WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#873: Jiang Jueshi terrifying

Regenerates one? 再生一个? Han Jue is helpless, although he only then two children, but already enough makes him have a headache. 韩绝无奈,他虽然只有两个孩子,但已经够让他头疼。 Eldest son Han Tuo outside, does not go home, youngest son aptitude is too strong, by stuck at mother's womb several million years. 大儿子韩拓在外,死活不回家,小儿子资质太强,被卡在娘胎数百万年。 Han Jue said: Was not already gives you creation so many lives, but also insufficiently found relief?” 韩绝道:“不是已经给你创造了那么多生灵吗,还不够解闷?” Qing Luan'er acts like a spoiled brat saying: Where has own good, moreover you are so fierce, cannot find the way to keep a descendant? Let alone you exceed Unrestrained Sage, as long as mortal world is a powerful official, the heir mostly surpasses the number of both hands.” 青鸾儿撒娇道:“哪有亲的好,况且你这么厉害,不得想办法多留点后代?别说你超越自在圣人,凡间但凡是权贵,子嗣大多都超过双手之数。” Han Jue hesitates. 韩绝犹豫。 Qing Luan'er continues to urge: Husband, you usually feels at ease the seclusion cultivation in any case, the child I bring.” 青鸾儿继续劝道:“夫君,反正你平时安心闭关修炼,孩子我来带。” Han Jue she, thought stubborn is also feasible. 韩绝拗不过她,觉得也是可行的。 By his present cultivation base, takes a broad view at Chaos, truly dreads has already is not many, has several children is not troublesome. 以他如今的修为,放眼混沌,真正忌惮的存在已经不多,多生几个孩子也不算麻烦。 Ok.” “行吧。” Husband is really good!” “夫君真好!” Qing Luan'er throws to the Han Jue bosom directly, starts to dig up to draw his clothes. 青鸾儿直接扑到韩绝怀里,开始扒拉他的衣服。 Han Jue is speechless, said: Such anxiously? The fight outside universe had not ended!” 韩绝无语,道:“这么急?宇宙外的战斗还没结束呢!” You exceeded Unrestrained Sage, but also feared anything, your disciple was weaker than big realm you, can resist the ominous evil spirits, when the time comes you waved, it is estimated that black fog on powder.” “你都超越自在圣人了,还怕什么,你徒儿比你弱一个大境界,都能抵挡不祥邪祟,到时候你挥挥手,估计那黑雾就散了。” You can look on the bright side of thing actually.” “你倒是想得开。” That is, since marries husband you, I am when sad, has you to protect me in any case, the sky collapses not to fear.” “那是,自从嫁给夫君你,我何时忧愁过,反正有你保护我,天塌下来都不怕。” „, According to you.” “罢了罢了,依你。” ...... …… Beside stars universe. 星辰宇宙之外。 Jiang Jueshi sits in meditation in void, condenses a great shadow that is sending out the dazzling glare, this great shadow figure and Jiang Jueshi are an excellent likeness, the both arms open, spiritual power changes into the one by one white light halo horizontal oppressive in all directions, these white light halos bump into the black fog, the black fog scatters directly, irresistible. 姜绝世打坐在虚空,身后凝聚出一尊散发着耀眼强光的巨影,此巨影身形与姜绝世神似,双臂张开,法力化为一个个白色光圈横虐四面八方,这些白色光圈一碰到黑雾,黑雾直接驱散,势不可挡。 Liu Bei stands side Jiang Jueshi, dull is looking at him. 刘备站在姜绝世身旁,呆呆的望着他。 aptitude of this boy......” “这小子的资质……” In the Liu Bei heart envies and shocks. 刘备心中羡慕、震惊。 Han Jue has raised with him, Jiang Jueshi aptitude is quite terrifying, but has not thought such terrifyingly. 韩绝跟他提过,姜绝世资质极为恐怖,但没想到这么恐怖。 At first two people were also being pressed hitting by the ominous evil spirits, but hits is hitting, Jiang Jueshi on sudden enlightenment, suppressed the ominous evil spirits by reincarnation Great Good Fortune merit creation sufficiently Destiny divine ability. 起初两人还被不祥邪祟压着打,但打着打着,姜绝世顿悟了,以转生大造化创造足以镇压不祥邪祟的气运神通 By the Destiny suppression! 气运镇压! Domineering! 强势! Liu Bei is staring at the Jiang Jueshi profile, is absent-minded. 刘备盯着姜绝世的侧脸,不由恍惚。 Why does not know, he thought of Han Jue. 不知为何,他想到了韩绝 Although two people looks is completely different, when this pre-combat calm breadth of spirit looked like, lets person not independent relaxation, so long as if has them, any danger will vanish into thin air. 虽然两人长得完全不一样,但这种临战时的从容气魄太像了,让人不自主的放松,仿佛只要有他们在,任何危难都将烟消云散。 Liu Bei has not disturbed Jiang Jueshi, waits for Jiang Jueshi to grasp principles. 刘备没有打扰姜绝世,等待姜绝世悟道。 Jiang Jueshi grasps principles, while extermination ominous evil spirits, seems the True God to be near spatially, is insufferably arrogant. 姜绝世一边悟道,一边诛灭不祥邪祟,好似真神临空,不可一世。 In the black fog spreads together the screams suddenly: Who are you?” 黑雾之中忽然传出一道惊呼声:“你到底是谁?” Jiang Jueshi had not replied, but lifts the right palm, proceeds to push. 姜绝世没有回答,而是抬起右掌,往前推去。 Great shadow on his top of the head follows to wield the palm to hit, the body dazzling glare changes into the light beam to flush away, exterminates direction nearby black fog that the sound conveys directly completely. 他头顶上的巨影跟着挥掌打去,身上的耀眼强光化为光柱冲去,直接将声音传来的方向附近黑雾全部诛灭。 In the past hour, the black fog near stars universe was scattered completely, but that mysterious existence has not put the aggressive statement, departs quietly. 足足过去半个时辰,星辰宇宙附近的黑雾被完全驱散,而那位神秘的存在也没有放狠话,悄然离去。 Jiang Jueshi opens the eye slowly, in the eye reveals none. 姜绝世缓缓睁开眼睛,眼中流露出精光。 Very good divine ability!” “很不错的神通!” Jiang Jueshi muttered, was very at heart inspired. 姜绝世喃喃自语,心里无比振奋。 Although he frequently creation divine ability, but can divine ability of extermination ominous evil spirits be able absolutely the top three intensities. 虽然他经常创造神通,但能诛灭不祥邪祟的神通绝对可以排在前三的强度。 The Liu Bei to praise sighed: Ginger fellow daoist, is really good divine ability.” 刘备赞叹道:“姜道友,真是好神通啊。” Jiang Jueshi said with a smile: „To study, I can teach to you, in the future will decide however will have the ominous evil spirits attack.” 姜绝世笑道:“想学吗,我可以传授给你,日后定然还会有不祥邪祟来袭。” Takes seriously?” “当真?” Your my brother two people, how will I fool you?” “你我兄弟二人,我岂会唬你?” Many thanks ginger fellow daoist!” “多谢姜道友!” Ha, said what fellow daoist, looked on as an outsider.” “哈哈哈,说什么道友,见外了。” Also yes.” “也是。” Two people look at each other to laugh, is in a good mood. 两人相视大笑,都心情畅快。 ...... …… In Dao Monastery. 道观内。 Qing Luan'er and Han Jue reorganize the good clothing, Qing Luan'er to touch the lower abdomen, looks the joyful color. 青鸾儿韩绝整理好衣衫,青鸾儿抚摸着小腹,面露欣喜之色。 Han Jue can see in her abdomen already to harbor an embryo. 韩绝能看到她腹中已经怀有一胎。 Because already has two sons, therefore this time, Han Jue deliberately had a daughter, its aptitude compares with Han Tuo at most, Qing Luan'er cultivation base is too weak, the Han Jue also seal bloodlines aptitude, was similar to initial Han Tuo to be the same. 因为已经有两个儿子,所以这一次,韩绝刻意生了一个女儿,其资质顶多跟韩拓比,青鸾儿修为太弱,韩绝还封印了血脉资质,就如同当初的韩拓一般。 Has the child of Xing Hongxuan to exist, is impossible to regenerate third Primordial Chaos Demon God. 邢红璇之子存在,就不可能再生出第三位鸿蒙魔神 Han Jue said: Right, daughter, if were born, can only rank third, my also wife, she is also pregnant the son.” 韩绝道:“对了,女儿若是出生,只能排第三,我还有一位妻子,她也孕有儿子。” Qing Luan'er one hear, gawked staring, asked: She where? Why isn't accompanying you?” 青鸾儿一听,愣了愣,不由问道:“她在哪儿?为何不陪着你?” Regarding this, she has not been angry, has not been jealous, in Immortal World, the son three wife four concubines is too normal, so long as suffices to be strong, even the females can have many masters. 对此,她并没有生气,也没有吃醋,在仙界,男儿三妻四妾太正常,只要够强,连女子都可以有多位相公。 5 million years pass by, she died, Han Jue looks for wife also gives no cause for much criticism again. 况且五百万年过去,她都死了,韩绝再找妻子也未可厚非。 In another dao field, is busy cultivating.” Han Jue replied. “在另一个道场,忙着修炼。”韩绝回答道。 Qing Luan'er said with a smile: That looked like me to try hard, cannot make you feel that I liked being loaf.” 青鸾儿笑道:“那看来我要努力了,不能让你觉得我爱偷懒。” Han Jue touches her head with a smile, said: I first cultivated, outside fight already finished.” 韩绝笑着摸了摸她的头,道:“我先修炼了,外面的战斗已经结束。” Qing Luan'er nods, then goes out of Dao Monastery. 青鸾儿点头,然后走出道观 Han Jue shows the smile. 韩绝露出笑容。 Regarding this youngest daughter, some of his actually anticipations. 对于这位小女儿,他倒是有些期待。 A year later, Qing Luan'er then gives birth to the daughter in Han Jue Dao Monastery, by her cultivation base, cannot feel the pain, after living only the meeting, as if nothing has happened. 一年后,青鸾儿便在韩绝道观内生下女儿,以她的修为,根本感受不到痛苦,生完只会后也跟没事人一样。 The youngest daughter has the vitality very much, the weeping sound is resonant, causes other lives outside Dao Monastery to whoop, they know the Dao Lord mother to have the daughter, was anticipating. 小女儿很有生机,哭声嘹亮,引得道观外的其他生灵议论纷纷,他们都知道主母要生女儿,也都在期待。 Han Jue ended the cultivation rarely ahead of time, he received the daughter in swaddling clothes, looks the color of affection. 韩绝难得提前结束修炼,他接过襁褓中的女儿,面露慈爱之色。 Disturbed you?” Qing Luan'er asked. “打扰到你了吗?”青鸾儿问道。 Han Jue said with a smile: All right, I pull out for hundred years to come out to accompany her to grow up, is not in the way.” 韩绝笑道:“没事,我抽百年时间出来陪她长大,也不碍事。” Qing Luan'er one hear, is pleasantly surprised. 青鸾儿一听,不由惊喜。 Han Jue said: Called Han Qing, how did you feel?” 韩绝道:“就叫韩青儿吧,你觉得如何?” The Qing Luan'er hear the meaning of name, shows the happy smile, nods assent. 青鸾儿听出名字的含义,露出幸福的笑容,点头同意。 She started to record events, I lead you to return to Immortal World to transfer the revolutions, accompanies you to play while convenient, you resurrect are so long, was truly arid, presses you.” “等她开始记事,我带你们回仙界转转,顺便陪你游玩,你复活这么久,确实枯燥,难为你了。” You know well.” “你知道就好。” Qing Luan'er curls the lip, she somewhat is truly suffering, but she before the mortal mentality, making the mortal cultivation lonely for 100,000 years, who couldn't withstand? 青鸾儿撇嘴,她确实有些委屈,她之前可是凡人心态,让凡人孤独的修炼十万年,谁承受得住? However Han Jue can openly express, her grievance changes into instantaneously happily. 不过韩绝能说开,她的委屈瞬间化为甜蜜。 Afterward, Han Jue and Qing Luan'er go out of Dao Monastery, the daughter introduced that in the other lives to third Dao Monastery, these lives are very excited, one by one wants to hold Han Qing. 随后,韩绝青鸾儿走出道观,将女儿介绍给第三道观内的其他生灵,这些生灵都很激动,一个个都想抱韩青儿。 so be it, under the loves of so many people, Han Qing happy growing up, her aptitude, although were been many by the Han Jue seal, but actually also outstanding, when one year old can fly, when three years old breathes the natural expiration and inspiration spiritual energy, starts to cultivate. 就这样,在这么多人的宠爱下,韩青儿幸福的长大,她的资质虽然被韩绝封印不少,但却也杰出,一岁时就能飞起来,三岁时呼吸自然吐纳灵气,开始修炼。 When five years old, her already brings forth Nascent Soul. 五岁时,她已经练出元婴 On this day, Han Jue brings Qing Luan'er and Han Qing to arrive at Main Dao Field. 这一日,韩绝带着青鸾儿韩青儿来到主道场 Five -year-old Han Qing wear the azure lotus skirt, the small face was fine, inherited the Han Jue appearance, although also had the disparity with Han Jue, but was liked by everybody sufficiently. 五岁的韩青儿穿着青色莲裙,小脸精致可爱,继承了韩绝的容颜,虽然跟韩绝还有差距,但足以人见人爱。 Han Jue first leads their mother and child to arrive at next door Dao Monastery, sees Xing Hongxuan. 韩绝首先带着她们母子俩来到隔壁道观,见邢红璇
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