WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#323: The cold young Saint is colored

Chapter 323 Cold Breast Holy Flower 第323章寒乳圣花 Thank Xinxin to be upward reaches wind star | the radical dawn to be few hits to enjoy ~~ 感谢“鑫鑫向上”“达风”“star丨灬晓少”打赏~~ Ling Xiao has washed the body using the clear water happily, the whole person has not being able to say dignified, within the body the speed of spirit strength revolution was almost fast one time. 凌笑利用清水洗涤了身子,整个人有一种说不出的舒畅泰然,体内的灵力运转的速度几乎快了一倍。 This is washes the marrow to cut down the [lineage/vein] the advantage. 这正是洗髓伐脉的好处。 Ling Xiao practice Innate Talent the monstruous talent, the physical quality enhances one section now once more, was much quicker at his present practice speed. 凌笑的修炼天斌本就妖孽,如今身体素质再次提高一截,以他如今的修炼速度更加是快得无与伦比了。 Was the time exited, making them wait to be so long, should a compensation be good Ling Xiao to trace Spatial Ring in hand to say to them. “是时候出去了,让他们等了这么久,应该给他们一点补偿才行了”凌笑摸了摸手中的空间戒说道。 When he must summon Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm leads him to leave, the corner of the eye shoots a look at to cold Tanbian, cream Little Hua intruded the view. 就在他要召唤紫蛟龙蚯带他离开之时,眼角瞥向寒潭边上,一朵乳白色的小花闯入了眼帘。 Ling Xiao approaches to look, discovered that the flower petal and floral axis of this Little Hua unexpectedly and previous Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid is the same color, no wonder before , had not seen. 凌笑走近一看,发现这朵小花的花瓣和花茎居然与此前的万年石乳液是同一颜色,难怪之前一直没有看到。 Now Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid has all been absorbed by Lu Weng, what cold deep pool remaining is only the clear water, but this Little Hua also becomes obvious. 现在万年石乳液全被绿翁吸收了,寒潭剩下的只是清水,而这朵小花也变得显而易见。 After Ling Xiao end auspicious some little time this Little Hua, has called out in alarm one „, good!”, The whole person also from same place shot. 凌笑端祥了好一会儿这朵小花之后,惊叫了一声“哟,太好了!”,整个人还从原地弹了起来。 Oh!” Ling Xiao Proud of Oneself is excessive, jumps too high, the cliff above head and cave mansion came an intimate contact, loves him to be straight the tooth. “哎哟!”凌笑得意过头,跳得太高,脑袋和洞府之上的石壁来了一次亲密的接触,疼得他直咧牙。 Ling Xiao cannot give a thought to the ache, bent the waist picking in Little Hua of cold deep pool that growth. 凌笑顾不得疼痛,弯下了腰把那朵生长在寒潭的小花给摘了起来。 Cold Breast Holy Flower, has not thought that can see here, is really Heaven Assist I also Ling Xiao looks at Little Hua in hand to say happily. 寒乳圣花啊,没想到能在这里见着,真是天佑我也”凌笑望着手中的小花朵开心地说道。 Cold Breast Holy Flower is 6th Rank Low Rank Spirit Grass, it needs accumulated to nurture in the extremely cold place, can grow in ten thousand years of ice ponds. 寒乳圣花六阶低阶灵草,它需要蕴育在极寒之地,在万年的冰池之中才能成长。 Ling Xiao has not thought that this Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid can also accumulated nurture this and other Qi Hua, moreover Grade Rank also compares general Cold Breast Holy Flower to be higher than 1st Rank, to pass through reached 6th Rank Middle Rank. 凌笑万万没想到这万年石乳液也能蕴育这等奇花,而且品阶还比之一般的寒乳圣花高出一阶,以经达六阶中阶了。 This Saint flower has the greatest advantage regarding Ice and Water Attribute military, but has the inestimable value regarding Master Alchemist similarly. 这种圣花对于冰水属性武者有着莫大的好处,可是对于炼药师来说同样有着不可估量的价值。 Because it not only can increase the Ice Attribute spirit strength, can open to expand spiritual Sea of Consciousness, increases Spiritual Force. 因为它不仅可以增加冰属性灵力,更可以开扩精神识海,增加精神力 After Master Alchemist absorption, can make Spiritual Force multiply, speeds up comprehending the refine the pill of immortality secret and method. 炼药师吸收之后,可以使精神力倍增,加快领悟炼丹要诀和法门。 Ling Xiao is the Master Alchemist nature urgently needs to this Saint flower. 凌笑身为炼药师自然对这种圣花更加迫切地需要。 He thought that he cultivates Spiritual Force that «Controlling God Secret Art» attains to be very slow, cannot meet his needs. 他觉得自己修炼《控神诀》所获的精神力十分缓慢,根本不能满足他的需要。 If makes others know that he thinks, only feared must be mad swallows the blood, the speed isn't so satisfactory? 要是让别人知道他这么想,只怕都要被气得吞血了,如此速度还不满意? He has wanted with the aid of certain to enhance Spiritual Force in view of Spiritual Force Spirit Grass, bears what this Spirit Grass to be rarely seen. 他一直想要借助某些针对精神力灵草提高精神力,耐何这种灵草根本不多见。 At present presents this Cold Breast Holy Flower, is makes him be wild with joy seriously. 眼下出现这朵寒乳圣花,当真是让他欣喜若狂。 He looks at Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm that nearby plate is falling asleep really to be at heart grateful! His dark to praise this fellow brings the good luck to me seriously!”. 他望着一旁盘睡着的紫蛟龙蚯心里甚是感激啊!他暗赞“这家伙当真给我带来好运!”。 Ling Xiao has subsided the excitement, sits cross-legged to make the condition reach to best, then takes out Cold Breast Holy Flower cautiously, tore down a flower petal to put in the mouth to chew. 凌笑平息了一下激动的心情,盘坐下来使状态达至最佳,然后才小心翼翼地取出寒乳圣花,撕下一片花瓣放到了嘴中咀嚼了起来。 Cold Breast Holy Flower, grows in the extremely cold place, the ice cold meaning that contains can freeze to death an elephant absolutely. 寒乳圣花,成长在极寒之地,所蕴含的冰寒之意绝对可以冻死一头大象。 Luckily before Ling Xiao, soaks half a month in the cold deep pool, depends Three Parts Return Yuan Qi the merit of Heavnely Frost Qi, finally this flower petal swallowing in ###. 幸好凌笑之前在寒潭之中浸泡半个月,又仗着三分归元气天霜气之功,总算把这花瓣给吞###中。 Within the body chill in the air is imposing, the whole person was wrapped a light ice layer instantaneously. 紧接着,体内寒意凛然,整个人瞬间被包裹了一层薄薄的冰层。 Ling Xiao turned into the statue unexpectedly, sits cross-legged to move not, as if frozen was lived. 凌笑居然变成了雕像,盘坐着一动动不,似乎被冰封住了。 May in fact, his within the body vitality excitedly, the Ice Attribute spirit strength keep growing as before, spiritual Sea of Consciousness passes formidable attracting to permit the strength, guides that ice cold meaning to Sea of Consciousness. 可事实上,他体内生机依旧勃然,冰属性灵力不停地增长着,精神识海透着强大的吸允力,把那股冰寒之意引导至识海之中。 Spiritual Sea of Consciousness that originally early liquefied, had the change quietly. 原本早已经液化的精神识海,悄然发生了变化。 Ling Xiao spiritual Sea of Consciousness was at variance with average man, wants on big many compared with it average man, afterward after the development of three big foreign matters, early as big had been hard as one broad that imagines. 凌笑的精神识海本就异于常人,比之常人要大上许多,后来又经三大异物的拓展,早已经大到一个难以想像的宽阔。 In this spiritual Sea of Consciousness, the Xiaotan place liquefied, the careful number should have the emulsion of more than 100 drops of fine sparkling stones. 在这精神识海之中,有一小滩地方已经液化,仔细一数应该有100多滴精莹的乳液。 After having absorbed Cold Breast Holy Flower, bunch of ice cold meanings toward the spiritual Sea of Consciousness assault. 当吸收了寒乳圣花之后,一团团冰寒之意朝着精神识海袭去。 Shortly, is divided into four parts in Sea of Consciousness immediately, part is small that is grown up gradually is occupying by one, another two are grey blue two beads is occupying separately, outside that part was just the ice cold meaning that increased. 没多久,在识海之中立即分成四部分,一部分是由一棵在逐渐长大的小棵占据,另两处分别是一灰一蓝两颗珠子占据着,那外那部分刚是新增进来的冰寒之意。 Ice cold meaning extremely palpitates to fear to that three places, can only toward other spacious place assaults. 冰寒之意对那三处地方都极为悸惮,只能朝着其他空旷的地方袭去。 Ling Xiao does not know this situation quite the same as, only knows that own spiritual Sea of Consciousness was frozen insanely makes him grasp, the mind became slow stiff, oneself want to go in looks up the outcome, was actually has a mind to be incapable, can only can relieve this pain at heart silently the luck «Controlling God Secret Art» hope as soon as possible. 凌笑浑然不知道这情况,只知道自己的精神识海被冻得让他疯抓,脑海都变得迟钝僵硬了起来,自己想进去一查究竟,却是有心无力,只能在心里默默地运气《控神诀》希望能尽快减轻这痛苦。 Is casual fluctuation of Controlling God Secret Art, that group of ice cold meanings were extruded to build up gradually. 随便着控神诀的变幻,那一团冰寒之意被逐渐挤压炼化。 Finally that group invisible ice cold meaning was built up liquid, in spiritual Sea of Consciousness that a little bit pure emulsion drops in original liquefied. 最后那团无形的冰寒之意被炼成液态,一滴滴精纯的乳液滴落在原来已经液化的精神识海之中。 Also has not known how long, that group of ice cold meanings have squeezed out the entire six and 70 drops of energetic fluids unexpectedly, but spiritual Sea of Consciousness again was expanded. 也不知道过了多久,那团冰寒之意居然挤出了整整六、70滴精神液,而精神识海又再次被扩充了出去。 Now the Ling Xiao energetic fluid grew most probably, Sea of Consciousness expanded one-fourth. 如今凌笑的精神液增长了大半,识海扩充了1。 Only feared that is Heavenly Venerable or 7th Grade Master Alchemist not necessarily has Ling Xiao to be so deep broad spiritual Sea of Consciousness. 只怕是天尊七品炼药师都未必有凌笑如此深宽阔的精神识海 A flower petal then makes Ling Xiao have such growth, this makes him be wild with joy, he pays 6th Rank Spirit Grass to be unexpectedly uncommon darkly. 一片花瓣便让凌笑有如此增长,这让他欣喜若狂,他心里暗付“六阶灵草居然不凡”。 The Cold Breast Holy Flower altogether four flower petals, Ling Xiao want not to rip one piece to swallow down. 寒乳圣花一共有四片花瓣,凌笑想也没想又撕了一片下来吞了下去。 Since cultivating Controlling God Secret Art, the attack of Spiritual Force became the Ling Xiao most formidable card in a hand, even if the King Rank powerhouses can extinguish kills. 自从修炼控神诀之后,精神力的攻击已经成为凌笑最强大的底牌,哪怕是王阶强者都可以灭杀。 But, lacking of Spiritual Force repeatedly has actually restricted his attack capability and number of times. 可是,精神力的缺乏却屡次制约了他的攻击能力和次数。 Before this, he to seek for this type Spirit Grass that promotes Spiritual Force worries, has not thought of joy after sorrow Yau Yat Tsuen, has such good thing in the cave mansion of this Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm life unexpectedly. 此前,他一直在为寻找这种提升精神力灵草而烦恼,没想到柳暗花明又一村,在这紫蛟龙蚯生活的洞府之中居然有着这么好的东西。 This let make Ling Xiao gain simply insanely! 这让简直让凌笑赚疯了! Ling Xiao decides on at heart the attention, after exiting, must provide for well well this small earthworm, perhaps which day must seek for more good things by it. 凌笑心里打定注意,出去后一定要好好把这小蚯蚓给好好供养好,说不定哪天还要靠它寻找到更多好东西呢。 Ling Xiao took the first piece of petal to get to know the benefits, therefore had also forgotten must exit from here, planned to absorb behind these three pieces of petals to say again. 凌笑服了第一片分瓣尝到了甜头,于是也忘记了要从这里出去,打算吸收完后面这三片分瓣再说了。 Ling Xiao spent two days of time absorbing the remaining flower petals. 凌笑又花了两天时间把剩下的花瓣给吸收完毕。 Present he only thought before Spiritual Force, future strength, only thought that any thought can write off Spirit Grass step Expert directly, even if King Rank can run away his second to kill, but in surrounding area Wan Li (Several Thousand Miles) every bit of property all cannot escape his induction. 现在的他只觉得精神力前所未来的壮大,只觉得任何一个念头都可以直接抹杀灵草高手了,哪怕是王阶都能逃他的秒杀,而方圆万里之内一草一木皆逃不过他的感应。 Now he is using Spiritual Force control material object. 如今他正在利用精神力控制实物。 This is a Controlling Technique profound skill, by god imperial thing. 这正是控技的一项高深技能,以神御物。 Builds up this skill, explained own Spiritual Force already quite formidable, when this skill can control ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) thing then to achieve the boundary of Great Accomplishment. 炼成这一项技能,也说明了自己的精神力已经相当强大,当这项技能可以操控起万斤的东西便达到大成之境了。 Ling Xiao is sitting cross-legged, invisible Spiritual Force gathers a superhuman hand, he is controlling this slowly, only then he can induce the superhuman hand that obtains to the several meters away place of soil, then grasps toward it. 凌笑盘坐着,一股无形的精神力汇聚成一只巨掌,他缓缓地操控着这一只只有他能感应得到的巨掌到了几米外的土壤之处,然后朝其抓下。 Here soil compared with other it places wants on heavy many, the place that grasps little said that also has 500 jin (0.5 kg). 这里的土壤要比之其他地方的要重上许多,一手抓下的地方少说也有500斤重。 Ling Xiao enjoys to try first whether this soil lifting. 凌笑先赏试一下能否把这一手的土壤给抬起来。 He makes an effort upward to lift cautiously. 他小心翼翼地使劲往上抬。 His to think 500 jin (0.5 kg) soil must have many troubles to lift. 他本为以为500斤的土壤要费不少周折才能抬起。 But who knows that unexpectedly was lifted by him light. 可谁知道,居然轻飘飘地就被他抬了起来。 Sees only that group of soil You Ruping to raise spatially, float makes people think extremely crafty intent in the midair. 只见那一堆土壤尤如平空升起,悬浮在半空让人觉得极为诡意。 Ling Xiao cracked into a smile, then controls that pile of soils to fly in the midair, as if did not think that had any exhausted feeling, instead thought light, if did not have the thing. 凌笑咧嘴一笑,然后又操控着那堆土壤在半空之中飞了飞去,似乎一点都不觉得有任何疲惫感,反而觉得轻若无物。 Ling Xiao has played a while, puts down these soils, Spiritual Force gathers a bigger superhuman hand once more. 凌笑玩了一会儿,把这些土壤又重新放下,精神力再次汇聚一个更加大的巨掌。 This time he planned that tries 2000 jin (0.5 kg) soil whether to lift. 这次他打算试试2000斤的土壤能否抬得起来。 Where he must know his limit, with the aim of opposing the enemy in the future can unexpectedly, achieve the effect of frightening. 他要知道自己的极限到底在哪里,以便日后对敌的时候能出奇不意,达到震慑的效果。 When by Spiritual Force controls 2000 jin (0.5 kg) soil, Ling Xiao obviously thought strenuously many, above the forehead has covered entirely the thin perspiration quietly, but that 2000 jin (0.5 kg) soil was lifted by him. 精神力控制2000斤的土壤之时,凌笑明显觉得吃力了不少,额头之上已经悄然布满了细汗,但是那2000斤的土壤还是被他抬了起来。 2000 jin (0.5 kg) soil can lift, but controls is the consumption is enormous. 2000斤的土壤是可以抬起来,但是操控起来却是消耗极大。 After putting down 2000 jin (0.5 kg) soil, after Ling Xiao restores, attempted to increase the weight. 放下2000斤土壤后,凌笑恢复之后又尝试了加大重量。 After the attempts of several relapses, he knows finally one most can lift up 3000 jin (0.5 kg) weight. 经过几次反复的尝试,他总算知道自己最多可以扛得起3000斤的重量了。 3000 jin (0.5 kg) weight was equal to together very giant rock, with person to war, the control so big rock attacked unexpectedly, only feared that the matches were virtually impossible to guard against. 3000斤的重量相当于一块十分巨大的岩石了,与人对战的时候,控制如此大的岩石出奇不意地攻击,只怕对手都要防不胜防。 However, these 3000 jin (0.5 kg) weights cannot cause the too big damage to the King Rank above powerhouse, is over ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) weights, can control with wishes fulfilled, can be battered to death the King Rank powerhouse while still alive. 不过,这3000斤的重量还是不能对王阶以上的强者造成太大的伤害,只有达到万斤以上重量,能随心所欲地控制,才能把王阶强者给活活砸死。 However, purely do not use by the boundary of god imperial thing above the attack, uses above Alchemist, can manifest it deeper advantage. 不过,以神御物的境界并不是单纯要利用在攻击之上,更多利用在炼药之上,才能体现它更深一层的好处。 This boundary can make Master Alchemist achieve Refining Medicine Become Raindrops the boundary. 这种境界正是可以让炼药师达到“炼药成雨”之境。 But before this Ling Xiao can display, but that completely is black medicine Luminary therefore, trades to make other Medicine Cauldron he not to have the means to achieve that point. 而此前凌笑虽说可以施展,但那完全是黑药曜之故,换做别的药鼎他却是没办法做到那一点的。 Now was also different, no matter he can display Refining Medicine Become Raindrops with any Medicine Cauldron easily the boundary. 如今却又不同了,不管用什么药鼎他都可以轻而易举地施展“炼药成雨”之境了。 Meanwhile, has manifested another advantage, that is achieves to separate takes spatially the boundary. 同时,也体现了另一个好处,那便是做到隔空取物的境界。 Must want to achieve this boundary, most at least also needs to achieve the boundary of Earth Emperor Rank to be good. 要想达到这一境界,最起码也需要达到地皇阶之境才行。 Regarding the present situation, Ling Xiao is satisfies unprecedentedly. 对于现状,凌笑是前所未有地满足。 By his present condition, puts forth the Spiritual Force number of times considerably to increase, but will take the second to kill High Rank military actually the long-term usage five times, not to appear like before bursts the deficiency the condition. 以他如今的状态,使出精神力的次数大为增加,而要秒杀比自己高阶的武者却可以连续使用五次之多,就不会像之前那样出现溃乏的状态了。 As for can resist Earth Emperor Rank powerhouse to try to know. 至于能不能对抗地皇阶强者这个就得试过才知道了。 However Ling Xiao knows that perhaps cannot the second kill the Earth Emperor Rank powerhouse, but must they take a look to the color can achieve. 不过凌笑知道,或许不能秒杀地皇阶强者,但要给点颜色他们瞧瞧还是可以做得到的。 Ling Xiao enjoyed Red Willow Grass as well as 4th Rank Spirit Beast gives Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm, feels its smooth body to say with a smile really satisfied Little Dragon, you are really my lucky star, in the future will have the opportunity to make you enter to rise absolutely is God Beast, one also said that walks, we exit from here first. 凌笑赏了一株杞红草以及一颗四阶灵兽紫蛟龙蚯,甚是满意地摸着它那光滑的身躯笑道“小龙,你真是我的福星,日后有机会绝对让你进升为神兽”,顿了一下又道“走吧,我们先从这里出去”。 Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm swallows Red Willow Grass and Beast Core satisfied, curled up Ling Xiao then to leave the cave mansion. 紫蛟龙蚯满意地吞下杞红草兽丹,卷起凌笑便离开了洞府。 When returns to original there, Violet Sky Sect one line of already not. 当回到原来那里,紫天宗一行人已经不在了。 Ling Xiao knows that perhaps they continued to seek for here treasure. 凌笑知道他们或许已经继续寻找这里的宝物去了。 In Ling Xiao must launch the induction seeks for their aura, an intermittent Profound Technique bombing sound from the distant place transmits. 就在凌笑要展开感应寻找他们的气息之时,一阵阵玄技的轰炸声从远处传来。 Did the Ling Xiao look jump several to mutter they to have an accident?”. 凌笑眼神跳了几下喃喃道“难道他们出事了?”。
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