WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#875: The grandfather is what status

Master...... Master!” 师父……师父!” Yang Tiandong after the astonishment of moment, before arriving at the King Yama table, hastily worships on bended knees Han Jue. 阳天冬经过片刻的惊愕后,连忙来到阎王桌前跪拜韩绝 Qing Luan'er and Han Qing somewhat is anxious, Yang Tiandong worked as several million years of King Yama after all, a pressure is very strong, the common person saw that his leg is soft. 青鸾儿韩青儿都有些紧张,阳天冬毕竟当了数百万年的阎王,一身的威压还是很强的,寻常人见到他就腿软。 Han Jue opens the mouth saying: Gets up, how do these years pass?” 韩绝开口道:“起来吧,这些年过得如何?” He can calculate the experience of Yang Tiandong, but this matter must say by Yang Tiandong personally. 他能算到阳天冬的经历,但这种事还得由阳天冬亲自说。 Yang Tiandong is suppressing excitedly, said: Day after day, handles the matter of Netherworld Samsara every day, although is arid, but is safe, usually in can also the twitching time cultivation.” 阳天冬强忍着激动,道:“日复一日,每日处理阴间轮回之事,虽枯燥,但安全,平日里也能抽搐时间修炼。” Why does not know, sees Han Jue again, Yang Tiandong wants to cry inexplicably. 不知为何,再见到韩绝,阳天冬莫名想哭。 He is King Yama, how could to cry? 他可是阎王,岂能落泪? But he cannot restrain this mood. 但他心里就是克制不住这种情绪。 Several hundred ten thousand years in the past, he also thinks that Han Jue already forgets him. 数百万载过去,他还以为韩绝已经遗忘他。 Yes. 是啊。 Hidden Sect Heaven's Chosen like clouds, even many Heavenly Dao Sage, what was he considered as? 隐门天骄如云,甚至不乏天道圣人,他算得了什么? Do not look that actually when he usually installs sluggishly, hears Hidden Sect these Heaven's Chosen facts each time, he very much loses, as well as regret. 别看他平时装得懒散,其实每次听到隐门的那些天骄事迹时,他心里都很失落,以及后悔。 Han Jue said: This is your teacher's wife, this is the Master daughter, Han Qing.” 韩绝道:“这位是你的师娘,这是师父的女儿,韩青儿。” hears word, Yang Tiandong looks to the Qing Luan'er mother and daughter, salutes hastily. 闻言,阳天冬看向青鸾儿母女,连忙行礼。 Qing Luan'er is caught off guard, initially sees apprentice, should give a present, is ordinary like Xuan Qingjun. 青鸾儿措手不及,初见徒弟,理应送礼,就像宣晴君一般。 Han Jue said with a smile: Ok, does not need the superficial politenesses, to call Han Xinyuan.” 韩绝笑道:“好了,不必虚礼,将韩心缘叫来吧。” Yang Tiandong should, go to subpoena Han Xinyuan hastily. 阳天冬连忙应下,前去传唤韩心缘 Han Qing asked curiously: Father, who is he? It seems like ominous.” 韩青儿好奇问道:“父亲,他是谁啊?看起来好凶。” Han Jue said: He is father's first apprentice, but the father has not seen with him for a long time.” 韩绝道:“他是父亲的第一个徒弟,不过父亲跟他也很长时间没有见。” Why doesn't have to see?” “为何没见?” He is like you, liked running all over the place.” “他跟你一样,太爱乱跑了。” „?” “啊?” Right, if you later run all over the place, the father will not say goodbye you.” “没错,你以后要是乱跑,爹爹就不会再见你。” The Han Jue words frighten Han Qing, her eyes are instantaneously red, the tears spin. 韩绝的话吓到韩青儿,她双眼瞬间通红,眼泪打转。 Qing Luan'er white Han Jue, said ill-humoredly: „Do you frighten her to do?” 青鸾儿白了韩绝一眼,没好气道:“你吓唬她干嘛?” Han Jue said with a smile: I have not frightened her.” 韩绝笑道:“我可没吓唬她。” Qing Luan'er gawked staring, Han Qing frightened to cry thoroughly. 青鸾儿愣了愣,韩青儿则彻底吓哭。 Han Jue looks at one happily. 韩绝看得一乐。 This girl is too usually lively, should strike, so as to avoid 17-18 years old ran, then lead the man to come back to discuss marriage. 这丫头平时太活泼,就该敲打一下,免得17-18岁就跑了,然后带着男人回来提亲。 Although Han Jue does not want to manage the matter of children, but he hopes that Han Qing can concentrate in cultivation. 韩绝虽然不想太管儿女之事,但他希望韩青儿能将主要精力放在修行上。 cultivation base is higher, the good man more. 修为越高,遇到的好男人越多。 Naturally, regardless of what realm, has the bad man, but at least Han Jue hopes that she little suffers hardships. 当然,无论什么境界,都有坏男人,但至少韩绝希望她少受苦。 cultivation base accepted a lower status finds the person to marry, the birth and death could not escape, when the time comes she must ask Han Jue for the own master. 修为太低就找人嫁了,生老病死逃不过,到时候她还得为自己的相公来求韩绝 Reason that brings Han Qing to see so many old friends, is to train Han Qing the vision. 之所以带着韩青儿来见这么多故人,就是想要培养韩青儿的眼光。 Han Jue does not look down upon the mortal, in any case he is a mortal time, if there is a Fairy Maiden kind support he, he is definitely terrified, the fear annoys to trouble, does not dare to accept, only if the opposite party forces. 韩绝也不是瞧不起凡人,反正他是凡人的时候,若是有仙女垂爱他,他肯定惶恐,害怕惹来麻烦,不敢接受,除非对方强迫。 Qing Luan'er comforts Han Qing. 青鸾儿安抚韩青儿。 In a while, Yang Tiandong brings Han Xinyuan to come. 没过多久,阳天冬带着韩心缘前来。 Gets the person to enter brings up the rear, he follows to go out of outside the palace, waits for outside the palace. 领人入殿后,他跟着走出殿外,在殿外等待。 In Han Xinyuan heart puzzled, when she sees Han Jue, she is suddenly absent-minded. 韩心缘心中困惑,不过当她看到韩绝时,她忽然恍惚。 Han Yu. 韩玉 Her that descendants, now are Sage. 她的那位子孙,如今已是圣人 It is not right, is not Han Yu. 不对,不是韩玉 Nearly from her mind is reappeared by the face that Han Xinyuan forgets. 一张近乎被韩心缘遗忘的脸从她脑海里浮现出来。 Her father, Han Tuo. 她的父亲,韩拓 She asked curiously: „Are you?” 她好奇问道:“你是?” She thinks that Han Jue is the Han Tuo heir, but can call King Yama, but also makes King Yama avoid suspicion, deciding however is not simple. 她以为韩绝韩拓的子嗣,不过能叫动阎王,还让阎王避嫌,定然不简单。 Qing Luan'er looks at Han Xinyuan, a heart melts immediately, she as if noticed that after Han Qing grows up the appearance. 青鸾儿看着韩心缘,一颗心顿时融化,她仿佛看到韩青儿长大后的样子。 She goes forward immediately, wants to hold on the hand of Han Xinyuan. 她立即上前,想要拉住韩心缘的手。 But Han Xinyuan vigilant avoiding. 韩心缘警惕的躲开。 Aiya, you are my granddaughter, what hides to hide?” Qing Luan'er charmingly angry say/way. “哎呀,你是我孙女,躲什么躲?”青鸾儿娇嗔道。 Granddaughter? 孙女? Han Xinyuan is shocked. 韩心缘愣住。 She looks subconsciously to Han Jue. 她下意识看向韩绝 Han Jue said: Right, Han Tuo is our sons, King Yama that went out a moment ago is my apprentice.” 韩绝道:“没错,韩拓是我们的儿子,刚才出去的阎王是我徒弟。” Han Xinyuan stares the big beautiful eye, past puzzled unties immediately. 韩心缘瞪大美目,以往的困惑顿时解开。 No wonder Yang Tiandong takes care of her! 怪不得阳天冬那么照顾她! She also worried that before Yang Tiandong has to her improper ambition, afterward discovered Yang Tiandong is somewhat cautious to her attendance, for fear that crosses the border, she thinks before is the Han Yu merit, the result is not. 她以前还担心阳天冬对她有非分之想,后来发现阳天冬对她的照顾有些小心翼翼,生怕越界,她之前以为是韩玉的功劳,结果不是。 Han Xinyuan somewhat feels helpless suddenly, does not know that should say anything. 韩心缘一时间有些不知所措,也不知该说什么。 Han Qing collects, said with a smile: „Are you my niece?” 韩青儿凑过来,笑道:“你是我侄女?” Niece? 侄女? Han Xinyuan looks at young Han Qing, does not know whether to laugh or cry. 韩心缘看着年幼的韩青儿,哭笑不得。 Her eyes saw that this girl is only several years old. 她一眼就看出这丫头只有几岁。 Han Jue said: Before I have come to see you, but also has passed on divine ability for you, but you had not realized, I do not want to disturb your life.” 韩绝道:“以前我来看过你,还为你传过神通,只是你没有意识到,我也不想打搅你的生活。” Han Xinyuan is suddenly enlighted, she had had doubts before, but also thinks that is obtains the Heavenly Dao sensibility. 韩心缘恍然大悟,她之前就疑惑过,还以为是自己得到天道感悟。 Han Qing starts chirp inquiry Han Xinyuan, interrupts her train of thought. 韩青儿开始叽叽喳喳的询问韩心缘,打断她的思绪。 Qing Luan'er is also staring at her, a face is tender. 青鸾儿也盯着她,一脸怜惜。 Three women chatted bustling, Han Jue was not good to disturb, to go out of the main hall. 三个女人聊得热火朝天,韩绝也不好打扰,走出大殿。 He arrives at side Yang Tiandong, frightens Yang Tiandong to kneel down again. 他来到阳天冬身旁,吓得阳天冬再次跪下。 Han Jue lifts the hand, lifts him by the invisible strength forcefully. 韩绝抬手,以无形之力强行将他托举而起。 Doesn't need, is it possible that you really is so estranged with me?” Helpless Han Jue said. “不必这般,莫非你真与我生分了?”韩绝无奈道。 Yang Tiandong does not know how should explain. 阳天冬不知该如何解释。 He truly does not dare to relax. 他确实不敢放松。 At present but this Divine Might Heavenly Sage With Boundless Karmic Virtue! 眼前这位可是功德无量神威天圣 Entire Heavenly Dao most has the existence of power and influence and strongest! 整个天道最具权势、最强大的存在! How dare is he impolite? 他怎敢无礼? Han Jue said: I will let your Sanctification, so many years pass by, your disposition should already discipline, in the future must cultivation steadfastly, yes?” 韩绝道:“我会让你成圣的,这么多年过去,你的心性应该已经磨练好,日后要踏踏实实修炼,明白吗?” Yang Tiandong feels extremely flattered, thanks politely Han Jue hastily. 阳天冬受宠若惊,连忙拜谢韩绝 Han Jue is speechless. 韩绝无语。 How to kneel? 怎么又跪? He is also disinclined to manage Yang Tiandong, but is inquires Netherworld Heavenly Race and Disaster Race. 他也懒得去管阳天冬,而是询问起阴间天族厄族 Yang Tiandong mentioned the Netherworld matter, immediately wound ripe, incessant, he is the head of King Yama, the merit of Netherworld management naturally calculates now above him. 阳天冬说起阴间事,顿时熟络起来,滔滔不绝,他如今为阎王之首,阴间管理的功绩自然算在他头上。 Han Jue peaceful is listening. 韩绝安静的听着。 After a double-hour . 一个时辰后。 Han Jue leads the Qing Luan'er mother and daughter to depart. 韩绝带着青鸾儿母女离去。 Yang Tiandong and Han Xinyuan stand before the King Yama palace, looks direction that they are departing, for a very long time did not speak. 阳天冬韩心缘站在阎王殿前,望着他们离去的方向,久久不语。 Han Xinyuan asked: King Yama, is my grandfather what status? Why haven't I heard the name of Han Jue?” 韩心缘问道:“阎王,我爷爷是何身份?为何我没有听闻过韩绝之名?” Yang Tiandong gives a snicker over something, you have not listened to the name of Han Jue, have you heard the name of Divine Might Heavenly Sage? 阳天冬暗自发笑,你没听过韩绝之名,那你听闻过神威天圣之名吗? However Han Jue had not said on own initiative, he is not naturally good to explain. 不过韩绝没有主动说,他自然也不好道明。 He, is very in any case fierce, let alone you, even your father benefit from association with his, otherwise your father died early, gives birth to your opportunity not to have continually, Han Yu that boy should exterminate the clan, is the hand that my Master has.” “他啊,反正很厉害,别说你,连你父亲都沾他的光,否则你父亲早死了,连生下你的机会都没有,韩玉那小子本该被灭族,也是我师父出的手。” The Yang Tiandong meaningfully say/way, hearing Han Xinyuan to fall into thinks deeply. 阳天冬意味深长道,听得韩心缘陷入深思中。 Sage! 圣人 Doing to Sage are too now many, which Sage Han Xinyuan not clear is. 奈何当今圣人太多,韩心缘也不清楚是哪位圣人 Yang Tiandong said: „After azure, estimated that will also come, when the time comes you may result to take care of her.” 阳天冬道:“青儿以后估计还会来,到时候你可得照顾好她。” He understands that Han Jue this time comes the surface so to be not just simple, wants to make them remember Han Qing, if in the future Han Qing will arrive at Netherworld, they must result in many look, cannot idle. 他明白韩绝此次前来绝非只是表面那么简单,就是想让他们记住韩青儿,日后韩青儿若是来到阴间,他们必须得多加照顾,不能懈怠。 Regarding this, Yang Tiandong has no complaint, on the contrary, he was very happy. 对此,阳天冬没有任何怨言,相反,他还很高兴。 After Master had the daughter, were many a person of taste. 师父有了女儿后,多了人味。
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