WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#322: Ten thousand years of stalactite fluid

Chapter 322 Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid 第322章万年石乳液 Thank Wu Zhanglong stupid love fruit 2010 two book friends to hit to enjoy ~~~ 感谢“吴章龙”“笨爱蛋蛋2010”二位书友打赏~~~ After Ling Xiao receives good Spirit Grass, walked toward not far Jade Lake. 凌笑收好灵草后,向着不远的瑶池走了过去。 More approaches Jade Lake, the chill in the air is more abundant. 越是走近瑶池,寒意越盛。 Three Parts Return Yuan Qi of Ling Xiao within the body revolved voluntarily, continuously pure cold air has welled up from his all the limbs and bones, the Ice Attribute spiritual energy is growing slowly. 凌笑体内的三分归元气自行运转了起来,一缕缕精纯的寒气从他的四肢百骸涌了进来,冰属性的灵气在缓缓地增长着。 The Ling Xiao doubts are puzzled, when he approaches the cold deep pool, sees clearly in the cold deep pool impressively is cream Lake. 凌笑疑惑不解,当他走近寒潭之时,才看清楚寒潭之内的赫然是乳白色的潭水 This...... What Lake is this so is unexpectedly unusual?” Ling Xiao muttered said. “这……这是什么潭水居然如此奇特?”凌笑喃喃说道。 Meanwhile, he puts out a hand in Lake, is feeling that cool cold biting cold meaning, caught up to reduce. 与此同时,他伸手进潭水之内,感受着那凉寒彻骨之意,赶紧缩了回去。 Some Ling Xiao hole pupil enlargements, when he has thought any matter, reverberated an anxiously sound in his Sea of Consciousness this...... This is Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid. 凌笑孔瞳有些放大,就在他想到了什么事情的时候,在他识海之中回荡起了一道急切地声音“这……这是万年石乳液”。 Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid?” The Ling Xiao mind shakes. 万年石乳液?”凌笑心神一震。 The green shade drilled from the Ling Xiao mind together unexpectedly. 紧接着,一道绿影居然从凌笑的脑海之中钻了起来。 This is not just ten thousand years of Tree Spirit Lu Weng. 这不正是万年树灵绿翁么。 How Old Lu did you come out?” Ling Xiao asked. 绿老您怎么出来了?”凌笑问道。 Lu Weng has not paid attention to Ling Xiao, but is the bow the body, is narrowing the old item, a bunch of none remaining bloomed. 绿翁没有理会凌笑,而是躬着身子,眯着老目,一团团精光绽放了起来。 Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm instantaneous is staring Lu Weng vigilantly, is faint passes unexpectedly is dreading the color. 紫蛟龙蚯瞬间警惕地瞪着绿翁,隐隐间居然透着忌惮之色。 Well, this kid occupies obviously is flowing the Dragon Race bloodlines, although is scarce, may be very pure!” Lu Weng then notes nearby Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm to be surprised the different way. “咦,这小家伙居显流着龙族血脉,虽然稀少,可很纯正啊!”绿翁这才注意到一旁的紫蛟龙蚯诧异道。 The Ling Xiao [say / way] it was antiquity unusual animals, the union descendant of dragon and earthworm, he also said Old Lu, you said that this was Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid?”. 凌笑道“它是上古异兽,龙与蚯的结合后代”,顿了一下他又道“绿老,您说这是万年石乳液?”。 Lu Weng smiling [say / way] this is natural, here thinks that also over ten thousand years years, otherwise how possible accumulated to nurture this grade of god fluid, it seems like Old Man can speed up restoring. 绿翁笑眯眯道“这是自然,此处想必也有万年以上的岁月了,要不然怎么可能蕴育出这等神液,看来老夫又可以加快恢复了”。 „Can it help you to restore?” The Ling Xiao doubts asked. “它可以助你恢复?”凌笑疑惑问道。 This is natural, it regarding our Tree Spirit said that the day falls the manna, each drop contains the pure energy, here these many Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid, enough I restored three points of Essence Qi, was really good” Lu Weng to say very excitedly. “这是自然,它对于我们树灵来说甘称天降甘露,每一滴都蕴含纯净的能量,这里这么多万年石乳液,足够我恢复三分之一精元了,真是太好了”绿翁十分兴奋地说道。 Ling Xiao remembered Lu Weng once not at any cost to let in Illusionary Valley all plant rebirths, Essence Qi that consumes was huge, however present Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid can make it restore one-third Essence Qi unexpectedly, it can be imagined this Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid was mysterious and precious, simultaneously he also remembered Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid to him is also the anxious need god fluid. 凌笑想起绿翁曾不惜代价让迷幻谷内所有植物重生,所消耗的精元是何等巨大,然而眼前的万年石乳液居然能让它恢复1的精元,可想而知这万年石乳液是何等神奇和珍贵了,同时他也想起了万年石乳液对他也来说是急切需要的神液。 Lu Weng said, opens the mouth, must absorb present Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid impatiently. 绿翁说了一句后,张开嘴巴,迫不及待地要吸收眼前的万年石乳液 Ling Xiao hurries to prevent it to say Old Lu, you...... You and other. 凌笑赶紧阻止它说道“绿老,您……您等一下”。 Had the matter I to absorb this Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid to say again Lu Weng was not feeling well to say slightly, said that must attract that Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid. “有事等我吸收了这万年石乳液再说”绿翁微微不爽应道,说罢又要去吸那万年石乳液 Ling Xiao hurries the hindrance to waylay you unable to absorb it temporarily. 凌笑赶紧阻拦道“您暂时还不能吸收它”。 Why?” Lu Weng asked puzzled. “为什么?”绿翁不解问道。 Because I must Ling Xiao say with it. “因为我也要用它”凌笑说道。 You...... Little Friend, you...... You cannot, it have major function to Old Man like this the Lu Weng anxious [say / way]. “你……小友,你……你不可以这样啊,它对老夫来说有大作用”绿翁焦急道。 The Ling Xiao earnest [say / way] Old Lu you are not anxious, it finally your, but used with say to me before then first again. 凌笑认真道“绿老您莫急,它最终还是你的,只不过在这之前先给我用用再说”。 Ling Xiao remembered finally saw the explanation about this Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid in Sect Book Pavilion. 凌笑终于想起了在宗门典藏阁内所看到关于这万年石乳液的说明。 Each drop of Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid has to wash the marrow to expand the [lineage/vein], stable mind effect. 每一滴万年石乳液都有着洗髓扩脉,稳固心神的功效。 This Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid regarding anybody is the Best Quality emulsion. 对于任何人来说这万年石乳液皆是极品的乳液。 It not only can improve the physique of military, increases the life, can improve the practice speed. 它不仅可以改善武者的体质,增加寿元,更可以提高修炼速度。 Even if the Earth Emperor Rank powerhouse meets this grade of god fluid to be crazy, when the Earth Emperor Rank powerhouse must break through Heavenly Venerable needs the mind normalizing, reaches to the vault of heaven, but Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid then has to doubt the wonderful effectiveness of god denuding. 哪怕是地皇阶强者遇上这等神液都要为之疯狂,因为地皇阶强者要突破天尊之时需要心神归一,达至苍穹,而万年石乳液便有着疑神去垢的神效。 Like this grade of Best Quality god fluid, may with, but cannot ask, how Ling Xiao can miss. 像这等极品神液,是可遇而不可求的,凌笑怎么能错过呢。 Let alone, he besides must collect some Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid, he must practice Vajra Five Transformation Secret Art Fourth Transformation with the aid of the ice cold air/Qi of this cold deep pool Refining Bones the boundary. 何况,他除了要收集一些万年石乳液之外,他还要借助这寒潭的冰寒之气修炼金刚五变诀第四变炼骨”之境。 In Sacrifice Gu City, Ling Xiao borrowed also Internal Organs Pill to practice Vajra Five Transformation Secret Art Third Transformation exactly dirty Refining Viscera the boundary, then did not have the opportunity to practice Fourth Transformation. 蛊祭城的时候,凌笑就借用活脏还腑丹修炼成了金刚五变诀第三变炼脏”之境,尔后却是没有机会修炼第四变 The condition that all because Fourth Transformation needs is harsher, therefore since has stopped over. 皆因第四变需要的条件更为苛刻,所以一直担搁至今。 Now met this Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid, Ling Xiao has remembered has practiced Fourth Transformation with the aid of it. 现在遇上了这万年石乳液,凌笑才想起了借助它修炼第四变 Fourth Transformation Refining Bones, Gu Mingsi discussed then builds up to produce the muscle steel gagger, making all marrow reach to the blade chops cannot collapse, the sword truncated the boundary that cannot break. 第四变炼骨”,顾名思议便是重新炼造筋钢铁骨,使所有骨髓达至刀砍不能崩,剑削不能断的境界。 Generally military must reach to this grade of boundary must achieve Earth Emperor Rank, builds up has this grade of effect on an emperor bone. 一般武者要达至这等境界必须要达到地皇阶,炼就一身皇骨才有这等功效。 But once the boundary of Refining Bones Great Accomplishment actually be more tenacious than the emperor bone of it Earth Emperor Rank, even if the Heavenly Venerable powerhouses is hard to ruin it, even if cut off limb, so long as the brain has not destroyed, heart not broken, similarly can cut off limb the regeneration, this is Refining Bones changes. Condition place. 炼骨之境一旦大成却是要比之地皇阶的皇骨更加坚韧,哪怕是天尊强者都难以把其毁掉,就算被断肢了,只要大脑没毁,心脏没碎,同样可以断肢再生,这正是炼骨变.态的地方。 Obviously must build up the condition that this boundary needs is not casual can satisfy. 可见要炼到这种境界所需要的条件可不是随随便便就能满足了的。 Now Ling Xiao wants to use this Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid immersion mortal body, the frozen cold body bone, cultivates Fourth Transformation. 如今凌笑正是想利用这万年石乳液浸泡肉身,冻寒身骨,修炼第四变 Here extremely cold fluid cultivates the Refining Bones best place. 这里极寒之液正是修炼炼骨的最好之地。 Ling Xiao was explaining after Lu Weng, Lu Weng repressed to move restlessly grieving to return to his spiritual Sea of Consciousness finally newly. 凌笑对着绿翁解释了一番后,绿翁总算按耐住躁动之心重新回到了他的精神识海之中。 Ling Xiao knows that this practice probably needs some date and time, feared that the Sect companion worried, therefore cuts the finger, tore down Bu Kuaixie several characters to give Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm, making it bring to go back to give the Violet Sky Sect people, making them seek for the rare treasure first, oneself kept the practice. 凌笑知道这次修炼可能需要一些时日,又怕宗门的同伴担忧,于是划破手指,撕下布块写了几个字交给紫蛟龙蚯,让它带回去给紫天宗众人,让他们先去寻找秘宝,自己则留下来修炼。 Completes all these, Ling Xiao takes off Wu Fu, reveals that symmetrical vigorous and healthy body, then marches into the cold deep pool slowly. 做好这一切,凌笑脱掉武服,露出那匀称健壮的身体,然后缓缓地步入寒潭之中。 Hissing!” Just contacted that cold deep pool, Ling Xiao cannot bear suck in an cold air/Qi. “嘶!”刚接触到那寒潭,凌笑忍不住倒抽了一口冷气。 The cold deep pool chill in the air not ordinary ice is cold, but can penetrate the ice of mortal body direct link marrow to pierce the bone directly coldly, making people unendurable. 寒潭寒意绝非普通冰寒,而是直接能穿透肉身直达骨髓的冰寒切骨,使人难以忍受。 Ling Xiao clenches teeth, sits to cold deep pool, starts revolution Diamond Five Transformations Secret Art. 凌笑咬着牙,坐到寒潭之中,开始运转金钢五变诀 At the beginning, the Ling Xiao body has been trembling, the complexion became turns green to turn purple, You Ru was seriously injured to be ordinary evidently, making his pain difficult to bear. 刚开始的时候,凌笑身子一直在发抖,脸色变得发青发紫,看样子尤如身受重伤一般,让他痛苦难当。 Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid has certainly the cold meaning, from raids into the Ling Xiao skin and flesh and blood in all directions, goes directly to the marrow, freezes that marrow „” for the first time to make a sound. That ice cold boundary like the knife edge, a blade blade is cutting that skeleton especially, freezes Ling Xiao to be in deep sorrow, wants his short remaining life simply. 万年石乳液有着绝寒之意,从四面八方地袭入凌笑皮肤、血肉,直达骨髓之内,冻得那骨髓“啪啦”乍响。那股冰寒之境尤如刀刃,一刀刀地切割着那骨骼,冻得凌笑痛不欲生,简直要他老命。 „............” After the ice cold meaning unceasing invasion, Ling Xiao cannot bear keep having deeply grieved the cry. “啊……啊……”当冰寒之意不断的入侵后,凌笑忍不住不停地发生惨痛地叫声。 His always willpower is astonishing, the hard to endure average man cannot endure, only feared that must clash from this cold deep pool. 要不是他一向意志力惊人,难忍常人所不能忍,只怕都要从这寒潭之中冲了出来。 Ling Xiao within the body Vajra Five Transformation Secret Art is absorbing this chill in the air, starts to quenching the whole body skeleton, but Three Parts Return Yuan Qi also voluntarily slowly revolves, it absorbs one continuously to ice is expanding the Ice Attribute spirit strength coldly, finally belongs to Dantian. 凌笑体内金刚五变诀吸收着这寒意,开始淬炼起全身骨骼,而三分归元气也自行地缓缓运转,它吸收着一缕缕冰寒壮大着冰属性的灵力,最后又归于丹田之内。 The cold deep pool after ten thousand years, hole bottom cold air surging forward that ten thousand years of institute has. 寒潭历经万年,万年所具的洞底寒气汹涌澎湃。 In a while, Ling Xiao thoroughly was been as if frozen stiff. 没过多久,凌笑似乎被彻底地冻僵了。 The cold air invaded Ling Xiao within the body repeatedly, in the skeleton is covered light rime fog unexpectedly faintly, but these meridians and blood vessels similarly frozen stiff were also hard to operate by these cold air. 寒气一遍又一遍地侵入凌笑体内,骨骼之内居然隐隐地被蒙上了一层薄薄的冰雾,而那些经脉和血管也同样被这些寒气给冻僵难以运行。 Luckily Demon Blue Flame in his Sea of Consciousness is the fire of Pure Yang, branched out several wisps of warm spirit strength to make Ling Xiao restore soberly. 幸好在他识海之中的魑魅蓝火乃是纯阳之火,分出几缕暖和的灵力让凌笑恢复了清醒。 Ling Xiao has hit quickly grasping the meaning of something, hurries to speed up turning of Profound Art, making the meridians and blood vessel completely once more detachable. 凌笑打了一个激灵,赶紧加快玄功的动转,使经脉和血管全部再次活络了起来。 Ling Xiao adapted under two big Profound Art gradually, but the look as before is such pale scary. 渐渐地凌笑在两大玄功之下才适应了过来,只不过神色依旧是那样地苍白吓人。 For several days, Ling Xiao all pulls out the half day immersion every day in this Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid, but Fourth Transformation Refining Bones the boundary gradually has also been opened toward the boundary of Small Accomplishment sets out. 一连数日,凌笑每日皆抽半日浸泡在这万年石乳液之中,而第四变炼骨”之境也逐渐得到开启向着小成之境进发。 Several days later, Ling Xiao has completed to adapt to here chill in the air, the marrow in within the body finally has also had several unusual changes, but this change is also not very big, was unobservable. 数日之后,凌笑已经完成能适应这里的寒意,体内的骨髓也终于产生了几丝异样的变化,只是这变化还不是很大,让人难以察觉。 After these days practice, Ling Xiao besides can adapt to here chill in the air, his skin unexpectedly also became smooth exquisite. 经过这几天的修炼,凌笑除了能适应这里的寒意之外,他的皮肤居然也跟着变得光滑细腻了起来。 That such as newborn baby general beautiful of white and tender slides simply especially, enabling the person to have the feeling that one type cannot bear want to caress lightly. 那简直尤如初生婴儿一般的美白嫩滑,使人有一种忍不住想轻抚的感觉。 Ling Xiao has not noted these, but immerses to practice constantly. 凌笑并没注意到这些,只是一味地沉醉在修炼之中。 So passed the several days, Ling Xiao in this cave mansion the entire half a month. 如此又过了数日,凌笑在这洞府之中整整半个月了。 Entered in this Heaven Suppressing Sect to pass 20 day. 算起来进入这镇天宗内已经过去20日了。 Counted a next day, Ling Xiao has had to give up the thought that continued to practice. 数了一下日子,凌笑不得不放弃继续修炼下去的念头。 For half a month later, Ling Xiao consolidated Refining Bones with the aid of Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid unexpectedly the boundary of Small Accomplishment. The skeleton initially became tenacious, only after generation in the future yu hot rebirth, then can practice Great Accomplishment. 半个月下来,凌笑借助万年石乳液居然稳固到了“炼骨小成之境。骨骼已经初步变得坚韧了许多,只代日后yu火重生后便可以修炼大成了。 Moreover his skin and internal organs also obtained the new round moist strengthening, the defense capability have not been able the past, but language. 另外他的皮肤、脏腑也得到了新一轮的滋润强化,防御能力已经不能往日而语了。 Ling Xiao has to sigh with emotion the mystery of this Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid, if trades to make other ice cold place practice, did not only fear one year is also hard to reach to the boundary of Small Accomplishment. 凌笑不得不感慨这万年石乳液的神奇,要是换做别的冰寒之地修炼,只怕没有一年的时间也难以达至小成之境。 Ling Xiao comes out from the cold deep pool, simultaneously called to summon Lu Weng to appear. 凌笑从寒潭之内出来,同时叫召绿翁出现。 Old Lu, you can enjoy Ling Xiao to hang now are saying with a smile, „you have not drunk at heart actually my water for foot-washing in the Proud of Oneself whisper, he he. 绿老,现在您可以享用了”凌笑挂着微笑道,心里却在得意地嘀咕“您老还不是喝我的洗脚水,呵呵”。 Listened to the Ling Xiao words, Lu Weng to reveal the impatient color, opened the big mouth to make an effort toward the cold deep pool to attract. 听了凌笑的话,绿翁露出迫不急待之色,张开大口朝着寒潭用力一吸。 Whiz! 嗖! The Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid reversal in that cold deep pool toward the mouth average of Lu Weng goes unexpectedly. 那寒潭之内的万年石乳液居然倒行地朝着绿翁的口中流去。 Lu Weng like that bottomless pit, quickly absorbs Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid in cold deep pool cleanly, remains is just some useless clear water. 绿翁就像那无底洞,很快把寒潭之内的万年石乳液吸收得干干净净,剩下来的只不过是一些无用的清水罢了。 ! 咻! After Lu Weng extinction Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid, drills into Ling Xiao Sea of Consciousness fast, started to digest these Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid slowly. 绿翁吸光万年石乳液之后,快速地钻入凌笑识海之中,开始慢慢消化这些万年石乳液了。 I must drink one to say first again Ling Xiao takes out a jar to mutter said. “我也要先喝一口再说”凌笑取出一只瓶子喃喃地说道。 The jar in his hand impressively is really Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid, before this is him, already passed through to collect. 他手中的瓶子赫然真是万年石乳液,这正是他之前早已经收集好的。 This and other precious things, no matter in the future frequently must use now, Ling Xiao possibly is how more unprepared comes out. 这等珍贵的东西,不管现在还是日后还是经常要用到的,凌笑怎么可能不备一些出来呢。 Ling Xiao opens the bottle cap, the one breath then drinks Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid in bottle cleanly. 凌笑打开瓶盖,一口气便把瓶中的万年石乳液喝得干干净净。 Contain the pure energy to start such as tide surging forward to scrub his four limbs hundred gai and five main internal organs (entrails) generally. 紧接着,一股股蕴含着纯净的能量开始如潮水一般汹涌澎湃地洗刷着他的四肢百赅、五脏六腑。 Ling Xiao only thought that the whole body, whole person You Ru swims in the summer happily, in the winter soaks warm is enjoying the pleasant sensation of that scrubbing. 凌笑只觉得浑身舒畅不已,整个人尤如在夏日里游泳,冬日里泡温暖般享受着那一次次洗刷的快感。 Any impurity unmentionable diseasea in within the body, was all washed the principle the cleanness, the meridians and hole hole obtained mild and expansion. 体内的任何杂质暗疾,皆被洗理的干干净净,经脉、穴窍重新得到了温润和扩张。 Long time, after Ling Xiao wakes up, only thought that the whole body was being pasted a dark thing, is smelly disgustingly. 良久,凌笑醒来后,只觉得周身被贴着黑呼呼的一层东西,臭得让人恶心不已。 Unexpectedly can wash the marrow to cut down [lineage/vein], good Ling Xiao looks that the dark thing jumped to call out in alarm said. “居然可以洗髓伐脉,太好了”凌笑看着黑呼呼的东西跳了起来惊呼道。
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