WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#866: Jiang Jueshi arrives, anticipation of Han Jue

Knew oneself previously met is not Divine Might Heavenly Sage, a native of Longshoudao is silent. 得知自己先前遇到的不是神威天圣,龙首道人沉默。 How possibly! 怎么可能! In a native of Longshoudao heart shocks. 龙首道人心中震惊。 Does Divine Might Heavenly Sage have such powerhouse hand/subordinate? 神威天圣手下还有如此强者? He is born to rejoice suddenly, oneself has not gone luckily rashly, leaves leeway the resurrecting method, otherwise could fold in Heavenly Dao. 他心里忽然诞生庆幸,幸好自己没有贸然前去,留有复活手段,否则可能就要折在天道 Divine Robed Daoist sees him not to speak, looks the color of taunt. 神袍道人见他不说话,面露嘲讽之色。 Divine Right Will cannot kill Heavenly Dao, what thing are you? 神权将都杀不进天道,你算什么东西? Long time. 良久。 Natives of Longshoudao raise the head, said: Revered God, you and do Heavenly Dao relate already to become reconciled?” 龙首道人抬头,道:“神上,你与天道关系已经和好?” He is not silly, thinks carefully, the Divine Robed Daoist tone has to maintain Heavenly Dao much. 他不傻,仔细想想,神袍道人的语气多有维护天道 Divine Robed Daoist has not spoken. 神袍道人没有说话。 How might as well recommend me to join Heavenly Dao?” Natives of Longshoudao follow to ask. “不如引荐吾加入天道如何?”龙首道人跟着问道。 Divine Robed Daoist is shocked. 神袍道人愣住。 This boy...... 这厮…… Natives of Longshoudao said seriously: Since cannot be victorious, I then join Heavenly Dao, now should Chaos not have compared with Divine Might Heavenly Sage more powerful existence? As for previously that to Divine Punishment Venerable, in I opinion, such, the capital of Spiritual God does not dare after all to Divine Might Heavenly Sage take action.” 龙首道人严肃道:“既然打不过,那吾便加入天道,当今混沌应该没有比神威天圣更强大的存在吧?至于先前那至罚神尊,在吾看来,也就那样,毕竟神灵之首都不敢对神威天圣出手。” Divine Robed Daoist unemotional asking: Therefore, you do join Heavenly Dao for what?” 神袍道人面无表情的问道:“所以呢,你加入天道为了什么?” If this boy wants to plan Heavenly Dao, Divine Robed Daoist naturally must find the way to solve. 倘若这厮想算计天道,神袍道人自然得想办法解决。 Then, his help to the Han Jue is minimal, most disclosed secret information to Heavenly Dao, many looked, but Heavenly Dao had Han Jue, the rise is irresistible. 说起来,他对韩绝的帮助微乎其微,最多是给天道通风报信,多加照顾,可天道本身就有韩绝,崛起已然势不可挡。 Longshoudao humanity: Naturally for achievement strongest, wants to trample flat Heavenly Dao before, but to become famous, my already knows itself and Divine Might Heavenly Sage has a disparity, will not naturally court death again.” 龙首道人道:“自然是为了成就最强,之前想踏平天道,只是为了成名罢了,吾已经知晓自己与神威天圣有所差距,自然就不会再去找死。” Divine Robed Daoist puzzled say/way: You want achievement strongest, why first doesn't challenge other Sage? For example Three Pure Ones Sage World Three Pure Ones Sage, the road of becoming famous must have the stair, ascends to heaven step by step.” 神袍道人困惑道:“你想要成就最强,为何不先挑战其他圣人?例如三清圣界三清圣人,成名之路总得有台阶,步步登天。” hears word, a native of Longshoudao feels in the principle, then the agreement said: Good, I first go to Three Pure Ones Sage World.” 闻言,龙首道人觉得在理,便同意道:“好,吾先去三清圣界。” Then, a native of Longshoudao turns around to depart. 说罢,龙首道人转身离去。 When he gets to the entrance, suddenly stops, turning head said meaningfully: Revered God, Primordial Chaos Demon God is perhaps false, but Great Dao Grand Tribulation is not the fabrication, you make the plan early.” 待他走到门口,忽然停下,扭头意味深长道:“神上,鸿蒙魔神或许是假的,但大道量劫并非杜撰,你还是早做打算吧。” The voice falls, a native of Longshoudao disappears does not see. 话音落下,龙首道人消失不见。 Divine Robed Daoist knits the brows. 神袍道人皱眉。 He thinks that along with falling from the sky of head of Chaos Demon God and Spiritual God, Great Dao Grand Tribulation will not happen, after all now Chaos already recognizes Primordial Chaos Demon God is only the false legend. 他原以为伴随着混沌魔神、神灵之首的陨落,大道量劫不会发生,毕竟现在混沌已经公认鸿蒙魔神只是虚假的传说。 But the words of native of Longshoudao make him hesitate. 但龙首道人的话又让他迟疑。 „Is this boy what origin?” “这厮到底是何来历?” Divine Robed Daoist muttered, he realized suddenly oneself did not understand a native of Longshoudao. 神袍道人喃喃自语,他忽然意识到自己并不了解龙首道人。 This boy was too strange. 这厮太奇怪了。 As if knows nothing about Chaos, thinks achieving Great Dao can challenge strongest? 仿佛对混沌一无所知,自以为证得大道就可以挑战最强 Wait! 等等! He is not continuously in some place seclusion, nearly 1 million years just now come into the world? 他不会是一直在某个地方闭关,近百万年方才出世 Who his is Master? 那他的师父又是谁? Divine Robed Daoist frowns tightly, falls into thinks deeply. 神袍道人紧皱眉头,陷入深思中。 ...... …… Void. 虚空之中。 The Jiang Jueshi fast vanguard, a white clothing flap flap, the whole body shows no trace, seems passes through the years, the makings are even more aloof. 姜绝世快速前行,一袭白衣猎猎,周身不留痕迹,好似走过岁月,气质越发超然。 The front presents a piece of radiant universe, the innumerable galaxies embellish the star light, only beautiful like picture. 前方出现一片璀璨宇宙,无数星系点缀成星光,唯美如画。 Jiang Jueshi was attracted by this piece of universe. 姜绝世被这片宇宙吸引。 Why does not know, he felt that in this piece of universe has the thing that he wants. 不知为何,他感觉到这片宇宙里有他想要的东西。 He accelerates immediately. 他立即加速。 This piece of universe Han Jue creation stars universe, has been waiting for Jiang Jueshi to swallow the bait. 这片宇宙正是韩绝创造的星辰宇宙,一直在等着姜绝世上钩。 The Jiang Jueshi fast vanguard, then enters the stars universe quickly. 姜绝世快速前行,很快便进入星辰宇宙。 He tours everywhere, Sacred Thought sweeps away the universe. 他四处游逛,圣念横扫宇宙。 He discovered that here does not have the vitality, but contains one to let he very comfortable aura, concrete is anything, he does not distinguish clearly. 他发现这里没有生机,但却蕴含一股让他很舒服的气息,具体是什么,他也分辨不清楚。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Stars universe central place, in third dao field. 星辰宇宙中央处,第三道场内。 Liu Bei notices the arrival of Jiang Jueshi, he starts to stare at Jiang Jueshi, the facial expression alert. 刘备注意到姜绝世的到来,他开始盯着姜绝世,神情戒备。 After all this piece of universe is the new evolution, cannot withstand the outcomer to devastate. 毕竟这片宇宙是新演化的,经不起外来者摧残。 Liu Bei can feel that Jiang Jueshi is very strong, does not dare to speak rashly, moreover there is Han Jue, he does not need to be worried. 刘备能感觉到姜绝世很强,不敢贸然出言,况且有韩绝在,他根本不用担心。 He starts curious Jiang Jueshi to make anything. 他开始好奇姜绝世会做什么。 Jiang Jueshi in the stars universe saunters some time, then finds a place to start the seclusion cultivation. 姜绝世在星辰宇宙内转悠一段时间后,便找了一个地方开始闭关修炼。 The time passes. 时间就这么流逝。 In a flash, Han Jue the period of 100,000 years of seclusion arrives. 一晃眼,韩绝的十万年闭关之期到来。 He has detected the arrival of Jiang Jueshi, but he is not anxious, but goes to second dao field. 他早已察觉到姜绝世的到来,但他不急,而是前往第二道场 He emits new breeding Demon God, again is Demon God sermon. 他放出新孕育的魔神,再为魔神讲道 500 years ended. 五百载结束。 Han Jue returns to third dao field directly. 韩绝直接回到第三道场 He goes out of Dao Monastery, arrives in front of Liu Bei. 他走出道观,来到刘备面前。 How do you feel that boy?” Han Jue asked. “你觉得那小子如何?”韩绝问道。 Liu Bei opened eyes, gawked staring, then understood, what Han Jue raised was that cultivator that astrayed the stars universe. 刘备睁眼,愣了愣,紧接着便明白过来,韩绝提的是那位误入星辰宇宙的修士 „Is he probably also the Heavenly Dao life?” Liu Bei asked cautiously. “他好像也是天道生灵?”刘备小心翼翼问道。 Jiang Jueshi Heavenly Dao Destiny is very rich, after all precipitated ten several tens of thousands of, Heavenly Dao Destiny is not easy to dissipate. 姜绝世天道气运无比浓郁,毕竟沉淀了十数万世,天道气运不是那么容易消散的。 Also good, he does not have to destroy recklessly, but found a place, peaceful seclusion, it is estimated that is also discrete , and temper of hobby self-torture.” Liu Bei considers to say. “还不错,他没有肆意破坏,而是找了一个地方,安静闭关,估计也是谨慎且嗜好苦修的性子。”刘备斟酌道。 Han Jue and Jiang Jueshi past said that hearing Liu Bei to change countenance. 韩绝将自己与姜绝世的过去说出来,听得刘备动容。 Is this child natural talent so fearful? 此子天资如此可怕? Liu Bei asked: What needs me to make?” 刘备问道:“需要我做什么?” Han Jue spoke this matter to him, had the matter to arrange inevitably. 韩绝跟他讲此事,必然是有事要安排。 You can become friends with him, keeps here him.” Han Jue said with a smile. “你可以与他结交一番,将他留在这里。”韩绝笑道。 Here spiritual energy is extremely weak, Qi of Chaos is also insufficient, how long it is estimated that Jiang Jueshi could not treat. 这里的灵气还是太过薄弱,混沌之气也不足,估计姜绝世也待不了多久。 Liu Bei should immediately under. 刘备立即应下。 Han Jue splits up a wisp of will, falls on this tree, said: In the future will pass and out, only need open the mouth.” 韩绝分化出一缕意志,就落在这棵树上,道:“日后进出,只需开口。” This wisp of will specifically is responsible for putting the Liu Bei turnover. 这缕意志专门负责放刘备进出。 Good.” “好。” Liu Bei should say, then gazes after Han Jue to depart. 刘备应道,然后目送韩绝离去。 After Han Jue returns to Dao Monastery, then continues to comprehend the strength of Good Fortune. 韩绝回到道观后,便继续参悟造化之力。 Hundreds of thousands of years, his strength to the Good Fortune had a clear(ly) to become aware finally. 数十万载过去,他对造化之力终于有了一丝明悟。 Everything is difficult to do at very beginning! 万事开头难! Han Jue is very inspired, felt that broke through is hopeful to Great Dao Supreme intermediate stage. 韩绝很振奋,感觉突破至大道至上中期有望了。 More than 3000 years later. 三千多年后。 Evil Heavenly Emperor holds dream to you, accepts 邪天帝向你托梦,是否接受】 Han Jue opens the eye, the choice continues silently. 韩绝睁开眼睛,默默选择继续。 Evil Heavenly Emperor looks for him rarely, generally has the important matter. 邪天帝难得找他,一般都是有重要事情。 Han Jue anticipated secretly. 韩绝暗自期待。 Is it possible that can invite his take action? 莫非是要请他出手 Now Chaos, can be a worthy opponent Han Jue is few. 当今混沌,能匹敌韩绝的已然很少。 If can manifest a presence to begin, that is also very beautiful matter. 若能显圣动手,那也是很美的事情。 The dreamland was still grove outside Jade Purity Holy Sect. 梦境仍是玉清圣宗外的小树林。 Evil Heavenly Emperor sees Han Jue, shows the smile, said: But recently good?” 邪天帝看到韩绝,露出笑容,道:“近来可好?” Also ok, what matter?” “还行,何事?” Asking that Han Jue comes straight to the point, is somewhat impatient. 韩绝开门见山的问道,有些迫不及待。 Evil Heavenly Emperor secretly is puzzled his attitude, said: „The head of Spiritual God fell from the sky, his creation Original God Race, this race possibly threatened you.” 邪天帝暗自困惑他的态度,道:“神灵之首陨落了,他创造原生神族,这个种族可能威胁到你。” Han Jue said: This?” 韩绝道:“就这?” „It is not right, how did the head of Spiritual God fall from the sky?” “不对,神灵之首怎么陨落了?” Evil Heavenly Emperor rolled the eyes, said: Do not install, you affirmed have long known, who if not We knew am killed him, it is estimated that also thinks that was you begins personally.” 邪天帝翻了翻白眼,道:“你别装了,你肯定早就知道,朕若非知晓是谁杀了他,估计还以为是你亲自动手。” Han Jue shakes the head saying: How possibly, ten million years have about not arrived.” 韩绝摇头道:“怎么可能,千万年之约还没到呢。” Evil Heavenly Emperor said: Today We look for you, has the matter to make you help one another.” 邪天帝道:“今日朕来找你,是有事要让你相助。” The Han Jue facial expression inspires, look slightly bright. 韩绝神情一振,眼神微亮。 Can come? 要来了吗?
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