WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#878: Divine punishment return

After leaving outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven, how long the Han Jue three people have not waited then to transmit in Main Dao Field to third dao field. 离开三十三层天外后,韩绝三人在主道场没有待多久便传送到第三道场 For a long time has not come back, I almost forgot here, was in the family/home good.” Han Qing goes out of Dao Monastery, extended one to stretch, saying that a face fondly remembered. “好久没有回来,我都快忘了这里,还是家里好。”韩青儿走出道观,伸了一个懒腰,一脸怀念的说道。 Nearby Qing Luan'er covers the mouth to say with a smile: You will regret to speak these words.” 旁边的青鸾儿掩嘴笑道:“你会后悔说这句话的。” Han Qing asked: Why?” 韩青儿问道:“为何?” Qing Luan'er sighs with emotion: Then your father wanted seclusion.” 青鸾儿感慨道:“接下来你父亲要闭关了。” seclusion on seclusion.” 闭关闭关呗。” Means that you could not go out.” “意味着你出不去了。” All right, when his seclusion finished leads me to go out again.” “没事啊,等他闭关结束再带我出去。” How long do you know his seclusion?” “你知道他闭关多久?” How long can? Wait! The mother, is your meaning the father meets seclusion to be very long? How long? Hundred years? Millenniums? Can't?” “能有多久?等等!娘,您的意思是父亲会闭关很久?有多久?百年?千年?不会吧?” Han Qing accommodates smartly instantaneous pale. 韩青儿俏容瞬间苍白。 She has met many cultivator in Immortal World, cultivator raised almighty, said that almighty seclusion one time, the millenium passed. 她在仙界就遇到过不少修行者,修行者提起大能,都说大能闭关一次,千秋过去。 Although Han Qing just came back, but she to Immortal World anticipated very much, she is previously thinking, cultivates at home after some time, on goes to the Immortal World wanderer alone. 韩青儿虽然刚回来,但她对仙界还是很期待的,她先前就在想,在家里修炼一段时间后就得独自前往仙界闯荡。 Without parents' companion, she will be more free, will be more exciting. 没有父母的陪伴,她将更自由,也将更刺激。 Qing Luan'er shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not, shows the mysterious smile. 青鸾儿摇头失笑,露出神秘的笑容。 Han Qing was frightened. 韩青儿被吓到。 Incessantly millenniums? 难道不止千年? Ok, you saw the dao field disciple , you must start to cultivate on several th, when the time comes I taught you cultivated.” Qing Luan'er patted her head, favors to drown to say with a smile, then moves toward over a hundred lives under distant place tree. “好了,你去见见道场弟子吧,过几日,你就得开始修炼,到时候我来教导你修炼。”青鸾儿拍了拍她的头,宠溺笑道,然后走向远处树下的上百位生灵。 Ten years pass by, the appearance of these life or boys and girls. 十年过去,这些生灵还是童男童女的模样。 Han Qing was attracted the attention by them, never expected that so many years pass by, they are that small. 韩青儿被他们吸引注意力,没想到这么多年过去,他们还是那么小。 She slightly is running immediately the past. 她立即小跑着过去。 Another side. 另一边。 In Dao Monastery, Han Jue restarts the cultivation. 道观内,韩绝重新开始修炼。 The short ten years, he felt that compared with the seclusion hundreds of thousands of years also long, when the seclusion cultivation, his train of thought precipitates, the time passes quickly, but in these ten years, he leads the wife and daughters to travel, has the story every day, naturally feels long. 短短十年,他感觉比闭关数十万年还久,在闭关修炼时,他的思绪沉淀,时间过得很快,而这十年里,他带着妻女游历,每一日都有见闻,自然觉得漫长。 Too long does not practice, Han Jue is troubled inexplicably. 太久不修炼,韩绝莫名感到不安。 He for fear that idles. 他生怕自己懈怠。 He must maintain the attitude of cultivation forever, even if otherwise achieves strongest, still possibly turns over. 他得永远保持修炼的态度,否则就算达到最强,也可能翻车。 Through the ages, the summit of strongest does not know that changed many people, under strongest expert does not pay attention, always has the later generation to rise. 古往今来,最强之巅不知换了多少人,在最强者不留神下,总是有后辈崛起。 Like Han Jue now, casual seclusion is 100,000 years, trades natural talent powerful cultivator, 100,000 years of already rises, one after another 100,000 years later, refers to erratically presents Pangu such character. 就像韩绝现在,随便闭关就是十万年,换一个天资强大的修行者,十万年已经崛起,一次次十万年后,指不定出现盘古那样的人物。 After Han Jue so thinks, dao heart is stable. 韩绝这般想后,道心稳固。 The innermost soul, the Primordial Chaos World expansion speed is faster. 灵魂深处,鸿蒙界的扩张速度更快。 ...... …… In a palace, Divine Robed Daoist looks at five form in palace, the complexion is fluctuating Yin clearly. 一座宫殿内,神袍道人望着殿上的五道身影,脸色阴晴变幻。 Five Great Punishment Gods! 五大神罚 Wears Han Tuo of silver armor to stare at Divine Robed Daoist, opens the mouth saying: We come, you should understand.” 身披银甲的韩拓盯着神袍道人,开口道:“吾等前来,你应该明白。” The Yi Tian whole face teased. 遗天满脸戏谑。 Since becoming the divine punishment, their mentalities start to change. 自从当上神罚后,他们的心态就开始改变。 Not having Great Dao Spiritual God dares to bicker with them, trades to be anybody, will inflate, let alone the Yi Tian instinct was haughtier. 没有大道神灵敢跟他们斗嘴,换做任何人,都会膨胀,更何况遗天天性本就狂傲。 Understood, I will not prevent everyone.” Divine Robed Daoist opens the mouth to say. “明白,吾不会阻止诸位。”神袍道人开口道。 He is sighing with emotion, the master is really fierce. 他心里在感慨,主人真厉害。 Even the sons become the divine punishment. 连儿子都成为神罚。 Moreover the head of divine punishment. 而且还是神罚之首。 Although Five Great Punishment Gods is Unrestrained, but peeps toweringly in Chaos already. 五大神罚虽是自在,但在混沌已经初现峥嵘。 Han Tuo said: We want to treat some time in Chaos Domain that you have jurisdiction over, you first convene to come Unrestrained Sage and Great Dao Sage, we give you ten thousand years.” 韩拓道:“吾等想在你管辖的混沌领域内待一段时间,你先将自在圣人大道圣人召集前来,吾等给你万年时间。” Divine Robed Daoist nods, without the opinion, he installs very aggrievedly, Han Tuo is very at heart amenable. 神袍道人点头,没有意见,他只是装得很憋屈,心里得韩拓很顺从。 He thinks that Han Tuo is Han Jue places in the Great Dao Spiritual God board game piece, therefore does not dare to display to be intimate with, does not dare to lay cards on the table to say itself and Han Jue relations. 他以为韩拓韩绝安插在大道神灵的棋子,所以不敢表现得亲近,更不敢摊牌说出自己与韩绝的关系。 Divine Robed Daoist closes eyes, starts to send greetings to Unrestrained Sage and Great Dao Sage. 神袍道人闭目,开始传音给自在圣人大道圣人 Yi Tian looked that asked to Han Tuo: „Can Heavenly Dao in this piece of Chaos Domain, we go back to have a look?” 遗天看向韩拓问道:“天道就在这片混沌领域,我们要回去看看吗?” Heavenly Dao! 天道 Other three divine punishments reveal curiously. 其他三位神罚不由露出好奇。 The war of Divine Right Will makes Heavenly Dao overawe Chaos, the name of Divine Might Heavenly Sage is topped the Chaos strongest expert title, they are naturally curious. 神权将之战让天道威震混沌,神威天圣之名更是被冠上混沌最强者的称号,他们自然好奇。 Even if becomes the divine punishment, they do not dare to belittle Divine Might Heavenly Sage, both ten thousand Divine Right Will were cut by Divine Might Heavenly Sage, this is score. 即便成为神罚,他们也不敢小觑神威天圣,两万神权将都被神威天圣斩了,这可是实打实的战绩。 Each Divine Right Will is vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered existence of Great Dao Sage! 每一位神权将都是纵横大道圣人的存在! Han Tuo hesitates. 韩拓犹豫。 An divine punishment said with a smile: Takes a look, now you expensive/noble are the divine punishment, is Heavenly Dao brings honor, perhaps can also relax the relations of Heavenly Dao and Spiritual God.” 一名神罚笑道:“去瞧瞧呗,如今你贵为神罚,也算为天道争光,说不定还能缓和天道与神灵的关系。” Yes! This is a good opportunity.” “是啊!这是一个好机会。” Perhaps this is also the meaning of Divine Venerable.” “或许这也是神尊的意思。” Three divine punishments approve to go to Heavenly Dao. 三位神罚都赞同前往天道 They even think that this arranges the main purpose that they act to Divine Punishment Venerable. 他们甚至认为这才是至罚神尊安排他们行动的主要目的。 Investigating the Great Dao Spiritual God domain is only the pretence, truly must do then hits to relate with Heavenly Dao. 探查大道神灵领域只是幌子,真正要做的便是与天道打好关系。 Helpless Han Tuo said: Good, waits to see Sages, we then go back with Heavenly Dao Sage together.” 韩拓无奈道:“好吧,等见完诸圣,吾等便随着天道圣人一同回去吧。” Yi Tian hehe said with a smile: Don't forget, recommended me to the adoptive father.” 遗天嘿嘿笑道:“别忘了,把我推荐给干爹。” Han Tuo rolls the eyes. 韩拓翻白眼。 Other three divine punishments follow to tease Yi Tian. 其他三位神罚跟着调侃遗天 ...... …… In the universe palace, Sages converges. 乾坤殿内,诸圣云集。 On the scene is Heavenly Dao Sage, does not see Xuandu Saint Venerable, Wayless Heavenly Lord, Pan Xin and other Unrestrained Sage. 在场的都是天道圣人,不见玄都圣尊无法天尊盘心自在圣人 Sage is chatting respectively, dozens Heavenly Dao Sage accumulations in this, seem quite lively. 圣人各自聊着,数十位天道圣人聚集于此,显得颇为热闹。 Present Sage circle level already is divided into several small groups. 如今的圣人圈层已经分成好几个小圈子。 What is worth mentioning is, these small groups are primarily old-fashioned Sage, seems like that is winning over the faction, struggles. 值得一提的是,这些小圈子都是以老派圣人为主,看似在拉拢派系,明争暗斗。 At this time, the light shadow appeared in the front together, appeared the Xuandu Saint Venerable form. 这时,一道光影出现在前方,显现出玄都圣尊的身影。 Xuandu Saint Venerable comes, the main hall is instantaneously peaceful. 玄都圣尊一现身,大殿瞬间安静下来。 We will soon come back from Spiritual God dao field, this accompanying also has Five Great Punishment Gods, they are regulate aloof existences of all Great Dao Spiritual God, everyone prepare reception.” “吾等即将从神灵道场回来,此次随行的还有五大神罚,他们乃监管所有大道神灵的超然存在,诸位做好接待准备。” Xuandu Saint Venerable opens the mouth saying that such remarks, Sages in an uproar. 玄都圣尊开口道,此言一出,圣人们哗然。 They were previously worrying Divine Robed Daoist is planning, wants Unrestrained Sage to go by the main body. 他们先前就在担心神袍道人是不是在算计,非要自在圣人以本尊前往。 Xuandu Saint Venerable and other Unrestrained Sage also worried at first, but knew after Five Great Punishment Gods status, they were no longer worried. 玄都圣尊自在圣人起初也担忧,不过得知五大神罚的身份后,他们就不再担心。 And two come from Heavenly Dao unexpectedly, Divine Might Heavenly Sage son, they naturally does not need scruples a. 其中两位竟然来自天道,其中一位还是神威天圣的儿子,那他们自然不用顾忌。 In fact also so. 事实上也如此。 Ok, everyone does not need to be worried, Five Great Punishment Gods is only a guest, most likely (80%) has scruples Divine Might Heavenly Sage, wants to relax the relations of Chaos and Heavenly Dao, at the appointed time does not use at daggers drawn.” “好了,诸位不必担心,五大神罚只是来做客,八成是顾忌神威天圣,想要来缓和混沌天道的关系,届时不用剑拔弩张。” After Xuandu Saint Venerable comforts one, then vanishes does not see. 玄都圣尊安抚一句后便消失不见。 Yang Che looks to Qiu Xilai, asked: Senior, does this matter need to inform Heavenly Sage?” 杨彻看向求西来,问道:“前辈,此事要告知天圣吗?” Qiu Xilai said: Naturally does not use, is it possible that also wants Heavenly Sage to come to receive personally? They give a good account of oneself, said again sees Heavenly Sage, Five Great Punishment Gods, said coarse is five Great Unrestrained, but Heavenly Sage the sword cuts two ten thousand Great Dao Sage.” 求西来道:“自然不用,莫非还要天圣亲自前来接待?他们表现得好,再说见不见天圣,五大神罚,说难听的就是五大自在,天圣可是剑斩两万大道圣人。” You did know Great Dao Sage strongly? The Foolish Sword Divine Sage senior is Great Dao Sage, is equivalent to a sword to cut to kill two ten thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage seniors, why Five Great Punishment Gods can receive Heavenly Sage?” “尔等知晓大道圣人有多强吗?愚剑神圣前辈便是大道圣人,相当于一剑斩杀两万愚剑神圣前辈,五大神罚凭什么能直接见天圣?”
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