WCG :: Volume #1 穿越异界

#21: First Guan Ceshi ( Part 1 )

Chapter 021 first Guan Ceshi ( Part 1 ) 第021章第一关测试(上) Ling Zhan has broken through the sixth meridians, the whole families were happy. 凌战冲破了第六道经脉,一家人都非常高兴。 Meng Xiyun told that especially the servant has made a rich delicacies celebration, hopes that Ling Zhan soon becomes Profound Practitioner. 梦惜云更是特地吩咐仆人做了一顿丰富的佳肴庆祝,希望凌战早日成为玄者 After the food, Ling Zhan called the study room Ling Xiao. 饭后,凌战凌笑叫到了书房。 Son, thank you!” Ling Zhan layer on layer patted the shoulder gratitude of Ling Xiao to say. “儿子,谢谢你!”凌战重重地拍了拍凌笑的肩膀感激说道。 Ling Xiao beckoning with the hand [say / way] father, you is a my father, does not have me without you, served a need saying that thanked? The whole families said that two words, looked on as an outsider. 凌笑摆手道“爹,你是我爹,没有你就没有我,用得着说谢吗?一家人说两家话,见外了”。 Ling Zhan happily sees the son, sighed a sound track I to think that lightly this life muddy chaotic dun will pass, has not thought can also practice the profound strength once more a day, this regarding military, was equal to giving my second life, so long as can practice the original peak the strength I not to be him to ask once more, spoke of here him, was staring at the Ling Xiao [say / way] Xiao'er, you and father were different, since Immortal can select you, when Disciple, showed that the Immortal vision will not be wrong, your can in the future compared with the father, compared with. Ling Family, must walk far compared with it Falling Stone City anybody, therefore you must quite practice, not must disappoint Immortal to your expectation!”. 凌战欣慰地看着儿子,轻叹了一声道“我以为这一生将会浑浑沌沌地度过,从没想过还能再次修炼玄力的一天,这对于一个武者来说,就等于给了我第二次生命,只要能再次修炼回原来巅峰的实力我也不做他求”,说到这里他顿了一下,凝视着凌笑道“笑儿,你与爹不一样,既然仙人能选中你当徒弟,就证明仙人的眼光不会错,你的未来将会比爹,比。凌家,比之陨石城任何人都要走得远,所以你一定要好生修炼,莫要辜负仙人对你的期望啊!”。 Ling Xiao listens to his father to confess earnestly that has not refuted, very amenable nod [say / way] of father, you could rest assured that child definitely will try hard to practice, does not disappoint the father, does not disappoint Immortal to my expectation. 凌笑听着他父亲认真的交代,没有反驳,很顺从地点了点头道“爹,你放心,孩儿肯定会努力修炼,不辜负爹,不辜负仙人对我的期望的”。 This was good, was right, three days later was the family has tested, you must display well, making the fellow who these looked down upon our father and son shut up the Ling Zhan injunction to say entirely. “这就好,对了,三天后就是家族测试了,你要好好表现,让那些看不起我们父子俩的家伙通通闭嘴”凌战嘱咐道。 Yes, father!” The Ling Xiao nod said. “是,爹!”凌笑点头道。 Three days, in an instant. 三天,转眼而过。 The Ling Family annual test, is held today. 凌家一年一度的测试,就在今天举行。 Very early in the morning, if in the big Martial Art(s) field has stood more than 100 12 to 20 years old youth. 一大早,若大的练武场上已经站满了100多名12岁至20岁的少年。 These youth are the Ling Family 18 th generation of descendants, has direct line, there is a collateral branch, so long as can through the test, they be the Ling Family future pillars of the state, no matter the direct line collateral branch will obtain the same treatment, or continues to stay in the inner courtyard, either will be dispatched, today has the result. 这些少年都是凌家的第18代子孙,有直系,也有旁系,只要能通过测试的,他们将会都是凌家未来的栋梁,不管是直系还是旁系都将会得到相同的待遇,或者继续留在内院,或者将被派遣出去,今天即有分晓。 At this moment, in the Martial Art(s) field all people are divided into three parts, part the support group headed by Patriarch grandson Ling Li (Sharp), part the support group headed by Second Elder grandson Ling Kuang, the third part is the collateral branch juniors, is headed by strength strongest Ling Huwei. These three parts are most at the Ling Kuang support group population, has almost occupied most probably, next is the Ling Li (Sharp) support group, finally the number ice tiger are least. 此刻,练武场上所有人分为三部份,一部份是以族长嫡孙凌厉为首的拥护团,一部份则以二长老嫡孙凌匡为首的拥护团,第三部份则是旁系的子弟,以实力最强的凌虎为首。这三部份则以凌匡的拥护团人数最多,几乎占了大半,其次是凌厉拥护团,最后者数凌虎最少。 In this by mainland of strength speech, all aristocratic families honors the military force, Ling Family is no exception. 在这以实力说话的大陆,所有世家都崇上武力,凌家也不例外。 Now Ling Kuang is in 18 generations of below 20 years old most outstanding military, by 19-year-old age achievement Low Rank Profound Warrior, therefore is subject to the support of other people \; Ling Li (Sharp) is not weak, now 18 years old, High Rank Profound Practitioner strength, before hopeful 19 years old , breaks through Low Rank Profound Warrior, tested last year ranks third, was the Patriarch grandson, the supporter are moreover many \; As for Ling Hu, 19 years old, Middle Rank Profound Practitioner strength, although can only arrange fifth in 18 generations, but he is actually in the collateral branch most splendid one, all collateral branch juniors follow his example. 如今凌匡是18代人中20岁以下最出色的武者,以19岁的年纪成就低阶玄士,所以备受其他人的拥护\;凌厉也不弱,现在18岁,高阶玄者的实力,有望19岁前突破低阶玄士,在去年测试中排名第三位,兼之是族长嫡孙,拥护者不少\;至于凌虎,19岁,中阶玄者的实力,虽然只能排在18代中的第五位,但是他却是旁系中最出色的一位,所有旁系子弟都以他为榜样。 Three support groups gather together respectively, keeps chitchatting the exchange, everyone or pleasantly surprised or anxious, what is pleasantly surprised is the arrival of annual test, what is anxious is the load harasses has not been able smoothly through the test. 三个拥护团各自聚在一起,不停地攀谈交流,每一个人或是惊喜或是紧张,惊喜的是一年一度的测试的到来,紧张的是担扰自已没能顺利通过测试。 You said that today tests to be big brother Ling Kuang first? He obtained first consecutively for two years, really makes the person worship!”. “你们说,今天测试会不会又是凌匡大哥得第一名?他已经连续两年获得第一名了,真是让人崇拜啊!”。 This definitely was needless saying that big brother Ling Kuang is Low Rank Profound Warrior, was in our generation strongest one, who wasn't he first also?”. “这肯定不用说啦,凌匡大哥已经是低阶玄士,是我们这一代人中最强的一个,不是他得第一还有谁啊?”。 Also right, although the Ling Li (Sharp) strength is also very strong, what a pity has not broken through Profound Warrior Rank, was doomed is still big brother Ling Kuang defeated. “也对,虽然凌厉的实力也很强,可惜还没有突破玄士阶,注定仍然是凌匡大哥的手下败将”。 Although Ling Li (Sharp) may not defeat big brother Ling Kuang, but the person can definitely threaten big brother Ling Kuang now?”. “虽然凌厉不一定能战胜凌匡大哥,但是现在有一个人肯定可以威胁到凌匡大哥的?”。 Fart, who can have this strength, Profound Warrior Rank could the profound strength be assigned away from the capital, can practice to belong from already Attribute Cultivation Method, the might is infinite, has the difference of heaven and earth with Profound Practitioner Rank, only if that person is also Profound Warrior Rank. “放屁,谁能有这实力,玄士阶已经可以玄力外放,可以修炼属于自已属性功法,威力无穷,与玄者阶有着天壤之别,除非那人也是玄士阶”。 You had not heard that in the family also some people did break through Profound Warrior Rank recently?”. “难道你们没听说家族中最近也有人突破玄士阶了吗?”。 Is...... Last year arranged the second Ling to be refined?”. “难道是……去年排第二位的凌彬?”。 Right, is she. “对,就是她”。 The people whoop, the atmosphere clamored extremely lively. 众人议论纷纷,现场气氛极为热闹喧哗。 Ling Xiao Shanshan came late, to find an abegging place to sit down casually on the ground. In his impression, does not have the friendship specially deep fellow in 18 generations, he is also disinclined to gang up, only hopes that tests to be able a bit faster to carry on. 凌笑珊珊来迟,随便找了一个无人问津的地方席地坐下。在他印象中,在18代中并没有交情特别深的家伙,他也懒得去勾搭,只希望测试能快点进行。 Does not have a while, in the cabinet, audiences Elder(s) and did Deacon(s) to walk finally. 没一会儿,内阁中,众长老和一干执事终于走了出来。 Patriarch Ling Cang arrives in the Martial Art(s) field middle stage, both hands lose behind, dignified full sinking sound track today, arrived at our Ling Family annual test, every year today is to witness the time of your strength promotion, slightly selects superiorly, is the principle of nature survival, therefore or remains or grasps in your hands, the rule I did not say that to is ahead same, now what I must announce is this year tests the first five Ling Family juniors, can attend at the end of the year the competition of various Falling Stone City respected families. 族长凌苍走到练武场中间的高台上,双手负于身后,威严十足的沉声道“今天,又到了我们凌家一年一度的测试,每年的今天都是见证你们实力提升的时刻,优胜略汰,是自然生存的法则,所以或留或去掌握在你们手中,规则我就不说了,与往前一样,我现在要宣布的是今年测试前五名的凌家子弟,将可以参加年底陨石城各大家族的比试”。 Ling Cang just spoke of here, stage next in an uproar! 凌苍刚说到这里,台下一片哗然! The Falling Stone City altogether several big or medium aristocratic families, will hold young one generation of competition every large or small every three years, by this showed that the major aristocratic family future potential, simultaneously various families will put out the rich reward, can obtain the juniors of good achievements, not only can bring honor for the family, can obtain the reward of competition, these rewards are Profound Technique, efficacious medicine or the weapon of High Grade that step is helpful to cultivating...... 陨石城大大小小一共有十几个大小世家,每三年将会举行一次年青一代的比试,以此证明各大世家未来的潜力,同时各家族会拿出丰厚的奖励,能取得好成绩的子弟,不仅可以替家族争光,更可以获得比赛的奖励,这些奖励都是有助于修炼的玄技、灵药或上品阶的兵器…… Request of competition below 25 years old young one generation, having nothing to do with ultra age. 比试的要求是在25岁以下年青一代,与超年龄的无关。 Ling Cang presses the sound , to continue to say simultaneously, the first five disciples will obtain the personal direction of Elder(s), obtains the inner courtyard Deacon(s) equality of treatment, and Supreme Elder will select a taking over disciple from five people. 凌苍压了压声音,继续说道“同时,前五的弟子将会获得长老们的亲自指点,获得内院执事的同等待遇,并且太上长老将会从五人中选出一名接班弟子”。 „......” All people have called out in alarm. “哇……”所有人都惊叫了起来。 To not obtain the direction of Elder(s), to not obtain the inner courtyard Deacon(s) equality of treatment, what most makes their surprised will be that Supreme Elder will select a taking over disciple from five people. 不是为了获得长老们的指点,也不是为了获得内院执事的同等待遇,最让他们惊讶的是那一句“太上长老将会从五人中选出一名接班弟子”。 Supreme Elder has in Ling Family to the high Supreme status, its strength is Ling Family most immeasurably deep one, his prestige in Ling Family still above Patriarch, in Falling Stone City is the prestige illustrious. Ten years ago, once external Middle Rank Spirit Master dared provocative Ling Family Yan Wei unexpectedly, at that time Ling Family audiences Elder(s) was not that Spirit Master match, finally made into the meat sauce by Supreme Elder one move, henceforth nobody again dares to provoke Ling Family Yan Wei, circling Ling Family shared the honor both are apprehensive to Ling Family this Supreme Elder with Li, the Luo who two respected families. So long as Ling Family Supreme Elder in one day, the Ling Family status will not receive any danger to coerce. 太上长老凌家有着至高无上的地位,其实力是凌家最深不可测的一位,他的威信在凌家犹在族长之上,在陨石城更是威名赫赫。十年前,曾有一名外来的中阶灵师居然敢来挑衅凌家的严威,当时凌家长老都不是那名灵师的对手,最后被太上长老一招打成肉酱,从此无人再敢挑衅凌家的严威,绕是与凌家齐名的李、罗两大家族都对凌家这位太上长老忌惮三分。只要凌家太上长老在一天,凌家的地位就不会受到任何危胁。 It can be imagined, can become the Supreme Elder taking over disciple is how glorious, is worth a pleasantly surprised matter. Not only the status is henceforth aloof in Ling Family, has the Supreme Elder instruction practice method, at the appointed time thinks does not stiffen is impossible! No matter the Ling Family 17 generations, are present young one generation, extremely venerates to Supreme Elder, everyone longs for that can become the Supreme Elder taking over disciple, was only the former already not this opportunity, but the latter will go crazy for the only quota! 可想而知,能成为太上长老的接班弟子是多么荣耀,多么值得惊喜的一件事。不仅在凌家从此地位超然,更有太上长老传授修炼法门,到时想不变强都不可能啊!不管是凌家17代,还是现在的年青一代,都对太上长老极为尊崇,谁都渴望能成为太上长老的接班弟子,只是前者已经没有这种机会了,而后者则会为了唯一的名额而发狂! Ling Cang then also at will said several words of encouragements announced the test started. 凌苍接着又随意说了几句鼓励的话就宣布测试开始了。 The first pass/test for military force value test. 第一关为武力值测试。 This closes the test to be simple, mainly tests the military force value of people using the test crystal stone, so long as the conner uses the bang to hit fully on the crystal stone, the crystal stone can feed back the color value, is subscribed the military force value by the color value. 这一关测试非常简单,主要是利用测试晶石测试众人的武力值,只要测试者使用全力轰打在晶石上,晶石会反馈色值,由色值而订武力值。 This pass/test is checked execution by Ninth Elder Ling Fu! 此关由九长老凌福把关执行! Ling Fu about 60, appearance is thin, look very ordinary Old Fart, but do not treat as him Old Fart of strength of defeated/carrying chicken on the line, otherwise you will unable to eat to capture walking. 凌福莫约60左右,样子清瘦,相貌非常普通的一个老头子,不过你可不要把他当做毫无负鸡之力的老头就行,不然你会吃不了兜着走。 Ling Fu stands in the stage, takes the list hesitation [say / way] in hand 18 generations of descendants, Ling Yan is coming to power. 凌福站在高台上,拿着手中的名单沉吟道“18代子孙,凌岩上台”。 The voice just fell, one 15 years old, the robust youth, has divided from the crowd, drinks one lightly, flew high to jump onto in the stage by a very attractive posture. 话音刚落下,一名15岁,虎头虎脑的少年,从人群中分了开来,轻喝一声,以一个非常漂亮的姿势凌空跃上了高台上。 The ice crag after Ling Fu saluted, then gives a loud shout, the strength of whole body gathers in Youquan, layer on layer pounds on the test crystal stone. 凌岩向着凌福施了一礼后,然后大喝一声,全身的力道聚于右拳,重重地砸在测试晶石上。 Bang. “轰”。 Ling Yanshou the fist, tests on crystal stone, is turned into the light grey in vain, then the grey lightly condensated, after being the certain extent, stopped. 凌岩收拳,测试晶石上,由白变成浅灰色,接着灰色淡淡变浓,达到了一定程度后就停止了。 Ice Elder Fu nod bright sound track of „, good, eight levels of Martial Apprentice, compared with last year promotion first-level, can continue to stay in the inner courtyard to practice, strives soon to break through Profound Practitioner Rank!”. 福长老点了点头朗声道“嗯,不错,八级武徒,比去年晋升一级,可以继续留在内院修炼,争取早日突破玄者阶吧!”。 Ling Yan obtains the praise of Ling Fu, on the face the happy expression, bowed toward ice Elder Fu, then left the stage. 凌岩得到凌福的赞扬,脸上化出喜色,向着凌福长老鞠了一躬,然后离开了高台。 The Ling Fu sound resounds 18 generations of descendants once more, Ling Yanqing comes to power. 凌福的声音再次响起“18代子孙,凌炎请上台”。 The ice flame is younger than Ling Yan, just 13 years old, the appearance is weak, is the collateral branch juniors. Sees only he timid appearance to come to power, fought with the fists directly on the test crystal stone. 凌炎比凌岩年龄还小,只不过13岁,样子偏弱,是旁系的子弟。只见他略带怯怯的模样上了台去,直接一拳打在了测试晶石上。 The test crystal stone similarly by in vain is changed light gray, then starts to condensate, the degree of but being does not have the depth of ice crag. 测试晶石同样由白变浅灰,接着又开始变浓,只是达到的程度没有凌岩的深。 Ling Fu announced that Ling Flame, four levels of Martial Apprentice, can continue to stay in the inner courtyard to practice, next Lingshui. 凌福宣布道“凌炎,四级武徒,可以继续留在内院修炼,下一位凌水”。 Lingshui, six levels of Martial Apprentice, can continue to keep inner courtyard practice. “凌水,六级武徒,可以继续留在内院修炼”。 Ling Wen, third-level Martial Apprentice, has not advanced in grade consecutively for two years, dispatches the inner courtyard, waits to arrange. “凌文,三级武徒,连续两年没进级,遣出内院,等候安排”。 ...... …… The Ling Family juniors who comes to power to test, have most parts because to be excited through the test, but minority parts that has not passed, is dejected, peak face very sad appearance. 一个个上台测试的凌家子弟,有大部因为通过测试而兴奋不已,而没有通过的少数部份,则是垂头丧气,耸着脸十分难过的样子。 18 generations of descendants, Lingtian please come to power. “18代子孙,凌天请上台”。 The ice Elder Fu sound falls, under stage is startled a piece to clamor. 福长老的声音落下,台下惊起一片喧哗。 A not about 16-year-old white clothing youth, at the back of a face thin sword, lightly shouted one, revolved in the upper air, fell by a very graceful movement on the stage, saw only this youth straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, was long the person with dignified good looks, but that pair always keeps aloof, the arrogant look made the person quite not be feeling well. 紧接着,一名莫约16岁的白衣少年,背着一脸细剑,轻呼一声,在高空中旋转了一圈,以一个非常优雅的动作落在台上,只见这少年剑眉星目,长得一表人材,只是那双总是高高在上,傲气十足的眼神让人颇为不爽。 Lingtian, the Fourth Elder Ling grandson, the natural beauty is uncommon, broke through Martial Apprentice last year at the age of 15-year-old capping ceremony became Low Rank Profound Practitioner. 凌天,四长老凌威的孙子,天姿不凡,早在去年以15岁的弱冠之龄突破了武徒成为了低阶玄者 Last year Lingtian is Low Rank Profound Practitioner, does not know that he does have to break through into Middle Rank Profound Practitioner this year!”. “去年凌天已经是低阶玄者了,不知道他今年有没有突破成为中阶玄者啊!”。 Must break through a small step position difficulty not to be small in one year, I looked that the possibility is not big. “要在一年内突破一个小阶位难度不小啊,我看可能性不大”。 This does not have anything not to be impossible, big brother Ling Kuang in the past was also 16 years becomes Middle Rank Profound Practitioner, the Lingtian natural beauty does not miss compared with big brother Ling Kuang, look at him now that the appearance of Chinese zither, thinks that broke through into Middle Rank Profound Practitioner. “这没有什么不可能的,凌匡大哥当年也是16年就成为中阶玄者了,凌天的天姿不比凌匡大哥差,看他现在那得瑟的样子,想必已经突破成为中阶玄者了”。 ...... …… Lingtian disregards the discussion under stage, has cast aside the corners of the mouth lightly, single-handed wind light Yun Dan rumbled on the test crystal stone. 凌天无视台下的议论,轻撇了一下嘴角,单手风轻云淡地轰在了测试晶石上。 Bang. “轰”。 The test crystal stone by Bai Bianhui, is turned into lightly the buff color by the ash finally, finally framed the certain extent, stopped quietly. 测试晶石由白变灰,最后又由灰变成淡淡地浅黄色,最后定格到了一定程度,悄然停止。 On the Ling Fu face reveals the color of appreciation, is good toward Lingtian nod [say / way], one year breaks through a small step position, Lingtian Middle Rank Profound Practitioner, can continue to keep inner courtyard practice. 凌福脸上露出赞赏之色,朝着凌天点了点头道“非常不错,一年突破一个小阶位,凌天中阶玄者,可以继续留在内院修炼”。 „” Ling Fu announced when Lingtian result, under the stage most people have called out in alarm, obviously is very surprised to the Lingtian strength. “哇”凌福宣布凌天的结果时,台下大部分人都惊叫了起来,显然对凌天的实力感到非常地惊讶。 Response of Lingtian under to stage seems to be satisfied, when sweeps to some corner, complexion stiff, slightly crossed a discontented color to go to the stage. 凌天对台下的反应似乎非常满意,只不过扫到某一个角落时,脸色僵了僵,略过了一丝不满之色才下了高台。
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