WCG :: Volume #5 扬威南荒

#351: gold dragon flash world

Chapter 351 gold dragon flash world 第351章金龙耀世 Thank zj116811 „the ku show book this ntwm four book friends to hit to enjoy ~~ also thanked the brothers and sisters who viewed the flowers ~~ 感谢“zj116811”“ku展”“书此”“ntwm”四位书友打赏~~同时也感谢赏花的兄弟姐妹们~~ Ten Thousand Beasts City city gate place, an intermittent powerful energy fight fluctuated, has shocked the person in entire city. 万兽城城门口处,一阵阵强悍的能量战斗波动,震惊了全城的人。 Ten Thousand Beasts City for many years forbade the private war, now has this astonishing fight to fluctuate, all people know that definitely was three big influences is carrying out the task. 万兽城多年来禁止私斗,如今发生这种惊人战斗波动,所有人都知道肯定是三大势力在执行任务了。 In the city powder cultivate King Rank or Mercenary King soars, is looking into outside city gate fighting from afar. 城内一个个散修王阶佣兵王者腾升而起,远远地眺望着城门口外的打斗。 Who is so bold, unexpectedly dares to cause trouble in Ten Thousand Beasts City, probably many years had not had this matter. “是谁如此大胆,居然敢在万兽城内生事,好像已经好多年没有发生这种事了”。 „It is not, even if these Sect arrived here to be well-mannered, does not know that who is so bold. “可不是,哪怕是那些宗门来到这里都得规规矩矩的,不知道谁如此胆大包天”。 Perhaps some people the Ten Thousand Beasts City custom forgetting. “或许有人已经把万兽城的规矩给忘了吧”。 Looks quickly...... That...... That probably is young people. “快看……那……那好像是一名年青人”。 My eye has had problems, this...... Such young is King Rank, young Expert that Central Region comes?”. “我眼睛是不是出问题了,这……这么年青的王阶,难道是中域来的年青高手?”。 It seems like that young people should some backgrounds. “看来那年青人应该有些背景了”。 ...... …… Is red the golden young people of upper body, the whole body flesh is being clear, ray sparkle, even if the flesh of young girl difficultly may with him as soon as compares, that distinct hale and hearty line has been full of the explosivity, he stands above the upper air just like a golden war-god, keeps aloof, making the person have the impulsion that one type looks up to prostrate oneself. 一名赤着上身的金色年青人,周身肌肤晶莹光滑,光芒闪耀,哪怕是少女的肌肤都难可与他一比,那分明的硬朗线条充满了爆炸性,他站在高空之上宛若一尊金色的战神,高高在上,让人有一种仰望膜拜的冲动。 This young people are not Ling Xiao also anyone. 这年青人不是凌笑还有谁。 He just shortly after Advance Rank King Rank, the confidence most rises suddenly. 他刚进阶王阶不久,正是信心最为暴涨的时候。 He has not gone the second to kill these King Rank using Spiritual Force from the beginning, but how wants to have a look at own actual strength as well as the defense purely. 他一开始并没有利用精神力去秒杀这几名王阶,而是纯粹想看看自己的实际战力以及防御到底如何。 He before in Ten Thousand Beasts Cave put to death High Rank Spirit Beast realized that own defense attitude has promoted 1st Rank. 他之前在万兽窟之中诛杀高阶灵兽的时候就察觉到自己的防御状态提升了一阶 The Vajra Five Transformation Secret Art step position has not changed, is the body intensity actually in High Level, will this make him suspect along with own strength promotion, the Vajra Five Transformation Secret Art defense might also along with the promotion? 金刚五变诀的阶位没变,可是身体强度却在高级,这不禁让他怀疑是不是随着自己的力量提升,金刚五变诀的防御威力也会随着提升呢? He received three people of converging attack a moment ago, the whole body by innumerable blade glow sword air/Qi cutting, finally only left behind on him the scar, this confirmed his idea without doubt. 刚才他受到三人夹击,全身被无数的刀芒剑气切割,最后只在他身上留下一道道浅浅的伤痕,这无疑证实了他的想法。 Vajra Five Transformation Secret Art along with the promotion of own strength, will defend will also promote. 金刚五变诀会随着自己实力的提升,防御也会随之提升的。 By his present condition, should be able anti- to live in Low Rank Earth Emperor struck. 以他如今的状态,应该可以抗住低阶地皇的一击了。 Now three receive the enemy once more, Ling Xiao does not have silly to makes others prey again. 如今再次三面受敌,凌笑可没再傻到再让别人鱼肉了。 Sees only him to step the step of crafty intent, again and again after retreats, remnant shades dissipate above the midair. 只见他迈着诡意的步伐,连连朝着后退去,一道道残影在半空之上消散。 Three King Rank think that Ling Xiao must run away, they from, when chases after and never gives up. 三名王阶都以为凌笑要逃走,他们自当穷追不舍。 Suddenly, that Middle Rank King received own Profound Tool, took Storm Pill rapidly, the speed has exploded instantaneously rises. 突然,那中阶王者收起了自己的玄器,迅速服下了一颗疾风丹,速度瞬间爆涨。 Water is stranded Jinshan that Middle Rank King to pursue Ling Xiao, the double palm has the hand imprint again and again, all around spirit strength such as the water tide forms the shape of surrounding generally, the Ling Xiao way instantaneously surrounding. “水困金山”那中阶王者追击凌笑,双掌连连结出手印,四周灵力如水潮一般形成包围之状,把凌笑的去路瞬间给困住。 Immediately, Ling Xiao only thought that the peripheral air/Qi field becomes somewhat suffocates, the speed was slower. 顿时,凌笑只觉得周边气场变得有些窒息,速度缓慢了许多。 At this time, another two King realized that this was they kills the Ling Xiao opportunity to come certainly. 这时,另两名王者意识到这是他们绝杀凌笑的机会来了。 Broadsword in person of hand inundates the sea of fire, the strength blade shades of ten several rice strip layer on layer pound down from the midair together. 一人手中的大刀化出漫开火海,一道十数米条的火色刀影从半空之上重重地砸下。 Another person of long spear like the arrow, the little star light clamps in the fire intensity, instantaneously Ling Xiao submerging. 另一人长枪如箭,一点点星光夹在火势之中,瞬间把凌笑给淹没。 You court death!” Ling Xiao gives a loud shout, a brow slightly wrinkle, invisible Spiritual Force volume to that Middle Rank King. “你们找死!”凌笑大喝一声,眉头微微一皱,无形的精神力袭卷向那中阶王者。 That Middle Rank King Sea of Consciousness one tight, has not called out pitifully with enough time, the instantaneous entire head exploded. 中阶王者识海一紧,还没来得及惨叫,瞬间整颗头颅爆炸了开来。 That headless corpse loses the life to fall from the midair. 那无头的尸体失去生命从半空之上掉了下来。 The fetter of Ling Xiao completely goes, speed promoted extremely, avoided that two people of attack, Ice and Fire Sword in hand has rumbled blue long lines to roar to go toward two people. 凌笑的束缚尽去,速度提升到了极至,避开了那二人的攻击,手中的冰火剑轰出一道道蓝色长龙朝着二人咆哮而去。 Heavenly Flame does not have the thing not to burn, does not have the thing not to destroy. 天火无物不焚,无物不毁。 Two people have not all thought that Ling Xiao such quickly gets out of trouble, they receive the potential to be inferior, was counter-attacked by Ling Xiao. 二人皆没想到凌笑这么快就脱困,他们收势不及,就受到了凌笑的反击。 Two people walk without rest distressedly, the whole body gathered strongly protected the deep vigor, blocks blue flame that has rumbled. 二人狼狈连走,全身都聚起了最强的护冥劲,挡住了轰过来的蓝焰。 Zizi! 兹兹! Blue flame direct burning down in that protects above the deep vigor, exudes grating sounds. 蓝焰直接焚烧在那护冥劲之上,发出一道道刺耳的响声。 This fire has crafty intent that two King Rank to startle greatly, hurries protecting the deep vigor shaking the powder, has drawn back dozens meters again continually. “这火有诡意”那两名王阶大骇,赶紧把护冥劲给震散,再连退了数十米。 Old Rong you go back Report Family Master quickly, I tie down him that to hold the King of broadsword to know the match first to be formidable, therefore has been drinking one to another person, then faces forward to kill toward Ling Xiao. 老容你快回去禀报家主,我先来缠住他”那名持大刀的王者自知对手强大,于是对着另一人喝了一声,便朝前向着凌笑杀去。 The broadsword is divided into four, hides one's incompetence by remaining silent the non- peak four blades, how shook the peripheral air grandfather to make a sound. 大刀一分为四,藏拙无峰的四刀,震得周边的空气都翁翁咋响了起来。 A little meaning, but...... You keep the performance Ling Xiao to wipe one to sneer, the form surges once more, the true body has kept off before that escaped the King Rank body that notified. “有点意思,不过……你自己留着表演吧”凌笑抹过一丝冷笑,身影再次涌动,真身已经挡在了那逃跑去报信的王阶身前了。 That People startles the hurrying trail arms to welcome. 那人大骇赶忙提枪相迎。 The Ling Xiao movement like the wind, hand long sword becomes is dazzled, nimble and resourceful blue flame monsters different flash, only in instantaneous, blue sword air/Qi King Rank that trail arms welcomed submerging. 凌笑动作如风,手长剑变得眼花缭乱,一道道灵动的蓝焰妖异闪动,只在瞬间,一阵蓝色剑气把那提枪相迎的王阶给淹没了。 Red Fire to blue flame, match, although with his same step, but he has helping of Heavenly Flame. 红火对蓝焰,对手虽说与他同阶,可是他却有着天火之助。 That King Rank responded radically then swallowing to turn into the ash by the Ling Xiao blue flame completely. 王阶根本反应不及便被凌笑的蓝焰给吞噬化成了灰尽。 Old Rong!” Another held King Rank of broadsword to bellow, the whole person became fierce crazy, clear Medicine Pill fell into his mouth. 老容!”另一名持大刀的王阶大吼了一声,整个人变得狰狞疯狂了起来,一颗晶莹的丹药落入了他的口中。 After that Medicine Pill just fell into his food and drink, an incomparably strong anti- strength has sent out. 当那丹药刚落入他口腹之后,一股无比强抗的力量散发了出来。 That King Rank has been promoting two steps unexpectedly instantaneously, presses up to the King Rank peak the strength to make peripheral. 王阶居然在瞬间提升了两阶,直逼王阶巅峰的实力让周边都为之。 Oh, he took that unexpectedly is Insane King Pill!”. “天哪,他居然服用了那是疯王丹!”。 Seriously is Insane King Pill, how otherwise he possibly instantaneously achieved High Rank King Rank. “当真是疯王丹,要不然他怎么可能瞬间达到高阶王阶了呢”。 Changes. Condition, who the young people are, initially enters cultivating of King Rank obviously is, unexpectedly cuts Zhao Family three big Elder(s) continually, now compels under this long step clothing/taking Insane King Pill, was too inconceivable. “变.态啊,那年青人到底是谁,明明只是初入王阶的修为,居然连斩赵家三大长老,现在又逼得这长阶服下疯王丹,太不可思议了”。 ...... …… Is looking out above the horizon violent tactical situation, King Rank all exude the sound of exclamation. 遥望着天际之上猛烈的战况,一个个王阶皆发出惊叹之声。 Impressively, what a moment ago under that Zhao Family King Rank clothing/taking is 4th Grade Medicine Pill Insane King Pill. 赫然,刚才那赵家王阶服下的是一种四品丹药疯王丹 Insane King Pill with burning the miracle cure all belongs to banned drugs, in ten thousand cannot in the situation the average person no one will take. 疯王丹与燃灵丹皆属于禁药,在万不得以的情况下一般人谁都不会服用。 Because this Medicine Pill needs to take the combustion life to propose that as the price rises the strength going against heaven's will Medicine Pill. 因为这种丹药需要以燃烧寿元为代价而提出升实力的逆天丹药 Now under this Zhao Family Elder(s) takes Insane King Pill is one type can make any King Rank reach the King Rank peak instantaneously Medicine Pill, must consume 50 years of life is Medicine Pill that the ability of price promotes. 如今这赵家长老所服下的疯王丹是一种能让任何一名王阶瞬间达到王阶巅峰的丹药,是要消耗50年寿元为代价的才能提升起来的丹药 Although any military broke through to King Rank had 200 to 500 years of life, but lost 50 years of life all of a sudden, no matter what everybody will think to spit blood . Moreover the road that this will break through to him in the future became more difficult. 任何武者虽然突破至王阶有了200至500年的寿元,可是一下子损耗50年寿元,任谁都会觉得要吐血,而且这对他未来突破的路变得更加艰辛。 At present this Zhao Family Elder(s) is compelled to have no alternative not under the clothing/taking this Insane King Pill. 眼前这赵家长老要不是被逼得无可奈何也不会服下这种疯王丹的。 Who can think that this young people so are at present terrorist, has cut his three brothers continually, let alone opposite party speed unparalleled, opportunity that he simply has not escaped. 谁能想到眼前这年青人这么恐怖,连斩了他三位兄弟,何况对方速度无双,他跟本没有逃跑的机会。 Was killed by the opposite party with it, would rather lost dozens years of life cutting to kill this Young Fellow said again. 与其被对方所杀,倒不如损耗几十年寿元把这小子给斩杀了再说。 Ling Xiao is Master Alchemist, naturally knows the Insane King Pill effect. 凌笑身为炼药师,自然知道疯王丹的功效。 However, he actually as before does not fear. 不过,他却是依旧不惧。 His innermost feelings that war intent of trying to outdo others soars to the heavens to go, as if had forgotten here is the opposite party domain, color of the payment for shares flash punctures the person eyeball. 他内心那一股好胜的战意冲天而去,似乎忘记了这里是对方的地盘,一股金耀之色刺人眼球。 Suddenly, Ling Xiao behind [gold/metal] of that soaring to the heavens melts such as Dragon Chant tall Kengjiao to roar! 蓦然,凌笑身后那股冲天的金芒化出如龙吟的高吭叫吼! Roar! 吼! Is ordinary at the long gold dragon flash world just like a deep sleep, stayed King Rank in midair much is frightened the personal appearance to rock, but under these strength faint military were frightened one to stagger to kneel in underground. 宛若一条沉睡以久的金龙耀世一般,不少停留在半空之中的王阶都被吓得身形晃动了起来,而底下那些实力低弱的武者更是被吓得一个跄踉跪在了地下。 Ling Xiao by the situation that this not clearly presents having a scare. 凌笑都被这莫明出现的情况给吓了一大跳。 He only thought in own body as if has any thing in awakening general, the blood of inner body in the tuck dive continuous, the spirit strength in roaring that in the meridians keeps. 他只觉得自己身体内似乎有什么东西在觉醒一般,内体的血液在翻腾不休,灵力在经脉之中不停的咆哮。 Suddenly, the Ling Xiao only sleep fights intent to rush continuous, the energy in heart already had as if suppressed very for a long time general. 一时间,凌笑只觉战意澎湃不休,心中的能量似乎早已憋了很久一般。 At this time, under that clothing/taking Insane King Pill Zhao Family King Rank has digested the efficacy thoroughly, the whole person has been at the King Rank peak. 此时,那服下疯王丹赵家王阶已经彻底地消化了药力,整个人已经处在了王阶的巅峰。 He looks at Ling Xiao saying that fiercely damn bastard, I want you to tear to shreds. 他狰狞地看着凌笑说道“该死的杂种,我一定要你碎尸万段”。 Then, the entire hominization makes meteor, has raided toward Ling Xiao, the broadsword anger in his hand winds around, kills intent to be steaming. 说罢,整个人化做流星,朝着凌笑袭了过去,他手中的大刀火气缭绕,杀意腾腾。 The Zhao Family Elder(s) strength rose suddenly more than ten several folds, each blade is having the constriction of tearing air. 赵家长老的实力已经暴涨了不止十数倍,每一刀都带着撕裂空气的压迫感。 But after Ling Xiao behind five claw gold dragon vanish at this moment, the whole person fights intent to be spirited as before, does not fear the opposite party formidable oppression, he received Ice and Fire Sword unexpectedly, moved forward to meet somebody by that pair of golden fist. 凌笑此刻身后的五爪金龙消失之后,整个人依旧战意昂扬,一点都不惧对方强大的压迫,他居然收起了冰火剑,以那双金色的拳头迎了上去。 Dingdong dingdong! 叮当叮当! The broadsword chops on that golden fist makes metal staggered sounds. 大刀砍在那金色拳头上发出一道道金属交错的声音。 Above the midair the spiritual energy keeps expelling the pressure to fly toward all around, these trees instantaneously were all shaken blow to fly but actually. 半空之上灵气不停地朝着四周撵压飞去,那些树木皆被瞬间震倒吹飞。 Two people keep in the exchange position, fights exceptionally intensely. 二人不停地在交换位置,打斗得异常激烈。 These stood firm King Rank of body each one to be shocked by this war. 那些稳住身子的王阶个个都被这一战惊呆了。 They think that young people will be quick by peak King Rank chopping under the blade. 他们本以为那年青人会很快被巅峰的王阶给砍于刀下的。 What a pity, they actually noticed that a Gold Dragon is born, this young people can with that peak King Rank hand spell by Profound Tool of pair of fist in unexpectedly hardly, this simply was too incredible. 可惜,他们却看到一条金龙出世,这年青人居然能以一双拳头与那巅峰王阶手中的玄器硬拼,这简直是太让人难以置信了。 If not they personally sees, they do not believe absolutely this is the fact. 如果不是他们亲眼所见,他们绝对不会相信这是事实。 Actually, Ling Xiao do not believe that this is the fact. 其实,就连凌笑自己也不相信这是事实。 Although his body can anti- live in High Rank King Rank to strike, but does not have certainly possibly with Profound Tool true meeting the tough head-on with toughness. 虽说他的身体可以抗住高阶王阶一击,可是却绝无可能与玄器真正的硬碰硬的。 But, his body as if activated any thing a moment ago, the [gold/metal] shade that is condensed by Attribute Divine Glow makes his whole body be full of the strength together, as if own strength has promoted several times of general all of a sudden, moreover his flesh and blood has also been having the inexplicable change. 可是,刚才他身体似乎激活了什么东西,一道由属性神芒凝聚出来的金影让他浑身充满了力量,似乎自己的战力一下子提升了好几倍一般,而且他的血肉也在产生了莫名的变化。 Therefore, he decided that melts oneself inner body that the energy of rushing in the way of meeting the tough head-on with toughness. 所以,他才决定以硬碰硬的方式去化解自己内体的那一股澎湃的能量。 That Zhao Family Elder(s) was almost really insane! 赵家长老几乎真都要疯了! He thinks that achieves peak King Rank to cut this Young Fellow to be easy as pie. 他本以为达到巅峰王阶要斩这小子易如反掌。 But, the fist of opposite party looks like ten thousand years of magnetite is common, chopping does not enter, otherwise also shakes his tiger to tingle with numbness to continue. 可是,对方的拳头就像是万年的玄石一般,砍之不入,反之还震得他虎目发麻不止。 I *, the father did not believe you am body that the [gold/metal] hit that Zhao Family Elder(s) sprinkle the mouth to obloquy, the clothes sleeve drum rose, the broadsword dance in hand, the spiritual energy from gathered to come, to form flame in all directions the tornado to go toward the Ling Xiao bang. “我*,老子就不信你是金打的身子”那赵家长老泼口大骂了一声,衣袂鼓涨了起来,手中的大刀狂舞,灵气从四面八方汇聚而来,形成一股火焰的龙卷风朝着凌笑轰去。 Ling Xiao has a good laugh „, come...... Let me fight a happiness!”. 凌笑仰天大笑“哈哈,来吧……让我战个痛快!”。 The golden crazy dragon that Ling Xiao such as does not dread, has thrown into that tornado. 凌笑如一头毫不畏惧的金色狂龙,一头扎进了那龙卷风之内。 Suddenly, peripheral is sound of the calling out in alarm. 一时间,周边又是一片惊呼之声。 All people all think that Ling Xiao this time must die without doubt. 所有人皆认为凌笑这次肯定是必死无疑了。 That is peak King Rank uses the strength strikes, even if the Earth Emperor Rank powerhouse falls will not feel better! 那可是巅峰王阶倾尽力的一击,哪怕是地皇阶强者落入其中也不会好过吧!
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