WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#880: To Divine Punishment Venerable and Divine Might Heavenly Sage

You ten long live, but also such hurriedly, highly improper?” “你都十万岁了,还这么风风火火,成何体统?” Han Jue stares at the daughter who is growing up at present thoroughly, helpless said. 韩绝盯着眼前彻底长大的女儿,无奈说道。 This girl also such hurriedly. 这丫头还这么风风火火。 Really , there is nothing to do with the age maturely, is related with the experience. 果然,成熟与年龄无关,与经历相关。 If no experience, spatial long ten long live, is the child. 若无经历,空长十万岁,也是孩童。 Han Qing suppresses the anger, the grievance was saying: 100,000 years, you were equivalent to close me! Where has becomes the father!” 韩青儿强忍着怒气,委屈道:“十万年啊,你相当于把我关起来了!哪有这么当父亲的!” Closes this character to use well, hearing Han Jue to be somewhat ashamed. 关这个字用得好,听得韩绝有些惭愧。 Han Jue can the self-torture, that be on first dies early, has the shadow at heart. 韩绝之所以能苦修,那是上一世死得早,心里有阴影。 Han Qing from infancy to maturity, without the friend, what tribulation does not have, said the happiness, actually such, except for the non- practical training, has not distinguished with the criminal. 韩青儿从小到大,没有朋友,什么磨难都没有,说幸福,其实也就那样,除了不劳作,跟犯人没区别。 Han Jue is silent. 韩绝沉默。 He can feel Han Qing really to put in great inconvenience. 他能感受到韩青儿是真的委屈。 From infancy to maturity has accompanied before the parents, after growing up, has been closed at home, trading to do is he of previous generation, it is estimated that cannot bear. 从小到大一直陪伴在父母面前,长大后还一直被关在家里,换做是前世的他,估计也受不了。 Saw Han Jue not saying that the Han Qing eye was red, the tears such as the bead fell, the air/Qi resulted in the body to shiver. 韩绝没有说完,韩青儿眼睛通红,眼泪如珠落下,气得身躯颤抖。 Saw the daughter to cry, Han Jue opened the mouth to ask: Your is already Great Principle Golden Immortal?” 看到女儿哭了,韩绝开口问道:“你已经大罗金仙?” Han Qing one hear, smiles through tears immediately, happily said: Right, am I fierce?” 韩青儿一听,顿时破涕为笑,得意道:“没错,我厉害吧?” Ok, is inferior to me.” “还可以,就是不如我。” „, What cultivation base you do ten long live?” “切,那你十万岁什么修为?” Han Qing by the Han Jue shift attention, asking that on the mouth refuses to accept. 韩青儿被韩绝转移注意力,嘴上不服的问道。 Han Jue said seriously: Mentioned, you possibly did not believe that I ten long live already proving Dao.” 韩绝严肃道:“说来,你可能不信,我十万岁已经证道。” That truly does not believe.” “那确实不信。” Han Qing curls the lip, thought that the father is boasting. 韩青儿撇嘴,觉得父亲在吹牛。 Although she knows that the own father is very fierce, but does not know father's status, from the birth, she has not seen father take action, naturally does not know its strength. 她虽然知道自己的父亲很厉害,可并不知晓父亲的身份,自出生起,她就没有见过父亲出手,自然不知其实力。 Han Jue smiles, said: In my side cultivation, when you refine on a powerful ability, which you want to go, the fathers will not block you, you must know, this is the matter that Heavenly Dao all living things do not dare to expect, other cultivator in all directions wanderers, are because cultivation meets the bottleneck, needs the chance, needs dao method, you do not need.” 韩绝笑了笑,道:“在我身边修行,等你炼就一身强大本领,你想去哪儿,父亲都不会拦你,你要知道,这是天道众生都不敢奢望的事情,其他修行者四处闯荡,是因为修行遇到瓶颈,需要机缘,需要道法,你不需要。” Han Qing snort/hum said: Great Principle Golden Immortal was very strong in Immortal World already, these exceeded existence of Great Principle Golden Immortal, so long as I did not provoke, wasn't good?” 韩青儿哼道:“大罗金仙仙界已经很强了啊,那些超越大罗金仙的存在,我只要不去招惹,不就好了?” Han Jue smiles, cannot say that this girl is naive. 韩绝笑了笑,也不能说这丫头天真。 At this moment, he appears at present one line of prompts. 就在这时,他眼前浮现出一行提示。 Holds dream to Divine Punishment Venerable to you, accepts 【至罚神尊向你托梦,是否接受】 Couldn't this fellow sit still finally? 这家伙终于坐不住了吗? Han Jue chatted with Han Qing, while inquired: I, if accepts to the Divine Punishment Venerable request dream, will have the danger?” 韩绝一边跟韩青儿闲聊,一边询问:“我若是接受至罚神尊的托梦,会有危险吗?” Dies definitely cannot die. 死肯定死不了。 Feared that this boy wants to plot against him! 就怕这厮想要暗算他! Needs to deduct 1 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Does not have 【没有】 Calculates that this boy knows the limitation! 算这小子识相! Han Jue relaxes secretly, then leaves behind a wisp of will to chat with Han Qing, the Lord will enters in the dreamland. 韩绝暗自松了一口气,然后留下一缕意志跟韩青儿聊天,主意志进入梦境之中。 The dreamland was void, Han Jue saw to Divine Punishment Venerable. 梦境是一片虚空,韩绝见到了至罚神尊 Does not seem like the head of Spiritual God to Divine Punishment Venerable, is more like God Slaying that kills from the abyss, wears the bloodstained iron armor, having hair dishevelled, the look is very swift and fierce. 罚神尊看起来不像是神灵之首,更像是从深渊杀出来的杀神,身披染血铁甲,披头散发,眼神无比凌厉。 Two people size up each other, takes the lead to open the mouth to say to Divine Punishment Venerable: Worthily is Divine Might Heavenly Sage, I cannot completely understand you completely, no wonder you can compel Original/Prime Ancestor God to have no alternative.” 两人打量彼此,至罚神尊率先开口道:“不愧是神威天圣,吾完全看不透你,怪不得你能逼得原生祖神无可奈何。” Who is Original/Prime Ancestor God?” 原生祖神是谁?” „The head of beforehand Spiritual God.” “之前的神灵之首。” So that's how it is, I compel Original/Prime Ancestor God to have no alternative, you actually killed Original/Prime Ancestor God.” “原来如此,那我只是逼得原生祖神无可奈何,你却杀了原生祖神。” Facing thinking highly of Han Jue, had not been swindled to Divine Punishment Venerable. 面对韩绝的恭维,至罚神尊并没有上当。 His faint smile: Let alone two ten thousand Divine Right Will, are only 10,000 suppresses me sufficiently.” 他似笑非笑道:“别说两万神权将,光是一万就足以镇压吾。” Divine Right Will besides itself cultivation base is in Great Dao Sage the peak level, unites in together, but can also use the theocracy strength, is the strength of supreme rule, wants initially, then to be suppressed by Original/Prime Ancestor God with ten thousand Divine Right Will to Divine Punishment Venerable. 神权将除了本身修为大道圣人绝顶层次外,联合在一起,还能动用神权力量,就是至高规则的力量,想当初,至罚神尊便是被原生祖神用一万神权将镇压。 That is Divine Right Will first take action, suppressed to the Divine Punishment Venerable 1 trillion years. 那是神权将第一次出手,镇压了至罚神尊万亿载。 Then, can escape to Divine Punishment Venerable, extinguished two ten thousand Divine Right Will thanks to Han Jue. 说起来,至罚神尊能逃出来,多亏韩绝灭了两万神权将 Divine Right Will seems like undying and unextinguishable, but needs to consume Original/Prime Ancestor God spiritual power, Divine Right Will is only Original/Prime Ancestor God borrows the supreme rule the strength, if no Original/Prime Ancestor God, Divine Right Will will not be born, will not attack the Chaos life. 神权将看似不死不灭,但需要消耗原生祖神法力,神权将只是原生祖神借用至高规则的力量,若无原生祖神,神权将根本不会诞生,更不会袭击混沌生灵。 Han Jue asked: Does not know that what matter the head of Spiritual God looks for my behavior.” 韩绝问道:“不知神灵之首来找我所为何事。” Opens the mouth to say to Divine Punishment Venerable: I want to tell you, Chaos and past that I wield were different, Heavenly Dao will not aim at again, Gu-school Spiritual God headed by Original/Prime Ancestor God was afraid by all living things is exceeded, therefore always does everything possible to suppress the successor, but I was different, I hope that entire Chaos developed, exceeded unceasingly, even presented new realm.” 罚神尊开口道:“吾想告诉你,吾执掌的混沌与以往不同,天道不会再被针对,以原生祖神为首的古派神灵害怕被众生超越,所以总是想方设法打压后来者,但吾不同,吾希望整个混沌发展起来,不断超越过去,甚至出现新的境界。” You should also be able to see, beside Chaos has Void Domain, in the long years, I discovered that Chaos has been expanding, temporarily cannot see the limit, no one knows Void Domain in a big way, I then want to take a look at the Chaos limit.” “你应该也能看到,混沌之外有空白领域,在漫长的岁月里,吾发现混沌一直在扩张,暂时看不到极限,无人知晓空白领域有多大,吾便想看看混沌的极限。” Shows the smile to Divine Punishment Venerable, the look is full of the appearance. 罚神尊露出笑容,眼神充满神采。 Has saying that his words have the power very much, the tone self-confident with the heroic feelings. 不得不说,他的话很有感染力,语气充满自信与豪情。 Han Jue said: That naturally is the good deed, Chaos does not aim at Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao naturally cannot with Chaos for the enemy, but I usually only want to cultivate, if not the enemy projects on my family entrance, I cannot take action.” 韩绝道:“那自然是好事,混沌不针对天道,天道自然不会与混沌为敌,而我平时只想修炼,若非敌人打到我家门口,我都不会出手。” Although Han Jue does not fear to Divine Punishment Venerable, but the multi- incident is inferior to few incident. 虽然韩绝不惧至罚神尊,但多一事不如少一事。 Does not need to antagonize people! 没必要树敌! I and you, if can reach the unification idea, that Chaos was peaceful, the good fortune of all living things.” Said with a smile to Divine Punishment Venerable. “吾与你若能达成统一理念,那混沌就太平了,众生之幸。”至罚神尊笑道。 Han Jue said: „It is not at all, my where can affect Chaos all living things, I am only trace-by-trace, did not seek the fame and fortune, wholeheartedly to saying, Chaos can have the head of your such Spiritual God, was the good fortune of all living things.” 韩绝道:“不敢当,我哪里能影响混沌众生,我只是一名逐道者,不求名利,一心向道,混沌能有你这样的神灵之首,才是众生之幸。” Quite tired. 好累。 Why can flatter mutually? 为何要互相吹捧? Han Jue flings the face embarrassed, after all don't stretch a hand out to beat smiling people. 韩绝不好意思甩脸,毕竟伸手不打笑脸人 Flatters his meaning already to be very obvious to Divine Punishment Venerable, if as he said that that were really perfect. 罚神尊讨好他之意已经很明显,若真像他所说,那就完美了。 Your son is Original/Prime Ancestor God promotes, the original intention wants to plan you, but I, this child body pliable already will not obtain my approval, he will be our levels sooner or later, I set up Five Great Punishment Gods, not just regulates Great Dao Spiritual God is so simple, I want to support the later generation, Chaos need the fresh blood, need many Heaven's Chosen, can safeguard the Chaos security.” “你儿子是原生祖神提拔的,本意是想算计你,不过吾不会,此子身上的韧劲已经得到吾的认可,他迟早会达到吾等这个层次,吾之所以设立五大神罚,并非只是监管大道神灵那么简单,吾想扶持后辈,混沌需要新鲜血液,需要更多的天骄,才能维护混沌的安全。” Said to a Divine Punishment Venerable sincere facial expression, hearing Han Jue almost to believe. 罚神尊一副推心置腹的神情说道,听得韩绝差点信了。 Han Jue asked: Chaos security? What also has to threaten Chaos? Primordial Chaos Demon God?” 韩绝问道:“混沌的安全?还有什么能威胁到混沌鸿蒙魔神?” Shakes the head to say with a smile to Divine Punishment Venerable: Primordial Chaos Demon God? That is only the hearsay, but Primordial Chaos truly exists, threatens Chaos is the Primordial Chaos life, Primordial Chaos is naturally disillusioned, Chaos is born, the Primordial Chaos life falls from the sky all, but their resentment have existed, in the Chaos lowest level, was suppressed by Chaos firmly, therefore is unable to harm Chaos, I before by the Original/Prime Ancestor God suppression under Chaos, experiencing Primordial Chaos am resentful, although resentful spirit, cannot threaten me, but they are unable to annihilate, this exists to harm the Chaos possibility.” 罚神尊摇头笑道:“鸿蒙魔神?那只是传闻罢了,不过鸿蒙确实存在,威胁混沌的自然是鸿蒙生灵,鸿蒙破灭,混沌诞生,鸿蒙生灵尽数陨落,但他们的怨念一直存在,就在混沌最底层,被混沌牢牢镇压,所以无法危害到混沌,吾之前就被原生祖神镇压在混沌之下,见识过鸿蒙怨灵,虽说只是怨灵,威胁不到吾,但它们无法湮灭,这就存在危害混沌的可能性。” Right, the birth of ominous evil spirits, was then resentful from this Primordial Chaos, before being very long, the Three Thousand Demon Gods war, the Chaos Destiny failure, then had Primordial Chaos to escape resentfully spirit, changed into the ominous evil spirits, absorbed karmic power and resentment unceasingly, strong great accomplishment race.” “对了,不祥邪祟的诞生,便是源自这鸿蒙怨灵,很久以前,三千魔神大战,混沌气运衰竭,便有鸿蒙怨灵逃出来,化为不祥邪祟,不断吸收业力怨念,壮大成种族。”
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