WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#885: Breaks through intermediate stage, fights 25,000 thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage

Standing by!” “准备战斗!” The Han Tuo sinking sound said, the right hand lifts, a terrifying shadow condenses in his body, seems Han Jue to display Great Yi Unrestrained Dharma Body. 韩拓沉声道,右手抬起,一尊恐怖黑影凝聚在他身上,好似韩绝在施展太易自在法相 Other four divine punishments also get ready for action. 其他四位神罚也做好战斗准备。 Their vision falling stubbornly on the front giant stele, in that innumerable cavern still had the form to surge, are getting more and more, as if huge race hidden in, also resembles that ant nest. 他们的目光死死的落在前方的巨大石碑上,那无数洞窟里仍有身影在涌动,越来越多,仿佛有一支庞大种族隐藏其中,又似那蚁穴。 At this moment, the stele surface emerges the one by one blood character, interweaves in each cave entrance, dense and numerous, made person scalp tingles. 就在这时,石碑表面涌现出一个个血字,交织在各个洞口之间,密密麻麻,令人头皮发麻。 Chaos Demon God...... is very good, you are very suitable I!” 混沌魔神……很好,你们很适合吾!” The chill/yin cold sound resounds together, the language is strange, but Five Great Punishment Gods realm is high, can understand the meaning that he expressed. 一道阴寒的声音响起,语言古怪,但五大神罚境界高,都能听懂他表达的意思。 Han Tuo selects the eyebrow, shouted: Extinguished this thing!” 韩拓挑眉,喝道:“灭了此物!” Five Great Punishment Gods simultaneously take action, spiritual power shakes void, divine light that five colors vary runs upon the giant stele, bursts out the dazzling ray, sweeps away eight sides, lets lose all colors void. 五大神罚齐齐出手,法力震荡虚空,五道颜色不一的神光撞上巨大石碑,迸发出耀眼光芒,横扫八方,让虚空失去一切颜色。 ...... …… In third dao field. 第三道场内。 The Han Jue wholly-absorbed cultivation, Primordial Chaos World of innermost soul expands unceasingly, his Supreme spiritual power also strengthens, regarding the understanding also depth of even more strength of Good Fortune. 韩绝专心修炼,灵魂深处的鸿蒙界不断扩张,他的至上法力随之增强,对于造化之力的理解也越发的深。 When this seclusion to 70,000 years, Han Jue welcomed the opportunity of breakthrough finally. 这一次闭关到七万年时,韩绝终于迎来突破之机。 He starts to break through. 他开始突破。 After 5000, breaks through successfully! 五千年后,突破成功! Great Dao Supreme boundary intermediate stage! 大道至上中期 Han Jue looks the smile, finally breakthrough. 韩绝面露笑容,终于突破了。 He assigns out the mail examination. 他调出邮件查看。 Full Name: Han Jue 姓名:韩绝 life-span: 5425122 / 9003,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999 寿命:5425122/9003,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999】 race: Primordial Chaos Demon God( Immeasurable Great Emperor)】 种族:鸿蒙魔神(无量大帝)】 cultivation base: Great Dao Supreme boundary intermediate stage( perfect Sage)】 修为:大道至上中期(完美圣人)】 cultivation technique: Primordial Chaos Samsara Great Dao( Great Dao level), Great Circulation Body Tempering Method 功法:鸿蒙轮回大道(大道级)、周天淬体法 Great Dao: Great Dao of Life and Death and cause and effect Great Dao and Extreme Source Great Dao 大道:生死大道因果大道极源大道 ...... …… life-span turned nine times directly! 寿命直接翻了九倍! Han Jue mood very pleased. 韩绝的心情美滋滋 Pleasant surprise as always, who will dislike the life to be long? 还是一如既往的惊喜,谁会嫌命长? Han Jue starts consolidated cultivation base. 韩绝开始巩固修为 After 3000, cultivation base just now consolidates, he starts to promote divine ability. 三千年后,修为方才稳固,他开始提升神通 500 years later, Han Jue learns 500 Demon God Dharma Body, Demon God Dharma Body amounts to 2449. 五百年后,韩绝习得五百尊魔神法相,魔神法相总计两千四百四十九尊。 Has been close from Three Thousand Demon Gods Dharma Body very much. 距离三千魔神法相已然很接近。 But in these Demon God Dharma Body did not have Dao of Good Fortune. 但这些魔神法相里仍没有造化之道 Han Jue opens the eye, starts Simulated Trial. 韩绝睁开眼睛,开始模拟试炼 This time, as before is Foolish Sword Divine Sage. 这一次,依旧是愚剑神圣 Foolish Sword Divine Sage of Great Dao Supreme boundary is more powerful than Divine Right Will, is very suitable to work as the template. 大道至上境的愚剑神圣还是比神权将强大的,很适合当模板。 The Han Jue one breath challenges ten thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage. 韩绝一口气挑战一万愚剑神圣 instakill! 秒杀 Does not have the accident/surprise, Han Jue to break through one layer small realm every time, the battle efficiency will leap. 没有意外,韩绝每突破一层境界,战斗力都会飞跃。 2449 Demon God Dharma Body fuse in together, what kind of terrifying, easily accomplished, extinguishes directly kills ten thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage. 两千四百四十九尊魔神法相融合在一起,何等的恐怖,摧枯拉朽,直接灭杀一万愚剑神圣 Han Jue continues to challenge. 韩绝继续挑战。 Two ten thousand Divine Right Will! 两万神权将 Right now, Han Jue was strenuous. 这下子,韩绝吃力了。 Engages in fierce battle hour not to win. 鏖战半个时辰也没有胜利。 He not discouraged, instead is very excited. 他没有气馁,反而很兴奋。 Has the difficulty, has the fighting spirit. 有困难,才有斗志。 After several days . 数日后。 Han Jue opens the eye, well satisfied. 韩绝睁开眼睛,心满意足。 His limit is execution 25,000 Foolish Sword Divine Sage, already is very terrifying. 他的极限是诛杀两万五千位愚剑神圣,已经很恐怖。 After all is Foolish Sword Divine Sage is also Great Dao Supreme! 毕竟是愚剑神圣也是大道至上 If really has such tactical situation, Chaos must crash! 真要是出现这样的战况,混沌都得崩塌! Current Chaos may the carrying/sustaining so many Great Dao Supreme. 目前的混沌可承载不了那么多的大道至上 Han Jue wants to curse the enemy to celebrate, suddenly does not know that should curse anyone. 韩绝本想诅咒敌人庆祝一下,忽然不知该诅咒谁。 The death that the enemies die, hidden hiding, on already no one dares to provoke Han Jue outwardly. 敌人死的死,躲的躲,明面上已经没有人敢招惹韩绝 Han Jue inexplicable regret. 韩绝莫名的遗憾。 Before feared the enemy to be many, now instead hopes that the enemy were many. 以前怕敌人多,现在反而希望敌人多。 Without the enemy, divine ability is unable to display. 没有敌人,一身神通无法施展。 It seems like my dao heart also needs to refine.” “看来我的道心还需要提炼。” Han Jue muttered, the look became firm. 韩绝喃喃自语,眼神变得坚定。 He thinks that ninth Chaos, thinks Chaos Unknown, thinks of Shapeless Invisible Transcendent Great God again, his road is long. 他想了想第九混沌,想了想混沌无识,再想到无相无形超脱大神明,他的路还长呢。 The Han Jue point opens the mail examination. 韩绝点开邮件查看。 The recent friend encircles is not peaceful, is Han Tuo, Dao Supreme and Huang Zuntian three waves of people is mainly tossing about. 最近的朋友圈又不太平了,主要是韩拓道至尊黄尊天三波人又在折腾。 Han Jue noticed Evil Heavenly Emperor and Ancestor Xi Tian is very recently law-abiding suddenly, as if vanished generally. 韩绝忽然注意到邪天帝玺天老祖最近很安分,仿佛消失了一般。 These two leaders are ambitious, definitely in premeditated anything. 这两位领头人物都有雄心,肯定在蓄谋什么。 Looked at a while mail, Han Jue called Han Qing. 看了一会儿邮件,韩绝韩青儿叫进来。 Han Qing stuck at Quasi-Sage perfection, is unable proving Dao. 韩青卡在准圣圆满,无法证道 Mainly was she experiences to be short, dao heart was not steady, had not found to belong to own to say. 主要是她经历少了,道心不稳,没有找到属于自己的道。 After entering the view, a Han Qing face is depressed, said: Father, am I the natural talent am not good?” 入观后,韩青儿一脸郁闷,道:“父亲,我是不是天资不好?” She thinks that Han Jue must blame her cultivation base. 她以为韩绝是要责怪她的修为 After all in so many ten thousand years, she has not broken through, irritating her. 毕竟这么多万年里,她都没有突破,让她很恼火。 But she initially said proud must exceed the big brother, now looks like, she is overthought. 她当初可是豪情万丈的说要超越大哥,现在看来,她还是想多了 Before Sage Realm, what is aptitude? 圣境前,资质算什么? She even thinks that must the going out wanderer, seek the chance. 她甚至想到要不要出去闯荡,寻求机缘。 Han Jue said with a smile: Your aptitude already is good enough, I help your proving Dao.” 韩绝笑道:“你的资质已经够好,我来助你证道。” Takes seriously?” “当真?” A Han Qing face is pleasantly surprised. 韩青儿一脸惊喜。 Han Jue said: You were only had not found own saying that but you can cultivation my say/way, my say/way contained three thousand Great Dao supreme principle, any say/way can be compatible.” 韩绝道:“你只是没有找到自己的道,但你可以修炼我的道,我的道包含三千大道至理,任何道都可以兼容。” hears word, Han Qing worship looks to Han Jue. 闻言,韩青儿崇拜的看向韩绝 She jumps into the Han Jue bosom directly, starts to act like a spoiled brat. 她直接扑入韩绝怀里,开始撒娇。 Han Jue helpless shoves open her, said: Female evades the father greatly, understands, your already was not a child, later cannot so, highly improper.” 韩绝无奈的推开她,道:“女大避父,懂吗,你已经不是小孩子了,以后不能这般,成何体统。” The Han Qing child's play said with a smile: What, I forever am your daughter.” 韩青儿嬉笑道:“什么嘛,我永远是你的女儿。” Han Jue shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not, later starts sermon, his say/way sound, Han Qing enters the grasping principles condition immediately. 韩绝摇头失笑,随后开始讲道,他的道音一出,韩青儿顿时进入悟道状态。 Hundred years of sermon, flashes by. 百年讲道,一晃而过。 Han Qing opens the eye, exclaimed in surprise: Good fierce say/way, father, what say/way is this?” 韩青儿睁开眼睛,不由惊叹:“好厉害的道,父亲,这是什么道?” Extreme Source Great Dao.” 极源大道。” I noticed that many 's shadows walk on Extreme Source Great Dao, who are they?” “我看到许多人影走在极源大道上,他们都是谁?” My disciple and grand disciple, their cultivation this field of endeavor, is also fiercer than you in front of you.” “我的徒子徒孙,他们也修行此道,在你前面的都比你厉害。” So many?” “那么多?” The Han Qing shock, she stood in Extreme Source Great Dao at that time proceeds to look, cannot see the end, but can see together form, the distance is farther than her behind trace-by-trace. 韩青儿震惊,她当时站在极源大道往前望去,看不到尽头,但能看到一道道身影,彼此间的距离比她身后的逐道者之间要远。 She asked curiously: In your disciple who fiercest?” 她好奇问道:“您的弟子里谁最厉害?” Han Jue pondered over, said: Murong Qi, my Grand Disciple.” 韩绝琢磨了一下,道:“慕容起,我的徒孙。” After becoming Chaos Demon God, Murong Qi placed the second dao field first echelon, cultivation already achieves Unrestrained Sage late stage, what after that is Heavenly Astral Demon God, Scarlet Fox wait/etc., the Dao Supreme three people casts off one layer small realm by them. 成为混沌魔神后,慕容起一直保持在第二道场的第一梯队,修行已经达到自在圣人后期,随之而后的是天罡魔神赤红狐狸等,道至尊三人都被他们甩开一层境界 Murong Qi? 慕容起 Han Qing has not listened to this name, she thought before is Jiang Jueshi, has not thought that fearful Jiang Jueshi cannot arrange first. 韩青儿没有听过这个名字,她之前以为是姜绝世,没想到那么可怕的姜绝世排不到第一。 Jiang Jueshi?” 姜绝世呢?” He? First ten also insufficient, his these year of cultivation base have not grown, but also in own creation fumble.” “他?前十还不够,他这些年修为都没有增长,还在自己创造道的摸索中。” Han Jue said with a smile, what he said was the truth. 韩绝笑道,他说的是实话。 Jiang Jueshi this breaks through too quickly, needs to precipitate, otherwise the foundation is not steady, after a period of time, Han Jue will teach him personally. 姜绝世这一世突破得太快,需要沉淀一下,否则根基不稳,再过段时间,韩绝就会亲自教他。 At this moment. 就在这时。 Behind Han Jue presents a black vortex. 韩绝背后出现一个黑色漩涡。 Han Qing stares the big eye, just wants to inquire, Han Jue sets out, a palm hits, in the black vortex just emitted a hand to be patted the powder by him. 韩青儿瞪大眼睛,刚想询问,韩绝起身,一掌打去,黑色漩涡里刚冒出一只手就被他拍散。 Han Jue careful feeling, the one who displays Inviting Spirit Art is Han Tuo, but just displayed to be tracked down by the enemy. 韩绝仔细感受,施展请神术的是韩拓,不过刚施展就被敌人追寻而来。 The enemy of it seems like that this boy is not simple! 看来这小子的敌人不简单!
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