WCG :: Volume #3 威霸陨石城

#140: Also is your this short winter melon

Chapter 140 is your this short winter melon 第140章又是你这矮冬瓜 In the Ling Family inner courtyard, sound of ear an intermittent bombing is unceasing. 凌家内院之中,一阵阵的轰炸之声响耳不绝。 Originally the grand plain garden almost turned into the ruins under this bombing. 原来雄伟古朴的庭院几乎在这番轰炸之下变成了废墟。 Dozens forms are interlocking to fighting, the colorful ray rotation flutters, the wall tile dust flies upwards. 数十道身影在交错对战着,五颜六色的光芒轮转翻飞,墙瓦灰尘飞扬。 Ling Chen, you are still resisting at this moment stubbornly to fight with back to the wall, did not have the meaning, your Ling Family old codger started off to wait for you Li Family former generation Patriarch Li Shenbao with Ling Family former generation Elder(s) Ling Chen to rumbling, while Proud of Oneself said with a smile. 凌尘,事到如今你还在顽抗负隅,已经没意思了,你们凌家老不死已经上路等着你们了”李家的上代族长李深豹一边与凌家上代长老凌尘对轰着,一边得意地笑道。 Snort, even if died must draw you to front back Ling Chen Cold Snort an imposing manner full, fire fierce rays from encircled to kill in all directions toward Li Shenbao. “哼,就算死也要拉你垫背”凌尘冷哼了一声气势全开,一道道火烈的光芒从四面八方朝着李深豹围杀过去。 In another side, Ling Family former generation Elder(s) and may the prestige, their strength, although is strong, when simultaneously faces 2-3 matches also thought that has a mind to be incapable. 在另一边,凌家的上代长老们都及及可威了,他们实力虽然强劲,可是在同时面对两三个对手的时候也觉得有心无力。 Ling Mo looks is destroyed the negligent garden completely, surges at heart meaning of the regret. 凌莫看着被破坏怠尽的庭院,心里涌起一股后悔之意。 If not he betrays, how Ling Family will end up to turn out so is out. 如果不是他背叛,凌家又怎么会落得如此下场。 Although he wants to seize the position of Family Master, but actually does not want to see Ling Family to destroy in his hands. 他虽然想夺家主之位,可是却不想看到凌家毁在他的手中。 But the blunder has cast, he regretted also uselessly, only to find the way to make up. 可是大错已经铸成,他后悔也没用,只能想办法弥补了。 Ling Mo compelled two matches, in the hand bosom has pulled out Medicine Pill, in old was violating a firm ray. 凌莫迫开了两名对手,手怀中掏出了一颗丹药,老目中犯着一股坚定的光芒。 Not far Ling Yan just glimpses Ling Mo to swallow Medicine Pill that moment, the anxious roar called out big brother not to want!”. 不远的凌言刚好瞥见凌莫吞服丹药的那一刻,急切吼叫道“大哥不要啊!”。 However was late, Ling Mo took that Medicine Pill. 然而已经迟了,凌莫把那颗丹药服了下去。 Suddenly, sees only the Ling Mo peripheral golden light becomes more enchanting eye-catching, the peripheral spiritual energy wraps to come toward him, only in the moments, the Ling Mo imposing manner the disciple rose to half King Rank imposing manner. 蓦然间,只见凌莫周边的金光变得更加炫丽夺目,周边的灵气朝着他包裹而来,只在片刻之间,凌莫的气势已经徒涨到半王阶的气势了。 „It is not good, he took to burn miracle cure to realize that in Li Shenbao of contest of strength with Ling Chen anything, reminded immediately calls out in alarm said. “不好,他服用了燃灵丹”与凌尘在过招的李深豹察觉到了什么,立即提醒惊呼道。 Hears Li Shenbao calling out in alarm, all person complexions change, as if knows that this burns miracle cure is any fearful Medicine Pill. 听到李深豹的惊呼,所有人脸色一变,似乎都知道这“燃灵丹”是什么可怕的丹药 When Ling Chen while Li Shenbao Divided Spirit, was in charge above Li Shenbao chest, rumbled to fly dozens meters far him, a blood has splashed. 凌尘趁着李深豹分神之际,一掌印在了李深豹的胸膛之上,把他轰飞了数十米远,一口鲜血飞溅了出来。 At this time, Li Family two military welcomed Ling Chen to prevent him to chase down Li Shenbao immediately. 这时,李家的两名武者立即迎上了凌尘防止他追杀李深豹。 Gives on me, do not make him rise Li Shenbao not to give a thought to injury again, threw toward Ling Mo, the palm lays out dozens fire dragons to roar to go toward Ling Mo. “都给我上,不要让他再涨下去了”李深豹不顾身上的伤势,朝着凌莫扑了上去,手掌拍出数十道火龙朝着凌莫咆哮而去。 Everybody blocked them together on the Ling Yan face the color of present pain, the azure glow of whole body wells up without the foreland keeps off before the Ling Chen fire dragon. “大家一起挡住他们”凌言脸上化现痛苦之色,全身的青芒一涌无前地挡在了凌尘的火龙之前。 Bang! 轰隆! Ling Yan is only the Middle Rank Spirit Master strength, cannot block Li Shenbao to strike fully, the whole person was rumbled to fly several several, the beard was almost scorched, a counter blood swallowed, the whole person was dispirited, obviously received very heavy internal injury. 凌言只是中阶灵师的实力,根本挡不住李深豹全力一击,整个人被轰飞了数十几,胡子几乎被烧焦,一口逆血吞了出来,整个人都颓废了下来,显然是受了很重的内伤。 Suddenly, the Li Lan two people both force to go toward Ling Mo, Attribute attacks all go toward the Ling Mo bang. 一时间,李蓝两家的人都朝着凌莫逼迫而去,一道道属性攻击全朝着凌莫轰去。 Although Ling Family here Elder(s) indignant strength resistance, but actually could not counter-balance that many attacks. 凌家这边的长老们虽然愤力抵抗,可是却抵消不了那么多攻击。 Bang! 轰隆! Ling Mo was rumbled again and again, in the midair blooms a big group fireworks shape that if rubs the paternal aunt. 凌莫被连连轰了中,半空之中绽放出一大团如磨姑的烟花状。 Almost entire sat Falling Stone City clearly to hear. 几乎整坐陨石城都清晰可闻了。 Only feared that Ling Family must be destroyed really. “只怕凌家真要被毁灭了”。 Li Lan two, although is very strong, but Ling Family has Supreme Elder to should be able to withstand. “李蓝两家虽然很强,可是凌家太上长老在应该顶得住吧”。 Li Lan two dare to choose extinguishes Ling Family now, others definitely had have coped with the Ling Family Supreme Elder countermeasure, otherwise they do not dare so blatantly to kill Ling Family. “李蓝两家敢选择现在灭凌家,人家肯定有了对付凌家太上长老的对策,要不然他们也不敢如此公然杀上凌家”。 Falling Stone City must cloud over. 陨石城要变天了”。 ...... …… After having bombed, vanishes into thin air, a person's shadow is in good health as before. 轰炸过之后,烟消云散,一条人影依旧健在。 „It is not good, he has not died Lan Family military startled to call out. “不好,他没有死”一名蓝家武者惊叫道。 Sees only in Ling Mo old to flash through the cloudy deep ray, the stature is violating the strong Metal Attribute aura, above the forehead the blue vein for the first time presently, shameless only got older in the flash, as if only in this already old several years of general. 只见凌莫老目中闪过阴深的光芒,身材犯着浓烈的金属性气息,额头之上青筋乍现,老脸只在一瞬间老化了许多,似乎只在这一会就已经苍老了十几年一般。 Gave me dead” Ling Mo to say spookily, With Bare Hands stressed all around Metal Attribute spirit strength to gather unexpectedly, the double palm spread out a bang, was divided into dozens Metal Attribute sharp knife blade to go toward the Li Lan two Spirit Master bang. “都给我去死”凌莫幽幽地说了一句,徒手一抓四周的金属性灵力居然汇聚过来,双掌摊开一轰,分为数十道金属性利刃朝着李蓝两家的灵师轰去。 ! 咻咻! ! 啊啊! These Metal Attribute spirit strength under the control of Ling Mo, such as attach intelligence general bombing, in these run away on Spirit Master that is inferior. 那些金属性灵力在凌莫的控制之下,如附有灵性一般轰炸在那些逃之不及的灵师身上。 Several in the moments, Li Lan two had then gotten killed 67 Spirit Master, the loss is it may be said that serious. 几在片刻之间,李蓝两家便丧生了67名灵师,可谓损失惨重。 This time, Li Qianchong and Lan Zhen peak, Ling Cang as well as the Li Kong land following has caught up from the arena, just sees this. 这个时刻,李千重蓝震峰、凌苍以及厉崆都陆继从擂台那边赶了过来,刚好看到这一幕。 How Ling Mo possibly achieved the King Rank strength, was impossible Li Qianchong unable to believe that shouted to clear the way. 凌莫怎么可能达到王阶的实力了,不可能”李千重不敢相信地喝道。 Nearby Lan Zhen peak is a face is more panic-stricken, if cannot take Ling Family today, then tomorrow also will then be their date of Li Lan Family demise. 一旁的蓝震峰更是一脸惊骇,如果今天拿不下凌家,那么明日还便是他们李蓝家灭亡之日了。 Ling Cang has not hesitated from the hand has pulled out the same thing, has thrown toward the midair. 凌苍没有迟疑从手中掏出了一样东西,朝着半空扔了上去。 Bang! 轰! The fireworks blooms together, becomes the crystal light sparkle. 一道烟花绽放,变得晶光闪耀。 Emerges four people in the Ling Family not far place, plundered side Ling Cang at the extremely quick speed. 紧接着在凌家不远之处涌现四人,以极快的速度掠到了凌苍身边。 See Patriarch these four people were saying to the Ling Cang saluting respectful name. “参见族长”这四人对着凌苍行礼恭敬称呼道。 „After originally Ling Cang also has, move Li Qianchong and Lan Zhen peak is a face shocks the dark bypass. “原来凌苍还有后招”李千重蓝震峰更是一脸震惊暗付道。 Except for the Ling Family person, other people kills Ling Cang to tell that to me four people, looked for Li Qianchong to fight directly. “除了凌家的人,其他人给我杀”凌苍吩咐四人一声,直接找上了李千重大战了起来。 Li Kong has chosen to stand Ling Family definitely cannot idle, he to Lan Zhen peak. 厉崆已经选择站在凌家这边肯定也不能闲着,他对上了蓝震峰。 The middle-aged person who that four coming out seeks Li Lan two military. 那四名出来的中年人则是寻上了李蓝两家的武者。 Suddenly, the superiority returned to Ling Family unexpectedly. 一时间,优势居然回到了凌家这边。 Sees only achieves King Rank Ling Mo to be ordinary just like deicide, spirit strength keep swaying around him, one will drop down two outside Spirit Master, the lethality fearfully. 只见达到王阶凌莫宛若杀神一般,一道道灵力在他周围不停地挥洒,一会又倒下两外灵师,杀伤力可怕至极。 Everybody disperses flees, this strength can only maintain the quarter Li Shenbao deeply to know that burns the miracle cure the effect, immediately reminded own person to say. “大家都分散逃离,他这实力只能维持一刻钟而已”李深豹深知道燃灵丹的功效,立即提醒自己的人说道。 Quarter also sufficiently kills the strength that all of you Ling Mo induced to rush to say confidently. “一刻钟也足以杀了你们所有人了”凌莫感应着自己澎湃的实力非常有自信地说道。 Ling Mo said that threw to fly toward Li Shenbao. 凌莫说罢,朝着李深豹扑飞了过去。 So long as during before blinking then arrived at Li Shenbao unexpectedly, the speed must be flabbergasted quickly. 只要眨眼之间居然便到了李深豹之前,速度快得让人咋舌。 Quick Bu Shawang Li Shenbao startles greatly, again and again when toward the backlash, does not forget to call out in alarm own person lineup. “快布杀王阵”李深豹大骇,连连朝后退,同是时不忘惊呼自己的人布阵。 What a pity, he shouts to be late now, Ling Yuan as well as the tiger one also killed, the Ling Family here Spirit Master Rank strength has not been inferior to Li Lan two, Li Family Spirit Master does not have opportunity group. 可惜,他现在叫已经迟了,凌远以及虎一也杀到了,凌家这边灵师阶的实力已经不亚于李蓝两家,李家灵师根本没机会组阵。 Ling Mo both hands wield, two speed along to go toward Li Shenbao just like essence Gold Spear, that speed does not know compared with on it Spirit Master Rank speed quick how time. 凌莫双手一挥,两把宛若实质的金枪朝着李深豹飞驰而去,那速度不知道比之灵师阶的速度快上多么倍。 ! 啊! Li Shenbao evades it to be inferior to radically, two Gold Spear have passed through toward his front maliciously. 李深豹根本避之不及,两根金枪狠狠地朝着他的胸前贯穿了过去。 Old Patriarch Li Family here person sad Hudao. 老族长李家这边的人悲呼道。 Li Shenbao is covering the front blood, muttered Old Man to spell with you. 李深豹捂着胸前的血液,喃喃道“老夫跟你拼了”。 Then, he has also pulled out Medicine Pill, has wanted to take. 说罢,他也掏出了一颗丹药,想没想就服了下去。 Burns the miracle cure burns the miracle cure. 燃灵丹又是燃灵丹。 This is 3rd Grade First-Rate Medicine Pill, in Falling Stone City hundred years of rare Medicine Pill. 这是一颗三品顶级丹药,在陨石城百年难得一见的丹药 Burning the miracle cure can let any High Rank Spirit Master breakthrough to the King Rank miracle cure, but this King Rank strength can only maintain the quarter, but at this moment the clock actually trades with several years of life. 燃灵丹可以让任何高阶灵师突破至王阶的灵丹,可是这王阶实力只能维护一刻钟,而这一刻钟却是用十几年的寿元换来的。 Took has burnt the miracle cure to be equal to burnt a oneself several years of life to achieve the King Rank strength, after the quarter, the whole person will enter the weakest condition, did not have six months very to get up, moreover in the future will not have the opportunity of any promote step again, can only halt before High Rank Spirit Master. 服用了燃灵丹就等于燃烧了自己十几年的寿元才达到王阶实力,一刻钟过后,整个人会进入最虚弱的状态,没有半年时间好不起来,而且日后也不会再有任何晋阶的机会,只能止步在高阶灵师之前了。 This side effect is what kind big. Absolutely nobody will take when the life and death. 这副作用是何等的大。要不是在生死存亡之际绝对没有人会服用的。 Burns the miracle cure in entire Falling Stone City also only two, appears 30 years ago, at that time the Ling Mo father was also Ling Family previous generation's Patriarch and Li Family former generation Patriarch Li Shenbao respectively spends the high price to auction. 在整个陨石城也仅有两颗燃灵丹,都是在30年前出现的,那时候凌莫的父亲也就是凌家上一代的族长李家上代族长李深豹各自花了高价钱拍卖下来的。 Therefore, Ling Mo with burning the miracle cure takes, Li Shenbao eyes have then recognized in the Ling Mo hand the Medicine Pill origin, and effect can also result in says. 所以,凌莫拿燃灵丹拿出来的时候,李深豹一眼便认出了凌莫手中丹药的来历,并且功效也能得说出来。 Now Ling Mo achieves King Rank, although is only the quarter, but has written off Li Lan two Spirit Master sufficiently, moreover Li Shenbao caused heavy losses, if he cannot withstand Ling Mo, then the Li Lan two this motions only feared that must fizzle out, not only that must withstand the Ling Family anger in the future. 如今凌莫达到王阶,尽管只是一刻钟,可是足以抹杀了李蓝两家的灵师了,而且李深豹又被重创,如果他不能顶住凌莫,那么李蓝两家这次的行动只怕要告吹了,不仅如此,日后还要承受凌家的怒火。 After under Li Shenbao takes burns miracle cure, injury stops, has the potential similarly to achieve King Rank. 李深豹服下燃灵丹后,身上的伤势止住,起势同样达到了王阶 Two big King Rank to the bang, must turn into the ruins in ruins Ling Family inner courtyard bombing. 两大王阶的对轰,把凌家内院轰炸得变成废墟中的废墟了。 All Spirit Master by far have evaded, for fear that was brought disaster to bystander. 所有灵师都远远地避了开去,都生怕被殃及池鱼 All people when fight life and death, the diminutive shadow has plundered toward Ling Family Storehouse Pavilion together. 所有人都在你死我活地打斗的时候,一道矮小的黑影朝着凌家藏器阁掠了过去。 Storehouse Pavilion and book pavilion and Profound Technique pavilion in Ling Family inner courtyard most deep place, therefore the battlefield has not affected there. 藏器阁、书阁、玄技阁都在凌家内院最深处,所以战场还没有波及到那里。 Any person is guarding Storehouse Pavilion two Ling Family Profound Warrior to call out in alarm said. “什么人”在护守着藏器阁的两名凌家玄士惊呼道。 However, they had just called out in alarm, that shadow passed over gently and swiftly, they save face immediately become pitch-black, the mouth spits the foam, was dying at the scene. 然而,他们刚惊叫了出来,那黑影掠过,两人全脸立即变得乌黑,口吐白沫,当场死翘翘了。 This shadow Poison Master old ghost. 这黑影正是毒师老鬼。 An old ghost palm has driven out the Storehouse Pavilion iron gate, saw only in the spacious house to hang all over the gem to hide the truth from the goal weapon. 老鬼一掌轰开了藏器阁的铁门,只见宽敞的房子内挂满了琳琅瞒目的兵器。 These weapon majority are 1st Rank ordinary Common Weapon. 这些兵器大多数都是一阶的普通凡兵而已。 The old ghost has swept a here weapon, has not yearned to move sideways directly two buildings. 老鬼扫了一眼这里的武器,没有留恋直接闪身上了二楼。 On two buildings is the 2nd Rank weapon, Low Rank to High Rank altogether about thousand. 二楼上面则是二阶的武器,低阶高阶的一共有近千件。 The old ghost keeps changing here weapon, seems seeking for any thing. 老鬼不停地翻动着这里的武器,似乎在寻找什么东西。 After looking some little time, unexpectedly glimpses in a corner has shiny black Medicine Cauldron. 找了好一会儿后,居然瞥见在一个角落有一尊黑黝黝的药鼎 Finally had found old ghost great happiness, immediately has grasped toward Medicine Cauldron. “终于找到了”老鬼大喜,立即朝着药鼎抓了过去。 ! 咻! In the old ghost catches that Medicine Cauldron, a ray for the first time presently unexpectedly shaking has drawn back several steps him. 就在老鬼抓到那尊药鼎之时,一股光芒乍现居然把他给震退了数步。 Unexpectedly under has ban old ghost look changes, pulled out the shackle to wield toward Medicine Cauldron from the waist. “居然下有禁制”老鬼神色微变,从腰间掏出铁链朝着药鼎挥了过去。 Bang bang! 轰隆轰隆! Turns bombing continually, the ban of Medicine Cauldron is given to destroy forcefully by the old ghost. 连翻轰炸,药鼎的禁制被老鬼强行给破坏掉。 Ha Ha, succeeded in obtaining old ghost to grab Medicine Cauldron to laugh, then threw from the window. “哈哈,到手了”老鬼抓着药鼎哈哈大笑了一声,然后从窗口扑了出去。 Who dares to come Ling Family to rob treasure several Ling Family guards to discover the form that old ghost calls out in alarm said. “谁敢来凌家盗宝”几名凌家的护卫发现老鬼的身影惊呼道。 Guard Ling Family lifts the sword to kill rashly on the old ghost. 凌家护卫不由分说举着刀剑就都着老鬼杀去。 What a pity, equivalent difference is too big, but a surface coating. Several Ling Family guards died a tragic death at the scene. 可惜,等阶差别太大,只不过一个罩面。几名凌家的护卫惨死当场。 Overreaching oneself old ghost disdain said that then escapes toward Ling Family. “不自量力”老鬼不屑地说了一句,然后朝着凌家外逃去。 At this moment, the old ghost only thinks Back of the Head to create an incident, realized that some people sneak attack, wants not to think that turning around rumbles palm black fog. 就在这时,老鬼只觉得后脑生风,察觉到有人偷袭,想也没想转身轰出一掌黑雾。 Is your this short winter melon, today this few does not kill you not to be surnamed Ling. “又是你这矮冬瓜,今天本少不干掉你就不姓凌”。
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