WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#871: Different from the Heavenly Dao road

I have not seen my younger brother, do not ask.” “我还没见过我弟弟呢,别问了。” Han Tuo shakes the head to say with a smile, in the eye reveals the color of anticipation. 韩拓摇头笑道,眼中流露出期待之色。 So many years pass by, his younger brother already grows, how does not know its moral character and cultivation base.:. 这么多年过去,想必他弟弟已经成长起来,不知其品性、修为如何。:. Yi Tian said with a smile: Perhaps when the time comes he must fight you, competes for the family property.” 遗天笑道:“说不定到时候他要跟你打呢,争夺家业。” Han Tuo shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not to: I do not struggle, I do not have the qualifications struggle.” 韩拓摇头失笑:“我又不争,我也没有资格争。” What family property?” “什么家业?” Great Dao Spiritual God asked curiously, they have been very curious regarding the Han Tuo life experience. 一名大道神灵好奇问道,他们对于韩拓的身世一直很好奇。 Han Tuo smiles, had not said. 韩拓笑了笑,没有多说。 Yi Tian also so, does intentionally mystically. 遗天也是如此,故作神秘。 Three Great Dao Spiritual God look at each other in blank dismay, the topic also stops. 三位大道神灵面面相觑,话题也就此打住。 ...... …… The time flies. 时光飞逝。 Ten ten thousand years in the past quickly, but regarding Qing Luan'er, incomparable suffering. 十万载过去得很快,但对于青鸾儿来说,无比煎熬。 The Han Jue seclusion cultivation, she does not dare to disturb, she is equivalent lonely has lived ten ten thousand years , she before Liu Bei under tree that is, spoke to the flowers and plants, expressing own was depressed. 韩绝一直闭关修炼,她不敢打扰,她相当于孤独的活过十万载,有空的时候,她就会到刘备之前所在的树下,跟花草讲话,抒发自己的郁闷。 On this day, Han Jue opens the eye. 这一日,韩绝睁开眼睛。 Qing Luan'er cultivates in side, has not noticed him to wake up. 青鸾儿在旁边修炼,没有注意到他醒来。 Han Jue shows the smile. 韩绝露出笑容。 This girl...... 这丫头…… The dialogue of Qing Luan'er and flowers and plants, he also listens in the ear, finds it ridiculous. 青鸾儿与花草的对话,他也听在耳中,觉得好笑。 Han Jue calls in a soft voice said: Luan.” 韩绝轻声唤道:“鸾儿。” hears word, Qing Luan'er as if receives an electric shock general, the whole body trembles, immediately opens eyes. 闻言,青鸾儿仿佛触电一般,浑身一颤,立即睁眼。 She looks pleasantly surprised to Han Jue, jumps into his arms directly, said: Husband, you awoke finally!” 她惊喜的看向韩绝,直接扑入他怀里,道:“夫君,你终于醒了!” In her heart put in great inconvenience. 她心中委屈极了。 100,000 years, she has never thought so the suffering, recalls until now, she was not clear how were passed. 十万年,她从未想过如此煎熬,至今回想起来,她都不清楚自己是怎么度过的。 Han Jue sincere say/way: This is cultivation, before resurrecting you, in my most years is a person cultivation.” 韩绝语重心长道:“这便是修行,在复活你前,我大多数岁月里都是一个人修炼。” Qing Luan'er is silent. 青鸾儿沉默。 Han Jue said: If you are lonely, I can for some creation lives, accompany you.” 韩绝道:“若是你孤独,我可以为创造一些生灵,陪伴你。” Qing Luan'er catches the eye, pleasantly surprised asking: Takes seriously?” 青鸾儿抬眼,惊喜的问道:“当真?” Han Jue sets out, Qing Luan'er follows, two people go out of Dao Monastery. 韩绝起身,青鸾儿紧随其后,两人走出道观 Two people arrive under that big tree, the Han Jue right hand wields, flowers and plants everywhere change into the one after another men and women, is the teenage boys and girls, has over a hundred fully. 两人来到那棵大树下,韩绝右手一挥,满地的花草化为一名名男女,全都是少男少女,足有上百位。 Over a hundred shape transformation lives look at each other in blank dismay, is very vacant. 上百位化形生灵面面相觑,皆很茫然。 Han Jue starts sermon, opens the spirit wisdom for them, teaches the language in sermon for them, teaches the method of cultivation. 韩绝开始讲道,为他们开启灵智,在讲道中为他们传授语言,传授修行之法。 Qing Luan'er also immersion in. 青鸾儿也沉浸其中。 Han Jue only spoke the half day, the shape transformation lives had the type in the past very long feeling. 韩绝只讲了半日,化形生灵们却有种过去很漫长的感觉。 This is your mistresses, later here must listen her, yes?” Han Jue told. “这位便是你们的主母,以后在这里都得听她的,明白吗?”韩绝吩咐道。 Over a hundred shape transformation lives worship on bended knees hastily Qing Luan'er. 上百位化形生灵连忙跪拜青鸾儿 Qing Luan'er smiles, making them set out. 青鸾儿满脸笑容,让他们起身。 Han Jue turns around to depart, remaining gives Qing Luan'er processing. 韩绝转身离去,剩下的交给青鸾儿处理。 These lives do not have the strength of Good Fortune, therefore cultivation base is not high, by Han Jue cultivation base, selects stone become a spirit, easy as pie, but wants to look like Qing Luan'er like that the mortal body has Immortal Emperor cultivation base directly, that must use the strength of Good Fortune. 这些生灵没有造化之力,所以修为不高,以韩绝修为,点石成精,易如反掌,但想要像青鸾儿那般,肉身直接拥有仙帝修为,那就得动用造化之力。 100,000 years pass by, Qing Luan'er already achievement Divine Realm, will not miss with mortal body aptitude that strength of creation Good Fortune will come out, the Qing Luan'er soul was quenched several hundred ten thousand years by Primordial Chaos Qi let alone, will be extraordinary. 十万年过去,青鸾儿已经成就神境,用造化之力创造出来的肉身资质不会差,更何况青鸾儿的灵魂被鸿蒙之气淬炼数百万载,更是了不得。 Even if cannot compare Chaos Demon God, is still stronger than Heavenly Dao Chaos Physique. 就算比不得混沌魔神,也比天道混沌体质强。 Han Jue transmits to second dao field, making Murong Qi come to receive new Demon God. 韩绝传送到第二道场,让慕容起前来接待新魔神 Li Yao called Wu Daojian (Grasping Principles Sword), wanted to be together with Han Jue alone. 厉遥悟道剑叫出去,想要与韩绝单独相处。 Wu Daojian (Grasping Principles Sword) complexion slightly red, escapes departure that also resembles. 悟道剑脸色微红,逃也似的离开。 Han Jue understands that idea of Li Yao, is not discussing dao. 韩绝明白厉遥的想法,不就是论道嘛。 Ten years later. 十年后。 Han Jue departs, Li Yao makes Wu Daojian (Grasping Principles Sword) come back. 韩绝离去,厉遥悟道剑回来。 Wu Daojian (Grasping Principles Sword) asked about cultivation, the Li Yao whole face appearance, said with a smile: Immediately can achieving Unrestrained.” 悟道剑询问修炼情况,厉遥满脸神采,笑道:“马上就能证得自在。” „! Such fierce?” “哇!这么厉害?” Also ok, their three compares with Murong Qi, falls far short, they already achieving Unrestrained intermediate stage.” “还行吧,跟慕容起他们三位比,还是差得远,他们早就证得自在中期。” Sister Li, you said, I am this/should......” “厉姐姐,你说,我是不是该……” Wu Daojian (Grasping Principles Sword) is coy, remembered once Hei Yuji to the words that she spoke. 悟道剑扭扭捏捏起来,想起曾经黑狱鸡对她说的话。 Li Yao said with a smile: Next time will give you creation opportunity, but can succeed, but must look at yourself, Sect Master today we are no longer as we have been, the mortal world love is very difficult to attract him.” 厉遥笑道:“下次给你创造机会,不过能否成功,还得看你自己,门主今非昔比,凡间的情爱很难吸引到他。” Achieves Primordial Beginning dao fruit, every time breaks through one layer small realm, that type wonderful is any happy cannot compare. 达到混元道果,每突破一层境界,那种美妙是任何欢愉不能比的。 Wu Daojian (Grasping Principles Sword) nods, starts at heart disturbedly. 悟道剑点头,心里也开始忐忑。 Another side. 另一边。 In third dao field, Han Jue is glancing through the mail. 第三道场内,韩绝正在翻阅邮件。 Recently, Han Tuo and Yi Tian are active, frequently is under the attack, but does not have the severe wound, in the fight, their theocracy Destiny has been stiffening. 近来,韩拓遗天非常活跃,经常遭遇袭击,不过都没有重伤,在战斗中,他们的神权气运一直在变强。 Han Jue also notices a mail. 韩绝还注意到一条邮件。 Your good friend Ancestor Xi Tian absorbs ominous evil spirits, cultivation rises sharply 【你的好友玺天老祖吸收不祥邪祟,道行大涨】 What is Old Ancestor this is making? 老祖这是在做什么? Before absorbed the dark strength, now absorbs the ominous evil spirits. 之前吸收黑暗力量,如今吸收不祥邪祟。 How does Han Jue feel Old Ancestor the unceasing blackening? 韩绝怎么感觉老祖正在不断黑化? He counts the calculation, discovered that is unable to calculate Ancestor Xi Tian, it seems like that this boy body has magical treasure. 他掐指推算,发现无法算到玺天老祖,看来这厮身上法宝 A little meaning. 有点意思。 Han Jue has not gone to advise against the meaning of Ancestor Xi Tian, has the road of person personally. 韩绝倒没有去劝阻玺天老祖的意思,个人有个人的路。 Regardless of leaves anyone, Chaos transfers in the same old way. 无论离开谁,混沌照样转。 Perhaps can Ancestor Xi Tian rush out a own road? 或许玺天老祖能闯出一条自己的路呢? After Han Jue looks at the mail, will look at Jiang Jueshi body. 韩绝看完邮件后,将目光放到姜绝世身上 He thinks, holds the dream to Jiang Jueshi, by initial old image. 他想了想,托梦给姜绝世,以当初的苍老形象。 Jiang Jueshi opens eyes, finds Han Jue, is silent. 姜绝世睁眼,瞧见韩绝,不由沉默。 Although is silent, but his look fills to fondly remember. 虽是沉默,但他的眼神充满怀念。 Han Jue said: „Does disciple, how these years pass?” 韩绝道:“徒儿,这些年过得如何?” Two people realm disparity is too big, Han Jue while displaying Nightmare of Darkness used confused power of demon god, lulled the Jiang Jueshi sense and mind. 两人境界差距太大,韩绝在施展黑暗梦魇的同时动用了迷惑魔神之力,麻痹了姜绝世的感官与心神。 Jiang Jueshi already is not the first dream to oneself Master in Samsara, he has not guarded, mentions these years bitter experiences. 姜绝世已经不是第一次梦到自己在轮回中遇到的师父,他也没有防备,说起这些年的遭遇。 Long time. 良久。 Master, I pass now very well, can the institute of peaceful cultivation , I resurrect finally on the 1st your.” Jiang Jueshi said in a soft voice. 师父,我现在过得很好,有一个可以安生的修炼之所,终有一日,我会复活你的。”姜绝世轻声道。 Han Jue lifts the hand, passes to Jiang Jueshi one Dao God. 韩绝抬手,传给姜绝世道神通。 Jiang Jueshi is unexpected, falls into. 姜绝世猝不及防,陷入恍惚中。 How long does not know. 不知过去多久。 Jiang Jueshi wakes up. 姜绝世醒来。 Nearby Liu Bei asked curiously: You how, the mind was not at a moment ago, this is not the good deed, if there is an enemy in side, you will be sneak attacked.” 旁边的刘备好奇问道:“你怎么了,刚才心神不在,这可不是好事,若是有敌人在旁边,你会被偷袭的。” Jiang Jueshi said with a smile: It‘s nothing, but comprehended divine ability.” 姜绝世笑道:“没什么,只是领悟了神通。” This already the first time is not comprehended divine ability because of the dream to the old friend, he thought that this is dao heart by the exciting response. 已经不是第一次因梦到故人而领悟神通,他觉得这是道心受刺激的反应。 His reincarnation Great Good Fortune merit infinitely subtle, he cannot determine its upper limit, therefore has anything to have the possibility. 他的转生大造化功奥妙无穷,连他都不敢确定其上限,所以发生什么都有可能。 Liu Bei nods, says with a smile: Later this piece of universe, if the birth life, you thought that what kind of the world Good Fortune is better?” 刘备点头,笑道:“以后这片宇宙若是诞生生灵,你觉得怎样的天地造化更好?” Jiang Jueshi is silent. 姜绝世沉默。 He arrives at stars universe already for sometime, he also thought that this piece of universe has the potential very much. 他来到星辰宇宙已经有一段时间,他也觉得这片宇宙很有潜力。 Can imitate Heavenly Dao, but cannot take the Heavenly Dao road.” Jiang Jueshi hesitates to say. “可以效仿天道,但不能走天道的路。”姜绝世沉吟道。 Liu Bei asked curiously: You thought that what kind of road should take?” 刘备好奇问道:“你觉得该走怎样的路?” Jiang Jueshi replied: Grades the world, first-level pressure first-level, the realm refinement, one layer big realm is divided into Fourth Layer realm, making all living things aim at cultivation base and ascension, this can reduce the internal friction, you can move the galaxy distribution, forms the overlay condition, every supposes big restriction, must achieve some realm, can meet heavenly tribulation, transcending tribulation ascension, once ascension succeeds, can not again the world of mortals, in order to avoid breaks the rule.” Provides quickest top-level Destiny for you, cultivates the millenniums to renew quietly, Chapter 871 is different from road free reading of Heavenly Dao.:. 姜绝世回答道:“将天地分级,一级压一级,将境界细化,一层境界分成四层境界,让众生以修为飞升为目标,这样可以减少内耗,你可以将星河分布挪一下,形成叠加之态,每一界设下大禁制,必须达到某个境界,才能遇到天劫,渡劫飞升,一旦飞升成功,不得再下界,以免破坏规则。”为你提供最快的顶级气运,悄悄修炼千年更新,第871章不同于天道的路免费阅读。:.
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