WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#876: Re-enters the former home grounds, the Immortal legend

Father, was Han Xinyuan big?” “父亲,韩心缘多大了?” Father, my brother where?” “父亲,我哥哥在哪儿?” Father, I wants to look for the Elder Brother!” “父亲,我想找哥哥!” Father......” “父亲……” Above the clouds, Han Jue hears annoyed, really wants to throw down this girl. 云端之上,韩绝听得心烦,真想将这丫头丢下去。 Qing Luan'er sees the Han Jue thoughts, said with a smile: You are noisy, your father must throw down you.” 青鸾儿看出韩绝的心思,笑道:“你再闹,你父亲就要把你丢下去了。” Han Qing happily said with a smile: I did not fear, I will fly.” 韩青儿得意笑道:“我不怕,我会飞。” Han Jue stared her one eyes, did not raise Han Tuo, the air/Qi results in the Han Qing eye socket to be red. 韩绝瞪了她一眼,就是不提韩拓,气得韩青儿眼眶都红了。 In the future, Han Jue leads the wife and daughters to walk Immortal World. 往后,韩绝带着妻女行走仙界 In a flash, ten years pass by. 一晃眼,十年过去。 Han Qing already grows into the flower season young girl, wears an elegant red clothes, the long hair ties up after the brain, in the foreheads is in high spirits, with Qing Luan'er dependence vanguard, mother and daughter, are less like the sisters. 韩青已经长成花季少女,穿着一身秀美红衣,长发绑于脑后,眉宇间神采飞扬,与青鸾儿相依前行,不似母女,更像是姐妹。 Han Jue stands in front of two females, the vision is looking at the horizon. 韩绝站在两女前面,目光望着天际。 „Does father, then we go?” Han Qing asked that in the eye full was the anticipation. “父亲,接下来我们去哪儿?”韩青儿问道,眼中满是期待。 From infancy to maturity, she crosses very joyfully, does not have any worry, can see the new thing every day, hurries along not to need to spend the physical strength, is very relaxed. 从小到大,她都过得很快乐,没有任何烦恼,每日都能看到新事物,赶路也不需要花费体力,无比轻松。 Han Jue said: Goes to mortal world, this is last, later should leave Immortal World, then goes home, later you want to come out to be difficult again, must cultivation well.” 韩绝道:“去凡界,这是最后一趟,之后就该离开仙界,然后回家,以后你再想出来就难了,必须好好修炼。” Han Qing curls the lip, said: Cultivation cultivates, my natural talent is so fierce, when the time comes makes you be startled.” 韩青儿撇嘴,道:“修炼就修炼,我天资如此厉害,到时候让你大吃一惊。” In these years, Han Qing also understood Immortal World cultivation situation, after the contrast, she discovered that own natural talent is extremely strong, therefore to cultivating also has the anticipation. 这些年里,韩青儿也了解到仙界修行情况,对比之后,她发现自己天资极强,所以对修炼也抱有期待。 Qing Luan'er said with a smile: aptitude of azure is truly good, wants your Elder Brother to be possible not to have your natural talent initially, but aptitude is even mediocre, he is departure alone resolutely, seeks the immortal reason.” 青鸾儿笑道:“青儿的资质确实不错,想当初你哥哥可没有你的天资,但即便资质平庸,他还是毅然决然的独自离开,寻求仙缘。” Mentioned Han Tuo, Han Qing then came the interest, asked: Mother, is my big brother now what cultivation base? You did not say that he lived 500 ten thousand years, is Great Principle Golden Immortal?” 一提到韩拓,韩青儿便来了兴趣,问道:“娘,我大哥现在是何修为?你们不是说他活了五百万载吗,是不是大罗金仙?” In Immortal World, lives for 5 million years is not actually able to break through the Divine Realm life to have plenty of such people, her mother also Divine Realm, she thinks that Han Tuo is stronger, is she has been hopeful to the Elder Brother who that has usually not met, even a worship. 仙界,活五百万年却无法突破神境的生灵大有人在,她娘亲也才神境,她之所以认为韩拓更强,是她对那位素未谋面的哥哥一直充满期待,甚至还有一丝崇拜。 Qing Luan'er shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not, she shot a look at Han Jue one, saw Han Jue not to say, she has saying: Perhaps yes.” 青鸾儿摇头失笑,她瞥了韩绝一眼,见韩绝不想说,她只好道:“或许是吧。” Han Jue has urged, cannot make Han Qing know Sage above realm, in order to avoid idles. 韩绝叮嘱过,不能让韩青儿知晓圣人以上的境界,以免懈怠。 Regarding this, Qing Luan'er can also understand. 对此,青鸾儿也能理解。 At least after she knows Han Jue exceeds Unrestrained Sage, she felt do oneself practice does not matter, cannot catch up with Han Jue in any case. 至少她知晓韩绝超越自在圣人后,她就觉得自己修不修炼都无所谓,反正追不上韩绝 So long as treats side Han Jue, she will not have the danger, will not annoy to Han Jue troublesome. 只要待在韩绝身边,她就不会有危险,也不会给韩绝惹麻烦。 Han Qing curls the lip, said: Cannot see the big brother, that sees the Second Brother, the father, before we go home, can have a look at the Second Brother, his perhaps already birth.” 韩青儿撇嘴,道:“见不到大哥,那就见二哥,父亲,我们回家之前能不能去看看二哥,他说不定已经出生了。” Han Jue does not return said: Naturally must go back to have a look, but your Second Brother is away from return alive early.” 韩绝头也不回道:“自然要回去看看,不过你二哥距离出生还早。” So was why long had not been born? Is it possible that the aunt is not a person, is Monster Race?” “为什么这么久还未出生啊?莫非大娘不是人,是妖族?” That is not, is only your Second Brother natural talent is naturally high.” “那自然不是,只是你二哥天资高罢了。” „Is natural talent high?” “天资高?” Han Qing eye one bright. 韩青儿眼睛一亮。 Han Jue snort/hum said: Do not ask.” 韩绝哼道:“别问了。” He wields the right hand sleeves , three people then arrive at Rolling World. 他挥动右手衣袖,紧接着,三人便来到摇界 Next convenient was initially the Jade Purity Holy Sect 18 peaks, but the appearance of the mountain landform has changed. 下方便是当初玉清圣宗的十八峰,只是山势地貌早已改变。 Han Qing asked curiously: Where is here? How no one?” 韩青儿好奇问道:“这里是什么地方?怎么没人?” Qing Luan'er also puzzled looks to Han Jue. 青鸾儿也困惑的看向韩绝 Han Jue said: This is the place that your father was born.” 韩绝道:“这便是你父亲出生的地方。” hears word, Qing Luan'er and Han Qing came the interest. 闻言,青鸾儿韩青儿都来了兴趣。 Three people fall to the ground, Han Jue walks in the front, the train of thought returns for 5 million years ago. 三人落地,韩绝走在前方,思绪回到五百万年前。 Qing Luan'er and Han Qing looks around, has not disturbed Han Jue. 青鸾儿韩青儿东张西望,都没有打扰韩绝 Han Jue arrives on a cliff, looks into the hills, past the Jade Purity Holy Sect abundant appearance appears at present, the continuous disciple in the hills vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, Han Jue thought of Old Tie, thought of Li Qingzi, thought of True Person Nine Tripods. 韩绝来到一条断崖上,眺望群山,昔日玉清圣宗的盛貌浮现在眼前,络绎不绝的弟子在群山间纵横,韩绝想到了铁老,想到了李卿子,想到了九鼎真人 All already became the past, the old friend already Samsara. 一切都已经成为过去,故人早已轮回 Father, in opposite mountain has the person!” “父亲,对面山上有人!” Han Qing points at the front to call out in alarm suddenly said. 韩青儿忽然指着前方惊呼道。 Looks following her vision, in the opposite mountain forest has one person to cut trees down. 顺着她的目光看去,对面山林里有一人正在砍树。 The surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5 km) do not have the habitation, presents a woodcutter, is truly strange, but this cannot bring to the attention of Han Jue. 方圆万里都没有人烟,出现一名樵夫,确实奇怪,不过这并不能引起韩绝的注意。 Han Qing eyeball Rank One, jumps to leap, flies to the opposite mountain forest. 韩青儿眼珠子一转,纵身一跃,飞至对面山林里。 Qing Luan'er has not stopped, the woodcutter does not have cultivation base, even the unprincipled person cannot injure the daughter. 青鸾儿也没有阻拦,那樵夫没有修为,就算是坏人也伤不到女儿。 Han Qing falls on the woodcutter behind, hey, frightened the woodcutter whole body to shake, turns around, footsteps lie, with falling on the ground, the axe in hand lets go, does not cut his palm carefully, the blood overflows instantaneously. 韩青儿落在樵夫身后,嘿了一声,吓得樵夫浑身一抖,转过身来,脚步一趔,跟着跌坐在地上,手中的斧头脱手,不小心割伤他的掌心,鲜血瞬间溢出。 The woodcutters hurt knit the brows. 樵夫疼得皱眉。 Han Qing said flustered: Is sorry......” 韩青儿慌张道:“抱歉……” She notices this woodcutter is also young, seemingly is only 20 years old over. 她注意到这位樵夫同样年轻,看起来只有二十岁出头。 The woodcutters take up the axe, vigilant asking: Who are you? Monsters?” 樵夫拿起斧头,警惕的问道:“你是谁?妖怪?” looks is so beautiful, but also a red clothes, absolutely is Female Monster! 长得这么美,还一身红衣,绝对是女妖 The woodcutters are pale, cold sweat directing current. 樵夫脸色发白,冷汗直流。 The monsters must eat the person! 妖怪是要吃人的! Han Qing curls the lip saying: I am not a monster, I am Fairy Maiden!” 韩青儿撇嘴道:“我不是妖怪,我是仙女!” Her right hand wields, the wound in woodcutter palm heals instantaneously. 她右手一挥,樵夫掌心中的伤口瞬间愈合。 The woodcutters set out to run. 樵夫起身就跑。 Han Qing lifts hand one move, moves him with spirit power. 韩青儿抬手一招,用灵力将他挪回来。 What you run, I really am not a monster, I ask you is asking, why nearby your?” Han Qing ill-humored say/way. “你跑什么啊,我真不是妖怪,我来找你是问,为何附近就你一人?”韩青儿没好气道。 Woodcutter trembling sound said: I live in the , truly without others.” 樵夫颤声道:“我住在附近,确实没有其他人。” The Han Qing surprise asked: You are so timid, but also dares a person to live here?” 韩青儿诧异问道:“你这么胆小,还敢一个人住这里?” The woodcutters clench teeth, without reply. 樵夫咬牙,没有回答。 Should the thinking means that he starts to rack brains, how withdraw? 他开始绞尽脑汁的想办法,该如何脱身? Why do you come to here?” Han Qing asked. “你为何来这里?”韩青儿问道。 She supplemented one: You replied truthfully, I will not feel embarrassed you, I can also pass on the method of your cultivation.” 她补充了一句:“你如实回答,我不会为难你,我还能传你修仙之法。” hears word, woodcutter eyes one bright. 闻言,樵夫眼睛一亮。 He said hastily: Hearsay area has inheritance that Immortal leaves behind, every thousand years, some people obtain Immortal cultivation technique from here, is famous, I want to try, came more than half a year, still had not found.” 他连忙说道:“传闻这一带有仙人留下的传承,每隔千年,都有人从这里得到仙人功法,然后名扬天下,我就是想来试试,来了大半年,一直没有找到。” „Do you cut trees down to do really?” “那你砍树作甚?” Lights a fire, in the evening many wild animals, without the fire, I will die.” “生火啊,晚上很多野兽,没有火,我会死的。” „.” “哦。” Han Qing sees the true mortal for the first time, in the heart is interested, starts various inquiries. 韩青儿第一次见到真正的凡人,心中充满兴趣,开始各种询问。 The woodcutters speak out frankly. 樵夫知无不言。 Han Qing also took advantage of opportunity to know his origin. 韩青儿也顺势得知了他的来历。 The village of woodcutter was slaughtered by demon cultivator, all refines the dry corpse puppet, he runs away by luck, he has wanted to take revenge, tracks down the immortal reason starting from ten years old everywhere, does to him not to have spirit root aptitude, each sect does not receive, he can only pursue the illusory Immortal legend. 樵夫的村庄被魔修屠戮,全都炼制成干尸傀儡,他是侥幸逃走的,他一直想复仇,从十岁开始就到处追寻仙缘,奈何他没有灵根资质,各个宗门都不收,他只能来追求虚无缥缈的仙人传说。 After Han Qing listens, in the heart does not endure, she is only substitutes the angle of woodcutter to think, feels desperate. 韩青儿听后,心中不忍,她光是代入到樵夫的角度去想,都感到绝望。 How do I help you take revenge?” Han Qing asked. “我帮你复仇怎么样?”韩青儿问道。 Woodcutter eyes one bright, at once shakes the head saying: „It is not good, I must revenge personally, you pass on my cultivation method.” 樵夫眼睛一亮,旋即摇头道:“不行,我要亲自报仇,您还是传我修炼之法吧。” Han Qing reveals, helpless the look, lets go saying: Actually I do not know the method of cultivation, but I can ask my father.” 韩青儿露出无奈神色,摊手道:“其实我不懂修行之法,不过我可以问我父亲。” Living was so long, she has not practiced properly, what depended is the talent instinct. 活了这么久,她还未正经的修炼过,靠的是天赋本能。 The woodcutters kneel down immediately, kowtows toward Han Qing, said: Many thanks Fairy Maiden! So long as your father is willing to pass on the method of my cultivation, I am willing always to be a slave, works for you!” 樵夫立即跪下,朝韩青儿磕头,道:“多谢仙女!只要您父亲肯传我修行之法,我愿永世为奴,为你们效力!”
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