WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#882: Jiang Jueshi attitude, the female of Heavenly Sage

Han Qing was frightened by Jiang Jueshi takes back divine sense, is anxious the whole body to be stiff. 韩青儿被姜绝世吓得收回神念,紧张得浑身僵硬。 She has to plant won't the feeling of bringing the big trouble, annoy to trouble? 她有种闯大祸的感觉,不会惹来麻烦吧? Before she remembers herself, in the Immortal World story, some cultivator has said that sometimes, divine sense does not provoke almighty carefully, will bring in the fatal disaster. 她想起自己之前在仙界的见闻,有修行者说过,有时候,神念不小心招惹到大能,就会引来杀身之祸。 She recalled that the terrifying feeling, more wants more to be afraid. 她回想起刚才的恐怖感受,越想越害怕。 Her hesitant moment, the decision goes to look for Han Jue. 她犹豫片刻,还是决定前去找韩绝 Opens the Dao Monastery front door, she connects the view. 推开道观大门,她直接入观。 Father......” “父亲……” Han Qing arrives around Han Jue, calls cautiously said. 韩青儿来到韩绝跟前,小心翼翼唤道。 Han Jue has not paid attention, making her more anxious. 韩绝没有理会,让她更加焦急。 Another side. 另一边。 In stars. 一颗星辰内。 The Jiang Jueshi surprise asked: How this piece of universe will have divine sense, moreover where couldn't I have calculated him?” 姜绝世诧异问道:“这片宇宙怎会有神念,而且我还算不到他在哪儿?” Liu Bei knew in the heart that is the third dao field sound, thinks, said: Actually in this universe has the master, is not I.” 刘备心知是第三道场的动静,想了想,道:“其实这宇宙里有主人,并非是我。” Jiang Jueshi one hear, complexion drastic change. 姜绝世一听,脸色剧变。 Liu Bei said hastily: You do not need to worry, almighty of creation this piece of universe is the gentleman of self-torture, he exceeds Great Dao Sage, is supreme in Chaos exists, already delivers to me the universe, I then am the lord of this piece of universe.” 刘备连忙道:“你不必担心,创造这片宇宙的大能是苦修之士,他超越大道圣人,乃混沌之中的至高存在,已经将宇宙交予我,我便是这片宇宙之主。” The Jiang Jueshi complexion relaxes, asks: This almighty given name?” 姜绝世脸色缓和,问道:“这位大能的名号?” Liu Bei shakes the head, said: Was unspeakable unspeakable .” 刘备摇头,道:“不可说,不可说。” Jiang Jueshi knits the brows to ask: My arrival......” 姜绝世皱眉问道:“那我的到来……” Liu Bei said meaningfully: „The future is the fate, long ago, that almighty then calculates that you will come, he said that here can be you soars the place, your future will be inestimable , he will help your helping hand finally on the 1st, reached the summit of Chaos, will look disdainfully the limitless Spiritual God and almighty.” 刘备意味深长道:“来者皆是缘分,在很久以前,那位大能便算到你会来,他说这里会是你腾飞之地,你的未来不可估量,终有一日,他会助你一臂之力,登上了混沌之巅,睥睨无边无际的神灵、大能。” hears word, Jiang Jueshi somewhat feels extremely flattered. 闻言,姜绝世有些受宠若惊。 He comes to here for a long time not to detect that existence of opposite party, naturally cannot question cultivation base of opposite party. 他来这里这么久都没有察觉到对方的存在,自然不会去质疑对方的修为 But almighty in Chaos unquantifiable. 混沌之中的大能可是难以估量的。 Jiang Jueshi thinks, felt oneself are laughable, in this Chaos where has absolutely the quiet place, before arriving at the stars universe, he went to many places, either is desolated, either was usurped by almighty early. 姜绝世想了想,觉得自己可笑,这混沌之中哪有绝对清静之地,来到星辰宇宙前,他去过很多地方,要么荒芜,要么早被大能强占。 Since this almighty appreciates him, why not he takes advantage of opportunity to remain, in the future can also recognize a backer? 既然这位大能欣赏他,他何不顺势留下来,日后还能认个靠山? Regardless where, must have the backer, otherwise can only be east hides the XZ mouse. 无论在哪儿,都得有靠山,否则只能是东躲XZ的老鼠。 . 罢了。 The ice-cold dissipation on Jiang Jueshi face, sighed, then continued to cultivate. 姜绝世脸上的冰冷消散,叹息一声,便继续修炼。 Liu Bei knows his already to put down the alert, then smiles, no longer said. 刘备知晓他已经放下戒备,便会心一笑,不再多说。 Some words saying that on the contrary was not good, all give the time. 有些话说多了反倒不好,一切交给时间。 He believes that Jiang Jueshi knows in heart. 他相信姜绝世心里有数。 He has a clear conscience in any case. 他反正问心无愧。 ...... …… In third dao field, Han Qing waited hour then to depart, no longer disturbed Han Jue to cultivate. 第三道场内,韩青儿待了半个时辰便离去,不再打扰韩绝修炼。 She returns to under the tree. 她回到树下。 Qing Luan'er opens eyes to ask: Why do you look for your father hurriedly? Has not said that do not disturb him to cultivate?” 青鸾儿睁眼问道:“你为何急匆匆去找你父亲?不是说过,不要打扰他修炼?” Han Qing curls the lip, hesitant moment, the previous bitter experience will say, she feared that will conceal this matter to lead to the catastrophe. 韩青儿撇嘴,犹豫片刻,还是将先前的遭遇说出来,她怕隐瞒此事会酿成大祸。 After Qing Luan'er hear, cannot help smiling. 青鸾儿听后,忍俊不禁。 Han Qing is angry, said: Mother, you smiles anything! Thought that I am deceiving you?” 韩青儿气恼,道:“娘,你笑什么啊!觉得我在骗你?” Qing Luan'er shakes the head saying: No, mother letter/believes you, but cultivator in this piece of universe is not an enemy, is actually your father's disciple.” 青鸾儿摇头道:“没有,娘信你,不过这片宇宙里的修行者并非敌人,其实是你父亲的弟子。” „?” “啊?” Qing Luan'er is shocked. 青鸾儿愣住。 Disciples? 弟子? She was scared. 她傻眼了。 Jiang Jueshi that sound what kind of terrifying, she even thinks that the own father not necessarily is his opponent, never expected that is the opposite party father's apprentice? 姜绝世那道声音何等恐怖,她甚至以为自己的父亲未必是其对手,没想到对方是父亲的徒弟 She pursues hastily asks: „Hasn't mother, why the father taken to bring in him? Also hasn't raised him?” 她连忙追问道:“娘,为何父亲没有将他带进来?也没有提过他?” Your father's disciple are many, you are are not not interested in his story, from infancy to maturity, he has talked about a lot, but you always avoid, nearby alone Unrestrained noisy, must blame to blame yourself.” “你父亲的弟子很多,你不是对他的故事不感兴趣吗,从小到大,他讲过很多事情,但你总是躲开,独自在一旁吵闹,要怪就怪你自己。” Qing Luan'er shakes the head saying that the facial expression teased. 青鸾儿摇头道,神情戏谑。 Han Qing thinks carefully, probably also is really. 韩青儿仔细想想,好像还真是。 She has the strong interest in Jiang Jueshi, starts to inquire. 她对姜绝世产生浓厚兴趣,开始询问。 Qing Luan'er has not concealed. 青鸾儿也没有隐瞒。 Present Han Qing is Quasi-Sage, should know higher realm. 如今的韩青儿已然是准圣,该知晓更高的境界 When she said, Han Qing was dull. 待她说完,韩青儿呆了。 Unrestrained Sage...... 自在圣人…… Is higher than two realm her! 比她高两层境界 Big realm! 还是大境界 No wonder a moment ago like that frightened. 怪不得刚才那般恐惧。 Han Qing asked excitedly: „Is he under the father hand the fiercest disciple?” 韩青儿兴奋问道:“他是不是父亲手底下最厉害的弟子?” Right now Qing Luan'er worries. 这下子青鸾儿犯难了。 She has really not known. 她还真不知道。 I only know this Jiang Jueshi not to know that existence of your father, your father also has other disciples, initially we went see your aunt, but in that Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain innumerable disciples.” Qing Luan'er says with emotion. “我只知这位姜绝世还不知你父亲的存在,想必你父亲还有其他弟子,当初我们前去看你大娘,那百岳仙川内可是无数弟子。”青鸾儿感慨道。 Then, she did not know about Han Jue very much, in her, Han Jue is also mysterious. 说起来,她对韩绝也不是很了解,在她心里,韩绝同样神秘。 However again mystically is also her husband. 不过再神秘也是她夫君。 Since meets for the first time, Han Jue is then as deep as a well, she has been used. 从第一次见面起,韩绝便高深莫测,她早就习惯了。 Han Qing is like the curious baby , to continue to inquire. 韩青儿跟好奇宝宝一样,继续询问。 The time passes. 时间流逝。 One passes year after year. 一年年过去。 Once again 100,000 years of time arrives. 又一次十万年之期到来。 Han Jue opens the eye. 韩绝睁开眼睛。 He shows the satisfactory smile. 他露出满意笑容。 Comes seclusion cycle again a time, he must break through. 再来一次闭关周期,他就要突破了。 He passes message to Han Qing. 他传音给韩青儿。 Han Qing rapid arrival. 韩青儿迅速到来。 Her cultivation base already achieves Quasi-Sage late stage, has been close from Primordial Beginning Great Principle Golden Immortal. 她的修为已经达到准圣后期,距离混元大罗金仙已然接近。 Father! Father!” “父亲!父亲!” Han Qing calls excitedly said, gathers side Han Jue, starts to give him to rub the shoulder, a face flatters the smile. 韩青儿激动唤道,凑到韩绝身旁,开始给他揉肩,一脸讨好笑颜。 Han Jue said: „Do you want to return to Immortal World?” 韩绝道:“你想回仙界?” Ok?” “可以吗?” Han Qing asked cautiously. 韩青儿小心翼翼问道。 Han Jue sets out, says with a smile: Natural line, then leads you to go back today.” 韩绝起身,笑道:“自然行,今日便带你回去。” Really?” “真的?” Un, goes to say goodbye with your mother, this leaves, does not know when can come back.” “嗯,去跟你娘亲道别吧,此去一别,不知何时才能回来。” Good!” “好!” Han Qing turns around, departs hurriedly. 韩青儿转身,风风火火离去。 When she returns again, Qing Luan'er also came. 待她再次归来时,青鸾儿也来了。 Husband, cannot make her leave, otherwise like Tuo'er......” “夫君,不能让她离开,否则就像拓儿一样……” The Qing Luan'er anxious sound said. 青鸾儿急声说道。 Helpless Han Qing said: Mother, my already 20 long live, leaving when always I am a child, can your 20 years old then with my father, how be stranded me?” 韩青儿无奈道:“娘,我已经二十万岁啊,别总当我是孩子,你二十岁便跟了我父亲,怎能困我?” Qing Luan'er has food stuck in the throat, does not know how should persuade. 青鸾儿噎住,不知该如何劝说。 Han Jue said: so be it, the descendant has the descendant luck.” 韩绝道:“就这样吧,儿孙自有儿孙福。” Many thanks father!” “多谢父亲!” Han Qing was excited. 韩青儿兴奋极了。 Han Jue follows to have the Han Qing transmission to depart. 韩绝跟着带着韩青儿传送离去。 Is looking at empty Dao Monastery, Qing Luan'er desolate. 望着空荡荡的道观,青鸾儿一阵落寞。 She realized suddenly the past parents saw the feeling that she departed. 她忽然体会到当年爹娘见她离去的感受。 In Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain. 百岳仙川内。 Han Jue and Han Qing comes, with then arrives at outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven. 韩绝韩青儿现身,跟着便来到三十三层天外。 Before for several years, Xuandu Saint Venerable passes message keeping the will in Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain, asking him to go to the universe palace. 数年前,玄都圣尊传音给留在百岳仙川内的意志,请他前往乾坤殿。 Before the father and daughter arrive at the universe palace . 父女来到乾坤殿前。 Han Qing asked: How to come to here? Can look at small jade?” 韩青儿问道:“怎么来这里?是要看小玉子吗?” Han Jue has not spoken, moves toward the front door, the front door follows to open wide, Han Qing follows hastily. 韩绝没有说话,走向大门,大门跟着敞开,韩青儿连忙跟上。 After entering the palace, the father and daughter arrive in front of Xuandu Saint Venerable. 入殿之后,父女俩来到玄都圣尊面前。 Xuandu Saint Venerable sets out, bends the waist to salute, then passes message to Sages. 玄都圣尊起身,弯腰行礼,然后传音给诸圣 He looks to Han Qing, sighs with emotion: „The female of Heavenly Sage, is really unusual, unexpectedly is Quasi-Sage.” 他看向韩青儿,感慨道:“天圣之女,果然非同寻常,竟已是准圣。” Han Jue and Han Qing looks is an excellent likeness, and aura is close. 韩绝韩青长得神似,而且气息相近。 Daughter Han Qing, azure, has not seen Xuandu Saint Venerable.” “小女韩青儿,青儿,还不见过玄都圣尊。” The Han Jue simple introduced, hears word, Han Qing salutes hastily. 韩绝简单介绍道,闻言,韩青儿连忙行礼。 Xuandu Saint Venerable? 玄都圣尊 The head of Heavenly Dao Sage? 天道圣人之首? Han Qing shock, 200,000 years ago when travels Immortal World, she had once heard Xuandu Saint Venerable and Divine Might Heavenly Sage legend. 韩青儿震惊,二十万年前游历仙界时,她就曾听闻过玄都圣尊神威天圣的传说。 Wait! 等等! The female of Heavenly Sage...... 天圣之女……
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