WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#883: Father's domineering

When Han Qing shocking, curious, Han Jue and Xuandu Saint Venerable abreast in row sitting down. 韩青儿震惊、好奇之时,韩绝玄都圣尊并排着坐下。 Han Jue beckons toward her, hints her to stand in oneself behind. 韩绝朝她招手,示意她站在自己身后。 one after another Sage arrives one after another, each Sage enters brings up the rear salutes to Han Jue and Xuandu Saint Venerable, the Han Qing dark sleep/felt is surprised. 一名名圣人接连到来,每一位圣人入殿后得向韩绝玄都圣尊行礼,韩青儿暗觉惊奇。 Her already is Quasi-Sage, actually could not completely understand that cultivation base of these people, is not Sage, what is also? 已经准圣,却看不透这些人的修为,不是圣人,又是什么? In a while, Sages arrives in full, Foolish Sword Divine Sage and Xu Hun (Void Soul/Spirit) Great Sage and Hong Yuan also came. 没过多久,诸圣到齐,就连愚剑神圣虚魂大圣红缘也来了。 The rarity can see Han Jue, they naturally cannot miss. 难得能见到韩绝,他们自然不会错过。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage is staring at Han Jue, the look twinkle. 愚剑神圣盯着韩绝,眼神闪烁。 He wants to challenge Han Jue, but said goodbye Han Jue, still lacked self-confidence at heart. 他想挑战韩绝,但再见韩绝,心里仍没底。 Sages notices Han Jue behind Han Qing, guessed secretly. 圣人们注意到韩绝身后的韩青儿,暗自猜测。 Han Qing sees Han Yu, immediately was happy, winks toward him, doing Han Yu is quite embarrassed. 韩青儿看到韩玉,顿时高兴,朝他挤眉弄眼,搞得韩玉颇为窘迫。 Long Hao asked curiously: Master, you behind this is?” 龙昊好奇问道:“师父,您身后这位是?” Master? 师父 Han Qing eye one bright, sizes up Long Hao. 韩青儿眼睛一亮,打量龙昊 Is this also father's apprentice? 这也是父亲的徒弟 Han Jue opens the mouth saying: This is daughter Han Qing, the cultivation 20 ten thousand years, achievement Quasi-Sage.” 韩绝开口道:“这是小女韩青儿,修行二十万载,成就准圣。” Sages one hear, acclaimed the Han Qing natural talent. 诸圣一听,纷纷赞叹韩青儿的天资。 The new Saints sees Han Jue for the first time, awed, hears female's of Heavenly Sage aptitude is so terrifying, secretly exclamation. 新圣们第一次见到韩绝,本就敬畏,听闻天圣之女的资质如此恐怖,不由暗自惊叹。 20 long live achievement Quasi-Sage, take a broad view at entire Immortal World, is peak the capital of Heaven's Chosen. 二十万岁成就准圣,放眼整个仙界,也是绝顶的天骄之资。 Suddenly, the Sages thoughts enliven. 一时间,圣人们心思活跃起来。 If can accept Han Qing is the disciple, to relate with Divine Might Heavenly Sage goes a step further? 若是能收下韩青儿为徒,岂不是跟神威天圣关系更进一步? Xuandu Saint Venerable observes the situation, opens the mouth saying: Today calls everyone to come, is for an important matter, affects the entire Chaos important matter sufficiently, this is also the Heavenly Dao opportunity.” 玄都圣尊环视一圈,开口道:“今日叫诸位来,乃是为了一件大事,一件足以影响整个混沌的大事,这也是天道的机会。” Really, is Heavenly Dao Sage! 果然,都是天道圣人 Is the father in the legend defends Heavenly Dao Divine Might Heavenly Sage repeatedly? 那父亲就是传说中屡次保卫天道神威天圣 In Han Qing heart excited, even does not feel. 韩青儿心中激动,甚至感到不真实。 Before travelled for pleasure Immortal World, she heard the Divine Might Heavenly Sage myth frequently. 以前游历仙界时,她经常听闻神威天圣的神话。 The invincible might defends Heavenly Dao, Xuandu governs the common people! 神威守天道,玄都治苍生! These words spread broadly! 这句话流传得最广! Proves importance as well as position of Divine Might Heavenly Sage to the Heavenly Dao sufficiently! 足以证明神威天圣天道的重要性以及地位! Han Qing very difficult Divine Might Heavenly Sage with the father to link. 韩青儿很难将神威天圣与自己父亲联系在一起。 Divine Might Heavenly Sage in myth is powerful, overbearing unparalleled, despises Chaos all might, what kind of power. 神话中的神威天圣强大绝伦,霸道无双,蔑视混沌一切强权,何等的威风凛凛。 Han Qing looks to Han Jue. 韩青儿不由看向韩绝 The father is attractive except for looks, seeming like not aggressive. 父亲除了长得好看,看起来并不霸气啊。 „The head of Spiritual God is going to jointly sponsor the Chaos grand meeting with our Heavenly Sage, as long as is within 100 million -year-old lives is all participable, comes out Chaos ten and eternal certainly summits certainly......” “神灵之首与我们天圣将要联合举办混沌盛会,但凡是一亿岁以内的生灵皆可参与,决出混沌十绝、万古绝巅……” Xuandu Saint Venerable looked at Han Jue one, mentioned slowly, from knew to the Divine Punishment Venerable mouth in Han Jue was the same. 玄都圣尊看了韩绝一眼,缓缓说来,与韩绝从至罚神尊口中得知的一样。 After Sages hear , is excited, looks to Han Jue, sees Han Jue to nod, in palace cooker. 诸圣听后皆是激动,纷纷看向韩绝,见韩绝点头,殿内炸锅。 So mentioned, the head of that Spiritual God was acknowledged that Heavenly Sage did treat as an equal to him?” “这般说来,那神灵之首算是承认天圣与他平起平坐?” Should, the head of Spiritual God be so strong, can result in two ten thousand Divine Right Will?” “理应如此,神灵之首再强,能强得过两万神权将?” Five Great Punishment Gods comes no wonder, originally makes this plan.” “怪不得五大神罚前来,原来是做此打算。” This is the good deed, once the grand meeting is successful, not only can select Heaven's Chosen, to later generation Great Dao, but also established Heavenly Sage in the Chaos position, the head of being on par Spiritual God.” “这是好事,一旦盛会成功,不仅可以选拔天骄,给后辈一条大道,还奠定了天圣混沌的地位,比肩神灵之首。” Also with establishing? Chaos strongest who dares to question?” “还用奠定?混沌最强谁敢质疑?” My Heavenly Dao Heaven's Chosen are how many, happen to makes Chaos take a look at Heavenly Dao background!” “吾天道天骄何其多,正好让混沌瞧瞧天道底蕴!” The Sages bold air-drying clouds, more said is more excited. 诸圣豪气干云,越说越兴奋。 In Heavenly Dao teaches the series to all flowers bloom together, can have the shocking talent every ten thousand years, other Chaos world and can domains compare can it be that? 天道内教统百花齐放,每万年都能出惊艳之才,岂是混沌其他天地、领域能比的? Chaos strongest? 混沌最强 Han Qing surprise looks to the Han Jue back. 韩青儿诧异的看向韩绝的背影。 Is the father so fierce? 父亲这么厉害? She also knows Chaos to be limitless, can be called strongest, that strong? 她也知道混沌无边无际,能被称为最强,那得有多强? No wonder the disciple can be Unrestrained Sage. 怪不得弟子能是自在圣人 The facial expression of Han Qing becomes strange. 韩青儿的神情变得古怪。 Wait! 等等! My father strongest, why can I also cultivation? 我父亲最强,那我为何还要修炼? Who can harm me? 谁能害我? Han Qing thinks that Han Jue attitude, possibly is only all living things thinks his strongest, in fact also hidden existence that is making him incomparably dread, very much so, he can continuously seclusion. 韩青儿想想韩绝的态度,可能只是众生认为他最强,实际上还隐藏着让他无比忌惮的存在,正是如此,他才会一直闭关 After thinking through, Han Qing looked writes all over the worship and awe again to the Han Jue vision. 想通之后,韩青儿再次看向韩绝的目光写满崇拜与敬畏。 Accompanies is so unexpectedly great in her father, thinks itself again, is also thinking wanting to play all the time unexpectedly? 陪伴在她身边的父亲竟如此伟大,再想想自己,竟还想着贪玩? At this moment, Han Qing felt suddenly oneself found the lifelong goal. 这一刻,韩青儿忽然觉得自己找到了人生目标。 Does not seek amusement! 绝非寻乐! She must become like the father great existence. 她要成为像父亲一样伟大的存在。 Chaos grand meeting ten million years later opens, Sages can prepare, participates in this grade of grand meeting, decides however enters the stage by Sage, Quasi-Sage went is also disgraced.” Xuandu Saint Venerable serious say/way. 混沌盛会千万年后开启,诸圣可以准备一下,参与这等盛会,定然得由圣人出场,准圣去了也是丢人。”玄都圣尊严肃道。 Sages nods, in the eye ignites the color of anticipation. 诸圣点头,眼中都燃起期待之色。 This may , is not only Heavenly Dao brings honor, intrudes Chaos ten certainly, can become Great Dao Spiritual God! 这可不只是为天道争光,闯入混沌十绝,就能成为大道神灵 Heavenly Dao Sage Heavenly Dao, Great Dao Spiritual God manages Chaos eventually by all means! 天道圣人终究只管天道,大道神灵才是管混沌 Xuandu Saint Venerable opens the mouth saying: „The second matter, Heavenly Dao had two Saint seats.” 玄都圣尊开口道:“第二件事,天道有多了两位圣席。” If in the past, they decided directly, today Han Jue, has to give the Han Jue face. 若是以往,他们直接就决定了,今日韩绝在,不得不给韩绝面子。 Xuandu Saint Venerable looks to Han Jue. 玄都圣尊看向韩绝 Han Jue said: Netherworld Yang Tiandong should have one.” 韩绝道:“阴间阳天冬该有一位。” Very directly! 很直接! Han Qing is secretly anxious, the father did not fear that offends other Sage? 韩青儿暗自紧张,父亲不怕得罪其他圣人吗? Although his strongest, but the bright spear/gun is easy to hide the stab in the back to be difficult to guard, doesn't fear to be deserted by friends and allies? 虽说他最强,可明枪易躲暗箭难防,不怕众叛亲离? Good! Wonderful! That Yang Tiandong truly merit, governed in good order the Netherworld order, he was not the Saint, perhaps Netherworld refused to accept, worthily was Heavenly Sage, selected the rightest candidate all of a sudden!” “好!妙极了!那阳天冬确实功绩了得,将阴间秩序治理得井井有条,他不为圣,恐怕阴间不服,不愧是天圣,一下子就挑中最合适的人选!” Yang Che claps and cheers saying that a face admiration. 杨彻拍手称快道,一脸敬佩。 Xu Dudao follows saying: Right, Sage may, not only by natural talent, by cultivation base, but must discuss the merit, we wield Heavenly Dao, depends is not cultivation base, but is the overall perception as well as for dao heart that all living things consider.” 徐妒道跟着道:“没错,圣人可不只是论天资,论修为,还得论功绩,吾等执掌天道,也靠的不是修为,而是大局观以及为众生着想的道心。” Qiu Xilai and Heaven's Severing Cult Master, Pan Xin, Wayless Heavenly Lord wait/etc. started to flatter. 求西来天绝教主盘心无法天尊等纷纷开始拍马屁。 The Han Jue disciples gawked staring, criticizes shameless, follows to flatter hastily. 韩绝的弟子们愣了愣,暗骂无耻,连忙跟着拍马屁。 Own does Master, how could make the bystander first hold? 自家师父,岂能让外人抢先捧? The new Saints look at each other in blank dismay, does not adapt extremely, but does not dare to question. 新圣们面面相觑,极为不适应,但也不敢质疑。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage serene, he thought that this is very normal, if no Han Jue, Heavenly Dao is anything, his sword extinguishes it. 愚剑神圣云淡风轻,他觉得这很正常,若无韩绝,天道算什么,他一剑灭之。 Han Qing is looking at present one, somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry. 韩青儿望着眼前一幕,有些啼笑皆非。 She also calculates that saw clearly Han Jue in the Heavenly Dao component, is heavier than Xuandu Saint Venerable! 她也算看清楚了韩绝天道的份量,比玄都圣尊还重! Han Jue wanted a Saint position, remaining make them struggle. 韩绝只要了一个圣位,剩下的一位就让他们自己争。 Sage eventually is Sage, all rational, will not win to be red in the face. 圣人终究是圣人,一切得有理,不会争得面红耳赤。 After the Saint position makes a final decision, Xuandu Saint Venerable also mentioned the Heavenly Dao problem of development, recently Three Pure Ones Sage World had indistinctly the meaning that Heavenly Dao did against, except for digging Heaven's Chosen, both sides cultivator also had the conflict when the Chaos wanderer. 圣位敲定后,玄都圣尊又说起天道发展问题,近来三清圣界隐约有与天道对着干的意思,除了挖天骄,双方修行者混沌闯荡时也多有冲突。 Heavenly Dao and Three Pure Ones Sage World wants to become this piece of Chaos Domain center! 天道三清圣界都想成为这片混沌领域的中心! But a mountain does not accommodate two tigers. 可一山不容二虎。 Three Pure Ones Sage World has Great Dao Sage, Laozi (father). 三清圣界大道圣人,还有老子 Laozi (father) opens Sword Dao, is Dao Ancestor passes on Eldest Disciple, even if the prestige is inferior to Divine Might Heavenly Sage, but the disparity will not be oversized. 老子开辟剑道,又乃道祖亲传大弟子,声望纵然不如神威天圣,但差距也不会过大。 Xuandu Saint Venerable looks to Han Jue, asked: If Heavenly Dao and Three Pure Ones Sage World does have the conflict?” 玄都圣尊看向韩绝,问道:“若是天道三清圣界起冲突?” Han Jue said careless: You do not fear, why must to ask me?” 韩绝漫不经心道:“你都不惧,何须问我?” Xuandu Saint Venerable one hear, have several at heart immediately. 玄都圣尊一听,心里顿时有数。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage is excited. 愚剑神圣则兴奋起来。 Can Divine Might Heavenly Sage hit with Laozi (father)? 神威天圣要跟老子打起来?
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