WM :: Volume #2

#178: Shadow in Sea of Consciousness

Long Yi is bringing Inner Strength bites fully, bit in the Fire Qilin meat unexpectedly with ease, the liquids of warming up have spilled into the mouth of Long Yi, actually does not know that was the blood or other. 龙一带着内力的全力一咬,竟是轻松地咬进了火麒麟的肉里,一股股温热的液体涌进了龙一的嘴里,却不知是鲜血还是其它。 Long Yi is very lucky, Fire Qilin sharp corner/horn surrounding flesh membrane is its only weakness, its below liquid is actually not the blood, but is Fire Qilin cultivation essence is, is the supply station of Fire Qilin Fire Attribute energy. Long Yi does not know these many, his consciousness has been at half comatose condition, only knows that bites ruthlessly does not put. 龙一真的很幸运,火麒麟尖角周围的肉膜是它唯一的弱点,其下的液体却并不是血液,而是火麒麟修炼的精华所在,是火麒麟火系能量的供应站。龙一可不知道这么多,他的意识已处于半昏迷状态,只知道狠狠地咬住不放。 The Fire Qilin rave, it is practicing the energy of coming actually to be absorbed by this humanity laboriously, is the crime does not have to be possible simply. The Fire Qilin whole body has emitted transparent flame, it must carrying on the back this humanity physical body and soul burns the ashes. Long Yi bit in the pain of physical body and soul stepped up, when he discovered that every time attracted a liquid body ache then to alleviate several time sharing, he started to absorb crazily. 火麒麟狂吼着,它辛辛苦苦修炼而来的能量却被这个人类吸收,简直是罪无可恕。火麒麟全身冒出了透明的火焰,它要将背上这个人类的肉体与魂魄烧起灰烬。龙一在肉体与灵魂的痛苦中咬得更加紧了,而当他发现每吸一口液体身上的疼痛便能缓解几分时,他开始疯狂地吸收起来。 The Fire Qilin violent anger, has thrown into under the fiery red magma. 火麒麟暴怒,一头扎进了底下火红的岩浆之中。 Does not want, Long Yi.” A weeping and wailing sound of hoarseness sound crack lung transmits, Feng Ling appeared in that channel place, she in the distant place felt the vibration and Fire Qilin of earth's crust hot roar, has been in suspense and dived finally, who knew arrives in cave entrance then to see this tragedy -type one. “不要,龙一。”一声嘶声裂肺的哭喊声传来,风铃出现在了刚才的那个通道处,她在远方感受到了地壳的震动与火麒麟的火吼声,终是放心不下又潜了回来,谁知一到洞口便看到了这悲剧式的一幕。 The Feng Ling facial expression delay, sits down exhausted on the ground, her grief and indignation, heart was ripped stiffly the fragment, as if had forgotten including the tears how to flow. 风铃神情呆滞,瘫坐在地上,她悲愤,心似被人硬生生从中撕成了碎片,似乎连眼泪都忘记了怎么流。 In the midair, was pounded Wild Thunder Beast in stone wall to struggle to clash, its personal appearance retracted the puppy size, fell on the Feng Ling side, the tongue has been licking the body wound. Under Wild Thunder Beast looked at magma wu wu that seethed with excitement to call two, it has not shown sadly the facial expression actually. Because the relations of Blood Contract it can feel its Master also to live. 半空中,被砸在石壁里的狂雷兽挣扎着冲了出来,它的身形缩回了小狗般大小,落在了风铃的身边,舌头舔着自己身上的伤口。狂雷兽望了望下面沸腾的岩浆呜呜叫了两声,它倒是没有露出悲伤地神情。因为血契的关系它能感受到它的主人还活着。 Feng Ling sets out slowly, suddenly crazy is throwing Magic toward the magma, explodes wave that fires scatter. 风铃慢慢直起身,突然疯狂往岩浆中扔着魔法,炸起一朵朵火四溅的浪。 Domestic animal, gives back to me my Long Yi.” Feng Ling hysteria is bellowing. “畜牲,将我地龙一还给我。”风铃歇斯底里的大吼着。 But for a long time. Exhausted of Feng Ling, under magma still a response does not have. The Feng Ling lip is trembling lightly, deep blue big eyes turned into dying embers. 可过了许久。风铃的筋疲力竭,底下的岩浆中依然一点反应都没有。风铃嘴唇轻颤着,湛蓝的大眼睛变成了一片死灰。 „, Long Yi will not die.” Feng Ling was muttering, the resembling place wanted to convince itself vigorously. “不会的,龙一不会死的。”风铃喃喃着,似处极力想要说服自己。 „, Cannot.” Feng Ling shakes the head, in the mind appears to know that with Long Yi since situations, have been acquainted from the beginning kindly, to afterward such as the brothers common large bowl drinking big stuttering meat, talked of this and that to chat the woman. When two people hug are resting together, take a bath intense and awkwardness that he rushes blurry, this scenes take turn are reappearing in Feng Ling at present. Let her collapse instantaneously. “不会的,不会的。”风铃摇着头,脑海中浮现出与龙一认识以来的一幕幕情形,从一开始亲切地相识,到后来如兄弟一般大碗喝酒大口吃肉,谈天说地聊女人。两人抱着一起睡,洗澡时他迷迷糊糊闯进来的紧张与尴尬,这一个个场景交替着在风铃眼前浮现。让她瞬间崩溃了。 Muttering that Feng Ling is absentminded, careful will hear her to keep shouting that as one pleases is well-grounded is the Long Yi name. 风铃失魂落魄的喃喃自语,仔细听便会听到她不停地喊着地是龙一的名字。 Since lives cannot the old age to the end, then arrives at the underground spring to rely on one another to snuggle, in the Feng Ling mind just flashed through this thought that then immediately has put to the motion. She proceeded two steps, jumped then to jump toward the billowing magma. She has closed both eyes, has opened the bosom. Is duty-bound not to turn back, jumped without hesitation, of corners of the mouth wipes the smile that happily, as if she goes to is not the fatal lava, but is the Long Yi warm bosom. 既然活着不能白头到头,那么就到黄泉相依相偎吧,风铃的脑海中刚刚闪过这个念头,便立刻付诸了行动。她往前走了两步,一纵身便朝着滚滚岩浆跳了下去。她闭上了双眼,张开了怀抱。就那么义无反顾,毫不犹豫地跳了下去,嘴角的那抹微笑都是那么的甜蜜,似乎她投向地不是致命的熔岩,而是龙一温暖的怀抱。 Suddenly, Feng Ling falling downwards body, the body such as rode the rocket to fly. The Feng Ling doubts open both eyes, seeing is Wild Thunder Beast of pocket-sized version, it is looking at her with big eyes lovably. towards her wu wu called two. 蓦然,风铃下坠地身体一顿,身体如坐火箭般又飞了回去。风铃疑惑地睁开双眼,入目的便是袖珍版的狂雷兽,它正可爱地用大眼睛望着她。朝她呜呜叫了两声。 Feng Ling somewhat is in a daze, she remembers that she jumped obviously, how to return to cave entrance, was difficult to be inadequate is this little fellow makes her, all these were a dream, she now is in the dreamland. Because Wild Thunder Beast by Fire Qilin pounding in stone wall, but Feng Ling is seeing finally Fire Qilin is bringing Long Yi toward one that in the magma falls, later mental/spiritual is then absent-minded, has not discovered Wild Thunder Beast. 风铃有些发愣,她记得她明明跳下去了,怎么又回到洞口了,难不成是这个小家伙将她弄上来的,还是这一切都是一场梦,她现在正处在梦境之中。由于刚刚狂雷兽火麒麟给砸进了石壁里,而风铃见着的只是最后火麒麟带着龙一往岩浆里坠下的一幕,之后便精神恍惚,根本就没发现狂雷兽 Feng Ling has pinched own pretty face, discovers very sorely, that this was not the dream, she was sad from the heart, stood then to want downward to jump, the bottom of pants leg was actually bitten with the tooth by Wild Thunder Beast. 风铃掐了掐自己的俏脸,发现很疼,那这便不是梦了,她不禁悲从心来,站起来便又想往下跳,裤角却被狂雷兽用牙齿咬住了。 Feng Ling sits down exhausted, turns the head toward to Wild Thunder Beast, discovered in unexpectedly its eyes has revealed comfort expression, a surprise. Slowly, her brain can revolve normally, she looks to size up Wild Thunder Beast carefully, she has not seen this little fellow, it such emerges out of thin air here, is it possible that is it the Long Yi pet? 风铃瘫坐下来,转头往向狂雷兽,竟发现它的眼睛里露出了安慰的神色,不禁一阵惊奇。慢慢地,她地大脑能够正常的运转了,她细细地看着打量着狂雷兽,她可从来没见过这个小家伙,它就这么凭空出现在这里,莫非它是龙一的宠物? Suddenly, the Feng Ling tender body shakes, autumn eyes reveals wild with joy expression, she muttered: Long Yi has not died, Long Yi has not died.” Because she discovered that Wild Thunder Beast forehead that water drop beaded red bloodstain, this clearly is Blood Contract in legend, if this little fellow is Long Yi demon Pang, then Long Yi died, it could not live surely, but it also joyfully stands now here, this did not explain that Long Yi didn't have? 突然,风铃娇躯一震,秋眸露出狂喜的神色,她喃喃道:“龙一没死,龙一没死。”因为她发现狂雷兽额头那一滴水珠状的红色血印,这分明就是传说中的血契,如果这小家伙是龙一的魔庞,那么龙一死了,它必定也活不了,可它现在还活蹦乱跳地站在这里,这不是说明龙一并不有死吗? Feng Ling weeps, just she of grief and indignation subcrust current tears now unexpectedly does not have tears streaming down the face, she holds Wild Thunder Beast in the bosom, the straw that as if held life-saving is ordinary, it is she finally hopes now. 风铃喜极而泣,刚刚都悲愤地流不眼泪的她现在竟然泪流满面,她一把将狂雷兽抱在怀里,就仿佛抓住了一根救命的稻草一般,它现在就是她最后的希望。 Long Yi goes all out to suck in the liquid that wells up from Fire Qilin flesh membrane, only then this can reduce the pain of his physical body and soul. But Fire Qilin actually suddenly threw into temperature has reached as high as in several thousand degrees lava, in less than one second, will melt the dregs not to remain without Spiritual Force and he of Inner Strength protection. 龙一拼命地吮吸着从火麒麟肉膜中涌出来的液体,只有这样才能减轻他肉体与灵魂的痛苦。可火麒麟却突然一头扎进了温度高达数千度的熔岩里,用不了一秒钟,没有精神力内力防护的他就会融得渣都不剩。 When is Long Yi will soon stain lava, his body surface suddenly covers First Layer Black Qi, will twine compelling in his body firing line, that ebullition magma as well as Fire Qilin body the transparent flame could not injure his slightest bit unexpectedly. 可就是龙一即将沾上熔岩时,他的体表突然覆盖上了一层黑气,将缠绕在他身上的火线给逼了出去,那沸腾的岩浆以及火麒麟身上了出的透明火焰竟也伤不了他半分。 The pain reduces suddenly, Long Yi then subconsciously loosened the mouth, but flesh membrane of Fire Qilin that sharp corner/horn then rapidly heals, does not leave the slight trace. 痛苦骤然减轻,龙一便下意识地松开了嘴,而火麒麟那尖角的肉膜便迅速愈合,不留丝毫痕迹。 Indistinct within, the Long Yi surface had as if presented Shadow, a pair of black pupil was looking at him strangely, but other body parts were actually similar to illusory do not see clearly. 隐约间,龙一的面有似乎出现了一个黑影,一对黑眸正诡异地望着他,而身上其它部分却如同虚幻般看不清楚。 Who are you?” Long Yi asked weakly, the consciousness was somewhat dim, he felt that this had the feeling of seeming to have met before to the black pupil. “你是谁?”龙一虚弱地问道,意识有些朦胧,他感觉到这对黑眸有似曾相识的感觉。 You do not need to know.” The sound that Shadow that moves fast from conveys in all directions, cannot distinguish clearly everybody. “你不需要知道。”黑影那飘忽的声音从四面八方传来,分不清男女老少。 „Have you saved me?” Long Yi asked. “你救了我?”龙一问道。 Also with asking? Your this fool.” Shadow is having the ridicule, pitch-dark eyes is pasting ripple rays of light. “还用问吗?你这个笨蛋。”黑影带着些嘲弄,黑漆漆的眼睛流转着波纹似的光芒 Long Yi knit the brows, immediately calms the mind, restrains by force own curiosity, eyes closed does not speak. When is the consciousness of Long Yi must fall into dark(ness), an unusual strength him gives to awaken, opens eyes, discovery that dim Shadow. 龙一皱了皱眉,随即静下心来,强压住自己的好奇心,闭目不语。就是龙一的意识又要陷入黑暗时,一股奇特的力量又将他给唤醒过来,一睁眼,发现还是那个朦胧的黑影 Who aren't you curious I are? Why will appear in your Sea of Consciousness?” Shadow asked. “你就不好奇我是谁?为什么会出现在你的意识海之中吗?”黑影问道。 Long Yi stares, originally he now during oneself consciousness, no wonder the feeling so is strange. 龙一一愣,原来他现在是在自己的意识之中,难怪感觉这么奇怪。 You want to say that naturally can say, asks and has anything to distinguish.” Long Yi ill-humored say/way. “你想说自然会说,问不问又有什么区别。”龙一没好气道。 Shadow long time has not opened the mouth, later Hehe has then smiled two, said: Interesting, good, even if you asked me, I will not tell you.” 黑影半晌没有开口,之后便呵呵笑了两声,说道:“有意思,不错,就算你问我,我也不会告诉你的。” Who I manage you am, but you do not undergo my agreement then to run up to my body, somewhat is really hateful, can ask you to exit immediately.” Long Yi thinks oneself do not have the least bit privacy somewhat to be angry in front of this Shadow, was the deepest secret given also to know by him? “我管你是谁,但是你不经过我的同意便跑到我的身体来,实在有些可恶,能不能请你马上出去啊。”龙一想到自己在这黑影面前没有半点隐私就有些愤怒,那自己最深的秘密是不是也被他给知晓了? If I exit now, perhaps you must be frightened out of one's wits, you could rest assured that I do not live away from home in your body, but to save you have no recourse, does not have the interest to observe your idea.” Shadow as if saw through Long Yi to be worried about anything, then straightforward saying, actually he poured wants to know that really Long Yi was thinking anything, but he discovered that the will non- general strength of Long Yi, he could not inquire about. “如果我现在出去,你恐怕就得魂飞魄散了,你放心,我并不是寄住在你的身体里的,只是为了救你才迫不得已进来,也没有兴趣察看你的想法。”黑影似乎看穿了龙一担心什么,便直接了当的说道,其实他倒真想知道龙一在想什么,但他发现龙一的意志非一般的坚强,他根本就探寻不到。 The Long Yi hearing this beginning was more relieved, did not have the danger, his brain starts to be detachable, this Shadow does not reside temporarily in own body, that definitely resides temporarily in own body some type of thing, this Shadow is only one did not have the soul of entity evidently, was at that time in that Yin Spirit that in Illusory Forest catches, but Long Yi then denied this guess quickly. 龙一闻言始安心了一些,没有了危险,他的脑子开始活络起来,这个黑影不是寄居在自己的身体里,那肯定是寄居在自己身上的某样东西里,看样子这黑影还只是一个没有实体的魂魄,难道是当时在魔幻森林里抓到的那个阴灵,但龙一很快便否定了这个猜测。 Long Yi is looking at Shadow that strange black pupil, always thought where as if has seen generally. Suddenly, he calls out in alarm said: Is you, that is only eyes in Heavenly Demon Stone is your, you reside temporarily in Heavenly Demon Stone.” 龙一望着黑影那诡异的黑眸,总觉得似乎在哪里看到过一般。蓦然,他惊呼道:“是你,天魔石里的那只眼睛是不是就是你的,你是寄居在天魔石里的吧。” Calculates that you did not have stupidly proficient, good, is I.” Shadow said with a smile low and deep, that sound made people somewhat absolutely terrified. “算你还没笨到家,不错,就是我。”黑影低沉地笑道,那声音着实让人有些毛骨悚然。 I am stupid, but you are more pitiful, was stranded in Heavenly Demon Stone many years.” Long Yi said with a chuckle. “我是笨,但你更可怜,被人困在天魔石里不少年了吧。”龙一嘿嘿笑道 Shadow did not speak, sighed one gently, this made Long Yi affirm own guess. 黑影不语,轻轻叹了一声,这让龙一更加肯定了自己的猜测。 Meeting is predestined friends, Brother, should not be worried, after me, has achieved Necromancy Attribute Magic God realm, looks for body resurrecting not to be a problem to you.” Long Yi said with a chuckle, is this Shadow is on intimate terms unexpectedly. “相见即是有缘,兄弟,你不要担心,等我以后达到了亡灵系法神境界,给你找一副躯壳复活是不成问题的了。”龙一嘿嘿笑道,竟是和这黑影称兄道弟起来。 Shadow has been startled being startled, suddenly has smiled, strange sound moving fast made the person listen to such as the weightlessness to be ordinary. 黑影怔了怔,突然笑了起来,诡异的声音飘飘忽忽让人听了如失重一般难受。 You know why I said you are stupid? Because you always like thinking oneself clever.” Shadow said with a smile. “你知道我为什么说你笨吗?因为你总是喜欢自作聪明。”黑影笑道。 Long Yi is speechless, the good intention does not have to report. 龙一无语,好心没好报。 Just did the child, you know? You support treasure mountain not to know to use spatially, is unexpectedly stupid hardly spells with Qilin Saint Beast, if not for I, you were already frightened out of one's wits.” Shadow said. “刚子,你知道吗?你空拥宝山而不知用,竟然笨得跟麒麟圣兽去硬拼,若不是我,你早就魂飞魄散了。”黑影说道。 treasure mountain?” The Long Yi brain is thinking actually have what treasure to let Fire Qilin this powerful fellow crouches/submits Shou, may think it over cannot find out a reason why to come, hits it including Wild Thunder Beast, can also what thing trig it? 宝山?”龙一挖空心思地想着自己究竟有何宝物能让火麒麟这强悍的家伙伏首,可想来想去也想不出个所以然来,连狂雷兽都是打不过它,还有什么东西可以制住它呢?
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