WM :: Volume #4

#324: Light Pope

Long Yi is seeing the Yin Yin pale expression, gently sighed at heart, Feng Ling was too deep in the damage that she caused, perhaps a short time was hard to restore, perhaps in cast the shadow at heart for a lifetime also perhaps... The Feng Ling mistake is also own mistake, Long Yi regarding this at heart also continuously somewhat guilty, he wants to make up for anything very much. 龙一见着茵茵的苍白的表情,心里不由轻轻一叹,风铃于她造成的伤害太深了,恐怕一时半会是难以恢复的,或许在心里一辈子留下阴影也说不定。。。风铃的错也就是自己的错,龙一对此心里也一直有些内疚,他很想弥补些什么。 When do you come back?” Long Yi sees Yin Yin for a very long time not to speak, the mood as if immersed in has resembled, therefore quickly makes noise the shift topic. “你什么时候回来的?”龙一见得茵茵久久不语,情绪似乎已经沉浸在了里面似的,于是赶快出声转移话题。 Yin Yin has gotten back one's composure, bitter and astringent say/way: I do not know that treats in the Miya Saint Magic Academy also anything meaning, reason that there I had not kept.” 茵茵回过神,苦涩道:“我不知道待在米亚圣魔学院还有什么意思,那里已没有我留下来的理由。” Yin Yin....” Long Yi cannot bear call said that but does not know at once should say anything. 茵茵…。”龙一忍不住唤道,可是一时之间又不知道该说些什么。 Yin Yin raised the head, is seeing the Long Yi worry expression, said: You do not need to worry that does not need to urge me, I who should understand understand, but understands is a matter, but at heart actually......” 茵茵抬起头,见着龙一担心的表情,道:“你不用担心也不用劝我,该明白的我都都明白,只是明白是一回事,但心里头却……” Time will change all, believes me, you are certainly joyful, otherwise I and Feng Ling are hard to be relieved for a lifetime.” Long Yi sighed. “时间会改变一切的,相信我,你一定要快乐,不然我与风铃一辈子都难以安心。”龙一叹道。 Yin Yin nodded, the vision sparkled saying: Today is you and Princess Ruyue completing a ceremony ceremony, should stay in the Princess Ruyue side, her look has been shooting a look at toward here, wants to come to be jealous, you did not need to accompany me, I think that a person was static.” 茵茵点点头,目光闪了闪道:“今天是你与如月公主的成礼仪式,理应呆在如月公主的身边,她的眼神一直在往这边瞥,想来是吃醋了,你不用陪我了,我想一个人静一静。” Good, when I got down idle looked for you again, your mansion?” Long Yi truly sees the vision of many people to size up toward here, to avoid troubling, he must such say. “那好吧,等我空闲下了再去找你,你府上是哪?”龙一见得确实有许多人的目光往这边打量,为了避免麻烦,他只得这么说道。 Yin Yin said fast the address, then turned around to drill into the crowd, a while then did not have the trace. Which corner wants to come pure to. 茵茵快速的说了一下地址,便转身钻入了人群之中,一会儿便没了踪影。想来是到哪个角落里清净去了。 Long Yi returns to the Nalan Ruyue side, says with a smile: „Before that is, perhaps in a Miya Saint Magic Academy friend, you also has seen.” 龙一回到纳兰如月的身边,笑着道:“那是以前在米亚圣魔学院的一个朋友,或许你也见过。” Explained to me does, who she was closes my anything matter.” Nalan Ruyue indifferently said. The words that but listens to carefully can actually realize the implication in this period a sour odor. “跟我解释干嘛,她是谁关我什么事。”纳兰如月淡淡道。但仔细听的话却能察觉到蕴含其间地一丝酸味。 I think that you want to know, it seems like it was my original work is also sentimental.” Long Yi shrugs to say with a smile, did not divulge. “我以为你想知道,看来又是我自作多情了。”龙一耸耸肩笑道,也不说破。 In this time, is hearing a outside guard reed to shout loudly suddenly: Light Pope Charles your majesty harnesses.” 正在这个时候,突然听见外面侍卫一芦高喊:“光明教皇查尔斯陛下驾到。” The banquet hall that in an instant makes noise suddenly becomes a silence, all people dull were shocked including shuttle palace maids, Light Pope Charles? They have not misunderstood, this little appears before the average man extremely, has in Blue Billows Continent with the god common status person will appear here? 刹那间喧闹的宴会大厅突然变得一片寂静,所有人包括穿梭其中的宫女都呆愣住了,光明教皇查尔斯?他们没有听错吧,这个极少出现在常人面前,在苍澜大陆有着与神一般地位的人会出现在这里? In Long Yi core also violates the whisper, Light Pope Charles will appear here? Just listened to Nalan Wuji saying that must wait for a person to manage to complete a ceremony the ceremony, is not he. 龙一地心里也是直犯嘀咕,光明教皇查尔斯怎么会出现在这里?刚刚听纳兰无极说要等一个人来主持成礼仪式,不会就是他吧。 Cannot allow Long Yi to think. He only thinks that the thick Light Magic aura has flooded the entire hall all of a sudden, making the person be refreshing, feels quite at home. Wore is white transparent Priest gown middle-aged person to appear in the hall nearly swiftly. His face outline covers in the white haze that First Layer curls, if the mirror moon reflection in the water makes the person not see clearly, but his back has one by the cream light halo of Light Magic Element constitution, how to look that also thinks is which Bodhisattva arrives. 容不得龙一多想。他只觉浓厚的光明魔法气息一下子充斥了整个大厅,让人神清气爽,倍感亲切。一个身着白得近乎透明祭祀袍的中年人倏然出现在了大厅里。他的面部轮廓笼罩在一层袅袅的白色烟气里,如镜水月般让人看不清楚,而他的背后则有着一圈由光明魔法元素构成的乳白色光圈,咋一看还以为是哪位菩萨驾临。 Long Yi laughs at one at heart, Light Pope will really pack itself. Makes mystically, but also thinks really he was a god. However Long Yi admires to his strength sincerity actually, Charles is he has seen first besides oneself can the Magic Element materialization person. His rank, only then in legend Master Archmage? Can same achieve Magic God realm with Wushuang (matchless)? 龙一心里嗤笑一声,光明教皇果然会包装自己。弄得神神秘秘的,还真以为他自己是神了。不过龙一对他的实力倒是真心佩服,查尔斯是他见过的除了自己外第一个能将魔法元素实体化地人。他的等级真的只有传说中地大魔寻师吗?会不会跟无双一样已经达到了法神境界呢? Nalan Wuji takes an official to walk to go forward in a hurry, incomparably has knelt devotionally, said loudly: Nalan Wuji welcomed the arrival of His Holiness the Pope.” 纳兰无极带上一众官员匆匆走上前,无比虔诚地跪了下来,大声道:“纳兰无极恭迎教皇陛下的到来。” Suddenly, all people sober, mouths mumbled to kneel, to can see that fortunately Light Pope deeply felt to rejoice at the same time, from this can see Light Pope in the entire Blue Billows Continent status, a head including empire must kneel down, this was the what kind of honour. Implements the rule with the religion is chooses really well. 一时间,所有人都清醒过来,一个个嘴里念念有词地跪了下去,为有幸能见到光明教皇一面而深感庆幸,由此可以看出光明教皇在整个苍澜大陆的地位,连一个帝国的首脑都要下跪,这是何等尊荣。用宗教来实行统治果真是不错地选择。 Nalan Ruyue as Light Church Saintess, early has knelt, suddenly the entire banquet hall only then a Long Yi person like a crane among chickens stands straightly straightly. 纳兰如月身为光明教会圣女,自是早早跪了下来,一时间整个宴会大厅只有龙一一人鹤立鸡群般站得笔直笔直。 Nalan Ruyue sees Long Yi not to kneel down, is anxious pulls his bottom of pants leg with the hand, in her at heart, Light Pope is the god, the status of god is nobody can compare, he sits well in the clouds is overlooking all living things, this is the result that since childhood was brainwashed to instill into. 纳兰如月见得龙一没有跪下,急得用手直扯他的裤脚,在她的心里,光明教皇就是神,神的地位是无人可以比拟的,他就端坐在云端俯视着芸芸众生,这就是从小被洗脑灌输的结果。 Long Yi remains unmoved, still straightly stood is gazing at Pope Charles that this halo is covering, but Charles is also gazing at him. 龙一不为所动,仍然笔直地站着注视着这个光环笼罩的教皇查尔斯,而查尔斯也在注视着他。 Long Yi pit of the stomach one stuffy, felt that transmits the vast incomparable pressure in all directions suddenly, the five main internal organs (entrails) such as is pulled the general ache to crack, under Long Yi Inner Strength Spiritual Force was attacked rebounds immediately, starts to resist this huge pressure. But the handsome face of Long Yi is been also white by the red revolutions, by white Bianhong, turned into light paper golden again finally. 龙一心口一闷,感觉到四面八方突然传来浩瀚无比的威压,五脏六腑如被人拉扯一般疼痛欲裂,龙一内力精神力受到攻击之下立刻反弹,开始对抗着这庞大的威压。而龙一的俊脸也由红转白,再由白变红,最后变成了淡淡的纸金色 Gives me to break.” Long Yi bellowed, the whole body flashes before seven color rays of light, the air seems twisted distorted, the Light Pope pressure had a crack, Long Yi retroceded two steps to escape his encirclement ring rapidly. With fighting of Sword God Murong Bo, he had very good adaptive faculty regarding this degree of pressure for a long time, furthermore Light Pope has not put forth obviously fully, but Long Yi through the probe of Charles, understood his realm has extremely possibly achieved Magic God realm. “给我破。”龙一大吼一声,全身闪现出七彩的光芒,空气似乎都被扭曲地变形了,光明教皇地威压出现了一丝裂缝,龙一急速后退两步逃脱了他的包围圈。在长期与剑神慕容博的交手中,他对于这种程度的威压已经有了很好的适应力,再者光明教皇明显没有使出全力,而龙一通过查尔斯的这次试探,也明白了他的境界极可能已达到法神境界 Charles has not attacked once more, is only the Hehe two mild laughter, making the person such as wash the spring breeze from head to foot, he said: Landscape has for the talented person leaves, various lead(er) coquettish several hundred years, Ximen Yu, you have not really made me disappointed.” 查尔斯没有再次袭击,只是呵呵两声温润的笑声,让人从头到脚都如沐春风,他道:“江山有代人才出,各领风骚数百年,西门宇,你果然没有令我失望。” I will never disappoint anybody, including my enemy.” Long Yi said with a chuckle, the entire clothes, are actually returning careless to normal secretly galloping aura. “我从不会让任何人失望,包括我的敌人。”龙一嘿嘿笑道,漫不经心地整整衣裳,暗地里却在平复着奔腾不已的气息。 Why do you see me not to kneel?” Charles has not paid attention to the profound meaning in Long Yi tone, but interested asked. “你为何见我不跪?”查尔斯没有理会龙一语气中的深意,只是饶有兴趣地问道。 Kneels? Why can kneel? I do not remember that this stipulation, only knows Light Church always publicizes the mercy intention, freedom and equality, since your my azure and others, why must also to kneel down.” Long Yi said with a smile, actually the Light Church rule had many are the self-contradictory place, on the one hand mentioned the equality, on the other hand was also more stern than the rank of any social class. “跪?为何要跪?我不记得有这个规定,只知道光明教会一向宣扬慈悲心怀,自由平等,既然你我青等,又何须下跪。”龙一笑道,其实光明教会的条例有许多是自相矛盾的地方,一方面提到平等,另一方面却又比任何阶级的等级都要森严。 Good, is very good, is really the youngster hero, no wonder Kexin that girl never forgets to you.” Charles said with a smile. “好,很好,果然是少年英雄,难怪可馨那丫头对你念念不忘。”查尔斯笑道。 Kexin! Long Yi has been startled being startled, since previous Soaring Dragon City palace banquet, the girl then left Soaring Dragon City. Regarding her to the intense acquisitive instinct, Long Yi feels urgently helpless, did this time she also come with Light Pope? 可馨龙一怔了怔,自从上次腾龙城的宫廷宴会之后,那丫头便离开了腾龙城。对于她对自己强烈的占有欲,龙一倍感无奈,难道这次她也跟着光明教皇来了?
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