WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#867: Shapeless Invisible Transcendent Great God

What matter?” “什么事?” Han Jue bears the temper to ask, somewhat complained to Evil Heavenly Emperor at heart, our what relates, serves a need to beat around the bush? 韩绝耐着性子问道,心里对邪天帝有些埋怨,我俩什么关系,用得着拐弯抹角? Evil Heavenly Emperor said: We prepare to explore Chaos Domain, currently already has the goal, but this stretch of domain has powerful restriction, needs Great Dao Sage take action, We know two Great Dao Sage, was suppressed, vanishes does not see, can only look for you.” 邪天帝道:“朕准备探索混沌领域,目前已经有目标,不过这片领域有强大禁制,需要大道圣人出手,朕就认识两位大道圣人,一位被镇压,一位消失不见,只能找你。” Mentioned this matter, Evil Heavenly Emperor sobbed. 说起此事,邪天帝唏嘘不已。 Han Jue said: You summoned me.” 韩绝道:“你召唤我吧。” Good.” “好。” Evil Heavenly Emperor rubbish, the dreamland followed to end. 邪天帝也不废话,梦境跟着结束。 Han Jue opens the eye, in the heart inquired: I help Evil Heavenly Emperor, will die?” 韩绝睁开眼睛,心中询问:“我去帮邪天帝,会死吗?” Needs to deduct 300 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除三千亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Cannot 【不会】 Safe. 稳妥。 Han Jue felt relieved, he leaves leeway the will in Dao Monastery in any case, even if dies outside can still resurrect, inquired a moment ago like that is mainly the consideration can provoke Great Dao Supreme to exist, from the issue worth, should not have. 韩绝放心了,反正他在道观内留有意志,就算死在外面也能复活,刚才那般询问主要是考虑会不会招惹大道至上存在,从问题身价来看,应该没有。 Han Jue continues to comprehend the strength of Good Fortune, waits for Evil Heavenly Emperor to hold the dream while convenient. 韩绝继续参悟造化之力,顺便等待邪天帝托梦。 After several days, Evil Heavenly Emperor displays Inviting Spirit Art to summon Han Jue. 数日后,邪天帝才施展请神术召唤韩绝 In front of Han Jue appears the black vortex, he follows to step into. 韩绝面前浮现出黑色漩涡,他跟着踏入其中。 In a flash, Han Jue arrives in Chaos. 转瞬间,韩绝来到混沌之中。 He treads the black vortex, sees Evil Heavenly Emperor. 他踏出黑色漩涡,看到邪天帝 Side Evil Heavenly Emperor, is setting up a man who wears the silver armor, the Divine General breadth of spirit power and influence is threatening. 邪天帝身旁,立着一尊身披银甲的男子,神将气魄威势逼人。 Sees Han Jue to come, Evil Heavenly Emperor shows the smile immediately, holds the fist in the other hand to say with a smile: Can result in Divine Might Heavenly Sage to assist, is I am most honored seriously.” 看到韩绝现身,邪天帝顿时露出笑容,抱拳笑道:“能得神威天圣相助,当真是朕三生有幸。” Behind two people, is setting up rows of celestial troops and generals, little said that also has number ten million/countless. 在两人后方,立着一排排天兵天将,少说也有千万之数。 All Heavenly Court Immortal God awe looks to Han Jue. 所有天庭仙神都敬畏的看向韩绝 The name of Divine Might Heavenly Sage has spread over Chaos, a sword exterminates two ten thousand Divine Right Will, being equivalent to both ten thousand Great Dao Sage is not his opponent, so the strength in all living things eyes is the alone grade of great strength, even was presented by many cultivator is strongest, great strength that the rule could not restrict. 神威天圣之名早已传遍混沌,一剑诛灭两万神权将,相当于两万大道圣人都不是其对手,如此实力在众生眼里算是独一档的强大,甚至被许多修行者奉为最强,连规则都制约不了的强大。 Han Jue said: Your I also spoke these superficial politenesses, is it possible that can your majesty hold to kill me?” 韩绝道:“你我还讲这些虚礼,莫非陛下是要捧杀我?” Evil Heavenly Emperor said with a smile: Without the means that the name of Divine Might Heavenly Sage is too prosperous, We do not dare to be dissolute, introduced for you, by Us this named war Buddha, Buddha spirit from Buddha, Chu Shiren apprentice, was your Grand Disciple.” 邪天帝笑道:“没办法,神威天圣之名太鼎盛,朕不敢放肆,为你介绍一下,朕旁边这位名为战佛,来自佛界的佛灵,楚世人徒弟,也就是你的徒孙。” hears word, nearby silver armor man salutes hastily, is very respectful. 闻言,旁边的银甲男子连忙行礼,十分恭敬。 Han Jue shot a look at fought Buddha one, said: aptitude is good, after this matter ended, passes on your divine ability.” 韩绝瞥了战佛一眼,道:“资质不错,此事结束后,传你一神通。” Many thanks Heavenly Sage!” “多谢天圣!” Fights the Buddha excited say/way, bends the waist to salute hastily. 战佛激动道,连忙弯腰行礼。 Un?” Han Jue selects the eyebrow, looks the disfavor. “嗯?”韩绝挑眉,面露不悦之色。 Fought Buddha to stare staring, said: Many thanks Ancestral Master!” 战佛愣了愣,道:“多谢师祖!” Han Jue then shows the smile. 韩绝这才露出笑容。 Rear celestial troops and generals in an uproar. 后方的天兵天将们不由哗然。 Has not thought that fights Buddha Divine General unexpectedly is Divine Might Heavenly Sage Grand Disciple! 没想到战佛神将竟然是神威天圣徒孙 Han Jue turns around, looks to front void. 韩绝转身,看向前方的虚空。 He has felt strength of the powerful restriction, the common Great Dao Sage estimate is difficult to eradicate. 他已然感受到一股强大的禁制之力,寻常大道圣人估计都难破除。 He uses Simulated Trial to examine, has not discovered the powerful enemy. 他用模拟试炼检测,并没有发现强敌。 What kind of, can break?” Evil Heavenly Emperor asked that the facial expression followed becomes serious. “怎么样,能破吗?”邪天帝问道,神情跟着变得严肃。 Han Jue had not replied, puts out Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword, wields a sword to cut. 韩绝没有回答,拿出鸿蒙判定剑,挥剑一斩。 Without sword qi, front void was cut as two halves instantaneously, a white light will divide into two dark, is centered on the white light, starting to be stave to the two sides. 没有剑气,前方的虚空瞬间被斩为两半,一条白光将黑暗一分为二,紧接着以白光为中心,开始向两边破碎。 Bang! 轰! The space was shattered, the strong winds wreak havoc, are smuggling the Great Dao thunder, overbearing peerless. 空间破碎,狂风肆虐,夹带着大道雷霆,霸道绝伦。 Han Jue lifts the hand, relaxed is Heavenly Court keeps off all storms and thunder and lightning. 韩绝抬手,轻松为天庭挡下一切风浪与雷电。 The front space starts to collapse, seven pink clouds light jump presently. 前方的空间开始坍塌,七彩霞光迸现。 Han Jue narrows the eyes goes shortly, after restriction was shattered, unexpectedly is a stretch of the world. 韩绝眯眼看去,禁制破碎后,竟然是一片天地。 This stretch of the world is very vast, wants big hundred times compared with entire Heavenly Dao, the boundless vitality dissipates, making one be infatuated. 这片天地无比辽阔,比整个天道还要大百倍,磅礴的生机逸散出来,令人陶醉。 Han Jue Sacred Thought sweeps, discovered that the life of this stretch of the world is innumerable, does not have Sage Realm to exist, fiercest also Great Principle Golden Immortal. 韩绝圣念一扫,发现这片天地的生灵数不胜数,却没有圣境存在,最厉害的也才大罗金仙 The Great Principle Golden Immortal quantity are many, but does not have shape transformation, seems Great Desolate Ominous Beast, above the walk land. 大罗金仙的数量不少,但都没有化形,好似洪荒凶兽,行走大地之上。 Right, the Chaos first world in legend!” “没错,传说中的混沌第一天地!” The Evil Heavenly Emperor excited say/way, hears shooting a look at Han Jue surprise to him. 邪天帝激动道,听得韩绝诧异的瞥向他。 He explained hastily: Actually before Pangu opening heavens develops, Chaos then has the world natural evolution on, but vanished afterward, the appearance of this stretch of the world gave the Pangu idea, had afterward opening heavens to develop.” 他连忙解释道:“其实在盘古开天辟地前,混沌便有天地自然演化而上,只是后来消失了,这片天地的出现给了盘古想法,才有了后来的开天辟地。” Immortal World, although is not the first stretch of the world, but there is a Heavenly Dao rule, has exceeded the Chaos first world.” 仙界虽不是第一片天地,但有天道规则在,已然超越混沌第一天地。” Han Jue asked: How do you discover this place?” 韩绝问道:“你怎么发现此地的?” In Chaos, is innumerable like restriction, generally, Great Dao Sage does not dare easily to excel at rushing, feared that is other Great Dao Sage dao field, how Evil Heavenly Emperor can conclude that behind restriction isn't dao field? 混沌之中,像这样的禁制数不胜数,一般情况下,大道圣人都不敢轻易擅闯,怕是其他大道圣人道场,邪天帝怎能料定禁制后面不是道场 Evil Heavenly Emperor said with a smile: Naturally has the reminder ancient, but this exists ancient, We cannot tell you, its cannot say.” 邪天帝笑道:“自然是有古老存在提醒,不过这位古老存在,朕不能告诉你,其名不可道也。” Han Jue is without turning a hair, is startled at heart. 韩绝面不改色,心里一惊。 Isn't Chaos Unknown? 不会是混沌无识吧? Many thanks Heavenly Sage, then does not need to be exhausted you, in the future Heavenly Dao Heavenly Road of Chaos may also cultivate/repair here to come, together enlightened here life.” Evil Heavenly Emperor said with a smile. “多谢天圣,接下来就不用劳烦你,日后天道混沌天路也可修到这里来,一同教化这里的生灵。”邪天帝笑道。 Han Jue nods, with turning around to step into the black vortex, before he disappears, light beam departs, drills into to fight in the forehead of Buddha. 韩绝点头,跟着转身踏入黑色漩涡中,在他消失前,一道光束飞出,钻入战佛的额头中。 The black vortex vanishes, Han Jue has returned to third dao field. 黑色漩涡消失,韩绝已然回到第三道场内。 He sits on the rush cushion, first periphery examines with Simulated Trial, determined that after not having mysterious existence to follow itself to arrive at dao field, just now felt relieved. 他坐在蒲团上,先是用模拟试炼检测周围,确定没有神秘存在跟随自己来到道场后,方才放下心来。 In the Han Jue heart inquired: Who will that stretch of the world tell existence of Evil Heavenly Emperor a moment ago is?” 韩绝心中询问:“将刚才那片天地告诉邪天帝的存在是谁?” Needs to deduct 1,000 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一千万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Dao Creator! 创造道者 Continue! 继续! Shapeless Invisible Transcendent Great God: cultivation base unknown, Deity of Chaos, above order, transcendence all, Unpermissible Dao Name 无相无形超脱大神明:修为未知,混沌神明,秩序之上,超脱一切,不可道名 Unexpectedly is not Chaos Unknown...... 竟然不是混沌无识…… Han Jue frowns tightly. 韩绝紧皱眉头。 He follows to inquire: „Does Dao Creator have several?” 他跟着询问:“创造道者有几位?” Will be different to the supreme rule, there are seven? 不会跟至高规则一样,有七位吧? Needs to deduct 1,000 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一千万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Five 【五位】 Han Jue looking pensive. 韩绝若有所思。 Ninth Chaos, Chaos Unknown and Shapeless Invisible Transcendent Great God, two unknown exist. 第九混沌混沌无识无相无形超脱大神明,还有两位未知存在。 Are not many, but are not few. 不算多,但也不算少。 Moreover these five already escape Chaos, all living things do not know. 而且这五位已经遁出混沌,众生不知。 Han Jue inquired again: Regardless in Chaos, is outside Chaos, ninth Chaos is existence of strongest?” 韩绝再次询问:“无论混沌内,还是混沌外,第九混沌是不是最强的存在?” Needs to deduct 1.1 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除十亿亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Temporarily is 【暂时是】 Temporarily should be at present. 暂时应该就是目前。 Han Jue sets the goal, exceeds ninth Chaos. 韩绝定下目标,超越第九混沌 Ceiling at present! 天花板就在眼前! However ninth Chaos is not his ultimate objective, after exceeding ninth Chaos, he must attack the creation control. 不过第九混沌不是他的终极目标,超越第九混沌后,他还要冲击创造主宰。 He must unceasingly the creation peak! 他要不断创造巅峰! Han Jue is only thinks to be choked up with emotions. 韩绝光是想想就心潮澎湃。 Wait. 等等。 Shapeless Invisible Transcendent Great God told Evil Heavenly Emperor the Chaos first world, was this must meddle the Chaos situation? 无相无形超脱大神明混沌第一天地告诉邪天帝,这是要插手混沌局势? Inevitably so! 必然如此! In the Han Jue heart inquired: Why can Shapeless Invisible Transcendent Great God help Evil Heavenly Emperor?” 韩绝心中询问:“无相无形超脱大神明为何要帮助邪天帝?” Needs to deduct 1,000 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一千万亿年寿命,是否继续】
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