WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#884: Transferring nature, mysterious stele

The Han Jue words are very optional, fall actually fill aggressively in the Sages ear. 韩绝的话很随意,落在诸圣耳中却充满霸气。 This is Divine Might Heavenly Sage, no one fears! 这就是神威天圣,谁也不惧! Xuandu Saint Venerable shows the smile, said: I naturally do not fear, what that Three Pure Ones Sage World takes responsibility is Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, as for my teacher Laozi (father) year to year seclusion, if really compels his take action, I still chose Heavenly Dao.” 玄都圣尊露出笑容,道:“吾自然不惧,那三清圣界做主的是元始天尊,至于吾老师老子常年闭关,倘若真逼得他出手,吾仍选择天道。” Han Jue slight nod, no longer said. 韩绝微微点头,也不再多说。 Afterward, Xuandu Saint Venerable confessed something, after the Sages discussion makes a final decision, Sages then respectively diverges. 随后,玄都圣尊又交代了一些事情,经过诸圣商讨敲定后,圣人们便各自散去。 Han Jue sets out, Han Qing follows. 韩绝起身,韩青儿紧随其后。 Long Hao, Ji Xianshen, Fang Liang, Han Yu, Qin Ling and other Hidden Sect Sage encircle in abundance, they start to try to get close to Han Qing. 龙昊纪仙神方良韩玉秦灵隐门圣人纷纷围过来,他们开始跟韩青儿套近乎。 Han Qing feels extremely flattered, never expected that in Sage hides so many Senior Brother and Martial Nephew even is being Grand Disciple. 韩青儿受宠若惊,没想到圣人之中藏着这么多师兄师侄甚至是徒孙 Han Jue snort/hum said: Later she appears and disappears in Heavenly Dao, do not let her receive the least bit wound, otherwise I must govern your crimes, cannot run away.” 韩绝哼道:“以后她出没在天道,可别让她受半点伤,否则我就要治你们的罪,一个也逃不了。” Other Sage have not gone out of the universe palace, heard the Han Jue words, their complexion fluctuates Yin clearly, remembered these words. 其他圣人还未走出乾坤殿,也都听到了韩绝的话,他们脸色阴晴变幻,都记住了这番话。 They are not silly, know Han Jue also to select them. 他们不傻,知晓韩绝也是在点他们。 Father, am I Quasi-Sage, who in Immortal World can injure me?” Han Qing does not depend on, charmingly angry say/way, then at heart very pleased, she has not felt such father love for a long time, making her be moved is also ashamed. “父亲,我可是准圣,仙界之中谁能伤我?”韩青儿不依,娇嗔道,心里则美滋滋,她好久没有感受到这样的父爱,让她感动又惭愧。 Before remembering, she to father's complaint, she is very ashamed. 想起之前她对父亲的埋怨,她就很羞愧。 Han Jue smiles, has not said. 韩绝笑了笑,也没有接话。 The disciples guaranteed. 弟子们纷纷保证。 Hong Yuan is turning the waist, arrives in front of Han Qing, said with a laugh: Heavenly Sage, might as well your daughter to me, when apprentice, I give as much support as possible dao method surely.” 红缘扭着腰肢,走到韩青儿面前,笑呵呵道:“天圣,不如将您女儿给我当徒弟吧,我必定将一身道法倾囊相授。” Such remarks, these want to receive Han Qing are the apprentice Sage complexion drastic changes, actually does not dare to struggle. 此言一出,那些想收韩青儿为徒弟圣人脸色剧变,却也不敢争。 After all Hong Yuan is Great Dao Sage, they put together an insufficient Hong Yuan hand suppression. 毕竟红缘大道圣人,他们加在一起都不够红缘一只手镇压。 Han Qing was been shocking by the Hong Yuan appearance and makings, the feel threat of her instinct, not for oneself, for her mother. 韩青儿被红缘的容貌、气质惊艳到,她本能的感到威胁,不是为自己,是为她娘。 She looks subconsciously to Han Jue. 她下意识看向韩绝 Han Jue is without turning a hair, said: Looks at the idea of this girl.” 韩绝面不改色,道:“看这丫头的想法吧。” Han Qing said: Father, I did not go to Immortal World, I planned that cultivated hundred ten thousand years with you, went out again informed and experienced.” 韩青儿道:“父亲,我还是不去仙界了,我打算跟您修炼百万载,再外出历练。” Han Jue surprise looks to her, seeing only her face is earnest. 韩绝诧异的看向她,只见她一脸认真。 He comforts, it seems like Good Fortune made her understand the truth. 他心里宽慰,看来刚才的一场造化让她明白了道理。 Han Jue wielded the sleeve, bringing Han Qing to vanish in the original position. 韩绝挥了挥袖,带着韩青儿消失在原处。 Hong Yuan sighed, was somewhat regrettable. 红缘叹息一声,有些遗憾。 Primordial Chaos Heavenly Prison makes her fill loyally to Han Jue, but has not cancelled her idea to Han Jue. 鸿蒙天牢让她对韩绝充满忠诚,但没有抹去她对韩绝的那点想法。 She has wanted to tie dao companion with Han Jue, doing to now is the servant, is not exactable. 她一直想跟韩绝道侣,奈何如今为仆,不可强求。 Hong Yuan shakes the head, with vanishing. 红缘摇了摇头,跟着消失。 The Hidden Sect disciples are still discussing Han Qing, they regarding this Younger Junior Sister, are very curious, the news estimated how long could not want to spread over Hidden Sect. 隐门弟子们还在讨论韩青儿,他们对于这位小师妹,还是很好奇的,消息估计要不了多久就能传遍隐门 Another side. 另一边。 Han Jue brings Han Qing to return to third dao field. 韩绝带着韩青儿回到第三道场 „Doesn't father, we have a look at the aunts and two mothers?” Han Qing asked curiously. “父亲,我们不去看看大娘与二娘?”韩青儿好奇问道。 Han Jue said: They must cultivation, are all right do not need to disturb them, regarding me and others, is the double-hour of most not lacking.” 韩绝道:“她们也得修炼,没什么事就不必打搅她们,对于我等而言,最不缺的便是时辰。” Han Qing feels in the principle, she grasps the right arm of Han Jue, acts like a spoiled brat saying: Father, can you tell your story to me again.” 韩青儿觉得在理,她抱住韩绝的右臂,撒娇道:“父亲,您能不能再跟我讲讲您的故事啊。” After this one time, she is curious about the Han Jue deeds. 经此一遭,她对韩绝的事迹充满好奇。 Han Jue does not conceal, mentioned the own story, was different from facing Qing Luan'er, before the daughter, he wants to show off, therefore when raising these enemies, he deliberately described the great strength of enemy emphatically, hearing the Han Qing childhood to call out in alarm. 韩绝也不隐瞒,重新说起自己的故事,不同于面对青鸾儿,在女儿面前,他还是想卖弄一下的,所以在提起那些敌人时,他刻意着重描绘敌人的强大,听得韩青儿时而惊呼。 After several double-hour, the Han Jue lecture, has not given full expression. 数个时辰后,韩绝讲完,言犹未尽。 Has saying that although he experience are not many, but each is the important matter, the earth-shaking important matter, can write the novel. 不得不说,他虽然经历不多,但每一件都是大事,惊天动地的大事,都可以写成小说。 Moreover he has not joined the Darkness Forbidden Lord score. 而且他还没有加入黑暗禁主的战绩。 Looks at Han Qing again, this girl the whole face worship, having made Han Jue incomparably enjoy at heart. 再看韩青儿,这丫头已然满脸崇拜,让韩绝心里无比受用。 Father, you were really fierce! I must become people like you! I must cultivation well, forever is strong in the enemy!” “父亲,您真是太厉害了!我也要成为您这样的人!我要好好修炼,永远强于敌人!” Han Qing said inspired, as if found the lifelong goal. 韩青儿振奋道,仿佛找到了人生目标。 Han Jue said with a smile: That, your Elder Brother will come back in the future, I make your brother and sister two fights spar, when the time comes you may triumph he, making him understand, is in the family/home good.” 韩绝笑道:“那可以,日后你哥哥回来,我让你们兄妹两斗斗法,到时候你可得胜过他,让他明白,还是家里好。” Han Qing said proudly: My aptitude, you felt relieved!” 韩青儿骄傲道:“我的资质,你放心!” Then, she beckons with the hand then departs. 说罢,她摆了摆手便离去。 Han Jue shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not, sits in meditation on the rush cushion, starts to cultivate. 韩绝摇头失笑,打坐在蒲团上,开始修炼。 Then broke through on this/should impact! 接下来就该冲击突破了! Under old tree. 老树下。 Qing Luan'er feels a gust attack, she opens eyes to look, discovers daughter animated treating before oneself. 青鸾儿感受到一阵风来袭,她睁眼看去,发现女儿俏生生的待在自己面前。 azure! How did you come back?” Qing Luan'er pleasantly surprised asking. “青儿!你怎么回来了?”青鸾儿惊喜的问道。 Han Qing said with a smile: Mother, I wants to understand, is the cultivation is well important.” 韩青儿笑道:“娘,我想明白了,还是好好修炼要紧。” She is not many explained, arrives at the one side to sit down, starts to cultivate. 她也不多解释,走到一旁坐下,开始修炼。 Qing Luan'er looks to her, is absent-minded. 青鸾儿望向她,不由恍惚。 Why does not know, she found the Han Jue shadow in daughter body. 不知为何,她在女儿身上瞧见了韩绝的影子。 It is not the look, but is a feeling. 不是相貌,而是一种感觉。 In her heart curious, what method did Han Jue use to make Han Qing change the temper? 她心中好奇,韩绝到底用了什么法子让韩青儿改了性子? ...... …… Dark void, a broken giant wooden boat is leading the way, is indistinctly good to seem the invisible giant beast in drawing the hull. 黑暗虚空,一艘残破的巨大木船正在前行,隐约好似有无形巨兽在拉着船身。 Five Great Punishment Gods is practicing on the ship. 五大神罚正在船上修炼。 Yi Tian is just boring, suddenly finds Han Tuo in smiling quietly. 遗天正无聊呢,忽然瞧见韩拓在悄悄的笑。 You smile anything, seems like inexpensive.” Yi Tian had a yawn, careless asking. “你笑什么呢,看起来好贱。”遗天打了一个哈欠,漫不经心的问道。 Han Tuo rolled the eyes, said: I knew a matter in Chaos Domain a moment ago, I had the younger sister.” 韩拓翻了翻白眼,道:“刚才我在混沌领域得知一件事,我有妹妹了。” Yi Tian one hear, came the spirit immediately, said: „Does our younger sister name?” 遗天一听,顿时来了精神,道:“咱妹妹叫什么名字?” What our younger sister?” “什么咱妹妹?” Hehe, I am you do the big brother.” “嘿嘿,我可是你干大哥。” Hehe.” “呵呵。” Said quickly!” “快说!” Named Han Qing, was born 20 ten thousand years then achievement Quasi-Sage, in my father side cultivation.” “名为韩青儿,出生二十万载便成就准圣,正在我父亲身旁修炼。” Extraordinary, worthily is my adoptive father's type, you ask that your Senior Brother, when my adoptive father does recognize me?” “了不得,不愧是我干爹的种,你问问你的师兄们,我干爹何时认我啊?” Yi Tian asked difficultly, after becoming Five Great Punishment Gods, they did not have the enemy, any existed to see that they must be submissive, suddenly, he lost the goal, the whole body did not get a grip, always looks for other three divine punishment ratios to fight. 遗天挠头问道,成为五大神罚后,他们没有了敌人,任何存在见到他们都得低声下气,一时间,他失去了目标,浑身不得劲,总是找其他三位神罚比斗。 Becoming the Divine Might Heavenly Sage adopted son, pours to become the matter that in the Yi Tian heart most anticipated. 成为神威天圣的干儿子,倒成了遗天心中最期待的事情。 Han Tuo snort/hum said: „Do my Senior Brother also wanderers, how hand over the words to you outside?” 韩拓哼道:“我那些师兄也在外闯荡,怎么给你递话?” That but actually is also, Dao Supreme, Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi these three fellows stir up trouble everywhere, already has many Great Dao Spiritual God to sue them to us, said, they are equivalent owe me a favor.” “那倒也是,道至尊赵轩辕姜易这三个家伙到处惹事,已经有不少大道神灵向我们状告他们,说起来,他们相当于欠我一桩人情呢。” Yi Tian said with a smile, the eyeball wandered, does not know that is thinking anything. 遗天笑道,眼珠子转悠,不知在想些什么。 Han Tuo is just about to open the mouth, at this time, the giant wooden boat shivered suddenly. 韩拓正要开口,这时,巨大木船忽然颤动。 The divine punishments set out in abundance, Han Tuo is also so. 神罚们纷纷起身,韩拓也是如此。 Han Tuo knits the brows, looks to the wooden boat front. 韩拓皱眉,看向木船前方。 The dark deep place presents a giant stele, above is tattered and torn, the terrifying strong winds raid, is resisting the advance of wooden boat. 黑暗深处出现一具巨大的石碑,上面千疮百孔,恐怖狂风袭来,抵御着木船的前进。 What ghost thing is that?” The Yi Tian sinking sound asked. “那是什么鬼东西?”遗天沉声问道。 Sees only innumerable cave entrance on giant stele to have the thing to creep along indistinctly, resembles the insect bone, dense fearful. 只见巨大石碑上的无数洞口隐约有东西在爬动,似虫似骨,森然可怕。 The restless emotion that Han Tuo inexplicable rapid heartbeat, very long has not had emerges in the heart. 韩拓莫名的心跳加快,很久没有出现的不安情绪在心底涌现。
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