to fight intent in abundance. 其他人纷纷卵足了劲,爆发出前所未有的强大战意。 Because they know, so long as has Ling Xiao, they affirmed well! 因为他们知道只要有凌笑在,他们肯定无恙了! Before then, the great strength of Ling Xiao deeply has ironed in their hearts, so long as Ling Xiao side them, even if were the formidable match also can only unable to eat to capture walking. 在这之前,凌笑的强大已经深深烙在了他们心中,只要凌笑在他们身边,哪怕是再强大的对手也只能吃不了兜着走。 Violet Sky Sect person imposing manner big quake, but reviews Greatest Mythical Beast Sect and Worship Moon Sect person is frightened is at a loss. 紫天宗的人气势大震,而反观太离宗拜月宗的人则是被吓得六神无主。 They think that eats to decide the Violet Sky Sect person, who knows actually to run such fearful Spirit Beast. 他们本以为吃定紫天宗的人,谁知却跑出这么可怕的灵兽 4th Rank Middle Rank Spirit Beast, endures compared with existence of Human Race military King Rank Middle Rank, even if they have to resist the King Rank Low Rank strength not to dare to spell reluctantly with this Spirit Beast! 四阶中阶灵兽,堪比人类武者王阶中阶的存在,就算他们勉强有对抗王阶低阶的实力也不敢与这灵兽拼啊! All people simply did not have hesitant all toward in all directions to make the bird birds and beasts to be loose. 所有人跟本没有犹豫全朝着四面八方做鸟禽散了。 But, how Golden Wolf King can come out to let in fresh air with great difficulty one time to make them run. 可是,金色狼王好不容易可以出来放风一次怎么能让他们跑了呢。 Let alone its present strength increases, if made these people run away, making it lose face before its master, how this can tolerate. 何况它现在实力大增,要是让这些人逃了,让它在它主人面前丢脸,这怎么能容忍呢。 The Golden Wolf King body like the lightning, throws especially time and time again toward two troops who these escape. 金色狼王身子尤如闪电,一次又一次地朝着那些逃跑的两宗人马扑去。 Young military became the food in its mouth. 一个个年青的武者成为了它口中的食物。 These Greatest Mythical Beast Sect and Worship Moon Sect person was frightened the pitiful yell again and again. 那些太离宗拜月宗的人被吓得惨叫连连。 The Worship Moon Sect person is the regret, how suddenly runs such formidable Spirit Beast, then must lose including own poor life here. 拜月宗的人更是后悔不已,怎么突然跑出这么强大的灵兽,这下连自己的小命都要丢在这里了。 Ling Xiao lets somebody cool off or calm down looks at all these, in heart does not have any pity. 凌笑冷冷地看着这一切,心中没有任何怜悯之心。 Worship Moon Sect wants to form an alliance to cope with Violet Sky Sect with Greatest Mythical Beast Sect unexpectedly, seriously is new hatreds on top of old together Forget About It. 拜月宗居然想与太离宗结盟对付紫天宗,当真是新仇旧恨一起算了 Some little time, group only then two remaining. 好一会儿后,一行人只有两人剩下了。 These two Worship Moon Sect person, Greatest Mythical Beast Sect does not remain, was all swallowed by Golden Wolf King. 这两人正是拜月宗的人,太离宗的一个不剩,皆被金色狼王吞食了。 Remaining two all encircling are killing by the Violet Sky Sect people. 剩下那两人皆被紫天宗的众人给围杀着。 One of them lost Profound Tool, knelt down begging for mercy [say / way] „to forgive to the people below, I...... I am the Worship Moon Sect big Elder(s) grandson, you...... You cannot kill me, will otherwise only lead to two wars. 其中一人更是把玄器丢了,给众人下跪求饶道“诸位请饶了在下吧,我……我是拜月宗长老的孙子,你……你们不能杀了我,否则只会引起两宗的战争的”。 Another Worship Moon Sect disciple saw that to be angry to shout to clear the way how Senior Brother you to lose the face of our Sect, even if died must die has a strength of spirit point, how can kneel down to them. 另一名拜月宗的弟子见状大怒喝道“师兄你怎可丢了我们宗门的脸,就算死也要死得有骨气一点,怎么可以给他们下跪呢”。 You want dead, I may think not dead, I was young, asking Senior Brother and ancestor to forgive me that young people to stare my companion, then kept wiping the tears to beg for mercy to say toward Chen Wenyu and the others. “你想死,我可想不死,我还年青,求求诸位师兄、祖宗饶了我吧”那年青人瞪了一眼自己的同伴,然后又不停地抹着泪向着陈文宇等人求饶道。 Chen Wenyu and the others have not spoken, the spooky earthquake sounds sound getting up Little Gold, has eaten them together, looks to be an eyesore. 陈文宇等人还没说话,一道幽幽地声音响了起来“小金,把他们都吃了吧,看着碍眼”。 [gold/metal] Ying glitters together, that side kneels down young turned into the headless corpse to say immediately. 紧接着,一道金影闪烁,那边下跪的年青立即变成了无头的尸道。 Another person of somewhat strength of spirit, knows but actually the disaster ran away again, raises the sword to wipe toward the neck. 另一人倒有几分骨气,知道再劫难逃,提剑朝着脖子抹了过去。
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