WCG :: Volume #1 穿越异界

#20: Self-torture external work

Chapter 020 self-torture external work 第020章苦修外功 Ling Xiao re-entered the inner courtyard incident, the afterheat several days later belonged to tranquilly. 凌笑重回内院一事,余热了几天后又归于平静。 Ling Xiao is not offended, he still be not aware of fatigue cultivated every day. Condenses profound strength besides each night using Three Parts Return Yuan Qi, daytime majority of time practice Vajra Five Transformation Secret Art, the rest of the time goes into the inner courtyard book pavilion to seek about this mainland history and related knowledge reading, to grow from already to the cognition of this world. 凌笑对此毫无介怀,他每天仍然不知疲倦地修炼。除了每晚利用三分归元气凝聚玄力之外,白天则大部分时间修炼“金刚五变诀”,剩下的时间则跑到内院书阁去寻找一些关于这个大陆历史和相关的知识阅读,以增长自已对这个世界的认知。 At present, Ling Xiao only knows Vajra Five Transformation Secret Art first two change, separately is First Transformation Refining Skin, Second Transformation Refining Muscles. 目前,凌笑只知道“金刚五变诀”的前两变,分别是第一变炼皮”,第二变炼筋”。 First Transformation Refining Skin, first needs to strengthen various body spots, enabling body external resistance to achieve the acme, the iron blouse and Jinzhongzhao that this point and Ling Xiao previous generation know has the wonder of equally good results from different methods. 第一变炼皮”,首先需要把身体各部位强化,使身体外在抗击性达到极致,这一点与凌笑前世所知的铁布衫和金钟罩有着异曲同工之妙。 Previous generation Ling Xiao has practiced many old-style fan device martial arts, but does not have the defense outside family merit, he must practice Vajra Five Transformation Secret Art now goal is before from already the strength was unable to protect oneself, has taken advantage, at least before facing compared with his strength strong Expert, the wrist|skill that can a little maintain life, is insufficient to allow to be oppressed. 前世凌笑修炼了不少拉风的武功,但是却没有防御型的外家功,他现在要修炼“金刚五变诀”目的是在自已实力还没能自保前,有所依仗,起码在面对比他实力强劲的高手前,能有一点保命的手腕,不至于任人宰割。 Consecutively for five days, Ling Xiao carries on the massive body movements in the morning first, for example bends down the heavy long-distance race, the leapfrog, Fu Wocheng...... 连续五天,凌笑早上先进行大量的身体运动,比如伏重长跑,蛙跳,伏卧撑…… To noon colorful Yanggao photo time, took off the coat to stand in fierce Yangxia exposes to the sun two double-hour, then again plunged into the cold water to cool, after cooling, accepted the nonego attack. 到了中午艳阳高照的时候,又脱了上衣站在烈阳下晒两个时辰,然后又再跳入冷水中冷却,冷却后又接受外物攻击。 These are Refining Skin the basic step, can say that this simply is one type changes. Condition from oppressive practice method. 这些都是“炼皮”的基本步骤,可以说这简直是一种变.态自虐的修炼法门。 Present Ling Xiao underwent one month of practice, became Low Rank Profound Practitioner, the body even more very dials, after several days Refining Skin, the whole person appeared strong, was black the shining flesh, to person one type the vigor of having been full of the healthy vitality. 如今的凌笑经过了一个多月的修炼,成为了低阶玄者,身体越发地挺拨,又经过几天的“炼皮”,整个人显得强壮了许多,黑得发亮的肌肤,给人一种充满了健康朝气的活力。 Sixth day noon, Ling Xiao such as the past was as before ordinary, is gripping the ma bu, the light the upper body, the double arm rest started, about was raising two buckets of full water respectively, was accepting hot under the sunny day, burning hottest sunning. 第六天中午,凌笑依旧如往日一般,扎着马步,光着上身,双臂撑开,左右各提着两桶满满的水,在艳阳下接受着最火辣,最炎热的烤晒。 On his firm and resolute handsome face, sweat such as the brook always enjoys the subcrust current to lie down generally, the upper body black black muscle becomes red, seemed placed on the prill is baking, meat as if momentarily can the entrance, two buckets of full a water on his both hands, not produce any sways, is stays in the bucket as before tranquilly. 他那张坚毅俊朗的脸庞上,一道道汗水如溪流一般乐此不疲地流躺,上身黑黝的肌肉变得通红,仿佛被放在烤架上的烧烤着,身上的肉似乎随时都可以入口了,在他双手上两桶满满的水,没有产生任何摇晃,依旧是那么平静地呆在水桶中。 Until shortly, that two barrels aquatic presented the ripple of shivering, as to ripple. Saw only Ling Xiao still to clench teeth to insist that he looks from already front Inverted Image, shouted wildly at heart insisted...... Insisted again...... Sufficed two double-hour quickly. 直至不久后,那两桶水上出现了颤抖的波纹,似乎欲荡漾而出。只见凌笑仍然咬牙坚持,他看着自已前方的倒影,心里狂叫“坚持……再坚持……快够两个时辰了”。 Finally, from already Inverted Image arrives when has early portrayed the good position, a Ling Xiao mind loosen, the bucket between both hands swung several water marks finally, Ling Xiao had turned around, two steps, poured into the bucket water in hand the big wooden barrel forward, then the whole person again plunged into the wooden barrel. 终于,在自已的倒影抵达自已早刻画好的位置时,凌笑心神一松,双手间的水桶终于荡出了几点水迹,凌笑转过身去,向前两步,把手中的水桶水倒入大木桶中,接着整个人再跳入木桶里。 This......” Ling Xiao just entered in the wooden barrel, is indistinct as if makes together the tiny sound, the Ling Xiao look changed, cannot bear exudes hissing......” one. “兹……”凌笑刚入木桶中,隐约间似乎发出一道细小的声音,紧接着凌笑神色变了变,忍不住发出“嘶……”的一声。 At this moment, his burning body meets the cooling sound that makes coldly suddenly, this was just like to burn the red iron to throw in the water together the same truth. 这一刻,正是他火辣辣的身体突然遇冷所发出的冷却声音,这就好比是一块烧得通红的铁扔到了水中一样的道理。 Ling Xiao clenches teeth, the body starts revolution Vajra Five Transformation Secret Art to practice. 凌笑咬着牙,身体开始运转金刚五变诀进行修炼。 The Ling Xiao nerve Matsushita, on the face did not have gradually finally has that pain bitter expression again. 渐渐地凌笑的神经终于松下了,脸上没再有那种疼苦的表情。 After a while, Ling Xiao jumped from the barrel, the mouth drank lightly really loves the dead father, was really all right to look oppressively! Chose this to practice Cultivation Method, if saw my this appearance to others, but also thinks that I was the masochism. 过了一会儿后,凌笑从桶中跳了出来,嘴里轻喝“真是疼死老子了,真是没事找虐啊!怎么选了这门修炼功法,要是给人家看到我这模样,还以为我是自虐狂呢”。 The complaint turns over to the complaint, Ling Xiao is a very stubborn person, the road that so long as designates will persist in getting down. 埋怨归埋怨,凌笑还是一个很倔强的人,只要选定的路就会坚持走下去。 ...... …… As the day passes by day-by-day, Ling Family will welcome the big grand occasion of family, the annual family test will be held in the inner courtyard Martial Art(s) field three days later. 随着日子一天一天地过去,凌家将迎来了家族的一大盛事,一年一度的家族测试将在三天后在内院练武场举行。 Ling Family young one generation is stepping up to practice, no matter the Martial Apprentice step or Profound Practitioner Rank strive to promote the strength, if still stayed in last year strength, that will become the laughingstock of people. In Ling Family, all people look at strength and Innate Talent are more important than the life. 凌家年青一代都在加紧修炼,不管是武徒阶还是玄者阶都争取把实力提升上去,如果仍然停留在去年的实力的话,那将会成为众人的笑柄。在凌家,所有人把实力和天斌看得比生命还要重要。 If in the strength consecutively for two years has not promoted, will be dispatched the inner courtyard, arranges to the industry of Ling Family outside the doing business management, or is acts to protect the Ling Family industry the armed self-defense, will suffer a disastrous decline in the Ling Family status. 如果连续两年内实力都没有提升的话,将会被遣出内院,安排到凌家外界的产业去经商管理,或者是充当保护凌家产业的武卫,在凌家的地位会一落千丈。 Has not broken through Profound Practitioner before 20 years old , outside will dispatch. Obviously, attaching great importance to of Ling Family the military wind, this is Ling Family has also dominated in Li, significant reasons above Luo two. 或者在20岁前没突破玄者的,也将外遣。可见,凌家对武风的重视,这也是凌家一直凌驾在李、罗两家之上的一重大原因。 Ling Xiao was concerned with that as if has nothing to do general with him, when keeping cultivating, taught the Bai Yuxi practice. 凌笑对此不闻不问,似乎与他无关一般,一直在不停地修炼,有空之余又教导一下白雨惜修炼。 Although Bai Yuxi continuously Ling Xiao, when Young Master, but Ling Xiao has not actually regarded as the maid her, besides letting her takes care from already some simple daily life life, other heavy labors will not make her do, now he returned to the inner courtyard, that side the family also gives him in the family to arrange four servants, two male servants, two servant girls, these four people of Ling Xiao let her mother Meng Xiyun exclusive labor of duty, therefore the Bai Yuxi free time are also quite much now. 白雨惜虽然一直把凌笑少爷,可是凌笑却从没把她看成婢女,除了让她服侍自已一些简单起居生活外,其他的重活都不会让她做,现在他重回内院,家族那边也给他家里安排了四个仆人,两个男仆,两个女婢,这四人凌笑都让她母亲梦惜云家排他们的本职工作,所以如今白雨惜空闲的时间也比较多。 In the Ling Xiao heart early had planned that made Bai Yuxi this follow side him to be the maid for a lifetime, he does not want to become the pet of other man crotch from this beautiful adopted younger sister. He is the normal man who likes the woman, particularly the pretty woman wants to appropriate to oneself, therefore he has chosen selfishly, only if Bai Yuxi which day falls in love with other man, he may drop, but he did not allow absolutely such matter occurrence, has which man will dislike from already the woman much. 凌笑心中早已经打算让白雨惜这一辈子都跟在他身边当贴身丫环了,他可不想自已这个美丽的干妹妹成为别的男人胯下的宠物。他是一个喜欢女人的正常男人,尤其是漂亮的女人更想据为己有,所以他选择了自私,除非白雨惜哪一天爱上别的男人,他或许会放手,但是他绝对不容许这样的事情发生,有哪个男人会嫌自已的女人多的呢。 Actually, Ling Xiao had still underestimated in Bai Yuxi heart to his insistence, she had designated Ling Xiao for her Young Master, this she will not betray for a lifetime him, only if she died. 其实,凌笑仍然低估了白雨惜心中的对他的坚持,她已经选定了凌笑为她的少爷,这一辈子她就绝不会背叛他,除非她死了。 Ling Xiao wants to pass to Bai Yuxi the Three Parts Return Yuan Qi Internal Art heart method, but this is very overbearing Cultivation Method, the inappropriate female cultivates, ponders, chooses Internal Art heart law «Moon reflection in the water Divine Art» that one set of previous generation female has practiced to Bai Yuxi, making Bai Yuxi practice, teaches her again one set of necessary sword technique «Moon reflection in the water Swordsmanship». 凌笑本想把三分归元气内功心法传给白雨惜的,可是这是一种非常霸道的功法,不合适女子修炼,左思右想,给白雨惜选了一套前世女子修炼的内功心法《水月神功》,让白雨惜修炼,再教她一套配套剑技《水月剑法》。 This set of Cultivation Method and sword technique is by moon reflection in the water Martial Uncle of Ling Xiao previous generation homemade, moon reflection in the water Martial Uncle only inferior with non- world Expert of his old ghost teacher, the moon reflection in the water Martial Uncle life only received a girl student, what a pity was actually killed by Ghost Sect, moon reflection in the water Martial Uncle is in a rage, with «Moon reflection in the water Swordsmanship», chops Ghost Sect 12 innate Expert continually, kisses until Ghost Sect Sect Master, compels moon reflection in the water Martial Uncle to call a halt, then, moon reflection in the water Martial Uncle confiscates a disciple again, therefore passes to Ling Xiao Cultivation Method and sword technique mnemonics, said that will be treats as to give Ling Xiao in the future wife's gift on first meeting. 这套功法和剑技都是由凌笑前世的水月师叔自创,水月师叔可是仅次与他那老鬼师尊的不世高手,水月师叔一生只收了一个女弟子,可惜却被鬼门所杀,水月师叔一怒之下,凭着《水月剑法》,连砍鬼门12名先天高手,直至鬼门门主亲至,才迫得水月师叔停手,尔后,水月师叔再没收一徒,于是把功法和剑技口诀都传给凌笑,说是当做送给凌笑未来老婆的见面礼。 Ling Xiao often remembers moon reflection in the water Martial Uncle that old yet still graceful the tender face, in the heart the association is rippling the satisfied smiling face, was only a pity that the time will not flow backwards. 凌笑每每想起水月师叔那张风韵犹存的的娇脸,心中总会荡漾着满足的笑容,只可惜时间不会倒流了。 Oh......” light call calls out in alarm together. “哎哟……”一道轻呼声惊叫而起。 Ling Xiao recovers, sees only Bai Yuxi to sit lies on the ground, the brow tight wrinkle, an uncomfortable appearance, did Ling Xiao hurry the past how Yuxi?”. 凌笑回过神来,只见白雨惜坐卧在地上,眉头紧皱,一副难受的样子,凌笑赶紧走了过去“雨惜怎么了?”。 Bai Yuxi has returned to the elegant face, on the face is bringing forced smiling face [say / way] Young Master I...... I am all right, after having complied with one, she prepares the standing up body, who knows under foot another ache, making her body one stagger, must fall. 白雨惜回过俏脸来,脸上带着牵强的笑容道“少爷我……我没事”,应了一句后,她就准备站起身子,谁知脚下又一阵疼痛,让她身子一个踉跄,又要摔下去。 Careful the Ling Xiao body dodged, speeds up arriving at side Bai Yuxi, gave to support her. “小心”凌笑身子一闪,加快来到了白雨惜身边,把她给扶住。 „Did foot turn? Martial Art(s) cannot hold and the Ling Xiao care said that “脚是不是扭了?练武不能操之过及”凌笑关心道, However, Bai Yuxi actually lowers the head, has not replied his words. 然而,白雨惜却是低着头,没有回答他的话。 Ling Xiao is wanting to ask again, suddenly, only thought that on arm as if positive pressure two groups soft supple, a wonderful feeling raids. 凌笑正欲再问,蓦然,只觉得手臂上似乎正压着两团软柔,一种美妙的感觉袭来。 Ling Xiao decides the eye to look, actually discovery from already the hand is hugging unexpectedly in the Bai Yuxi front, holds solid others two groups of soft meat, so will be no wonder comfortable. 凌笑定眼一看,却发现自已的手居然正抱在白雨惜胸前,把人家两团软肉抱得结实,难怪会如此舒服。 Ling Xiao has smiled awkwardly, some not Shirdi from already the salty pig's front trotters move away say right „...... Sorry......”. 凌笑尴尬地笑了一下,有些不舍地把自已的咸猪手拿开说道“对……对不起……”。 Does not have...... Is all right Bai Yuxi to lower the tender face to say heatedly in a soft voice. “没……没事”白雨惜面红耳赤地低着娇脸轻声应道。 Come, sits down I to have a look, sprained Ling Xiao to hurry to change the topic topic saying that darkly was shouting elasticity to be really good at heart!”. “来,坐下我看看,是不是扭伤了”凌笑赶紧转题话题说道,心里则在暗呼“弹性真好!”。 Ling Xiao holds near Bai Yuxi stone stool, then gives to take off her cloth shoes, reveals that fair fine sparkling stone the jade foot, clear smooth, making the person unable to bear want to caress lightly. 凌笑白雨惜扶到石凳边上,然后把她的布鞋给脱掉,露出那白皙精莹的玉足,圆润光滑,让人忍不住想轻抚一番。 Ling Xiao has caressed lightly that inflamed foot eye, loves dearly [say / way] to be swollen, has not related, I spread to you with the cold water, then rubbed has been all right. 凌笑轻抚了一下那红肿的脚眼,心疼道“都肿了,没关系,我拿点凉水给你敷敷,然后再揉揉就没事了”。 Ling Xiao said, then sets out to fetch water. 凌笑说了一句后,然后起身去取水。 Bai Yuxi lifts the rosy to want the drop cheek, both eyes looks at the Ling Xiao back lovingly, on the face makes the happy expression, the ache of as if a moment ago turning is completed to vanish to disappear. 白雨惜抬起娇红欲滴的脸蛋,双眼含情地看着凌笑的背影,脸上化做浓浓的笑意,仿佛刚才扭到的疼痛完成消失不见了。 Young Master...... really good!” Bai Yuxi shouted in the heart silently lightly. 少爷……真好!”白雨惜在心中默默地轻呼道。 After Ling Xiao fetches the water, put in the water to soak Bai Yuxi that filament delicately beautiful fully, then transited some profound strength to her foot eye, helped to lessen the swollen area detachably. 凌笑打好水后,把白雨惜那纤纤美足放到了水中浸泡,然后又过渡了一些玄力到她脚眼上,帮助活络消肿。 Did not have a while, Bai Yuxi foot eye that tumor then vanishes. 没一会儿,白雨惜的脚眼那肿块便消失了。 Ling Xiao helps Bai Yuxi wear shoes carefully, exhorted [say / way] to be good, today on rest one day, you sits in meditation well, tomorrow should be all right. 凌笑细心地帮白雨惜穿上鞋子,嘱咐道“好了,今天就休息一天,你好好打坐,明天应该没事了”。 Bai Yuxi nodded, blushed smartly is complying with one to thank Young Master lightly. 白雨惜点了点头,俏脸红着轻应了一声“谢谢少爷”。 Silly thing, polite anything, you are this Young Master female...... Adopted younger sister! The elder brother took care of the younger sister to be perfectly justified Ling Xiao to smile saying with a smile, almost from already the aspiration disclosed. “傻丫头,客气啥,你可是本少爷的女……干妹妹啊!哥哥照顾妹妹天经地义”凌笑笑了笑道,差点把自已的心声都透露了起来了。 Bai Yuxi looked at a Ling Xiao [say / way] Young Master, am I very stupid?”. 白雨惜看了一眼凌笑道“少爷,我是不是很笨啊?”。 Why such asked?” Ling Xiao stunned [say / way]. “为什么这么问?”凌笑错愕道。 My you teach my sword to incur cannot learn Bai Yuxi to say embarrassed. “我连你教我的剑招都学不会”白雨惜不好意思地说道。 Ling Xiao comfort [say / way] silly thing, your scholarship several days, the time is not one day can practice, perhaps you must to from be confident, in the near future you can also cross Young Master I. 凌笑安慰道“傻丫头,你才学几天,功夫可不是一天就能练成的,你要对自已有信心,说不定在不久的将来你还能越过少爷我呢”。 I do not surpass Young Master, so long as did not implicate Young Master on to be good Bai Yuxi to beckon with the hand to say again and again. “我不要超过少爷,只要不拖累少爷就好了”白雨惜连连摆手说道。 Ling Xiao smiled, but also wants to say anything, in the room has actually heard ringing the calling out in alarm sound. 凌笑笑了笑,还想说什么,屋内却传来了朗朗的惊叫声。 Ha Ha, broke through sound to transmit from the direction of study room, was needless saying that definitely was the Ling Zhan cry. “哈哈,又冲破了”声音从书房的方向传来,不用说肯定是凌战的叫声了。 After Ling Xiao has given Ling Zhan that -and-a-half millennium black Senate kings, in these days Ling Zhan cultivates Three Parts Return Yuan Qi, while absorbs the property of millennium black Senate king, this is his recent fifth time broke through the meridians. 凌笑把那一株半千年乌参王给了凌战后,在这些天内凌战一边修炼三分归元气,一边吸收千年乌参王的药性,这已经是他最近的第五次冲破经脉了。 Ling Zhan walked from the room book full of energy, the whole person appears face glowing with health, compared with before that sloppy, the appearance of down and out has difference of Yun Ni the simply. 凌战从房书内精神抖擞地走了出来,整个人显得容光焕发,比之前那邋遢,落拓的样子简直有着云泥之别。 Meng Xiyun also the whole face from the room joyfully arrives in front of her husband, having the excited expression to ask Brother Zhan, did you become five levels of Martial Apprentice?”. 梦惜云也从屋内满脸欣喜地来到她丈夫面前,带着激动的语气问道“战哥,你成为五级武徒了?”。 Ling Zhan sees the wife who is old yet still graceful, layer on layer nod [say / way] of „, I have broken through the sixth meridians, believes that most then can once more become in one month Profound Practitioner. 凌战看着风韵犹存的妻子,重重地点了点头道“是啊,我已经冲破了第六道经脉了,相信最多再过一个月便可以再次成为玄者了”。 This was good” Meng Xiyun to call out in alarm said. She has a dream has not thought from already the son and husband can practice the profound strength once more, they can get rid of waste fathers and sons finally the reputation, in her heart for them felt that extremely proud, these years that will come to be wronged shortly become will vanish into thin air. “这太好了”梦惜云惊呼道。她做梦都没想到自已的儿子和丈夫能再次修炼玄力,他们终于可以摆脱“废物父子”的名头了,她心中替他们感到万分地自豪,这些年来所受到的委屈在倾刻间都变得烟消云散了。 Xiyun, these years put in great inconvenience you, I pledged, did not make you be wronged Ling Zhan to shake wife's hand earnestly to announce. 惜云,这些年委屈你了,我发誓以后再也不让你受委屈了”凌战握着妻子的手郑重宣布道。
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