WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#881: Chaos ten certainly, eternal certainly summit

Primordial Chaos resentful spirit...... 鸿蒙怨灵…… Han Jue narrows the eye, falls into the thinking. 韩绝眯眼,陷入思索中。 He has not been afraid, said to Divine Punishment Venerable in any case, these Primordial Chaos cannot threaten resentfully spirit to Divine Punishment Venerable, that is not his opponent. 他倒没有害怕,反正至罚神尊都说了,这些鸿蒙怨灵威胁不到至罚神尊,那就更不是他的对手。 Exists to represent a possibility, cannot neglect. 只是存在代表着一种可能性,不能忽略。 Han Jue asked: „Doesn't that have the means to remove Primordial Chaos under Chaos to be resentful forever?” 韩绝问道:“那就没有办法永远除掉混沌之下的鸿蒙怨灵?” Shakes the head to say to Divine Punishment Venerable: I am also looking, temporarily no.” 罚神尊摇头道:“吾也在找,暂时没有。” His tone Rank One, said: I prepare to open a Chaos grand meeting, wants to collaborate with you, with your prestige, my power, attracts the Chaos Heaven's Chosen participation, I will provide various chances, is used for at the reward grand meeting outstanding Heaven's Chosen.” 他语气一转,道:“吾准备开设一场混沌盛会,想与你联手,以你的名望,吾的权力,吸引混沌天骄参与,吾将提供各种机缘,用来奖励盛会中杰出的天骄。” This grand meeting, I suppose am three passes/tests.” “此盛会,吾设为三关。” „The first pass/test, under Chaos, by exterminating Primordial Chaos ranks resentfully spirit.” “第一关,就在混沌之下,靠诛灭鸿蒙怨灵来排名。” „The second pass/test, comes out Chaos ten certainly, in the one-to-one form, becomes Chaos ten certainly, may for Great Dao Spiritual God, be possible to enjoy Great Dao.” “第二关,决出混沌十绝,以一对一的形式,成为混沌十绝,可为大道神灵,可享大道。” „The third pass/test, comes out the Chaos eternally certainly summit, may enter the divine punishment, place of territory.” “第三关,决出混沌万古绝巅,可入神罚,得一域之地。” After Han Jue hear, thought that this is actually meddlesome, at least this can promote the development of Heaven's Chosen. 韩绝听后,觉得这倒是好事,至少这能推动天骄的发展。 The generations of these almighty to obtain these rich reward, will use all means to train Heaven's Chosen surely. 那些大能之辈为了得到这些丰厚的奖励,必定会倾尽一切手段培养天骄。 Han Jue asked: Membership threshold? Who would have expected limits?” 韩绝问道:“入会门槛呢?是何期限?” Said with a smile to Divine Punishment Venerable: Source life-span under 100 million years, is all participable, 10 million years conduct one time, how?” 罚神尊笑道:“本源寿命在一亿年之下,皆可参与,一千万年举办一次,如何?” Han Jue narrows the eye saying: „Can 100 million years have 100 Great Dao Spiritual God?” 韩绝眯眼道:“一亿年就要出一百位大道神灵?” He feels a little quick! 他觉得有点快! Said to Divine Punishment Venerable: Great Dao Spiritual God are truly few, compares entire Chaos, insufficiently, I to the Great Dao Spiritual God gradation, the power will enfeoff by far, making Chaos establish the order.” 罚神尊道:“大道神灵确实少,相较于整个混沌而言,远远不够,吾会给大道神灵分级,权力分封,让混沌建立秩序。” Han Jue to holds in high esteem to Divine Punishment Venerable. 韩绝对至罚神尊刮目相看。 Has saying that this fellow is really ambitious, dares to do. 不得不说,这家伙确实有雄心,也敢于做。 „Can I the main body go?” Han Jue asked hesitant. “吾必须本尊前往?”韩绝犹豫问道。 Said with a smile to Divine Punishment Venerable: Naturally does not use, regardless of doppelganger, is the will, so long as you come well, Heavenly Sage, you are Chaos strongest expert, your assuming personal command can attract Heaven's Chosen, naturally, if you are willing to participate are better, you conform to the qualifications very much.” 罚神尊笑道:“自然不用,无论分身,还是意志,只要你前来就好,天圣,你可是混沌最强者啊,你的坐镇才能吸引天骄,当然,若是你愿意参加更好,你很符合资格。” Han Jue shakes the head saying: Ok, I do not participate, can observe actually.” 韩绝摇头道:“算了,我就不参加,倒是可以去观战。” So long as is not the main body is good. 只要不是本尊就好。 Laughs to Divine Punishment Venerable: I also said, hears you to participate, who also dares to compete for the Chaos eternally certainly summit?” 罚神尊哈哈大笑:“吾也只是说说,听闻你参与,谁还敢争夺混沌万古绝巅?” Han Jue narrows the eye to ask: You feel above us, can have stronger existence?” 韩绝眯眼问道:“你觉得吾等之上,可有更强的存在?” Is silent to Divine Punishment Venerable. 罚神尊沉默。 Han Jue sees this, then understands that his already detected. 韩绝见此,便明白他已经察觉到了。 Originally continues I to have this feeling, I think before Original/Prime Ancestor God is strongest, but after Original/Prime Ancestor God falls from the sky, my heart is always anxious, thinks again that supreme rule, is like that powerful, what were we considered as in the face of the supreme rule?” Sighed to Divine Punishment Venerable. “原来不止吾有这种感觉,吾以前以为原生祖神便是最强,可原生祖神陨落后,吾总是心不安,再想想那至高规则,那般强大,吾等在至高规则面前算得了什么?”至罚神尊叹气道。 He follows to go forward, mentions the own bitter experience. 他跟着上前,说起自己的遭遇。 An inquiry of Han Jue pulled closer relations of both sides unexpectedly. 韩绝的一句询问竟拉近了双方的关系。 Chatted hour, just now finished the dreamland. 足足聊了半个时辰,方才结束梦境。 Han Jue also harvested to the Divine Punishment Venerable favorable impression, was only favourability is not high, only has 3 stars. 韩绝也收获到了至罚神尊的好感,只是好感度不高,只有三星。 The Lord will return mortal body, Han Qing is still wrangling with him, wants Immortal World to travel. 主意志回归肉身,韩青儿还在跟他扯皮,一个劲想要去仙界游历。 Han Jue said: You achieved Quasi-Sage cultivation base, I then make you go out, before then, I first pass on your some divine ability.” 韩绝道:“等你达到准圣修为,我便让你出去,在此之前,我先传你一些神通。” In Immortal World, Quasi-Sage is a ceiling, will have this cultivation base, Han Qing will not encounter the danger. 仙界,准圣就是天花板,有这修为,韩青儿就不会遇到危险。 The Han Qing elegant face breaks down. 韩青儿俏脸一垮。 From Great Principle Golden Immortal to Quasi-Sage, that at least must cultivation for ten thousand years. 大罗金仙准圣,那至少得修炼万年啊。 Han Jue sermon, covers Han Qing with Extreme Source Great Dao suddenly, making her grasp principles. 韩绝忽然讲道,用极源大道覆盖韩青儿,令她悟道。 Han Qing could not resist, one absent-minded, then entered the grasping principles condition, the start of body instinct sits in meditation. 韩青儿根本抵抗不了,一恍惚,便进入悟道状态,身体本能的开始打坐。 This lecture is hundred years. 这一讲便是百年。 Hundred years grasp principles, the makings of Han Qing whole person transformed. 百年悟道,韩青儿整个人的气质都蜕变了。 She opens the eye, the look is somewhat lax, but the quickly changes is very limpid and firm. 她睁开眼睛,眼神有些涣散,但很快变得清澈而坚定。 She said pleasantly surprised: Father, your divine ability are quite fierce!” 她惊喜道:“父亲,您的这些神通好厉害!” In her mind were many many divine ability, not only that cultivation base also grows much. 她脑海里多了不少神通,不仅如此,修为也增长不少。 Han Jue hears to be very comfortable. 韩绝听得很舒服。 Before this girl, is your your name he, today presents your name actually. 这丫头以前都是你你你的称呼他,今日倒是出现您这个称呼。 Knows Laozi (father) fierce! 知道老子的厉害了吧! Can have the confidence to cultivate Quasi-Sage?” Han Jue asked. “可有信心修炼到准圣?”韩绝问道。 The Han Qing nod, then turns around to depart, seems gust. 韩青儿点头,然后转身离去,好似一阵风。 Obviously, after this grasping principles, she obviously had the strong interest in cultivation. 很显然,经过这次悟道,她明显对修行有了浓厚兴趣。 Han Jue satisfaction smiles, this seems like my daughter, even if daughter's body , must the strong heart. 韩绝满意一笑,这才像是我的女儿,纵然是女儿之身,也得有向强之心。 He assigns out the mail examination, wants to have a look at the sound that the recent friend encircles. 他调出邮件查看,想看看最近朋友圈的动静。 already is very long has not looked at the mail. 算起来,已经很久没有看邮件。 Your apprentice Dao Supreme is under ominous evil spirits attack x69093682 【你的徒弟道至尊遭遇不祥邪祟袭击】x69093682 Your apprentice Zhao Xuanyuan......】 【你的徒弟赵轩辕……】 ...... …… Your good friend Huang Zuntian absorbs over ten thousand to decide Destiny of tribulation life, becomes decides the lord of tribulation life 【你的好友黄尊天吸收上万定劫命者之气运,成为定劫命者之主】 Your good friend Jing Tiangong senses dark Great Dao, cultivation rises sharply 【你的好友景天公感悟黑暗大道,道行大涨】 Your son Han Tuo encounters big Dao God to punish attack x3 【你的儿子韩拓遭遇大道神罚袭击】x3 Your good friend Yi Tian encounters big Dao God to punish attack x3 【你的好友遗天遭遇大道神罚袭击】x3 Your good friend Evil Heavenly Emperor by the essence and blood descendants, sudden enlightenment big divine ability 【你的好友邪天帝以精血化子孙,顿悟神通 Your good friend Foolish Sword Divine Sage is under the mysterious almighty attack 【你的好友愚剑神圣遭遇神秘大能袭击】 ...... …… Dao Supreme, Zhao Xuanyuan, Jiang Yi and Lao Dan (Old Dan) four people are still coming under attack. 道至尊赵轩辕姜易老聃四人还在挨打。 Huang Zuntian chance actually in Han Jue is expected, this boy soars sooner or later. 黄尊天的机缘倒是在韩绝的预料之中,这小子迟早一飞冲天。 Han Jue was attracted the attention by the Evil Heavenly Emperor sound. 韩绝邪天帝的动静吸引了注意力。 Essence and blood descendants? 精血化子孙? Is this is doing really? 这是在作甚? Han Jue counts the calculation, is suddenly enlighted. 韩绝掐指推算,恍然大悟。 Evil Heavenly Emperor creation has 20,000 descendants unexpectedly, making the descendants run the world that Heavenly Court attacks, a little enfeoffs the feeling of seignior. 邪天帝竟然创造出两万子孙,让子孙们掌管天庭攻打下来的天地,有点分封藩王的感觉。 Unknowingly, Evil Heavenly Emperor already achieves Unrestrained Sage perfection cultivation base unexpectedly. 不知不觉,邪天帝竟然已经达到自在圣人圆满修为 Evidently, Evil Heavenly Emperor is not far from proving Dao. 看样子,邪天帝距离证道已然不远。 Han Jue continues to look at the mail downward, looks with great interest. 韩绝继续往下看邮件,看得津津有味。 After burning a joss stick time, he just re-enters the cultivation condition. 一炷香时间后,他方才重新进入修行状态。 One passes year after year. 一年年过去。 When Han Jue seclusion, Han Qing cultivation base progresses by leaps and bounds. 韩绝闭关之时,韩青修为突飞猛进。 After Han Jue leads Extreme Source Great Dao, the cultivation speed of Han Qing rises suddenly, realized after feeling of fast strengthen, Han Qing starts to wallow the cultivation. 韩绝领上极源大道后,韩青儿的修行速度暴涨,体会到快速变强的感觉后,韩青儿开始沉迷修炼。 Naturally, not only the Extreme Source Great Dao mystery, Han Jue when sermon, relieved the Han Qing aptitude seal similarly, the Han Qing innermost soul also inherited Demon God Dharma Body, as for was what, but must she comprehend. 当然,不只是极源大道的奥妙,韩绝讲道时,同样解除了韩青儿的资质封印,韩青儿的灵魂深处同样继承了一尊魔神法相,至于是何,还得她自己参悟。 After five ten thousand years, Han Qing steps into Quasi-Sage Realm finally. 五万载后,韩青儿终于踏入准圣之境 She does not have to go to look for Han Jue immediately, but is the immersion in the sensibility of Quasi-Sage Realm, divine sense leaps, has been able to observe the entire stars universe. 她没有立即前去找韩绝,而是沉浸于准圣之境的感悟中,神念飞跃,已然能观测整个星辰宇宙。 She discovered that here is not Heavenly Dao, inside and outside the universe does not have the Immortal World shadow from the start, let alone All Heavens and Myriad Realms under Immortal World. 她发现这里压根不是天道,宇宙内外都没有仙界的影子,更别说仙界之下的诸天万界 At this time. 这时。 She suddenly discovered that in this piece of universe also has the other two. 她忽然发现这片宇宙内还有另外两人。 Liu Bei and Jiang Jueshi. 正是刘备姜绝世 Before after having been under the attack of ominous evil spirits, Jiang Jueshi can not have the hidden form and aura, to retreat in fear these wanted to intrude on the stars universe the powerhouse. 之前遭遇过不祥邪祟的袭击后,姜绝世可以没有隐藏身影与气息,就是为了吓退那些想要进犯星辰宇宙的强者。 Who?” “谁?” Cold of Jiang Jueshi drinks the sound to spread to the Han Qing ear, almost frightens her courage to burst, the soul trembles. 姜绝世的冷喝声传入韩青儿耳中,吓得她差点肝胆破裂,魂魄为之震颤。 Han Qing stares the big beautiful eye, looks the unbelievable color. 韩青儿瞪大美目,面露难以置信之色。 Who is the opposite party? 对方是谁? Only depending on one, makes her feel the unprecedented sense of fear. 仅凭一声,就让她感受到前所未有的恐惧感。
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