WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#879: The child of Heavenly Sage

The Qiu Xilai words are loud and clear, forceful, cleans the anxiety in Sages heart all of a sudden. 求西来的话掷地有声,铿锵有力,一下子扫除诸圣心中的不安。 Yes. 是啊。 Heavenly Dao has Divine Might Heavenly Sage, does what fearing have? 天道神威天圣,何惧之有? Yes, has Divine Might Heavenly Sage, we do not need to fear.” “是啊,有神威天圣在,吾等根本不用怕。” Heavenly Sage continuously seclusion, but if Heavenly Dao has difficult, he can detect surely.” 天圣一直闭关,可若是天道有难,他必定能察觉到。” Said, I travelled for pleasure before Chaos, raised the Heavenly Dao Sage status, Chaos almighty does not dare to treat unjustly me.” “说起来,吾之前游历混沌,一提起天道圣人的身份,混沌大能都不敢亏待吾。” Right, potential of already Heavenly Dao development is irresistible, this time receives Five Great Punishment Gods, must show the atmosphere of my Heavenly Dao.” “没错,天道发展之势已经不可阻挡,此次接待五大神罚,必须彰显我天道之大气。” Sages discusses spiritedly, the atmosphere becomes warm, the new Saint is very curious to Divine Might Heavenly Sage. 诸圣议论纷纷,气氛变得热烈,新圣则对神威天圣很好奇。 Regarding Heavenly Dao Sage of recent promotion, Divine Might Heavenly Sage is the legend, is very mystical, makes their one's heart rushes toward one's destination. 对于最近晋升的天道圣人而言,神威天圣乃是传说,无比神秘,令他们心驰神往。 ...... …… Several thousand years later, Five Great Punishment Gods arrives. 数千年后,五大神罚到来。 Under the leadership of Xuandu Saint Venerable, Five Great Punishment Gods enters outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven. 玄都圣尊的带领下,五大神罚进入三十三层天外。 The Xuandu Saint Venerable heart is startled secretly. 玄都圣尊暗自心惊。 The strength of Heavenly Dao has not stopped Five Great Punishment Gods unexpectedly, why is this? 天道之力竟然没有阻拦五大神罚,这是为何? Pan Xin and Wayless Heavenly Lord same eyelid jumps. 盘心无法天尊同样眼皮一跳。 The group arrive at the universe palace, the Sages accumulation in this, their vision fall on Five Great Punishment Gods, is curious, has not saluted. 一行人来到乾坤殿,诸圣聚集于此,他们的目光落在五大神罚上,皆是好奇,都没有行礼。 Yi Tian takes a fast look around, said with a smile: „The Heavenly Dao development is truly good, Sage so many.” 遗天扫视一圈,笑道:“天道发展确实不错嘛,圣人都这么多了。” Fang Liang looks to Yi Tian, the facial expression is complex. 方良看向遗天,神情复杂。 Yi Tian is Chaos Demon God reincarnation that Spirit of Heavenly Dao seeks, is equivalent to Heavenly Dao reincarnation, Fang Liang of homemade Heavenly Dao Cult series naturally feels kind. 遗天天道之灵谋取的混沌魔神转世,相当于天道转世,自创天道教统的方良自然感到亲切。 Present Yi Tian regardless of the power and influence or cultivation base, has exceeded Fang Liang, Child of Heavenly Dao exceeds Heavenly Dao, Fang Liang somewhat is naturally awkward. 只是如今的遗天无论权势还是修为,都已超越方良,天道之子胜过天道,方良自然有些尴尬。 The Han Tuo vision falls on Han Yu body. 韩拓的目光落在韩玉身上 The grandfather and grandson look at each other, silent wins the sound. 祖孙俩对视,无声胜有声。 Han Yu has not thought that Han Tuo unexpectedly is one of the Five Great Punishment Gods, moreover walks in the forefront. 韩玉也没想到韩拓竟是五大神罚之一,而且还走在最前面。 Han Tuo sees Han Yu Sanctification, at heart is really gratified, but on his face has not revealed. 韩拓看到韩玉成圣,心里甚是欣慰,只是他脸上没有表露出来。 Xuandu Saint Venerable leads Five Great Punishment Gods to arrive at the front, Sages follows to sit down. 玄都圣尊领着五大神罚来到前方,诸圣跟着坐下。 Han Tuo opens the mouth saying: I was born in Heavenly Dao, this time comes, but actually does not have the special intention, Sages not to need to worry.” 韩拓开口道:“吾本诞生于天道,此次前来,倒没有特别用意,诸圣不必担忧。” Worried that two characters said intense that the Sages heart hid, the divine punishments follow to show the smile. 担忧二字道出圣人们心底隐藏的紧张,神罚们跟着露出笑容。 Comes out to have years, whoever sees them, will be anxious, gradually, they naturally raise the arrogance. 出来已有一段岁月,无论谁见到他们,都会紧张,久而久之,他们自然养出傲气。 Han Tuo is also so, Five Great Punishment Gods arrives, Sages actually does not salute, is more arrogant more and willful than Great Dao Spiritual God, this is not the good deed. 韩拓也是如此,五大神罚到来,圣人们却不行礼,比大道神灵还骄纵,这可不是好事。 Once Heavenly Dao Sage fosters to disdain the Great Dao Spiritual God stance, will only annoy infinitely to Heavenly Dao troublesome, today is Five Great Punishment Gods that he leads a group, can not investigate, another day, other do Great Dao Spiritual God come? 一旦天道圣人养成不屑大道神灵的姿态,只会给天道惹来无穷麻烦,今日是他领队的五大神罚,可以不追究,他日,其他大道神灵前来呢? Cannot always make his father clean up! 不能总是让他父亲来擦屁股吧! Han Tuo thought it is necessary to strike, in order to avoid these Sage court disaster again. 韩拓觉得有必要敲打一下,以免这些圣人再次惹祸。 Pan Xin said with a smile: We naturally cannot worry, has Divine Might Heavenly Sage to assume personal command, this Chaos who comes, we do not fear.” 盘心笑道:“吾等自然不会担忧,有神威天圣坐镇,这混沌谁来,吾等都不惧。” Other Sage follow to show the smile. 其他圣人跟着露出笑容。 Regarding Great Dao Spiritual God, they do not fear to offend, itself on the death enmity that already cannot reduce and solve, the current peace is only Great Dao Spiritual God cannot do to Divine Might Heavenly Sage. 对于大道神灵,他们可不怕得罪,本身就已经是化解不了的死仇,当下的和平只是大道神灵们奈何不了神威天圣罢了。 Can the foe, what salute? 既是仇敌,何需行礼? Xuandu Saint Venerable opens the mouth saying: Forgot to introduce, this divine punishment was the parent-child of Divine Might Heavenly Sage, Han Tuo.” 玄都圣尊开口道:“忘了介绍,这位神罚便是神威天圣之亲子,韩拓。” The child of Heavenly Sage? 天圣之子? Such remarks, Sages changes countenance. 此言一出,诸圣动容。 Yi Tian hehe said with a smile: My Yi Tian, is the Divine Might Heavenly Sage adopted son.” 遗天嘿嘿笑道:“吾名遗天,乃神威天圣的干儿子。” Other three divine punishments roll the eyes, this boy is not too concerned about face, really harms the Five Great Punishment Gods prestige. 其他三位神罚不由翻白眼,这厮太不要脸了,真是有损五大神罚的威名。 However regarding Han Tuo and Yi Tian two people, other three divine punishments is sincerely convinced, these two fight natural talents to be extremely terrifying, has hit the clothing/taking them. 不过对于韩拓遗天二人,其他三位神罚是心服口服的,这两人的战斗天资太过恐怖,早就将他们打服。 Han Tuo shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not, but had not said. 韩拓摇头失笑,但也没有多说。 Originally is the child of Heavenly Sage, that is one of us, how doesn't know the divine punishment of Fellow Daoist Han achievement?” Southern Extreme Heavenly Lord asking with a laugh. “原来是天圣之子,那就是自家人,不知韩道友如何成就的神罚?”南极天尊笑呵呵的问道。 Han Tuo has not concealed, mentions these years origins. 韩拓也没有隐瞒,说起这些年的来历。 In he and Yi Tian are live, in dies, the achievement divine punishment itself/Ben is frank, naturally did not fear to say. 他与遗天都是生里来,死里去,成就神罚本就是光明磊落,自然不怕说。 Other three divine punishments have the respective rough experience, is only they and Heavenly Dao is not ripe, naturally cannot say. 其他三位神罚同样有各自坎坷的经历,只是他们与天道不熟,自然不会说。 Suddenly, in the universe palace is only left over the Han Tuo sound, Sages is listening to him to speak with confidence. 一时间,乾坤殿内只剩下韩拓的声音,诸圣都在听他侃侃而谈。 Hidden Sect Sage is looking at Han Tuo, at heart is proud. 隐门圣人望着韩拓,心里皆是自豪。 Han Tuo is the Han Jue parent-child, another day inherits Hidden Sect surely, if the good-for-nothing, they are naturally aggrieved, now the performance of Han Tuo satisfies them, even is the pleasant surprise. 韩拓韩绝的亲子,他日必定继承隐门,若是窝囊废,他们自然憋屈,如今韩拓的表现让他们很满意,甚至是惊喜。 Really is dragon Shenglong, phoenix lives the phoenix. 果然是龙生龙、凤生凤。 The news spreads to Hidden Sect quickly. 消息很快传入隐门内。 When direct disciple in second dao field also knows this matter through Myriad Worlds Projection. 待在第二道场内的亲传弟子们也通过万界投影得知此事。 They are gathering, discussion this matter. 他们正聚集在一起,讨论此事。 Murong Qi sighs with emotion: „The hand of Ancestral Master is really far, falls on Five Great Punishment Gods, is the head of Five Great Punishment Gods.” 慕容起感慨道:“师祖的手真远啊,都落在五大神罚上,还是五大神罚之首。” The Da Santian look twinkle, said: Is uncertain, perhaps this is also planning of head of Spiritual God to Sect Master.” 大散天眼神闪烁,道:“不一定,或许这也是神灵之首对门主的算计。” The people think, is really reasonable. 众人一想,确实有道理。 Han Ming knits the brows: If the head of Spiritual God can operate the Han Tuo will, this is not the good deed.” 韩命皱眉道:“倘若神灵之首能操纵韩拓的意志,这可不是好事。” Guan Bubai shakes the head saying: What you are thinking, how can Sect Master not know? Since knows, that then explained that has the absolute assurance.” 冠不败摇头道:“你们在想什么呢,门主岂会不知?既然知晓,那便说明有绝对的把握。” Unrestrained reincarnation, has Guan Bubai of invincible heart most to worship to Han Jue inborn, Han Jue fully conforms to the invincible name in his eyes. 自在转世,天生具有无敌之心的冠不败韩绝是最为崇拜的,韩绝在他眼里完全符合无敌之名。 Can the invincible person be planned can it be that? 无敌之人岂是能被算计到的? Can be planned, how with for invincibility? 能被算计到的,岂配为无敌者? At this time, Heavenly Astral Demon God walked, shouted: Guan Bubai, enters Simulated Trial fight.” 这时,天罡魔神走来,喊道:“冠不败,进模拟试炼斗一场。” Chaos Demon God inborn combative, Simulated Trial already becomes they biggest hobby, as in Demon God strongest expert, Heavenly Astral Demon God can only look for Guan Bubai to hit, because other Demon God do not dare, only has a Guan Bubai iron. 混沌魔神天生好斗,模拟试炼已经成为他们最大的爱好,身为魔神最强者,天罡魔神只能找冠不败打,因为其他魔神都不敢,只有冠不败头铁。 Guan Bubai one hear, sets out immediately, said: Comes, today I unload the name of your Demon God strongest!” 冠不败一听,立即起身,道:“来就来,今日吾就卸了你魔神最强之名!” Other are chatting the person of matter of Han Tuo to look at each other in blank dismay, all finds it ridiculous. 其他正在聊韩拓之事的人面面相觑,皆是觉得好笑。 After Guan Bubai reminded, their worry also follow to vanish into thin air. 冠不败提醒后,他们的担忧也跟着烟消云散。 Yes. 是啊。 Who can plan Han Jue? 谁能算计到韩绝 ...... …… Time flies. 岁月如梭。 In third dao field, Han Jue opens the eye. 第三道场内,韩绝睁开眼睛。 Indicates ten ten thousand years in the past, his cultivation base also has very big progress, is getting more and more near from the breakthrough. 预示着十万载过去,他的修为又有很大的进步,距离突破越来越近。 He is thinking the one breath cultivates the breakthrough, but thinks of Han Qing, he was tenderhearted. 他本想着一口气修炼到突破,不过想到韩青儿,他还是心软了。 He passes message to Han Qing, asking her to enter the view. 他传音给韩青儿,叫她入观。 Bang! 砰! The Dao Monastery front door was shoved open arbitrarily, wears Han Qing of red clothes to seem hot dry wind to blow in front of Han Jue. 道观大门被蛮横推开,身穿红衣的韩青儿好似一阵火风吹到韩绝面前。 Father!” “父亲!” Han Qing called out, in the sound fills the grievance, resentment and pleasant surprise. 韩青儿叫道,声音里充满委屈、怨念以及惊喜。 She this day and others, waited is too long! 她等这一日,等了太久! Ten ten thousand years. 十万载啊。 She is about to go crazy. 她都快发疯了。 She many time wants to rush forcefully, but was blocked by Qing Luan'er, to defeat Qing Luan'er, she has to start to cultivate, for Qing Luan'er was not exceeded by her, follows to cultivate diligently. 她很多次想要强行闯进来,但被青鸾儿拦下,为了击败青鸾儿,她不得不开始修炼,青鸾儿为了不被她超越,也跟着努力修炼。 Suddenly, mother and daughter form the benign battle, Qing Luan'er already achievement Great Principle Golden Immortal, but Qing Luan'er is Great Principle Golden Immortal perfection. 一时间,母女俩形成良性争斗,青鸾儿已经成就大罗金仙,而青鸾儿则是大罗金仙圆满
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