WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#321: Mid-hill dwelling place of Buddhist immortals

Chapter 321 mid-hill dwelling place of Buddhist immortals 第321章山腹洞天 Thank alba ntwm to hit to enjoy ~~ wished everybody Dragon Boat Festival joyful, daily had the steamed rice dumpling to eat ~~~ he he ~~ 感谢“alba”“ntwm”打赏~~祝大家端午节快乐,天天有粽子吃~~~呵呵~~ Young Lady Wu Mei said with a smile tenderly he he, if star Senior Brother is willing to give Young Lady Mei, Young Lady Mei naturally was glad to accept, this and other postures of thin willow tree must dress like Young Lady Mei frequently can coming out scary, had a mirror while convenient really good. 舞媚娘娇笑道“呵呵,如果星师兄愿意送给媚娘,媚娘自然乐意收下,像媚娘这等薄柳之姿要经常妆扮才能不至出来吓人,有把趁手的镜子着实不错的”。 Listened to Young Lady Wu Mei saying that on the Luo Baxing face hung the color of taking pleasure in others'misfortunes to look at Tian Xing. 听了舞媚娘这么说,罗霸兴脸上挂着兴灾乐祸之色看着天星 Tian Xing dodges unable to see the color of any difference, instead said with a smile who not to know the Young Lady Mei beauty lightly unparalleled, if your such beautiful women can only be the posture of thin willow tree, only feared that the world did not have the attractive woman, spoke of here him, then also said Young Lady Mei, if liked this small mirror, the star gave Young Lady Mei, was only...... The family masters once had said that this mirror can only give to my future wife, therefore...... Young Lady Mei did not mind that works as the fiancee below, the star naturally willingly will offer. 天星闪上看不出任何异样之色,反而轻笑道“谁不知道媚娘姿色无双,如果你这样的美人都只能是薄柳之姿的话,只怕天下就没有好看的女人了”,说到这里他顿了一下,接着又道“媚娘要是喜欢这把小镜子,星本当送给媚娘的,只是……家师曾说过,这面镜子只能送给我未来的妻子,所以……媚娘不介意给在下当未婚妻,星自然会心甘情愿地献上”。 Tian Xing said extremely straightforwardly, no matter what everyone can see his saliva color to Young Lady Wu Mei. 天星说得极为直白,任谁都可以看得出他对舞媚娘的垂涎之色。 Luo Baxing wrinkled the brow, somewhat vigilantly looks at Young Lady Wu Mei, as if for fear that Young Lady Wu Mei immediately complied. 罗霸兴皱了一下眉头,有些警惕地看着舞媚娘,似乎生怕舞媚娘立即就答应了。 The Young Lady Wu Mei beautiful pupil has stopped on the Tian Xing face, that pair of Danfeng eye narrowed to say with a smile slightly original this is the Star Child subscribing sentiment faith token, how your slave can seize well, I looked at Forget About It. 舞媚娘美眸在天星脸上停顿了一下,那双丹凤眼微微眯了一下笑道“原来这是星子的订情信物,奴家又怎么能夺有所好呢,我看还是算了吧”。 But Tian Xing said with a smile looks like still cannot recognize the Young Lady Mei discernment below, was really a life big regrettable matter. 天星无奈笑道“看来在下仍然不能认媚娘法眼,实在是人生一大憾事”。 Luo Baxing Ha Ha said with a smile Star Child you to brag loosely unparalleled, it seems like it is not still able to move Young Lady Mei, or you treated as the gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family your Light Star Palace town sect Jinhuang mirror, thinks that Young Lady Mei will accept your. 罗霸兴哈哈笑道“星子你自诩风流无双,看来仍然无法打动媚娘,或者你把你们光星殿的镇宗金煌镜当做聘礼,想必媚娘会接受你的”。 Tian Xing was shooting a look at one to Luo Baxing, light [say / way] Brother Luo this word is courteous, I to Young Lady Mei foolish one piece, believe that Young Lady Mei sooner or later will be able to feel, now is not deep love between man and woman time, when I broke here ban first, two may probably Protector for me well. 天星对着罗霸兴瞥了一眼,淡淡道“罗兄此言有礼,我对媚娘痴心一片,相信媚娘迟早会感受得到的,现在并不是儿女情长的时候,待我先破了这里的禁制,二位可要好好替我护法”。 Then, sees only Tian Xing to use own Attribute gathering above Silver Falcon Mirror, wiped the sparkle dazzling silver light to bloom. 说罢,只见天星利用自身属性汇聚于银隼镜之上,一抹闪耀刺眼的银光绽放了起来。 ! 咻! Suddenly, was all illuminated in the side world of people, a piece of white Chinese light beam goes toward the front not far ban Divine Glow bombardment. 一时间,在众人的一方天地皆被照亮了,一片白华光柱朝着前面不远的禁制神芒轰击而去。 Bang! 轰隆! The white light bang exudes sound of the violent explosion above the ban, the peripheral ground all was shakes to swing. 白光轰在禁制之上发出一阵猛烈的爆炸之声,周边的地面皆是晃摇了起来。 Banned after being destroyed, on the Tian Xing face spills over the pale color, obviously that struck a moment ago has actually found time his majority of spirit strength. 禁制被破坏掉后,天星脸上泛出苍白之色,显然刚才那一击却是抽空了他大部分灵力。 Light Star Palace other nine people all protect him, for fear that other two ancestors will seize the chance to launch an attack. 光星殿的其余九人皆把他护在其中,生怕其他两宗人会趁机发难。 After Tian Xing has taken Medicine Pill fast, on the face reappears with bright smiling face [say / way] two invites!”. 天星快速地服过丹药后,脸上浮现和熙的笑容道“二位请吧!”。 Young Lady Wu Mei and Luo Baxing eye pupil flashes through color of not the easy detection, separates to call own companion to turn toward above the great peak respectively to walk together. 舞媚娘罗霸兴眼眸闪过不易察觉之色,各自分开招呼自己的同伴一起向着巨峰之上走去。 ...... …… Above another mountain peak, Ling Xiao was brought mountain peak place of mid-hill by Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm. 在另一处山峰之上,凌笑紫蛟龙蚯带到了山峰中的一处山腹之地。 At this moment, Ling Xiao resulted in Ma Mu by the place of this mid-hill to the shock completely. 此刻,凌笑完全被这山腹之地给震惊得麻目了。 Has not thought that will have the place of so ghost axe finger of God in this mountain peak. 没想到在这山峰之内会有如此鬼斧神工之地。 In the hole should jet black exceptionally, is actually covert Xiangyang's the place above the cave mansion, unexpectedly has sunlight gathering, the spiritual energy emerges, enabling in the hole visual all. 洞内本该漆黑异常,可是在洞府之上却有一处隐蔽的向阳的地方,居然有阳光集聚,灵气涌入,使洞内可以目视一切。 Sees only in this mid-hill is a cave, cave entrance unusual conditions, the clock stone seems to be unusual, there is a stone to float drops everywhere, an intermittent moist cool meaning, making the person think inexplicably the chill in the air raids the body. 只见这山腹之内是一处山洞,洞口似乎浑然天成,钟石奇特怪异,又有石浮随处滴落,一阵阵潮湿清凉之意,使人莫名觉得寒意袭体。 Even if Ling Xiao is High Rank Spirit Master, still thought that cool enters the body coldly, making him think somewhat uncomfortably. 哪怕凌笑已经是高阶灵师了,仍然觉得凉寒入体,使他觉得有些难受。 Ling Xiao hurries to transport the bracing cold to resist this inexplicable chill in the air. 凌笑赶紧运起气劲抵抗这股莫名的寒意。 Any gadget was so cold Ling Xiao to whisper. “什么玩意这么寒”凌笑嘀咕了一句。 His body did not say that Water and Fire does not invade, but also exceptionally powerful, even if the King Rank powerhouses does not have this body and spirit, but makes him have a chill in the air of not being able to say in this cave mansion. 他身体不说水火不侵,但也是异常地强悍,哪怕是王阶强者都没有他这种体魄,可是在这洞府之中却让他有一种说不出的寒意。 Ling Xiao decides the eye to look that opens mouth to open the Boss, the eye was becomes incomparably scalding hot. 凌笑定眼一看,一张嘴张得老大,眼睛更是变得无比灼热了起来。 Has a flake soil in his front, on the soil is planting dozens Spirit Grass, but has small deep pool ice cold Jade Lake by the soil. 在他前方有着一小片土壤,土壤上种植着数十株灵草,而在土壤旁边则有着一小潭冰寒的瑶池 Above Jade Lake flood the gas spray of fen yin, is looking like very faintly recognizable plain, an intermittent chill in the air sends out from here. 瑶池之上泛着氲氤的气雾,看起来十分地飘渺无华,一阵阵寒意正是从这里散发开来。 Ling Xiao rubbed the eyes, step by step stand forth. 凌笑揉了揉眼睛,一步步向前走去。 But in Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm that his side reduces is supine the arrogant head, sneaked into that Jade Lake instantaneously, is loafing cheerfully. 而在他身边又缩小的紫蛟龙蚯则是仰着高傲的头颅,瞬间窜入了那瑶池之中,在其中欢快地游荡着。 Ling Xiao has no time to pay attention to Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm, because he completely by that dozens Spirit Grass attracting. 凌笑无暇去理会紫蛟龙蚯,因为他已经完全被那数十株灵草给吸引住了。 That scrap soil turns toward the positive place, only then ten squares big land parcels, however are planting above this unexpectedly is 5th Rank above Spirit Grass. 那小块土壤正是向着阳的地方,只有着十来平方大的地块,然而在这其上种植的居然全是五阶以上的灵草 No wonder that side medicine garden does not have 5th Rank Spirit Grass, originally cultivates Ling Xiao to look at present Spirit Grass completely here, swallows the saliva to talk to oneself. “怪不得药圃那边没有五阶灵草,原来全部栽培在这里了”凌笑看着眼前的灵草,咽了咽口水自语道。 5th Rank Spirit Grass, in greatest northwest is extremely rare, each has the inestimable function, but currently here has enough dozens, this makes Ling Xiao think somewhat unbelievable. 五阶灵草,在莫大的西北都是极为罕见,每一株都有着不可估量的作用,而现在这里却有足足数十株,这让凌笑觉得有些难以置信。 Nardostachys chinensis mushroom, 5th Rank Low Rank Earth Attribute Spirit Grass. “甘松菇,五阶低阶土属性灵草”。 Herbaceous peony grass, 5th Rank Low Rank Fire Attribute Spirit Grass. “赤芍草,五阶低阶火属性灵草”。 Wu Shateng, 5th Rank Middle Rank Metal Attribute Spirit Grass. “乌砂藤,五阶中阶金属性灵草”。 ...... …… Ling Xiao calmly is taking inventory value Spirit Grass here, more looks is joyful, here has several in 5th Rank Middle Rank or High Rank above, although these Spirit Grass value he has not obtained that all colors bottle gourd to be so big, but also has not the poor function, refines 5th Grade Medicine Pill main Spirit Grass. 凌笑静静地清点着种值在这里的灵草,越看越是欣喜,这里有好几株都在五阶中阶高阶以上,虽然这些灵草价值并没有他获得那一株五彩葫芦那么大,可是也有着不菲的作用,都是炼制五品丹药的主要灵草 This...... This is Wheat Fungus Flower, good, is really not needing the effort Ling Xiao looked at Spirit Grass to call out in alarm said. “这……这是麦苓花,太好了,真是得了不费功夫”凌笑望着一株灵草惊呼道。 Wheat Fungus Flower, 5th Rank Middle Rank Spirit Grass, is refines Extend Yuan Vitality Pill constantly main Spirit Grass. 麦苓花,五阶中阶灵草,是炼制精延元丹的一味主要灵草 Ling Xiao has not really thought that here meets one to refine Extend Yuan Vitality Pill Spirit Grass appropriately, suddenly lets him happily. 凌笑实在没想到这里又遇上一株合适炼制精延元丹灵草,一时间让他高兴不已。 The Priestess time are not much, if could not find Heavenly Poison Divine Art, he must refine Extend Yuan Vitality Pill to make Priestess in any event live days, otherwise he can the pain for a lifetime. 祭司女时间不多了,万一找不到天蛊神功,他无论如何都要炼制出精延元丹祭司女多活一段日子,要不然他会痛苦一辈子的。 Ling Xiao has restrained the mind, continues to examine other Spirit Grass. 凌笑收敛了一下心神,又继续查看其他灵草 After Ling Xiao distinguishes quickly here Spirit Grass, all will pick here Spirit Grass. 凌笑快把这里的灵草都辨别完之后,正要把这里的灵草给全采了。 But, he looked at that flake soil, thought that this piece of soil differs from the it ordinary soil, once for a while can flash before one group not to be easy to realize light ray that results, should be Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm has opened up specially the plump soil, thought this flake soil receiving, will facilitate will train High Rank Spirit Grass in the future? 可是,他看了看那一小片土壤,觉得这片土壤与之普通的土壤有所不同,时不时能闪现一团不易察觉得的淡色光芒,应该是紫蛟龙蚯专门开垦过的肥厚土壤,心想是不是把这小片土壤给收了,也方便日后培养高阶灵草呢? Thinks of here, Ling Xiao toward in Jade Lake Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm greeted one Little Dragon you to come. 想到这里,凌笑向着在瑶池之的紫蛟龙蚯招呼了一声“小龙你过来一下”。 Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm hears Ling Xiao to call, whiz then fled from Jade Lake. 紫蛟龙蚯听得凌笑招呼,“嗖”一声便从瑶池之中窜了出来。 I must carry off here Spirit Grass and soil, do you think what kind of?” Ling Xiao questionnaire issue. “我要把这里的灵草和土壤都带走,你觉得怎么样?”凌笑征求问题。 Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm as if not need to think that nodded directly, does not care evidently. 紫蛟龙蚯似乎都不用想,直接点了点头,看样子十分地不在乎。 Ling Xiao great happiness, but fell into afterward worriedly middle. 凌笑大喜,可是随后又陷入了苦恼当中。 Must want takes away here Spirit Grass and soil together, has a big difficulty. 要想把这里的灵草和土壤一起收走,却是有一大难处。 If all soils installing, only to fear that these soils lost moistening of spiritual energy to turn into the useless ordinary soil in Spatial Ring. 如果把所有土壤给装起来,只怕这些土壤在空间戒中失去了灵气的滋润会变成无用的普通土壤。 But in Spirit Beast Wrist Guard has spiritual energy to exist, but does not have the means to have other things to go, this is also its malpractice. 灵兽护腕中虽有灵气存在,可是却没办法装其他东西进去,这也是它的一个弊端。 Was right, forgot one's origin little also has Dark Brilliant Cauldron in Ling Xiao is worried, remembers itself also to have in addition the same thing living creature dying thing to install. “对了,忘了本少还有黑曜鼎了”就在凌笑苦恼之际,才想起自己还有另一样东西活物死物皆可以装进去。 Dark Brilliant Cauldron is Heaven Rank Divine Cauldron, its function Ling Xiao was unable to touch 1/10. 黑曜鼎天阶神鼎,其功能凌笑还不能触及1。 Ling Xiao takes out Dark Brilliant Cauldron, then calls one Hei Yao you to come out lowly. 凌笑取出黑曜鼎,然后低唤一声“黑曜你出来一下”。 Then, has acted an empty shade above Dark Brilliant Cauldron. 说罢,在黑曜鼎上方出面了一道虚影。 This is cauldron soul Hei Yao in Dark Brilliant Cauldron. 这正是黑曜鼎中的鼎魂黑曜 „Does master have what instruction?” The Hei Yao sound is illusory, is also containing an inexplicable mighty force. “主人有何吩咐?”黑曜的声音虚无飘渺,其中又蕴含着一股莫名的伟力。 „The space in Medicine Cauldron whether receives together these Spirit Grass and soils?” Ling Xiao asked. 药鼎里的空间能否把这些灵草和土壤一块收起?”凌笑问道。 Hei Yao on [say / way] naturally can. 黑曜就道“当然可以”。 Which, after receiving, won't the spiritual energies of these soils be defeated and dispersed?” Ling Xiao somewhat worried that asked. “哪,收起来后,那些土壤的灵气不会溃散吧?”凌笑有些担忧地问道。 „, The spiritual energy in space will not be thicker than here, will only improve the soil not to make it lose the original spirit strength, but...... These soil soil texture were too bad, the master determined that can receive it?” Hei Yao replied. “不会,在空间中的灵气比这里更浓,只会改善土壤并不会让它失去原来的灵力,不过……这些土壤土质太差了,主人确定要收它吗?”黑曜回答道。 „...... You...... You said that these soils were too bad?” The Ling Xiao delay asked. “呃……你……你说这些土壤太差了?”凌笑呆滞地问道。 Right, these should just enter the trash soil, most can only train 5th Rank preliminary Spirit Grass, was too bad Hei Yao to say. “没错,这些应该是刚入品的垃圾土壤,最多只能培养成五阶的低级灵草,实在太差了”黑曜应道。 Listened to this saying, Ling Xiao almost to spit blood dead. 听了这话,凌笑差点都要吐血身亡了。 What until now he makes a debut has seen is highest is only 5th Rank High Rank Spirit Grass, but these Spirit Grass poured Low Rank Spirit Grass in the Hei Yao surface, even if were any northwest powerhouse hears wanted guilty. 他出道至今见过的最高的只是五阶高阶灵草,而这些灵草黑曜面倒成了低阶灵草,哪怕是任何一名西北的强者听到了都要愧疚得要死了。 The Ling Xiao hollow laugh evil ways which you once had seen highest is Spirit Grass several steps?”. 凌笑干笑了一下道“哪你曾见过的最高灵草是几阶?”。 Hei Yao should say 10th Rank!”. 黑曜应道“十阶!”。 The Ling Xiao body shakes, the mouth opens the Boss, in the heart is actually with amazement. 凌笑身子一震,嘴巴张得老大,心中却是骇然至极。 10th Rank Spirit Grass, that is what kind existence, each this Spirit Grass is existence that goes against heaven's will, might be called Divine Grass. That at is not general place can grow. 十阶灵草,那是何等的存在,每一株这种灵草都是逆天的存在,堪称神草了。那根本不是一般的地方可以成长的。 Not only needs over ten thousand years years sinking pasture to grow, needs extremely , the spiritual energy incomparably rich place may exist certainly. 不仅需要万年以上的岁月沉甸成长,更需要极至的绝地,灵气无比浓郁的地方才有可能存在。 Ling Xiao once was familiar with «Spirit Grass Records», record the number of 10th Rank Spirit Grass palm of the hand, obviously this 10th Rank Spirit Grass how scarce. 凌笑曾熟读《灵草录》,其中记载的十阶灵草不过巴掌之数,可见这种十阶灵草是多么地稀少。 However, Hei Yao said that it has seen 10th Rank Spirit Grass, that said that its beforehand master is 10th Grade Divine Alchemy Master? 然而,黑曜却说它见过十阶灵草,那岂不是说它以前的主人是十品神药师 Reaches calls Divine Alchemy Master to 10th Grade Master Alchemist, once had presented several Divine Alchemy Master before the Flood, is along with the change of years, disappearing of river of history had not actually heard had existence of Divine Alchemy Master. 达至十品炼药师称之为神药师,在上古时代曾出现过几名神药师,可是随着岁月的变迁,历史长河的泯灭却是没听说过有神药师的存在了。 Ling Xiao by words that Hei Yao said shaking Ma Mu. 凌笑都被黑曜说的话给震得麻目了。 However, he does not have the face to receive at present again these soils, was talked into is trash soil, trades to do is you feel all right to receive? 不过,他眼下却是没有脸把这些土壤再收起来了,已经被说成是“垃圾的土壤”,换做是你好意思收吗? Ling Xiao dies to be concerned about face-saving, therefore can only abandon does not receive. 凌笑又死爱面子,所以只能弃之不收了。 Divine Alchemy Master, does not know that my this life can achieve that boundary?” After receiving here dozens five Spirit Grass, Ling Xiao in the heart sighed that asked. 神药师,不知道我这一生能不能达到那境界啊?”收好这里数十株五株灵草后,凌笑在心中感叹反问道。 Divine Alchemy Master, in this mainland is the peak existed, waits to achieve that step, this world will change for him. 神药师,在这个大陆上已经是巅峰的存在了,等达到那一步,这世界将为他而改变。 Ling Xiao does any matter to hope to achieve well, this is he has made itself progress diligently the faith of strengthen. 凌笑做任何事都希望做到最好,这正是他一直努力让自己进步变强的信念。 Only then achieves others to be hard Qi Qi the altitude, can realize in oneself heart the greatest desire awaking palm world power, liquor lying beautiful woman knee. 只有达到别人难以启企的高度,才能实现自己心中最伟大的愿望“醒掌天下权,酒卧美人膝”。
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