WCG :: Volume #3 威霸陨石城

#141: Black Yao cauldron?

Chapter 141 Dark Brilliant Cauldron? 第141章黑曜鼎 Ling Xiao that side his family garden kills, has killed ten Li Lan two Deacon(s), has destroyed completely dozens poisonous people. 凌笑他家庭院那边一路杀过来,干掉了十来名李蓝两家的执事,又灭掉了数十名毒人。 Hears inner courtyard here startled day the sound of explosion, therefore hurries to have a look, is who can have such big destructive power. 紧接着听到内院这边惊天的爆炸之声,所以赶紧过来看看,到底是谁能有这么大的破坏力。 However, when he arrives at the inner courtyard, that fearful King Rank spirit strength attack makes him have to evade by far. 然而,当他来到内院时,那可怕的王阶灵力攻击让他不得不避得远远的。 But, Fire Qilin brought Ling Xiao to fly to Storehouse Pavilion. 可是,火麒麟却带着凌笑飞往了藏器阁这边。 From the beginning Ling Xiao has not known that what's the matter, when sees the old ghost who flees from Storehouse Pavilion, Ling Xiao then understands why here Fire Qilin will lead him to come. 一开始凌笑还不知道是怎么回事,可是当看到从藏器阁中窜出来的老鬼,凌笑便明白为何火麒麟会带他过来这边了。 Initially, Ling Xiao from the Desolate came back from mountain range, outside Falling Stone City by the old ghost is intercepted, at that time was Fire Qilin to on old ghost, indeed was Fire Qilin has remembered the aura of old ghost, this time was to revenge. 当初,凌笑从荒从山脉回来的时候,在陨石城外被老鬼截杀,当时就是火麒麟对上老鬼的,敢情是火麒麟记住了老鬼的气息,这次是报仇来了。 The old ghost looks up Ling Xiao and a Fire Qilin at heart fear midair. 老鬼抬头看着半空中的凌笑火麒麟心里一阵恐惧。 He is High Rank Spirit Master naturally does not fear Ling Xiao, but fears the Ling Xiao place to ride Fire Qilin, he fully realizes fierce of this Spirit Beast, moreover now grew, perhaps was more formidabe. 他身为高阶灵师自然不是惧凌笑,而是惧凌笑的座骑火麒麟,他可是深知这灵兽的厉害,而且如今又成长了,恐怕更加难对付了吧。 The old ghost wants not to think that flees in disorder in the flickering houses. 老鬼想也没想,朝着幢幢房屋之间窜逃。 His time goal is for Ling Family this Medicine Cauldron, now has gone well, does not need to remain to wait for death again. 他这一次的目的就是为了凌家这尊药鼎,如今已得手,没必要再留下来等死。 What a pity, Fire Qilin bears a grudge, has not waited for the Ling Xiao instruction to pursue toward the old ghost immediately, in the mouth put out scalding hot hot glow, everywhere one visit has all burnt. 可惜,火麒麟非常记仇,没等凌笑吩咐立即朝着老鬼追了过去,口中吐出一道道灼热的火芒,所到之处皆燃烧了起来。 Prodigal Zi troubles you to aim at a point, you this way the house entire combustion of this few family Ling Xiao looks several houses that is on fire were saying to Fire Qilin. 败家仔麻烦你瞄准一点,你这样下去会把本少家族的房屋全燃烧的”凌笑看着起火的几幢房屋对着火麒麟说道。 Fire Qilin called one lowly, no longer the torching, picked up the speed to throw the old ghost all of a sudden. 火麒麟低鸣了一声,不再喷火,加快了速度一下子扑上了老鬼。 Six months ago, the Fire Qilin strength reached 3rd Rank Middle Rank, present it minimum is the 3rd Rank peak, the strength was more fearful than before. 半年前,火麒麟的实力已达三阶中阶,现在的它起码已经是三阶的顶巅了,实力比之前还要可怕了。 Today, it that side arena Li Qianchong killing, is at heart hot, now meets the personal enemy again, its no longer general idea plays, vertical leaps, the first claw pounds maliciously toward the old ghost. 今天,它在擂台那边没把李千重给杀了,心里正火着,现在再遇仇人,它不再大意玩耍,一个纵跃之间,前爪狠狠地朝着老鬼砸去。 The old ghost startles greatly, turns head two shackles to pound toward Fire Qilin. 老鬼大骇,回头两道铁链朝着火麒麟砸去。 The same time, Ling Xiao seizes the opportunity, Ardent Flame Sword in hand sways the fearful hot glow to raid to the old ghost. 同时间,凌笑看准机会,手中的烈炎剑挥洒出可怕的火芒袭向老鬼。 High and low clamps the machine, the old ghost was burnt down that miserable hair by Ling Xiao, turned instantaneously baldly, the air/Qi he yelled. 上下夹机,老鬼被凌笑烧掉那少得可怜的头发,瞬间变成了光头,气得他哇哇大叫。 For all this, he holds Medicine Cauldron to turn around to run away. 尽管如此,他还是抱着药鼎转身就逃。 Was what a pity late, the Fire Qilin flame has burnt his buttocks. 可惜已经迟了,火麒麟的火焰已经燃到了他的屁股。 ! 啊啊! The old ghost was burnt instantaneously, is painful he to keep swaying back and forth on the ground, what a pity does not reduce in his fire intensity, instead was getting more and more exuberant. 老鬼瞬间被燃烧了起来,痛得他在地上不停地打滚着,可惜在他身上的火势一点都不减,反而越来越旺盛了。 Sees this situation, Ling Xiao remembers the God Beast Fire Qilin flame is in society to the positive fire, can burn completely the myriad things, after staining, almost will not extinguish, until overburning. 看到这情况,凌笑不禁想起神兽火麒麟的火焰乃是世间至阳之火,可以焚尽万物,沾上之后几乎不会熄灭,直至烧毁为止。 The old ghost had been burnt while still alive, dregs does not have remaining, has taste of the piece of burnt odor on the spot. 老鬼被活活的烧死了,一点渣都没有剩下,现场只有一片焦臭之味。 However the old ghost steals that Medicine Cauldron to be burnt similarly, but does not have the sign of least bit damage, instead its Chen to seal|confer dust burning cleanly, reveals inside is black the shining mysterious chart mark, is faint can also see the cauldron body peripheral flood the light black aperture, more looked that more makes people think the uncommonness of this Medicine Cauldron. 不过老鬼偷出来那一尊药鼎同样被烧到,可是却没半点损毁的迹象,反而把它陈封的灰尘给烧得干干净净,露出里面黑得发亮的玄奥图纹,隐隐间还能看到鼎身周边泛着淡淡的黑色光圈,越看越让人觉得这尊药鼎的不凡。 Ling Xiao is Master Alchemist, he naturally can see this Medicine Cauldron uncommon place, does not know that compared with it him on Medicine Cauldron good many times that must come from the Li Kong casting work place. 凌笑已经是炼药师,他自然能看出这尊药鼎不凡之处,不知道比之他从厉崆铸造坊得来的药鼎好上多少倍了。 No matter outward appearance or intrinsic design very perfect reasonable. 不管是外观或是内在设计都是非常的完美合理。 Ling Xiao both eyes flood the none remaining, is swallowing the saliva grasping Medicine Cauldron, is stroking that mysterious spirit mark, only thinks very comfortable, that mild feeling makes him like not hesitating the hand, making him have one type to want the impulsion of refine the pill of immortality immediately. 凌笑双目泛着精光,咽了咽口水把药鼎给抓了起来,抚摸着那玄奥的灵纹,只觉得非常舒适,那温润的感觉让他爱不惜手,让他有一种立即想要炼丹的冲动。 „...... This...... Is this Dark Brilliant Cauldron?” Before Ling Xiao has remembered «Refining Pill of Immortality Secret Art», in introduced that has nine big day of Medicine Cauldron in Profound Spirit Continent, 18 place Medicine Cauldron fables. “难道……这……这是黑曜鼎?”凌笑想起了《炼丹诀》前篇中所介绍到在玄灵大陆有九大天药鼎,18地药鼎的传说。 These Medicine Cauldron are mainland all Master Alchemist long-awaited precious thing, because these Medicine Cauldron not only can enhance the effect of refine the pill of immortality, can cause the Medicine Pill quality compared with good that on it general Medicine Cauldron builds up several times, but also this Medicine Cauldron regarding Master Alchemist can also be the attack the weapon. 这些药鼎都是大陆所有炼药师梦寐以求的珍贵之物,因为这些药鼎不仅可以提高炼丹的功效,更可以使丹药的成色比之一般的药鼎炼出来的好上好几倍,而且对于炼药师来说这药鼎还可以做为攻击的武器。 Had saying that day Medicine Cauldron was the Divine Tool category, besides effective beside also all sorts of wondrous uses. 具说天药鼎可是属于神器的范畴,除了威力不凡之外还种种妙用。 At present this Medicine Cauldron with nine big day of Medicine Cauldron, is situated the fifth Dark Brilliant Cauldron outward appearance to be quite similar very much obviously, but Ling Xiao has not seen, suddenly is actually unable to distinguish its truth. 眼前这尊药鼎很明显与九大天药鼎中,排行第五的黑曜鼎外观极为相似,只是凌笑从来没见过,一时间却无法辨别其真伪。 However, no matter this Medicine Cauldron is really false, at least compares it original that Medicine Cauldron to be much better, Ling Xiao naturally must according to have. 不过,不管这尊药鼎是真是假,起码都比之原来那药鼎好得多,凌笑自然要把据为自有。 It is not he wants to embezzle the thing of family, but is the family now radically nobody is Master Alchemist, otherwise has not left unused in Storehouse Pavilion. 不是他想贪污家族的东西,而是家族现在根本没人是炼药师,不然也不会一直闲置在藏器阁之内呢。 Really was lucky that this short winter melon, otherwise really missed such good Medicine Cauldron Ling Xiao to receive to mutter Medicine Cauldron. “真是多亏这矮冬瓜了,要不然可是真的错过了这么好的药鼎凌笑药鼎收了起来喃喃道。 Then again rides Fire Qilin to turn toward the direction of inner courtyard war to go once more. 接着再骑着火麒麟再次向着内院大战的方向而去。 Ling Mo and Li Shenbao result in the garden destruction to the bang devastation on every side, building collapsing damage. 凌莫与李深豹两人的对轰把庭院破坏得疮痍满目,楼房坍塌损毁。 Ling Mo takes to burn the miracle cure the time to be earlier than Li Shenbao, but Li Shenbao takes actually received the heavy losses, they fight finally, efficacy entire, simultaneously the strength used up to throw down but actually. 凌莫服用燃灵丹的时间要早于李深豹,不过李深豹服用的时候却已经受了重创,两人战到最后,药力全性,同时力竭倒摔倒了下去。 Although Li Shenbao has prevented Ling Mo successfully, but Ling Family has controlled the aspect. 李深豹虽然成功阻止了凌莫,可是凌家这边已经重新掌控了局面。 Li Qianchong and Lan Zhen peak fully realized was helpless, having the remaining manpower to evacuate Ling Family. 李千重蓝震峰深知已经无能为力,带着残余的人手撤离了凌家 This war, Ling Family, although won, but also loses seriously. 这一战,凌家虽然胜了,可是也损失惨重。 Former generation Elder(s) died four, in this generation of Elder(s) died seven Elder(s) as well as Eighth Elder, other Elder(s) were injured more or less \; Moreover the Deacon(s) casualty more than 60 people, the guard died more than 300 people. 上代长老陨落了四位,这一代的长老中则死了七长老以及八长老,其余长老或多或少都受了伤\;另外执事死伤60多人,护卫死了将近300多人。 If were not Ling Mo takes finally has burnt the miracle cure to extinguish at one fell swoop has killed Li Lan two eight Spirit Master, believes that the loss will be more serious, but Ling Cang returned promptly, as well as his snow conceal Expert of four mysterious Spirit Master Rank appeared leads a cheer, was reverses the situation the key. 如果不是凌莫最后服用了燃灵丹一举灭杀了李蓝两家八名灵师的话,相信损失会更加惨重,而凌苍及时归来,以及他雪藏的四名神秘灵师阶高手出现助阵,才是逆转形势的关键。 The Li Lan two this motions were defeated without doubt, they two losses are bigger than it Ling Family. 李蓝两家这次行动无疑失败了,他们两家的损失比之凌家还要大。 Sole Spirit Master Rank Expert had been killed by the opposite party axle 18, Li Family former generation Patriarch Li Shenbao fights to perish \; More than 300 Deacon(s) as well as the guards who two send were destroyed to kill completely \; 200 poisonous person of similar that the old ghost brings not remains. 单单灵师阶高手就被对方轨杀了将18名,其中李家上代族长李深豹战亡\;两家派出来的300多名执事以及护卫全部被毁杀\;老鬼带来的200毒人同样一具无剩。 In Ling Family temporary conference cabinet, Ling Family does Elder(s) all in the row, everybody facial expression varies, many are indignant. 凌家临时会议内阁中,凌家一干长老全部在列,人人神情各异,多为愤愤不平。 Ling Cang sits in the middle as before the position of head, but in his right hand first is not Second Elder Ling Mo, but is former generation Elder(s) Ling Chen, near the left hand first is Fourth Elder Ling Wei. 凌苍依旧坐在中间上首的位置,而在他右手第一位不在是二长老凌莫,而是上代长老凌尘,左手边第一位则是四长老凌威。 In the hall, Second Elder Ling Mo such as the old person of wind erosion remaining years, lies down above the prone bed, the facial expression desert falls. 在大厅之中,二长老凌莫如风蚀残年的老人,躺在卧椅之上,神情漠落。 What is standing in his side is face sorrowful Fifth Elder Ling Yan. 在他身旁站着的是一脸悲凄的五长老凌言 First spoke was not Ling Cang, but was former generation Elder(s) Ling Chen, must here his qualifications be unexpectedly oldest. 首先发话的不是凌苍,而是上代长老凌尘,必竟这里他资格最老。 Ling Mo and Ling Yan you are muddled, oh!” Ling Chen said bitterly. 凌莫凌言你们糊涂啊,唉!”凌尘痛心疾首地说道。 Elder Chen, the Patriarch position book is my big brother, we seize what to have Fifth Elder Ling Yan not indignant should wrong saying that then he also said has not thought old ghost bastard unexpectedly is the Li Family person, has almost destroyed the family, said again uselessly, whatever I everybody handles, is only...... My big brother he also asked you many to be attendance. 尘长老,族长的位置本属于我大哥的,我们夺回来何错之有”五长老凌言不愤地应道,接着他又道“没想到老鬼这混蛋居然是李家的人,差点毁了家族,再多说无益,我任凭大家处置,只是……只是我大哥他还请你们多为照顾”。 Then, Ling Yan raises the palm to go toward own day spirit bang. 说罢,凌言扬起手掌朝着自己的天灵轰去。 Slow!” Ling Cang spoke to shout to clear the way, the person's shadow to Ling Yan in front, grabbed his hand instantaneously. “慢着!”凌苍出言喝道,人影瞬间到了凌言面前,抓住了他的手。 Ling Cang, are you what kind of?” Ling Yan stares Ling Cang to ask. 凌苍,你还想怎么样?”凌言瞪着凌苍反问道。 „The fifth child, these years also fights insufficiently, if you want the Patriarch position, my Ling Cang withdraws from Ling Cang to say low and deep. “老五,这些年斗得还不够么,如果你们真想要回族长的位置,我凌苍退出”凌苍低沉地说道。 His saying has constrained for a long time, actually Patriarch can it be that surface such scenery is also infinite, who knows how many days and nights he stayed up for the big or medium business of family, when all year round comes and has to enjoy to take grandfather the happiness of sheave? 他这话已经压抑好久了,其实族长又岂是表面那样风光无限,谁又知道他为了家族的大小事务熬了多少个日夜,一年到头来又有几时能享受到做为爷爷的天轮之乐? Ling Cang made these years also to think tired, he wants to put down very much. 凌苍做了这些年也觉得累了,他很想放下了。 After this event, he thoroughly understands, oneself pursue no longer is the dignity of that superior, but is every day can with the descendants together the family happiness with. Naturally he is also the time closure some time, has a look whether to step into that legend boundary of King Rank, this is he wants to pursue now. 经过这一次事件之后,他彻底地明白,自己追求的不再是那种上位者的威严,而是每天能与子孙一起同度天伦之乐。当然他也是时候关闭一段时间,看看能否踏入那传说中的王阶之境,这才是他现在想要追求的。 However, before then actually must first destroy completely Li Lan two to be good. 不过,在这之前却是先要灭掉李蓝两家才行。 Ice......” Fifth Elder wants to say anything, could not say. “凌……”五长老想说什么,却也说不出来。 The Ling Cang squatting down body looks at old ten several years Ling Mo, light [say / way] Second Brother fought these many years we to put down, we should unite as one for Ling Family, waits to extinguish Li Family and Lan Family I will pass to Ling Wei the position of Patriarch, then you can feel relieved. 凌苍蹲下身子看着苍老了十数年的凌莫,淡淡道“二哥斗了这么多年我们都该放下了,为了凌家我们应该团结一致,等灭了李家蓝家我会把族长之位传给凌伟,这下你可以放心了”。 After Ling Mo listened, in old flood was Divine Glow of regret, these years making the mistake really? 凌莫听了之后,老目中泛着点点懊悔的神芒,难道自己这些年来真的做错了么? Ling Cang magnanimous made Ling Family temporarily calm and steady without doubt. The urgent matter must find Supreme Elder. 凌苍的大度无疑让凌家内部暂时安稳了下来。当务之急是必须要找到太上长老 Ling Yan Supreme Elder and soul is deep after matter of Liu Tingxuan the war said that layer on layer gave itself an ear and area around it to plunder immediately toward Liu Tingxuan, the hope can also with enough time. 凌言太上长老与魂冥在柳亭轩一战之事说出来后,重重地给了自己一个耳光立即朝着柳亭轩掠去,希望还能来得及。 However when Ling Yan rushes to Liu Tingxuan Supreme Elder died. 不过当凌言赶到柳亭轩时太上长老已经断气了。 Ling Yan regrets past mistakes, he held the Supreme Elder corpse extremely to return to Ling Family sorrowfully. 凌言悔不当初,他抱着太上长老的尸体悲痛万分地回到了凌家 Supreme Elder the matter of death proliferated in Ling Family quietly. 太上长老的去世的事情悄然在凌家内扩散了出去。 Suddenly Ling Family the entire cage has illuminated a layer on layer shadow. 一时间凌家又全笼照了一层重重地阴影。 Patriarch, Elder(s), the Ling Yan heinous crime Ling Yan kneels before Ling Cang as well as audiences Elder(s), used the short dagger to puncture a sword above own chest maliciously. 族长,诸位长老,凌言罪该万死”凌言跪在凌苍以及众长老之前,利用短匕在自己胸口之上狠狠地刺了一剑。 Forget About It, since you regretted, believes that big Elder(s) will not blame your, but you commit the family big crime, after destroying completely Li Lan two, punishes your two brothers lifelong to tread family Half Step, can you be willing to subject to a penalty?” Ling Chen layer on layer sighed to say. 算了,既然你们已经懊悔了,相信大长老也不会怪罪你们的,不过你们犯下家族大罪,在灭掉李蓝两家后,罚你们兄弟俩终身不可以踏出家族半步,你们可愿意受罚?”凌尘重重地叹了一口气说道。 We accept punishment!” Fifth Elder said dispiritedly “我们认罚!”五长老颓废说道 Supreme Elder is their Ling Family backbone, now passed away, no matter what everybody will feel for him extremely sad distressed. 太上长老一直是他们凌家的顶梁柱,如今去逝了,任谁都会为他感到万分难过痛心。 Patriarch, you looked that makes Supreme Elder be buried for secure first?” Nearby Ling said. 族长,你看是不是先让太上长老入土为安?”一旁的凌威说道。 Um, first puts in the spirit coffin Supreme Elder, after waiting to conquer by killing Li, blue two, holds funeral Ling Cang to nod to say for him again indifferently. “嗯,先把太上长老放入灵棺,等血洗李、蓝两家之后再为他老人家举行葬礼”凌苍淡然地点了点头道。 At this time, out of the door resounded sound I also to rescue Esteemed Elder anxiously!”. 这时,门外响起了急切地声音“我还能救老太爷!”。
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