WM :: Volume #4

#323: Yin Yin

At this time Nalan Empire Imperial Palace central banquet hall already yes damn the magnificent, colorful Magic lamp or the crustification or are hanging in each corner of hall... Wears the ministers and families of various type formal clothes floods , the loud noise is lingering on faintly. 此时纳兰帝国皇宫中央的宴会大厅已是他妈的辉煌,五颜六色的魔法灯或镶嵌或悬挂于大厅的各个角落。。。身着各式礼服的大臣及其家眷充斥于其中,喧闹声不绝于耳。 Long Yi and Nalan Ruyue stand in the building, looks at the following shuttle continuous crowd, all some headaches, truly speaking, two people do not catch cold to this situation. Still remembers initially in Soaring Dragon City saluted, that complicated courtesy has almost not made two people collapse, does not know that this Nalan Empire can make simply. 龙一纳兰如月站于楼上,看着下面穿梭不休的人群,不由皆有些头疼,说实在的,两人对这种场合都不是太感冒。犹记得当初在腾龙城行礼时,那繁复的礼节差点没让两人崩溃,不知道这纳兰帝国会不会弄得简单一点。 In this time, Nalan Wuji was entering the banquet hall with the imperial concubines of several loves, suddenly some powerful minister aristocrats in abundance come to flatter greatly. Blue Billows Continent custom so, at some banquets and so on unofficial situation, among the rulers and ministers is very casual. 正在这时,纳兰无极携几名宠爱的妃子进了宴会大厅,一时间一些权臣贵族纷纷过来大拍马屁。苍澜大陆习俗如此,在一些宴会之类的非正式场合,君臣之间是非常随便的。 Princess, Prince-Consort, was time gets down.” In a nearby palace court lady low voice reminded. 公主,附马,是时候下去了。”旁边的一名宫中女官小声的提醒道 That, my beautiful Princess.” Long Yi turns the head to say with a smile toward Nalan Ruyue, the right elbow lifts, hints Nalan Ruyue to pull him. “那就下吧,我美丽的公主。”龙一转头朝纳兰如月笑道,右肘抬起,示意纳兰如月挽着他。 Nalan Ruyue shows a faint smile shyly, lifts white arms to pull the Long Yi arm, the lotus steps carried off lightly the staircase. 纳兰如月羞涩地微微一笑,抬起皓腕挽住龙一手臂,莲步轻抬走下了楼梯。 Their appearances captured the attention of audience all people immediately, Long Yi was with smile on the face, is self-confident and natural, but Nalan Ruyue pretty face slightly red, was joined to the makings that the angel appearance as well as that acted with constraint noblly, certainly matched simply, suddenly the people praised without cease. 两人的出现立时吸引住了全场所有人的目光,龙一面带微笑,自信而又潇洒,而纳兰如月俏脸微红,配上天仙般的容貌以及那高贵矜持的气质,简直就是绝配,一时间众人纷纷赞叹不已。 Long Yi carries Nalan Ruyue to arrive at the Nalan Wuji front, a vision revolution, sizes up his two to wear the magnificent youth, looks at the mark of that clothing. Should be Nalan Wuji two sons of inadequate air/Qi, is Nalan Ruyue Sisters half blood Elder Brother, gives his material according to Ximen Huo, their soldier occupation Magician occupation. The rank is not high, Swordsman intermediate Magician, named Nalan Wu of soldier occupation, named Nalan Wen of Magician occupation, before two people, Ximen Yu is the jackals from the same lair, full playboys. 龙一携着纳兰如月来到纳兰无极的面前,目光一转,打量着他身边两个身着华丽的青年,看那服饰的纹。应该就是纳兰无极两个不成气的儿子了,也就是纳兰如月姐妹同父异母的哥哥,根据西门火给他的资料,两人一个战士职业一个法师职业。等级都不高,一个剑士一个中级法师而已,战士职业的名为纳兰武,法师职业的名为纳兰文,两人与之前地西门宇都算是一丘之貉,十足的纨绔子弟。 Imperial Father, Elder Brother.” Nalan Ruyue asked lightly good, in the beautiful pupil is suppressing color/look of the loathing. 父皇,哥哥。”纳兰如月淡淡问了个好,美眸中强忍着一丝厌恶之色。 Nalan Wuji smiled and nodded, kind and color/look of paying respects , who knows that he is a cold blood deceitful heartless person? For the benefit, he can sacrifice all. 纳兰无极笑着点点头,一脸慈祥和谒之色,可谁又知道他是一个冷血狡诈无情的人呢?为了利益,他可以牺牲一切。 Brother-in-law, has heard so much about you, the lamplight date may probably accompany our two brothers to drink one cup well, we admire to you, some issues are just about to consult.” The Nalan Wu two brothers see Long Yi that are being excited, thought oneself infallible to find the ozone to be congenial, the brothers who had a common goal. “妹夫,久闻大名了,灯明日可要陪我们哥俩好好喝一杯,我们对你可是佩服之极啊,有些问题正要请教一下。”纳兰武兄弟俩见着龙一那是一个兴奋啊,自以为是找到臭气相投,志同道合的兄弟了。 Long Yi has been perfunctory several with a smile, said at heart. Empire that the pitiful Nalan Wuji method does not painstakingly plan, if the country falls in these two brothers hands, Hehe. That may be amusing at the appointed time. 龙一笑着敷衍了几句,心里却道。可怜纳兰无极不则手段苦心经营的帝国了,若是国家落在这两兄弟手里,嘿嘿。那到时可就好玩了。 The time of saluting should miss does not read, but Nalan Wuji is the happy expression recites to talk with several favored ministers, had not announced plan that slightly salutes. 行礼的时间应该差不读了,但是纳兰无极却是笑意吟吟地与几个宠臣交谈着,丝毫没有宣布行礼的打算。 Your majesty, is the double-hour arrived,......” by Nalan Wuji minister reminded. ” “陛下,时辰到了,是不是……”纳兰无极旁边的一个大臣提醒道。” Nalan Wuji shows a faint smile, said: Also must wait for a person to manage, late has not related.” 纳兰无极微微一笑,道:“还要等个一个人来主持,迟一些也没有关系。” „Isn't your majesty, manages to complete a ceremony the ceremony by the Blue Moon City bishop?” This minister asked strangely. “陛下,难道不是由苍月城的主教来主持成礼仪式吗?”这大臣奇怪地问道。 Nalan Wuji smiles, said: Naturally is not. At the appointed time you then knew.” 纳兰无极神秘一笑,道:“自然不是。到时你们便知道了。” Several ministers saw Nalan Wuji not saying that also no longer inquired, changed the topic to chat respectively. 几位大臣见纳兰无极不说,也不再询问,各自岔开话题聊了起来。 Long Yi is accompanying the crowd that Nalan Ruyue is dealing with these to come in swarms, suddenly felt that has two vision to look at itself familiar. He turns the head subconsciously, actually the discovery line of sight institute and completely is a human wall, that two familiar vision also along with it being hidden. 龙一正陪着纳兰如月应付那些蜂拥而来的人群,突然感觉到有两道熟悉地目光正望着自己。他下意识地转头,却发现视线所及尽是人墙,那两道熟悉的目光也随之隐没。 Strange, person who I do not have the understanding in Blue Moon City.” Long Yi whispered at heart, must say the understanding probably only then Lightning Mercenary Company several members, but today's banquet only entertains the Nalan Empire official as well as the influence huge big aristocrat, other people did not have the opportunity to come. “奇怪,我在苍月城没有认识的人啊。”龙一心里嘀咕道,要说认识地大概只有闪电佣兵团的几位成员了,但今天的宴会可是只招待纳兰帝国的官员以及势力庞大的大贵族,其他人是没有机会进来地。 In this time, Long Yi is hearing a youth's summon suddenly: Yin Yin, which did you run? I looked for you for a long time.” 正在这时,龙一突然听到一个青年的呼唤:“茵茵,你跑哪去了?我找你好久了。” The Long Yi body stagnates, Yin Yin? In his mind appears a repair, but the cheek, that is loving the girl of Feng Ling that tomboy stubbornly wholeheartedly, is she should not in Miya Saint Magic Academy? Long Yi intention one revolution, the beginning suddenly, Yin Yin is the young lady of Nalan Empire aristocrat family/home, appears is not here strange. Now left Miya Duchy to him a long time, she came back is very normal. 龙一身体一滞,茵茵?他的脑海里浮现出一张修理而倔强地脸蛋,那个全心全意爱着风铃那个假小子的女孩,可是她不是应该在米亚圣魔学院吗?龙一心念一转,始恍然,茵茵纳兰帝国贵族家的小姐,出现在这里也不奇怪。现在离他离开米亚公国已经有很长一段时间了,她回来了也很正常。 The Long Yi dispelling crowd, is really seeing not far away that familiar tall and slender form, who isn't Yin Yin is? Today's she wears a black evening dress, sets off exquisite her stature sends, the chest front be not sparkling the shining sea-blue brooch, appears somewhat elegantly beautiful. 龙一排开人群,果然见着不远处那一个熟悉的高挑身影,不是茵茵又是谁呢?今天的她穿着一件黑色的晚礼服,将她的身材衬得玲珑有致,胸前别着一枚闪闪发亮的海蓝色胸针,显得有些冷艳。 That entanglement in Yin Yin youth precisely Nalan Ruyue Elder Brother Nalan Wu, but Yin Yin is obvious the color/look of face not bearing. 那纠缠于茵茵的青年正是纳兰如月哥哥纳兰武,而茵茵则明显一脸不耐之色。 Yin Yin, is really you, I also think that my eyes misread.” Long Yi walked with a smile greatly the past. 茵茵,真的是你啊,我还以为我眼看错了呢。”龙一笑着大步行了过去。 Dragon...... Young Master Ximen, congratulates you.” Yin Yin looks at the Long Yi vision to be somewhat complex, this snatched her lover's man, sometimes she really does not know how should go facing him. But regarding him, Yin Yin at heart a gratitude, if initially he did not comfort, perhaps she did not have the courage to go on living again, remembers that at that time also put his arms to cry, thinks that also was really somewhat ashamed difficult to bear. “龙……西门少爷,恭喜你。”茵茵望着龙一的目光有些复杂,这个抢了她爱人的男人,她有时真不知道该怎么去面对他。但对于他,茵茵的心里又有一种感激,当初若不他安慰,恐怕她都没勇气再活下去了,记得当时还扑在他怀里大哭了一场,想起来还真是有些羞愧难当。 „Did you two know?” Nalan Wu surprised say/way. “你们两个认识?”纳兰武惊奇道。 Yes, is the somewhat special relations.” Long Yi toward Nalan Wu ambiguous blinked. “是啊,是有些特殊的关系。”龙一朝着纳兰武暧昧地眨了眨眼睛 Nalan Wu stares, on face flood unhesitating expression, but is immediately hidden, said to Long Yi with a smile: Originally is brother-in-law's little girl, early said that I look for the next goal, you may probably be careful, my Little Sister will be ominous to eat the person.” Said that Nalan Wu then drilled into the crowd to go hunting. 纳兰武一愣,脸上泛起不豫的神色,但立即便隐没,笑着对龙一道:“原来是妹夫的妞,早说嘛,我去物色下一个目标,你可要小心点啊,我小妹凶起来可是会吃人的。”说完纳兰武便钻入人群中打猎去了。 Yin Yin pretty face slightly red, rolled the eyes at Long Yi said: You talked nonsense anything, who and you have the particular relationship.” 茵茵俏脸微红,白了龙一一眼道:“你胡说些什么,谁与你有着特殊关系了。” Hehe, are our relations not very special?” Long Yi said with a chuckle. 呵呵,我们的关系还不够特殊吗?”龙一嘿嘿笑道 Yin Yin has been startled being startled, pretty face is been white by the red revolutions, obviously was the Long Yi words has brought back her sad past events, mentioned her and Long Yi relations is truly special. 茵茵怔了怔,俏脸由红转白,显然是龙一的话勾起了她伤心往事,说起她与龙一的关系确实很特殊。 Thank you.” Yin Yin said in a low voice. “谢谢你。”茵茵低声道。 Long Yi sighed the one breath lightly, asked lightly: „Haven't you put down?” 龙一轻叹一口气,轻问道:“你还没有放下吗?” The Yin Yin tender body trembled trembling, something do not have to be so easy to put down, her first time falls in love with a man, actually discovery this man with her same is a woman, this attack too was for her big. 茵茵的娇躯颤了颤,有些事情是没有那么容易放下的,她第一次爱上一个男人,却发现这个男人跟她一样是女人,这种打击对她来说实在太大了。
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