WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#872: I exceed Unrestrained Sage

Listens to the Jiang Jueshi words, Liu Bei to fall into thinks deeply. 听完姜绝世的话,刘备陷入深思中。 Han Jue already promises him, in the future will be constructed this piece of universe by him, therefore he is all right will ponder this issue. 韩绝已经许诺他,日后由他来建设这片宇宙,所以他没事的时候就会思考这个问题。 Has saying that the proposition of Jiang Jueshi is very good. 不得不说,姜绝世的提议很不错。 After ascension, cannot the world of mortals, this be able to cease the powerhouse to occupy the cultivation resources, thus harms the later generation. 飞升后不许下界,这样就可以杜绝强者占据修行资源,从而危害后辈。 Liu Bei opens the mouth saying: I feel, can force transcending tribulation, achieves some realm, must transcending tribulation.” 刘备开口道:“我觉得可以,可以强制渡劫,达到某种境界,必须渡劫。” Jiang Jueshi shows the smile, said: Good good.” 姜绝世露出笑容,道:“不错不错。” He ties the friend with Liu Bei, because not only this piece of universe belongs to Liu Bei, the Liu Bei character also makes him very comfortable, even feels is in the person of same belief the person. 他之所以与刘备结友,不只是因为这片宇宙属于刘备,刘备的性格也让他很舒服,甚至觉得是同道中人。 Two people more chatted are more excited. 两人越聊越兴奋。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Beside the stars universe, the billowing black fog is welling up, seems the darkness to swallow the space, is quite scary. 星辰宇宙之外,滚滚黑雾正在涌来,好似黑暗在吞噬空间,极为骇人。 Third dao field, in Dao Monastery. 第三道场,道观内。 Han Jue has not entered the cultivation condition, he notices the black fog outside universe. 韩绝还未进入修行状态,他注意到宇宙之外的黑雾。 His eyes then see in the black fog are the innumerable resentful spirit, in silent is whooshing. 他一眼便看到黑雾之中是数不清的怨灵,正在无声的嘶吼着。 ominous evil spirits? 不祥邪祟? After achieving Great Dao Supreme, the ominous evil spirits that cannot see do not have to hide in the Han Jue eye. 达到大道至上后,那看不到的不祥邪祟在韩绝眼里无所遁形。 Un? 嗯? Han Jue finds in the ominous evil spirits to have one person suddenly, he is different from other ominous evil spirits, contains spiritual power, vitality conceals in the soul deep place. 韩绝忽然瞧见不祥邪祟之中有一人,他与其他不祥邪祟不同,蕴含法力,生机藏于魂魄深处。 This person seems like the leader of ominous evil spirits, cultivation base achieves Unrestrained Primordial Chaos boundary Initial Stage, is not fierce. 此人似乎是不祥邪祟的领袖,修为达到自在混元初期,不算厉害。 Han Jue does not have take action, happen to can take the ominous evil spirits, when Jiang Jueshi hone. 韩绝没有出手,正好可以拿不祥邪祟当姜绝世的磨刀石。 Self-torture constantly is easy to lull itself, occasionally experiences the fight is also the good deed. 一味的苦修容易麻痹自己,偶尔经历战斗也是好事。 In a while, Jiang Jueshi and Liu Bei then detected that the enemy raids, they arrive at beside the stars universe. 没过多久,姜绝世刘备便察觉到敌袭,他们来到星辰宇宙之外。 Jiang Jueshi knits the brows, his already the first time is not met the ominous evil spirits, in that black fog contains rich ominous aura, making him very anxious. 姜绝世皱眉,他已经不是第一次遇到不祥邪祟,那黑雾之中蕴含浓郁的不祥气息,让他很不安。 Liu Bei is also so. 刘备也是如此。 When they met the ominous evil spirits before, is the choice escapes, therefore the complexion is very immediately ugly. 他们之前遇到不祥邪祟时,都是选择逃跑,所以当下脸色无比难看。 What to do?” “怎么办?” Jiang Jueshi asked that he wants to escape, but before two people , was still discussing how to construct the universe, making him really somewhat ashamed. 姜绝世问道,他想逃,可两人之前还在讨论如何建设宇宙,让他着实有些羞愧。 Liu Bei said: War, which regardless of goes, possibly encounters the ominous evil spirits, only if the almighty domain.” 刘备道:“战吧,无论去哪儿,都可能遭遇不祥邪祟,除非是大能的领域。” He deeply inspires, was not worried, after all has Han Jue. 他深吸一口气,并不担心,毕竟有韩绝在。 Perhaps however Han Jue take action, in seclusion, he has not only been able to resist some time. 不过韩绝还未出手,说不定在闭关中,他只能自己抵挡一段时间。 Jiang Jueshi surprise looks to Liu Bei. 姜绝世诧异的看向刘备 His already knows the Liu Bei temper, said that coarse covets life and fears death. 已经知晓刘备的性子,说难听就是贪生怕死。 Liu Bei forces oneself to look cheerful saying: Must the promising goal diligently exist, otherwise cultivation for what?” 刘备强颜欢笑道:“总得有为之努力的目标存在,否则修行是为了什么?” These words hear the Jiang Jueshi mind to vibrate. 这番话听得姜绝世心神震动。 Yes. 是啊。 cultivation for what? 修行是为了什么? Jiang Jueshi wants to resurrect Master, the goal that but that increased afterward, before then, he wants to grow stronger. 姜绝世想复活师父,但那只是后来添加的目标,在此之前,他只是想变强。 But after proving Dao, discovered, Sage is not an end point. 证道后才发现,圣人并非终点。 After arriving at Chaos, he knows that what is in the wider world there are people more talented than oneself. 来到混沌后,他才知道什么叫人外有人天外有天 cultivation does not have to the boundary, forever will not have the peak. 修行无至境,永无顶峰。 But why can he cultivation? 而他要为什么而修炼? For strongest? 最强 Jiang Jueshi does not have the energy. 姜绝世没底气。 He hears Chaos Demon God to be exterminated by Divine Right Will all! 他可是听闻混沌魔神神权将尽数诛灭! Jiang Jueshi thinks of Heavenly Dao Divine Might Heavenly Sage suddenly. 姜绝世忽然想到天道神威天圣 Divine Might Heavenly Sage is also existence of self-torture year to year, but in Chaos, why many cultivator puzzled Divine Might Heavenly Sage must protect Heavenly Dao. 神威天圣也是常年苦修的存在,但在混沌之中,很多修行者困惑神威天圣为何要护着天道 Heavenly Dao is Pangu creates, by Dao Ancestor fuse with the dao, Heavenly Dao was been strong, Destiny will not fall on Divine Might Heavenly Sage. 天道乃是盘古所创,又被道祖合道,天道再强,气运也不会落在神威天圣上。 At this moment, Jiang Jueshi seemed to be clear. 这一刻,姜绝世似乎明白了。 Like Liu Bei. 就像刘备一样。 The Liu Bei sound floats: Ginger fellow daoist whether to fight with me together, really cannot be victorious escapes again also good.” 刘备的声音飘来:“姜道友可否与我一起战一场,实在是打不过再逃也行。” Jiang Jueshi hesitant moment, slight nod. 姜绝世犹豫片刻,微微点头。 He sways from side to side the neck, both hands activity physique, said with a smile: Then on the war, hundreds of thousands of years has not fought.” 他扭动脖子,双手活动筋骨,笑道:“那就战吧,数十万载没有战斗过了。” Two people smile, then to charge into the black fog of void deep place together. 两人相视一笑,然后一起冲向虚空深处的黑雾。 Quick, fight eruption! 很快,战斗爆发! In third dao field. 第三道场内。 Under the tree, Qing Luan'er sets out fiercely, raises head to look to the starry sky. 树下,青鸾儿猛地起身,仰头看向星空。 Over a hundred shape transformation lives had not detected that the crisis outside stars universe, they are still playing respectively. 上百位化形生灵并没有察觉到星辰宇宙外的危机,他们还在各自游玩。 Because is not Human Race, their growth cycles are quite long, ten years pass by, were still the young conditions. 因为不是人族,他们的成长周期极为漫长,十年过去,仍是年幼状态。 already is Divine Realm cultivation base Qing Luan'er sees void outside stars universe sufficiently, she noticed that Liu Bei and Jiang Jueshi display divine ability in the black fog. 已经神境修为青鸾儿足以看到星辰宇宙之外的虚空,她看到刘备姜绝世在黑雾之中施展神通 She stares the big beautiful eye, returns to Dao Monastery hastily. 她瞪大美目,连忙回到道观内。 Husband, outside......” “夫君,外面……” Qing Luan'er sees Han Jue not to practice, anxious sound said. 青鸾儿韩绝还未修炼,急声道。 However she thinks that Han Jue cultivation base, definitely detected, therefore the latter half a word words have not then said. 不过她想到韩绝修为比自己强,肯定察觉到了,所以后半句话便没有说出口。 Han Jue said with a smile in a soft voice: „The two defend this piece of universe.” 韩绝轻声笑道:“那两人是保卫这片宇宙的。” Qing Luan'er is shocked. 青鸾儿愣住。 Security? 保卫? That black fog is the ominous evil spirits, the ominous evil spirits are the evil resentment in Chaos spirit, the special attack life, cannot see them, capture their aura.” “那黑雾乃是不祥邪祟,不祥邪祟是混沌之中的邪恶怨灵,专门袭击生灵,看不到它们,也捕捉不到它们的气息。” A Han Jue introduced, hears Qing Luan'er surprisedly. 韩绝介绍道,听得青鸾儿惊奇不已。 Qing Luan'er asked curiously: Who are the two? You did not say here, only then you?” 青鸾儿好奇问道:“那两人是谁?你不是说这里只有你吗?” Han Jue said with a smile: „Before one is me, creation doppelganger, another is apprentice that I want to train, right, my apprentice thinks that I died.” 韩绝笑道:“其中一位是我以前创造分身,另一位则是我想培养的徒弟,对了,我这位徒弟以为我死了。” Qing Luan'er is more curious, closely examines hastily. 青鸾儿更加好奇,连忙追问。 Han Jue has not concealed, said Liu Bei and Jiang Jueshi origin. 韩绝也没有隐瞒,将刘备姜绝世的来历说了一遍。 Liu Bei is good, the mortal body of enemy. 刘备还好,敌人的肉身所化。 The experience of Jiang Jueshi was surprised. 姜绝世的经历就惊奇了。 Ten several tens of thousands of. 十数万世。 in addition how many years? 加起来得多少年? Qing Luan'er is inconceivable. 青鸾儿难以想象。 They are quite fierce, is Great Principle Golden Immortal?” Qing Luan'er asked curiously. “他们好厉害,是大罗金仙吗?”青鸾儿好奇问道。 In Immortal World, she has heard Great Principle Golden Immortal, that is the Immortal peak. 仙界,她听说过大罗金仙,那是仙人的顶峰。 Han Jue said with a smile: They are Sage, my disciple even exceeds Sage.” 韩绝笑道:“他们是圣人,我那徒儿甚至超越圣人。” Sage? 圣人 Qing Luan'er is surprised. 青鸾儿再次惊奇。 Han Jue said: Above Immortal Emperor is Divine Realm, above Divine Realm is Great Principle, again upward is Quasi-Sage, Sage and Unrestrained Sage.” 韩绝道:“仙帝之上为神境,神境之上为大罗,再往上便是准圣圣人自在圣人。” The Qing Luan'er surprise asked: Your apprentice achieves Unrestrained Sage, you also deceive him, did not fear that he is angry to retaliate you!” 青鸾儿诧异问道:“你徒弟都达到自在圣人,你还骗他,不怕他生气报复你啊!” Accompanying Master of 2-3 rd regards the close relative after Jiang Jueshi of ten several tens of thousands of, always does as one is told? 历经十数万世的姜绝世怎会把陪伴2-3世的师父当成至亲,唯命是从? Han Jue said: Because I exceed Unrestrained Sage.” 韩绝道:“因为我超越自在圣人。” Qing Luan'er stares the big beautiful eye. 青鸾儿瞪大美目。 Han Jue sees her facial expression change, at heart dark crisp. 韩绝看到她的神情变化,心里暗爽。 He catches the eye to look to the fight outside universe, said with a smile: My this disciple some skills, it seems like do not need my take action.” 他抬眼看向宇宙之外的战斗,笑道:“我这徒儿有些本事,看来不需要我出手。” Husband, are you now strong?” Qing Luan'er grabs the arm of Han Jue, asked curiously. “夫君,你现在到底多强啊?”青鸾儿抓着韩绝的手臂,好奇问道。 Han Jue does intentionally the profound say/way: Cannot tell you, feared that attacks you, you cultivation well, one day will reach my altitude finally.” 韩绝故作高深道:“不能告诉你,怕打击到你,你好好修炼吧,终有一日会达到我的高度。” Qing Luan'er then asked: Tuo'er?” 青鸾儿转而问道:“拓儿呢?” He, is Unrestrained Sage.” “他啊,也是自在圣人。” „Is my son so fierce?” “我儿子这么厉害?” Qing Luan'er went bad excitedly, knew a moment ago Han Jue cultivation base is more pleasantly surprised. 青鸾儿激动坏了,比刚才得知韩绝修为还要惊喜。 Han Jue curls the lip, somewhat eats the taste. 韩绝撇嘴,有些吃味。 Really, this girl son is most important. 果然啊,这丫头心里还是儿子最重要。 Qing Luan'er follows saying: Husband, we regenerate a child, Tuo'er accompanied my 20 years, his possibly already forgot my appearance.” 青鸾儿跟着说道:“夫君,我们再生一个孩子吧,拓儿才陪了我二十年,他可能已经忘记了我的模样。”
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