WM :: Volume #4

#322: Human form Siren?

Good good, Elder Sister, we get down.” Nalan Rumeng is too busy nod to urge own Elder Sister, when she noticed that Long Yi stands in carrying on the back of dolphin natural, already had a deep interest. “好啊好啊,姐姐,我们下去吧。”纳兰如梦忙不迭地点头催着自己的姐姐,当她看到龙一那么潇洒地站在海豚的背上,早就心生向往了。 Elder Sister does not have this skill, this way is not drown to death is strange.” Nalan Ruyue ill-humored say/way. 姐姐可没这种本事,这样下去不淹死才怪。”纳兰如月没好气道。 Nalan Rumeng honk drew out mouth depressed, looks at already Long Yi that stops eagerly. 纳兰如梦郁闷地嘟起了嘴巴,眼巴巴地看着已停下来的龙一 Long Yi as if knows that they are worried about anything, says with a smile: You feel relieved, has me to flood Undying you.” 龙一似乎知道她们担心什么,笑着道:“你们放心下来吧,有我在淹不死你们的。” Nalan Ruyue hesitant, thinks the skill that Long Yi emerges one after another incessantly, did not have the reason then to believe him, if fell to this into the sea|nautical mile really went, that may be dangerous, although their two elder sisters long in seashore, the river character was also very good, but this sea area is not tranquil today, near the disembark was also far, to swim somewhat to be difficult. 纳兰如月犹豫了一下,想想龙一层出不穷的本事,没来由地便相信了他,如果真掉到这海里去了,那可就危险了,虽说她们两姐们长在海边,水性也很好,但今天这片海域并不平静,离岸边又远,要想游回去还真有点困难。 Looks that this such as the two elder sisters of jade descend toward him, Long Yi toot toot makes two dolphin sounds, immediately had another two porpoises one on the left and other on the right to float in the sea level. Long Yi puts out a hand to grasp, separates two kernels in two female screams, at the same time has held in the arms their small slim waist. 看着这如似玉的两姐们朝着他降落下来,龙一嘟嘟发出两声海豚音,立即有另外两只海豚一左一右浮在了海面上。紧接着龙一伸手一抓,在两女的惊呼声中将两仁分开,一边一个搂住了她们的小蛮腰 Nalan Ruyue face turned red, does not dare to struggle, but rolled the eyes at Long Yi he such is then hugging, she does not want to acknowledge in the heart also such sweet feeling. 纳兰如月脸一红,也不敢挣扎,只是白了龙一一眼便他这么搂着,她不想承认心里面还有那么一丝甜滋滋的感觉。 But another side Nalan Rumeng was actually fear hangs whole person in Long Yi body, the petite chest tight post on Long Yi's arm, was yelling frightened: Brother-in-Law, do not drop.” 而另一边的纳兰如梦却是害怕地将整个人都挂在了龙一身上,娇小的胸脯紧紧贴在了龙一的手臂上,正恐惧地大叫着:“姐夫,别放手啊。” Long Yi looks with a smile to having exquisite facial features Nalan Ruyue, in the noses was hearing that distant delicate fragrance, perverted heart somewhat ripples, he finally understands now. Why in this world so many loli will control, Little Loli felt shy regarding the man is also an extremely fatal enticement. 龙一笑着望向有着精致面容的纳兰如月,鼻间闻着那悠远的清香,色心不由有些荡漾,他现在终于明白。为什么这世界上会有那么多的萝莉控,小萝莉青涩地感觉对于男人也是一种极为致命的诱惑。 Paid special attention, set off.” Dragon Throne is surrounded by beautiful women, is pair of tender and beautiful incomparable Sisters, in the heart is high-spirited, was urging the dolphin swims away to the front fast. “抓好了,出发。”龙椅左拥右抱,还是一对娇艳无比的姐妹,心中自是意气风发,催促着海豚向前方快速游去。 Nalan Rumeng after startled from the beginning, the big feeling shouts and wrangles immediately exciting, after all the little girl, was excited to be possible unable to remember man is the famous big obscene thief, now Long Yi regarding her is the god common hero. 纳兰如梦经过一开始的惊慌,马上大感刺激地大呼小叫起来,毕竟还是小女孩,兴奋起来可想不起身边的男人是闻名天下的大淫贼了,现在龙一对于她来说是神一般的英雄。 When under the leadership of dolphin, three people were far from the seacoast, turned head the line of sight completely are the boundless sea water, Nalan Empire Imperial Palace already do not know that threw is after death far. 在海豚的带领下,三人离海岸越来越远,回头时视线尽是苍茫的海水,纳兰帝国皇宫早已不知抛在身后多远了。 Nalan Ruyue is worried inexplicably, people have the inborn dependability regarding the land. Once all around is boundless sea water, is some are not steadfast. Nalan Empire approaches the seashore, but the ship-building industry is not developed. Some yawls also can only leave the seacoast not far place work, perhaps could not withstand greatly the ocean waves again. 纳兰如月莫名地担心起来,人们对于陆地有着天生的信赖性。一旦四周全是茫茫的海水,自是有些不踏实。纳兰帝国靠近海边,但造船业却并不发达。一些小渔船也只能在离海岸不远的地方作业,再远恐怕就承受不起巨大地海浪了。 Ximen Yu, we go back, was too far,” some Nalan Ruyue uneasy say/way. 西门宇,我们回去吧,已经太远了,”纳兰如月有些忐忑不安道。 Does not want, Elder Sister. Proceeds to have a look again.” The Nalan Rumeng whole face excited say/way, has actually been experiencing fierce of Long Yi, she has believed that is safe very in his side. “不要嘛,姐姐。再往前看看。”纳兰如梦却满脸兴奋道,在见识了龙一的厉害,她心里已是十分相信在他的身边非常安全。 Long Yi looked up the weather. Passed two hours of day to want again black, in the evening must participate completes a ceremony the banquet grandly, was the time goes back. 龙一抬头看了看天色。再过二个小时天就要黑了,晚上还要参加盛大地成礼宴会,也是时候回去了。 While Long Yi prepares to go home, the feeling of suddenly a mental/spiritual fluctuation, one type peeped. He turns head fiercely, suddenly saw that the left not far away had shadow together to submerge underwater rapidly, if he did not have the eye, that shadow as if also long blue hair. 正当龙一准备打道回府的时候,突然精神一阵波动,有一种被人偷窥的感觉。他猛的回头,突然见到左边不远处有一道影子迅速潜入了水下,如果他没眼的话,那影子似乎还有着长长的蓝色头发。 The Nalan Ruyue tender body also shakes, almost at the same time looks toward that side. Their vision relative, all from saw the startled color/look to the grid. 纳兰如月娇躯也是一震,几乎在同一时间朝那边看去。两人目光相对,皆从对方眼中看到了惊色。 Long Yi wants to enter the sea to nose immediately, but considered that two Sisters safety, he does not dare to act rashly, swims away in the Nalan Rumeng disaffection sound round trip. 龙一本想立即入海查探一番,但考虑到两姐妹地安危,他没敢轻举妄动,在纳兰如梦的不满声往回游去。 When three people return to Imperial Palace Nalan Ruyue resting palace, in several palaces court lady also Little Cui anxious extremely waited in that sees three people safely to come back the beginning to breathe a sigh of relief, in this crucial point, if had problems that to be serious. 当三人回到皇宫纳兰如月寝宫时,几名宫中女官还有小翠已焦急不堪地在那等候,见得三人平安回来始舒了一口气,在这个节骨眼上若是出了什么问题那可就不得了了。 These court ladies give Long Yi and Nalan Ruyue appearance specially, at this time the time remains the not many, then several people gathered round a start the work. 这几名女官是专门来给龙一纳兰如月打扮的,此时时间所剩无多,便几个人围着一个开始了工作。 Several toss about, dressed up to complete when the darkness finally, Nalan Ruyue put on noble Nalan Empire palace gown, but Long Yi wore the snow white non- flaw the silk garment, two people male pretty girl dressed up, looked like actually a created by heaven and earth pair. 几番折腾,在天黑之时终于打扮完成了,纳兰如月穿着高贵的纳兰帝国宫装,而龙一则身着雪白无瑕的绸衫,两人男俊女靓,看起来倒是天造地设的一双。 Evening banquet also must start less than half, the court ladies have drawn back, Nalan Rumeng also went back to dress up, in room only remaining Nalan Ruyue and Long Yi two people. 晚宴还有小半会就要开始,女官们退了下去,纳兰如梦也回去梳妆打扮了,房里只剩下纳兰如月龙一两个人。 „Did you see?” Long Yi sits on the sofa frowns to ask, can that shadow be a person? “你看到了?”龙一坐在沙发上皱着眉头问道,那影子会是人吗? Un, only sees the blue hair, difficult is true understanding Siren in legend?” The vision of Nalan Ruyue to Long Yi, had been dressed up carefully she, appears specially charming. “嗯,只看到蓝色的头发,难道真是传说中的海妖?”纳兰如月对上龙一的目光,被精心打扮过的她,显得特别的迷人。 Possible, most at least I have not felt the aura of person in that thing body.” Long Yi nod said, perhaps big of world, every possible strange thing, really has the Monster of life person fish tail in sea, but is not the fish variant. “不无可能,最起码在那东西地身上我没有感觉到人的气息。”龙一点头道,世界之大,无奇不有,或许真的有生活在海洋之中的人身鱼尾的怪物,而并不是鱼类的变种。 Nalan Ruyue thinking nodded, said: Our Nalan Empire already had the ancient legend about seabed human form Monster, but mostly is hands down, we liked listening to the old person in palace to tell these stories in childhood very much.” 纳兰如月思索地点点头,道:“我们纳兰帝国早就有关于海底人形怪物的古老传说,只是大多都是口口相传,我们小时候很喜欢听宫中的老人讲这些故事。” Story? Was inferior how tonight you do say to me listen?” Long Yi said with a smile, has a mind to understand some, and had the plan to select a time to go to sea to investigate again. “故事?不如今天晚上你讲给我听如何?”龙一笑道,有心想要了解一些,并有打算挑个时间再下海探查一下。 Nalan Ruyue stared Long Yi one, said bitterly: Tonight you rest the ground, dares to touch me again, I...... Has castrated you.” Nalan Ruyue spoke of castrates the character, pretty face is red one piece. 纳兰如月瞪了龙一一眼,恨恨道:“今天晚上你睡地上,再敢碰我,我就……就阉了你。”纳兰如月说到阉字,俏脸已是通红一片。 Long Yi was startled the eyeball to fall, such uncouthly words were she say? He slow said: Ruyue, when did you go bad?” 龙一惊得眼珠子都掉了出来,这么粗鲁的话是她说出来的吗?他呐呐道:“如月,你什么时候变坏了?” Also not with your this bastard study.” Nalan Ruyue sees the Long Yi surprised appearance, chuckle said. “还不都是跟你这坏蛋学的。”纳兰如月见得龙一惊讶的样子,不由轻笑一声说道。 I teach you to be the beneficial physical and moral integrity movement, can regulate menstruation to stop the belt to improve looks to raise the face, has not taught you such evil violence the thing.” Long Yi is thick the facial skin to say with a smile. “我教你的可都是有益身心健康的运动,即可以调经止带又可以美容养颜,可没教你这么邪恶暴力的东西啊。”龙一厚着脸皮笑道。 Nalan Ruyue bites the lower lip, she is not Nalan Rumeng, naturally can hear the sexually harassing flavor/smell in Long Yi words. 纳兰如月咬着下唇,她可不是纳兰如梦,自然听得出龙一话语中的调戏味道。 In this time, Little Cui was running, said that completed a ceremony the banquet to start immediately, asking two people to go to the Imperial Palace banquet hall immediately. 正在这时,小翠跑了进来,说成礼宴会马上要开始了,叫两人立刻前往皇宫的宴会大厅。
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