WM :: Volume #2

#176: Fire Qilin

Gnome can elder complexion change, in the eye reveals color/look with amazement, but other were shaken turn cannot withstand in ground Gnome, all embraces in the same place trembles, as if damn generally... 地精能长老脸色一变,眼中露出骇然之色,而其余被震翻在地上的地精们更是不堪,个个搂抱在一起瑟瑟发抖,似乎见鬼了一般。。。 How like this, won't the time have arrived?” The Gnome elder muttered. “怎么会这样,时间不是还没到吗?”地精长老喃喃道。 But at this time, Gnome Race long actually chirp gua drew underground an order of big string, his behind one team of guards turn around to depart immediately. 而此时,地精族长却叽哩呱拉地下了一大串的命令,他身后的一队护卫立刻转身离去了。 Long Yi is slow, holds on the Gnome elder to ask: This outcome what's the matter? Is that howling what Monster sends out?” 龙一缓过气,拉住地精长老问道:“这究竟是怎么回事?那吼叫声是何种怪物发出?” The Gnome elder sighed gently, expression was somewhat complex, he said: That lives in flame Divine Beast in bottom lava, is Fire God magical pet, when this time, we must offer a sacrifice to offer 18 pairs of boys and girls to subside the Divine Beast anger to it, otherwise, our Gnome Clan shortly can by its destruction.” 地精长老轻轻一叹,神色有些复杂,他道:“那是身居地底熔岩之中的火焰神兽,是火神魔宠,每到这时,我们都要祭献18对童男童女给它才能平息神兽的怒火,要不然,我们地精一族倾刻间就会被它覆灭。” Long Yi and Feng Ling stare dumbfounded, Long Yi is astonished however asks: „Don't you believe Fire God? How his can Divine Beast also so treat you?” 龙一风铃瞠目结舌,龙一讶然问道:“你们不是信仰火神吗?怎么他的神兽还要如此对待你们?” The Gnome elder shakes the head, sighed, said: Yes, our Gnome Race forever is the Fire God servant, that 18 boys and girls can offer a sacrifice to give to flame Divine Beast that are their glory.” 地精长老摇摇头,叹了一口气,说道:“是啊,我们地精族永远都是火神的仆人,那18童男童女能够被祭献给火焰神兽那是他们的荣耀。” Feng Ling is looking at Gnome elder that sour expression, said with a giggle: But the words of elder as if somewhat speak insincerely.” 风铃望着地精长老那张苦瓜脸,不由咯咯笑道:“但长老的话似乎有些言不由衷啊。” Gnome elder expression stagnates, is smiling bitterly shaking the head. 地精长老神色一滞,苦笑着摇了摇头。 Long Yi is very at heart angry, regarding a soul from the Earth person of the 21 st century, this behavior simply is absurd stupid. But at this time, 18 pairs of Gnome Race boys and girls were naked the body to be lifted, the hair was dripping wet. Obviously has bathed in hurried, they lead naivete look to disclose is panic-stricken and restless, but actually strange has not made a tearful scene. 龙一心里却十分愤怒,对于一个灵魂来自地球二十一世纪的人来说,此种行为简直是荒谬愚蠢之极。而此时,18对地精族的童男童女赤裸着身子被抬了出来,头发都是湿淋淋的。显然是在匆忙之中沐浴了,他们带着稚气地眼神里透露着惊恐与不安,但却奇怪的没有哭闹。 Gnome Race long has shouted out several, a long team starts to march forward toward the front. One crowd of Gnome wept and wailed is pursuing in behind of team, obviously was that 18 pairs of boys and girls family members, but the following guard actually be relentless them knocked down, but they can only look helplessly oneself children stepped onto the death to be helpless, weeping and wailing of that hissing crack lung let Long Yi and Feng Ling thinks to feel sad. 地精族长呼喝了几声,一只长长的队伍开始向着前方行进。有一群地精哭喊着追在了队伍的后面,显然是那18对童男童女地家人,但后面的护卫却毫不留情地将他们打翻在地,而他们只能眼睁睁地看着自己的儿女走上死亡却无能为力,那嘶声裂肺的哭喊让龙一风铃都觉得心酸。 The Gnome elder rushed to front of team, but Long Yi and Feng Ling actually tag along in behind of team, they want to take a look but actually, that flame Divine Beast is growing superhuman. 地精长老赶到了队伍的前面,而龙一风铃却尾随在队伍的后面,他们倒想看看,那火焰神兽是不是长着三头六臂。 As the team turn left right turns in the underground walk, curved circles, that flame Divine Beast shouting sound becomes may hear clearly. End sees its true body, seeks the formidable imposing manner to throw on the front surface. 随着队伍在地下通道里左转右拐,弯弯绕绕,那火焰神兽的嘶吼声变得清晰可闻。末见它的真身,寻强大的气势就迎面扑来。 At this time, the team has changed course in a naked channel. The temperature improved several 20 degrees suddenly, as if one was admitted steamer to be a. Long Yi knows, the front should be that flame Divine Beast habitat. 此时,队伍转进了一条赤身的通道里。温度骤然提高了十几20度,仿佛一下被放进了一个巨大地蒸笼一般。龙一知道,前方应该就是那火焰神兽的栖息地了。 a little while, the team stopped, has knelt uniform. Gnome Race is long and elder is no exception. Long Yi looks as far as the eye can see, sees only the end of channel is a fiery-red gulf, often has the magma to splash. The intermittent blazing air wave along with it gushing out, making the person from inside to outside resemble to burn general. 不多时,队伍停了下来,整齐划一地跪了下去。就连地精族长与长老也不例外。龙一极目望去,只见通道的尽头是一个火红色地深坑,不时地有岩浆飞溅而起。阵阵炽热的气浪随之涌出,让人从里到外都似要烧起来一般。 Sees only Gnome long to set out honest, empty shook several in 18 boys and girls body with his dry claw common both hands, then big hand is splashing toward that a deep pit finger/refers of magma, immediately carries the guard of boys and girls to stand up, walks toward the gulf. 只见地精长老直起身,用他那枯爪一般的双手在18童男童女身上虚晃了几下,然后大手朝着那溅着岩浆的深坑里一指,立时扛着童男童女的护卫站起身,朝着深坑走去。 Long Yi both eyes partly narrows the eyes, this is the Gnome Race matter, he does not want to meddle, but looks helplessly these Gnome Race children were thrown into this magma. In his core is very uncomfortable. 龙一双目半眯起,这是地精族的事情,他本不想插手,但眼睁睁地看着这些地精族的小孩被投进这岩浆里。他地心里就十分不舒服。 At this time, the first pair of boys and girls had been thrown high, Long Yi both eyes suddenly opens, end thinks with enough time, he then lowly drank one to flee, the personal appearance delimited afterimage in the midair, his both hands grasped in void, has become the pair of child of potential of whereabouts is then inhaled in his hand, but he also happen to saw soaked in fiery-red huge Monster that in the magma stretched out the neck to wait. 此时,第一对童男童女已被高高抛起,龙一双目蓦然睁大,末来得及多想,他便低喝一声窜了出去,身形在半空中划出一道道残影,他的双手在虚空中一抓,已成下落之势的一对小孩便被吸入他的手中,而他也正好看到了泡在岩浆之中引颈以待的一只火红色的巨大怪物 Fire Qilin?” Long Yi shouted one lowly, some do not dare to believe that this Monster looked like Fire Qilin in Chinese myth , the elk body, the oxtail, the horse's hoof, body is also covering the First Layer fiery-red scale, the head long had one to sparkle the shining sharp corner/horn, the corner/horn end had the meat to assume yellow. 火麒麟?”龙一低呼一声,有些不敢置信,这怪物真的非常象中国神话中的火麒麟,麋身,牛尾,马蹄,身上还覆盖着一层火红色地鳞片,头上长有一闪闪发亮的尖角,角端有肉呈黄色 However Fire Qilin was angry Long Yi to rob to the food of mouth obviously, its rave, a hot magma lasing to airborne Long Yi. 但是火麒麟显然十分生气龙一抢走了到嘴的食物,它狂吼一声,一口炽热的岩浆激射向空中的龙一 Long Yi backhands a palm to scatter the magma, a wind volume ice roared to howl is pounding to Fire Qilin in magma. At the same time, he transports Great Heaven and Earth Movement to move sideways to return cave entrance, squeezes in a pair of Gnome Race child who in the hand frightens the dusk rashly lifted in their two guard hands. 龙一反手一掌将岩浆打散,紧接着一个风卷冰咆哮呼啸着砸向岩浆中的火麒麟。同一时间,他运起乾坤大挪移闪身退回洞口,不由分说将手上吓昏的一对地精族小孩塞入原先的抬他们的两个护卫手中。 Gnome Race is long and Gnome labor is always pointing at Long Yi with the hand of shivering, your your a long time/half of the day could not speak. 地精族长与地精工老用颤抖的手指着龙一,你你你的半天说不出话来。 Fire Qilin top/withstood a Long Yi wind volume ice to roar stiffly, was wild with rage is seething in the magma, the entire bottom channel started everything may become vulnerable, the stone is shaken to pound in abundance from the top. 火麒麟硬生生顶了一记龙一风卷冰咆哮,狂怒着在岩浆中翻腾着,整个地底通道都开始地动山摇,石块纷纷被震得从顶上砸下来。 Gnome cannot attend to speaks with Long Yi again, such as the round trip of rabbit ran fast, remains Long Yi and Feng Ling suddenly two people. 地精们也顾不得再与龙一说话,如兔子似的往回跑得飞快,眨眼间就剩龙一风铃两人了。 Feng Ling rolled the eyes at Long Yi, but Long Yi is smiling shrugging, but also after finding time, looked, this looks to be serious, sees only that fiery red magma such as the volcanic eruption to well up generally fully. 风铃白了龙一一眼,而龙一则嘻笑着耸耸肩,还抽空还后看了一下,这一看可不得了,只见那火红的岩浆如火山喷发一般扑天盖地涌来。 Long Yi cries out strangely, world of ice and snow seals up cave entrance, actually only resisted for a half second is less than then melts. Looks the magma that wells up, Long Yi deeply takes a breath, the floating body, the both arms are imaginary innumerable phantom, he shouted lowly: Infinitely merciful Chiba strong winds palm.” This is the ancient writings of China infinitely merciful Chiba palm and Wind Attribute Magic blended body, this is the Long Yi first experiment, sees only the innumerable palm shade lasing to leave the innumerable strength, between strength and strength ingenious by the Wind Attribute Magic wind element contract of cyan, was formed unescapable net the strength net, not only speed surprisingly quick, the might strengthened the several fold. 龙一怪叫一声,一个冰天雪地封住洞口,却只抵挡了半秒不到便消融了。看着涌来的岩浆,龙一深吸一口气,飘身而起,双臂幻起无数幻影,他低喝道:“大慈大悲千叶狂风掌。”这是中华古武大慈大悲千叶掌与风系魔法的融合体,这是龙一第一次试验,只见无数掌影激射出无数劲气,劲气与劲气之间巧妙的被青色风系魔法风素承接而起,形成一个天罗地网似的劲气网,不但速度奇快,威力更是增强了数倍。 That wells up magma that comes to be lived to the net by the Long Yi unescapable net crazily, directly striking to fly upside down these magma. 那狂涌而来的岩浆被龙一的天罗地网给网住,直接将这些岩浆给击得倒飞回去。 What Magic are you?” Feng Ling exclaims in surprise asks, Long Yi the style of that move of infinitely merciful Chiba strong winds palm too was a moment ago attractive, elegant nimble and resourceful, that makes the different posture arms innumerably is being makes the person praise to the heavens. “你这是什么魔法?”风铃惊叹地问道,龙一刚才那招大慈大悲千叶狂风掌的招式实在太漂亮了,飘逸灵动,那无数做着不同姿势的手臂更是让人叹为观止。 Long Yi chuckled, just about to replies, listens to one of the bang, the entire cave collapsed. Long Yi is holding Feng Ling, two people instantaneously by stone burying alive. 龙一嘿嘿一笑,刚要答话,就听轰的一声,整个山洞塌了下来。龙一一把抱着风铃,两人瞬间被石头给活埋了。 Long Yi body True Qi overflows, only listens to one of the bang, he is then drawing lasing of Feng Ling from the stone pile, calmly flutters in the midair, if resplendent the pupil of stars with standing Fire Qilin that on wave, in magma composes is looking at each other. 龙一身上真气四溢,只听轰的一声,他便拉着风铃从石堆中激射而出,静静飘在半空中,灿若星辰的眸子与站在一朵岩浆组成的浪上的火麒麟对视着。
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