WCG :: Volume #3 威霸陨石城

#142: Brings back to life, breaks through Wang Jie!

Chapter 142 brings back to life, breaks through King Rank! 第142章起死回生,突破王阶 The chaste these days condition was ordinary, I will adjust as soon as possible, strive slightly to explode at the end of the month, buddy who thanked the support! Bows ~~~ 纯洁这几天状态一般,我会尽快调整,争取在月底小爆一下的,呵,谢谢支援的哥们!鞠躬~~~ What walks is Ling Xiao, his complexion is very serious sadly. 走进来的是凌笑,他脸色十分沉重悲伤。 Lies down the old person above hall completely teaches his thing not to be many, is the old person is without a doubt to his concern. 躺在大厅之上的老人尽管教他东西不多,可是老人家对他的关爱是毋庸置疑的。 When he heard the old person death incident, he has immediately caught up, he does not want to notice that he like this went, regardless of wanted him to pay any price he to revive him. 当他听到老人家去逝一事,他立即赶了过来,他不想看到他老人家就这样去了,无论要他付出什么代价他都要把他救活。 Although he has not grasped, is not trial he is not willingly. 虽然他没有把握,可是不试一下他不甘心。 Xiao'er, Supreme Elder went, do not disturb him Ling Cang to speak the comfort to say. 笑儿,太上长老已经去了,你就别打扰他老人家了”凌苍出言安慰道。 Ling Xiao should not Ling Cang, but stares Ling Yan to shout to clear the way „, if Esteemed Elder cannot wake up, I will certainly make your family be buried along with the dead. 凌笑没有应凌苍,而是瞪着凌言喝道“如果老太爷真的醒不来,我一定会让你全家陪葬”。 If before trading does, Ling Yan definitely will angrily rebuke Ling Xiao, will get rid to teach him. But, now he only then guilty, with this could not say half a word words. 如果换做以前,凌言肯定会怒斥凌笑,甚至会出手教训他。可是,现在他心里只有愧疚,跟本说不出半句话来。 If truly, is not the two brothers plans to plot a rebellion, Li Lan two go to enter, how Ling Family possibly meets this disaster. 确实,如果不是他们兄弟俩策划谋反,李蓝两家趁虚而入,凌家又怎么可能遇此大难呢。 Was good, here do not quarrel, hurrying made on big be long into the spirit coffin to say again Ling Chen said disgruntledly. Although he also knows that Ling Xiao is the Supreme Elder taking over disciple, but saw that this Young Fellow such Arrogant at heart micro is not feeling well. “行了,都别在这里吵了,赶紧让大上长入灵棺再说”凌尘不悦地说道。虽然他也知道凌笑太上长老的接班弟子,可是看到这小子这么嚣张心里微有不爽。 I said I can revive Esteemed Elder, no one permits Esteemed Elder Ling Xiao to bend down to look at the Supreme Elder light [say / way]. “我说了我可以救活老太爷,谁也不准动老太爷凌笑俯下身子看着太上长老淡淡道。 Scoundrel, do not think that you are the big Elder(s) disciple can have no regard for elders and superiors, the big Elder(s) aura broke, even if there is going against heaven's will Medicine Pill not to be impossible to make him bring back to life, let alone your this baby Young Fellow, Ling Cang drives out to me him, do not let him take on to harm big Elder(s) to rest Ling Chen to pat the table to shout to clear the way. “混帐,别以为你是大长老的弟子就可以目无尊长,大长老气息已断,就算有逆天的丹药都不可能让他起死回生,何况你这毛头小子,凌苍把他给我赶出去,别让他担误了大长老安息”凌尘拍桌喝道。 Although Ling Cang is Patriarch, is the former generation Elder(s) right is not lower than this Patriarch, was preparing to urge Ling Xiao to exit in the past. 凌苍虽为族长,可是上代长老的权利并不比他这个族长低,正准备过去劝凌笑出去。 Prodigal Zi and Little Gold Ling Xiao wrinkled the brow to drink lightly. 败家仔小金凌笑皱了一下眉头轻喝了一下。 Spirit Beast Wrist Guard dodges, Fire Qilin and Golden Wolf King appear by Ling Xiao instantaneously. 灵兽护腕一闪,火麒麟金色狼王瞬间出现在凌笑两旁。 Two Spirit Beast both induce to the Ling Xiao anger, simultaneously looks at the people covetously, so long as Ling Xiao ordered to throw to rip to kill absolutely. 两头灵兽都感应到凌笑的愤怒,同时虎视眈眈地看着众人,只要凌笑下令绝对扑上去撕杀。 Audiences Elder(s) looks at Ling Xiao these two powerful Spirit Beast, at heart shaking! 长老看着凌笑这两头威风凛凛的灵兽,心里震憾呐! Suddenly nobody dares to act rashly, Ling Chen shut up, at heart overwhelmingly in thinking this Young Fellow isn't being Beast Taming Master in legend?”. 一时间没有人敢妄动,就连凌尘都闭上了嘴了,心里都是翻江倒海地在想着“这小子不会是传说中的驯兽师吧?”。 Beast Taming Master is that rubs the person who entire mainland rare extremely Innate Talent different reported. They can teach to flow with Spirit Beast, is a companion with Spirit Beast, tames Spirit Beast. Each Beast Taming Master also divides the rank, what can tame 1st Rank Spirit Beast is 1st Rank Beast Taming Master, what can tame 2nd Rank Spirit Beast is 2nd Rank Beast Taming Master, and so on. Is High Rank Beast Taming Master is fearful, his strength by no means is very formidable, but he can actually make large quantities of Spirit Beast follow him, has the High Rank Spirit Beast time side him, but also who can dare to disrespect to him. 驯兽师是整个大陆都极为罕见的天斌异禀的那一搓人。他们可以和灵兽教流,与灵兽为伍,驯服灵兽。每一个驯兽师也是分等级的,能驯服一阶灵兽的为一阶驯兽师,能驯服二阶灵兽的为二阶驯兽师,以此类推。越是高阶驯兽师越是可怕,他的实力或许并非很强大,可是他却能让一大批灵兽追随他,有着高阶灵兽时刻在他身边,还有谁能敢对他不敬。 It can be said that Beast Taming Master also has compared with it Master Alchemist as well as Tool Refining Master scarcely rare. 可以说驯兽师比之炼药师以及炼器师还有稀少罕见。 Elder Chen, making Xiao'er try, he...... He is 2nd Grade Master Alchemist, perhaps has any good means Ling Cang to say to the Ling Chen persuasion. His saying makes Ling Chen have to back down. 尘长老,让笑儿试试吧,他……他是二品炼药师,说不定有什么好办法”凌苍对着凌尘劝说道。他这话只是让凌尘有个下台阶罢了。 2nd Grade Master Alchemist?” All Elder(s) are one startled, but they will kill actually will not believe. 二品炼药师?”所有长老都是一惊,不过他们心里却是打死都不会相信的。 Oh, good, in any case this Young Fellow is the big Elder(s) disciple, believes that big Elder(s) will not blame him to release the crime of blaspheming Ling Chen to sigh. “唉,好吧,反正这小子是大长老的弟子,相信大长老也不会怪他泄渎之罪”凌尘叹了一口气道。 All Elder(s) have left face, they do not have one person to believe that Ling Xiao can have the bringing back to life skill, only if the existence of legend China , Saint Lucia boundary or Divine Boundary, could the hope. 所有长老都别过了脸去,他们没有一人相信凌笑能有起死回生的本事,除非是传说中圣境或神境的存在,或许能有一丝希望吧。 However, Ling Xiao do not have the percentage hundred assurances similarly, can only say the hope. 然而,凌笑自己同样也没有百分百把握,只能说有一丝希望罢了。 The Ling Xiao restraining mind, is keeping crying out at heart Old Lu, comes out to save others quickly. 凌笑收敛心神,在心里不停地叫唤着“绿老,快出来救人”。 Lu Weng in Ling Xiao Sea of Consciousness can certainly know the Ling Xiao at this moment urgent feelings, immediately responded to Little Friend, Old Man, although a little skill, but you cannot always like this toss about Old Man I, these days restored a vitality to squeeze!”. 凌笑识海之中的绿翁当然能感受到凌笑此刻迫切的心情,当即回应道“小友,老夫虽然有点本事,可是你也不能老是这样折腾老夫我啊,这段时间才恢复了一点元气又想来压榨啊!”。 Old Lu, I have not thought must toss about you, I must return to my drop of Ten Thousand Years Tree Milk, do you want to act shamelessly inadequately?” Ling Xiao said. 绿老,我可没想过要折腾你,我只是要回我那一滴万年树乳汁,难道你想耍赖不成?”凌笑说道。 Few days ago, Ling Xiao was under the Lu Weng auction the green needle silver, Lu Weng complied with Ling Xiao to give drop of Ten Thousand Years Tree Milk at that time. Now Ling Xiao planned that uses this drop of Ten Thousand Years Tree Milk to revive Supreme Elder. 前些日子,凌笑绿翁拍卖下绿针银,绿翁当时答应过凌笑给与一滴万年树乳汁的。如今凌笑正是打算利用这一滴万年树乳汁救活太上长老 Ling Xiao has taken Ten Thousand Years Tree Milk, thought that its effect should increase hundred years of life to be so simple incessantly, believes certainly has the bringing back to life effect. Otherwise, how initially Lu Weng can make in Illusionary Valley all plants grow in a short time. 凌笑服用过万年树乳汁,觉得它的功效应该不止增加百年寿元这么简单,相信一定有着起死回生的功效。要不然,当初绿翁又如何能让迷幻谷中所有植物在短时间内重新成长起来呢。 Lu Weng shook the head, he initially wants to gain Ling Xiao Ping Yi (Small Adventage), has not thought that must spit, has smiled bitterly, has to contribute drop of fine crystal creamy white sap. 绿翁摇了摇头,他当初想赚一点凌笑平宜,没想到现在又得吐出来了,苦笑了一下,不得不贡献出了一滴精晶乳白的树汁。 Each drop of Ten Thousand Years Tree Milk may be his Essence Qi is, how long each consumption does not know to spend to condense, before , will comply with Ling Xiao it not to go back on word, let alone Ling Xiao does not know that Lu Weng will win that green needle silver medal to its value big, otherwise Lu Weng will not request Ling Xiao to help it auction with drop of Ten Thousand Years Tree Milk. 每一滴万年树乳汁可都是他的精元所在,每消耗一点也不知要花多长时间才能重新凝聚,不过既然之前答应过凌笑它也不会食言,何况凌笑根本不知道绿翁得到那株绿针银对它的价值有多大,不然绿翁也不会用一滴万年树乳汁要求凌笑帮它拍卖了。 Ling Xiao has put in the finger the dry lip of Supreme Elder, guiding Lu Weng that to drop Ten Thousand Years Tree Milk to drop in the past. 凌笑把手指放到了太上长老的干巴的嘴唇里,引导着绿翁那滴万年树乳汁滴了过去。 Esteemed Elder, I know you are not easy dead right, you had not taught that into me King Rank powerhouse, you are others masters like this was too useless, if you will not wake up I not to acknowledge in the future you were my master, lost face Ling Xiao to look that too grew into old said in a soft voice. 老太爷,我知道你不是那么容易死的对么,你还没把我教导成为王阶强者呢,你这样做人家师傅的太没用了吧,如果你不醒来日后我可不承认你是我师傅,太丢人了”凌笑看着太长上老轻声地说道。 Elder(s) in hall were mistaken that Ling Xiao cannot accept the fact that Supreme Elder passed away. 厅里的长老们都误以为凌笑是接受不了太上长老去世的事实罢了。 Ling Cang at heart is very gratified, at least own grandson heavy affectionate righteousness. 凌苍心里则是非常欣慰,起码自己的孙子重情重义。 All people do not know that Ling Xiao in speech, dropped in Ten Thousand Years Tree Milk the Supreme Elder mouth. 所有人都不知道凌笑在说话的时候,已经把万年树乳汁滴到了太上长老口中。 At this moment, a chaste vast energy proliferated above Supreme Elder that Death Qi heavy body, his wound is healing at the naked eye obvious speed. 就在这时,一股纯洁浩瀚的能量在太上长老死气沉沉的身体之上扩散了开来,他身上的伤口以肉眼可见的速度在愈合着。 The energy of sending out had a scare Elder(s) in hall. 散发开来的能量把厅里的长老们都吓了一大跳。 This...... What's all this about?” Ling Chen looks Supreme Elder panic-stricken [say / way] that the ground is having the mutation. “这……这是怎么回事?”凌尘看着地上正发生异变的太上长老惊骇道。 Quite chaste, strive to excel big strength Ling Cang feels the energy of Supreme Elder this moment sending out to mutter. “好纯洁,好强大的力量”凌苍感受到太上长老此刻散发的能量喃喃道。 All Elder(s) is a face looks at the present all panic-strickenly. 所有长老更是一脸惊骇地看着眼前的一切。 Sees only Supreme Elder wrapping by one group of vital green lights, the green light sends out the dazzling ray to let the person to face up . The Supreme Elder wound gradually not only restored under moistening of green light, but also is having the astonishing change, the hair of that white Huahua gradually turned into the color of jet unexpectedly, these withered Lao Pi became solid Rossy. 只见太上长老被一团充满生机的绿光给包裹着,绿光散发着耀眼的光芒让人不能正视。渐渐的太上长老的伤口不仅在绿光的滋润下恢复了,而且还产生着惊人的变化,原本那白花花的头发居然渐渐地变成了墨黑之色,那些干枯的老皮变得结实红润了起来。 All people may not believe look at all these, Ling Xiao also had a scare. 所有人都不可置信地看着这一切,就连凌笑自己也被吓了一跳。 „Does Ten Thousand Years Tree Milk have the feeling rejuvenated effect?” Ling Xiao is having doubts to say at heart. “难道万年树乳汁还有着返老还童的功效?”凌笑在心里疑惑道。 Shortly , the change of Supreme Elder stopped gradually, he changed returns to the appearance of middle age, the heart also to start to beat unexpectedly, the aura gradually was also strengthening. 没多久,太上长老的变化渐渐停止了,他居然变回到了中年的模样,心脏也开始跳动了起来,气息也逐渐在加强。 When that green light vanishes at that moment, Supreme Elder opened the eye the incomparably sharp look, a formidable aura has sent out, shook the people to back up several steps. 就在那绿光消失那一刻的时候,太上长老睁开眼睛了无比犀利的眼神,一股强大的气息散发了开来,震得众人都倒退了好几步。 The peripheral formidable spirit strength come in swarms toward Supreme Elder, he peripheral no longer is the green glow, but is the golden color such as the positive ray, appears extremely sacred inviolable. 周边一股股强大的灵力朝着太上长老蜂涌而来,他周边不再是绿芒,而是金色如阳的光芒,显得极为神圣不可侵犯。 The Supreme Elder aura is getting stronger and stronger, this temporary conference cabinet immediately the spirit forcing that washed out by the nearby has become the smashing. 太上长老的气息越来越强,这间临时的会议内阁顿时被附近冲刷过来的灵力压成了粉碎。 All people hurry fled in disorder from cabinet. 所有人都慌忙地从内阁之中窜逃了出来。 Big...... Big Elder(s) broke through!” Ling Chen opens the mouth to say unbelievable. “大……大长老突破了!”凌尘张大着嘴巴难以置信地说道。 Suddenly, Ling Cang as well as audiences Elder(s) threw the difficult situation at heart, they could not bear want to that to send out formidable aura Supreme Elder unexpectedly to prostrate oneself. They realize the strength to be firm luckily, otherwise knelt. 一时间,凌苍以及众长老心里抛起了惊涛骇浪,他们居然忍不住想对着那散发着强大气息的太上长老膜拜下去。幸好他们意识力还算坚定,不然真的就跪下来了。 Tidied up the aftermath Ling Family juniors in the surroundings is being is compelled by the Supreme Elder great pressure kneels on the ground, in the heart has been full of the meaning of veneration. 在周围收拾着残局的凌家子弟则是纷纷被太上长老的强大压力迫得跪在了地上,心中充满了尊崇之意。 Suddenly, has been standing Supreme Elder, the whole body sends out li the grating sound, then, he exudes a frank laughter, then from same place acquisition approval. 蓦然,一直站着的太上长老,周身发出噼雳啪啦的刺耳声音,接着,他发出一阵爽朗的笑声,然后从原地拨地而起。 I finally broke through!” The Supreme Elder sound such as drum grave morning bell was common, makes a sound in the heart of each Ling Family person. “我终于突破了!”太上长老的声音如鼓墓晨钟一般,响在了每一个凌家人的心头。 At this moment, Supreme Elder finally again became the patron gods in Ling Family all person hearts, they believe that so long as Supreme Elder one day is in good health, Ling Family is surely magnificent. 这一刻,太上长老终于再一次成为了凌家所有人心中的守护神,他们坚信,只要太上长老一日健在,凌家必定辉煌下去。 Ling Chen and Ling Cang as well as do Elder(s) simultaneously bowing [say / way] to congratulate Supreme Elder to midair in Supreme Elder to break through successfully, achievement throne. 凌尘凌苍以及一干长老对着半空中的太上长老同时躬身道“恭贺太上长老成功突破,成就王位”。 Ling Xiao also looks at Supreme Elder in midair, is feeling that formidable pressure, has the meaning of rushing at heart this is the pressure of King Rank powerhouse, strive to excel big!”. 凌笑也看着半空之中的太上长老,感受着那一股强大的威压,心里不禁生出澎湃之意“这就是王阶强者的威压么,好强大啊!”。 Generally military arrived at Spirit Master Rank to have the pressure, shook the match using the pressure imposing manner, but that must desirably for it, but present Supreme Elder only toward there station, made all Spirit Master Rank following people have the constriction, if Supreme Elder sent out the pressure desirably, can anybody create the heavy losses to Spirit Master Rank below, below Profound Warrior Rank died directly. 一般武者到了灵师阶就可以产生威压,利用威压气势震住对手,不过那要刻意为之,而现在的太上长老只往那里一站,就让所有灵师阶以下的人产生了压迫感,如果太上长老刻意散发威压的话,可以对灵师阶以下任何人造成重创,玄士阶以下直接死亡。 This marches into the fearful place of King Rank powerhouse. 这就是步入王阶强者的可怕之处。 Exempted Supreme Elder to get down to say from the midair slowly. “都免了吧”太上长老从半空之中缓缓下来说道。 After Supreme Elder stands firm, has put on the vision Ling Xiao, the person's shadow dodged then arrived at side Ling Xiao, layer on layer patted [say / way] Xiao'er on the shoulder of Ling Xiao, Esteemed Elder has been lucky you, otherwise saw the yama really. 太上长老站定之后,把目光放到了凌笑身上,人影一闪便到了凌笑身边,重重地拍在凌笑的肩膀上道“笑儿,老太爷多亏了你啊,不然真的去见阎王了”。 Hey, that is the Esteemed Elder life is hard, the yamas do not dare to receive you Ling Xiao to give birth for the first time say with a smile. “嘿嘿,那是老太爷命硬,阎王都不敢收您老人家呢”凌笑开怀地笑道。 This Ling Xiao really very happily is very at heart happy, he he gave to revive Supreme Elder finally. 这一次凌笑心里真的很开心很开心,他终于把太上长老他老人家给救活了。 Good, Esteemed Elder is not artificial, did you also think that has my such master to lose your face!” Supreme Elder teased saying that he was happy extremely! “好,老太爷也不矫情了,那你还觉不觉得有我这样的师傅丢不丢你的脸啊!”太上长老不由地打趣说道,他心里舒畅万分啊! Actually, knew own predestined time of death in former Supreme Elder, only then broke through to King Rank can lengthen 200 lives, what a pity his earlier body received many heavy losses, the unmentionable diseasea were many, therefore cannot from the Half Step King Rank breakthrough to the position of true King Rank. 其实,早在以前太上长老就知道自己的大限将至,只有突破至王阶才能延长200的寿元,可惜他早年身体受了不少重创,暗疾不少,所以一直没能从半步王阶突破至真正的王阶之位。 Why this was also he initially the reason that worried to elect the taking over disciple, only hopes that in helped Ling Family train one to be able in the final two years for the successor who future Ling Family guards. 这也正是他当初为什么着急选接班弟子的原因,只希望在最后两年时间里帮凌家培养出一名能为未来凌家护守的接班人。 Who knows that Ling Mo and Ling Yan revolting, causes him deeply with the soul to the war, falls fate that died in battle in pairs. 谁知道,凌莫凌言叛变,导致他与魂冥对战,落了双双战死的下场。 He initially built up Vajra Five Transformation Secret Art to make his internal organs have the vitality luckily within certain amount of time, is insufficient to disappear the vitality completely. If Ling Xiao late a point rescues to him again, when his whole body muscle can the cell all die certainly, even if were Ten Thousand Years Tree Milk does not have the means to make him bring back to life. 幸好他当初炼就了金刚五变诀让他的内脏在一定时间内还有着生机,不至于全部泯灭生机。如果凌笑再迟一点给他施救,等他全身肌能细胞全死绝的话,就算是万年树乳汁也没办法让他起死回生了。 Supreme Elder observed the situation the Ling Family at this moment destroyed pitiful condition on the wane, wrinkled the brow to look at audiences Elder(s), finally fell the vision on Ling Yan. 太上长老环视了凌家此刻被摧毁的凋零惨状,皱了一下眉头看着一众长老,最后把目光落在了凌言身上。 Ling Yan goes forward to kneel before Supreme Elder confession [say / way] „the Ling Yan shame to Ling Family, asking Supreme Elder to force suicide. 凌言上前跪在太上长老前忏悔道“凌言愧对凌家,请太上长老赐死”。
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