WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#870: Qing Luan'er pleasant surprise

Now puts out the soul of Qing Luan'er, Han Jue naturally has the plan. 如今拿出青鸾儿之魂,韩绝自然有打算。 He wants to make Qing Luan'er the lord of this piece of universe. 他想让青鸾儿成为这片宇宙之主。 Fei Shui does not flow the bystander field. 肥水不流外人田。 If Qing Luan'er resurrects, must find the way to catch up with the Han Jue immortal step inevitably, otherwise resurrecting has what significance. 况且,青鸾儿若是复活,必然得想办法跟上韩绝的永生步伐,不然复活有何意义。 Han Jue does not lack the woman. 韩绝可不缺女人。 Since must resurrect, that must make Qing Luan'er accompany thoroughly side him. 既然要复活,那就要让青鸾儿彻底陪在他身旁。 Han Jue starts to transfer the strength of Good Fortune. 韩绝开始调动造化之力。 So many years comprehending, he grasped strength of the Good Fortune finally, although is far less than the Good Fortune rule like that infinitely subtle, but resurrects a life is not difficult. 这么多年的参悟,他终于掌握了一丝造化之力,虽然远不如造化规则那般奥妙无穷,但复活一位生灵还是不难。 The Qing Luan'er soul is well-preserved, only needs to restore the mortal body then. 青鸾儿的魂魄保存完好,只需要恢复肉身即可。 On the same day, Qing Luan'er mortal body creation was then good, directly was Immortal Emperor. 当日,青鸾儿的肉身便创造好,直接便是仙帝 realm is low, cannot withstand her soul. 境界再低一点,根本承受不住她的魂魄。 Qing Luan'er lies down on the bed, body wears the white clothing, this is the Han Jue casual creation clothing, obstructs the body for her. 青鸾儿躺在床榻上,身上穿着白衣,这是韩绝随便创造的衣物,为她遮体。 She opens the eye slowly, the look is confused. 她缓缓睁开眼睛,眼神迷茫。 memory such as the tide gushes out from the mind deep place, making her open the eye. 记忆如潮水从脑海深处涌出,令她睁大眼睛。 „Was my...... the reincarnation?” “我这是……投胎了?” Qing Luan'er muttered, she lifted the hand subconsciously, discovered that own was not a baby. 青鸾儿喃喃自语,她下意识抬手,发现自己的手并非婴儿。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? She wants to sit, result does not pay attention, breaks through Dao Monastery directly, arrives above the vault of heaven. 她想要坐起来,结果一个不留意,直接冲破道观,来到天穹之上。 She stops in in the air, the body shivers. 她停在空中,身躯颤抖。 What's the matter...... this spirit power......” “怎么回事……这灵力……” Qing Luan'er stares the big beautiful eye, unbelievable sizes up the own body. 青鸾儿瞪大美目,难以置信的打量自己的身躯。 She can feel within the body to contain a rushing strength, she thinks of spirit power. 她能感受到体内蕴含一股澎湃力量,她不由想到灵力 Although she before was a mortal, but also had the understanding of cultivation. 她以前虽是凡人,但对修仙也是有了解的。 She looks at the vision to, discovers the length and breadth on the mountainous region, only then Dao Monastery, after the crown she breaks through, now is restoring, as if the illusion is ordinary. 她将目光看向下方,发现广袤的山地上只有一间道观,顶部被她冲破后,现在正在恢复,仿佛幻象一般。 „It is not reincarnation, is it possible that haven't I died?” “不是转世,莫非我没有死?” Qing Luan'er frowns, is controlling the body diligently, falls slowly. 青鸾儿蹙眉,努力控制着身躯,缓缓落下。 In her cautious arriving Dao Monastery, inquired: Has the person?” 她小心翼翼的走到道观内,询问:“有人吗?” Liu Bei is still accompanying Jiang Jueshi, therefore in third dao field the nobody left, is very peaceful. 刘备还在陪伴姜绝世,所以第三道场内空无一人,十分安静。 Ka The Dao Monastery front door opens suddenly, Qing Luan'er cannot see inside situation, is more anxious, does not dare to go in rashly. 道观大门忽然打开,青鸾儿看不到里面的情况,更加紧张,不敢贸然进去。 In Dao Monastery, Han Jue stood up, reorganized a clothing. 道观内,韩绝站起身来,整理了一下衣衫。 If not a moment ago he responded quickly, Qing Luan'er hit surely is completely muddled, the Dao Monastery hard degree was not Immortal Emperor can destroy. 刚才若非他反应快,青鸾儿必定撞得晕头转向,道观的坚硬程度可不是仙帝能破坏的。 Han Jue waited for a while, Qing Luan'er not to come, he has to lift the hand to inhale draw in Qing Luan'er. 韩绝等了一会儿,青鸾儿还未进来,他不得不抬手将青鸾儿吸进来。 Qing Luan'er could not control the body, was inhaled Dao Monastery. 青鸾儿控制不了身躯,被吸入道观 In her heart fear and despair. 她心中恐惧、绝望。 The subconsciousness closes eyes, when she falls to the ground, she opens the eye, is shocked. 下意识闭目,待她落地,她睁开眼睛,然后愣住。 Husband...... husband?” “夫……夫君?” Qing Luan'er pleasantly surprised calling out, then also rubs the eyes. 青鸾儿惊喜的叫道,然后还揉了揉眼睛。 Han Jue said with a smile: What's wrong, do you also fear me? If is not I, who can help your old woman resurrect?” 韩绝笑道:“怎么,你还怕我?若非是我,谁能帮你个老婆子复活?” Qing Luan'er one hear, puts down the suspicion immediately, immediately jumps into the Han Jue bosom. 青鸾儿一听,当即放下猜忌,立即扑入韩绝怀里。 „Hasn't husband, I had a dream? Did you really resurrect me? Also, are you so how young?” “夫君,我没有做梦吧?你真的将我复活了?还有,你怎么这么年轻?” Qing Luan'er keeps asking, she has too many confusion. 青鸾儿问个不停,她有太多太多的困惑。 Han Jue draws her to sit down, opens the mouth to explain: „After you die, I am sorrowful, wants to accompany you to wait for passing away together, has not thought that meets a deity, obtained the cultivation chance, after several million years of cultivation base, my opening heavens develops, obtains Great Good Fortune, just now resurrects you.” 韩绝拉着她坐下,开口解释道:“你死后,我心里悲痛,本想陪你一起等着老死,没想到遇到一名神仙,获得了修仙的机缘,经过数百万年的修为,我开天辟地,获得大造化,方才将你复活。” Wait! Several million years?” “等等!数百万年?” The Qing Luan'er shock, looks the unbelievable color. 青鸾儿震惊,面露难以置信之色。 Han Jue said: Right, passed probably for nearly 5 million years, our already not in Immortal World.” 韩绝道:“没错,大概过去了近五百万年,我们已经不在仙界。” Qing Luan'er pursues hastily asks: That Tuo'er?” 青鸾儿连忙追问道:“那拓儿呢?” Han Jue is silent. 韩绝沉默。 The Qing Luan'er complexion is instantaneous, flutters to ask: His already...... also passes to...... so many years, even Immortal God must die......” 青鸾儿脸色瞬间苍白,颤声问道:“他已经……也对……这么多年过去,就算是仙神也得死……” Han Jue sighs, said: He has not died.” 韩绝叹了一口气,道:“他没死。” „?” “啊?” The Qing Luan'er tears stop instantaneously. 青鸾儿的眼泪瞬间止住。 Helpless Han Jue said: He is also living, but he has grown up, naturally cannot follow I, his descendants had.” 韩绝无奈道:“他还活着,不过他早已长大,自然不会跟着我,他连子孙都有了。” Qing Luan'er could not bear beat Han Jue lightly, was charmingly angry: Husband, you plays tricks on me.” 青鸾儿忍不住轻捶了韩绝一下,娇嗔道:“夫君,你戏弄我。” Knew that the son is also living, in the Qing Luan'er heart likes. 得知儿子还活着,青鸾儿心中欢喜。 She believes that Han Jue words, after all the children were big, has a own day, she has not accompanied initially side the parents. 她相信韩绝的话,毕竟儿女大了,有自己的一片天,她当初也没有一直陪在父母身边。 Talks about your years experiences to me quickly.” Qing Luan'er draws the hand urging of Han Jue to say. “快跟我讲讲你这些年的经历。”青鸾儿拉着韩绝的手催促道。 Han Jue said: Later said that you first adapt to your spiritual power.” 韩绝道:“以后再说吧,你先适应你的法力。” Afterward, he starts to teach Qing Luan'er personally. 随后,他开始亲自教导青鸾儿 The Qing Luan'er mortal body is just in full flower, in addition compares with Han Jue, she that hundred years of experience is not worth mentioning, quick, she restored the mentality of young woman, but also acts like a spoiled brat with Han Jue. 青鸾儿的肉身正风华正茂,再加上跟韩绝比,她那百年的经历根本不值得一提,很快,她就恢复了年轻女子的心态,还跟韩绝撒娇。 In a flash. 一晃眼。 A year passes by, Qing Luan'er adapted to the Immortal Emperor strength thoroughly, this year is she passes the happiest day, only then she and Han Jue, does not have any worry. 一年过去,青鸾儿彻底适应了仙帝的力量,这一年是她过得最甜蜜的日子,只有她与韩绝,没有任何烦恼。 What is most essential is she knows itself and husband can also rely on one another again carries innumerably. 最关键的是她知晓自己与夫君还能再相依无数载。 She even has to plant in the feeling of having a dream. 她甚至有种在做梦的感觉。 On this day, two people wear the clothes, sits near the bed. 这一日,两人穿好衣服,坐在床榻边。 Han Jue opens the mouth saying: Ok, my also this/should cultivation, my present seclusion time ten ten thousand years, if no important matter, do not disturb me, you can saunter outside, but can only in a radius of 1000000 miles, here be my dao field, isolates with the outside world, you want to go out is not good.” 韩绝开口道:“好了,我也该修炼,我如今闭关一次得十万载,若无要事,你不要打搅我,你可以在外面转悠,但只能在方圆1000000里内,这里是我的道场,与外界隔离,你想出去也不行。” „? Ten ten thousand years?” “啊?十万载?” Qing Luan'er was ignorant. 青鸾儿懵了。 Han Jue also no longer pays attention to her, with closing eyes. 韩绝也不再理会她,跟着闭目。 Reason that conceals the truth to Qing Luan'er , because Han Jue is disinclined to explain, moreover he must build a sense of urgency, letting Qing Luan'er can cultivation safely. 之所以向青鸾儿隐瞒真相,是因为韩绝懒得多解释,而且他要营造一种紧迫感,让青鸾儿能安心修炼。 As for Xing Hongxuan, Xuan Qingjun and other females, Han Jue was not worried that Qing Luan'er will mind, back then two people when mortal world, Qing Luan'er also want to take a concubine for him on own initiative, but was rejected by him. 至于邢红璇宣晴君等女,韩绝不担心青鸾儿会介意,想当年两人在凡界时,青鸾儿还主动想为他纳妾,但被他拒绝。 Day so be it one passes year after year. 日子就这样一年年过去。 The Qing Luan'er seclusion cultivation somewhat cannot endure the temper for several years, she wandered on several th outside Dao Monastery, then comes back , to continue to cultivate. 青鸾儿闭关修炼数年就有些耐不住性子,她在道观外转悠了几日,便又回来,继续修炼。 Starts once again, millenniums later, she finally starts the custom arid cultivation. 周而复始,千年后,她终于开始习惯枯燥的修炼。 ...... …… Void. 虚空之中。 Five Great Punishment Gods treads the divine light vanguard, Han Tuo is standing in the forefront, he frowns tightly. 五大神罚踏着神光前行,韩拓站在最前面,他紧皱眉头。 Yi Tian arrives at side him, asked in a low voice: „Were you as if recently disturbed?” 遗天走到他身旁,低声问道:“你最近似乎心绪不宁?” Han Tuo opens the mouth saying: Truly, why does not know, I always felt that has familiar aura to appear, but who concrete is, I am unable to determine.” 韩拓开口道:“确实,不知为何,我总感觉有一股熟悉的气息出现,但具体是谁,我又无法确定。” His brow has been wrinkling, never has so has felt. 他的眉头一直皱着,从未有过这般感受。 Is it possible that was your younger brother breaks through?” Yi Tian teased asks. “莫非是你那位弟弟突破了?”遗天戏谑问道。 Initially because Han Jue that mysterious younger brother put in order disturbed, has to make Evil Heavenly Emperor consult aloof existence of Unpermissible Dao Name. 当初韩绝因为那位神秘的弟弟整得心绪不宁,不得不让邪天帝去请教不可道名的超然存在。 „It is not, was very at that time depressing, I feel familiar now, nothing ill.” Han Tuo shakes the head to say. “不是,当时很压抑,我现在只是觉得熟悉,没有任何不适。”韩拓摇头道。 He follows to say with a smile: Does not know that my younger brother now is what realm.” 他跟着笑道:“也不知我那位弟弟如今是何境界。” Yi Tian said with a smile: It is estimated that is stronger than you, he light/only by the bloodlines can suppress you.” 遗天笑道:“估计比你还强,他光是靠血脉都能压制你啊。” Han Tuo thinks otherwise, said: If that is right, that is the good deed.” 韩拓不以为然,道:“若是如此,那是好事。” Another three Great Dao Spiritual God collect, who the curious inquiry Han Tuo younger brother is. 另外三位大道神灵不由凑过去,好奇的询问韩拓的弟弟是谁。
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