WM :: Volume #2

#177: Crazy fight

Long Yi really somewhat strange, in the myth of China, Fire Qilin was benefitted as the auspicious beast, is Fire Qilin of this different world so how flagitious? 龙一真的有些奇怪,在中国的神话之中,火麒麟被益为祥兽,怎么这异世的火麒麟如此凶残呢? Long Yi flutters in airborne is looking at each other with Fire Qilin, its body that huge imposing manner makes his heart startled, only depend on it to regard the hot spring to soak several thousand degrees magma, this strength is not inferior to Wild Thunder Beast, perhaps compares it also to want on a high level. At this time Fire Qilin Inner Qi locking of Long Yi, the copper bell big eye was gazing at Long Yi splendidly, reveals expression that interested unexpectedly, indeed two people regarded the toy Long Yi. 龙一飘在空中与火麒麟对视着,它身上那庞大的气势让他心惊不已,仅凭它将数千度的岩浆当成温泉来泡,这份实力就绝不亚于狂雷兽,或许比它还要高上一个层次。此时火麒麟已将龙一气机锁定,铜铃般的大眼熠熠生辉注视着龙一,竟然露出饶有兴趣的神色,敢情是将龙一两人当成玩具了。 Long Yi has pinched nearby Feng Ling small hands quietly, said with Condensed Sound Technique: A while I attract this everybody's attention, you open the channel to dare to run, I thought that this everybody is not quite good to cope.” 龙一悄悄捏了捏旁边风铃小手,用凝音术道:“等会儿我吸引这大家伙的注意,你打开通道敢快跑,我看这大家伙不太好对付啊。” The white hands of Feng Ling make an effort to pinch in the soft meat of Long Yi waist, furiously is staring Long Yi, nimble and resourceful big eye clear Zhejiang revealed unmistakably her idea, that does not leave the Long Yi half step. 风铃的玉手在龙一腰间的软肉用力一掐,气呼呼地瞪着龙一,灵动的大眼清浙无误地表露她的想法,那就是绝不离开龙一半步。 The handsome face of Long Yi the board, passes on the sound said immediately: Is obedient, you only will make me divert attention here, haven't you believed me? On escaping skill, I recognize second, in this world nobody dares to recognize first.” 龙一的俊脸立刻板了起来,传音道:“听话,你在这里只会让我分心,你还不相信我吗?论逃跑的功夫,我认第二,这世界上没人敢认第一。” The Feng Ling corners of the mouth have cast aside casting aside, cannot bear finally smiles, the facial skin of this smelly fellow was also too thick, escaped continually says such righteously, she was not the woman who did not divide the weight, although her Necromancy Magic has achieved the Magic Scholar rank, but fought in the lava and Fire Qilin without doubt is unwise, Undead that she summoned will not fly, perhaps came out melting by the magma, said again she also had a blind trust to Long Yi, un, escaping should be is not a problem. Therefore she to/clashes Long Yi nodded gently, autumn eyes like the water. 风铃嘴角撇了撇,终是忍不住一笑,这臭家伙的脸皮也太厚了,连逃跑都说得这么理直气壮,她也不是不分轻重的女人,虽然她的亡灵魔法已达到了魔导士的级别,但在熔岩中与火麒麟相斗无疑是不明智的,她召唤出来的亡灵又不会飞,恐怕一出来就被岩浆给融解了,再说她对龙一也有一种盲目的信任,嗯,逃跑应该是不成问题的吧。于是她冲龙一点点头,秋眸温柔如水。 But at this time, Fire Qilin lost the patience, it roared. In the mouth spouted the air wave to curl up the side hot magma, such as day female powder common lasing to airborne, that superelevation geothermic degree must burn the air, did not have the crevice densely and numerously, gave dead of suffocation Long Yi all escape routes. 而此时,火麒麟已失去了耐性,它咆哮一声。口中喷出气浪卷起了身边炽热的岩浆,如天女散一般激射向空中,那超高地温度似要将空气都燃烧起来,密密麻麻毫无空隙,将龙一所有的退路都给堵死了。 Long Yi is actually chuckled, he early is prepared regarding the attack of Fire Qilin, a great sword slides from storage ring, reveals brightly light blue rays of light under the stimulation of movement of Battle Qi. 龙一却是嘿嘿一笑,对于火麒麟的攻击他早有准备,一把巨剑从空间戒指中滑出,在斗气的催动下亮出灿烂地淡蓝光芒 Wind of circuit revolutions Cold Ice Battle Qi.” The Long Yi low and deep sound reverberates in the broad cave, the great sword empty is delimiting in the airborne extreme velocity, clear ice winds form the small tornado winds. Along with Long Yi sword sharp one finger/refers, they howl to rewind the magma that the lasing comes, the hot magma was frozen the ice of First Layer level unexpectedly instantaneously. And the bang to Fire Qilin, several of bang has pounded in Fire Qilin the magma quickly directly. 寒冰斗气之风回路转。”龙一低沉的声音在宽阔的山洞中回荡,巨剑在空中极速虚划着,一圈圈晶莹的冰风形成一个个小小的龙卷风。随着龙一的剑尖一指,它们呼啸着将激射而来的岩浆倒卷回去,炽热的岩浆竟在瞬间被冻成了一层层的冰。并以迅雷不及掩耳之势轰向了火麒麟,轰的几声直接将火麒麟砸起了岩浆里面。 Long Yi, you are really good.” Feng Ling cheers said. 龙一,你真棒。”风铃欢呼道。 Long Yi actually pushes to Feng Ling is sealed up cave entrance, said loudly: A bit faster exits.” 龙一却一手将风铃推向被封住地洞口,大声道:“快点出去。” Feng Ling has complied with one, just had experienced the Long Yi striking power. In her heart relaxed, she summoned her green Mao Houwang from the Otherworld space, instructed that it started to dig up the channel. 风铃应了一声,刚刚见识了龙一的攻击力。她心中放松了许多,她从异界空间召唤出她的绿毛厚王,指示它开始挖开通道。 The green hair corpse king physics attack adds on Feng Ling Earth Attribute Magic intrepidly again. When then not to open a path. 绿毛尸王强悍地物理攻击再加上风铃土系魔法。不多会儿便打开了一条通路。 Long Yi sees Feng Ling to exit, the beginning breathed a sigh of relief, the complexion somewhat is pallid, the forehead also sees the perspiration mark, in Sea of Consciousness shrinks an account, making him feel that has a dizzy spell. The wind of circuit that Cold Ice Battle Qi just he displayed transferred is not simple fuses Water Attribute Magic Element and Battle Qi with Inner Strength, meanwhile also has joined Wind Attribute Magic Element, otherwise did not have the so powerful might certainly. The compound Magic fusion sufficed to take the trouble, let alone Long Yi first time fused compound Magic and Battle Qi. On the hot marquis was short, naturally is not that perfect. 龙一风铃出去,始舒了一口气,脸色却有些煞白,额头也见汗迹,意识海中一缩一帐,让他感觉头晕目眩的。刚刚他施展出来的寒冰斗气之风回路转并不简简单单是用内力水系魔法元素斗气相融合,这其间还加入了风系魔法元素,要不然绝无如此强悍的威力。复合魔法地融合就够费力了,何况龙一第一次将复合魔法斗气相融合。火侯上有所欠缺,自然不是那么完美。 That warm Proud Heavens Secret Art Inner Strength revolves whole body, the Long Yi beginning thinks that the feeling of dizziness reduced much. Fire Qilin has still not floated from the magma, Long Yi does not believe the attack caused heavy losses to it a moment ago, hit it at most painful. 那暖洋洋的傲天决内力运转全身,龙一始觉头晕的感觉减轻了不少。火麒麟依然没有从岩浆中浮上来,龙一绝不相信刚才自己地攻击重创了它,至多也只是将它打痛了而已。 Long Yi looks at to opposite that by the channel that Feng Ling makes a connection with, if he uses Great Heaven and Earth Movement to run should not to have the issue, but they, if ran, how could it not be that Gnome put must meet with a disaster, said that this calamity was also he annoys, if he did not prevent the Gnome Race sacrifice to offer has also been all right, since inserted horizontally has shouldered, can pat? 龙一望向对面那被风铃打通的通道,若他用乾坤大挪移跑出去应该没问题吧,只是他们若跑了,那地精放岂不要遭殃了,说起来这祸也是他惹出来的,如果他不阻止地精族祭献也就没事了,既然横插了一扛,又怎么能拍拍屁股走人呢? Long Yi read and this, has depressed the thought of sneaking off, at this time he remembered from the beginning although he end and Fire Qilin fights fully, but he actually end thinks oneself had the slight odds of success, this may be runs counter with his disposition. Long Yi has pondered, thinks it over, he thinks that is the Fire Qilin body imposing manner, that type is sincere like the mountain, such as the sharp blade sharp imposing manner silently affected him from the beginning, the beginning has the idea of end fighting defeats first. 龙一念及此,压下了溜走的念头,此时他才想起从一开始虽然他末与火麒麟全力相斗,但他却从来都末认为自己有丝毫胜算,这可与他的性格是背道而驰啊。龙一沉思了,思来想去,他认为是火麒麟身上的气势,那种如大山般厚重,如利刃般尖锐的气势一开始就无声无息地影响了他,始才有末战先败的想法。 Suddenly, below magma a surges, the Fire Qilin body floats off huge slowly, the fiery-red magma sparkles in the shining scale to fall from its, it just raised the head Long Yi that has then filled the double pupil of fighting intent to, a surprise of in the eyes flickers user-friendly. 突然,下方的岩浆中一阵翻腾,火麒麟庞大地身体慢慢浮起,火红色的岩浆从它那闪闪发亮的鳞片中滑落,它刚抬起头便对上了龙一那充满战意的双眸,眼中闪过一丝人性化的惊奇。 Long Yi this time idea actually completely changes, that negative idea does not exist, what replaces it is soaring fighting intent, the blood also therefore seethes with excitement, excited tooth is shivering. 龙一此时的想法却是完全改变,那消极的想法不复存在,取而代之的是高昂的战意,血液也因此沸腾起来,兴奋的牙齿的都在颤抖。 Everybody, come, with your real skill, looked at the father being strip naked your clothes.” Long Yi said with a chuckle, the sword points to Fire Qilin above magma sharp. “大家伙,来吧,用出你的真本事,看老子不把你的衣服给剥光了。”龙一嘿嘿笑道,剑尖直指岩浆之上的火麒麟 Fire Qilin has as if understood teasing of Long Yi, it angrily roars, dozens magma ascension, in airborne twined unexpectedly mutually have been surrounding Long Yi, looked from outside extremely likely is fiery red fresh. Suddenly, this fresh instantaneously draws , if no thing across the body of Long Yi, crash-bang sprinkles like the raindrop. 火麒麟似乎听懂了龙一的调侃,它怒吼一声,数十道岩浆升腾而起,竟在空中相互缠绕着困住了龙一,从外面看极像是一朵火红的鲜。蓦然间,这朵鲜瞬间收拢,如无物般穿过龙一的身体,哗啦一声如雨点般洒落。 The airborne Long Yi personal appearance slowly changes pale, finally the dissipation in the air, this is only Long Yi afterimage, true Long Yi already withdrew from surrounding with Great Heaven and Earth Movement, corner/horn of erect on stone wall. 空中龙一的身形慢慢变淡,最后消散在空气之中,原来这只是龙一残影而已,真正的龙一早就用乾坤大挪移从包围中脱身出来,正立在石壁上的一角。 Everybody, you are female, your Master is a mother, the skill of this embroidery actually good.” Long Yi said with a chuckle, he guesses that this Monster can definitely understand the logical expression. “大家伙,你是不是母的啊,还是你的主子就是个母的,这绣的本事倒是挺不错的嘛。”龙一嘿嘿笑道,他猜这怪物肯定能听懂人话。 Fire Qilin was actually explodes has gotten angry, it did not have again with the magma attack, but non-stop flew, big mouth, flame dispersed the innumerable firing lines to attack toward Long Yi. 火麒麟却是爆怒了,它没有再用岩浆攻击,而是直飞而起,大嘴一张,一口火焰分散成无数火线朝龙一攻去。 The Long Yi personal appearance flashes continually, Flight Technique adds on the coordination of Great Heaven and Earth Movement, the speed also goes beyond compared with the ghosts and demons. However, Fire Qilin firing line speed of blowout unexpectedly also weak, what most awfully is tracing of their later generation seeks the ball general such as to attach the maggot of bone to follow closely Long Yi generally, and appears the dispersion shape, the quantity are also many, under the movement of Long Yi extreme velocity several dangers were entangled. 龙一身形连闪,飞翔术加上乾坤大挪移的配合,速度比起鬼魅也有过之而无不及。但是,火麒麟的喷出的火线速度竟也弱,最要命的是它们后世的追踪寻弹一般如附骨之蛆一般紧随着龙一,并且呈分散状,数量又多,龙一极速的移动下都有好几次险被缠上。 Fire Qilin sees for a long time cannot capture, puts out Divine Fire unexpectedly, the quantity of firing line increases suddenly one time, Long Yi at this time is actually the strong nag end. 火麒麟见久攻不下,竟又吐出一口神火,火线的数量骤增一倍,龙一此时却已是强驽之末。 That incites, Long Yi's arm by a firing line to the winding, was being melted unexpectedly fast Long Yi protecting body Inner Strength. The Long Yi speed started slowly, on more and more hot yarn coverings his body, to finally is actually such as a dense and numerous belt of fire Long Yi surrounding. 滋的一声,龙一的手臂被一条火线给缠绕上了,竟是快速消融着龙一的护体内力龙一的速度开始慢了下来,越来越多的火线缠上了他的身体,到了最后却是如一张密密麻麻的火网般将龙一给困住了。 So many firing line windings, Long Yi protecting body Inner Strength was consumed rapidly, was penetrated by the firing line finally, melted the clothes to iron directly in the skin above. 如此多的火线缠绕,龙一的护体内力迅速被消耗,终是被火线穿透,直接融开衣裳烙在了皮肤了之上。 The Long Yi whole body shivers, in the throats sends out the painful moan, but actually dies to bite the lip not to yell makes noise. 龙一全身颤抖,喉间发出痛苦的呻吟,但却死咬着嘴唇没有大叫出声。 Soul Fire.” In the Long Yi mind this word, this firing line and Gnome Race that Fire God the flame characteristics of blessing main road were similar, all can injure to the soul of person, but the might and penetrating power actually do not know that was many times of these flame, because his Inner Strength and Spiritual Force were very difficult to resist. 灵魂火。”龙一脑海中了出这个词,此种火线和地精族火神的祝福大道的火焰特性差不多,皆是能伤害到人的灵魂,但威力与穿透力却不知是那些火焰的多少倍,因为他的内力精神力很难抵挡住。 Feels feeling of that ignition innermost soul transmits, as Spiritual Force different functions, the feeling of Long Yi is more sensitive, can say that ache from soul is he lives the biggest pain that second bore. 感受到灵魂深处传来的那种灼烧的感觉,做为精神力的异能者,龙一的感受更为敏感,可以说那种来自灵魂的疼痛是他活了二世所承受的最大的痛苦。 Long Yi stubborn does not have the pain to shout, the handsome face because of the pain the twist deformation, his whole body element muscle exposition, the knuckle grasped turns green. 龙一倔强的没有痛呼,俊脸因痛苦而扭曲变形,他全身素筋暴露,指关节都握得发青了。 But the Long Yi pain also had Wild Thunder Beast of Blood Contract relations with it the sensation, it unceasingly requests Long Yi to put it to come out with the thought. But at this time Long Yi really could not bear, he used the thought to summon Dark Dimension Space Wild Thunder Beast. 龙一的痛苦也被与之有血契关系的狂雷兽所感知,它不断地用意念要求龙一放它出来。而此时龙一也实在忍不住了,他用意念将黑暗次元空间狂雷兽召唤了出来。 Wild Thunder Beast comes out changes as attacks the condition to float immediately in airborne, rubbish, it has connected two Thunder and Lightning Attribute Forbidden Spell to extinguish world thunder Jiehong to one side somewhat complacent Fire Qilin, saw only in the midair suddenly to present the innumerable arm thick thunder and lightning, entire base space according to silver white. 狂雷兽一出来立刻变身为攻击状态浮在空中,毫无废话,它已接连两个雷电系禁咒灭世雷劫轰向了一旁有些得意洋洋的火麒麟,只见半空中突然出现了无数手臂粗的雷电,将整个地底空间照得一片银白。 The Fire Qilin whole body will be suddenly near the transparent flame, unexpectedly stiffly anti- Wild Thunder Beast two Forbidden Spell, but stone wall is actually the food and lodging so powerful Forbidden Spell attack, such as rain has pounded, under magma ebullition is also tumbling. Long Yi was fettered by the firing line, not only the soul is enduring the suffering, the physical body cannot escape by luck, the skin muscle was ironed to incite to make noise by the firing line, he even also smelled a fragrance of barbecue. 火麒麟全身突然将近透明的火焰,竟硬生生地抗了狂雷兽两个禁咒,但石壁却是吃住如此强悍的禁咒攻击,如下雨般砸了下来,底下的岩浆也沸腾翻滚着。龙一被火线束缚住,不但灵魂忍受着煎熬,肉体更是不能幸免,皮肤肌肉被火线烙得滋滋作响,他甚至还闻到了一股烤肉的香味。 Fire Qilin and Wild Thunder Beast, in this is opposite to them in the narrow space to frequent each other to fight intensely, the Long Yi tight post on stone wall, the soul was being fired by the body firing line, his present picture starts to rock, downward flutters about, but below stone and splashes in his body magma just likes end thinks. 火麒麟狂雷兽在这相对它们来说狭窄的空间里你来我往斗得激烈,龙一紧紧贴在石壁上,灵魂被身上的火线灼烧着,他眼前的景像都开始晃动起来,往下纷飞而下的石块和溅在他身上的岩浆都恍若末觉。 Long Yi bites in the tip of tongue, was been more sober by oneself, he is very clear, although Wild Thunder Beast and Fire Qilin look like fight intensely, but Fire Qilin that relaxed appearance show clearly has not been using fully, but looks like the cat catch mouse common play to play with. 龙一在舌尖一咬,让自己清醒了一些,他心里十分清楚,虽然狂雷兽火麒麟看起来斗得激烈,但火麒麟那轻松的模样明摆着是没有用出全力,而是像猫捉老鼠一般戏耍着玩呢。 Long Yi was angry, has seethed with excitement, or the soul was fired must make him somewhat crazy, he thought unexpectedly has had an unusual pleasant sensation. 龙一愤怒了,沸腾了,或者说灵魂被灼烧得让他有些疯狂了,他竟觉得产生了一丝异样的快感。 At this time, Fire Qilin Divine Fire strikes but actually Wild Thunder Beast hits on stone wall, on the beast face reveals the appearance that is insufferably arrogant unexpectedly. But Long Yi while the Fire Qilin self-satisfied instance, entangles the body of full firing line to vanish unexpectedly baseless, the pain stimulation the potential and explosive force of his deeply conceals marrow, his Great Heaven and Earth Movement speed was unexpectedly faster than before several times. 此时,火麒麟一口神火狂雷兽击得倒撞在石壁上,兽脸上竟露出不可一世的模样。而龙一就趁着火麒麟得意的瞬间,缠满火线的身体竟凭空消失,疼痛刺激了他深藏骨髓的潜力与爆发力,他的乾坤大挪移的速度竟是比之前快了好几倍。 In the Fire Qilin also end response, Long Yi then rode in its body, the handsome face of distortion was somewhat crazy, his bit to Fire Qilin top of the head sharp corner/horn surrounding yellow flesh membrane, because looked like, only then this place could nip, other places all compared with diamond also hard scale. 火麒麟还末反应过来,龙一便骑在了它的身上,扭曲的俊脸有些疯狂,他一口咬向了火麒麟头顶尖角周围的黄色肉膜,因为看起来只有这地方才咬得动,其它地方皆是比金刚石还硬的鳞片。
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