WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#869: Five million years old, peacock proving Dao

Who another does exist is?” “另一个存在是谁?” Han Jue asked that Zhou Fan stopped speaking of here, wants to keep guessing? 韩绝问道,周凡说到这儿就停下来,是想卖关子? This boy was really the wing is hard! 这小子真是翅膀硬了! Feels the Han Jue discontented look, Zhou Fan replies hastily: I am not clear, has such a to exist in any case, needs Primordial Chaos Demon God to resist.” 感受到韩绝不满的眼神,周凡连忙回答道:“我也不清楚,反正就是有那么一个存在,需要鸿蒙魔神去对抗。” Han Jue looking pensive. 韩绝若有所思。 Is it possible that after is the bloodlines evolves he? 莫非是血脉进化后的他? If not out of the anticipation, in several million years, his Primordial Chaos Demon God bloodlines will evolve, definitely will affect the future. 如果不出意料,再过数百万年,他的鸿蒙魔神血脉就会进化,必然会影响未来。 In the Han Jue heart inquired: Another that Zhou Fan said exists, after is the bloodlines evolves I?” 韩绝心中询问:“周凡所说的另一个存在,是不是血脉进化后的我?” Needs to deduct 10,000 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一亿亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Is 【是】 So that's how it is. 原来如此。 Han Jue relaxes secretly. 韩绝暗自松了一口气。 When he evolves, he made the youngest son be born directly, catches the Primordial Chaos Demon God position, such Chaos will not be born again second Primordial Chaos Demon God. 等他进化,他直接让小儿子出生,卡住鸿蒙魔神的位置,这样混沌就不会再诞生第二位鸿蒙魔神 Without second Primordial Chaos Demon God, he was short of a potential powerful enemy! 没有第二位鸿蒙魔神,他就少了一位潜在劲敌! Perfect! 完美! Han Jue more wants to be happier, but in the surface maintains composure. 韩绝越想越高兴,但表面上不动声色。 He asked: Great Dao Pagoda is so fierce, you determined that you can grasp it? Behind it doesn't have other to exist aloofly? You have thought is whose creation Great Dao Pagoda?” 他问道:“大道之塔如此厉害,你确定你能掌握它?它背后没有其他超然存在?你想过是谁创造大道之塔?” Great Dao Pagoda can know in advance the future that Great Dao Supreme triggers will change, will not be truly simple. 大道之塔都可以预知大道至上引发的未来改变,确实不简单。 I also some such worry, but at present my already and Great Dao Pagoda fuse, has not detected the difference, where moreover can not have the risk, any chance so, so long as is powerful, was coveted by almighty surely.” “我也有过这样的担心,但目前我已经大道之塔融合,并没有察觉到异样,况且哪能没有风险,任何机缘都如此,只要过于强大,必定被大能觊觎。” Zhou Fan said earnestly: Master, relax, I know in heart, if really encounters the problem, I definitely look for you.” 周凡认真说道:“师父,放心吧,我心里有数,真要是遇到麻烦,我肯定找您。” He listens to the Han Jue concern, therefore crawls along the pole upward. 他听出韩绝的关心之意,所以顺杆往上爬。 Han Jue said: Since you know in heart, then on line.” 韩绝道:“既然你心里有数,那就行。” Then, he relieves the dreamland. 说罢,他解除梦境。 Han Jue opens the eye, muttered: Can cultivation for the lord.” 韩绝睁开眼睛,喃喃道:“还是得以修行为主。” Has collected nine Primordial Chaos fragments, will soon put the youngest son, avoided really some people shedding turns into Primordial Chaos Demon God. 早已凑齐九块鸿蒙碎片,早日将小儿子放出来,避免真的有人蜕变成鸿蒙魔神 ...... …… Deep blue vault of heaven, sea of clouds layer upon layer, innumerable circular stone platform float in in the air. 蔚蓝天穹,云海层层,无数圆形石台悬浮在空中。 And in a stone platform, Han Tuo, Yi Tian as well as other three Great Dao Spiritual God stand abreast in row. 其中一座石台上,韩拓遗天以及其他三位大道神灵并排站立。 They all look to a direction, waits for arrives to Divine Punishment Venerable. 他们全都望向一个方向,等待至罚神尊降临。 After a while. 过了一会儿。 Arrives together black light, falls in the face of five people. 一道黑光降临,落在五人面前。 Black light in spreads to the Divine Punishment Venerable sound: I prepare to give you task.” 黑光之中传出至罚神尊的声音:“吾准备交给你们一个任务。” Han Tuo holds the Fist Dao: God please say.” 韩拓抱拳道:“神首请说。” Other four salute similarly, their already was used to the Five Great Punishment Gods status, in these years, are good to them to Divine Punishment Venerable, but also pass on their divine ability, this/should return. 其他四位同样行礼,他们已经习惯了五大神罚的身份,这些年里,至罚神尊对他们不错,还传他们神通,也该回报了。 I want you to go to visit all Great Dao Spiritual God, is casual you to inspect anything, only needs to transfer.” “吾要你们前去拜访所有大道神灵,随便你们考察什么,只需要转转就可以。” Spreads to the Divine Punishment Venerable sound again, hears word, Five Great Punishment Gods receives an order immediately. 罚神尊的声音再次传出,闻言,五大神罚立即领命。 Vanishes black light, from beginning to end, has not come to Divine Punishment Venerable. 黑光消失,自始至终,至罚神尊都没有现身。 The Han Tuo five people turn around to depart. 韩拓五人转身离去。 ...... …… Nearly 400,000 years of scene rapidly in the past. 近四十万年光景迅速过去。 On this day. 这一日。 Han Jue appears at present the rows of prompt: 韩绝眼前浮现出一行行提示: Examines you full five million years old, life has made great strides forward one step, you have the following choice 【检测到你已满五百万岁,人生又迈进一步,你有以下选择】 One, goes out immediately, brings honor to the prestige of Primordial Chaos Demon God, may obtain the one Great Dao fragment and one Heavenly Dao spirit stones and one creation spirit stones and one Primordial Chaos fragment 【一,立即出关,弘扬鸿蒙魔神之威名,可获得一块大道碎片、一块天道灵石一块创造灵石一块鸿蒙碎片】 Two, low-key cultivation, far away from the right and wrong, may obtain the one Great Dao fragment and one creation spirit stones and one Primordial Chaos fragment 【二,低调修炼,远离是非,可获得一块大道碎片、一块创造灵石一块鸿蒙碎片】 This System started the skin, were many reward in the first option. 这一次系统又开始皮了,在第一个选项上多了一个奖励 However pitifully, Han Jue will not be swindled. 不过可惜,韩绝不会上当。 He chooses the second option silently. 他默默选择第二个选项。 Hence, his Great Dao fragment already has eight, the Primordial Chaos fragment has six! 至此,他的大道碎片已经有八块,鸿蒙碎片有六块! Comes again for 3 million years, perhaps his Stars Primordial Chaos Body can transform. 再来三百万年,或许他的星辰鸿蒙体就能蜕变。 Han Jue puts out creation spirit stones, fuses with one group of Qi of Demon God. 韩绝拿出创造灵石,与一团魔神之气融合。 So many years cultivation, he found the hope of breakthrough finally. 这么多年的修炼,他终于瞧见了突破的希望。 Now, Primordial Chaos World already is very vast, although cannot compare with Chaos, but already is Heavenly Dao several times is big! 如今,鸿蒙界已经无比辽阔,虽然不能与混沌比,但已经天道的数倍大! Temporarily Primordial Chaos World also un- limit, as internal Primordial Chaos Qi are getting more and more, Han Jue the strength of Supreme has been enhanced, from the breakthrough estimated that most also has 50 ten thousand years. 暂时鸿蒙界还未极限,随着内部的鸿蒙之气越来越多,韩绝至上之力一直在增强,距离突破估计最多还有五十万载。 His very satisfactory own cultivation speed. 他很满意自己的修行速度。 Takes a look at Foolish Sword Divine Sage, in Great Dao Supreme boundary Initial Stage. 瞧瞧愚剑神圣,至今还在大道至上初期 Han Jue starts to hold the dream to give Peacock Divine Monarch. 韩绝开始托梦给孔雀神君 Several tens of thousands of years ago, he feels in Chaos some people of achieving Great Dao Sage, is Peacock Divine Monarch. 数万年前,他感受到混沌之中有人证得大道圣人,正是孔雀神君 After Han Jue achieving Great Dao, so many years pass by, Chaos birth new Great Dao Sage, how sees Realm of Great Dao to be difficult finally sufficiently. 韩绝证得大道后,这么多年过去,混沌终于诞生新的大道圣人,足以见得大道之境何其难。 In dreamland. 梦境之中。 Peacock Divine Monarch opens the eye, sees whole body jet black Han Jue, he is pleasantly surprised immediately, worships on bended knees hastily Han Jue. 孔雀神君睁开眼睛,看到浑身漆黑的韩绝,他顿时惊喜,连忙跪拜韩绝 His heart is startled secretly. 他暗自心惊。 Even his achieving Realm of Great Dao, facing the Darkness Forbidden Lord wonderful request dream, is always very difficult to detect. 即便他证得大道之境,面对黑暗禁主神乎其神的托梦,总是很难察觉。 Although is somewhat slow, but the good and evil was successful.” “虽然有些慢,但好歹成功了。” Han Jue opens the mouth saying that appreciates in a tone with a touch, hearing Peacock Divine Monarch to be ashamed. 韩绝开口道,语气略带赞赏,听得孔雀神君羞愧。 Peacock Divine Monarch asked hastily: Forbidden Lord, you need me to make anything, opens the mouth although!” 孔雀神君连忙问道:“禁主,您需要我做什么,尽管开口!” Han Jue said: For the time being cultivates, I for your sermon, Realm of Great Dao cannot be your end point.” 韩绝道:“暂且修炼吧,吾为你讲道,大道之境不能是你的终点。” Then, he starts to speak Extreme Source Great Dao. 说罢,他开始讲极源大道 Extreme Source Great Dao all things, three thousand Great Dao hear of his sermon, all can have the harvest, Peacock Divine Monarch already had own saying that was impossible to change to throw Extreme Source Great Dao again, what Han Jue must do helps his say/way strengthen, therefore so sermon will not expose Extreme Source Great Dao. 极源大道森罗万象,三千大道听他讲道,皆能有收获,孔雀神君已经有了自己的道,不可能再改投极源大道,韩绝要做的是帮助他的道变强,所以这般讲道也不会暴露极源大道 Great Dao Supreme sermon, did not speak the content, but made one enter the grasping principles condition with the sound. 大道至上讲道,并非讲内容,而是用道音引人进入悟道状态。 Peacock Divine Monarch enters the grasping principles condition quickly. 孔雀神君很快就进入悟道状态。 Dreamland sermon, Han Jue controlled the time, seems like that a ten thousand years, the reality passes actually one day. 梦境讲道,韩绝控制了时间,看似过去一万载,实则现实才过去一日。 When Peacock Divine Monarch opens eyes, the dreamland had ended. 孔雀神君睁眼,梦境已然结束。 In his heart rouses. 他心中振奋。 Is Darkness Forbidden Lord what realm? 黑暗禁主到底是何境界 He was Great Dao Sage, but can also by the Darkness Forbidden Lord relaxed introduction grasping principles condition, be seen two people disparity sufficiently in a big way. 他都是大道圣人了,还能被黑暗禁主轻松引入悟道状态,足以见得两人差距有多大。 Another side, Han Jue opens the eye, starts to examine the mail. 另一边,韩绝睁开眼睛,开始查看邮件。 About the time rule, Han Jue cannot from the body use, cannot accelerate the entire Heavenly Dao time advancement, Heavenly Dao is not him after all, belongs to Heavenly Dao. 关于时间规则,韩绝不能在自身上使用,也不能加速整个天道的时间进程,天道毕竟不属于他,属于天道 In seven big supreme rules then has the time, is only the definition of time is different from the mortal, with extension of strength of Good Fortune is the standard, even if generation of almighty the time of speeding up the domain, the transfer rate of strength of Good Fortune was still constant, therefore regarding almighty, the control time did not have the significance. 七大至高规则中便有时间,只是时间的定义与凡人所想不同,与造化之力的延续为准,就算大能之辈加快领域的时间,造化之力的输送速度仍是恒定,所以对于大能而言,控制时间没有意义。 However regarding does not rely on all living things of strength of Good Fortune, the time is very fearful. 不过对于不依赖造化之力的众生而言,时间就很可怕。 The mail that 40 ten thousand years accumulates is very rich, looks at Han Jue with great interest. 四十万载积累下来的邮件还是很丰富的,看得韩绝津津有味。 Generally speaking, Chaos is at present peaceful, does not have the big battle. 总的来说,目前混沌还算太平,没有大争斗。 After looking at the mail, Han Jue will focus in third dao field. 看完邮件后,韩绝将目光放在第三道场上。 The stars universe was still silent, but third dao field already proliferates the flowers and plants, seems Immortal Realm. 星辰宇宙仍寂静,但第三道场已经遍布花草,好似仙境 Han Jue lifts the hand to put out one group of souls. 韩绝抬手拿出一团魂魄。 Mother of Qing Luan'er Han Tuo soul. 正是韩拓之母青鸾儿的魂魄。 In several million years, Han Jue has been using Primordial Chaos Qi to nourish the Qing Luan'er soul, although she continuously in deep sleep, but the soul is actually stiffening unceasingly. 数百万年里,韩绝一直在用鸿蒙之气滋养青鸾儿的魂魄,她虽然一直在沉睡,但魂魄却在不断变强。
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