WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#877: Han Yu mood

Facing the words of woodcutter, Han Qing had not replied, but flies to Han Jue side, said the origin of woodcutter. 面对樵夫的话,韩青儿没有回答,而是飞至韩绝身旁,说出樵夫的来历。 Father, we must help him revenge, he was too miserable!” “父亲,我们要不要帮他报仇啊,他太惨了!” Han Qing is filled with righteous indignation saying that she has never met such tribulation, therefore does not dare to imagine itself what to do, if facing this situation can. 韩青儿义愤填膺道,她从未遇到过这样的磨难,所以不敢想象自己要是面对这种情况会怎么办。 Han Jue said: „The world distressed person are how many, do you want the one after another help/gang?” 韩绝道:“天下苦人何其多,你要一一帮吗?” Han Qing is shocked, never expected that Han Jue will reject. 韩青儿愣住,没想到韩绝会拒绝。 Qing Luan'er shakes the head saying: azure, you were protected since childhood too well by us, without experiencing the world hardship, people like him world is, but under Heavenly Dao several tens of thousands of mortal world.” 青鸾儿摇头道:“青儿,你从小被我们保护得太好,没有见识过人间疾苦,像他这样的人天下皆是,天道之下可是有数万凡界。” Han Qing is silent. 韩青儿沉默。 The Han Jue vision looks to that woodcutter, said in a soft voice: Here really has the method of cultivation, making him look, so long as found, he has by the opportunity that oneself revenge, he is not such anticipation?” 韩绝的目光看向那位樵夫,轻声道:“这里确实有修行之法,让他找吧,只要找到,他就有靠自己报仇的机会,他不也是这么期待的吗?” Han Qing asked: That cultivation technique where?” 韩青儿问道:“那功法在哪儿?” Makes he himself look, at least I told him here to have, he will not give up, sooner or later can find.” “让他自己找吧,至少我告诉他这里有,他就不会放弃,迟早能找到。” Good.” “好吧。” Han Qing curls the lip, then flies back to front of the woodcutter, informs this matter. 韩青儿撇嘴,然后重新飞回樵夫面前,告知此事。 Qing Luan'er sighed: This girl is so pure, how in the future to feel relieved her going out wanderer?” 青鸾儿感叹道:“这丫头如此单纯,日后如何放心她一个人外出闯荡?” The daughter is different from the son, always makes the parents be worried about the security. 女儿跟儿子不一样,总是令父母更担心安全。 Han Jue said with a smile: Therefore I lead you to come to here.” 韩绝笑道:“所以我才带你们来这里。” The Qing Luan'er surprise asked: Is it possible that have you known existence of this person?” 青鸾儿诧异问道:“莫非你早就知晓此人的存在?” That is natural, why otherwise I lead you to come to here, only then I can be moved by the scenery to recollect old feelings and emotions, you are unable the sympathize.” “那是自然,否则我何必带你们来这儿,只有我能触景生情,你们无法感同身受。” Han Jue shrugs saying that hears word, Qing Luan'er looks the color of worship. 韩绝耸肩道,闻言,青鸾儿面露崇拜之色。 Is it possible that here Immortal legend is......” “莫非这里的仙人传说是……” Un, cultivation technique that I leave behind.” “嗯,我留下的功法。” _ Qing Luan'er surprised. 青鸾儿更加惊讶。 However thinks that Han Jue cultivation base, she returned to normal the mood. 不过想到韩绝修为,她又平复了心情。 In mountain forest. 山林里。 After Han Qing explains, said: You, so long as is willing to look, can certainly find, good luck.” 韩青儿说明白后,道:“你只要肯找,就一定能找到,祝你好运。” The woodcutters said hastily: How should I repay you?” 樵夫连忙道:“我该如何报答你们?” Han Qing said with a smile: You first took care to say again, now with us, where is repays?” 韩青儿笑道:“你先照顾好自己再说吧,现在跟我们,哪里是报答?” Although she experiences few, but she is not silly. 她虽然经历少,但她不傻。 Receiving this person is the slave, isn't shelters him? 收此人为奴,不就是庇护他? Han Qing jumps to leap, flies away rapidly, does not give the opposite party the opportunity of speech. 韩青儿纵身一跃,迅速飞走,不给对方多说话的机会。 She falls before the parents, said with a smile: already explained clearly.” 她落在父母面前,笑道:“已经交待清楚了。” Han Jue satisfaction nods, the performance of Han Qing satisfies him, arbitrary has not listened to advice, does not have the benevolence to send greatly, was acted bashful by the opposite party. 韩绝满意点头,韩青儿的表现还是让他很满意,没有蛮横不听劝,也没有善心大发,被对方拿捏。 Later experiences this matter, you carefully, how do you know the opposite party to say are true?” The Qing Luan'er urging said. “以后遇到这种事,你还是得小心,你怎知对方所言属实?”青鸾儿叮嘱道。 Han Qing said: He should not deceive me, I thought that he did not seem like telling the lie.” 韩青儿道:“他应该不会骗我吧,我看他不像是在说假话。” She looks to Han Jue, asked: „Does father, you feel?” 她看向韩绝,问道:“父亲,你觉得呢?” Han Jue said: I do not feel importantly, trading to do is I, will not pay attention to him, basic, no matter he said is true.” 韩绝道:“我觉得不重要,换做是我,不会理会他,根本不管他所言属实。” Han Qing curled the lip, whispered. 韩青儿撇嘴,嘀咕了一句。 What are you saying?” “你在说什么?” Has not said anything.” “没说什么。” Han Qing shakes the head saying that then turns around to depart, goes to nearby mountain forest to play. 韩青儿摇头道,然后转身离去,前往附近的山林游玩。 Han Jue smiles, had not said. 韩绝笑了笑,也没有多说。 He brings Qing Luan'er to follow to depart, strolls this mountain forest. 他带着青鸾儿跟着离去,逛逛这片山林。 On the same day, they then departed. 当日,他们便离去。 They arrive at outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven, enters inconsiderately the palace. 他们来到三十三层天外,进入不周宫。 Han Yu is sitting in meditation the cultivation, hears the sound of footsteps, he opens the eye, sees is Han Jue, sets out to salute hastily. 韩玉正在打坐修炼,听到脚步声,他睁开眼睛,一看到是韩绝,连忙起身行礼。 Pays a visit the ancestor.” “拜见祖先。” Valley /span > Han Yu respectful saying, the vision shoots a look at to Qing Luan'er and Han Qing, is secretly curious. 谷/span>韩玉恭敬的说道,目光瞥向青鸾儿韩青儿,暗自好奇。 He does not dare to calculate, feared offends Han Jue. 他不敢推算,怕冒犯韩绝 After Han Qing sees Han Yu, at present one bright, her vision moves in Han Jue and Han Yu body back and forth, is very surprised. 韩青儿见到韩玉后眼前一亮,她的目光在韩绝韩玉身上来回移动,十分惊奇。 Qing Luan'er was been also shocking. 青鸾儿也被惊艳到。 Compared with Han Tuo, Han Yu is more like the Han Jue son. 比起韩拓,韩玉更像是韩绝的儿子。 Looked like.:. 太像了。:. My side is the Han Tuo mother, Qing Luan'er, another is my daughter, Han Qing, is the Han Tuo blood younger sister.” “我身边这位是韩拓的母亲,青鸾儿,另一位是我女儿,韩青儿,也就是韩拓的亲妹妹。” The Han Jue simple introduced, frightens Han Yu hastily to kneel down, salutes again. 韩绝简单的介绍道,吓得韩玉连忙跪下,再次行礼。 Even if Sage, facing the ancestor, should salute must salute. 纵然是圣人,面对祖先,该行礼还是得行礼。 Qing Luan'er helps up him hastily, the eye shines is staring at him, said with a smile: Too like, never expected that Tuo'er had you unexpectedly the heir, hears your already proving Dao? Really wins glory for us.” 青鸾儿连忙扶起他,眼睛放光的盯着他,笑道:“太像了,没想到拓儿竟有你这样的子嗣,听闻你已经证道?真是为我们争光。” Han Yu was anxious, said constrained: Was lucky the Old Ancestor sect help, how otherwise to have me today.” 韩玉紧张极了,拘束道:“多亏了老祖宗帮忙,否则怎有我今日。” Han Qing asked excitedly: „Are you Sage?” 韩青儿兴奋问道:“你是圣人?” The Qing Luan'er eyelid jumps, the secretly thought was not wonderful, says inadvertently. 青鸾儿眼皮一跳,暗道不妙,说漏嘴了。 Han Yu had not replied immediately, he is also Sage, mixing was so long, naturally can listen to beyond the string the meaning. 韩玉没有立即回答,他好歹也是圣人,混了这么久,自然能听出弦外之意。 Han Qing asked that the meaning of not knowing. 韩青儿这么问,就是本来不知的意思。 He notices the Qing Luan'er facial expression, said with a smile: I am what Sage, but cultivates here, in Immortal World, Great Principle Golden Immortal also calculates proving Dao.” 他又注意到青鸾儿的神情,不由笑道:“我算什么圣人,只是在这里修炼,在仙界,大罗金仙也算证道。” Han Qing is suddenly enlighted. 韩青儿恍然大悟。 Han Jue holds in high esteem to Han Yu. 韩绝韩玉刮目相看。 Does this boy break off the ability is so strong now hardly? 这小子如今硬掰能力这么强? Also does not know that is Qiu Xilai teaches, other Sage teach. 也不知是求西来教的,还是其他圣人教的。 Li Daokong is not so in any case clear. 反正李道空没有这么圆润。 Han Qing starts to entangle Han Yu to closely examine, cultivates the experience about him who asked the matter, perhaps continuously following parents, she was interested in others' story especially, did not catch cold to the Han Jue story actually. 韩青儿开始缠着韩玉追问,问的都是关于他修炼经历的事情,或许是一直跟着父母,她对别人的故事格外感兴趣,倒是对韩绝的故事十分不感冒。 Han Jue shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not, also has not stopped. 韩绝摇头失笑,也没有阻拦。 He brings Han Qing to come, wants to make Han Yu recognize the lord, later Han Qing comes Heavenly Dao, quite makes Han Yu look, he believes that Han Yu can achieve. 他带韩青儿来,就是想让韩玉认主,以后韩青儿来天道,好让韩玉多照顾,他相信韩玉能做到。 Facing Han Qing, Han Yu is very anxious, although he can look at Han Qing less than 20 years old, but the generation differential pressure he has not gasped for breath, especially side also has Han Jue. 面对韩青儿,韩玉很紧张,虽然他看得出来韩青儿不到二十岁,可辈分压得他喘不过气来,尤其旁边还有韩绝在。 He for fear that neglects, feared oneself offend Han Jue, each few words will be to consider will say from now on. 他生怕自己怠慢,又怕自己冒犯到韩绝,每一句话都是斟酌过后才说。 After several double-hour, Han Jue said goodbye to Han Yu. 数个时辰后,韩绝韩玉告辞。 Han Yu, later I come Heavenly Dao to ask you to play, when the time comes you may result in receive me!” 韩玉,以后我来天道找你玩,到时候你可得接待我!” The Han Qing child's play said with a smile, she impression to Han Yu was very good, imagined unlike her Great Principle Golden Immortal, was very gentle, the speech was also of pleasant to hear. 韩青儿嬉笑道,她对韩玉的印象很不错,与她想象中的大罗金仙不同,很温柔,说话也好听。 Naturally, she also understands the reason. 当然,她也明白原因。 Therefore she is more curious to Han Jue. 所以她对韩绝更加好奇。 She realized suddenly oneself did not know about father's status. 她突然意识到自己对父亲的身份不了解。 After packing off the Han Jue three people, Han Yu relaxes. 送走韩绝三人后,韩玉松了一口气。 The head were many a Grandma ancestor, the Han Yu mood was quite strange. 头上多了一位祖奶奶,韩玉的心情颇为古怪。 However this Grandma ancestor is lively, is very easy getting along with. 不过这位祖奶奶活泼机灵,很好相处。 Han Yu thinks of Han Tuo, the mood becomes complex. 韩玉不由想到韩拓,心情又变得复杂起来。 Also does not know that Old Ancestor now is what situation. 也不知那位老祖如今是何情况。 Since knowing Han Tuo did not see somebody in danger and do nothing initially, Han Yu is actually very at heart guilty, but has not said that he does not have the opportunity to see Han Tuo again. 自从知晓当初韩拓并非见死不救后,韩玉心里其实很愧疚,只是没有说出来,他也没有机会再见到韩拓 Old Ancestor, you now where? Why doesn't return to Heavenly Dao?” 老祖,你如今又在何方?为何不回天道?” Han Yu thinks silently, Han Jue what kind of cultivation base, assumes Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao develops now is so also good, Han Tuo actually does not come back, he suspected that was injures Han Tuo. 韩玉默默想到,韩绝何等修为,都坐镇天道,天道如今发展又如此好,韩拓却不回来,他怀疑是自己伤到了韩拓 But he initially said proud must exceed Han Tuo. 他当初可是豪情万丈的说要超越韩拓 Han Tuo possibly fears to attack him, does not come back simply. 韩拓可能怕打击他,干脆就不回来了。 Han Yu sighed, then sat down, closes eyes to continue to cultivate. Provides quickest top-level Destiny for you, cultivates the millenniums to renew quietly, Chapter 877 Han Yu mood read free.:. 韩玉叹息一声,然后重新坐下,闭目继续修炼。为你提供最快的顶级气运,悄悄修炼千年更新,第877章韩玉的心情免费阅读。:.
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