WCG :: Volume #1 穿越异界

#19: Profound technique pavilion

Chapter 019 Profound Technique pavilion 第019章玄技 In order to celebrate Ling Xiao becomes Profound Practitioner, Meng Xiyun and Bai Yuxi took care of one table of nice wine good dishes, the preparation to reward Ling Xiao well. 为了庆祝凌笑重新成为玄者,梦惜云白雨惜张罗了一桌好酒好菜,准备好好奖励凌笑 Ling Xiao accompanies Luo Qingshuang to sit on the stone stool in garden. 凌笑则陪着罗轻霜在庭院里的石凳上坐着。 Ling Xiao sized up red makeup to be gorgeous, slender delicately beautiful Luo Qingshuang, in the heart, said with a smile young fat little girl, can it be that you had a liking for me, didn't I marry become?”. 凌笑打量了一下红妆绚丽,窈窕纤美的罗轻霜,心中一荡,不禁笑道“小胖妞,莫不是你看上我了,非我不嫁才成?”。 Previous generation, Ling Xiao, although does not have place broken, but is actually a prodigal son mood, caused that the innumerable beautiful women compete to bow, this also extended following him on the profligate individuality of first. 前世,凌笑虽然没有破“处”,可是却是一副浪子情怀,引得无数美女竞折腰,这一世也延继了他上一世的放荡个性。 Luo Qingshuang bah tastes your facial skin true thickness, heard that you have been injured, the good intention comes to see you. The Luo Qingshuang complexion deep red, some did not say to the heart. 罗轻霜呸了一口道“你这人脸皮真厚,听说你受伤了,好心来看看你罢了”。罗轻霜脸色醉红,有些口不对心地说道。 Since she defeated by Ling Xiao again, her clothes were sheared to rip several, the body are intact, obviously Ling Xiao does not have the least bit to kill intent to her, otherwise she so completely completely will not stand in this. After experiencing that defeat, in her heart is more inexplicable a shadow. 自从她再被凌笑打败之后,她的衣裳只是被割撕几处,身体丝毫无损,可见凌笑对她并没有半点杀意,要不然她也不会如此完整无缺地站在这。经历那一败之后,她心中莫名多了一个影子。 last night, her father and she talked, in the expression passed unexpectedly faintly is making her go to the meaning of close Ling Xiao. Luo Qingshuang inexplicable one happy, she was worrying that does not have the opportunity to see Ling Xiao. Therefore, a early morning hits is giving the excuse of Ling Xiao apology, sees the Ling Xiao wound while convenient was whether good. However, when she noticed that Bai Yuxi runs from the Ling Xiao room, in the heart only thought acid is uncomfortable very much, as if had been first won by others from the beloved thing generally, when she discovered Ling Xiao not only injured, but also once more became Profound Practitioner, what in the heart were more was shaking, probably several days ago he was also only eight levels of Martial Apprentice, this was promoted is also too quick! Remembers before her, has also spent one -and-a-half years of time from eight levels of Martial Apprentice to Profound Practitioner Rank! 在昨晚,她父亲与她交谈,语气中居然隐隐透着让她去接近凌笑的意思。罗轻霜莫名一喜,她正愁没机会去见凌笑呢。于是,一大清早打着来给凌笑道歉的借口,顺便来看望凌笑的伤是否好了。然而,当她看到白雨惜凌笑的房中跑出来,心中只觉得酸酸的很不是滋味,仿佛自已心爱的东西被别人抢先夺走了一般,可是当她发现凌笑不仅伤好了,而且再次成为玄者了,心中更多的是震憾,好像几天前他还只是八级武徒吧,这晋级也太快了吧!记得她之前从八级武徒玄者阶也花了一年半的时间吧! However, thinks that Ling Xiao broke through Profound Warrior Rank, now he returns to Profound Practitioner Rank extremely not to be surprised. 不过,一想到凌笑原来已经突破到玄士阶,如今他只是重返玄者阶也没太过惊讶了。 Ling Xiao curled the lip, selects lightly said that I am injured also not because of you, this matter you must be responsible for!”. 凌笑撇了撇嘴,轻挑地说道“我受伤还不是因为你,这事你可得负责啊!”。 This closes my anything matter the Luo Qingshuang grievance to say. She is also thinking apologized to this bastard, who knows that a style of this bastard man did not have, but also was calculating, cannot help but angry, simultaneously had such faint trace to like this feeling at heart. “这关我什么事”罗轻霜委屈道。本来她还想着向这个混蛋道歉一声呢,谁知道这混蛋一点男人的风范都没有,还斤斤计较,不由得气恼,同时心里却有那么一丝丝喜欢这种感觉。 Words did not say that first is not you get rid to me in the restaurant randomly, I will not make a false counter-accusation, then I do not need injured, that sneak attacked my bastard early to see the yama absolutely, my where will also be injured Ling Xiao to say ill-humoredly. Remembers this woman unreasonable acting crazy of that day, really wants to press her really in pulls out her fart fart at the same time well. “话可不是这么说,首先不是你在酒楼里乱对我出手,我就不会被反噬,那么我就不用受伤,那个偷袭我的王八蛋绝对早见阎王了,我哪里还会受伤”凌笑没好气地说道。一想起那天这女人毫没道理的发飙,实在真想把她压在一边好好抽她屁屁一顿。 The Luo Qingshuang indignant [say / way] „, who called you to be so repugnant!”. 罗轻霜气愤道“哼,谁叫你这人这么讨厌!”。 „Do I dislike? Where did I dislike? First I have not peeped you to bathe, second has not touched your chest, third......” Ling Xiao refuted incessantly. “我讨厌?我哪里讨厌了?第一我没偷窥过你沐浴,第二没摸过你的胸部,第三……”凌笑滔滔不绝地反驳道。 He has not said that Luo Qingshuang complexion „” ground submergence, backhandedly the soft sword of waist pulling out. 他还没说完,罗轻霜脸色“唰”地沉了起来,反手把腰间的软剑给抽了起来。 Hello...... Some words said well why must resort to arms the spear|gun, really harms acting with constraint of girl Ling Xiao to draw back one step to beckon with the hand backward said timidly. “喂……有话好好说,干嘛非要动刀动枪呢,真是有损女孩子的矜持”凌笑向后退一步摆手怯怯地说道。 Luo Qingshuang stared Ling Xiao one, at once throws puff to smile, a tender and beautiful incomparable cheek, making the person unable to bear acclaim is really the beautiful woman semifinished product. 罗轻霜瞪了凌笑一眼,旋即“扑噗”地笑了起来,一张娇艳无比的脸蛋,让人忍不住赞叹真是个美人坯子。 This was right, you should smile then attractively Ling Xiao parsimoniously not to say. “这就对了嘛,你应该多笑笑这才好看”凌笑不吝啬地赞道。 Wanted you to manage Luo Qingshuang to say one ill-humoredly, then slightly low jaw with such as mosquito common voice [say / way] sorry. “要你管”罗轻霜没好气地说了一声,接着微微低颌用如蚊子一般的声音道“对不起”。 What? What did you say?” Has promoted the Ling Xiao breakthrough to Profound Practitioner all inductions, naturally can hear the apology of Luo Qingshuang, but he actually must disguise not to hear, plays this girl. “啥?你说啥?”凌笑突破至玄者所有感应都提升了,自然能听到罗轻霜的道歉,只是他却要假装没听到,耍耍这丫头。 Luo Qingshuang red red painted-face, is crying to Ling Xiao sorry......”, then turned around such as the swallow fast to run away generally. 罗轻霜红了红脸,对着凌笑大叫一声“对不起……”,接着转身如燕一般飞快地逃了。 Ling Xiao traces the ear, looks that runs far Luo Qingshuang to talk to oneself this little girl is good, if can receive to be the maid, to gets on well together with Yuxi should be clear. 凌笑摸了摸耳朵,看着跑远的罗轻霜自语道“这妞还不错,要是能收做贴身丫环,到与雨惜相得应彰”。 If this saying makes Young Master Young Master of various Falling Stone City families hear, feared that must hack to death Ling Xiao with the kitchen knife, who so the beautiful woman does not struggle to come, when the wife is quite giving birth, this fellow only gives others to arrange the status of maidservant unexpectedly, is really dream of a fool. 这话要是让陨石城各家族的少爷公子听到,怕都要拿菜刀砍死凌笑了,如此美人谁不争着要来当老婆好生养着,这家伙居然只给人家安排丫环的身份,真是痴人说梦。 Eating a meal time, Ling Zhan knows that son once more became Profound Practitioner, happying for him at the same time, criticized from has practiced the speed to be too slow, over half a month passed has only broken through First Meridian, to some 2nd Line meridians also many days, compared him with the son is really difference of Yun Ni. 用膳的时候,凌战知道儿子再次成为玄者了,替他高兴的同时,又暗骂自已修炼速度太慢了,大半个月过去只冲破了一条经脉,离第二条经脉还有不少日子,与儿子相比他真是云泥之别。 Ling Xiao as if saw the nuisance of his father, after eating a meal, arrived at the study room along with his father, then pulled out one -and-a-half millennium black Senate kings to put in front of Ling Zhan [say / way] father, this -and-a-half millennium black Senate kings should be able to speed up breaking through the speed of meridians. 凌笑似乎看出了他父亲的懊恼,用膳后随着他父亲来到了书房,然后掏出了一株半千年乌参王放到了凌战面前道“爹,这一株半千年乌参王应该能加快冲破经脉的速度”。 Ling Zhan received as if one had found a treasure millennium black Senate kingly way this...... Which lane you from, the millennium black Senate kings unusually appear in Spirit Grass Hall!”. 凌战如获至宝地接过千年乌参王道“这……你是从哪弄来的,千年乌参王在灵草堂都少有出现啊!”。 General below 500 years black Senate is common, but the entering step black Senate kings of over 500 years are very rare, but these millenniums black Senate kings are rarer, its value obviously precious. 一般500年以下的乌参还是常见,但是超过500年份的入阶乌参王就很少见,而这千年的乌参王更加难得,其价值更显珍贵。 The Ling Xiao [say / way] asks for from grandfather that. 凌笑道“从爷爷那讨来的”。 Ling Zhan has gawked staring, forced smile [say / way] your this Young Fellow, dares to make to strike including the grandfathers!”. 凌战愣了愣,苦笑道“你这小子,连爷爷都敢弄敲打啊!”。 Then, he looked at black Senate Wang in hand saying that used to you, before has not broken through Profound Practitioner Rank, I must come uselessly. He knows that black Senate Wang Zhen gui, has passes through sparsely detachably, increases the profound strength to extend the effect of birthday, but actually cannot the helping other make a connection with the meridians! Therefore, he rejects. 接着,他看了看手中的乌参王说道“还是给你用吧,没突破玄者阶前,我要来没用”。他知道乌参王珍贵,有着疏经活络,增玄力延寿辰的功效,可是却不能助人打通经脉啊!所以,他才拒绝。 Ling Xiao prevents [say / way] father, you are remaining, before flushing the [lineage/vein], each time takes a flake, coordinating Three Parts Return Yuan Qi to have the effect that plans unable to think, I was to close right up against black Senate Wang Caineng last night break through Martial Apprentice, became Profound Practitioner. 凌笑阻止道“爹,你留着,每次冲脉前服用一小片,配合着三分归元气有着意想不到的效果,我昨晚就是靠着乌参王才能突破武徒,成为玄者的”。 Ling Zhan no longer doubted to son's words, hesitant, treasure, but the heavy place this -and-a-half black Senate Wang Shouhao, to help from will soon have broken through 12 properly, restores the body of Profound Practitioner once more. 凌战对儿子的话不再置疑,犹豫了一下,珍而重之地把这一株半的乌参王收好,以助自已早日冲破12正经,再次恢复玄者之身。 Ling Xiao comes out after his father's study room, directly toward the family inner courtyard is walking. Yesterday, he obtained once more re-entered the privilege of inner courtyard. Therefore, before he enters the front door of inner courtyard, again does not have the least bit to hinder. 凌笑从他父亲的书房出来后,直接往着家族内院走去。昨天,他已经再次获得了重回内院的特权。所以,他再进内院的大门前没有半点阻碍。 Before arriving at the Martial Art(s) field, the young young girls who Ling Family 18 generations of these exercised martial arts is a face worship look at Ling Xiao, only , was being flashed yesterday the envy and hate ray by Ling Xiao move of a Lexus eye of suffering defeat. 走到练武场前,凌家18代那些正在练功的少年少女们都是一脸崇拜地看着凌笑,唯独只有昨天被凌笑一招败北的凌志眼目中闪动着忌恨的光芒。 Ling Xiao does not have the stay to walk toward the south garret, then stops in front of a three garret. 凌笑没有停留一直往着南边的阁楼走去,然后停在一幢三层的阁楼前。 On the door inscribed horizontal tablet or embroidered banner with laudatory phrases hung over a door or on a wall flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes, is carving three large characters maturely and powerfully „the Profound Technique pavilion, these three characters faintly are also sending out some type mysteriously the aura that is difficult to be bright, as if inside is containing some type of profound and abstruse principles. 门头扁额上龙飞凤舞,苍劲有力地刻着三个大字“玄技阁”,这三字还隐隐散发着某种玄奥难明的气息,仿佛里面蕴含着某种玄机。 The Ling Xiao previous generation is innate Expert, the eyesight is extremely extraordinary, after having swept that three character one, the body slightly shakes, his eyes can see, the person who carves these three characters absolutely is formidable military, that each is containing the bone-chilling cold imposing manner unexpectedly, he as if saw formidable military brandishes above with a long spear flashes, an inexplicable reflection as if intruded in his mind, dodges passes. 凌笑前世乃绝顶的先天高手,眼力非凡,扫了那三字一眼后,身子微微一震,他一眼便可看出,刻这三个字的人绝对是一名强大的武者,那每一笔居然蕴含着凛冽的气势,他仿佛看到了一名强大的武者用一杆长枪在上面挥舞闪动,一种莫名的映象似乎闯入了他脑海中,一闪即逝。 Does the old sound spread you to understand these three characters from the garret together?”. 一道苍老的声音从阁楼内传出“你能看懂这三个字?”。 Ling Xiao toward a garret ritual, then lightly said first slightly these three characters carve with the spear|gun. 凌笑先是向着阁楼微微一礼,接着淡淡地说道“这三个字是用枪雕成的”。 , In the garret once more spread sound you to be very good, comes in!”. 顿了一下,阁楼中再次传出声音“你很不错,进来吧!”。 Ling Xiao has not stayed again, takes a step to walk toward the garret. 凌笑没有再停留,举步往着阁楼内走了进去。 Here is Ling Family „the Profound Technique pavilion, has the collection that Ling Family several generations of seniors leave behind. 这里是凌家的“玄技阁”,藏有凌家十几代前辈所留下的收藏。 A building is Gray Rank Profound Technique, two buildings are Yellow Rank Profound Technique, three buildings are hiding anything, only then Elder(s) knew. 一楼是灰阶玄技,二楼则是黄阶玄技,三楼藏着什么只有长老们知道了。 Ling Xiao returns to the inner courtyard, has the qualifications to glance through one to Profound Technique Cultivation Method of two buildings to „the Profound Technique pavilion. 凌笑重回内院,有资格到“玄技阁”翻阅一至二楼的玄技功法 Ling Xiao itself has many feats of arms, he comes the goal to refer to here Profound Technique to have what difference to here with his own feat of arms might, wants to study many several types, the technique many does not press the body in any case! 凌笑本身就有不少的武技,他到这里来目的只是参考一下这里的玄技与他自身的武技威力有何区别,同时也想学多几样,反正技多不压身嘛! Gray Rank Profound Technique is most preliminary Cultivation Method, collects many Cultivation Method, on bookshelf in a building displays fully. Ling Xiao strolled at will, does not have discovery special Profound Technique, this went to two buildings. 灰阶玄技是最低级的功法,也是收藏得最多的功法,一楼里的书架上罗列得满满的。凌笑随意逛了一圈,没发现特别的玄技,这才上了二楼。 Just arrived at two buildings, saw only Old Man to sit in the large round-backed wooden armchair High Grade tea. This Old Man looks like had hundred -year-old advanced age, in fact he had 143 years old, on shameless interlock wrinkle able to move unhindered, is lending the vicissitudes old age aura, thin and small hunchback the body that arrives at as if unable to withstand tossing about of gust, in only that pair of old occasionally flashes through several not easy detections the none remaining. 刚到二楼,只见一名老者正坐在太师椅上品茶。这老者看起来已有百岁的高龄,实际上他却已经有143岁了,老脸上一道道交错纵横的皱纹,散发着苍桑垂暮的气息,瘦小偻佝的身子似乎经不起一阵风的折腾,唯独那双老目中偶尔闪过几丝不易察觉的精光。 Ling Xiao shakes gently, then respectfully bending the waist [say / way] has seen Supreme Elder. 凌笑轻轻一震,接着恭敬地弯腰道“见过太上长老”。 This Old Man Ling Family Supreme Elder. 老者正是凌家太上长老 Supreme Elder sees Ling Xiao, the fine glow dodges slightly, excitedly language gas channel your this was Young Fellow unexpectedly becoming Profound Practitioner? Strange...... Strange...... Initially I had been mistaken. 太上长老看见凌笑,精芒微微一闪,略带着激动地语气道“你这小子居然又成为玄者了?怪哉……怪哉……难道当初我看走眼了”。 Initially he asserted that Ling Xiao was impossible to practice the profound strength again, only if has 5th Rank above going against heaven's will Medicine Pill, this Young Fellow did take 5th Rank Medicine Pill? This obviously is impossible, wants to look for 3rd Rank Medicine Pill in Falling Stone City to be difficult, let alone 4th Rank or 5th Rank, that has been for them unattainable. 当初正是他断言凌笑不可能再修炼玄力了,除非有着五阶以上的逆天丹药,难道这小子服用了五阶丹药?这显然是不可能在,在陨石城想要找一枚三阶丹药都难,别说四阶五阶了,那对他们来说都是遥不可及的。 Young Fellow you said quickly how you can practice the profound strength once more?” Supreme Elder stood got up to ask slightly excitedly. 小子你快说,你怎么能再次修炼玄力的?”太上长老站了起来稍稍激动地问道。 Ling Xiao naturally cannot say the Three Parts Return Yuan Qi secret that must know the ordinary man to be innocent, cherishes the wall from the truth of crime. 凌笑自然不会把三分归元气的秘密说出去,要知道匹夫无罪,怀壁自罪的道理。 I do not know that suddenly built up is building up as if can practice the profound strength Ling Xiao to spread out both hands innocent to say. “我也不知道,突然炼着炼着似乎又可以修炼玄力了”凌笑摊开双手一脸无辜地说道。 Supreme Elder arrives in front of Ling Xiao instantaneously, has worked on the arm of Ling Xiao single-handed. 太上长老瞬间来到凌笑面前,单手抓起了凌笑的手臂。 Ling Xiao linked a response not to be held unexpectedly, darkly shouted this Old Fart definitely is super Expert. 凌笑居然连一点反应都没有就被抓住了,不禁暗呼这老头肯定是超级高手 Supreme Elder has pondered a meeting, walked around Ling Xiao, muttered strangely „...... Strange...... Unexpectedly 12 [lineage/vein] restored . Moreover the strength is pure, has not practiced the demon merit, is simply inconceivable,............ Since is your this Young Fellow chance, is the luck of our Ling Family, I did not press for an answer you. 太上长老沉思了一会,又绕着凌笑走了一圈,喃喃道“怪哉……怪哉……居然12正脉都恢复了,而且力量还非常纯正,不似修炼了魔功,简直不可思议,罢了……罢了……既然是你这小子的机缘,也是我们凌家之福,我就不逼问你了”。 Supreme Elder talked to oneself, then lay down on his large round-backed wooden armchair narrows the eye to sit in repose with eyes closed. 太上长老自语了一句后,接着又躺在他那太师椅上眯着眼睛闭目养神了。 Ling Xiao then turns toward places the Profound Technique bookshelf to walk. 凌笑这才向着摆放着玄技的书架走去。 Two buildings deposit is Yellow Rank Cultivation Method, Yellow Rank Cultivation Method compared with on a it Gray Rank Cultivation Method high equivalent, the might naturally strive to excel on several times, quantity of its collection compared with a it building is the big sharp decline, here has only deposited about hundred Yellow Rank Cultivation Method. 二楼存放的都是黄阶功法,黄阶功法要比之灰阶功法高上一个等阶,威力自然要强上好几倍,其收藏的数量比之一楼的则是大大锐减,这里只存放了近百本黄阶功法而已。 Ling Xiao arrives at the recent bookshelf, has taken up Profound Technique conveniently. 凌笑走到最近的书架,随手拿起了一本玄技 „The Yellow Rank fire is Cultivation Method, fierce flame definitely this Cultivation Method, only then achieves Profound Warrior Rank, after the distinction leaves own military is the line, suits the Fire Attribute Profound Warrior Rank above military practice Cultivation Method, altogether is divided into three to decide, every is definitely effective. 黄阶火系功法,烈炎决”这本功法只有达到玄士阶,分别出自身武者属行后,适合火属性玄士阶以上武者修炼的功法,一共分为三决,每一决威力不凡。 Ling Xiao has read casually, returns the home position it, then also took nearby book. 凌笑随便地翻看了一下,把其放回原位,接着又拿了旁边一本。 Yellow Rank Water Type Cultivation Method, five waves fold tide similarly to request to achieve Profound Warrior Rank, belongs Cultivation Method that river character military can practice. 黄阶水系功法,五浪叠潮”同样要求达到玄士阶,属于水性武者才可以修炼的功法 Ling Xiao reads several books continually, is the [gold/metal], wood, water, fire and earth five lines of Yellow Rank Cultivation Method. These Cultivation Method currently speaking do not have big reference value regarding him, when he wants to turn around to leave, actually discovered that corner is putting quite worn-out books. 凌笑连看数本,都是金、木、水、火、土五行的黄阶功法。这些功法对于他目前来说没有多大参考价值,正当他欲转身离开之际,却发现一个角落处放着一本比较破旧的书卷。 Ling Xiao was curious, walked, took. 凌笑好奇,走了过去,拿了起来。 Unexpectedly is the remnant volume?” Ling Xiao turned two to turn at will, unexpectedly only then little few several pages of papers, have been short of many explanations compared with other it Cultivation Method, originally was only a remnant volume. “竟然是残卷?”凌笑随意翻了两翻,居然只有少少的几页纸,比之其他的功法少了很多说明,原来只是一本残卷。 He turned the home page to look that above explained to write equivalent to be unclear, Attribute was unclear, Vajra Five Transformation Secret Art......”. 他翻回了首页一看,上面注解写着“等阶不详,属性不详,金刚五变诀……”。 Ling Xiao then looked at Vajra Five Transformation Secret Art very much, he muttered unexpectedly to practice from Profound Practitioner Rank, was one volume defends Cultivation Method, was only a pity, be only first two changed, the defense that even if cultivated also can only go against peak Profound Warrior Rank to strike, does with is good, but does not know that what degree behind three did change defends to be?”. 凌笑很便把“金刚五变诀”看了一遍,他喃喃道“居然从玄者阶就可以修炼了,是一卷防御功法,只可惜只有前两变,就算修炼出来的防御也只能顶巅峰玄士阶一击,做用还算不错,只是不知道后面三变到底防御达到什么程度?”。 Ling Xiao looks at one time again, seal cannot cancel when the brain Vajra Five Transformation Secret Art, is about to leave. 凌笑再看一次,把“金刚五变诀”印在脑中抹不去时,才准备离开。 Before leaving, he did not forget still to shut a goal Supreme Elder slightly ritual to that. 离开前,他不忘对那仍然在闭目的太上长老微微一礼。 After he leaves, Supreme Elder opens a silk thread, talked to oneself that hopes this Young Fellow can bring a pleasant surprise to me!”. 当他离开后,太上长老睁开一条丝线,自语道“希望这小子能给我多带点惊喜!”。 Likes collecting ~~~~~~ thanks ~~~ 喜欢就收藏啊~~~~~~谢谢~~~
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