WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#874: Passing

After Han Jue enters Dao Monastery, saw that Xing Hongxuan is still sitting in meditation the cultivation. 韩绝进入道观后,看到邢红璇还在打坐修炼。 Qing Luan'er is very anxious, Han Qing this girl does not show one's ignorance actually, is staring at Xing Hongxuan directly. 青鸾儿无比紧张,倒是韩青儿这丫头也不露怯,直接盯着邢红璇 Xing Hongxuan opens eyes, finds three people to arrive, immediately sets out to welcome. 邢红璇睁眼,瞧见三人到来,立即起身相迎。 She said with a smile: This is then younger sister Qing Luan'er?” 她笑道:“这位便是青鸾儿妹妹吧?” A year ago, Han Jue already passes message to her, informs this matter, therefore she is prepared early. 一年前,韩绝已经传音给她,告知此事,所以她早有准备。 Qing Luan'er sees her face smile, the nervousness alleviated immediately much. 青鸾儿见她一脸笑容,紧张情绪顿时缓解了不少。 Two female warm conversations. 两女热情的交谈起来。 Xing Hongxuan looks to Han Jue behind Han Qing, said with a smile: azure, has not called the big mother.” 邢红璇看向韩绝身后的韩青儿,笑道:“青儿,还不叫大娘亲。” Han Qing is tilting the head, asked curiously: What is the big mother? Doesn't mother only have one?” 韩青儿歪着头,好奇问道:“什么叫大娘亲?娘亲不是只有一位吗?” Aunt? 大娘? Han Jue is secretly funny. 韩绝暗自好笑。 Xing Hongxuan holds Han Qing, said with a smile: I and your mothers are your father's wife, I am equivalent to your mother.” 邢红璇韩青儿抱起来,笑道:“我和你娘都是你父亲的妻子,我就相当于你娘呀。” Qing Luan'er has doubts secretly. 青鸾儿暗自疑惑。 Aunt? 大娘? Is the Xing Hongxuan rank higher than her? 邢红璇辈分高于她? She remembers a matter suddenly. 她忽然想起一件事。 In is acquainted before her, the Han Jue status is very mystical, is it possible that has Xing Hongxuan followed he? 在与她相识前,韩绝的身份很神秘,莫非邢红璇早就跟着他了? Very likely. 极有可能。 Qing Luan'er has not made noise the inquiry, later some are the opportunities. 青鸾儿没有出声询问,以后有的是机会。 Regarding Xing Hongxuan, she has not envied, because the Xing Hongxuan attitude is very warm, but also chatted with the daughter on own initiative, gave her very much the face. 对于邢红璇,她也没有嫉妒,因为邢红璇的态度很热情,还主动跟女儿聊天,很给她面子。 Chatted for a long time. 聊了许久。 Qing Luan'er asked curiously: Your son? Husband did not say that you also do have a child?” 青鸾儿好奇问道:“你儿子呢?夫君不是说你也有一个孩子?” Xing Hongxuan touches to the own lower abdomen, said with a smile: In here, had not been born.” 邢红璇摸向自己的小腹,笑道:“在这儿呢,还未出生。” Qing Luan'er is dumbfounded. 青鸾儿傻眼。 Hadn't been born? 还未出生? She looks to Han Jue. 她不由看向韩绝 Han Jue said: This child somewhat special, already bred a long time, had not been born, but according to the time of breeding calculates, truly should for azure Elder Brother.” 韩绝道:“此子有些特殊,已经孕育了很长一段时间,仍未降生,不过按孕育的时间来算,确实该为青儿的哥哥。” „? My brother? He also in belly? Shouldn't he be a younger brother? I must become the elder sister, I must become the elder sister!” “啊?我哥哥?他还在肚子里?那他不应该是弟弟吗?我要当姐姐,我要当姐姐!” Han Qing shook the head to call out, she followed to put out a hand to touch to the Xing Hongxuan abdomen, a face was surprised. 韩青儿摇头叫道,她跟着伸手摸向邢红璇的腹部,一脸惊奇。 Xing Hongxuan said with a smile: Good, you become the elder sister, when the elder sister must take care of the younger brother, later must let him, if he becomes the Elder Brother, that he takes care of you, is letting you, you want to become the elder sister, becomes the younger sister?” 邢红璇笑道:“好啊,你当姐姐,不过当姐姐就得照顾弟弟,以后事事都得让着他,若是他当哥哥,那就得他来照顾你,事事让着你,你想当姐姐,还是当妹妹?” Han Qing is tilting the head, thought the moment, said: I become the younger sister.” 韩青儿歪着头,想了片刻,道:“那我还是当妹妹吧。” Qing Luan'er cannot help smiling. 青鸾儿忍俊不禁。 Xing Hongxuan blows the Han Qing small bridge of the nose, said with a smile: It seems like our azure are very intelligent.” 邢红璇刮了刮韩青儿的小鼻梁,笑道:“看来我们青儿很聪明嘛。” Naturally, I am most intelligent!” “当然,我是最聪明的!” Han Qing happily said with a smile. 韩青儿得意笑道。 Han Jue stands in the one side, smiles to visit them to kid around. 韩绝站在一旁,笑看着她们嬉闹。 After a double-hour, they depart, Han Jue also leads mother and daughter to arrive in Xuan Qingjun Dao Monastery. 一个时辰后,他们才离去,韩绝又带着母女俩来到宣晴君道观内。 Xuan Qingjun is also his dao companion, two people have the reality of couple, one year ago, he also told this matter. 宣晴君也是他的道侣,两人早已有了夫妻之实,一年前,他也将此事告诉了她。 Different from Xing Hongxuan, Xuan Qingjun already waits for in Dao Monastery, without cultivation. 不同于邢红璇,宣晴君已经道观内等待,没有修炼。 Although Xuan Qingjun does not have Xing Hongxuan is so lively, but also makes Qing Luan'er feel intimate very much, she also delivered Qing Luan'er magical treasure. 宣晴君虽然没有邢红璇那么活泼,但也很让青鸾儿感到亲近,她还送了青鸾儿一件法宝 However on point of departure, Han Jue feels the look that Xuan Qingjun that was full of the profound meaning. 不过临别之际,韩绝感受到了宣晴君那充满深意的眼神。 Xuan Qingjun also wants the child. 宣晴君也想要孩子。 Before was dodged by Han Jue, now sees Han Qing, naturally had the idea at heart. 之前被韩绝搪塞,现在看到韩青儿,自然心里有想法。 Han Jue sent greetings comforts one then to lead the Qing Luan'er mother and daughter to depart, he with the will substitution mortal body, getting the wife and daughters to plunge into Immortal World. 韩绝传音安抚了一句便带着青鸾儿母女俩离去,他神不知鬼不觉的用意志替代肉身,领着妻女跳入仙界之中。 Three people arrive in Human Race cities, is looking at the pedestrian of coming and going, Qing Luan'er absent-minded. 三人来到一座人族城镇中,望着来来往往的行人,青鸾儿一阵恍惚。 Too long. 太久了。 The present scene lets the impulsion that she has to plant to cry. 眼前的场景让她有种想哭的冲动。 500 ten thousand years in the past, once these old friends and family members have become the loess. 五百万载过去,曾经的那些故人、亲人早已成黄土。 Han Qing is very excited, boasts, keeps calling. 韩青儿则很兴奋,咋咋呼呼,叫个不停。 Han Jue leads them to start to tour. 韩绝带着她们开始游逛。 Immortal World is very vast, Han Jue planned that travels Immortal World, while waits for the Han Qing growth. 仙界很辽阔,韩绝打算一边游历仙界,一边等待韩青儿成长。 A year later, they city that returned to occupy in the past, was only here already is desolated, mountain range vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, weed everywhere. 一年后,他们回到当年居住的城池,只是这里已经荒芜,山脉纵横,荒草遍地。 Qing Luan'er stands on the cliff, for a very long time is lost. 青鸾儿站在山崖上,久久出神。 Han Qing flies round in the woods, but also called Han Jue to pursue her, but Han Jue has not paid attention. 韩青儿在树林里飞来飞去,还叫韩绝去追她,但韩绝没有理会。 Han Jue arrives at side Qing Luan'er, said meaningfully: Years then, have on the 1st finally, you can be familiar with.” 韩绝来到青鸾儿身旁,意味深长道:“岁月便是如此,终有一日,你会习惯。” Qing Luan'er turns head to look to him, asked: Therefore in the past you facing me, is very tranquil?” 青鸾儿扭头看向他,问道:“所以当年你面对我,也是很平静的?” Han Jue replied calmly: Right.” 韩绝平静回答道:“没错。” Snort, you also deceive me, said that after is I die, meets the immortal reason?” “哼,那你还骗我,说是我死后才遇到仙缘?” You want to listen to my story, I must accompany your dozens years in any case again, sufficed me to say slowly.” “那你想听我的故事吗,反正我还得再陪你们数十年,够我慢慢说。” Good!” “好啊!” Qing Luan'er swept the low mood, the eye shone. 青鸾儿一扫低落的心情,眼睛亮了起来。 Han Jue looks to the horizon, said: I was born mortal world under Immortal World, my parents are lackey in the sect Outer Sect medicine garden, when me young, they flee from the medicine garden, leaves behind me there......” 韩绝望向天边,道:“我出生在仙界之下的一处凡界,我父母是一宗门外门药园里的奴才,在我年幼时,他们逃离出药园,留下我一人在那里……” Qing Luan'er hears to frown, the Han Jue life experience is never so expected that pitiful. 青鸾儿听得蹙眉,没想到韩绝身世如此凄惨。 Han Jue own past 1510 saying, but hidden went to name of System, Hidden Sect and Divine Might Heavenly Sage. 韩绝自己的过去一五一十的说出来,只是隐去了系统隐门以及神威天圣之名。 Time one minute/share one second passes. 时间一分一秒流逝。 Dusk arrives. 黄昏降临。 After Han Qing arrives at two people, a grievance of face. 韩青儿来到两人身后,一脸的委屈。 She left quite a while, the parents have not looked for her unexpectedly. 她都离开半天了,父母竟然没有找她。 Han Jue pulls up her small hand, walks, while continued with Qing Luan'er. 韩绝拉起她的小手,一边走,一边跟青鸾儿继续说。 Qing Luan'er seems listening to the story, hears to be enthralled, does not manage the daughters. 青鸾儿仿佛在听故事,听得入神,连女儿都不管。 After several days, Han Jue just now said. 数日后,韩绝方才讲完。 Qing Luan'er is filled with all sorts of feelings. 青鸾儿感慨万分。 Never expected that you before running into me then some so many rough experiences.” “没想到你在遇到我前便有这么多坎坷经历。” Qing Luan'er looks to Han Jue, the look incomparable tender feelings. 青鸾儿看向韩绝,眼神无比柔情。 This man is so always quiet, facing all tribulations of years, has not complained of hardship, has shouted tired. 这个男人总是那么平静,独自一人面对岁月的一切磨难,却从没有叫过苦,喊过累。 She is very suddenly ashamed. 她忽然很惭愧。 Han Jue thinks of every means to resurrect her, making her cultivation, she is actually not able to endure patiently the temper. 韩绝费尽心思将她复活,让她修炼,她却无法忍耐性子。 Must know that beforehand Han Jue may no one protect, like her now, does not only need to cultivate, anything does not need to worry. 要知道以前的韩绝可没有人保护,不像她现在,只需要修炼,任何事都不用担忧。 Father! Mother! You chatted! azure quick was boring!” “爹!娘!你们聊完了吗!青儿都快无聊死了!” Han Qing sees two people to be finally silent, immediately plays the small temperament, discontented calling out. 韩青儿见两人终于沉默,当即耍小脾气,不满的叫道。 For serveral days, her whole time were sleeping, without the means that parents' words she could not understand from the start, she was not interested. 这些天里,她大部分时间都在睡觉,没办法,父母的话她压根听不懂,她也不感兴趣。 Han Jue pinched her cheek, said with a smile: azure, how do I lead you to see your niece?” 韩绝掐了掐她的脸蛋,笑道:“青儿,我带你去见你的侄女如何?” Niece? What is a niece?” “侄女?什么是侄女?” Is your elder brother's daughter.” “就是你哥哥的女儿。” „? I must go! Leads me to go quickly!” “啊?我要去!快带我去!” Han Qing is excited immediately. 韩青儿顿时兴奋起来。 The Qing Luan'er surprise asked: „Does Tuo'er have the daughter? Also living?” 青鸾儿诧异问道:“拓儿有女儿?还活着?” Han Jue said with a smile: „The boy is like me, no matter completely daughter, if not I help arrange, your granddaughter had died, right, you had the grandson, several million years ago died.” 韩绝笑道:“那小子跟我一样,完全不管女儿,若非我帮忙安排,你孙女早就死了,对了,你本来是有孙子的,数百万年前死了。” Qing Luan'er one hear, frowns. 青鸾儿一听,不由蹙眉。 Han Jue rubbish, leading mother and daughter to arrive at Netherworld. 韩绝也不废话,带着母女俩来到阴间 They arrive in the Yang Tiandong King Yama palace directly. 他们直接来到阳天冬阎王殿内。 Yang Tiandong is practicing, in palace lonely, no Ghost Messenger. 阳天冬正在修炼,殿内寂寥,没有一位鬼差 Father, who is he? looks is quite fearful!” “爹,他是谁?长得好可怕!” The sound of Han Qing awakens Yang Tiandong, Yang Tiandong finds Han Jue, immediately is shocked, a brain blank. 韩青儿的声音将阳天冬惊醒,阳天冬瞧见韩绝,顿时愣住,大脑一片空白。 Master...... Master......” “师……师父……”
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